Burundi Information Pack

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2 www.burunditourisme.com

Burundi is on a trajectory. We have witnessed a vibe in our economy that keeps humming and continues to provide new opportunities for investors. As I lead a strong tourism delegation to the Magical Kenya Travel Expo in Nairobi, I am pleased to announce that Burundi is making gradual strides in developing its tourism industry. Complimentary Tourism Tourism is by far one of the biggest economic engines of major economies in Africa. The industry has a ripple effect on other economic sectors and is one of the biggest employers. Burundi has been working towards enhancing its tourism product with a view to helping compliment established tourism products from across East Africa, especially those from Kenya and Tanzania. Our objective is to not only learn from your brothers and sisters from across the region, but to also add onto the tourism product in East Africa. This includes our unique culture, cuisine and entertainment. Our new economic policies make it easier for local, regional and international investors keen on investing in the tourism sector in Burundi.


Currently, we are formulating a new tourism strategy for the country that will guide our vision for the tourism sector in the next 20 years. We welcome you to tour the Burundi stand at the Magical Kenya Travel Expo at the Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC), Nairobi. Come and sample what Burundi has to offer in terms of outdoor adventure, watersports, bird watching, night life, culture, cuisine and much more. Come and experience our Burundi; our Beautiful Burundi.

Hon. Victorie NDIKUMANA,

Minister of Commerce, Industry, Posts & Tourism,


CONTENTS 3 Foreword Introduction from the Minister of Commerce, Industry, Posts and Tourism

8 Invest in Burundi An investment guide to Burundi from Invest Burundi


Location Map Burundi location map


Accommodation Accommodation options in Burundi


Travel Information Useful travel information for Burundi


History A brief history of Burundi


Burundi Attractions Images and descriptions of some of Burundi’s tourism attractions


Operators A listing of leading Burundian tour operators

BURUNDI INFORMATION PACK is published specifically for the Magical Kenya Travel Expo 2013. Published on behalf of NATIONAL TOURISM OFFICE B.P. 902, Bujumbura, Burundi

Published by: SAFARI COMMUNICATIONS LTD. P.O. BOX 13510, Westlands 00800, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel: E-mail: Website: www.burunditourisme.com

Tel: (Kenya)+254 722 731003 (Rwanda) +250 787 176098 (Burundi) +257 71 624904 E-mail: media@safari-communications.com Website: www.safari-communications.com



UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Compound du BNUB, Chaussée d’Uvira, BP 1490, Bujumbura,

TRADE MARK EAST AFRICA, Burundi Office, Old East Building, 1st Floor, Place de l’Indépendance

