Stronger Together

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Business Conference May 7-10, 2019 FMTP / AUDIT Pre-Conference May 5-7,2019

Eden Resort & Suites 220 Eden Road, Lancaster, PA 17601‐4216 1

Welcome to the Conference

Dear Collegues, I want to take this opportunity to greet and welcome you to the 2019 Territorial Business Conference. Your participation in the conference is important as there are many new developments tak‐ ing place in the area of Business Administration throughout the Territory. Our theme for the 2019 Business Conference is Stronger Together (Ecclessiaties 4:12). As we face the challenges and complexities of managing the business matters of the Army, it’s my prayer that we continue to work toward a common cause and purpose, which is to build a stronger Salvation Army. As I re�lect on our theme, Stronger Together, the word that comes to mind is synergy. Synergy is where different entities co‐ operate advantageously for a �inal outcome. Simply de�ined, it means that the effect of the whole is greater than the sum of the effects of the individual parts. In the context of managing the busi‐ ness matters of the Army, it means that our teamwork will pro‐ duce an overall better result than if each person was working to‐ ward the same goal individually. Simply put, we need to continue to work together as we strive at building a stronger Army. As we will focus on the ways and means to build a stronger Army, I’m reminded of the International Salvation Army’s focus on ac‐ countability. As an Army, we need to recognize the continued val‐ ue and importance of being accountable. As our former General, General Andre Cox, wrote, “We should want to be accountable for our actions and attitudes as we participate in God’s mission to transform the world. We must be keen to learn from our successes, but also our failures.’ 2

As a Territory, each of us as leaders need to lead the change pro‐ cess in our areas of responsibility. During these days together, it’s my prayer that we become stronger as we face the business mat‐ ters before us. I believe our collective synergy will continue to guide as we press on…Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12‐14 (NIV) May God bless you and our days together. Blessings!

Conference Meeting Rooms


Hugh Steele, Lt. Colonel Secretary for Business Administration

Conference Meeting Rooms


Schedule: Monday, May 6 FMTP Pre‐Conference Pre‐Conference session locations: Meals—Arthur’s Terrace FMTP—Embassy Suite

7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am 9:15‐10:30am 10:30‐11:00am 11:00‐12:15pm 12:15‐1:15pm 1:15‐2:30pm 2:30‐3:00pm 3:00‐4:15pm 5:00pm


Devotions ‐ Captain Stephen Warren

Leadership in General Commissioner James Knaggs Break

Team Leadership Commissioner James Knaggs Lunch

Board Room Leadership Commissioner James Knaggs Break

SA Leadership Q &A Based upon (Knaggs) Axioms of Leadership Commissioner James Knaggs

Italian Feast Dinner Buffet ‐ Arthur’s 4

Schedule: Monday, May 6 Audit Pre‐Conference Pre‐Conference session locations: Meals—Arthur’s Terrace Audit—State Room

7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am 9:15‐10:30am 10:30—10:45 10:45—12:15 12:15‐1:15pm 1:15‐4:15pm 5:00pm


Devotions Major Kathy Muir

Auditor Serenic Training Mark Gates & Michael Turco State Room Break

Auditor Serenic Training Mark Gates & Michael Turco State Room Lunch

Auditor Training Session Major Dennis Muir Regency 1

Italian Feast Dinner Buffet ‐ Arthur’s 5

Schedule: Tuesday, May 7 FMTP Pre‐Conference

Pre‐Conference session locations: Meals—Arthur’s Terrace FMTP—Embassy Suite

7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am 9:15‐10:30am 10:30‐11:00am 11:00‐12:15pm 12:15‐1:15pm


Devotions Lt. Col. Hugh Steele

Finance is not a way out Lt. Col. Ed Chung Break

Tech works for us, not us for it Captain Michael Laro Lunch FREE TIME


Schedule: Tuesday, May 7 Audit Pre‐Conference

Pre‐Conference session locations: Meals—Arthur’s Terrace Audit—State Room

7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am 9:15‐12:00pm 12:15‐1:15pm


