Sabaidee Lifestyle & Travel Magazine issue 4

Page 1



Make a US$72 worth of


dining voucher at Settha Palace to giveaway inside

in the Waterfalls of LAOS A leisurely trip from Vientiane to the South

Interview with Duangmala Phommavong

Mekong Tourism Forum 2012


Your complimentary copy available in Laos, Udonthani, Nong Khai and Bangkok



Director's Note

We would once again like to wish all our readers, old and new, a warm welcome from Sabaidee Magazine. We are now into our fourth edition and strongly moving forward, providing the visitors and residents of Laos with lots of original and thought-provoking content about this country that we love so much. If you are a nature-lover, you will enjoy the cover story of this issue that details the best and most scenic waterfalls in Laos. One of the big talking points this month is our coverage of the 2012 Mekong Tourism Forum (MTF). Hosted in the northern Thai Province of Chiang Rai during June 13-14, the forum is geared towards attracting visitors to the gateway of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region and focusing on “20/20 Vision: Building on the Two Decades of GMS Cooperation”. This month we also have some interesting articles along with interviews, travel promotions, Lao hotel information and brining you the best in Laos cuisine, we have once again worked hard to give you, the reader, a detailed insight into what makes this country one of the most up and coming on the tourism and travel scene in Asia. We hope you enjoy this issue and hope to see you again next time. Take care! Phanhlakhone Syboonheung The Director


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July-August 2012 46




12 Lao Calendar 14 Hot Deals & Promotion 16 PR Bulletin Board 69 Sabaidee Club


52 Travel 18 22 40 46 52

Travel Report - MTF 2012 Sabaidee Cover - Make a Splash in the Waterfalls of Laos Lao Rooms Culture - Homely but Healthy Travel Feature - A Leisurely Trip from Vientiane to the South



July-August 2012

44 56

50 Lifestyle

42 Lao Cuisine - Or Lam 44 Restaurant Review - Lao Garden 50 Behind the Wheel - Ford 56 Sabaidee Relax 58 www Traveler


42 Directory & Map

60 Map of Lao 61 Lao’s General Information 62 Vientiane Directory 64 Vang Vieng Directory 66 Luang Prabang Directory 68 Savannakhet Directory 70 Pakse & Champasak Directory

Sa ba i d ee

Con tri bu tors

Sara Lemos

Sara is originally from Cardiff, Wales but also comes from a Greek background and spent a long time living in Bath, England. She first visited SE Asia back in 2000 and instantly caught the travel bug. Sara has been backpacking throughout SE Asia many times since and Laos is still one of her favourite countries to visit. Lovely people and beautiful, unspoilt scenery! Sara spent a year travelling and working in New Zealand, followed by Australia, where she eventually settled in Sydney for a few years. She is now living and working in Bangkok after spending another year globetrotting. Check out her travel blog

ພັດທະລະພົງ ຄົງວິຈິດ | Pattarapong Kongvijit ວິສິດ ເຊົາວະລິດຕານົນ | Wisith Chawalitanon ມານະໄຊ ອິນແກ້ວ | Manachai Inkaew ສົມໃຈ ພິມຜາສຸກ | Somjai Pimpasouk

ຜູ້ອຳນວຍການ | Director

ພັນລະຄອນ ສີບຸນເຮືອງ | Phanhlakhone Syboonheung

ບັນນາທິການອຳນວຍການ | Editorial Director ເກດ ພິດທະຢາກອນສິນ | Gaid Kornsilapa

ບັນນາທິການບໍລິຫານ | Editor in Chief ຄຳສວນ ຈັນທະລາດ | Khamsouan Chanthalat

ບັນນາທິການ ພາສາອັງກິດ | English Editor ອະລັນ ວາດ | Alan Wass

ບັນນາທິການອອນລາຍ | Online Editor ຂະນິດຖາ ອັດຕະເມດ | Kanittha Attamate

ໄອທີ | Webmaster

ຈັ ິ ຸດ ພິມ | Jackkrit Udornpim

ທີມງານຂ່າວ | Reporter

ເທບພະວົງສອນ ບົວພາ | Thepphavongsone Bouapha

ຜູ້ອຳນວຍການຝ່າຍຂາຍ | Sales & Marketing Director ຊາຢາດາ ອະລິຍະພົນຈະເລີນ | Chayada Ariyaphoncharoen

Alan Wass

Alan Wass is a native English speaking writer who has worked for publications across Thailand that include the Phuket Gazette, Phuket Post, Day&Night Magazine, The Phuketian and Top10Phuket, alongside some of the biggest property websites in Thailand such as Siam Real Estate and Thailand holiday Homes. Passionate about his job and with a quirky sense of humor, Alan is the stereotypical disillusioned writer/editor putting words together in a certain way that resembles sentences and paragraphs.

Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas has been traveling the world and taking on adventures for most of his life, and has been bringing them to print for more than 20 years now. During that time he’s travelled in, and biked, in more than 50 different countries. His words and pictures have been published in leading magazines, books, on websites and in newspapers the world over. With several “half-years” in Asia behind him, Steve has been living on the northern Laos/Thai border for 5 years now, and is still pedal ing, scrambling and kayaking his way through the jungles and mountains of the region, armed with a camera. Check out for more info on Steve. 10

ຄະນະທີ່ປຶກສາ | Consultants

ຜູ້ຈັດການຝ່າຍການຕະຫຼາດ | Marketing Manager ນັນທະນາ ອິນແກ້ວ | Nanthana Inkaew ລັດຕະນາ ອຸດົມລິດ | Lattana Udomlith

ຫົວໜ້າຝ່າຍການຕະຫຼາດ | Sales & Marketing Supervisor ກອງຄຳ ຂັນທະບູນ | Kongkham Khanthaboun

ຈັດໜ້າ ແລະ ອອກແບບ | Layout Design ນັດນະລີ ມາທອງ | Nutnaree Mathong ເ ະສິ ເທບພິທັ | Ekasith Theppitak ທະນະວັດ ຄົງແສ ຄ | Thanawatt Khongseankhum

ສຳນັກງານຂາຍວາລະສານ ສະບາຍດີ

208 ຖะໜົນສຸພານຸວົງ, ບານອູບມຸ , ເມື ີໂ ະບວ , ະ�����ຽ�ຈັ�, ສ.ປ.ປ.ລາວ ໂທ / ແຟັກ: 021 254 281 HM

LAO Sabaidee Magazine Sales Office 208 Souphanouvong Road, Baan Oupmong, Sikottabong District, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Tel / Fax: +856 21 254 281 ອີເມລ ບັນນາທິການ | ຝ່າຍຂາຍ |

ເຈົ້າຂອງ ແລະ ຜູ້ຈັດພິມ | Owner & Publisher ທີ ເອັສ ເອັມ ລາວ | THM Lao

Also available at:

Laos Calendar

Boun Haw Khao Padap Din (Buddhist Lent)

Venue: Luang Prabang



Boun Khao Phansa (Buddhist Lent)


Venue: Nationwide Marking the beginning of the traditional three month “rains retreat� during which Buddhist monks are expected to station themselves in a single monastery. At other times of year they are allowed to travel from wat to wat or simply to wander in the countryside, but during the rainy season they forego the wandering so as not to damage fields of rice or other crops. It commences at the full moon in July and continues until the full moon in October and all ends with the Kathin ceremony in October when monks receive gifts.



During this festival, respect is paid to the dead. Devoted to remembering and paying respect to the dead, it is marked by the macabre ceremony of exhuming previously buried bodies, cleaning the remains, and then cremating them on the night of the full moon. Relatives then present gifts to the monks who have chanted on behalf of those who have passed away.

Boat Racing Festival 17-18 (Buddhist Lent) AUG Venue: Nam Khan River, Luang Prabang

The Boat Race Festival is organized in Luang Prabang from Aug 17 to Aug 18. This festival includes boat racing on the Nam Khane River and a trade fair in Luang Prabang city. At the Khao Salak ceremony day, people visit local temples to make offering to the dead as well to share merits making.

Day of the Free Laos (Lao Issara) Venue: Nationwide This much-revered day of celebration of the Issara, the freedom fighters who gained victory in Laos in the 1970s. This day is of great historical importance for Lao people and will be celebrated right across the country.




5-day Romantic Luang Prabang Tour @ Exotissimo Luang Prabang is a beautiful city, especially by candlelight! Take the journey of a lifetime with your much-cherished partner and enjoy Exotissimo’s Romantic Luang Prabang Tour. Your 5-day Romantic Luang Prabang tour begins with the discovery of Laos’ culture through a visit to the Stay Another Day exhibition, then it’s off to Mount Phousi to climb the stairs and watch the sun set over the city and surrounding hills. We stop on our return at the hill tribe evening market to look at the local goods and do some shopping. Over the tour, you will also take in Pak Ou and Kuang Si Waterfalls. For more information, please visit:

Vientiane Classic Tour 3 days-2 nights at only US$ 222 per person Enjoy a cultural experience with a short journey to discover the highlights of Vientiane – the peaceful capital of Laos. This great value-for-money tour includes a 2-night stay in a twin sharing room in a comfortable hotel in Vientiane with daily breakfast, round trip airport transfer in Vientiane and a local English speaking guide. For more information, please visit:

Laos Explorer 16-day Tour @ Xplore-Asia Spend 16 Days discovering the stunning diversity that is Laos. From grand ancient temples and historic colonial cities, to deep remote jungles and amazing limestone caves, this tour gives you the very best of Laos from North to South. The price includes domestic flights, tours and accommodation for the entire journey. Please check out the full itinerary, more details and price at:

Lost in Laos Tour @ Xplore-Asia This 4-day tour takes in the sites of Southern Laos, including the World Heritage site of Wat Phu, elephant riding to Phu Asa temple in the heart of the Xe Pian Protected area, and the wetlands of Si Pan Don where you can try kayaking, rafting or take a scenic boat ride through the area. For more info, please visit:


Tropical Garden Restaurant

The Authentic

Thai Cuisine in Town




year anniversary of Exotissimo Laos

Friday 25 May 2012 will remain for a long time one of the most important days for Apple Tree Laos. The reason is because this day was the official 10th year anniversary of Exotissimo Laos. In 10 years, Exotissimo became the leader of tourism in Laos. Started in a small office in 2002, and now have more than 60 employees with offices in three cities across the country. The 25th of May was also an excuse for tasting excellent wines from Annam Fine Food. Annam is an importer, retailor and distributor of world famous brand in Gastronomy (Barilla, Chapoutier, President, etc.) With the new building, the brand new cooling room and new warehouse, they are now able to fit the growth of Lao people’s Appetite. By the way, the Annam Group has the exclusive distribution agreement and plans to open a network of shops in the main cities of Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos, for Yves Rocher, the worldleader in botanical beauty care. And guess what, on the 25th of May, it was the official launch of Yves Rocher in Laos. The first point of sales is at D-mart on Dongpalan Road and the main shop will open

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UN Resident Coordinator presents Best Young Filmmaker Award The United Nations in Lao PDR award for Best Young Filmmaker at the second Vientiane International Film Festival was presented to 23-year old Thanavorakit Kounthawatphinyo at the awards ceremony on Sunday 15th May. The $100 prize and certificate was handed over by the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Minh Pham, at the National Cultural Hall. Also present at the ceremony were Mr. Bounchao Phichit, the Director of Cinema, from the Ministry of Information and Culture, and the Charge d’Affaires of the German Embassy, Mr. Wolfgang Joachim Thoran. Speaking at the event, Mr. Pham explained that the award coincided with the International Year of

Youth, “Young people across the world are a major human resource for development, positive socialchange and technological innovation. Their contributions to community, national, regional and global development should be recognized and encouraged,” he said. Thanavorakit Kounthawatphinyo, the winningdirector, said that the UN award for Best Young Filmmaker will help to inspire more youth to make films. Talking about his film, Calendar, he said, “It’s an experimental film at the moment so I would love to continue and finalize it one day in the future and gain more experience in the process.”

Asia-Europe People’ s Forum 9 to take place in October The Asia-Europe People’s Forum 9 will take place on 16-19 October with over 500 representatives from the two continents, a press conference held on Tuesday was told. “The preparation has been in progress despite the fact that the event is being jointly hosted by different sectors including NGOS, mass organizations and civil society,” said Director General of the Institute of Foreign Affairs Ms. Khamphao Ernthavanh. The event will be held under the theme “People’s Solidarity against Poverty and for Sustainable Development” at which the participants will discuss various issues of importance and people’s proposals which will be submitted to the 9th ASEM Summit on November 5-6. “The AEPF9 will discuss four major themes or People’s Visions, which represent AEPF hopes for citizens of ASEM member countries and the communities they live in. These are universal social protection and access to essential service, food stability and sustainable management of land and natural resources, sustainable production and use of energy, access to decent employment and sustainable livelihood,” said representative of non-government organizations in Laos, Dr. Sombath Somphone. 16

A Place Of Memorable Experiences In Luang Prabang

Tropical Garden Restaurant The Authentic Thai Cuisine in Town

The Chill Out Escape

A Stylish Budget Accommodation Option in Luang Prabang

The Ultimate Relaxation Hideaway

For Reservations, please contact: 125 Unit 7, Bane Vixoun, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR Tel: +856 (0) 71 212 642, +856 (0) 71 252 933


Lao to boost i ts tourism focus ing o n n at u r a l , c u lt u r a l a n d historical travel resources


hiang Rai: The government of Lao P.D.R. has assigned the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism to research tourism development to achieve the goal following the development plan of 2006-2020 which mainly focuses on natural, cultural, and historical tourism.

Mr. Sounh Manivong, Director General, Tourism Development Department, Ministry of Information, culture and tourism, and the Project Director of STDP said that during the Mekong Tourism Forum 2012 held in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, on 13-14 June 2012, that Lao has to follow the 7 major plans such as travel business organization establishment, tourism personnel development, travel resources improvement and protection, and advertisement for tourism. Under each major plan, there are several projects, for instance, tourism law enactment and travel promotions and advertisement which Lao has to join hands with other countries; Thailand and other ASEAN nations and the Mekong Sub-Region due to insufficient funds. Lao also has an agreement with several countries in the Mekong Region such as Thailand in 1992 as well as Vietnam, Cambodia, China, and Myanmar for the corporation of three main issues; improvement of travel facilities for investors, tourism development plans, and development for tourism personnel, for instance, to arrange for the group to travel to Thailand for training and studying and to initiate several cultural exchange programs between Vietnam and China. “We also join with Thailand for some of the big events such as Naga Fireball Festival, Boat Racing, and Candle Festival held in Ubon Ratchathani Province last year,” said Mr. Sounh. “With China, Vietnam, and Myanmar, we usually 18

send our artists to perform cultural performances. All of these activities help us to promote Lao tourism in the meanwhile. “And I’m sure that once the new Friendship Bridge has finished and linked to Thailand, Lao will have the opportunity to welcome more visitors, and certainly, people will enjoy more income. I can say that today we are ready to host more tourists as some of public facilities such as tourist information centers, public toilest, markets, and bus terminals, have been constructed,” finished off Mr. Sounh. The Mekong Tourism Forum 2012 is taking place at the Dusit Island Resort Chiang Rai in Chiang Rai province from June 13-14, 2012. It provides a cooperative platform for stakeholders in the tourism industry to discuss development, marketing and promotion of travel within the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. The forum addresses the theme: “20/20 Vision: Building on the Two Decades of GMS Cooperation”. The main focus is to assess the challenges of human resources, pro-poor sustainable tourism, sub-regional product development and marketing for the next 20 years, in light of achievement in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) over the last 20 years. Speakers have delivered a candid assessment of what progress has, and has not, been accomplished by the member countries and donors such as the Asian Development Bank. Hosting the Mekong Tourism Forum is rotated between member countries-Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and two provinces Yunnan and Guangxi in China.

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Construction of the 4th LaoThailand Friendship Bridge across the Mekong River linking Chiang Khong in Thailand and Houeisay in Laos

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Chiang Rai

Gateway to the Mekong Sub-Region


hiang Rai is Thailand’s northernmost city and province, bordering Myanmar and Laos culminating in the world-famous area known as the Golden Triangle, and is truly the gateway to the Greater Mekong Sub-Region.

Due to its magnificent tourism resources, tourism services and infrastructure, this year Chiang Rai province was chosen as the host city of the Mekong Tourism Forum 2012, the annual tourism event of the six Mekong countries, namely Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam. Also, 2012 is an important year for this province in northern Thailand to mark the 750th anniversary of the City. Conveniently accessible by air, road and waterway, Chiang Rai is the starting point of the international road number R3A and R3B that leads to Kunming in China’s Yunnan Province via Myanmar and Laos. At the northernmost point of Thailand, the town of Mae Sai is a major border crossing between Thailand and Burma linked with Asian Highway Network AH2 (Thailand Route 1 or Phahonyothin Road) that crosses the Mae Sai River to the town of Tachilek in Burma and begins on the R3B route that leads via Keng Tung to Xishuangbanna in China where the R3A route from Chiang Khong and Laos meets and leads to Kunming. Recently, the R3B road between Tachilek, Kengtung and Mongla has been resumed to welcome tourists after the close down for 2-years. Another way to access Kunming from Chiang Rai is to travel by route R3A starting from Chiang Rai’s border town of Chiang Khong to Bo Keo Province in Laos, leading to Luang Namtha, to the border of China at Boten, Xishuangbanna, and ending at Kunming. At this present moment in time, the construction of the 4th Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge across the Mekong River between Chiang Khong and Houeisay is almost 80% done and expected to be opened by end of 2012. China can also be reached by boat using the Mekong River from Chiang Rai, starting at Chiang Saen District where The Golden Triangle is positioned at

the confluence of the Mekong River and the Ruak River. Not too many areas in South-East-Asia can conjure up the same mystic as the Golden Triangle. The region is set over an area of approximately 367,000 square miles overlapping the mountain ranges of four Asian countries: Thailand, Myanmar (Burma) and Laos PDR. Once known for its high opium production, the region is now shaking off its nefarious past and is becoming the ideal place for travelers seeking out authentic tourism experiences. Today, tourists can enjoy the cruise with the spectacular view of Xishuangbanna by chartered boat service; Maekhong Delta vessel and Kasalong Kham vessel operated by Maekhong Delta Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Not only playing an important role as connecting points to Mekong countries, Chiang Sean and Chiang Khong districts can be dated back to ancient times. A chronicle reveals that the old Chiang Saen City was first built in 545AD by migrants from the Chinese Province of Yunnan. Beautiful ancient temples such as Wat Pa Sak, which has many ancient ruins from a bygone age in South-East-Asian history, really give you a sneak preview into the times of antiquity in this part of the world. Located on the banks of the Mekong River, Chiang Khong District is 53km east of Chiang Saen. From here, you can catch a ferry along the river to Houeisay in Laos, which makes for a beautiful boat ride people-watching the locals plying their everyday trades along its banks. The town of Houeisay is the start point where travelers begin their 2-day trip by slow boat to the World Heritage City of Luang Prabang. Another attraction you cannot miss when visiting the area is Ban Hat Khrai - a village just 1km south of Chiang Khong, and well known for its giant Catfish that can be caught between mid-April and May every year.


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Chiang Rai Overnight

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Lanjia Lodge anjia, or ‘peaceful’ in the local Hmong dialect, is an eco-friendly community-based lodge nestled on a hill overlooking the Mekong River and Laos. It is set in harmony with a luscious green environment inside a Hmong and Lahu village in northern Thailand’s Chiang Rai province. The hosts at Lanjia Lodge are the proud Hmong and Lahu villagers who will take care of visitors and all activities in the lodge during their stay. Contributions from your stay will be used on community projects that will improve the local hilltribe people’s living conditions.