Tel: + 257 22 30 11 00 Fax: + 257 22 30 11 90 Website: www.bi.undp.org

P.O Box 40 Bujumbura, Burundi Tel: +257 22 27 71 01 www.trademarkea.com




Lac Rweru

a ohoh Lac C Lac Rwihinda Lac aux oiseaux migrateurs

KIRUNDO Danse des guerriers, Intore de Kirundo






Eaux thermales




Parc National de Kibira

Théier de Teza

KARUZI BUBANZA Site d’intronisation des Rois, Rubumba


Reserve Naturelle de la Rusizi

CANKUZO Parc National de la Ruvubu

Site de signature du Traité de colonisation


Monuments Historiques de Kiriri/Vugizo


Musée vivant de Bujumbura

Sanctuaires des tambours sacrés

GITEGA Musée National de Gitéga

RUYIGI Lieu de rencontre Stanley et Livingstone


Lac Tanganyika Grotte de Kayove

La Source Méridionale du Nil

Eau thermale de Munini


Chutes de Karera



Foret de Bururi

Failles des Allemands

Eaux thermales


Foret de Rukmonge



ganyik Lake Tan



Danse acrobatique, Agasimbo de Makamba

Reserve Naturelle de Kigwena




Activités nautiques sur le Lac Tanganyika








Les 20 meilleures attractions touristiques


Paysages uniques

Parcs et Réserves Naturelles

Tourisme culturel



19. Lac aux oiseaux migrateurs

1. Lac Tanganyika

7. Parc National de Kibira

9. Site de signature du Traité de colonisation

14. La Source Méridionale du Nil

17. Musée National de Gitéga

20. Activités nautiques sur le Lac Tanganyika

2. Chutes de Karera

8. Parc National de la Ruvubu

10. Sanctuaires des tambours sacrés

15. Lieu de rencontre Stanley et Livingstone

18. Musée vivant de Bujumbura

3. Failles des Allemands

11. Site d’intronisation des Rois, Rubumba

16. Monuments Historiques de Kiriri/Vugizo

4. Grotte de Kayove

12. Danse des guerriers, Intore de Kirundo

5. Théier de Teza

13. Danse acrobatique, Agasimbo de Makamba

Provinces Route nationales Routes provinciales Lacs Aerodrome

6. Eau thermale de Munini Eaux thermales

6 www.burunditourisme.com


Finding accurate information on the Internet regarding Burundi Visa formalities and rates is still very difficult the Burundi Immigration Authority does not have a website. The website, is currently under construction and will be available sooner. However, Beautiful Burundi sought the required information for entry visas to Burundi. Most travelers, often first time visitors to Burundi, will be asked by most airlines and travel agencies get an entry visa prior to their travel to Burundi. However, the Burundi Immigration Authority which is also known as Police de l’Air et des Frontières (PAFE) in French will provide entry visas to all travelers that require an entry visa into Burundi on arrival at the Bujumbura International Airport or at any official border post. The process of acquiring the entry visa is pretty much straight forward. All the traveler

needs to do is fill in the visa form and pay the required amount, get an official receipt and get issued the entry visa. There are a number of different visas with different rates and validity as below: Type of Visa



Entry / Transit Visa

40 USD

3 Days

Single Entry Tourist Visa

70 USD

1 Month

Multiple Entry Tourist Visa

90 USD

1 Month

Visa Application Requirements - Passport with at least a 6 months validity - Two (2) passport size photographs - A valid yellow fever vaccination card - American dollars to pay for the visa


A BRIEF HISTORY OF BURUNDI • After its defeat in World War I, Germany handed control of a section of the former German East Africa to Belgium. • On October 20, 1924, this land, which consisted of modern-day Rwanda and Burundi, became a Belgian League of Nations mandate territory, known as Ruanda-Urundi. • However, the Belgians allowed RuandaUrundi to continue its kingship dynasty.

of Hutus by the Tutsi-dominated army,[21] and the 1993 mass killings of Tutsis by the Hutu populace



• On January 20, 1959, Burundi’s ruler Mwami Mwambutsa IV requested from the Belgian Minister of Colonies a separation of Burundi and Rwanda and a dissolution of RuandaUrundi. • Burundi’s push for independence was influenced to some extent by the instability and ethnic persecution that occurred in Rwanda • The Union for National Progress (UPRONA), a multi-ethnic unity party led by Prince Louis Rwagasore and the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) became the most prominent organizations throughout Burundi-Urundi. • After UPRONA’s victory in legislative elections, Prince Rwagasore was assassinated on October 13 in 1961, allegedly with the help of the Belgian colonial administration. • Burundi claimed independence from Belgium on July 1, 1962, and legally changed its name from Ruanda-Urundi to Burundi. • Mwami Mwambutsa IV was named king. • On September 18, 1962, just over two months after declaring independence from Belgium, Burundi joined the United Nations. • Upon Burundi’s independence, a constitutional monarchy was established and both Hutus and Tutsis were represented in parliament. • Since Burundi’s independence in 1962, there have been two events called genocides in the country. The 1972 mass killings

