NYSB Bulletin – Winter 2018

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From the Executive Officer

Christmas Greetings


Commissioners William A. and G. Lorraine Bamford EXECUTIVE OFFICER

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas; Soon the bells will start, And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing Right within your heart”. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The Wise Men did not use this phrase but it was at the heart of their journey as they followed the star, first to Jerusalem and then on to Bethlehem. In the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 2 we read: “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 9 “After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh”. During these days of Advent the members of the New York Staff Band will all be engaged in Christmas concerts, Red Kettle quartets, worship meetings, and other special gatherings in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Like the wise men, Christian musicians strive to offer the gifts they have in honor of our Lord. This season, as we enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas let us all remember the promise found in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” May God bless you!

Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere BANDMASTER


Simon Morton


Major Stewart Dalrymple SOLO CORNET

Brindley Venables


Lt. Jonathan Quatela Michael Baker Daniel Wajda Brian Smith FIRST CORNET

Lt Colonel Kathleen Steele Karen Shaffstall Noah Rife SECOND CORNET

Kenneth Kirby Peter Vaughan FLUGEL HORN

Harrison Lubin SOLO HORN

Major Donald Spencer BAND CHAPLAIN Matthew Hodgson FIRST HORN

Mackenzie Dalrymple SECOND HORN

Aaron Harris



Devonte Thompson SECOND BARITONE


Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere Executive Officer, NYSB


Lorena Simmonds Lance Nathan Power BASS TROMBONE

Warren Smith, Jr. EUPHONIUM


Christopher Webster Michael DeVault B-FLAT TUBAS

Simon Morton BAND SERGEANT Andrew Dressler PERCUSSION

Andrew Boynton Thomas Scheibner LIBRARIAN Jelani Weekes Robert Myers COLOR SERGEANT

Charles F. Olsen Jr.



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Major Steve Ditmer Mark Gates

Ted Marshall Remembered Ron Waiksnoris, Former NYSB Bandmaster

Forty year, or lifetime, friendships are powerful and important. As I remember Ted Marshall for the NYSB Bulletin I can’t help writing from a personal point of view. We were friends. I first became aware of Ted as I became aware of the Earlscourt Citadel Band. Earlscourt was a special band. They had unique crimson uniforms with matching caps. They played really well. They were invited to International Congresses. They made recordings, they toured, and they were a corps band. All of that appealed to me. As a youngster in the late 1950s I was soaking up all I could about Salvation Army bands. My father was the corps officer at Buffalo Citadel and he regularly invited Canadian bands to visit Buffalo. We also made the journey across the Peace bridge from Buffalo to Canada quite often. I became aware of names like Dovercourt, Danforth, Hamilton and Earlscourt. There was a bit of romance in my life about Canadian banding. And, another thing, when Derek Smith moved his family from England to North America, the first stop was Earlscourt before moving to New York. Move forward about twenty years and I was working in The Salvation Army’s Eastern Territory Music Bureau and playing in the New York Staff Band. The NYSB had been making recordings for decades but always looked for a better way. Excellence was always the goal. When Listening to recordings coming out of Canada we saw the name Ted Marshall. He was an Earlscourt man and a professional sound engineer with great ears and skills. The band invited him to come to New York and record us. The result was a superb recording called “Bravo” featuring some solos by Philip Smith. Bandmaster Derek Smith with old school recording ideas warmed to Ted and new methods of recording and we never looked back. I’m not sure how many recordings we produced with Ted, but I know it was over thirty in my time as Music Secretary and Staff Bandmaster. Working with Ted was smooth. He was


so quietly confident that there was always a sense that any recording would turn out well. His recordings of the Canadian Staff Band, London Citadel, Melbourne Staff Band, New York Staff Band and so many others are superlative examples of how to make a band sound their best. Spending time with Ted I soon learned of his alter-ego “Ed Marshall”. Somewhere in time Ted had separated his professional life from his SA life by adopting the name “Ed”. I have known a few others who have successfully done this , like Wayne also known as Ken, and Gus, also known as Don, but there have not been many. So Salvationists may not have known

