BA (Hons) Graphic Design Context of Practice 3 Proposal Form 2013 Make sure you print a copy off for your own records Name:
Sam Lane
Level 4:
Modernism -
Modernist Architecture in Film
Level 5:
Panopticism -
Facebook : The Ultimate Panopticon?
AIM AND/OR OBJECTIVE OF YOUR PROPOSED C.O.P.3 PROJECT An Investigation into the Branding and Marketing Techniques and Business Structure of Nazi Germany compared with those of the McDonalds Corporation.
1. What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of your practice? SECONDARY Research into a brief history of Nazi Germany -
Research into a brief history of Mcdonalds and the company
Research into the specfic Branding and Marketing strategies used by Nazi Germany
Research into the specific Branding and Marketing strategies used by Mcdonalds
Research into Consumer Culture and Marxist Theory to see how it applies to both.
Further research into the subconscious and semiotics.
Extensive Research, using my last years essay as a starting point, using Freudian Theories linked wth the chosen topics.
An experiment into children and Mcdonalds compared to Nazi History. ( using school kids aged 8-9)
A survey into the publics interaction with Mcdonalds’ Brand and Advertising.
2. What approach(es) will you take and what processes, methods, materials and tools are to be involved in research into your practice?
Secondary Research -
Various Books on Nazi History, Nazi Branding and Advertising, Nazi Propaganda, McDonalds and Consumer Culture, Promotional Culture Marxist and Freudian Theories Design within Politics and Design within the Consumer Culture.
Watching various Documentaries and note taking (other peoples opinions and personal views)
Visiting legitimate Articles online (surrounding both topics) as well as online forums relating to the chosen topic to gage a certain area of public opinion.