Finance Conference - A NEW Thing

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Welcome to the Conference

April 2021

Dear Finance Colleagues, I want to take this opportunity to greet and welcome you to the 2021 Territorial Finance Conference. I would have preferred to greet you personally, but for this year, a virtual gree�ng will have to suffice. Thank you for taking the �me away for your responsibili�es to par�cipate in this year’s Finance Conference. �our par�cipa�on is important and appreciated! Our theme for the 2021 Finance Conference is ‘A New Thing!’ “Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it? Yes, I will make a road in the wilderness and paths in the wastelands. Isaiah 43:19 As we daily face the many challenges and complexi�es of managing the financial ma�ers of the Army, it is my prayer that together, we’ll con�nue our e�orts in building a stronger �alva�on Army. As I reflect on our theme, ‘A New Thing’, the word that comes to mind is new. There is no denying that this past year of Covid has brought its own challenges. What was familiar and normal a year ago no longer is the same. We now find ourselves experiencing ‘A New Thing’. 2

Welcome to theMeeting Conference Conference Rooms NOTES Welcome to the Conference


In the coming days that we’ll spend together, it’s my prayer that we’ll experience for ourselves, the various opportuni�es where we can individually learn and contribute toward building a stronger Salva�on Army as it relates to our individual responsibili�es in the areas of �nancial management and administra�on. In recent days, I’m reminded of the Interna�onal Salva�on Army’s focus on accountability. As an Army, we need to recognize the con�nued value and importance of being accountable. As former Salva�on Army General André Cox, wrote, “We should want to be accountable for our ac�ons and a�tudes as we par�cipate in God’s mission to transform the world. We must be keen to learn from our successes, but also our failures.” May God bless you in our days together. Sincerely, Hugh Lt. Colonel Hugh Steele Territorial Secretary for �usiness Administra�on

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Schedule: Monday, April 26, 2021 FMTP Pre‐Conference

8:45-9:15am 9:15-10:30am 10:30-11:00am

11:00-12:15pm 12:15-1:15pm 1:15-2:30pm 2:30-3:00pm 3:00-4:15pm

Welcome & Words Major Beth Foster Devotions Lt. Jennifer Burke

Leading from Below Major Donald Hostetler Break

Pogo was Right: Them is Us Major Donald Hostetler Lunch

“There’s a Fly in My Soup” Major Donald Hostetler Break

“Keep Me Out of Jail!” Major James Betts


Schedule: Cancelled

Conference Elective Sessions Audit Pre‐Conference

Pre‐Conference session locations: A NEW WAY TO AUDIT Christine Schuster, Melinda Young, Major Brent Carlson, Major Janice Audit Pre‐Conference Carlsonn, Kim Brown, Richard Shaffstall, Tonya Taylor

has been cancelled for 2021. In this session you will learn of a whole new philosophy the Internal Audit Department is taking in audits. You will hear of the new audit It will resume in 2022... software program and how audits work remotely. Risk audit vs. hopefully in person financial audits and why we moved in this way.

at Eden Resort MASHUP Mark Gates This is a hodgepodge of different reports that are available, and discussion on different topics such as Christmas, Mail Appeal, 1099s, CMD,, etc. CORPORATE CREDIT CARD Best Practices Sharon Stepinski & Megan Howarth This session will provide best practices on management and financial control from commands that have fully rolled out credit cards to the field. We will also touch on helpful reminders, key maintenance reports and procedures to minimize weekly processing errors, minimize fraud, as well as assist in a smooth transition to finalizing year-end transactions.

Open Forum Q&A Major Michelle Dressler This session will be a time for open, respective dialogue with respect to any financial topics or concerns. There may not be any immediate answers; however, this will be a time of discovery as we embrace change together. ALL OFFICERS IN FINANCE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND 5 13

FMTP Pre‐Conference Sessions Schedule: Wednesday, April 28

Session 1 ‐ Leading from below 8:45-9:30am Devotions In this session, Major Hostetler will expound on the principles of State of the Territory leadership. Lt. Colone Hugh Steele Major Donald Hostetler 9:45-10:35am FASB—What’s New! Session 2 ‐ Pogo was right: them is us Grant Thornton—Ed Miller Dealing with the �dministra�ve structure of The Salva�on �rmy Controllers/Chief Accountants are can be a struggle. You will learn ways in which to deal with the structure required and s�ll get the job done. Major Donald Hostetler 10:45-11:35am Session 3 ‐ “There’s a Fly inFeeling Taxed When Using TaxAct? My Soup” People are our business, not a distrac�on from it. We o�en don’t Andrea Paul even realize that this truth is reality. We will hear how to keep people as our main focus. Major Donald Hostetler LUNCH Session 4 –”Keep Me Out of Jail!” 1:00-1:50pm Standard Accounting Practices Major �e�s will share what a DC expects from His�Her FS. The �tle of Mark Gates—Jeff Su this class reflects in a fun way, a subtle truth. Many things can go wrong Key Finance Staff required financially within a Command. The FS will want to share risks with the DC Centralized Bookkeepers, because he�she is ul�mately responsible for the Command. James �e�s Area Services, and Kroc Major


