Brief 03 _ Typecast _ Final Submission Boards

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Sam Lane

Extended Practice




Tone of Voice

Graphology is the pseudoscientific study and analysis of handwriting, especially in relation to human psychology. Typography is almost always designed by typographers for the public to use, which makes sense, but what would it look like if the typeface was designed from a specific persons handwriting Is it possible to create an organised and consistent typeface based on human handwriting and a reflection of unique personalities?

The Target Audience isn’t really relevant for this experimental project, as far a data collection goes, it needs to be randomly collated. As far as the project goes itself, it would most likely appeal more to people in the creative industries, particularly designers. The tone of voice will be decided on the chosen subjects, and reflected through the type itself and the chosen deliverables.



Typecast is an experimental service, which collates and collects various pieces of data. Including an analysis of personality traits through human handwriting, in order to create a functional and structured varied set of typefaces through the use of structured grids. The experiment will begin by gathering information from members of the public and entering it into a database from which the work will be generated. This information will be placed within a set of strict guidelines and logic based around personality and typography in order to create multiple outcomes

- 2 Fully Functioning Typefaces, including all special glyphs. - 2 Type Specimen Booklets & Extended Printed Ephermera - Posters that show the Typeface working in context - A set of Stencils, to be used to re-create the typeface by hand. - A Webiste that supports the concept and displays the outcomes.


Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Brand Guidelines & Data Collection



Name & Concept

Data Collection Material

The name ‘Typecast’ was derived from a few different meanings. The first one being that we are literally ‘Typecasting’ a person through analysing their handwriting and personality. The Second is obviously a play on Typography, and the filled/outlined logo reflect this. A secondary logo was create as a ‘stamped’ brandmark, to be used where appropriate.

The data collection material was carefully designed and thought through so we could most importantly get the relevant information, but also so the layout is easy to navigate, whilst also looking professional. We asked questions about their personality and personal details which would be relevant to the generation of the typeface as well as personal questions such as “favourite gig” and “favourite film”. This will help us create deliverables for the type specimens later on.

Colour The colour Scheme for the initial branded material we chose to be white, with separate shades of Green. We did this to give the products a medical aesthetic, we wanted the data collection to intrigue people whilst also looking very formal and legitimate.

Data Collection (Grids) The second part of Data Collection was made up of a Grid where we asked them to write “A quick brown fox...” as well as some singular letters. This is the most important part of the data that we will analyse in order to create the eventual typefaces.


Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Creating Grids & Hand Rendered Letterforms



Collecting Data

Grids & Hand Rendered Type

We used Carbon Copy Paper to Collect the data which meant that when the subject wrote onto the paper their handwriting was trasnfered through, straight onto our grid for analysis. We used a checklist and rule book which helped us to catergorise the handwriting into certain characteristics, through our extensisve research.

We generated grids which related directly to the style of our typeface. For example, the subject I was working on had very rounded letters, which were also bold, which meant the grids I was working on needed to be made up of circular shapes interlocking. We used these grids to generate our type, by hand initially. We went through a number of different stages actually sketching the type out before we was comfortable to then take these ideas to digital.


Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Krowen Bold



Name & Form


Krowen Bold is one half on the result of this experiment. The name realtes directly to the form of the typeface. As the typeface is swiss influenced, this name will help caterise it making it easier for distribution, when we sell the specimen on Ten Dollar Fonts. The letterforms in the name also show off the general style and ‘quirks’ of the typeface, so written down, this helps sell the typeface like this.

You can see the letterforms working as a set. They all follow the same angles and basic shapes to make up the typeface and this reflects in the set. They are quite organised and structured, but have a playful edge to them, which is a reflection of the chosen subject and how their personality has influenced the decisions made on the strcuture of the typeface.


Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Type Specimen Sheets


The basic stationary range includes a letterhead, invoice, compliment slips and envelopes. It’s important to keep a professional edge, whilst also maintaining the bold character of the brand.



As well as the basic range of stationary, further products have been created for the brand. A compact Disk which contains a showreel of the Adventure Films brand will be printed in a larger quantity and handed out to potential clients along with the limited edition ‘ticket style’ business cards which again will be used as creative promotion.

Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Type Specimen Booklet & Custom Stencils






A Type Specimen book was created to be different to others previoulsy seen. As the typeface is based off of personality traits within a human, I wanted to reflect this through the layout and copy.The Layout was quite experimental to represent the playfulness of the typeface. I used different sized leaves bound them together with an acco fastener. The copy througout the book is quite tongue in cheek, again to help show off the playful personality of the typeface.

A set of acrylic clear letter stencils were created which are included in the specimen pack. When the person recieves the Specimen, they can straight away get hands on with their typeface, even if they are not a designer or near a computer. This helps bring back the playfulness of typography, in a very child - like way, but still re-inforces the look and feel of the typeface.

Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Krowen in Context



Supporting Material

Typeface Form

A seperate collection of printed deliverables was also created to help show the typeface in context, but also be personal to the subject it is based upon. As an example, this particular subject stated that their favourite gig was ‘The XX in Leeds’ and their favourite film ‘The Social Network’. Posters were made for both of these, both typeset in Krowen. This helps link our initial concept with the final outcome in the most approporate way. It is literally that peron in a poster, in a typeface.

Some of the posters and material created was slighlty more abstract such as the circular pattern at the top. This is to symbolise the shapes used to create the typeface, and this then is carried into some of the promotional posters too.


Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Web Presence




Type Generator

The Typecast Website allows people to get involved with the experiment if they wish too. The layout is shown on the left. As we are working with Type and Grids, the layout for the website cloely resembles the layout used across print. This helps bridge the gap and keep the visuals consistant. The branding also runs across Social Media, to help keep the brand image consistant.

Built into the website is a ‘ Type Generator’ which user can physically interact with using the cursor or their finger, if using touchscreen devices such as an iPad. The idea is thtat the shapes that make up the typeface help users learn the structure and grounds of the typeface whilst also having a bit of fun trying to spell out different words, or even creating their own typeface.


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