Brief 15 _ Yearbook Layouts

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Brief 15 BAGD Yearbook


Application Front Cover



BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15




BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15


2014 / 15 BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse




BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Sebastian Needler Martin O’dea Tanida Panyamang Stephanie Pickard Emma Johnson Stephen Maher


2014 / 15 BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Sebastian Needler Martin O’dea Tanida Panyamang Stephanie Pickard Emma Johnson Sam Lane Stephen Maher Greta Medelyte Suzanne Moore Thomas Squire Elizabeth Tyrer




BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Sebastian Needler Martin O’dea Tanida Panyamang Stephanie Pickard Emma Johnson Sam Lane Stephen Maher Greta Medelyte Suzanne Moore Thomas Squire Elizabeth Tyrer Eve Warren Hannah Watt Michael Williams Katie Jo Winter Nicola Proctor Luke Rossitor Michael Scott Chris Shuttleworth Stephanie Buck Joel Burden Lisa Burns Lisa Collier Andrea Cooper Josh Douglas


2014 2014/ 15 / 15 BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces Spaces

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks David Gaskell Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Smauel Hoh Simon Isles Emily James Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Andrew Foster Jack Fower Ross Francis Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Sebastian Needler Martin O’dea Tanida Panyamang Stephanie Pickard Emma Johnson Sam Lane Stephen Maher Greta Medelyte Suzanne Moore Thomas Squire Elizabeth Tyrer


Sophia Akrofu


Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces


BA(Hons) Graphic Design

Spaces Sophia Akrofu


Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Thomas Squire Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Emily Sophia Akrofu EmilyBall Ball Greg GregBall Ball Emily Ball Nathan NathanBolton Bolton Kathryn Brooks Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David DavidGaskell Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth BethHayden Hayden Imogen ImogenHoefkens Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks SmauelHoh Hoh Smauel SimonIsles Isles David Gaskell Simon EmilyJames James Emily Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Natalie Dyson NigelDzavakwa Dzavakwa Nigel Imogen Hoefkens AndrewFoster Foster Andrew Smauel Hoh JackFower Fower Jack RossFrancis Francis Ross Simon Isles JennaMorse Morse Jenna AbbasMushtaq Mushtaq Emily James Abbas SebastianNeedler Needler Sebastian Natalie MartinO’ O’dDyson dea ea Martin TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Tanida Panyamang StephaniePickard Pickard Stephanie Andrew Foster EmmaJohnson Johnson Emma SamLane Lane Sam Jack Fower StephenMaher Maher Stephen GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Greta Medelyte SuzanneMoore Moore Suzanne Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia SophiaAkrofu Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces



BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Spaces Spaces


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art


BA(Hons) Graphic Design


BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Elizabeth Tyrer

BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15

Sophia Akrofu Emily Ball Greg Ball Emily Ball Nathan Bolton Kathryn Brooks Greg Ball David Gaskell Nathan Bolton Beth Hayden Imogen Hoefkens Kathryn Brooks Smauel Hoh Simon Isles David Gaskell Emily James Beth Hayden Natalie Dyson Nigel Dzavakwa Imogen Hoefkens Andrew Foster Smauel Hoh Jack Fower Ross Francis Simon Isles Jenna Morse Abbas Mushtaq Emily James Sebastian Needler Natalie Martin O’Dyson dea TanidaDzavakwa Panyamang Nigel Stephanie Pickard Andrew Foster Emma Johnson Sam Lane Jack Fower Stephen Maher GretaFrancis Medelyte Ross Suzanne Moore Jenna ThomasMorse Squire

Sophia Akrofu


2014 / 15

2014 / 15

BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA(Hons) Graphic Design 2014 / 15


14/15 Spaces

Leeds College of Art

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