Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe 2021

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This past year the design world has been anything but boring. Just in the Truckee Tahoe area, home sales have gone up 126% since last year. With the influ in the area, and a large percentage of people working remotely, how has this affected the o ular trends in the industry o design Two words home o ces. With finding a new normal and s ending more time at home, eo le want to separate their work lives from their home life. ome o ces are a growing trend that we don’t see going out o style any time soon. Not only are they saving people from hours of commuting and tra c, ut working rom home usually leads to ewer interru tions, increased roducti ity and more e cient meetings.


Some roducts in home o ces that ha e een trending are standing desks, core chairs, house lants, and less use of patterns to improve focus. Standing desks ha e een trending for multiple reasons such as increasing your energy le el, im ro ing your mood, harnessing oint and muscle mo ement, oosting roducti ity, romoting weight loss, im ro ing mental ocus and lowering your risk o disease. Core chairs are an u and coming trend. They i ot on a oint directly eneath the user’s center o alance, allowing mo ement in all directions. Core chairs stimulate the muscles, im ro e oint mo ility and enhance circulation to oost rain ower, urn calories and diminish stiffness and atigue. With the andemic, eo le ha e ound it di cult to get their daily dose o nature, leading to ringing the outdoors indoors. ouse lants in a home o ce hel increase roducti ity, re lenish ocus and uri y the air. It has een ro en that eo le who s end more time in a workspace with plants have im ro ed ha iness. When it comes to decorating a home o ce, it is im ortant to remem er the s ace is used or working and ocusing. It is est to use ewer distracting ieces o art and try a color scheme that in ites a sta le, calming en ironment. Blue

is a commonly used color in o ces ecause it eases an iety and hel s you stay ocused, es ecially when doing re etiti e tasks. Green is a good color or eo le who work long hours ecause it does not cause eye atigue. Peo le who choose yellow in their o ce tend e to more o timistic and it can hel stimulate creativity. I you’re looking to sa e time, money and energy in your daily work li e, home o ces are ooming and are essential or a remote li estyle. We elie e that this growing trend will ro ide a s ace where eo le can ocus, de rie and isolate rom the usy home li e. Though work can o ten e associated with stress and atigue, in your new home o ce, oth issues can disa ear. On the condition that you ha e the s ace, think a out con erting it into an o ce. Not only can it re am your o erall health and wellness, ut it will im ro e your home’s uality too. Working rom home doesn’t ha e to e so ad i you ha e the resources to do it right. Thanks to Hanna Danforth at Interior Design by Julie Johnson-Holland for writing this article. You can contact Hanna at 530.587.3015, or

CATT GUIDE / 2021–2022

Home Office Trends.indd 26

6/2/21 3:04 PM

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