Maekhong Delta Boutique Hotel ell decorated with the New Zealand’s Pine, Maekhong Delta Boutique Hotel is among the top list of luxury accommodations in Thai-Myanmar border area in Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai. The hotel offers a range of guestrooms from Junior Suite rooms, Double bedrooms, Twin bedrooms or the larger Family rooms, some of which boast inspiring views of the mountains and come equipped with all modern facilities. Situated on Phaholyothin Road and only 2km from the Thai-Myanmar border, Maekhong Delta Boutique Hotel can be reached within 30 minutes from Chiangrai International Airport and provides the ideal stay for both vacation and business during your visit to Chiang Rai.

Built in traditional Hmong style, Lanjia Lodge offers simple but charming and comfortable accommodation of 16 rooms with vast balconies that open to a breathtakingly panoramic view over the mountainous areas of Thailand and Laos bordered by the Mekong River. The lodge also offers trekking, bike riding, bird watching and handicrafts along with first-hand experience of how tourism can play a positive role in the preservation of ancient cultures.


Asian Oasis Co.,Ltd. Tel: +66 (0)2-655-6245 – 8


Maekhong Delta Boutique Hotel Tel: +66 (0) 53 642 517 to 9, +66 (0) 86 420 9123, +66 (0) 86 344 3305 to 6 21




By Sara Lemos

The start of monsoon season has arrived, and with the rain comes the perfect time to visit the many wondrous waterfalls in Laos.


wakening from the dry season, you will find the waterfalls (called ‘tad’ in Laos) invigorated and thriving from the vast amounts of rainfall replenishing them. Many day tours and treks will incorporate a visit to a waterfall; there are so many immersed within the heartlands of the Lao jungle. There are usually rest areas nearby to stop and have a picnic, relax and enjoy the scenery. There are several beautiful waterfalls near the ancient city of Luang Prabang, making for a perfect day trip out of the city. Visit one as part of a tour or venture out yourself for a more independent experience. Reward yourself with a swim in the cool, refreshing pools and feel reenergized by the sound of the rushing waters. Discover Southern Laos, where the main cluster of waterfalls can be found in the Bolaven Plateau. This area, which lies predominantly in the Champasak region of Laos, is renowned for its rich terrain and wildlife, as well as home to many coffee plantations. There are several rivers which intertwine throughout the Bolaven Plateau and thus have created an abundance of waterfalls to visit. There are also many resorts and guest houses in the area, allowing visitors to spend all the time in the world exploring the region. Experience the natural beauty of Laos. Check out our top waterfalls to visit next page: ¯½Àê©ì¾¸Á´È � À¯ñ � ¯½Àê©ê† À ªñ ´ į©É ¸ ¨£¸¾´¦¸¨¤¾´¢º¤ ê¿´½§¾©ê†º÷©ö´¦ö´®ø� Áì½À¯ñ�¦…¤ê†©óÀ²ˆº£í�¹¾£¸¾´»„¤´ó¢º¤

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Tad Kuang Si and Sae These two waterfalls are not far from Luang Prabang. Both are unique in their own way and both worth a visit. Tad Kuang Sae is a short tuk tuk ride away and accessed by longtail boat. The boat trip takes around fifteen minutes, leaving from the elephant village, and follows the river towards the waterfalls. On arrival, you will discover a series of cascading step waterfalls, with crystal clear pools ideal for swimming. Nearby there is a shaded area; a perfect place to relax and enjoy the day. There are plenty of other activities to enjoy. You can go elephant riding and even bathe with them. There is also a zip-line running through the jungle and over the falls, offering breathtaking views of the area. Tad Kuang Si is located a little further out from Luang Prabang. The journey there takes you through mountainous forest winding down towards the Mekong River. There is a small entrance fee to access the path that leads to the falls. Once you step inside you will find the ‘Free the Bears Rescue Centre’ which is worth a visit as well. The centre is home to a number of black bears who have been rescued from the wild, cared for by local and international volunteers. Tad Kuang Si is a multi-tiered waterfall which cascades down through the forest. Trekking along the path, you will come across several small crystal clear pools before reaching the milky, turquoise pool at the foot of the waterfall. 24

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This area is a filled with waterfalls; its rich landscape and environment provide plenty of opportunities to explore and enjoy nature at its best. To get here from Pakse, head north towards the town of Paksong. This town is centrally located within the Plateau and offers easy access to both the Saravan and Attapeu regions.

Tad Pha Suam

Tad Pha Suam is also located on the Bolaven Plateau, a great place to swim, relax and enjoy nature’s gifts. The falls are not very high compared to others, but the wide U-shaped walls provide a deep swimming pool to plunge straight into. The area is accessed by crossing a small, wooden bridge over the running waters below. Tad Pha Suam is very popular with Lao and Thai tourists but usually pretty quiet and serene. There is a restaurant nearby if you get hungry. On a beautiful sunny day, you can sit on one of the small wooden benches overlooking the falls and listen to the sounds of fast running whilst taking in the stunning surroundings .



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Tad Fane Tad Fane is located on the Bolaven Plateau in the Champasak region of Laos fringing the Dong Houa Sao National Park Protected area. It is probably one of the more magnificent waterfalls in the Bolaven region due to its sheer height and considered to be one of the tallest in South East Asia. There are numerous resorts and guest houses located nearby. As well as the falls, there are many different types of wildlife and fauna to observe. Within the park are tigers, monkeys, elephants as well as giant, colourful butterflies fluttering around. You can trek along a steep cliff-side trail which passes through rich vegetation and dense green jungle, eventually leading to a plunge pool at the base of the falls. Ta d F a ne ’s s iz e is i m p re s s i v e ; t h e re a re t w i n cascades which rush down a 200 metre deep gorge. The spray from the waters creates a misty, beautiful atmosphere in a perfect setting surrounded by luscious green forest. The thundering sounds of the water rushing down the steep cliff face can be heard from far away. The climate here is a lot cooler than elsewhere in Laos due to its 1100 metre elevation. Be sure to take something warm as well as a raincoat, especially if you are staying overnight in the area.



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Tad Champee

Tad Champee is another waterfall in the Ch a m p a s a k re g i o n o f L a o s , l ocat ed between Pakse and Paksong. Getting to Tad Champee is easy; the road is on the same junction as the road which leads to Tad Fane. The falls themselves are fairly small in height and a lot quieter than Tad Fane, but this only adds to the ambience. It is perfect for swimming and spending a lazy afternoon relaxing with a picnic. There are small, wooden bridges connecting across the river, downstream from the small plunge pool at the base of the falls. The water cascades from the shelf like a curtain, draping around the edges of the glistening pool. There are tubes for hire so you can sit and float gently downstream surrounded by a peaceful and tranquil landscape.


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Tad Yueang

Tad Yueang is located about 8km from Paksong. This is another dramatic waterfall, reaching a height of around 50 metres. It is easily accessed by road and there is a viewpoint nearby you can walk to which overlooks the falls. Or you can swim in the plunge pool at the base of the waterfall for a more dramatic and close up view. There’s a refreshing draft of air coming from the water flow as it hits down into the pool. Because of this moisture, the vegetation surrounding the falls is green and thriving. There is a restaurant nearby to have lunch or alternatively you can sit at one of the small gazebos with a picnic, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.



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Tad Katamtok

Tad Katamtok is the second highest waterfall in the Bolaven Plateau standing at 120 metres high. It is located in Sekong province set amidst thick green jungle. These mighty falls drop out of the forest to the waters below but can be tough to find if you miss the trail that leads to them. The path travels through bush growth, winding down towards the valley where the foot of the waterfall lays. Occasionally you may have to pull out an Indiana Jones move and brush away bamboo leaves and climb over trees strewn across the path from previous storms. Once you have succeeded in finding the way, the trail leads you to a perfect viewpoint in the valley to gaze in wonder at this amazingly tall waterfall. You can hear the heavy thunder of the water pounding down from the ledge up high, to the rocks below. Find a patch of grass to sit on and take in with shear awe, the breathtaking, natural scenery set out before you.

Photos by Botond Lakatos


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Photos by Carlo Taglia

Tad Lo

This is a very popular area to visit and a day tour from Pakse usually incorporates a visit to the waterfalls of Tad Lo. The town is in the Saravan region of the Bolaven Plateau. There are actually three waterfalls here in succession – Tad Hang, Tad Lo and Tad Suong. On arrival in the vicinity, you will first encounter Tad Hang. These falls are the smallest of the three but probably the best for swimming. The water is not as inviting as others due to the murky colour but it is clean and refreshing. You will usually see Lao fishermen nearby taking advantage of the ample supply of fish in the river. Tad Lo is next on the agenda, about 1km upstream from Tad Hang following a path through the jungle. As you approach, the sound of rushing water can be heard even before you set your eyes on the waterfall. It stands at 10 metres high and the waters cascade gently downstream. The pool at the base is too rocky to swim in but there are several smaller pools further down where bathing is possible. You can also climb the rocks up towards the falls but be careful as they are slippery. Once at the top there are several deep swimming areas you can wade into and cool off. Even further along upstream and 10km from the town of Tad Lo is Tad Suong. This waterfall is renowned for being the best out of the three due to its magnificence and breathtaking beauty. To access the falls you will pass through the small village of Ban Sanumnay then follow a dirt road to an area where you can park (if you have come by bike). From there a path leads up to the top of the falls. It’s pretty high up and not recommended for those afraid of heights. If heights don’t bother you then you will be in for a treat. Once you emerge at the top you are then rewarded with extraordinary views looking down into the depths of the gorge below. There are basins near the edge filled with water to swim in; a dramatic, nerve-racking experience but also amazing once you get used to the distance and drop below. Remember to take care if the current is too strong for your swimming capability. 32


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Four Thousand Islands

A two and a half hour drive from Pakse takes you to the town of Nakasang and the jetty for boats going to Don Dhet and Don Khone; two small islands found south of the Mekong.

Khon Pha Pheng

The largest waterfall in Laos and even South East Asia by sheer volume of water, Khon Pha Pheng is situated in Si Pan Don (the four thousand islands), South of the Mekong river near the Cambodian border. Travellers usually head to one of three islands – Don Kong, Don Khone and Don Det. Boat trips around the islands will usually take in a visit to Khon Pha Pheng as part of their tour. It is one of the highlights of staying in this region and not to be missed. The water rapids stretch for 13km with several cascades along the way, rushing large volumes of water towards Cambodia. It also holds a spiritual significance for Lao and Thai people. They believe that the falls trap the spirits of the dead. This waterfall isn’t as spectacular as some previously mentioned but still a wonder to look at. During the rainy season in particular, when large volumes of water gush through the fierce rapids, and bring the area and surrounds to life.


