Welcome to Cadets Program 2023

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welcome to cadets




october 13, 2023 D efender s of Justice


P i ON M A H





Welcome to Cadets

October 2023

September 2023

Dear Champions of the Mission,

Dear Champions of the Mission,

We welcome you as Cadets of the USA Eastern Territory’s Champions of the Mission session and thank We welcome you as Cadets of the USA Eastern Territory’s Champions of the Mission session an God for each of you and for your response to His calling thank God for each of you and for your response to His calling on your life! on your life!

Champions are commonly known as those who achieve or win, but another use of the wo

Champions are commonly known as those who refers to thosebutwho champion a cause, belieftoor a movement. In those terms they becom achieve or win, another use of the word refers advocates or defenders – even those who champion a cause, belief cheerleaders. or a movement.Your session name points to you as champion In those terms become advocates defenders –What a responsibility! promoters of they Christ’s Mission. Whatora privilege! even cheerleaders. Your session name points to you as In the days and years ahead,Mission. we pray that your lifeWhat anda witness will bring a contagio champions, promoters of Christ’s What a privilege! responsibility!

enthusiasm to others, inviMng them to join together in mission with us.

In the days and years ahead, we pray that your life and witness will bring a contagious enthusiasm to others, them to join mission May you learn moreinviting and more about thetogether missioninto whichwith you us. have been called. May you learn more and more about the mission to which you have been called.

May you grow to love the call to ‘proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’.

May you grow to love the call to ‘proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus May you be a champion for those who need your voice, your hands, your love. Christ’.

Mayyou others won to for thethose Kingdom youyour champion His hands, cause. your love. May be abe champion who as need voice, your May others be won to thethe Kingdom as you champion His cause. Always remember that USA Eastern Territory will be praying for you in this new spiritual

encounter – and that GodUSA is onEastern your side! Always remember that the Territory will be praying for you in this new spiritual encounter – and that God is on your side! “Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvaMon day aWer day. “Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. his glory naMons, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Declare hisDeclare glory among the among nations,the his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 96:2–3

Psalm 96:2-3

May MayGod Godrichly richlybless blessyou! you! In His Service,

In His Service,

CommissionersWilliam WilliamA.A. and Lorraine Bamford Commissioners and G. G. Lorraine Bamford Territorial TerritorialLeaders Leaders

D efender s of Justice


P r e l i m i n a ry M u s i c NYSB Ensemble, Cadet Chorus C a l l t o Wo r s h i p C a d e t S c r i p t u r e P r e s e n tat i o n Isaiah 42:1–13 Welcome Major Sheila Williams-Gage Song #358 “Crown Him With Many Crowns” Session Video Entrance of the Champions of the Mission Session P r e s e n tat i o n o f t h e Champions of the Mission Major Keith Maynor P r ay e r o f d e d i c at i o n Cadet Kenia Godoy C h a r g e to t h e Champions of the Mission Commissioners William A. & G. Lorraine Bamford

Welcome to Cadets

W e lco m e to c a d e t s

Testimony Cadet Jalicia Smalley Band Selection NYSB Ensemble Scripture Reading Lt. Colonel Patricia LaBossiere Wo r s h i p i n S o n g UNBOUND MESSAGE Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere Time of Commitment Closing Song Song #940 “We’re an Army Fighting for a Glorious King” Commissioner G. Lorraine Bamford Announcements/Benediction Major Rohan Gage

D efender s of Justice


A nto n io Blac km o n

Ta m i k a B lackm o n

Cai t ly n B o h anan

Cincinnati Westside – SWONEKY Exodus 14:14

Cincinnati Westside – SWONEKY Proverbs 18:21

Concord – NNE Philippians 4:13

J o sh ua Fe n to n

J e s s e F landers

Os car Go den

Boston South End – MASS Isaiah 6:8

New Kensington – WPA Luke 23:39-43

Philadelphia Tabernacle – PENDEL 1 John 5:11

Tame r a M c W h o rt e r

Andremene St. Vil Patrice

Jean Clau de Pat ri ce

Flemington – NJ Ephesians 4:2

Yonkers – GNY Philippians 4:13

Yonkers – GNY John 3:16

Welcome to Cadets

Champions of the Mission


Sean Boh an an

A l e x and e r D res s ler

Mckenzi e D res s ler

Concord – NNE Matthew 10:32-33

Canton – NEOSA Philippians 1:6

Canton – NEOSA Romans 6:17

J omayr a Pe r e z

C ar l a Lopez

B ri t tany McKi nney

Philadelphia Tabernacle – PENDEL Isaiah 41:10

San Juan Central – PRVI Deuteronomy 31:8

Clearfield – WPA Romans 8:1-2

N atali a Pizziru ss o

E m i ly S hou lt z

Jali ci a Sm alley

Astoria Corps – GNY Joshua 1:9

Latrobe – WPA 2 Corinthians 12:9

Massillon – NEOSA Deuteronomy 31:6

D efender s of Justice





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