MAGAZINE 2022 ISSUE Nominate your local greatssportingforthe Gauteng Sport Awards GAUTENG CElEbrATEs Women’s Day with icon Sophie De Bruyn + Women leading Team Gauteng: IndigenousProvincialGames2022

LifestyLe & fashion opinion piece sacR events 41 What to Watch 21 31 07 GettinG to knoW MiRRiaM tsoku and GLadys Rachoene23 CON TEN TS 44 faLLen heRoes and heRoines 45 announceMents

Content Dimpho KamogeloFulufheloMaboyaMunyaiGodfreyPitjeMoichelaMpolokengMoloiPhakamileMpofuXolaneGobo Themba Masondo Editor-in-Chief Nomazwe Ntlokwana Editor Kefilwe Mphake Contributing Editor Vinolia Chere Content & Copy writer Lebohang Bell Graphic Design & Layout Nomonde Ngcobo Graphic Design

The protest was supported by mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends who decided enough was enough and came together to initiate change.

The Women’s Month in South Africa draws attention to many of the important issues that women in Africa still face such as domestic violence, discrimination and harassment in the workplace, equal pay, education for girls and more.
Women are called ‘Imbokodo’ because of the long history in the struggle against gender oppression. This is Women’s Month, let’s celebrate and protect women. This should be our daily duty and should not be limited to Women’s Month.
The national Women’s Day is a South African public holiday commemorating the 1956 March of approximately 20,000 women marching to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to handover a petition containing more than 100,000 signatures against the country’s pass laws that required South Africans defined as “black” under The Population Registration Act. Under apartheid, black people had to carry an internal passport, known as a pass, that served to maintain population segregation, and manage migrant labour.
Weareencouragedandmotivatedbythewords“wathint’aabafazi,wathint’imbokodo”whichclearlyshowshow united women can overcome challenges they face. Women continue to face a lot of emotional, physical, and verbal abuse daily of which some are not even reported. We all have a responsibility to defend and protect women against any form of abuse, injustice or discrimination.
The editorial team for Ntshebele Magazine thought that it appropriate to get a perspective into the lives of the two strong women in our department. This month we feature our colleagues Mme Mirriam Tsoku and Mme Gladys Rachoene. Like many women in this country, they have had their share of social injustice. I don’t want to spoil it for you so please take the pleasure to read their story on page 23.
There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.
—Michelle Obama,

Caption: The beautiful sight of a new life to introduce a new fruitful season, with love from my garden. _

We have inroduced a Picture of The Month feature on this magazine. Submit pictures of anything that inspired you, made you laugh, brought you joy or gave you some level of peace over the last month. Give us a simple caption so that we know what’s going on in the picture.

By: Kefilwe Mphake
Month programme
By Staff Reporter
Gauteng government
This year’s Women’s Month programmes held under the theme “Women’s Socio-Economic Rights, Empowerment and Resilience” is aimed at saluting and celebrating women for their courage, iconic spirit and selfless contribution in society. The launch was also used to pay tribute to struggle steward, Frances Baard who played a leading role in the historic Women’s march to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 to protest against the pass laws.
The launch was led by the MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko and MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, Mbali Hlophe.
The Gauteng Provincial Government on Saturday, 06 August 2022 launched the provincial Women’s Month programme in Mabopane, Tshwane.
This Women’s Month, the Gauteng government and partners will embark on a series of engagements with women on all societal challenges affecting them as well as programmes aimed at empowering women in the province.


In 1948 when Ray Alexander Simons came to Port Elizabeth to expand the membership of the African Food and Canning Worker’s Union. She was the recruit and after became employed as the union’s local secretary, thats where she came in contact with the African National Congress and met the dynamic Florence Matomela and others. The two women formed an ANC Women’s League in Port Elizabeth in the In1950s.1954 the two women were active in building up the Federation of South African Women, were they both became executive committe members. The following year in 1955 Baard became one of the few female members of its national executive of the South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU). She helped publicize the boycott and persuade the white farmers to alleviate the inhuman conditions of farm workers. Baard was among the 156 people charged with treason in December 1956 but the charges against her were dropped in January 1958.