• Reconstruction efforts in Burundi started to practically take effect after 2006. The UN shut down its peacekeeping mission and re-focused on helping with reconstruction. • Toward achieving economic reconstruction, Rwanda, D.R.Congo and Burundi relaunched the regional economic bloc: The Great Lakes Countries Economic Community. • In addition, Burundi, along with Rwanda, joined the East African Community in 2007. Political Set-up • Burundi’s political system is that of a presidential representative democratic republic based upon a multi-party state. • There are currently 21 registered parties in Burundi. • Burundi’s legislative branch is a bicameral assembly, consisting of the Transitional National Assembly and the Transitional Senate. As of 2004, the Transitional National Assembly consists of 170 members. • The Transitional Senate has 51 members, and three seats are reserved for former presidents. • The President of Burundi is the head of state and head of government. • The current President of Burundi is His Excellency Pierre Nkurunziza.

8 www.burunditourisme.com

BURUNDI WHERE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND With a thousand hills, Burundi is a marvelous country. It is an almost ever green country, with a plains and mountains scenery, natural forests and parks where you will find a fauna and a flora of the Eden Garden beauty. And this country invites investors and tourists from all over the world. In-between Central Africa and Eastern Africa, Burundi enjoys a very strategic geographic location that makes of it the heart of Africa. Burundi is member of numerous international and regional organizations. As a member state of CEPGL (Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries), EAC (East African Community), COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and ECCAS (Economic Community of Central African States), Burundi contributes in the creation of a market of more than two hundred thousand people. Burundian economy is almost untapped.

to actually develop international conference tourism and integrated tourism (that offers to go through Bujumbura to visit much easily chimpanzees of Vyanda or the GombĂŠ park in Tanzania or gorillas of Kahuzi biyega/Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo). 2 Housing Bujumbura city harbors more than 500,000 people. As of 2020, the city will harbor more than a million inhabitants. Housing is becoming a crucial issue. The territory is small and storey buildings are required to meet the demand. Apart from storey buildings in all cities of the country, the policy of villages and urban centers creation goes alongside with the challenge of having modern housing at a price that abides by the cost of living. 3 Health

The promotion of investments and the attraction of foreign capitals are priorities of the Government which is doing its utmost in view of improving the business climate and granting a wide range of incentives to investors. It is worth mentioning that the 2013 Doing Business Report ranked Burundi 5th best reformer worldwide and the only African country among the top 10!

Bujumbura city and other different cities of the country likewise, need hospitals with modern technologies and equipments. Many patients in Burundi go to seek medical care in India, Europe or in Kenya. Whereas in the subregion telemedicine prevails, a number of medical tests are made abroad due to lack of reference hospitals.

The most targeted sectors by investors

4 Education

1 Hotel industry and tourism

Burundi has liberalized the education sector and there is freedom to invest in the establishment of schools, institutes and universities. With the integration of Burundi into the EAC, there are many Burundian students going to neighboring countries or farther in Europe for quality education that is consistent with

Obviously, Burundi needs 5 Stars hotels, a conference center, an exhibition and a trade-fair center of an international standing. The occupancy capacity of hotels is very low as regards the inflow of tourists and visitors expected in order


the needs of the labor market. The opening of vocational centers, capacity building centers in different fields or the development of partnerships with existing universities or institutes would be a big business!

bonatite, cassiterite (as well as wolframite and colombo-tantalite) and accompanying minerals (PGMs, land rare earth), various industrial minerals such as cement and ceramics. 6 General Trade

5 Energy and mines Without energy, no development is possible. However, only 5% of the eight million people of Burundi have access to electricity. That is why the Government called investors to develop, operate and participate in the production of energy.

