Church of Saint Mary Parish Bulletin: February 5, 2023

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The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 5, 2023

Reverend Father Robert A. Romeo | Pastor Reverend Father Dominik Wegiel | Parochial Vicar
1300 Northern Boulevard | Manhasset, New York 11030 516 627 0385 | Fax 516 627 6070
Reverend Father Kingsley Nwanwa | Parochial Vicar

Parish Mission Statement

We, the community of Saint Mary’s, Manhasset, building on our rich heritage of Catholic faith and tradition, center ourselves in the Eucharist and honor God in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be the presence of Christ through our liturgical, educational and social ministries. We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world. We commit to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ.


Church of Saint Mary

1300 Northern Boulevard

Manhasset, New York 11030

(516) 627-0385

Fax (516) 627-6070

Schedule of Masses

Monday–Friday 9:00 AM

Saturday 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon

Sacrament of Penance

Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment. Please call 627-0385.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in the Chapel on the second Sunday of the month following the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are unable to come to Church, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist.

Parish Office

627-0385 | Fax 627-6070

Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday (phone only) 10:00 AM–1:30 PM


Parish Social Ministry


Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM


St. Vincent de Paul Society:

Religious Education


Monday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 AM–6:00 PM

Closed on Friday

Pastoral Staff

Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo Pastor

627-0385 | ext. 1004

Rev. Fr. Dominik Wegiel

Parochial Vicar

627-0385 | ext. 1006

Rev. Fr. Kingsley Nwanwa

Parochial Vicar

627-0385 | ext. 1089

Parish Staff

Jane Clifford Bulletin Editor

Jennifer Fedele Office Manager


Marie T. Granieri

Director of Religious Education

627-4028 | ext. 1127

Vincent Hartley

Facilities Manager

627-0385 | ext. 1002

Kathleen Kosciusko Director of Parish Social Ministry 627-0385 | ext. 1126

Robert Levulis

Music Director 313-7606

Vanessa Quiros

Parish Office 627-0385

Sr. Teresa Raftery, IHM

Adult Faith Formation

627-0385 | ext. 1010

The Schools of Saint Mary Nursery through 12th Grade

Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Ph.D. President 627-2711

Norma Ragalli Stafford Director of Admissions 627-2711 | ext 1084

Edward Short Vice President of Development 627-2711 | ext 1120

Eileen M. Symmons ’82, ’86 Director of Communications 627-2711

Kiera Gmelich Walsh Director of Alumni and Parent Relations 627-2711 | ext. 1162

Sarah de Venoge Griffin ’02, ’06 Liaison for School Relations

St. Mary’s Elementary School 627-0184

Theresa A. Kemp Principal

St. Mary’s High School 627-2711

Gerard J. Buckley Principal

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Parishioners, “You are a light to the world.” (Matthew 5:14)

There is an ancient legend first told by Christians living in the catacombs under the streets of Rome which pictures the day when Jesus went back to glory after finishing all his work on earth. The archangel Gabriel meets Jesus in heaven and welcomes Him home.

“Lord,” he says, “Who have You left behind to carry on Your work?”

Jesus tells him about the disciples, the little band of fishermen, and farmers and housewives.

“But Lord,” says Gabriel, “what if they fail You? What if they lose heart, or drop out? What if things get too rough for them, and they let you down?”

Well, says Jesus, then all I’ve done will come to nothing!

“But don’t You have a backup plan?” Gabriel asks. “Isn’t there something else to keep it going, to finish Your work?”

No, says Jesus, there’s no backup plan. The Church is it. There’s nothing else.

“Nothing else?” says Gabriel. “But what if they fail?”

And the early Christians knew Jesus’ answer.

“They won’t fail, Gabriel,” He said. “They won’t fail!”

Isn’t that a marvelous thing? Here are the Christians of Rome, dug into the earth like gophers, tunneling out of sight because of the terrors of the Emperor Nero up above. They’re nothing in that world! They’re poor and despised and insignificant! Yet they know the promise of Jesus: “You won’t fail! You’re My people, and you won’t fail!”

That’s what Jesus tells us in these verses, doesn’t He?

“You are the salt of the earth!” He says. “You are the light of the world! You are My witnesses!”