In October 1963 she was arrested but not charged,she was kept in solitary confinement for an entire year without visitors or reading matter. She was later charged and convicted of belonging to the banned ANC and given a fiveyear sentence.
09 Frances “MaBaard” Baard was born 1st of October in 1909 in Kimberley, Northern Cape. She was the fifth of seven children of a Bechuuanaland-born mine worker. She worked as a domestic servant almost 15 years and then as a teacher but became militant as a result of her experiences of oppression and exploitation in South Africa. As a budding activist she drew her influence from Raymond Mhlaba and Ray Alexander. She was a trade unionist and a women’s leader from the late 1940s to the 1980s. She moved in with a friend in Port Elizabeth where she got married and eventually found work in a canning factory.
She received the her first banning order five years later, even though she continued quietly engage in extending the M-plan in Port Elizabeth.
In August 1983, at the age of 74 she was one of the honorary patrons speakers that launched the United Democratic Front and she co-author the autobiography with Barbara Schreiner, My Spirit is Not Banned (1986). In 2001 the district of Kimberly was renamed after her as the Frances Baard Municipality.
In 1969 she was released and banished to the outskirt of Pretoria, where she continue to live until her death in 1997.
Source: the life of the struggle stalwart, Frances Goitsemang Baard

By Godfrey Pitje The Gauteng Provincial Government celebrated Women’s Day this year under theme: “Women’s socio-economic rights and empowerment: building back better for women’s resilience!”. Led by Gauteng Premier David Makhura and MEC Mbali Hlophe, this year’s celebration took place in the form of an exclusive inter-generational dialogue addressing the challenges women continue to face today and possible solutions to address such challenges, in particular poverty, financial exclusion, as well as gender-based-violence and femicide.


Panel discussions included Mme Sophie De Bruyn, Ms Zulaika Patel and Dr. Mlauli amongst others.

Women’s Month is celebrated annually in tribute to more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of pass laws towards women.

with icon Sophie De Bruyn
Women’s Month activities reflect on women's achievements, as well as the difficulties they faced in the struggle for freedom and the important role they continue to play in society.
Women’s Day
Nominate your local sporting greats for the Gauteng Sport Awards 13
The 11th edition of the Gauteng Sport Awards have officially been opened for nominations on Thursday, August 18 at the Brixton Multipurpose Hall where MEC Mbali Hlophe called on Gauteng communities to nominate the deserving sports players, administrators and teams for this year’s Gauteng Sport Awards.

“We are going to pay attention to the Schools Wednesday Leagues programme which introduces sports and arts in schools. The majority of the kids we are intervening on are kids from depressing backgrounds, are highly disadvantaged and do not have the means to participate in sport, so we are going to put more effort in the programme because in unearthing talent, the greatest thing to do is to consistently make sure that they are motivated,” MEC Hlophe said.
In her message, MEC Hlophe indicated that the Gauteng Provincial Government will continue to nurture talent coming from all parts of the country as long as they are residents of Gauteng which prides itself as the home of champions.
By Staff Reporter
The Gauteng Sports Confederation Chairperson, Mr Vivian Lottering, said that it is important to recognise the stellar performances by athletes, coaches and technical officials and that is why the confederation will be encouraging its members to nominate deserving athletes and administrators.
We have seen in international and national competitions that Gauteng produces champions. We are the home of champions. We need to recognize those people, Lottering said. The awards are aimed at honouring and recognizing sports excellence across the province focusing on the performance of athletes in both domestic and international platforms over a period between 01 September 2021 to 31 August 2022. THE CATEGORIES TO NOMINATE FOR INCLUDE: • Sport Personality of the Year (by SMS public vote) • Sportsman of the Year • Sportswoman of the Year • Sports Team of the Year • Disabled Sportswoman of the Year • Disabled Sportsman of the Year • Disabled Sport Team of the Year • Coach of the Year Most Promising athlete of the Year • Technical Official of Year Sport • Federation of the Year • Administrator of the Year • Amayanga-yanga Athlete of the year • Sport Fan of the Year • Community based Sport and Recreation programme of the year • Online sport or recreation programme implemented (include eGaming) • Community Sport media of the Year • Sports Journalist of the year (This includes print media, radio and television) • Life Time Achievement Award (chosen by MEC) An independent adjudication panel consisting of experienced individuals within sport, media and academia yet to be appointed for adjudication of the nominations received. Follow the conversation and other details on Facebook/Twitter @GPSportAwards | Instagram @GP_ SportAwards #GSA22 #GPSportAwards. 14