For more information on discovering the waterfalls of Laos, contact one of the local travel agencies in Laos that organise tours or better still - buy a map, hire a bike and uncover the natural treasures of Laos yourself! 34

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Duangmala Phommavong

Enlarging t h e C a ke


unning a successful business in a developing yet uncertain country such as Lao PDR is not a bed of roses all the time. Duangmala Phommavong is not only a sought-after native businesswoman who is the Managing Director at Apple Tree as well as the co-founder to subsidiary companies such as an architectural consulting company, an import and export company and Exotissmo tour agency owning resorts and river cruises, but she’s also a working woman who perfectly divides her time between work and family.

Enlarging the cake so there is enough to share Duangmala Phommavong

“These days, the way of running business is changing. In other words, profit is not only a legitimate goal but it also supposes to create a skilled manpower who will be a good citizen for the nation. I would simply say that employee empowerment is necessary. And when people have a high level of well being, it’ll enhance the whole business and they will come to be your customers at the end of the day” noted Duangmala. Duangmala wittily said that running a company in the old-fashioned way is like every business is vying to take a slice of cake out of a small piece of cake! “Nowadays savvy business operators tend to help work so they can share a slice of a bigger cake. We see each other as an ally not a rival in business. However, business tends to be competitive in term of creativity and development in business, for instance” said Duangmala. As an experienced managing director for Exotissmo, she noted that every tour operator tends to come up with interesting programs but what makes it an outstanding one is flawless service and catchy marketing. When it comes to the growing number of tourist destinations in Laos, tour operators should keep in mind to help maintain the traditional way of life and culture in order that it’ll attract more clients to visit the country.


She emphasized that the tourism industry is another effective way of income distribution, and not only the tourism authorities, but also everyone can do their bit to help protect and conserve the character of the tourism destinations. Likewise, a hairdresser who’s heedless when cutting hair or an atelier who’s careless when creating a nice gown, she admitted that she travels to many places but she’s never felt like a tourist, but more like a business woman who looks for a new opportunity of expanding her business. “I’m very busy running many businesses; nevertheless, I have no hesitation to say that my family comes first. We all have the same 24 hours a day and we just have to know how to divide time between works and family” said Duangmala.

Duangmala said that she’s happy to be a business-woman-cum-celebrity who is invited to many social events, meanwhile; she’s content to be a mother and a wife who brings up her kids and generally does food shopping for her family as she believes that families are the classroom for teaching all that is most important. “It’s not that hard to build up a good family atmosphere, each of the family members should give their best efforts to create a warm home. For instance, finding some time to dine altogether or visiting the relatives sometimes are easy-to-do activities” said Duangmala. She gave her insight towards Lao PDR over the next 5-10 years from now, citing that it’s unclear to pinpoint the whole picture of the country development since there’s no clear vision of upcoming foreign invest-

ment such as infrastructure construction projects or the permission for foreign airlines, yet. In the meantime, there is a lack of cooperation among local operators in Laos. “As they (operators) are trying to have a slice of cake without helping each other,” she sadly concluded. There is no doubt that what Duangmala would like to see is harmony among people in the nation. Particularly those who work in the same industry, as they should concentrate on how to help promote Lao PDR to other countries so that the expansion of tourism industry will be enhanced, which means there will be a bigger size of cake and the slices are big enough to go around.

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special report




uang Prabang: Thai golf’s talisman Thaworn Wiratchant romped to an eight shot victory in the inaugural Luang Prabang Laos Open on 6 May 2012. A majestic final round five-under-par 67, for a 21-under tournament total, saw him secure his third title on the ASEAN PGA Tour and add yet another trophy to a collection that is helping him write his name into the history books. Filipino Jay Bayron, finished in second place after shooting a 65, while Thanyakon Khrongpha from Thailand was a further four strokes back. Thaworn’s performance was a thing of beauty, much like Luang Prabang, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The 45-yearold led by six strokes after the halfway mark and started the final round eight ahead. “It is a very special feeling to win in Laos. It’s exciting to be here, especially as the game of golf is new to this country,” said Thaworn.

don’t feel tired when you are playing well and winning,” added the Thai star. Thaworn continues to build an unrivalled record that now also includes 12 wins on the Asian Tour, and the 2005 Asian Tour Order of Merit title. He has also triumphed once on OneAsia. His score was just short of the lowest four-round winning total on the ASEAN PGA Tour. His countryman, Kiradech Aphibarnrat, holds that record as he won the 2009 Singha Pattaya Open by 11 shots with a score of 23-under. Bayron did his best to try and catch Thaworn and at one point narrowed the gap to five shots as he birdied four out of the first five holes. “It feels great to save my best round for last. It would have been a close tournament if Thaworn had not been playing,” Bayron joked. The Filipino is still looking for his first victory having finished second many times on the ASEAN PGA Tour, including three-in-a-row at the start of 2010.

Remarkably this was his ninth successive tournament. He made The ASEAN PGA Tour heads to the Singha Pattaya Open next a long trip from Korea last Monday to get to Laos and heads week. The tournament is being played at Burapha Golf Club back to Korea next week to play in the GS Caltex Maekyung from May 10 to 13. Open on OneAsia. He plans to take a break after that. “You

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Lao Rooms

Settha PALACE Settha Palace Hotel 6 Pang Kham Street, P.O. Box: 1618, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856-21) 217581-2. Fax: (856-21) 217583.

Take a step back in time at the historic Settha Palace Hotel. Built in the 1930s, and passionately restored to its former luxurious glory, Settha Palace Hotel exudes French colonial charm and is the best place to experience the rich history of Vientiane. Sleep peacefully in spacious, elegantly appointed rooms with high ceilings, polished rosewood floors, four poster beds and a marbled bathroom. Relax at the pool area; a tranquil oasis, surrounded by lush greenery. The restaurant and bar areas have a classic and inviting atmosphere, where you can indulge your appetite with the best of French Mediterranean and local cuisine, as well as Western options. The guest’s needs are taken care of with five star service the old fashion way. Located just 10 minutes from the airport, the hotel’s central location is very convenient; only a short walk from shops, spas, bars, restaurants and the mighty Mekong River. To complete your experience at the Settha Palace Hotel, your airport transfer will be in one of the hotel’s two genuine London taxis that always turn heads on the streets of Vientiane.

Satri House

Luang Prabang Located in the heart of Luang Prabang City, Satri House was built at the turn of the last century as the residence of Prince Soupha-nouvong. The building was refurbished in 2002 by Mrs. Lamphoune Voravongsa and has been run since as a hotel. During 2008 the hotel has been enlarged with the addition of six more colonial style buildings consisting of 15 deluxe rooms, 7 junior suites and 3 Satri House suites.

Satri House 057 Photisarath Rd, Ban Thatluang, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR Tel: (856) 71 253 491-2 Fax: (856) 71 253 418


Satri House is one of the most exquisite places in this ancient city, designed with a style inspired by Lao culture and set in a truly relaxing environment. Here you can enjoy private moments to yourself and really unwind or sit and watch the everyday life of local people from your balcony. The 25 rooms and suites are furnished with superior crafted wood furniture, oversized balconies, spacious bath rooms with rain shower and separate toilet room, and bath tubs in the Suites.

Mercure Vientiane

Mercure Vientiane Unit 10 Samsenthai Road, P.O.Box 585, Samsenthai Road, Sikhotabong,Vientiane, Lao DPR Tel: (856)21/213570/1 Fax: (856)21/213572/3

Newly re-branded as Mercure Vientiane, formerly known as the Novotel, is renowned for offering the international as well as national travelers superb business and leisure conveniences in pleasant surroundings. The Mercure Vientiane is recognized as the foremost hotel of international status among other hotels in Vientiane in Laos that offers first-class accommodation with superb amenities and impeccable service. Mercure Vientiane was renovated from an old building built in 1960 as Somboun Hotel and Casino. After the revolution in 1975, the hotel stopped the operation and turned into dormitory for students and teachers from provinces. Mercure Vientiane offers 172 well-appointed rooms that provide a unique feeling of capaciousness and fashionable decor assisted with modern amenities.

Champasak PALACE Situated in Pakse, Lao, and originally built as the palace for the last king of Laos, this impressive hotel stands out from afar with its beauty, size and unique style. This architectural masterpiece keeps the artistic guest enthralled for days with the hand painted, art-deco tiles, hand carved motifs all slightly different to each other but all stunningly beautiful and the fine attention to detail in the original design.

Champasak Palace No.13th Rd,Ban Prabath, Pakse, Champasak Province, Pakse, Lao PDR www.champasak

Not only is Champasak Palace Hotel a piece of art work, and an important part of history, but it also provides guests with a great range of guest rooms, stunning panoramic views of Pakse town, mountains and rivers as well as having the only glass lift in Laos! With 115 guest rooms and 6 different categories, there is a room to suit every budget and taste. Each room is slightly different given the design of the buildings, location and history; however all offer comfort and cleanliness.