much about Ed Marshall. Ed was involved in capturing the sound of classical music for decades. He recorded hundreds of orchestras, choral groups and soloists all over the world. He engineered more than a thousand LPs and CDs and thousands of radio broadcasts both recorded and live. He was the broadcast engineer for the Toronto Symphony for twenty years, for the Canadian Opera company for thirteen years, and the principal recording engineer for CBC Records in Toronto. I looked forward to editing sessions with Ted at his home. Often those visits would include going with “Ed” to a broadcast session with the Toronto Symphony at Roy Thomson Hall or a recording session with a world class artist. There were also visits to the Glenn Gould studio and later years to the Elora festival where Ed recorded great music in a huge storage shed that the locals had discovered had first rate acoustic properties. Ed/Ted was nominated for and recognized with many prestigious awards. He was awarded the “Prix Anik” for his work with the CBC film department’s documentary of the visit of the Toronto Symphony to the People’s Republic of China in 1977. His CD recordings resulted in many JUNO nominations. I should also mention that his engineering and production on the New York Staff Band recording “Blazing Brass” with tuba artist Patrick Sheridan won the “British Bandsman” CD of the year. Throughout his busy life he was a committed family man. His wonderful Swedish bride Eva, who he met at the 1965 International Congress, along with son Len, and daughter Paula, enjoyed life with a dedicated Christian man as husband and father. He also took great pride in his grandchildren Xavier and Felix. Ted Marshall lived a significant life. He was an artist, a consummate professional with a true passion for his life’s calling. Christian humility, award winner, family man, and loyal friend are just a few of the ways to describe Edward (Ted) Marshall. He is missed.


Lancaster Weekend Report “I Love Watching You Play” Karen Shaffstall, NYSB First Cornet

OCTOBER 20-21, 2018 — The New York Staff Band had a great weekend in the Pendel Division and, more specifically, at the Lancaster Citadel Corps in Lancaster, PA. The first opportunity to share devotions together with the Pendel Youth Band and Pendel Brass, lead by Staff Bandsman Matt Hodgson, brought me to the title of this article, “I Love Watching You Play.” A reference to Zephaniah 3:17, where we come to understand that we rejoice in God because He rejoices in us when we sing and play for Him! A beautiful fall day to board the bus, travel to Lancaster, and meet up with the Pendel Brass and Pendel Youth Band. Following a mini–concert by the NYSB featuring a brilliant piece by Roger Trigg, “Almighty” followed by a lovely new piece “Introit-O Love” by Andrew Blyth and the scintillating (FAST!) music “Russlan and Ludmilla” by Michael Kenyon the NYSB divided forces with half going to rehearse with the Pendel Brass and half with the Pendel Youth Band. Both groups continue to demonstrate excellence in their playing and singing with the Divisional Music Director, Gavin Whitehouse and his staff of Regional Music Leaders taking leadership. Following a good time of rehearsal and fellowship the NYSB made their way to the evening concert venue, the Calvin & Janet High Fine Arts Center in the Lancaster Mennonite High School. A beautiful auditorium! The concert opened with Tom Davoren’s exciting piece, “Proclamation”

and quickly changed pace with Dorothy Gates lovely music, “Be Still.” The Staff Band continued on with the first half featuring, “Southern Cross” (Bowen) and “Partita on ‘St Theodulph’” (Norbury). It was a pleasure to share the stage with the Pendel Singers. Under Gavin’s leadership they sang, “Prepare” (Ballantine), “Nearer My God To Thee” (Sorenson) and “He’s Been Faithful” (Kirkland). The second half of the concert took off with, “Balkan Dance” (Crausaz), “Toccata Fire!” (Ponsford) and “Turris Fortissima” (Ponsord). Special recognition was given to two of the longest playing and recently retired members of the Pendel Brass & Singers, David