Devotions Major Kathy Muir

Auditor Training Session Major Dennis Muir Lunch FREE TIME


FMTP Pre‐Conference Sessions Session 1 ‐ Principles of Leadership in The Sal�a�on Army Commissioner James Knaggs Aren�t we all leaders� What to consider in Chris�an leadership in the mission of The Salva�on Army and how to make it be�er. Session 2 ‐ Team Leadership Commissioner James Knaggs Team leadership is the most effec�ve, emerging, leadership approach for this genera�on. �t�s even possible to have fun in the process. Session 3 ‐ Board Room Leadership Commissioner James Knaggs As a central focus of our decision making strategy in The Salva�on Army, there are board room reali�es one must understand to maximize effec�veness and serve with personal impact. Session 4 ‐SA Leadership Q&A ‐ Based upon (Knaggs) Axioms of Leader‐ ship Commissioner James Knaggs Ten axioms of leadership in The Salva�on Army � What do they mean and what do they mean to you. Share your voice here. Session 5 ‐ Finance is not a way out Lt. Col. Ed Chung Convey a personal perspec�ve of how ‘finance and business administra�on� work made my ministry as a Salva�on Army �fficer meaningful and enriching. (A path not many can or have traveled) Session 6 ‐ Tech works for us, not us for it Captain Michael Laro Lotus Notes, Serenic, Shelby, Corps Management, etc. These words and ones like it, do not o�en evoke posi�ve reac�ons from us. Technology is supposed to work for us, but o�en it seems like we are serving the technology rather than it working for us. We will look at using technology in a way that will help us be more effec�ve and efficient in comple�ng our work.


Commissioner James Knaggs Commissioner Jim Knaggs recently completed his appointment as the Territorial Commander for the USA Western Territory in December 2016. He spent 2 years in the US military and then worked as a project coordinator in education for parenting, before training as a Salvation Army Officer. He was ordained and commissioned in 1976. In 1995 he completed a Master of Professional Studies in Urban Ministries, through Alliance Theological Seminary. As an Officer of The Salvation Army (ordained minister), Jim has been appointed to a variety of roles over the last 40 years. Having led a number of Salvation Army corps (churches), he has also had appointments with responsibility for youth, evangelism and growth, recruitment, musical ministries, and field operations, both here in the US and in Australia.

Jim has written several books: ONE DAY: A Dream for the Australian Southern Territory. Melbourne: SALVO Publishing. (2007); ONE THING: Win The World For Jesus. Melbourne: SALVO Publishing (2008) co-written with Stephen Court; ONE ARMY: Frontier Press Publishing (2010): ONE FOR ALL: Frontier Press Publishing (2011) cowritten with Stephen Court. Married to Commissioner Carolyn Knaggs, their family includes three sons, two nephews and a niece. Jason and his wife Leslie are Salvation Army Officers, and the parents of Jacob, Lily and Jaden while Jonathan is married to Jacy and is working as the Social Media Director for The Salvation Army and the parents of Sarah, Hannah and Samantha. The Knaggs' youngest son, Joel, entered heaven when he was tragically taken from them at the age of three. Michael, Stephen and Allison Honsberger joined the immediate family in May 2000 upon the ultimate promotion to glory of their parents who were Carolyn’s sister and brother in law. Michael, married to Katie, serves as a Captain in the US Army. Stephen is married to Melina and they are the parents of Magali Rosa (Maggie). Allison is employed by The Salvation Army in New Jersey. God has kept them all together by His grace in troublesome and triumphant times. Jim is a visionary who continually desires to intelligently discern what God requires of him and, in Christ’s strength, to enthusiastically follow his plan for him. He and Carolyn passionately want to be used to bring people into God’s kingdom. 9

Conference General Sessions State of the Territory: Stronger Together Wednesday, May 8 - 9:15 am Commissioner William A. Bamford Lt. Colonel Hugh Steele Commissioner William A. Bamford and Lt. Col. Hugh Steele will be joining together to give a state of the Eastern Territory building on the foundation of Ecclesiastes 4:12, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is NOT quickly broken”. Following the theme of being Stronger Together, may we continue to work together to build a strong Salvation Army. Enterprise Risk Management: Mission-Grounded Stewardship Thursday, May 9 - 9:15 am Melanie Herman Nonprofit organizations across the charitable sector are evolving their approach to risk management and embracing the importance of gaining a bird’s eye view of risk in their organizations. This plenary explores Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and its potential applicability to missiondriven nonprofits. Learn how leadership teams from large, complex nonprofits are adapting ERM to build an early warning system that fortifies strategic objectives. Discover how to avoid common mistakes in ERM practice and build capabilities that are grounded in a commitment to be effective stewards of our mission and assets. Developing a Culture of Philanthropy Together Thursday, May 9 - 7:00 pm Karen Osborne When you think of fund raising, do you think: “that is what we pay development staff to do”? Well, you are right! But the most mission-focused organizations have a culture of philanthropy that permeates everything they do and everyone sees themselves as ambassadors together for the cause, regardless of job responsibilities. Everyone knows and is excited about the vision and developing resources to support our goals is something we all feel ownership of. It becomes something we naturally pursue through our networks of influence. 10