Lao cuisine



Taste the real authentic vors of cuisine in Luang Prabang by sampling the delicious and exotic ingredients and aromas of the city’s favorite dish, or lam. 42


veryone loves a signature dish, which is usually a meal that encompasses the best a restaurant has to offer. However, cities, villages and even countries have their own signature dishes that combine centuries of local life into one sumptuous meal. Luang Prabang is one of Laos’ most popular cities and their most iconic signature dish is ‘or lam’, sometimes spelled aw lahm. The dish originates from the humble villages of the city but is enjoyed by everyone right up to royalty. Or lam is a spellbinding and spicy concoction of alluring flavors and textures in a stew combining a range of vegetables such as string beans and bamboo alongside a selection of grilled meats or seafood. Using pureed eggplants to thicken the broth with grilled glutinous rice, the dish has a real complexity that is standard in Northern Lao cuisine. Other herbs and integral ingredients include lemongrass, galangal, cilantro, dill, culantro, spring onions and basil. The more spicy elements of the dish are attributed to not only black pepper and chili, but also sakhan, which is a stem from a wild vine. The appeal of or lam is legendary because the dish is not just food for the local villagers but also enjoyed by nobility, served in the Royal Palace in Luang Prabang using two different recipes – one made from water buffalo and the second one with quail, both of which were found in the notebooks of a chef who worked in the palace. In fact, the palace’s Phia Sing wrote, “There is no one definite recipe for or lam because there are no fixed rules about how to make it.” This popular dish is consumed several times per week by the locals at home in Luang Prabang and actually takes lots of time and labor to prepare and cook. Herbs and shallots are pounded with garlic into a paste which is then boiled with globe eggplants, lemongrass and the sakhan. When the eggplants are soft, they’re removed and pureed, than added back to the soup. More vegetables and meat are added and everything is then boiled together. As the expression goes, “Everything comes to those who wait.” Because Luang Prabang is now becoming a popular tourist destination, nearly all of the local restaurants cater for visitors, and what a better way to sample the local culture than by devouring a tasty dish of or lam! It is important when you travel around South East Asia that you experience the sights, sounds and tastes that make this part of the world truly inspirational and diverse.


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R e s ta u r a n t R e v i e w

r u o y e r ExploTaste Buds at

Lao Garden Pub & Restaurant South East Asia is famous for its high quality and tasty cuisine, so when travelling through Vientiane, be sure to check out the sumptuous Thai and Lao cuisine at the Lao Garden Restaurant.


tranquil vegetation laden oasis restaurant in the heart of Vientiane, Lao Garden Restaurant has quite a reputation for serving the tastiest Lao and Thai cuisine in the region. The restaurant is perfect for those who want to sample Lao or Thai food for the first time because the restaurant is not just popular with foreign visitors, but also with the locals who really know their food – there is not a better recommendation that that!


fried stuffed chicken wings, crispy gourd fritter salad served with shrimp & minced pork sour salad and deep fried Tilapia. The food was delicious, tasty and exuberant all rolled into one!

Lao Garden has a large Lao and Thai food menu, and food is cooked to order. I’ve been here many times since it opened and never had a bad meal. We sampled a great selection of dishes that included spicy tamarind soup with Mekong fish; grilled duck breast with spicy Lao Salad, deep

When visiting the fascinating capital city of Laos and you are seeking out a classy, affordable and tasty meal, the Lao Garden Restaurant is one of the most recommended eateries in Vientiane. Check out these aromatic and sumptuous Thai and Lao dishes and get lost in the authentic taste of the city.

They have live music most nights and the beer is always chilled. Lao Garden Restaurant is the perfect place to enjoy an early evening meal and drink. With Lao Garden Restaurant you have the best of both worlds – you can have a great tasty meal followed by a spot of live music to round off the evening.

Lao Garden Pub & Restaurant KM3, Thaduer Road, Vatnak Village, Sisattanak, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856-21) 312 930 Fax: (856-21) 312 930 Mobile: (856-20) 77 20 888

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This homey and rustic style spa is without the elegant settings and modern decoration usually seen at a spa, but the great thing about Wat Sok Pa Luang is that it’s real and authentic. You will be overwhelmed by the herbal aromas of a real local spa, which is a charming sales point. Papavadee Kaewmoungsane, aka Noy, the third generation owner of Sok Pa Luang Sauna, inherited this spa from her aunt and father. Her aunt was a nun named Kaew Kaewmoungsane aka Mae Khao, who lived at Sok Pa Luang Temple and was the founder of this legendary place. It was 35 years ago when she gathered fresh herbal ingredientsfrom around her house to boil in a pot. The simply constructed sauna tent made from local bamboo was only big enough to accommodate 1-2 persons who needed herbal steam treatments to cure diseases. There was no charge for the steam treatment but only a donation box. The sauna has become more popular in recent times when the bigger sauna room was built to accommodate more people. Noy also revealed that she uses 8-10 kinds of herb in accordance with her aunt’s old formula and most of them are picked from the garden area adjoining her house. Every morning the workers will pick up fresh herbs in the perfect amounts to use each day and refill the big boiling pot with them every one hour.

Nowadays, besides her regular customers, she also has many guests from around the world who have read stories of her sauna from the internet and want to experience exotic treatments when traveling through Laos. Noy is usually busy greeting her guests and telling the story of her sauna in fluent English and French. When you get into the sauna room with a temperature of 55-80 degree Celsius, you can feel that your body has been detoxified, especially those who have been drinking and have hangovers, or heavy smokers. The herbal steam treatment helps to relieve cold and aids healthy skin. According to Noy, it is recommended for the first time visitor to go in the steam room for 15 minutes, then take a shower and sample the herbal tea. After a while, you will get into the steam room for a second time for 10 minutes and then enjoy a Lao massage for 1 hour. For those who love being in the sauna, it can be extended to 30-60 minutes by staying inside for 15 minutes each time. However, it is not recommended for those who have low blood pressure and asthma to use the sauna because it might be harmful to your respiratory system. If you are interested to try out the authentic Lao herbal treatments, come to Sok Pa Luang Temple or call +85620 55685903 or email for direction and more information. Sauna room is 15,000 Kip for unlimited hours and Lao massage is 35,000 kip per hour. 48

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Behind the wheel


FOR 2012

toyota’s flagship SUV, the Fortuner, has undergone a makeover for 2012, so buckle up your seatbelts and hold on as we take a closer look. By Steve Thomas


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t was some twelve years ago that Japanese car manufacturing giant, Toyota, first unveiled their new Fortuna SUV in Asia. It took the 2005 Jakarta International Motor Show by storm, and promised leading class performance and real street-appeal along with the rugged characteristics of its long since proven rough and tumble big brother, the Land Cruiser; a legendary 4x4 workhorse.

a vastly more contemporary and upmarket swagger, as well as broadening its horizons.

With Toyota’s mantle for reliability, performance and value, it didn’t take long for the original Fortuner to establish itself as a class leading object of both practical and stylish desire in Southeast Asia, where its do-itall characteristics and ability to handle the rough and un-surfaced roads as well as the highways and urban mash of the cities with comfort and ease made it a real star.

Lighter steering and more refined suspension make the 2012 model an easier and more comfortable all-round drive; while bolstered braking power and added torque take the performance up a clear notch or two. But, perhaps the most prominent addition comes in the form of a who-wheel (rear) drive model with a four gear auto gearbox, something that will appeal to a far wider market, especially given its economic performance benefits.

Based around the dominant HiLux pick-up series, the Fortuner is a common and respected site throughout the region, and commands an incredible re-sale value too, paying testimony to its dozen years on the road. The Fortuner has undergone several improvements and makeovers during its lifetime, and the latest 2012 re-vamp has certainly substantiated its headlining performance, and given it

The most notable aesthetic modernisation comes through a complete facelift to its front end, which now stands out a whole lot sleeker, with wrap-around lights and a stylish demeanour. Inside, subtle but classy refinements have been made, giving a higher overall quality feel to its rugged repute.

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Overall, the restyled and improved Fortuner shows a considerable, yet subtle, step up from previous models. But this comes without compromising the proven guts and reliability of its rich inheritance; and being as its put together in Southeast Asia you can be sure it knows how to handle the extremities of the region. 51

t r av e l f e at u r e

A leisurely trip from

Vientiane to the South

Experience one of the most beautiful parts of the world heading down south from the historical city of Vientiane hugging the Mekong River and the Thai border to Pakse, known as the gateway to southern Laos



ientiane is an historical city where east meets west in dramatic and aesthetically pleasing fashion. After spending a few weeks in this fascinating metropolis, I decided I needed to head out and see the more rural aspects of southern Laos. During our time in Vientiane we sampled Lao cuisine for the first time and tried the fried pork and cashew nuts; the tastiest fried dish we’ve ever sampled. There is a huge range of coffees and shakes on offer. This is the beauty of Vientiane – a place where history meets modern pleasures.

Talat Sao bus station near the central morning market. The trip from Vientiane to Tha Khaek bus station cost 60,000kip each, half the cost of booking through a travel agency or guest house.

We departed for our trip from the southern bus terminal in Vientiane, which is actually located 8km out of the city but you can get a local bus to it from the

We only stopped in Tha Khaek for one night so didn’t have time for sightseeing but there are places of interest nearby if you do have a few days to spare. Hire a moped or tuk tuk and explore the nearby caves along route 12. Continuing on our journey, we left the next day for Savannakhet, again taking the local bus. As soon as we arrived back at Tha Khaek bus station we were whisked on to the next departing bus, which was a slightly nicer local bus than the one from Vientiane (cleaner and faster) for 30,000kip each. The journey takes two to three hours. Savannakhet is a sprawling mass of streets and French colonial housing set along the Mekong River.

Tha Khaek is a lot quieter than Vientiane, with not as many restaurants, pubs or westerners around. There are however, lots of karaoke joints! The few places to eat are along the riverfront and in the small town square nearby. The quiet stretch of riverfront, sprinkled with the few BBQ food vendors and food stalls, is reminiscent of Luang Prabang from days gone by.


Savannakhet it is very quiet, with few people and little traffic bustling around.

For a city it is very quiet, with few people and little traffic bustling around. We found ourselves again wandering around a strange city trying to find some form of accommodation and not really knowing where to look. Eventually, thanks to our 2006 version of the Lonely Planet, we found a guest house a little way back from the riverfront. We ended up staying in Savannakhet for two nights. There is a Dinosaur Museum and history museum you can visit as well as some spectacular temples. There are also some great places to eat; you will find cuisines from traditional Lao food to French flavours, influences from the colonial days. But the highlight has to be sitting at one of the small, local food stalls along the riverfront, drinking a cold Beer Lao and watching the sun set over the Mekong River. We spent our last evening at ‘Starlight’ and had a Korean BBQ (or suki yaki), where you grill your own meat on a small BBQ pot placed in the middle of the table. There are a range of meats and fish to choose from and are accompanied with a delicious peanut chilli dip. You also get a basket of rice noodles, vegetables and eggs to cook yourself in the water well surrounding the grill.