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and Donna Burgmayer. Finally the NYSB and Pendel Brass came together to play the magnificent “Kingdom Triumphant” (Ball) and “God Be With You” (Gordon). Sunday morning found the NYSB worshipping at the Lancaster Citadel Corps. A lovely corps with several “glowing” and still hard-working retired Officers making this their home corps. It was our privilege to share in worship through the playing of “Everlasting Hope”(Sharman), a brand new piece by Joel Collier “Great Are You Lord.” Just prior to sharing the Word by the Executive Officer, Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere, the band played the very moving piece of music by Eric Ball, “The Eternal Presence.” It was evident that the Holy Spirit was present as there were several moments of Holy silence at the conclusion of the music. Our time together finished with the NYSB presenting an afternoon concert at a retirement residence in Lancaster, the Woodcrest Villa. There was music for everyone’s taste….” The Red Shield (Goffin), Manhattan (Leidzen) and South Shields Celebration (Cordner)” marches. Popular songs, “Climb Every Mountain (Harper),” “When the Saints Go Marching In (Richards),0,” “Valero (Swearingen)”, Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) (Harper)”, “New York, New York (Richards)” and “Amazing Grace (Himes).” Our wish for this weekend was certainly that the Lord would love watching us play as it was all done to bring Him glory and honor!

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NYSB Starts 132nd Season with Welcome to Cadets The band was once again privileged to be on duty at the Centennial Memorial Temple in New York City to publicly welcome The Messengers of the Kingdom session as the Eastern Territory’s newest Cadets. This is always a great way to start the season for the band and it is such a blessing to see the cadets answering God’s call on their lives by entering the College for Officer Training. The band’s musical contributions for the evening were as follows: »» Almighty – Roger Trigg »» They Shall Come From the East – Kevin Larsson »» South Shields Celebration – Martin Cordner »» Manhattan – Erik Leidzen »» Turris Fortissima – Steven Ponsford »» St. Clements – Andrew Blyth


New to the band this year on the solo cornet row are two former members: Brian Smith (brother of Warren Smith Jr.) returning after a 20 year hiatus. Brian soldiers at Montclair Citadel and is a member of the senior Band. Appointed back in June, we are happy to officially welcome back Lt. Jonathan Quatela. Lt. Quatela is the Corps officer at the Port Chester, NY Corps. This is the NYSB’s 132nd season of active music ministry—we are thankful to God for his faithfulness.


Commissioning Weekend 2018 Report Ryan McCrudden, NYSB Principal Euphonium

JUNE 15-17, 2018 — The New York Staff Band concluded its 2017/18 season in Hershey, Pennsylvania for the Commissioning weekend of the Eastern Territory’s “Messengers of the Gospel” session of cadets. While the final “duty” event for the band, preceding a lengthy summer break, Commissioning weekend festivities typically provide an optimistic and galvanizing conclusion to the band’s long season. Kicking off the weekend was the annual Commencement service for the graduating session of cadets. Here, an ensemble from the band serves to provide preliminary music and a complimentary tunes to support the formality of the occasion. Congregational songs “All Hail the Power” and “We Have a Gospel to Proclaim” were featured during the service. In addition, the weekend’s special guests (Colonels Douglas and Colleen Riley – Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s ministries, USA West) were introduced and immediately provided impactful ministry insights and biblical teachings. The weekend’s theme, “This Is My Story,” was the titular mainstay of each gathering and meeting that would take place. Saturday morning saw over 2,000 people attend the annual Star Search Territorial Finals for music and creative arts. Indeed, it was a chance for

young people to tell their story through music and creative arts offerings. Children, aged 8-21, compete in various solo and group-based brass, vocal, piano, dance, guitar and drama disciplines. Many NYSB personnel participate, organize and direct traffic throughout the arduous undertaking that is Star Search. This year saw more competitors, throughout a wider spectrum of competing categories, than ever before. After a short dinner reprieve and perhaps a few chocolate bars, the Saturday evening festival was upon us. The lone preliminary number presented by the Staff Band was Andrew Wainwright’s new composition – Fearless. As it has been featured throughout the band’s second half of the season, Fearless was the winning selection from the NYSB’s first composer’s competition. Referencing the theme, “This Is My Story,” the evening festival was chock full of video testimonials from individuals who have triumphed over challenging circumstances, dances from various corps groups, dramatic presentations from the TAM (Territorial Arts Ministries) team and wonderfully prepared musical selections from the newly appointed Eastern Territorial Staff Songsters. Sunday morning at Commissioning is