Premier Makhura & MEC Hlophe handover a cheque to Banyana Banyana and Gauteng based teams participating in the Hollywoodbets Super League/SAFA Women’s League.
Gauteng Premier David Makhura together with MEC Mbali Hlophe handedover a cheque to Banyana Banyana following their successful feat during the Women’s African Cup of Nations (WAFCON) which was received by Coach Desiree Ellis on Friday, 19 August 2022 at the Kagiso Sports Complex.
Gauteng based teams participating in the HollyWood Bets Super League/ SAFA Women’s League also received financial support from the provincial government to continue their work in the development of female sports. The occasion was further used to launch the Gauteng Netball Friday initiative in support of the 2023 Netball World Cup and the upcoming Gauteng Women in Sport Dialogue and Exhibition, which seeks to address several issues impacting women in sport across all the sporting codes.

Team Gauteng comprising of 98 athletes from 5 Corridors of development participated in Dibeke, Kgati, Khokho, Juskei, Morabaraba, Drie-Stokies, Ncuba, Diketo and Intonga.
Women leading Gauteng:
The Annual National Indigenous Games are once again upon us, as we are nearing closer to Heritage Day in September. Indigenous Games are part of South Africa’s Identity, pride, and value chain. We celebrate our heritage as Africans, by embracing our diversity and uniting in the core value of Ubuntu, ascribing to the pillars of togetherness and social cohesion. These games from historic background have brought together, both young and old from and all racial backgrounds. We continue to see women outperforming in the male dominated sporting arena, no exception to the Provincial Indigenous Games that took place on the 13th August 2022. The event was a continuation of the latter semiselections that took place at the Germiston Stadium on the 30th July 2022.
By Xolane Gobo T
It was an intense selection, with new faces trying their luck against the much-experienced athletes, we saw again the usual champs coming up in the qualifiers, such as Intonga’s female gold medalist Sphiwe Khumalo, in 2018 Khumalo manage to get a gold medal, 2021 she was unable to defend her Title and landed a Silver medal. “Last year I couldn’t defend my Gold medal status because I didn’t have enough time to train, but this year will be different, I have a new strategy, and plan on execute, noting that my fighting style has improved, I have new tricks up my sleeve, watch the space.” Sphiwe said.
he Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, in partnership with Gauteng Indigenous Games Council and Love-Life, held the Provincial Indigenous Games at Chris Hani Multipurpose Sport Complex in Orange Farm on the 13th of August 2022.