Leaving Savannakhet proved to be a lot easier than our arrival. We took a tuk tuk to the Southern bus station, paid for a ticket at the counter then boarded the bus to reserve our seats for the long journey to Pakse. Entering Pakse town over the bridge crossing the Se Don River, takes you along route 13 road where you’ll find several guest houses to choose from as well as places to eat. The town itself is pretty understated, with several old, rustic looking buildings used as hotels. However, development is on the rise and there are a few newer hotels scattered here and there as well as a large brand new minimart selling everything from toiletries to chocolate. More importantly, there are now several ATMs to withdraw cash from. For a wider selection of shopping, then head to the central market which has clothes, scarfs and other souvenirs at bargain prices. For authentic Lao dining, and some romantic ambience, follow the Se Don River towards the Mekong River. All onward travel can be arranged in Pakse either at your guest house or at a travel agency. You can organize a trip to the Bolaven Plateau, Laos’ principal coffee growing region, to explore waterfalls, jungle and local village life. Alternatively, head to Si Phan Don (Four Thousands Islands) further south. Spend your time here admiring waterfalls, taking a boat trip to spot one of the rare Irrawaddy dolphins, or just relaxing in a hammock watching kayakers float past along the emerald green Mekong River.


sabaidee relax

Eternal Bliss at

Nirvana Spa ttaining the state of Eternal Nirvana is the pinnacle for all Buddhists, but surely a shortcut would be a better option! At the Nirvana Spa, situated on Samsenthai Road in Vientiane, you can get away from your worries and enter into a world of relaxation within a care-free environment. Nirvana Spa offers the most satisfying treatments in all of Laos. Their goal is to cater to all clientele and offer you some of the most scintillating treatments imaginable. Using only the finest natural and high quality products as well as their well tested techniques, you can immerse yourself within a utopian world of ecstasy the like you have never experienced before. Nirvana Spa provides compelling treatments such as the Traditional Lao Massage that

releases tension in the muscles of your body by a combination of pressure applied to the limbs, back and head, in a soothing manner. This Lao-specific treatment uses well-tested tested techniques that have been developed over centuries. Another treatment available is Lao Fuse Body Massage, which combines the art of traditional Lao massage together with aromatic oil massage techniques. This massage uses Nirvana Spa’s special highquality oils and uses the traditional Lao massage. The results create a feeling of relaxation and invigoration culminating in a very pleasant experience. When travelling around the Laos’ capital city of Vientiane and taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful city, what better way to replenish and revitalize by visiting one of the best spas in the region – it will be an experience you will never forget.

Nirvana Spa

Ban Sisakate, Samsenthai RD Vientiane, P.O. Box 5900 Lao PDR Tel: +856-21 222 936 E-mail: 56



8, Soi Pahonyothin 29, Pahonyothin Rd, Jatujak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900 Tel: 66 (0) 2939 5512-3, 2939 5488 | Fax: 66 (0) 2939 5477

Vientiane OFFICE 208 Unit 15, Bane Oupmung, Sikhottabong, Vienttiane, Lao PDR Tel: +856 21 254 281

www traveler

The Famous ¹É¾À¸®Ä§êþ


Travel Websites By Steve Thomas

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There’s absolutely no denying that the advent and subsequent rapid growth of the World Wide Web has changed the way we live our lives


he glory-days of the good old guidebook and high street travel agent are clambering to avoid extinction. The internet has rapidly become how and where we choose to travel, and where we spend our plastic money. There is a plethora of websites out there, all dedicated to some form of travel booking, advice, or comparisons. A good or bad review on a site such as Trip Advisor can make or break a business. In our on-demand society, instant is what we’ve come to expect, although, or course we also expect this for free. But remember, there is no such thing as a “free lunch,” even online. There is an amazing amount of good and credible information floating out there in cyberspace, as well a fierce and often shrouded battle for your business, which can at times undermine the credibility of this free information. But, when you do the stats and figure out that a factually checked guidebook may have taken two years to even reach the bookshelf, and that it weights half a kilo, it’s no wonder that most of us chose to read between the tag lines and undercurrents of the “free” websites. Here are five of the biggest and best sites you should check out when travelling.



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Perhaps the most influential of all travel sites is TripAdvisor, which does exactly what is says in its URL. This is an out and out consumer input review site, where any registered user can rate a hotel in Vientiane, a restaurant in Luang Prabang or recommend an activity in Vang Vieng. This site is (rightly so) heavily consulted by travellers before confirming a booking.


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agoda You can book all sorts of travel related services through the portal site, Agoda, but where they really excel is for online accommodation booking. Instant confirmation is a winning feature of the site, as is its extensive network of hotels and on-site reviews from clients. Agoda has arguably the best selection of hotels and guesthouses in Laos. Be sure to check for hidden taxes before confirming your booking.

¡¾ນ¥ñ®¥º¤°È¾ນ Agoda


êȾນ¦¾´¾©¥ñ®¥º¤ê÷¡¯½À²©¢º¤¡¾ນêȺ¤êȼ¸ê† ¡È¼¸¢Éº¤¡ñ®¡¾ນ®ðìò¡¾ນ©¨°È¾ນÀ¢í¾À¸®Ä§êÌ, Agoda ÁªÈ¦…¤²¸¡À¢ö¾À»ñ©Ä©É©ó;¨ÁêÉÅ Á´Èນ¦¿ìñ®¡¾ນ¥ñ®¥º¤ê†²ñ¡º¾Ä¦Á®®¦¾¨ ©È¸ນ. ¡¾ນµõນµñນÃນÀ¸ì¾ºñນ¦˜ນÅÁ´ÈນÀ¯ñນ¥÷© À©„ນê†Àºö¾§½ນ½¢º¤À¸®Ä§êþ, ê†À¯ñນÀ£óº¢È¾¨ê† ¡¸É¾¤¢º¤Â»¤Á»´ Áì½£¸¾´£ò©À¹ñນ ¡È¼¸¡ñ®À¸®Ä§êþ ¥¾¡ìø¡£É¾. Agoda Á´Èນ´óÀນœº¹¾ê†©ê ó ¦ † © ÷ ²ð¥½µõນµñນÄ©ÉÀ«ó¤¡¾ນÀìõº¡¢º¤ »¤Á»´ Áì½À»õºນ²ñ¡ µøÃÈ ນ¯½Àê©ì¾¸. À»ñ©Ã¹ÉÁນÈÃ¥ Ãນ¡¾ນ¡¸©¦º®¦¿ìñ®²¾¦óê¯ † © ò ®ñ¤ ĸɡȺນ¡¾ນµõນµñນ¢º¤¥ñ®¥º¤¢º¤êȾນ.


Although there is numerous online travel booking portals, when it comes to flights, Kayak rules the skies. Just key in your dates and routings and the site scanner will do the rest, leaving you with a list of options fitting your search criteria, as well as showing the best prices available on other portal sites. Bookings are made direct with the airline or an agent, whichever you chose.



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The Wiki “empire” grew to prominence largely through its user-generated content, which while plentiful, is often inaccurate, although it still stands as one of the best places online to find out basic destination information, as well as contact details. You can find out all about the best places to stay in Vang Vieng, what’s interesting in Luang Namtha and much more – but remember some things can be a little biased.

¢Ó´ນ ø ¡¾ນêȺ¤êȼ¸ (Wiki). ”¥ñ¡¡½²ö®” Wiki £Èº¨Å¡¾¨À¯ñນꆴ󧈦¼¤¦È¸ນù¨È



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Termed as a “community” Travellers Point, this website is a great place to find all kinds of reader-generated travel information, photography, blogs, and of course making reservations. The online travel guides are provided in conjunction with Wiki Travel, but if you dig deeper into the site you’ll find all sorts of interesting material, including several blogs on travelling in Laos.


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Map Of Laos 60


Laos is quickly becoming the newest place to visit in South-East-Asia. Although in the past when travelling across the sub-continent has been mentioned, tourists have been recommended to visit famous places such as Bangkok in Thailand or Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Laos has rarely been mentioned. People are now starting to realize Laos is a viable tourist destination, with the shroud of ignorance now being lifted. Part of the problem was that Laos was fairly isolated due to having a communist government, which became left out on its own in a tourism sense since the government took power in 1975. Recently, the mentality towards Laos has been changing and the world is starting to recognize and rediscover its beauty, culture and colorful local people. Now being mentioned in the same breath as its neighbors, Laos is also making great strides to accommodate tourists from far and wide.

Visitor Information If you are looking for basic brochures on Lao tourism, you can contact the Lao Tourism Authority, which is more of an administration service than an information source. National Tourism Authority of Lao P.D.R., 08/02 Lane Xang Ave., P.O. Box 2511, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. (tel. 021/212-248 or 021/212-251; fax 021/212-769; If you are seeking written English information about Laos, you can try the official Laos website,, which is sponsored by the Lao government. The website is very informative and accurate, providing you with lots of details regarding the country. For international news, domestic current and government affairs, you can visit, which is run by the Lao Embassy in Washington, D.C. For details of the Lao embassy in Thailand, please see below: 520/502/1-3 Soi Sahakarnpramoon, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310, Pracha Uthit Road (end of Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39) Tel: 539-6667-8 or 539-7341; Fax: 539-3827 or 539-6678;

Getting there Lao shares official land borders with Thailand, Vietnam and China, although you will find that some of the borders are not accessible to westerners, such as to China through a crossing point named Boten. The Laos-Vietnam borders of Dien Bien Phu and Sam Neua in the north are also closed.

By Plane Bangkok is the main link to Laos, and has flights to both Vientiane and Luang Prabang. However, you can also fly into Laos on regular flights from Cambodia and Vietnam, which means you can fly into the three neighboring countries from anywhere in South-East-Asia and make the quick hop over to Vientiane’s Wattay International Airport.