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usually a deeply reflective and emotional setting for many involved and attending. Dorothy Gates’ new contemplative setting of Be Still was presented as a preliminary opener – a most fitting selection for the occasion. For the offertory, the band presented Kevin Larsson’s They Shall Come from the East. Expertly woven, this timeless tune slowly progresses to a relentlessly passionate and tremendously uplifting conclusion of the original melody. While the piece was well received, the sudden impact on the spirit of the morning service was more profound. As is customary each year at Commissioning weekend, the Staff Band gathers together for a brief luncheon, celebrating the efforts and service of the band throughout the past year. As well, it is a time to celebrate and recognize new members joining the band and honoring those who are departing from years of stellar service with the band. This year the band welcomed newcomers Mackenzie Dalrymple (1st Horn), Noah Rife (1st Cornet) and Robert Myers (Percussion). With great appreciation and distinction, the band recognizes Karen Shaffstall for 10 years of service. Also, the band welcomes back Major Stewart Dalrymple (Soprano Cornet) and Lieutenant Jonathan Quatela (Solo Cornet) to the band’s ministry. Never to be taken for

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granted, marking the official last gathering of the band each season, bandsmen stood together to sing Rock of Ages, as a vocal benediction. At this time the band recognizes and applauds those spouses and family members who graciously support the ongoing ministry and commitment of each bandsmen. To open the Appointment Service with great excitement and anticipation, the New York Staff Band played two brand-new works – Tom Davoren’s Proclamation and Joel Collier’s Thy Matchless King. In proper manner, the poised and pointed entrance of the session flags was underpinned by Leslie Condon’s march Celebration. In case there was any mistake, marching orders were loud and clear for all to hear – the cadets were sent packing and the band played on. As a sendoff and in back-to-back fashion, the band sizzled through the classic and iconic Montreal Citadel and Red Shield marches. The NYSB remembers a successful season, one full of incredible encounters, exciting concerts and deeply meaningful ministry opportunities. With eyes looking forward, there is little doubt that the band will continue to strive to reach new heights, impact more souls and play God’s music for the whole World to hear.



Kentucky Ministry Weekend Report Daniel Wajda, NYSB Solo Cornet

JUNE 1-3, 2018 — The New York Staff Band found themselves hurtling across the sky in a small airplane headed toward Lexington, Kentucky, for a ministry weekend that would feature the band at the Great American Brass Band Festival. All of the band were looking forward to the opportunities that would arise, both musically and spiritually, and it is safe to say there was much excitement in the air as the band prepared for its final trip before Commissioning at the end of the season. Upon arriving in Lexington, we were greeted by a tour bus that can simply be described as stupendous, featuring leather seats, TVs, a small kitchen, spacious tables, and even beds that could be folded down from the ceiling (a feature that several bandsmen decided to utilize). We were elated at this unexpected pleasure and had a relaxing journey to Lexington Citadel for our first concert of the weekend. We had a hearty meal prepared by the corps for us and we felt very welcomed by all. Our concert that evening was well-attended and the band was on fine form for what would be the longest performance for us of the weekend. Special thanks must be made to Jeff Barrington, a former NYSB member, for stepping in on short notice to play solo cornet due to unforeseen circumstances. Lexington Corps Concert Program »» »» »» »» »»

Proclamation – Davoren Be Still – Gates Welcome & Opening Prayer Russlan & Ludmilla – Glinka Cornet Solo:

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Song and Dance – Sparke (Soloist Brindley Venables) Trombone Solo: When I Survey – Ritman (Soloist Matt Luhn) Band Chorus: Jesus Paid it All Devotional – Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere Fearless – Wainwright –INTERMISSION–

»» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Jubilo, Jubilo – Cordner New York, New York – Richards Red Shield – Goffin He Watches – Collier Song of Courage – Ball Stars & Stripes – Sousa Rock of Ages

After the concert, the band piled into our bus and travelled to Danville, where we would be spending the night at Centre College. We were greeted with boxes of donuts and happily retired to our dorm rooms for the evening. The next morning the band enjoyed a generous start at 10am, where we gathered for the parade. It was a lovely morning for a march down the street and we were able to finish before the real heat of the Kentucky sun came out. The band featured two staples of NYSB parade repertoire: “Cairo Red Shield”and “Rosehill”. After lunch, the band headed to the Norton Performing Arts Center, just a short distance away from our dorms, to rehearse for our concert the next day. It was a special treat for the band to play with