HRIS‐UKG Britta Hahn

3:00 - 3:50pm

A New Way to Audit Christine Schuster 6 10

Major Donald Hostetler Schedule: Thursday, April 29

Major Hostetler entered the School for Officers' Training with his wife Arvilla in September of 1970. Upon 9:00-9:50am MashUp commissioning as Lieutenants in June of 1972, they were appointed in charge of the Newport KY Corps. Subsequent Mark Gates appointments included Findlay OH (1976‐1979), Eastern Territorial Headquarters' Social Services Department (1979‐ 1980), then on to Corps in New Kensington PA (1980‐1985) and Old Orchard Beach ME (1985‐1989). 10:00-10:50am CCC Best Practices

Sharon Stepinski & Megan Howarth They were appointed to Training and Divisional staffs. From 1989 to 1993, he served on the staff of the School for Officers' Training in Suffern, New York as the Assistant Training Principal. Classroom teaching assignments 11:00-11:50pm Open Forum Q&A included New Testament, Salva�on Army History and Pastoral Counseling. Major Michelle Dressler

For five years following service on the training staff, the Major served as Personnel & General Secretary for the Western Pennsylvania Division in Pi�sburgh, PA. From there, it was Area Coordinator for Syracuse, NY Area Services from 1998 to 2000. Leaving Syracuse, the Hostetlers then served as the Divisional Leaders of the Southern New England Division from 2000‐2004. In 2004, they transferred to the Western Territory to take leadership of the College for Officer Training at Crestmont where Major served as Training Principal and taught New Testament Survey and Business Management. They moved from there to Portland OR in 2008 as Divisional leaders for the Cascade Division.



Coming home from the Western Territory in 2010, they served their last five years of ac�ve service as Divisional Leaders of the Empire State Division. The Hostetlers have served together as speakers, teachers and trainers for a variety of Salva�on Army Retreats, Youth Councils, Seminars, Officers Councils, civic events, etc. They were the presenters for the Eastern Territory’s Holiness Symposium in 2009 and serve as instructors for the Territory’s Holiness Ins�tute for Soldiers.

May 4-6, 2022 Pre-Conference May 2-3, 2022 They have four amazing children and are married to equally amazing spouses

and they are blessed with thirteen awesome grandchildren.

In re�rement, the Hostetlers live in Myrtle Beach SC and soldier at the Conway SC Corps where they are ac�vely involved with the music forces, Major Arvilla serving as the Songster Leader.

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Conference General Sessions

State of the Territory: A NEW THING! Thursday, April 28 - 8:45 am Lt. Colonel Hugh Steele

Lt. Col. Hugh Steele will give a state of the Eastern Territory building on the foundation of Ecclesiastes 4:12, “Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it? Yes, I will make a road in the wilderness and paths in the wastelands.” In keeping with the Theme, “A NEW THING!” from Isaiah 43:19 He will share with us the Financial condition of the Territory. He will also share with us on other subjects such as debt reduction, underfunded reserves, incentives, budget preparation; just to name a few.


Business Conference Schedule Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Schedule: Wednesday, April 28


Devotions State of the Territory Lt. Colone Hugh Steele

FASB—What’s New! Grant Thornton—Ed Miller Controllers/Chief Accountants are required 9:45-10:35am


Feeling Taxed When Using TaxAct? Andrea Paul LUNCH


Standard Accounting Practices Mark Gates—Jeff Su Key Finance Staff required Centralized Bookkeepers, Area Services, and Kroc


HRIS‐UKG Britta Hahn

3:00 - 3:50pm

A New Way to Audit Christine Schuster 10

Major Donald Hostetler

Schedule: Thursday, April 29

Major Hostetler entered the School for Officers' Training with his wife Arvilla in September of 1970. Upon commissioning as Lieutenants in June of 1972, they were 9:00-9:50am MashUp appointed in charge of the Newport KY Corps. Subsequent Mark Gates appointments included Findlay OH (1976‐1979), Eastern Territorial Headquarters' Social Services Department (1979‐ 1980), then on to Corps in New Kensington PA (1980‐1985) and Old Orchard Beach ME (1985‐1989). 10:00-10:50am CCC Best Practices

They were appointed to Training and Divisional Sharon Stepinski & Megan Howarth staffs. From 1989 to 1993, he served on the staff of the School for Officers' Training in Suffern, New York as the Assistant Training Principal. Classroom teaching assignments 11:00-11:50pm Open Forum Q&A included New Testament, Salva�on Army History and Pastoral Counseling.

Major Michelle Dressler

For five years following service on the training staff, the Major served as Personnel & General Secretary for the Western Pennsylvania Division in Pi�sburgh, PA. From there, it was Area Coordinator for Syracuse, NY Area Services from 1998 to 2000. Leaving Syracuse, the Hostetlers then served as the Divisional Leaders of the Southern New England Division from 2000‐2004. In 2004, they transferred to the Western Territory to take leadership of the College for Officer Training at Crestmont where Major served as Training Principal and taught New Testament Survey and Business Management. They moved from there to Portland OR in 2008 as Divisional leaders for the Cascade Division.