Drie-Stokies takes a form of High Jump, Katlego Mashishi for Drie-Stokie, last year jumped 9.5 meters, that landed her a bronze medal, her goal is set to beat the national record of 10.35 meter, by jumping at 10.55 meters “This year all eyes are on Gold medal, my training is going great, my coach has been pushing me passed my limit and I am confident that the Gold medal is possible” said Katlego Mashishi. Katlego jumped at longest 10.26 earning a spot in to qualify for Team Gauteng.
The Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation together with The Gauteng Indigenous Games Council have manage to put together a resilient, tough, physically fit, and ready Provincial squad of the Indigenous Games to compete at the 2022 National Indigenous Games in September. Team Gauteng in the Nation Indigenous Games currently holds the third position; this position is determined by an overall gold medal awarded in each code. Team Gauteng in 2021 got awarded more bronze medals than anticipated. This year Team Gauteng’s focus is to get all gold medals in each code, thereby qualifying for first position. Mr. Bongile Ndlakuza is the Gauteng Chef de Commission of the Indigenous Games, “The plan is simple, we must focus on getting as much gold medals as possible in every code, we must not worry ourselves with 1st position, but focus on strengthening the codes and supporting our athlete and coaches, when we are awarded gold medals in all 9 codes, then the result therefore will put us in the 1st position” said Mr. Bongile Ndlakuza. As we celebrate women this month, we highlight women’s achievement and strive in all spheres of profession. Banyana Banyana with their outstanding performance have laid a foundation for all women in the field of sport. The Gauteng Provincial Indigenous Games was no different, seeing young women gunning to qualify to represent Gauteng at the Nationals in September.

DIBEKE is a multi-skill running ball game. According to oral history the name Dibeke came after the game was already played, to describe the addictive nature of the sport to the youth, which played week-in week-out every day of the week. DIBEKE is a competitive game, which demands physical prowess as well as intellectual wit from all players. It is a team sport that is absolutely gender equal. Two (2) teams of 12 players each, play in opposition to each Teamother.Gauteng is the defending champion in Dibeke code, Team Gauteng has held the first position for the past 4 years, about 95 % of players in Dibeke code are from West Rand, the best players of Dibeke are recruited by the Province from West Rand.
Ncuva is mind strategy board game with 96 indentations across the boards, played with 368 pebbles, and the 368 pebble only 1 pebble must align one by one parallel against those of the opponents to score a point. Freddy Sathekge from Diepsloot, is a skilled player, he has hit a perfect score in all the 6 rounds; annihilating all his opponents to qualify for Team Gauteng. Currently the KZN hold first position nationally. Freddy’s goal is getting that gold medal, in 2021 he got knocked out by a technical glitch in the scoring system despite winning all the 5 rounds by a perfect score and dropping the 6th round by 3 points short against all his opponents, which means he should have awarded a silver medal but instead awarded a bronze medal.
Gauteng SPAR Proteas win Africa’s Netball World Cup Qualifier Games 19

By Godfrey Pitje
The Gauteng Provincial Government is proud to have hosted the Africa Netball World Cup Qualifier games which coincided with Women’s Month celebrations in the province, leading up to the 2023 Netball World Cup. The games took place at the University of Pretoria’s Rembrandt Hall in the City of Tshwane from 21 - 27 August. The SPAR Proteas represented South Africa in the tournament and were nothing short of a force on the courts. The Gauteng based squad performed exceptionally well throughout the competition which led them to the finals and subsequent 60/44 victory over Malawi to become the African Champions. As the Gauteng province we are beaming with pride over our very own SPAR Proteas on their incredible performance. Congratulations to our ladies on their triumph as continental champions. I further commend all Gauteng citizens who showed such tremendous support to our team on their journey in the competition by watching the matches live at the area as well as on television. says MEC Mbali Hlophe. On the Africa Netball World Cup Qualifiers taking place in the Gauteng province the MEC commends, “Gauteng is the Home of Champions and is honoured to have hosted these games ahead of the World Cup. Our province has proven time and time again that it is a world-class destination for hosting major sporting events with facilities and capabilities of international standards.” South Africa will compete in the Netball World Cup next year along with Uganda, Malawi and Zimbabwe having qualified to represent Africa at the global championships.


