Brief 12 _ Yearbook _ Final Boards

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Sam Lane

Extended Practice


BAGD Yearbook

Brief / Background

Tone of Voice

A full-length publication that showcases the work from the Leeds College of Art Graphic Design Students of 2014 as well as showcases the course to potential students and external critiques of the course.

The tone of voice needs to be professional to some extent. Most of the content will be students work, so this has to be treated in a professional manner. There is chance to be a little bit more creative and even humorous throughout some of the copy as long as it related to the ethos of the course.

Target Audience The target audience is Poterntial Students so the Course needs to be advertised through the work displayed as well as the content and copy. As well as potential students, the book will be possibly come into the hands of studios and other designers, so again, it needs to be impressive in some way.

Deliverables - A 111 Page Book - A Poster Wrap Around - End of Year Show Proposals


Extended Practice

Sam Lane




BAGD Yearbook


A big reference for this work was looking back into modernist values within graphic design. We felt that the book needed to be timeless in design, as oppose to following a certain trend, so we’ve been looking at a lot of work by legendary graphic designers such as Josef Muller-Brockman, as well as other work which is still rooted in modernism, such as Braun Products, designed by Dieter Rams. As well as this, we are looking at various different grid systems that would be suitable for our work to sit within.

Extended Practice

Sam Lane




BAGD Yearbook


Massimo Vignelli is a big inspiration, but we was also looking into shape and form as well as grid and layout. For some of the special pages within the book, we will be able to be a little bit more creative, once our grid layout is determined. We’ve been looking into typographic compositions as well as simple compositions with shapes, that relate to our concept.

Extended Practice

Sam Lane




BAGD Yearbook


Here are some of the developmental stages, trying to come up with compositions and designs that relate to our concept of ‘Spaces’. The concept of Spaces was derived from the amount of Space that we have on the course, and how we use Space to develop our practice in a personal, shared and collaborative sense. The initial visuals started to experiment with this in a visual way.

Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Brand Guidelines


BAGD Yearbook



Spaces is a showcase of Design and Development through the experience of personal, shared and collaborative space. The concept of Spaces is split up into these different sections which help explain how we work both individually and as a group.

We chose to use DIN as the primary typeface throughout the publication. We wanted something which was neutral in order to let the work stand out, but we felt that we didn’t want to use something more popular like Helvetica, as this might look like we haven’t considered the choice. We feel Din, although very neutral also has a bit of character.

Iconography Icons were created to represent each part of the concept. The ones shown above represent virtual space, which brings in augmented reality, and collaborative space, the two circles come together to represent people working on the same project. These icons are stuck to a key which is referred to next to peoples work to let the user know if the work is augmented, if the project they worked on was collaborative or personal.

Aurasma We plan to use the free app ‘Aurasma’ to help bridge the gap between print and digital. As a lot of people this year are digital based within their work, this Augmented Reality platform will help us let the user access digital content, through printed form and the use of smart technology.


Sam Lane

Extended Practice


BAGD Yearbook


Amber Smith

BA (Hons) Graphic Design Programme Leader


The BA (Hons.) Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art is inspiring as they say it is. Awesome, Dynamic, Innovative, Shambolic, Subjective, Hardworking, So-Hardworking, Creative, Contextual, Driven, Original, Provoking, Focused, Astonishing, and react.


Layout System

For each individual student, we allocated a double page spread. We wanted to make full use of the space given, whilst also keeping a highly professional and clean consistent layout, so we tried to get the best of both worlds by creating a set of templates. We then sent out these templates to students and asked them to pick a template which best suits their work, then send over content and information fo us to use.

Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Final Publication


BAGD Yearbook


We wanted the cover and special pages to be quite typographical. We felt like this was a good way to show what Graphic Design is in a much more clean and professional look. For the cover we are using Black Stock, with a White Foil and for the special pages, they use an orange spot colour along with the wrap around, which will be the accent colour throughout the publication.

Extended Practice

Sam Lane


Wrap Around


BAGD Yearbook


The wrap around poster, again is primarily typographical, and is based around the spaces concept, using the list idea as the feature where misconceptions of the course are crossed out to reveal all the positive descriptive words of the course. This will wrap around the black stock cover and line up with the same design, making it interactive and tactile.

Sam Lane


Extended Practice

Augmented Reality


Adventure Films

As mentioned previously, Augmented Reality is a unique selling point of the publication, so this is something we wanted to push. We are using a free app called Aurasma to host the digital content. Once inside the app, when you hover a smart phone or tablet over the images in the book that are marked with the virtual sign, these will then come to life to reveal moving content, web content or even more imagery. Hungry Sandwich Club were kind enough to create some illustrations which describes this process to make it easier for users to follow and get involved.


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