By Train One of the most popular ways to visit Laos is by train. This is a great option if travelling from Bangkok on Thailand’s northeastern line from Hua Lampong Railway Station in Bangkok (Tel: 02223-7010 or 1690). Travelling from Bangkok northwards, the train connects with all the major provincial capitals and finishes up in Nong Khai, which is in Thailand but right next to Vientiane. It is also possible to reach southern Laos at Pakse via Bangkok and the Thai terminal at Ubon Ratchathani. From Ubon, you will have to take two bus rides to get to the border, and then a songthaew from there to Pakse.

By Bus You can travel on an overnight VIP air-conditioned bus from Bangkok to Vientiane for approximately 700 THB, via Friendship Bridge, which will leave you on the Thai side of the border. Buses from north-eastern Thai cities such as Nong Khai and Udonthani will also take you to the Thai border via Friendship Bridge for 55 THB and 80 THB respectively.

By Boat You can make the crossing on the Mekong River from Chiang Khong in Thailand and from the border to Luang Prabang it is a two-day boat ride, where a 15-day visa is available on arrival.

Entry Requirements You will need a valid visa and passport when entering Laos, although there are some sites where you can get a visa on arrival such as travelling by air to Vientiane and Luang Prabang, crossing Friendship Bridge to Vientiane from Nong Khai. Other places you can get a visa on arrival includes the crossing from Chiang Khong to Houayxai, Savannakhet and Vung Tao. If you are traveling from Vietnam, make sure you have prearranged your visa. For a 30-day visa, you will pay 30USD. However, if you organize a visa in an embassy outside of Laos, expect to pay approximately 35USD. For more details, please visit www. 61

Vientiane... A

s the capital of Laos, Vientiane is a must see city when traveling through Laos PDR. Vientiane became the capital in 1563 because of fears surrounding Burmese invasion. Under French rule, Vientiane became the administrative capital while in recent times has also become the economic hub of the country. Sitting on the northern banks of the Mekong River, the city has a colorful culture, amazing hospitality and is the home to some of the tastiest Laos food imaginable. With its French colonial characteristics and leafy boulevards surrounded by rustic temples and coconut palms, this is a city that mixes colonial architecture within a tropical environment. The laidback atmosphere is ideal for visitors, and is rapidly becoming one of the most fascinating cities to see in Asia.



• Buddha Park (Xieng Khuan) • Patuxai

• Laos National Museum • That Dam

• That Luang • Ho Phakeo

• Wat Sisaket

• Wat Si Muang

• Mekong promenade & night market

Dine Out


Amphone Cuisine: Lao (856) 21 212489

Bari Gems & Jewelry Style: Jewelry (856) 21 212680

Café des Arts Cuisine: French (856) 71 252162

Carterie du Laos Style: Handmade cards and prints (856) 21 241401

Chill Out Café Cuisine: Lao/International (856) 71 261006 Chokdee Café Cuisine: Belgian (856) 21 263847 Douang Deune Restaurant Cuisine: Asian (856) 21 241154 Hare and Hound Cuisine: Western (856) 20 6302616

Couleur d’Asie Style: French-Vietnamese dress designs (856) 21 223008 Phaeng Mai Gallery Style: Traditional weaved silk items (856) 21 217341 Satri Lao Silk Style: Antique silk, jewelry, furniture (856) 21 219295


Colonial Charm,Luxurious Elegance

Khop Chai Deu Restaurant and Bar Cuisine: Western (856) 21 251564

E-mail: 6 Pang Kham Street, Vientiane, Lao PDR Champa Spa Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 21 2640978 Dalah Spa Signature: Hot Herbal Massage (856) 21 285125 Dalavanh Traditional Massage Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 21 213313

La Belle Epoque Cuisine: French (856) 21 217581 Le Central Cuisine: French (856) 21 243703 La Signature Cuisine: French Contact:v (856) 21 213514 L’Opera Cuisine: Italian (856) 21 215099

Mandarina Body And Soul Spa Signature: Herbal Massage (856) 21 223857 Manee Spa Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 21 353207

Oasis Spa Massage & Beauty Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 21 243579

Beds Angkham Hotel (856) 21 900011 Ansara Hotel (856) 21 213514-8

Sticky Fingers Cuisine: Western (856) 21 215972 Papaya Spa Lane Xang Signature: Exclusive body and facial treatments (856) 20 55610565

Rashmi’s Plaza Hotel, Vientiane (856) 21 315088 Salana Boutique Hotel (856) 21 254254

Don Chan Palace (856) 21 244288 Lao Plaza Hotel (856) 21 222741-42, 218800-1 Fax: (856) 21 222740, 218807-9

Mittaphap Restaurant Cuisine: Lao (856) 21 264444

The Full Moon Café Cuisine: Western (856) 21 243373

A Belmont International Hotel

Nirvana Spa Signature: Lao Traditional Massage (856) 21 222936

Mex Alexia Cuisine: Tex-Mex (856) 21 241349

The Cote d’Azur Pizzeria Cuisine: French (856) 21 217252

Tel: (856) 21-217581/2 • Fax: (856) 21-217583

Mercure Vientiane (856) 21 213570-1 Parkview Executive Suites Vientiane (856) 21 250888

Settha Palace Hotel (856) 21 217581 The Ramayana Gallery Boutique Hotel (856) 21 214455-7 Vientiane Plaza Hotel (856) 21 265365

Vang Vieng

Dine Out Arena Restaurant and Bar Cuisines: Hamburgers (856) 20 78181171 Aysha Indian Cuisines: Indian (856) 23 511369 Erawan Restaurant (856) 23 511093 Kangaroo Sunset Bar Cuisines: Local (856) 20 7714291 Nisha Cuisines: Indian (856) 23 511579

Organic Mulberry Farm Cafe Cuisines: International (856) 23 511174 Sala Pha Deng Cuisines: Local & International (856) 23511232 Xayoh Restaurant Cuisines: Local (856) 23 511088


D’Rose Resort@Vang Vieng (856) 23 511035 Thavonsouk Resort (856) 23 511096, 414149 Mob: +(856) 20 7607111, 5703100 The Elephant Crossing Hotel (856) 23 511232, Mob: (856) 20 5602830 or 2454730


ituated between Vientiane and the World Heritage site of Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng was once nothing more than a bus stop for those visiting Vientiane from Luang Prabang. Now Vang Vieng is a destination in its own rights with a laidback and relaxed atmosphere nestled beside the Nam Song (Song River) surrounded by beautiful limestone Karst terrain. ºWith its stunning countryside and its old charm style, this is a colorful destination.

Visit • Tham Poukham - Blue Lagoon • Padeng cave and Ring cave • Jung Cave

Do • Tubing and Kayaking the river • Sunset cruise • Biking


Vansana Vang Vieng (856) 23 511598-9, 511600-1

Villa Nam Song (856) 23 511637 Villa Vang Vieng Riverside (856) 23 511460

Naga Clinic akWk Wtpa[d Your Naga Clinic

Heart We Care

offers a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, management and treatment of cardiovascular disease by a team of cardiac specialists from Bangkok Heart Hospital led by Dr. Ratanapunt Incharoensakdi who has been in the field for 30 years. 215/15 Udon Dusadee Road, Mak Khaeng, Muang, Udon Thani 41000 Thailand Tel : +66 (0) 42 205033, +66 (0) 42 205088

Luang Prabang


uang Prabang is a protected UNESCO World Heritage site situated on the peninsula formed by the Mekong River. Although Luang Prabang is a small city, there are many things to see and do for travelers. Benefitting from a stunning collection of French colonial buildings alongside some very old temples and Buddhist monuments, Luang Prabang is a great example of how traditional Lao architecture and 19th century colonial styles merge together to create a fascinating and colorful travel experience. Surrounded by mountains and set 700 meters above sea-level where the Nam Khan River and the Mekong River meets, the city is rapidly becoming the center of Laos’ new found tourist popularity. The city boasts many old temples and Buddhist monuments with one of the most famous being Pha That Luang. The original was constructed in 1566 and restored in 1953. The 45-meter high golden stupa is where a relic of Lord Buddha himself is believed to sit. With everything from royal palaces to 33 temples, the city is a perfect destination for travellers seeking out Buddhist teachings or a slice of authentic Asia. Luang Prabang is home to both historical sites and natural beauty. If you want to see some breathtaking natural sites, you can visit Pak Ou Caves or Kuang Si Falls. Visitors also enjoy elephant rides along jungle treks. Well known historical sites include Haw Kham Royal Palace Museum and the Wat Xieng Thong temple. When you reach the end of the main street, you will find the night market with a colorful selection of bracelets, shirts, tea and standard tourist souvenirs. With tourism to Lao now reaching new heights, Luang Prabang is the premier destination in the country because of its interesting mix of culture, history and laidback atmosphere.