Business Conference Schedule Tuesday, May 7

3:00pm Arrival and Check�In (Hotel Lobby) 6:00pm Welcome Dinner Sponsored by Dickerson Bakker and Associates (Crystal Ballroom) Networking and Fellowship to follow


Schedule: Wednesday, May 8 7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am

Breakfast (Courtyard)

Devotions Commissioner Nancy Moretz (Crystal Ballroom)

9:15‐10:30am Welcome Plenary Session Stronger Together Commissioner William A. Bamford Lt. Col. Hugh Steele (Crystal Ballroom) 10:30‐11:00am Coffee Break 11:00‐12:00pm Elective Session I 12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (Courtyard) 1:00‐2:00pm Elective Session II 2:00‐2:30pm Coffee Break 2:30‐3:30pm Elective Session III 3:30‐4:30pm Elective Session IV Dinner on your own ‐ FREE TIME 8:00‐8:30pm Private Meeting (Crystal Ballroom) All Finance �f�icer personnel Finance Directors Business Secretaries 8:30 ‐ 10pm Snacks ‐ Networking ‐ Fellowship (Courtyard) 12

Schedule: Thursday, May 9 7:30‐8:30am 8:45‐9:15am

Breakfast (Courtyard)

Devotions Commissioner Nancy Moretz (Crystal Ballroom)

9:15‐10:30am Welcome Plenary Session Enterprise Risk Management Melanie Herman (Crystal Ballroom) 10:30‐11:00am Coffee Break 11:00‐12:00pm Elective Session V 12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (Courtyard) 1:00‐2:00pm Elective Session VI 2:00‐2:30pm Coffee Break 2:30‐3:30pm Elective Session VII 3:30‐4:30pm Elective Session VIII 5:30pm Dinner—Shady Maple Smorgasbord 129 Toddy Dr. East Earl, PA 17519 717‐354‐8222 7:00 ‐ 8:00pm Plenary Session Developing a Culture of Philanthropy Together Karen Osborne (Shady Maple) 8:00– 8:30pm Wrap Up Lt. Col. Hugh Steele Major Sue Foley 13

2019 Business Conference Delegates


2019 business Conference Delegates


Conference Elective Schedule Wednes‐ day, May 8

Crystal Ballroom

Elec�ve 1 11:00-12:00

Elec�ve 2 Elec�ve 3 1:00 - 2:00 2:30-3:30

Elec�ve 4 3:30 - 4:30

Partners in Global Panel Discussion - Q&A Mission Lt. Col Thomas Bowers Finance/Property/ REQ CRD Morgan Stanley Mr. Charles Nu� Risk/ Legal/Kroc/ Directors REQ MG & PG (SAWSO - NHQ) CRD

Donor Advised Data Integrity Funds Karen Woods

Centralized FASB/GAAP & Fiscal Recovery / Smart Data Reports Compliance Bookkeeping Sustainability - Corporate Credit Scanning Presiden‐ Updates Brainstorming Card �al Ball‐ Jeffrey Su/Dennis Major Dennis Muir Major M Dressler Megan Howarth / REQ Centralized room Meekins Officers in Finance REQ Controllers/ Bookkeeping SuSharon Stepinski Encouraged Chief Accountants pervisors

Regency I

The Transi�on to Benefits of one Contracts vs. HRIS and the imCRM Tax Act / Tax Grants Corporate pact on Payroll Salesforce Reports Documents Major Penny Major Penny James Orfan & Shaffer Richard Allen Shaffer Karen Woods

Legal Issues AIA Contracts / Investment UpInsurance How to Select a date/Commercial Regency II Compliance Contractor Paper/LOC Michael Southwick Adolph Orlando & Major Jorge Diaz Tom Henson Bob Jones & Bob Jones

Embassy Room

World Services - World Services - Smart Data Reports Stewardship as a The Interna�onal The Interna�onal - Corporate Credit Spiritual Discipline Salva�on Army - Salva�on Army - Card Commissioner MS/O&A MS/O&A Megan Howarth / James Knaggs Lt. Col. Ed Chung Lt. Col. Ed Chung Sharon Stepinski