Bujumbura city has mini-markets and no supermarket. However, Burundians and foreigners living in the ever growing capital (in terms of expansion of the city and the number of inhabitants) would be happy to have supermarkets with rays and services such as those that are the pride of the West. 7 Maritime Transport

The country is overflowing with water and many rivers are suitable for the construction of hydroelectric dams. Let us also mention abundant wind for wind energy, plenty of sunshine for solar energy and other energy sources such as biogas and peat. Researches for the discovery of oil and gas in Lake Tanganyika and in the plain of Imbo are available opportunities. It also fits to guide the investor to the subsoil that is full of nickel, coltan, vanadium, gold, phosphates, car-

Lake Tanganyika (the second deepest lake in the world after Lake Baikal) is an inland sea that binds Burundi to Tanzania, DRC and Zambia. This lake with fish (shrimp, frogs, Mukeke, Captain, Ndagala, Sangala etc.) and a large freshwater reservoir is a waterway that is suitable for transport of goods and can make of Bujumbura a business hub between Southern Africa and East Africa as well DRC. In addition to the transport of goods, leisure boats and tours would benefit from the

10 www.burunditourisme.com

lake through the transport of persons. 8 Agribusiness Burundi imports almost everything while its plains and valleys match wonderfully with modern mechanized agriculture. Irrigation would be realized very easily with a generous rainfall and facilities to build reservoirs for rainwater. A country with hills, valleys and swamps in the plains of Imbo and Moso, Burundi offers enormous potential for modern agriculture. The creation of large plantations of vegetables, fruit and horticulture would make of Burundi a real granary in the EAC. The abundance of streams, lakes, rivers allows farmers to flood the local, regional or international market with vegetables, flowers, pineapples, tomatoes, rice and beans. You have to plan the processing of some products by creating conditioning units of tomatoes, pineapple, citrus and vegetables. Popularization of oil palm and the introduction of Tenera species will contribute to a substantial increase in the production of palm oil. This type of palm trees is harvested throughout the year and a refinery would have enough fruit to run at full blast.

industrial) and recycling. Young people in the capital are organized into associations with makeshift means to collect and transport garbage to a rubbish tip. Protection of the environment and the waters of Lake Tanganyika by a regular and professional waste collection, transport and treatment is a major investment opportunity in this that the challenge does not only concern the city of Bujumbura, but all the chief towns of the 16 provinces and urban centers. And what about the production of fertilizers from waste or energy production? With its parks and natural forests, Burundi is also of interest to experts firms in carbon trading! 11 ICT Burundi has just connected to the submarine cable for the operation of internet by optical fiber. This new facility is a boon for investors willing to provide services through the sale of bandwidth and other business services, international organizations, schools and universities as well as households. 12 Fishing This sector expects huge investments. This market was set aside since the departure (in the 1990’s) of Greek ship-owners and fishermen.

9 Livestock and dairy processing During the war, livestock has been decimated but an ambitious restocking of goats and cattle already is producing results. Production of cow milk has increased significantly. In different centers of the country, milk is collected in a rustic way with transport (bike or car) years back from what is prescribed by international standards! This sector calls for the creation of modern farms, dairy products processing plants to produce in industrial quantities pasteurized milk or curd, yoghurt, butter, cheese, cattle feed etc. 10.

Environmental Protection:

In Burundi, there is lack of specialized firms in waste treatment (household and

Nowadays, fishing on Lake Tanganyika remains rustic and fruits from the lake are not processed or stored according to modern standards and technologies. It is especially regrettable that many big fish in the lake are born, live and die filled days when they would delight both domestic and foreign consumers. There is no need to emphasize that the fish from Lake Tanganyika stands in the sub-region with its unparalleled flavor and purity. 13 Construction materials Burundi imports cement, concrete bars, plates, nails, son tying, all plumbing equipments, etc. The construction of private and public infrastructure is always looking for quality building materials.


ACCOMMODATION AND DINING OPTIONS IN BURUNDI Mukeke, a fish found in Lake Tanganyika is one of the Burudian traditional delicacies.

12 www.burunditourisme.com


urundi as a growing tourism destination is developing its hospitality industry at a fast pace. Bujumbura, the capital city boasts some of the best hotels in the country that are designed to meet the demands of business, leisure and conference tourists coming to Burundi. While the hotels are not officially graded, they range from five or four star luxury to basic accommodation units with little or no frills. Some of these properties include:



Roca Golf Hotel is a newly build hotel in Bujumbura city center, capital of Burundi and situated beside the Golf court and close to other sporting facilities. The hotel contains 82 rooms & suite with up-to-date business facilities as well as a restaurant, 2 bars and seminar facilities.

Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika in Burundi is located in the heart of the explorers of Africa and is a reality with a strong social impact that contribute effectively to the growth of quality of life in Burundi and the Great Lakes region HOTEL KIBUNOAH

HOTEL SOURCE DI NIL Located in the center of Bujumbura city, Hotel Source du Nil is one of Burundi's leading hotels. This hotel with its unique location offers an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity right in the city center maddening crowds and noise.

Kibunoah Hotel operates as a full service hotel, serving corporate travelers; with luxurious rooms, with a restaurant with a view of Bujumbura and Lac Tanganyika, sauna, spacious exercise room, massage, indoor swimming pool and outdoor terrace with a fabulous view. TOP HILL RESIDENCE KIRIRI

STAR HOTEL It is located next to the river Ntahangwa. You will find luxurious rooms, conference hall, swimming pool, gym and massage, restaurants.

Top Hill Residence Kiriri has an outdoor pool, a fitness facility, and a children’s pool. Complimentary wireless and wired high-speed Internet access is available in public areas.



Ego hotel has a total of 39 rooms comprising of standard classic rooms, Executive Deluxe rooms

Safari Gate Hotel is a deluxe budget hotel located in the heart of Bujumbura. The 2 storey hotel offers a total of 10 Luxurious guest rooms, car Parking, Internet, Travel & tour packages for Business & leisure traveller.

HOTEL AMAHORO The hotel is one of the good hotels in Burundi. Located in downtown Bujumbura, the hotel offers good services at competitive prices. It is more known for its perfectionism as well as organisational and practical skills.

SUN SAFARI CLUB HOTEL The hotel is located in the Rohero I area of Bujumbura, a quiet area for a calm stay. ALEXESTEL HOTEL Alexestel Hotel is located near the University of Burundi. Fresh air, calm, decoration and security in the apartments are satisfying. The hotel also has a fully equipped conference hall. KING’S CONFERENCE CENTER (KCC) KCC is located in Kinindo near the WFP office. The classic or superior rooms offer you a comfort and peaceful stay.

DORADO HOTEL Dorado Hotel is one of Burundi’s leading hotels. It is unique simply because it is affordable and above all centrally located in the heart of Bujumbura City; right where all the action begins! Dorado Hotel has 4 deluxe twin, 6 single and 8 double rooms. UBUNTU RESIDENCE Ubuntu Residence is located at 1 km from the Bujumbura city center and at 10 minutes from the airport. The hotel has modern deluxe apartments are a fully equipped. Kiboko – Grill restaurant and bar. CITY HILL HOTEL City Hill Hotel is a new hotel in Bujumbura, located in ambassador residencies area. The hotel has standard rooms, suites and a Presidential Suite. The hotel has a conference hall and corporate lounge with wireless internet access can hold any kind of corporate meetings.


14 www.burunditourisme.com

ATTRACTIONS IN BURUNDI Lake Tanganyika offers an idyllic beach holiday option for those looking for a hustlefree beach holiday.

Lake Rwihinda is popularly known as the lake of birds due to the high bird population found in its ecosystem. A visit to the lake is highly recommended for bird watchers and nature lovers.

Kagera Falls (Chutes de la Karera in French) are a spectacular series of waterfalls in southeastern Burundi. The falls form a system of waterfalls of a fascinating beauty.

The Livingstone–Stanley Monument is located at Mugere, some12 km south of the Burundian capital Bujumbura. The monument overlooks Lake Tanganyika. It marks the location where explorer and missionary Dr. David Livingstone and journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley visited and spent two nights together on 25–27 November 1871.

The National Museum located in Gitega hosts some of the best archival information about the history of the Burundi. Images of past monarchies of Burundi are on display. Historians and students of history will also get to learn more about contemporary struggles with ethnic conflict and genocide.