By: Lebohang Bell Being a woman to me in 2022 means selfawareness. I believe the uptick in diversity in terms of gender identity, sexuality, and personal identity is coming from a rise in self-awareness. Women are looking inward more now than ever and investigating all aspects of their identity. I try to be as self-aware as possible with critical thinking—I try to question the reason behind why I do everything. Why am I reacting this way? Why does this make me happy? Why do I care about this? By asking myself these questions I’m often surprised by the answers, because we never quite realize how much of our thoughts and beliefs are more subconscious than not. With that self-awareness comes confidence—no one can tell you what you are or what you are not because you've deeply explored that and had those conversations with yourself. That confidence Allows us to be secure with our identity, or even change that identity if it feels right for us. Being a woman in 2022 is truly whatever we desire it to be!"

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I was working as a debt and credit clerk responsible for receiving, processing, and verifying invoices related to accounts payables. I also tracked purchase orders and process payments that came into the company's accounting department from suppliers or customers.
I cannot go a day without my chronic medication.
I am Mirriam Tsoku from Cosmo city, I am very bubble lady with one daughter and a hard worker who likes to associate with other ladies.

Learning new things gives me energy and keeps me motivated at work.
I always start my day with prayer, Mark 1:35 where it says “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Jesus began his days with prayer, then did the work that the Father showed him. If you desire to do your life’s greatest work, it needs to start with prayer. God has uniquely designed you to serve Him in your gifts and abilities that He has given you. But if you simply wake up each morning and start being busy, you are likely going to miss out on the blessings and opportunities from God that day.
TAKE US THROUGH YOUR JOURNEY. I joined the department in 2016 as a supervisor working for Tsamayiso cleaning company and now I'm a permanent employee of the department.
What drains me is people who come very late to work, and still want me to clean for them.
Normally I make an example with me how I made it in life, and I feel that I am a great leader, as I teach by example. I lead my team to success, by constantly encouraging and motivating them.
I am very hard-working, honest and trustworthy and I understand my performance as a cleaner needs to be consistently high in order for your business to succeed. If I fail to carry out my duties correctly, I am very easily replaceable and, therefore, it is important to me to maintain high standards in my work. I am naturally a fast worker, and I would also say I am somebody who is a little bit obsessive when it comes to cleanliness.
Tune in and listen, getting free of distractions, and fostering conversations with true sharing. Validate a woman's experiences and remind her she isn't alone. Empathize and demonstrate compassion, by investing personal time and effort in helping women succeed. Hold a woman’s hand when she needs courage, give her a push when she needs it, and keep reminding her of her talents and abilities. There are a lot of people who find it easy to pull others down.


My first Job was to clean which includes performing and documenting routine inspection and maintenance activities. While I was on contract there were negotiations between department and management to take us permanently. That was my first breakthrough were I got a permanent job in my life
A cluttered workspace is the reflection of a cluttered mind. Often, we tend to work in spaces that are not just messy but also unproductive. You end up wasting time to find the right things at the right
I can’t go a day without my phone because first thing in the morning I scroll through my phone then the rest will follow.
When tasked with completing a large job myself, I always take a few minutes to plan out the day to make sure I have a good strategy in place instead of starting right away. I think about what cleaning tasks influence others, for example dusting top stairs banisters could make the bottom stairs floors dirty again, so I would clean the floors last.
I’m from Limpopo, Lebowakgomo. I matriculated at the Lebowakgomo High School. My father left us in 1998 that’s when I struggled to finish my studies. After all the difficulties I had to come to Jo’burg with my husband and we got married then my family friend (MirriamTsoku) assisted me to get a job in this department as cleaner, working for Tsamaiso cleaning services. I worked there until the department took us as permanent employees in 2018. I’m currently acting Supervisor for cleaners. I started my Degree in Public Management last year at Regenesys.

I love my work, and continuously strive to make a difference, and learn more to excel further
Begin your day with peace, confidence, and a positive mindset. I arrive at work around 06h00. My colleagues leave me with their office keys so that it’s easier for me to clean the office before they arrive.