State Room

Standardized Standardized Standardized Serenic Q&A Accoun�ng Accoun�ng Accoun�ng Mark Gates/Mike Jeffrey Su/Mark Jeffrey Su/Mark Jeffrey Su/Mark Turco Gates Gates Gates 16

Conference Elective Schedule Thursday, May 9

Crystal Ballroom

Elec�ve � 11:00-12:00

Elec�ve � Elec�ve 7 1:00 - 2:00 2:30-3:30

Fraud PresentaLeadership New Market Tax �on - Grant Lt. Col. Cindy Foley Credit Thornton

Elec�ve � 3:30 - 4:30 The Art of Team Solicita�on Karen Osborne

REQ All Business REQ - THQ Internal REQ CRD JP Morgan / SAX Officers and FD Auditors Directors

Capital & CompreSmart Data Reports - hensive CamPeer to Peer Adv Presiden‐ Corporate Credit Financial Risk paign /Hometown Board �al Ball‐ Card Management Endowment Major Vicki Berry Megan Howarth / room Melanie Herman Dawn Fleming & REQ CRD Directors Sharon Stepinski Chaz Watson Kroc Property Investment UpPPB Management CRD Best Prac�ces Management incl date/Commercial Property Chaz Watson Capital ReplacePaper/LOC Capitaliza�ons Regency I ment Reserve Roger Severn / REQ CRD Directors Tom Henson Adolph Orlando Major Jorge Diaz Property InspecDigital Fundraising Stewardship as a The Business of Kroc: �ons Corps & Qtrs Trends & Classy Spiritual Discipline Review, Report and Regency II Commissioner Renew Major Jorge Diaz & James Knaggs Roger Severn Classy Bob Jones What you need to Two Audits– Are you Tales from the The Transi�on to Know about the kidding me? ARC Trust Trails HRIS and the imEmbassy Josh Chananie SAX Working together pact on Payroll Room Major Dennis Muirin Community Major Penny Jeffrey Su / Rick REQ THQ Internal Major Darren Shaffer Allen Audit Mudge State Room

Serenic Q&A Serenic Q&A Serenic Q&A Serenic Q&A Mark Gates/Mike Mark Gates/Mike Mark Gates/Mike Mark Gates/Mike Turco Turco Turco Turco 17

Conference Elective Sessions

DATA INTEGRITY Karen Woods. Data integrity is maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life-cycle. It is a critical and integral part of analytics, which drive our business decisions. When data is accurate and reliable, your data-driven business decisions are solid. REQUIRED CRD DIRECTORS GAAP/FASB AND COMPLIANCE UPDATES Jeffrey Su & Dennis Meekins Significant changes and simplification to financial statements will impact all Commands for the fiscal 2019 period. This workshop will summarize key provisions, provide an update on current status of transition, and help you be prepared for the new requirements. REQUIRED CONTROLLERS & CHIEF ACCOUNTANTS CONTRACTS vs CORPORATE DOCUMENTS Richard Allen Participants will review the various types of contracts and corporate documents to unwind the mystery between them and how each should be processed. INVESTMENT UPDATE/COMMERCIAL PAPER/LOC Tom Henson This breakout session will present updates on three significant aspects of the Office of Investor Relations; the Corporate Trust and Planned Giving portfolios, the Commercial Paper program, and the Bank of America Master Credit Facility. It will also provide an overview of the Office’s organization, the approach to investing long-term, and the due diligence process for evaluating investment managers. WORLD SERVICES-THE INTERNATIONAL SALVATION ARMY Lt. Col. Ed Chung An overview of where, why and how IHQ applies the World Service Funds to meet the needs of suffering humanity and to tell people the world over that Jesus loves them. SERENIC Q&A Mark Gates & Michael Turco This session will be a time for informal, open, respectful dialogue regarding any questions or concerns relative to the Serenic 2017 and conversion concerns relative to Shelby moving to Serenic. This session is being offered several times throughout the conference. 18

