Sam Lane
Context of Practice
Target Audience / Tone of Voice
Greenpeace is an International non-governmental, environmental organisation, which focuses on trying to solve world-wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, toxic pollution and antinuclear issues. As the organisation is global, the brand must reflect this in being universally clear.
The Target Audience for this experiment is vast and global. People of all ages and in all areas of the world wil be targeted through an extensive brand campaign, using Propaganda. The TOV will be forceful to give off the powerful ethos of the brand, but it will also be worded in a way which is empowering to the masses. Giving them a sense of power or even a sense of immortality.
Brief Outline
A complete re-brand of environmental organisation, Greenpeace. The brand will be built up from using specific subconscious Branding and Advertising techniques discovered throughout the written element of the module, particularly using the theories of Vance Packard, in targeting the consumer’s hidden needs and desires through selling them back their insecurities.
- Core Brand (to be used on a global scale) - Brand Guidelines (Book Format) - Brand application through a variety of products to be used by the masses such as proposed Uniforms, Transport, Stationary, Protest Placards and various Print bsed solutions - Web and Social Media solutions to connect with the masses. - A Series of Propaganda material including a colelction of Posters and a DIY Propaganda Pack, for members of the organisation.
Greenpeace Re-brand