SHARE FACTS ABOUT YOU THAT YOU BELIEVE YOUR COLLEAGUES DON’T KNOW. • I take care and look after older people in my spare time, it’s important that we care for our older citizens and ensure that they remain safe and are well looked after during their years of life. • I'm a freak in my private life • I don’t drink alcohol AT ALL!!
Don’t lose faith. It can be hard to keep going at times, especially when you don’t have enough motivation. But despite that, we should still keep our heads up.
Women, being both normal and spontaneous, are able to single-handedly execute so many tasks on a daily basis, that is empowering to know what can be achieved if we work together as colleagues. Helping someone, especially another woman, and recognizing her worth is rewarding as it is priceless.

“I woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me.” Angelou, poet

— Maya

OFFICE OF THE PREMIER REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG PROVINCE Be part of the change in improving GPG to become more transformed Gauteng Provincial Government is committed to transform the workplace through interventions that are aimed at improving the workplace as follows: GPG IMPROVEMENTWORKPLACEPROGRAMME


Picture: Google

Soft IlluminatingNeonRichSkyScarletSaltedHotCanaryLilacYellowPinkCaramelBlueGreenGreenYellow
Spring 2022 will deliver some of the boldest colors yet, from neon green to hot pink. Mood-boosting hues are so prominent, it feels like an invitation to add Spring color trends into our wardrobe, whether we add a pop of pink with accessories or opt for head-to-toe brights in a monochromatic blue suit. Ahead, feast your eyes on soft lilac, which is surprisingly sleek and offers a new perspective on purple; sunny canary yellow; moody hot pink; salted caramel; bold scarlet; mystifying sky blue; rich green; neon green; and illuminating yellow.
25 Slice up a baguette, scatter a few toasted walnuts, fan out some apple slices, place a little bowl of olives, and nestle a few pieces of affordable salami into any empty spots on the board. These accouterments total just a few rands and go a long way in dressing up the final look. Enjoy ! How do you make an cheeseinexpensiveplatter?


The best way to stay safe is to avoid a confrontation altogether. Criminals do not see all people as equally likely targets, they identify those who will give them the least trouble and the best chance to escape. Consequently, your best self defence strategy is to not be an easy target. Walk tall with good posture and be aware of your surroundings. Don’t wear headphones, your ears are a valuable resource in knowing what is going on around you especially after dark. Keep your head up and watch where you are going. The sooner you can react to a potential situation the better off you will be.
Obviously it makes sense for everyone to be aware of techniques they can use to stay safe when travelling alone at night, but due to the increased risk of attacks on females there is an even greater need for women to be alert and informed. With that in mind, let’s get into the list:
5 Self Defence All
2. Dress for Success
If you plan on walking home alone or expect to be in some other similarly risky situation, wear clothing that will allow you full mobility. Stash a pair of running shoes at a friend’s house, in someone’s car, or carry them with you. Avoid tight fitting clothes that will restrict your movement. Part of avoiding a confrontation might be the ability to run away from a potential threat, and you don’t want heels and a skirt to get in your way. ShouldWomenKnow
1. Use Your Senses
It’s a sad fact of the world we live in that women need to be more aware of self defense tactics than men. In a perfect world, articles like this one wouldn’t have to exists; and in a more fair world the title would be “5 Self Defence Tips All People Should Know” but the statistics show us that our world isn’t always fair. More women are stalked each year