Conference Elective Sessions DONOR ADVISED FUNDS (DAF) Morgan Stanley In anticipation of the Eastern Territory creating it’s own Private Label Donor Advised Fund, we have invited Morgan Stanley to present about Private Label DAFs and how The Salvation Army might add this to our overall fundraising offerings. REQUIRED MAJOR GIFTS & PLANNED GIVING Centralized Bookkeeping-There Ought to be a Better Way Major Dennis Muir Best practices for auditing within the Corps Centralized systems. Is an audit really necessary? REQUIRED CENTRALIZED BOOKKEEPING SUPERVISORS THE TRANSITION TO HRIS AND THE IMPACT ON PAYROLL Major Penny Shaffer This session will provide a brief overview of the HRIS system and the impacts it will have on employee and officer payroll. The system and timeline for the phased Command rollout will be reviewed. LEGAL ISSUES Michael Southwick Legal Risks come into play in nearly all aspects of the work The Salvation Army does. The amount of resources, both human and financial, expended at both Territorial and Command levels to manage and resolve open claims is staggering by almost any metric. Some of these risks are “insured” and some are not but in all cases the costs relating to these claims are directly covered by the assets of The Salvation Army. This session will explore not only the magnitude of these risks but also consider how even relatively simple preventive measures will embody our commitment to good stewardship and have a dramatic impact on the ability of The Salvation Army to advance our mission and improve our ability to provide for those whom we serve.

STANDARDIZED ACCOUNTING Jeffrey Su & Mark Gates This session is being offered three times to allow key finance department staff to attend one of the sessions. This session will focus on recent changes made to the chart of accounts to facilitate standardization across the Territory. REQUIRED KEY FINANCE DEPARTMENT STAFF 19

Conference Elective Sessions PARTNERS IN GLOBAL MISSION

Lt. Col. Thomas Bowers (NHQ) Charles Nutt (NHQ) This workshop is for those interested in learning more about the international work and impact of the Army, the supporting role of the U.S.A. Salvation Army in services abroad, and for anyone asking, “What in the world is SAWSO?” This is information and a resource partner that Fund Raisers need to get to know. FISCAL RECOVERY/SUSTAINABILITY BRAINSTORMING Major Michelle Dressler This session is designed to be a brainstorming/idea sharing session regarding fiscal recovery and sustainability. Some commands are fiscally sound and others are struggling. How can we help each other? What successes or concerns do you have? Some topics will be Divisional Fiscal Review Teams, managing Trust, managing corps debt, etc.


Why One CRM?

Creates a single truth Comprehensive reporting and analytics at your fingertips Grows efficiencies – a Forrester study shows 50% of teams improved productivity Uses consistent business rules and best practices AIA CONTRACTS/INSURANCE COMPLIANCE Adolph Orlando & Bob Jones Participants will learn about the variety of AIA documents and how they integrate with each other. They will also learn the appropriate method of vetting a contractor’s insurance so that it is acceptable. SMART DATA REPORTS - CORPORATE CREDIT CARD Megan Howarth & Sharon Stepinski This session will provide a general overview of the corporate credit card program and user setups Additionally, management and cardholder reports will be presented, as well as the Amazon Business account. 20

Conference Elective Sessions PANEL DISCUSSION Q&A Major Sue Foley This session will be a time for open, respectful dialogue with any of the Business department heads regarding any questions or concerns. There may not be immediate answers available at the time of the session; however, we will work together to provide answers following the conference. FEELING TAXED WHEN USING TAXACT? Major Penny Shaffer This session is intended for current users of TaxAct for the calculation of officers taxes. Learn how to better utilize TaxAct beyond “overriding values” when completing forms. Time will be committed to the calculation of local income taxes. HOW TO SELECT A CONTRACTOR Major Jorge Diaz Participants will learn how to select a contractor, verify the contractor’s bona fides and licensing. STEWARDSHIP AS A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE Commissioner James Knaggs Although typically defining tithing, stewardship is a much larger concern, critical to serving God and mission in The Salvation Army. In this session, we will affirm both corporate and personal stewardship as leaders and participants in the movement FRAUD RISK MANAGEMENT - PROTECTING THE ORGANIZATION’S ASSETS Mark Oster, Grant Thornton Understand key fraud related risks and how to assess and improve internal controls to mitigate those risks facing your organization. REQUIRED INTERNAL AUDIT FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Melanie Herman Financial risk is found in all areas of an organization’s operation and can severely impact mission. In this session you will learn how to identify, measure and minimize risk to financial assets, while maximizing accountability, fiscal integrity and mission-fulfillment. CRD BEST PRACTICES

Chaz Watson

This session will give opportunity for each divisional development director (director of advancement) to share one best practice with their peers that can be replicated elsewhere. REQUIRED CRD DIRECTORS 21