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Christopher Martin, principal trumpet of the New York Philharmonic. Chris delivered sparkling renditions of “Song and Dance” (Sparke) and “Song of Hope” (Meechan), both played on Bb cornet. The band also was privileged to be joined by Mark Ridenour, acting principal trumpet of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who played “Quicksilver”(Graham) with Chris. After rehearsal the band had our second concert of the weekend, which was the outdoor presentation at the Great American Brass Band Festival. This festival is one that has been growing in popularity over the last several years and this was certainly true on this occasion as the crowds piled onto the lawn to hear the bands of the day. The NYSB delivered a mix of new and old repertoire and was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd who didn’t let the Kentucky heat stop them from enjoying a lovely performance. The rest of the day was spent by the band enjoying various performances and exploring the lovely town of Danville.

breakfast. We then traveled back to the main lawn for the Sunday church service. It was a pleasure for the band to have Mark Ridenour join the solo cornet bench for the morning’s worship. Following the church service and a short break, we moved to the main stage for our final concert of the weekend. The sun began shining just in time for the performance and the band brought a fitting close to the weekend. Guest soloists Chris and Mark played superbly and it is safe to say the New York Staff Band will not forget its trip to Kentucky nor the message of God we were able to present. GABBF SUNDAY Morning Service Main Stage »» »» »» »» »»

Proclamation – Davoren He Watches – Collier They Shall Come From the East – Larsson In Quiet Pastures – RSA Lloyd – PLC

GABBF SATURDAY Main Stage GABBF SUNDAY Concert Main Stage »» Proclamation – Davoren »» Red Shield – Goffin »» Jubilo, Jubilo – Cordner »» Be Still – Gates »» Wake up the Saint – Cordner »» New York, New York – Richards »» Stars & Stripes The following morning much of the band made the short journey to First Christian Church, where we were treated to a delicious cooked


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Russlan & Ludmilla – Glinka Cornet Solo: Song and Dance – Sparke (Soloist Chris Martin) Thy Matchless King – Collier Cornet Solo: Song of Hope – Meechan (Soloist Chris Martin) Semper Fidelis – Cordner Cornet Duet: Quicksilver – Graham (Soloists Mark Ridenour and Chris Martin) »» Valero – Smith


2018 Association Members The New York Staff Band wishes to thank the 2018 Association Members for their outstanding partnership and meaningful support of our ministry.

CORPORATE SPONSORS Chris Coppinger Buffet Group USA Dillon Music Green Family Foundation Newton Screen Printing Trio Music Publishing

PLATINUM BATON Doug Amaxopulos Debbie Bearchell Steve Dillon Mark & Dorothy Gates Rich & Nancy Haig Dr. Dennis L. Horton T. Phil Pitner Donald A. Ross Majors Chuck & Carol Schramm Mr. David E. Swyers Mr. & Mrs. John A. Waynick

GOLD BATON Ian & Faith Anderson Mr. Frank Bunton Majors Charles & Shirley Drummond Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dunning Edward C. Fox Lt. Colonel Barbara L. MacLean

SILVER BATON David L. Carlson Joyce Thompson-Dawson Captains Chas & Debbie Engel Commissioners Eva & Israel L. Gaither Commissioners Jim & Carolyn Knaggs Amanda & Joshua Muir F. Armando Quatela David Simington Major Diana Smith Mr. & Mrs. Philip Smith Dr. Dennis & Mrs. Christina VanderWeele Bill & Sharon Waiksnoris Charles & Loretta West

BRONZE BATON Majors Sid & Betty Anderson William & Linda Anderson David & Joyce Arendsee Lt. Colonels Albert & Ruth Avery