Burundi has a growing chimpanzee population in the Kibira National Park. From Burundi, trips to other chimpanzee sanctuaries such as Gombe and Katavi National Parks in Tanzania can easily be arranged.

While Burundi does not have a gorilla population, it is possible to visit the Lowland Gorilla sanctuary in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park near Bukavu.


We organize tours in Burundi and neighbouring countries. In addition to tour guide services, we also provide hotel and conference booking, assistance with visa formalities as well as car rental services.

Plot 5, Avenue de la JRR, FVS/AMADE PO Box 6751 Bujumbura, Burundi

Offers unique tours in Burundi and in neighbouring countries. Airport transfer, flight and hotel reservation, car renting and event organization are some of the services we proudly provide to any of our clients.

Office # 22, Galerie Coeur d’Afrique Rohero I - Bujumbura, Burundi

We help you plan the perfect trip and show you the hidden side of Burundi you never seen. We bring you an online hotels, restaurants, and Vacation Rentals booking and ratings recommendations and reviews. Contact us for a unique souvenir.

Plot 59, Chausée Prince Louis Rwagasore Galerie Les Arcades, office # 2 Rohero I - Bujumbura, Burundi

Based in a Tourist Epicenter, Expe-dition is your ultimate Outdoor & Safari Company. Operating small groups in East & South Africa the Expe-team provides their guests with personalized service and professional experience.

Avenuede la RDC N°1. PO Box 2755 Bujumbura, Burundi. Mob : +257 78 80 05 67 +257 78 19 34 74 Email : info@expe-dition.com Web : www.expe-dition.com

Follow us on facebook.com/expedition. bdi

Office : +257 22 27 41 66 Cell : +257 71 30 28 68 / 78 73 74 62 Email : info@burundides.bi ebagumako@burundides.bi Web : www.burundides.bi

Office : +257 22 23 43 32 Cell : +257 79 41 00 00 / 78 569 908 Email : info@intore-tours.bi mbonavry@gmail.com Web : www.intore-tours.bi

Cell : +257 79 494 394 / 75 494 394 Email : info@burundisafari.com ines@burundisafari.com Web : www.burundisafari.com

Our experienced English speaking guides will make discover all the hidden secrets of Burundi, the land of the a thousand and one hills, home of the World famous Gishora sacred drums. We also offer the most affordable gorilla tracking experience ever in Bukavu DRC and the most primitive safaris possible at Katavi National Park, just 12 hours-drive away

Plot 92, Boulevard du 28 Novembre Galerie Cadyjo, Office # 4 PO Box 2745 Bujumbura, Burundi

Two Belgians lovers of Burundi and the Great Lakes region who live in Bujumbura, organize travel adventures, photo safaris and trekking at the request in that region.

Cell :

+257 78 988 888 / 78 23 22 33

Email :

jose.parys@gmail.com luctoussaint27@gmail.com

Cell : +257 71 518 608 Email : info@visit-burundi.com Facebook: Akeza Discovery Tours Web : www.visit-burundi.com

Facebook: Burundi TREK Web :

Burundi Tours is one of the leading tour companies in Burundi. Our services include: • Tailor made excursions • City tours • conference and Event Planning • Interpreting and Translation

Based in Burundi, INGOMA SAFARIS' mission is to showcase to the local community and visitors the hidden historical masterpieces of the country and those of the East-African community.


Plot 5, Avenue de la Justice, Q. INSS Rohero 1 - Bujumbura, Burundi Cell : +257 778 508 507 Email : ange.muyubira@gmail.com

Office # 15, Galerie Coeur d’Afrique Rohero I - Bujumbura, Burundi Cell 1 : Cell 2 : Email : Web :

+257 78 735 244 +257 76 002 040 info@ingomasafaris.com armandn@ingomasafaris.com www.ingomasafaris.com

The famous Burundian Drummers are known for their high energy drumming performances that thrill audiences. This tradition was from the ancient Burundian monarchy. The royal drummers played the drums to signal communication from the King. Today the drummers can be seen in Gishora near Gitega, their original homeland.

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