3. Stay Visible Be conscious of the route you choose to get home. If there are busier streets with better lighting that add ten minutes to your walk but will keep you safe, take them. Criminals tend to stick to areas where there are fewer people for a reason and it pays to avoid them. Also, be aware of how you are walking. Take a wide path around corners to avoid being surprised.
Carry items that will help you out if you end up in a bad situation. At the very least, a whistle will alert other people around you that something is wrong and at best it may scare away any potential attacker. Also consider carrying weapon, but be aware of the fact that any weapon you carry has the potential to be used against you. If you live in a place that allows them, personal pepper spray canisters are a great option. Just make sure you know how to use them. A well placed shot of pepper spray in the face of an attacker can give you the time you need to get away.
4. Have a Toolkit
When prevention and your toolkit fail you, be prepared and know how to fight back. There is also no such thing as fighting dirty when your safety is on the line. Direct any punches you throw at your attackers face. If they come at you with their hands outstretched grab a thumb for finger and bend it like a Christmas wishbone. If they get closer than that, grab their shoulders and hit them in the groin with your knee as hard as you can. Other sensitive areas are the shin and the eyes. Focusing in the right targets and landing one good shot can give you the window you need to get to safety. Look into taking a self defence class offered in your area.
5. Know How to Fight Back
Comrades Marathon is aimed at supporting several charity organisations and seeing the children living with disabilities who are beneficiaries of those organisations providing support to us made me feel so emotional and overwhelmed. It gave me a reason to push as their innocent voices whispered softly shouting you can do this. I realised that I'm also running for those who can't and I was gaining strength from that. I also prayed a lot along the route and that made me have a beautiful run altogether. MARATHONCOMRADESJOURNEY
My journey began with a 10km Soweto Marathon entry offered by the Department in 2016. Comrades Marathon is the most beautiful race I have ever participated in. I was so nervous two weeks before the race however the nerves disappeared when I got to the starting line and the National Anthem was played then I felt proudly South African and the amazing beautiful spirit of runners getting together despite their race, gender and ethnicity. I had an amazing start and ran my race at a very easy pace to enjoy the race and the support from people who woke up early to cheer us on the road was incredible. My longest training run was 73,3km and then I measured myself that my race will start at 70km as I was told that my legs will be tired and I will run with my heart. I passed the 70km mark still good at 80km that's when my mental strength was tested. At 10km to go, I felt like I have been running forever, however I kept moving telling myself I have more than enough time to finish. At 4km to go I started seeing the stadium that pushed me and I said to myself I ran the whole 86km and I can't give up now I'm going to get my medal , the entry to the stadium was amazing the voices and the noise gave me strength again to give it one last push. I felt so good until the finish line. The experience was so good.


August Staff Birthdays Gustaff Tselapedi 2-Aug Johanna Radebe 2-Aug Philasande Muvevi 2-Aug Lindiwe Shongwe 2-Aug Andre Borman 3-Aug Boikanyo Tlhaole 4-Aug Mmatshepo Makola 4-Aug Zandile Ngubeni 4-Aug Mafa Malindi 4-Aug Phathutshedzo Dagada 5-Aug Sibusiso Mnguni 5-Aug Azakhona Maliwa 5-Aug Thulisile Malindi 8-Aug Nolitha Bobe 8-Aug Mirriam Dele-Ojo 9-Aug Jerminah Lebepe 9-Aug Nithiakaliyani Naidoo 10-Aug Noluthando Cembi 10-Aug Keitumetse Matela 11-Aug Lorraine Mafaralala 12-Aug Edwine Nkosi 12-Aug Nomvula Hlongwane 12-Aug Nhlanhla Zikalala 13-Aug Nombuso Ntshangase 13-Aug Rachel Mokoena 13-Aug Seipati Maloale 14-Aug Daniel Ntsoelengoe 15-Aug Thozama Ndabambi 15-Aug Thabang Gabela 15-Aug Numalungelo Hashe 16-Aug Anna Ramela 16-Aug Selone Radebe 17-Aug Tlangelani Maluleke 17-Aug Msimelelo Mtabane 19-Aug Lucas Sehanka 20-Aug Thabiso Lebona 21-Aug Dumisani Ndimande 21-Aug Kethi Moiane 22-Aug 39