Ada Jean Hess Barnes W. Todd & Carol A. Bassett Lt. Colonel & Mrs. Norman Bearcroft Lt. Colonel Sharon E. Berry Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brunner Phil & Renee Bulla Herbert Burkett Carla & QuiQue Castillo Ng Seng Chow Colonels George & Joy Church Majors Ernie & Jeanette Cox Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cox, Sr. Paul & Debbi Cranford Robert Daniel Frederick Davey Lt. Colonels Dick & Sandy Dean Lts. Cyrus & Mrs. Dawn DeCastro Fred & Carol Delaney Lt. Colonels Joe & Gladys DeMichael Melvin & Mildred Dorin Lindsay & Kathleen Evans Dolores T. Fink Eileen Fox Edith C. Frazier Lt. Colonel Normalynn Garrett Major Walter F. Guldenschuh Major Frederick N. Hagglund Ms. Mary Ruth Hansen Ellis K. Harkleroad Delores Harvey Gary Hawkins Kathleen & Peter Hawkins Clayton Heath Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Heath Commissioners Steve & Judy Hedgren Mr. William Heuman Major John Hodgson Jake & Gloria Hohn Jeannie & George Holmes Mrs. Laurie Howell-Hodges Kenneth & Patricia Hunt Commissioners Ronald & Pauline Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Archie M. Janvrin Jr. Don & Patricia Jones Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Kerr Bill Kinnaman Joan P. & John L. Krause Bill & Judy LaMarr Major M. Joan Lawton

William L. Livingston Ake Lundberg Major Mike McDonald Brian & Janet McDougal Majors Bernie & Claranne Meitrott Sandra Moody Majors Dan & Trudy Moore Lts. Elisha & Megan Moretz Mrs. Joanne Moretz Osamu Morimoto Eleanor C. Nealy Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Nelson Karl E. Nelson Jim & Ruth Osborne Lt. Colonel Harry W. Poole Wm. S.A. Quirk & Jean M. Berube General Paul A. Rader (R) & Commissioner Kay F. Rader Lt. Colonels Herb & Lois Rader James V. Roberts Charles & Linda Rowe Suzanne & Martin Royce Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Ruby Colonel Myrtle Ryder Charles & Halina Salzmann Majors Paul & Norma Satterlee Bill & Bobbie Schofield Richard & Janet Schotter Mrs. Major Lloyd Scott Gil Seadale Carter & Linda Smith Dr. D. Craig Smith Inez M. Smith Donald & Paula Spencer Steven M. Steiner Mr. Chris & Mrs. Beth Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Thompson Reverend & Mrs. Walter J. Thompson Lt. Colonels Richard & Sharon Ulyat Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Upton Majors Robert & Ruth Vaughan Sr. Dr. Keith M. & Mrs. Audrey Wilkinson

FRIENDS Sally Affanato Mr. & Mrs. W. Dean (Schramm) Bamford William A. Banks David & Alice Baxendale Paul Baxendale

Eldon Bender Major Betty Bridge Rev. & Mrs. Melvin G. Bridge Barbara & David Clark Barbara Como Rick Coulter Mr. Harrington E. Crissey, Jr. Ken & Carol Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark DeBoer Julie A. Edwards Stephanie Elynich Mr. Clair E. Gross Aida C. Guerrero Arne Hanson Mr. William Heuman Majors Gerald & Suzanne Hill William Hood Rob Jeffery Lt. Colonel Alice Joyce Bruce & Debbie Lemar Mrs. Siv E. Linden Mr. & Mrs. John E. Loveless Majors Patricia & Thomas Mack Ms. Barbara Mathieson Colonels Kenneth & Cheryl Maynor Dan & Diane Miles Mr. & Mrs. William Mohlenhoff Mr. & Mrs. David B. Moorehead Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Moxley Mrs. Commissioner Juanita Nelting Robert Norman Mr. & Mrs. John J. Palatucci Phyllis H. Petrie Mr. & Mrs. William S. Quick Colonel & Mrs. Donald Reynolds Rev. Dr. William & Lorraine Riley Roger Rischway Mrs. Shirley A. Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Schotter Hazel Scott Mr. Peter Skoglund Major Sandra Snelson Muriel M. Spence Dorothy A. Steele Pat Syvertsen Mr. Douglas F. Terwilliger Larry R. Thompson Majors Norman & Ruby Zanders

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New York Staff Band 440 West Nyack Rd West Nyack NY 10994–1739

Visit WWW.NYSB.ORG for more information

New York Staff Band’s 132nd Annual Festival Saturday April 13, 2019 7:00 PM West Side Presbyterian Church

with Wycliffe Gordon

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