Conference Elective Sessions

PROPERTY INSPECTIONS - CORPS & QUARTERS Major Jorge Diaz & Bob Jones Participants will learn what to look for in the each of these building types, where the pitfalls are and how to anticipate future needs. Methods of loss prevention will also be discussed. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ARC: WORKING TOGETHER Major Darren Mudge Explore the dynamic ministry of Adult Rehabilitation Centers and the transformative impact on communities. Whether an officer or staff member, all are invited to identify ways to work together to contribute to the redemption story. VISION, VALUE and VOICE Lt. Col. Cindy Foley (NHQ) Caring is one of the most important elements of leadership. Learn how caring can unlock the Vision, Value, and Voice of your ministry to people within the organization and in the community. CAPITAL and COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGNS Chaz Watson & Dawn Fleming This session will walk through what a comprehensive fund raising campaign entails and how to plan for and position a campaign for success. DIGITAL FUNDRAISING TRENDS & CLASSY Classy An overview of current trends in fundraising and how the Classy platform can be used to help harness these trends. TALES FROM THE TRUST TRAILS Jeffrey Su & Rick Allen This workshop will provide a high level overview of Trust operations including a review of processes pertaining to deposits, withdrawals and allocations, identify common pitfalls, and clarify uses and availability of board designated and donor restricted funds, including endowments NEW MARKET TAX CREDIT Courtney Nolan, JP Morgan & Josh Chananie, SAX This session will provide the basics of the new market tax credit program and how The Salvation Army can benefit. 22Â

Conference Elective Sessions ADVISORY BOARD DEVELOPMENT Major Vicki Berry Sharing pertinent statistics and percentages, this class will focus upon the Advisory Board status in the USA Eastern Territory. We will discuss ways to get community members involved in this essential volunteer group and challenge officers in their strategic use of these vital friends of TSA. And let’s take the Echelon challenge. REQUIRED CRD DIRECTORS KROC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT / CAPITAL REPLACEMENT Roger Severn & Major Jorge Diaz This session is a look at best practices with regards to Kroc Property Management. Join us to ensure we are effectively and efficiently managing our Kroc facilities, while making appropriate use of Capital Replacement Reserves. THE ART OF TEAM SOLICITATION Karen Osborne Solicitation are often most successful when more than one person meets with the donors. This could be a Corps officer or Advisory Board member with a fundraiser, or a DC and a fundraiser. Learn how to prepare for these meetings to assure success. REQUIRED CRD DIRECTORS PPB MANAGEMENT / PROPERTY CAPITALIZATIONS Adolph Orlando Participants will learn the appropriate method of preparing PPBs and Capitalization forms, and the importance of these documents to a Division’s/ Command’s financial wellbeing. What items may or may not be capitalized and why will be explained. BUSINESS OF KROC: REVIEW, REPORT AND RENEW

Roger Severn An opportunity to briefly review our progress to date, report on successes and address common concerns, and to renew our commitment to the communities we serve through new support initiatives. TWO AUDITS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Major Dennis Muir & Josh Chananie, SAX This session with compare and contrast internal and external audits. What are the general goals of both types of audits and who is the audience of the final reports.? There will be consideration of the scope of work. REQUIRED THQ INTERNAL AUDIT 23

Plenary Session Speakers Karen E. Osborne Senior Strategist The Osborne Group, Inc. Karen loves and believes in the power of philanthropy and nonprofits. She built her career around these passions not only as a frontline fundraiser, speaker, trainer, teacher, consultant and coach but also as a donor, volunteer and board member. Nationally and internationally recognized, Karen receives invitations from all over the United States and the world. She has been honored to work with, and present for, The Salvation Army, for many years. For 18 of Karen’s 40 years in the profession, she served in senior positions at colleges and universities. For the past 22 years, Karen served first as President and now as Senior Strategist at The Osborne Group. The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) awarded Karen the Crystal Apple for Outstanding Teaching and Public Speaking. In 2014, CASE presented Karen with the Ashmore Award for Outstanding Service to the Profession. Karen serves on the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation board and is an adjunct faculty member for Johns Hopkins University’s graduate certificate program in nonprofit management. Karen is also a debut novelist. “Getting It Right,” was published in June 2017. Here is a sample of comments from recent workshop participants: “I walked out of your sessions with a dozen or more great ideas.” “You inspired me with new energy for my position and organization.” “Generous, inspired and motivational speaker” “Great speaker – enthusiastic, good humor, concrete information to use” “Fantastic, energizing, logical, doable” “The best, she totally inspired me. Wow!” “Karen is three steps above excellent.” “You rock” Contact her at or 914-428-7777. Visit 24