Dine Out

Tamnaklao - the Three Elephants Restaurant Cuisine: Lao (856) 71 252525



Blue Lagoon Restaurant Cuisine: Western (856) 71 253698

The Apsara Bar & Restaurant Cuisine: Asian/International (856) 71 254670

Dhammada Massage Oasis Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 71 212642

Couleur Café and Restaurant Cuisine: Lao/French (856) 71 254694

The Tamarind Café Cuisine: Lao (856) 20 7770484

Baan Khily Gallery Style: Handmade Lao handicrafts Location: 43/2 Baan Khily, Luang Prabang (856) 71 212261

L’Elephant Restaurant Cuisine: French (856) 71 252482

Nazim Restaurant Cuisine: Indian (856) 71 252263

TROPICAL GARDEN RESTAURANT Cuisine: Thai (856) 71 212642

Park Houay Mixay Cuisine: Lao (856) 71 212260

Vieng Kheam Khong Cuisine: Lao (856) 71 212726


Le Palais Juliana (856) 71 260417

Ancient Luang prabang (856) 71 212264

Kamu Lodge (856) 71 260319

Lemongrass Sauna and Traditional Massage Signature: Herbal Sauna (856) 20 5597370 Ramayana Boutique Hotel & Spa Signature: Traditional Lao Massage (856) 71 255055 The Mekong Spa Signature: Aromatherapy Massage (856) 71 212194 Muang Thong Hotel (856) 71 254976 My Dream Boutique Resort (856) 71 252853, 252198

Hotel 3 Nagas (856) 71 253888

Hotel Villa Deux Rivieres (856) 20 7737 8575

Kiridara Spa Signature: Herbal Steam Bath (856) 71261888 Lao Red Cross Sauna and Massage Signature: Herbal Sauna (856) 71 252856

Luang Prabang Bakery Cuisine: Western (856) 71 252499 www.luangprabang-bakery

Hotel De La Paix Luang Prabang (856) 71 260777

Khmu Restaurant Spa & Massage Signature: Lao and Khamu Massages (856) 71 212092

Kopnoi Style: Fashion, accessories, silk Location: Ban Aphay Luang Prabang (856) 71 260248 Naga Creations Style: Jewelry, precious stones, silver Location: Th Sisavangvong, Old Town (856) 20 7775005 Ock Pop Tok Style: Home textiles, village weaving products, scarves Location: 73/5 Ban Vat Nong (856) 71 253219 Pathana Boupha Antique House Style: Antique statuary, jewelry, silverwork, Location: 26/2 Ban Visoun, Luang Prabang (856) 71 212262

The Grand Luang Prabang Hotel & Resort (856) 71 253851-7

Rama Hotel (856) 71 212247 Luang Prabang Oasis Villa Namnuea (856) 71 212642, 252933 Luang Prabang Paradise Resort (856) 71 213103, 20 235 3337, 20 389 5885

Luang Prabang Residence (856) 71 260699, 260676

Restaurant Luang Prabang Bakery & Guest House (856) 71 252499, 71 254844 contact@luangprabang-bakery www.luangprabang-bakery Santi Resort & Spa (856) 71 252157, 212267 Satri House Relais & Chateaux Hotel (856) 71 253491-2

The Luang Say Residence (856) 71 260891 E-mail: The View Pavilion (856) 71 253918 Villa Maly (856) 71 253902-04

Shinta Mani Hotel (856) 71 260560 The Apsara Rive Droite Hotel (856) 71 254670

Kiridara Hotel (856) 71 261888 Le Bel Air Boutique Resort (856) 71 254699, 213079 Mob: (856) 20 22350 050 La Résidence Phou Vao (856) 71 212194 or 212530

Maison Dalabua (856) 71 255588 , 253923 Maison Souvannaphoum (856) 71 254609

The BelleRive Hotel (856) 71 260733, 252488 The Chang Heritage Hotel (856) 71 255031

Villa Nagara (856) 71 252829 Mob: (856) 20 555 70499 Xiengthong Palace (856) 71 213200 Zen Namkhan Boutique Resort (856) 20 555 71120


Savannakhet S

ituated in western Laos, Savannakhet, officially known as Kaysone Phomvihane, is the capital of the Savannakhet province and the second-largest city in the country, after Vientiane. With a mixed population of Thai, Vietnamese and Lao people, the old French colonial quarter of the town sits on the banks of the Mekong River. Because of the city’s close proximity to Thailand and their booming economy, Savannakhet has benefitted from lots of commercial development in the northern part of town. The city is home to a 15th century Buddist temple, named Wat Sainyaphum. Showing the city’s diversity, there is also a Catholic Church, a Chinese temple and a mosque.

Dine Out Beds Cafe Anakot Cuisine: Fusion (856) 20 77748154 Café Chez Boune Cuisine: European & Thai/Lao (856) 41 215190 Dao Savanh Restaurant Cuisine: French (856) 41 260888 Laos Paris Restaurant Cuisine: Lao, Vietnamese, French (856) 41 212792 Lao Derm Restaurant Cuisine: Lao, Thai (856) 41 252142 The Moonlight Café Cuisine: Western (856) 30 531 5718

Daosavanh Resort & Spa (856) 41 252188, 252199 Mob: (856) 20 58515555, 5888 5263, 2335 5363 Hoongthip Hotel (856) 41 251279, 213229, 212262 Leena’s Guesthouse (856) 41 212404 Nongsoda Guesthouse (856) 41 212522. Phoulavane Guesthouse (856) 30 9671606 Savan Vegas Hotel & Casino (856) 41 252 200 Xayamoungkhoun Guesthouse (856) 41 212426


e IS r e H W OUR Y FAVORITE in e c a l p Laos?

Sabaidee Club Welcome to Sabaidee Club! Laos has many interesting tourist places to visit, ranging from natural beauty spots to amazing cultural sites. Where is the most favorite place in Laos that you have ever visited? Tell us and get a chance to win two dining vouchers for two persons at the amazing La Belle Epoque Restaurant at Settha Palace Hotel in Vientiane worth 72 USD.

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Champasak & Pakse



s the capital city of Champasak, Pakse is an important city in southern Lao used as a hub by travellers to explore the south. Situated where the rivers of the Mekong and Se-Done meet, the city has stunning views and scenery regardless of your reasons for visiting the region, be it business or pleasure. Flowing from the Thai city of Ubon Ratchathani, you now have the opportunity to explore the Bolaven Plateau, Xe Pian National Protected Area, Wat Phu and Si Phan Don. As the influx of visitors to Pakse increases, the city has become a place for a wide range of guesthouses and hotels, allowing you to stay in the city for a few days and absorb the unique atmosphere of the region.


• World Heritage Site of Vat Phou • Si Pan Don (Four Thousand Islands) • Pha Pheng Waterfall • Pha Suam Waterfall • Tad Yueng Waterfall • Tad Fane Waterfall • Coffee & tea plantations

Dine Out Bolaven Cafe Cuisine: Coffee & bakery (856) 31 212380


Salachampa Hotel & Restaurant (856) 31 212 273

Cafe Sinouk Cuisine: Coffee (856) 31 214716

Le Panorama Cuisine: French (856) 31 212131

Sinouk Coffee Resort Arawan Riverside Hotel (856) 31 2603 4550

Ketmany Restaurant Cuisine: European (856) 31 212615 Khem Khong Restaurant Cuisine: Lao & seafood (856) 31 213240 Xuan Mai Restaurant Cuisine: Lao (856) 31 213245

Vat Phou Cruises (856) 31 251446


Champasak Guesthouse (856) 20 77131945

Inthira Hotel (856) 31 214059

Champady Cuisine: Thai (856) 020 513 0513 Jasmine Restaurant Cuisine: Indian (856) 31 251002

Residence Sisouk (856) 31 214716

Champasak Grand Hotel (856) 31 255111-8, 260211 Champasak Palace Hotel (856) 31 212263, 212777-80, 252130

Kingfisher Ecolodge (856) 20 557 26315, 20 996 71574 La Folie Lodge (856) 30 5347603

Mekong Paradise Resort (856) 31 212120 Paksé Hôtel (856) 31 212131, 31 252 993


Seoul, Korea

Guangzhou, China Jinghong, China

Kunming, China

Hanoi, Vietnam

Luangnamtha Houeisay

Oudomxay Xiengkhouang

Chiangmai, Thailand

Luang Prabang



Danang, Vietnam Savannakhet


Bangkok, Thailand

Siemreap, Cambodia

Phnompenh, Cambodia Internation Route Future Route Domestic Route Code Sharc Route Airport

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Singapore

INTERNATIONAL ROUTES TIMETABLE Valid from 25 Mar 2012 to 27 Oct 2012








VIENTIANE - BANGKOK - VIENTIANE QV414 QV415 QV415 QV4571* QV4575* QV424 QV425 QV425 QV4570* QV4574*

Daily 247 1356 Daily Daily Daily 247 1356 Daily Daily


QV312 QV920* QV322 QV921*

Daily Daily Daily Daily


QV921 QV920

Daily Daily


QV512 QV522

2457 2457


QV535 QV545

247 247


QV515 QV525

136 136


QV817 QV827

Daily Daily



07:30 16:15 16:40 13:50 21:50 09:35 18:55 18:55 11:45 19:55

08:35 17:50 17:50 14:55 22:55 10:45 20:40 20:05 12:55 21:05

320 AT7 320 734 734 320 AT7 320 734 734

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

320 320 320 320

0 0 0 0

320 320

0 0



320 320

0 0



320 320

0 0


0 0


0 0


0 0

AT7 F70 AT7 F70


15:15 18:10 09:35 19:50

F70 AT7 F70 AT7

0 0 0 0

09:25 14:20 11:05 16:00


0 0 0 0


0 0

12:30 15:05


0 0

12:00 15:35



VIENTIANE - HANOI - VIENTIANE 15:15 19:35 17:25 09:40

16:25 20:35 18:35 10:45


13:00 18:50


09:25 13:00


19:40 22:40


12:30 17:30


09:50 11:20


23567 23567

QV818 QV828

247 247

QV633 QV643

Daily Daily


13:10 15:05

14:10 16:05


11:20 13:00

12:20 14:00


07:30 10:20

09:10 12:00


1356 Daily 1356 Daily

QV930* QV313 QV931* QV323

Daily Daily Daily Daily


QV512 QV513 QV522 QV523

2457 1356 2457 1356


QV213 QV223

1357 1357


QV515 QV525

136 136


QV213 QV223

1357 1357




10:55 10:20 15:00 12:20

14:20 11:40 18:10 13:40

LUANGPRABANG - HANOI - LUANGPRABANG 14:25 17:10 08:35 18:50


08:25 13:20 10:05 15:00


12:00 14:35


PAKSE - BANGKOK - PAKSE 09:25 13:05

DOMESTIC ROUTES TIMETABLE Valid from 25 Mar 2012 to 27 Oct 2012






























































































































































































Remarks : All times are local times

1 = Monday 5 = Friday 2 = Tuesday 6 = Saturday 3 = Wednesday 7 = Sunday 4 = Thursday * QV4570/ QV4571/ QV4574/ QV4575 Operated by THAI AIRWAYS * QV920/ QV921/ QV930/ QV931 Operated by VIETNAM AIRLINES 02 Pangkham Rd, P.O. Box 6441 Vientiane , Lao P.D.R For more information please contact Lao Airlines Tel: +856 21 212016, 212051-54 Fax: +856 21 212056, 212058

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