Innocent Tsolo 23-Aug Danny Sejeng 23-Aug Mumsy Ngcobo 24-Aug Boniface Mazilazila 24-Aug Devon Swartz 24-Aug Andries Segole 25-Aug Margaret Tumane 26-Aug Tumelo Motsieloa 26-Aug Thabo Seboko 28-Aug Marothi Letsoalo 28-Aug Samuel Maleke 29-Aug Margrietha Van Der Merwe 29-Aug Thokozile Hlatshwayo 29-Aug Zanele Mahlakaro 29-Aug Dimakatso Bodibe 31-Aug Sphiwe Ntombela 31-Aug Nolitha Bobe 8-Aug Mirriam Dele-Ojo 9-Aug Jerminah Lebepe 9-Aug Nithiakaliyani Naidoo 10-Aug Noluthando Cembi 10-Aug Keitumetse Matela 11-Aug Lorraine Mafaralala 12-Aug Edwine Nkosi 12-Aug Nomvula Hlongwane 12-Aug Nhlanhla Zikalala 13-Aug Nombuso Ntshangase 13-Aug Rachel Mokoena 13-Aug Seipati Maloale 14-Aug Daniel Ntsoelengoe 15-Aug Thozama Ndabambi 15-Aug Thabang Gabela 15-Aug Numalungelo Hashe 16-Aug Anna Ramela 16-Aug Selone Radebe 17-Aug Tlangelani Maluleke 17-Aug Msimelelo Mtabane 19-Aug Lucas Sehanka 20-Aug Thabiso Lebona 21-Aug Dumisani Ndimande 21-Aug Kethi Moiane 22-Aug Tumelo Taunyane 22-Aug Carmen Fernandis-Winnaar 22-Aug Simangele Mabuza 22-Aug 40

The Gauteng Film Commission in collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation hosted Thando film screenings for secondary school learners. Learners from Phulong Secondary School in Kwa-Thema, Springs have attended in numbers to watch the movie and learn more about the creative sector. Written and directed by South African film and TV producer Kagiso Modupe, the movie touches on issues that young people face today and has won six international awards in Los Angeles and is also shortlisted for the Oscars this year.

#thandothemovie #GrowingGautengTogether

MEET MELUSI Meet Melusi is a moving story of fatherhood and finding the real meaning of life. After losing everything when he’s accused of bribery, Aubrey discovers what fatherhood means when he’s introduced to a 16-year-old boy he is told is his illegitimate son.

Directed by Black Brain Films co-founder Mandla N (2021 SAFTA winners Loving Thokoza and Lockdown), Meet Melusi stars four-time SAFTA winner and MonteCarlo Golden Nymph nominee Mothusi Magano (Blood Psalms, The Lab, Emoyeni) as Aubrey.

Dear colleagues
I am not sure if a Thank You Note is an acceptable gesture but a’bakwa Mpofu would like to thank all colleagues for their overwhelming support during our trying time. It is difficult to find the words to express our gratitude for the many kindnesses you have shown us during this sad time. We are so grateful for all you have done for us. The cards, letters, phone and email messages, prayers, and visits meant a great deal to us as we struggled with our heartbreaking loss. Along with the emotional support you gave us, and other gifts of your time and energy helped sustain us day to day. We are unable to write individual thank you’s to each one of you, given the great outpouring of support. Please know that your generosity and thoughtfulness have touched us deeply. Knowing that we were not alone helped us bear our grief and sadness. Thank you for being there for us.

Thank You... Mpofu

TSHABALALATOKOLLO The late kwaito singer Tokollo Tshabalala aka Magesh will forever be remembered as one of the greatest music songwriters to come out of SA.
Mr Tshabalala was laid to rest on Friday 19 August 2022 and his memorial service in his honour was held on Friday, August 26, 2022. his soul continue to rest in eternal peace...

Tshabalala died on Monday, August 15, 2022, at the age of 45, after a battle with epilepsy, according to a family member. He was a member of legendary group TKZee which was made up of him, Zwai Bala and Kabelo Mabalane.