Coming home from the Western Territory in 2010, they served their last five years of ac�ve service as Divisional Leaders of the Empire State Division. The Hostetlers have served together as speakers, teachers and trainers for a variety of Salva�on Army Retreats, Youth Councils, Seminars, Officers Councils, civic events, etc. They were the presenters for the Eastern Territory’s Holiness Symposium in 2009 and serve as instructors for the Territory’s Holiness Ins�tute for Soldiers.

May 4-6, 2022 Pre-Conference May 2-3, 2022 They have four amazing children and are married to equally amazing spouses

and they are blessed with thirteen awesome grandchildren.

In re�rement, the Hostetlers live in Myrtle Beach SC and soldier at the Conway SC Corps where they are ac�vely involved with the music forces, Major Arvilla serving as the Songster Leader.

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Conference Elective Sessions

FASB Grant Thornton—Ed Miller During this session Grant Thornton will provide an update on accounting standards impacting the Eastern Territory in fiscal 2021 and beyond, with a primary focus on ASC 842, Leases and ASU 2020-07 on Topic 958, Presentation and Disclosures by Not-for-Profit Entities for Contributed Nonfinancial Assets. Grant Thornton will provide an overview of the standards, implementation timing and example transactions and disclosures. REQUIRED CONTROLLERS & CHIEF ACCOUNTANTS FEELING TAXED WHEN USING TAXACT? Andrea Paul This session is offered to provide an overview of how to calculate the adjusted and advanced tax grants for officers using TaxAct software. Learn how to better understand and utilize the features of TaxAct when completing forms and applications. Time will be committed to reviewing good practices, potential anomalies and future changes. REQUIRED FOs & ATFSs STANDARDIZED ACCOUNTING Jeffrey Su & Mark Gates This session is being offered to key finance department staff and all finance employees who are hands on in Serenic. This session will focus on recent changes made to the chart of accounts to facilitate standardization across the Territory. REQUIRED KEY FINANCE DEPARTMENT STAFF (centralized bookkeepers, Area Services, and KROC) HRIS-UKG Britta Hahn This session will provide a brief overview of the HRIS system and the impacts it will have on employee and officer payroll. The system and timeline for the phased Command rollout will be reviewed. The HRIS system has already been implemented in a few Commands. Britta will share how things are going and what to expect next. Please bring thoughtful questions you may have.


Conference Elective Sessions

A NEW WAY TO AUDIT Christine Schuster, Melinda Young, Major Brent Carlson, Major Janice Carlsonn, Kim Brown, Richard Shaffstall, Tonya Taylor

In this session you will learn of a whole new philosophy the Internal Audit Department is taking in audits. You will hear of the new audit software program and how audits work remotely. Risk audit vs. financial audits and why we moved in this way. MASHUP Mark Gates This is a hodgepodge of different reports that are available, and discussion on different topics such as Christmas, Mail Appeal, 1099s, CMD,, etc. CORPORATE CREDIT CARD Best Practices Sharon Stepinski & Megan Howarth This session will provide best practices on management and financial control from commands that have fully rolled out credit cards to the field. We will also touch on helpful reminders, key maintenance reports and procedures to minimize weekly processing errors, minimize fraud, as well as assist in a smooth transition to finalizing year-end transactions.

Open Forum Q&A Major Michelle Dressler This session will be a time for open, respective dialogue with respect to any financial topics or concerns. There may not be any immediate answers; however, this will be a time of discovery as we embrace change together. ALL OFFICERS IN FINANCE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND 13

WelcomeNOTES to the Conference

April 2021

Dear Finance Colleagues, I want to take this opportunity to greet and welcome you to the 2021 Territorial Finance Conference. I would have preferred to greet you personally, but for this year, a virtual gree�ng will have to suffice. Thank you for taking the �me away for your responsibili�es to par�cipate in this year’s Finance Conference. �our par�cipa�on is important and appreciated! Our theme for the 2021 Finance Conference is ‘A New Thing!’ “Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it? Yes, I will make a road in the wilderness and paths in the wastelands. Isaiah 43:19 As we daily face the many challenges and complexi�es of managing the financial ma�ers of the Army, it is my prayer that together, we’ll con�nue our e�orts in building a stronger �alva�on Army. As I reflect on our theme, ‘A New Thing’, the word that comes to mind is new. There is no denying that this past year of Covid has brought its own challenges. What was familiar and normal a year ago no longer is the same. We now find ourselves experiencing ‘A New Thing’. 14 2



Commissioners William A. & G. Lorraine Bamford USA Eastern Territorial Leaders Lt. Colonel Hugh Steele Secretary for Business Administration Lt. Colonel James Reynolds Major David Champlin Territorial Business Consultants Major Michelle Dressler Finance Secretary Major Dennis Muir Audit Secretary Major Beth Foster Assistant Finance Secretary

See you next year at the Eden Resort Territorial Business Conference May 4‐6, 2022

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