Plenary Session Speakers Melanie Herman Nonprofit Risk Management Center Melanie Lockwood Herman has served as Executive Director of the Nonprofit Risk Management Center (NRMC) since 1996 and has held senior management positions in the nonprofit sector since 1987. Melanie is the principal author of 20 books on various risk management topics and the architect of NRMC’s widely-used web applications. She is the former chair of the Legal Section of ASAE, a former member of the inaugural Not-For-Profit Advisory Committee of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and a nine-time member of the NonProfit Times “Power and InfluMelanie earned a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Affairs from American University (Washington, DC) and a Juris Doctor from George Mason University (Arlington, VA). She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association and serves on three national nonprofit boards (American Foundation for the Blind, the National Human Services Assembly, and Camp Fire). Melanie has served as the lead consultant on dozens of risk consultancies for large, complex nonprofit organizations, including more than 50 Risk Assessments and numerous ERM projects. She has spoken about risk management at national and international conferences, and has delivered countless briefings to the boards and executive teams of NRMC clients. Contact her at or 703-777-3504. Visit 25







Thank you to our Sponsors & Partners


Things to do in Lancaster Sight and Sound Theater ‐ “Jesus” 300 Hartman Bridge Rd Ronks, PA 17572 800‐377‐1277 Sight‐ Willow Valley Golf Course 2416 Willow Street Pike Lancaster, PA 717‐464‐4448 Shoppes at Belmont 1600 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Rockvale Outlets 2341 Rockvale Rd Lancaster, PA 717‐293‐9292 Tanger Outlets 311 Stanley K. Tanger Blvd Lancaster, PA 717‐392‐7260 Park City Mall 142 Park City Center Lancaster, PA 171‐393‐3851 Plain & Fancy Restaurant 3121 Old Philadelphia Pike Bird in Hand, PA 717‐768‐8400 Includes The Amish Experience theater, gift shop, buggy rides Millers Smorgasbord Restaurant 2811 Lincoln Highway East (Rt30) Ronks, PA – just past out‐ lets 800‐669‐3568 Hershey Farm Restaurant and Inn 240 Hartman Bridge Rd Ronks, PA 17572 30

Things to do in Lancaster Kitchen Kettle Village – small shops ‐ open until 6:00 pm 3529 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 717‐768‐8261 Spooky Nook Sports Complex – day passes available for rock climbing 2913 Spooky Nook Rd. Manheim, PA 717‐945‐7087 Nookside Stables – horseback riding 500 Landisville Rd Manheim, PA 717‐618‐8178 Leisure Bowling & Golf Center Bowling ‐ Aracade ‐ Driving Range ‐ Min golf 3440 Columbia Ave Lancaster, PA 17603 Fox Meadows Creamery & Country Market 2475 West Main Street, Ephrata PA 17522 717‐721‐6455 Pine View Dairy GREAT Ice Cream! ‐ Working Dairy Farm 2225 New Danville Pike Lancaster, PA 17603 Professor Hacker’s Lost Treasure Golf 2225 New Danville Pike Lancaster, PA 17603 Regal Manor Stadium 16 1246 Millersville Pike Lancaster, PA 17603 844‐462‐7342 Long’s Park ‐ has petting zoo, walking trails 1441 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 The Amish Village 199 Hartman Bridge Road Ronks, PA 17572 717‐687‐8511 31

Commissioners William A. & G. Lorraine Bamford USA Eastern Territorial Leaders

Lt. Colonel Hugh Steele Lt. Colonel James Reynolds Secretary for Business Territorial Business Administration Consultant Alastair Bate Major Dennis Muir Risk Management Secretary Audit Secretary Major Jorge Diaz Roger Severn Property Secretary Kroc Operations Director Major Michelle Dressler Michael Southwick Assistant Finance Secretary Legal Secretary Major Sue Foley Chaz Watson Finance Secretary Director of Advancement

Conference Contacts

Major Sue Foley – 917.593.9490 Major Michelle Dressler – 845.521.0479 Sharon Stepinski – 845.214.6316 Christina Neptune – 845.499.7327 See you next year at the Eden Resort Territorial Finance and Audit Conference May 5‐8, 2020

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