From this old story comes a very strong reality. Jesus trusts us to be His holy and loving presence in our world. As light, our own lives must shine in the darkness of the world as the symbol of hope. How we live this faith we profess has the power to change and encourage our world. In our first reading, the prophet Isaiah reminds us that our “light must break forth like the dawn.” He goes on to explain that this light must and should remove oppression, false accusations, and malicious speech from our lives. This focus on a behavior that is one with God will open our eyes to the needs of the world. To embrace the light, we must open ourselves to the good works that are the mind of God. Isaiah goes on to point out what is God’s care. So we need to focus our light in true and heartfelt care for the poor, the homeless, and to satisfy the afflicted.

We look around our world and may be daunted by the work that needs to be done. The enormity of the task may cause us to lose heart and think that we can do nothing. Well, there is certainly a truth to that. St. Paul’s words should offer us hope and encouragement in our mission to continue to be a light to the world, even as we realize how difficult this process is.

”I came with nothing except to preach Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I came to you in weakness and much trembling.”

He reminds us that it is not our power that enables us to be preachers and light, but rather the Holy Spirit that we have been gifted with at Baptism.

Never loose heart, my dear brothers and sisters! Jesus believes in us and trusts us with His message. So continue to go forward as a Light to the World. Go be the City on the Mountain and not be hidden.

We had a very successful St. Mary’s Elementary School Open House last week. If you were unable to attend, I invite you to come and see the wonderful Elementary and High Schools we run here at St. Mary’s.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 5, 2023

J Stewards of God’s Gifts

In the First Reading, we are called to care for the hungry and the needy. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to let our light shine before others.

Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Service: As Christians, we are called to care for others (as we hear in today’s readings). This week, be at service to someone in need. Let your light shine by donating clothes to the poor, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or by helping an elderly friend/relative with a task that they find difficult.

The collection for Sunday, January 29, 2023 amounted to $24,003.00

The collection for Sunday, January 30, 2022 amounted to $16,712.00

Have you enrolled yet? Visit Our parish code is NY281.

We Care for Our Parish Community


We celebrate Baptism at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month and at 12:30 PM on the fourth Saturday of the month as scheduled. Please call the Parish Office at least one month in advance to see if a date is available and to arrange to fill out pre-baptismal paperwork. New parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session held once every month. Those chosen as sponsors for Baptism should lead lives in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of Godparent.”


At least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the necessary preparations.

Children’s Education

Saint Mary’s Elementary School offers excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel from grades N, Pre-K to Eighth grade. For information call 627-0184.

Empowering Character, Innovation and Leadership in our students, Saint Mary’s High School is a dynamic, contemporary, Catholic value-centered school, combining a commitment to academic excellence and educational innovation, with a passion for learning, and an emphasis on moral character development through the pursuit of truth and discovered in faith and reason. For information call 627-2711.

The Religious Education Program provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in public or private schools. Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation requires two years. Classes are held at St. Mary’s for Grades 1 through 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays

4:30-5:30 PM. Classes also meet on Sundays from 9:3010:20 AM for Grades 1 through 8 and on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 PM for Grades 6, 7 and 8. We also offer the option of an online home program for Grades 1 through 7. For information about Grades 1-8 call 627-4028 or email Mrs. Marie Granieri at

Parish Social Ministryã

We care for our sisters and brothers through our Parish Social Ministry and Food Pantry. For information call 365-2705.

Youth Ministry

We reach out to our teens though our Youth Ministry Program. For information email or visit

New Parishioners

We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Mary’s Parish. If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call the Parish Office.

Opportunities For Prayer

The Church is open Monday to Friday until 8:45 PM, on Saturday until the end of the 5:00 PM Mass, and on Sunday until 6:00 PM so that we may have the opportunity for quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Miraculous Medal Novena is said each Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Monday to Saturday the Rosary is said following the 9:00 AM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Chapel. On First Saturdays, the Scriptural Rosary is recited following the 9:00 AM Mass.

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Church of Saint Mary

Masses and Special Intentions

Paul Martocci

Geralyn Gerba

Parker James Austin

Mark Stapleton

Stephen Sheehan

Sandy Pittman

Jeanette Albanese

Moira Feely

Masses for the Week

Monday, February 6th

St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs

Gn 1:1-19, Mk 6:53-56

9:00 AM | Francis J. Keltos

Tuesday, February 7th

Gn 1:20-2:4a, Mk 7:1-13

Theresa Fallon

Christine Marchese

Thomas Hyland

Estela Fernandez

Cherie Baldenko

Carol Bennett

Lisa Fontenelli

Frank Prince

Hope Della Ratta

Nina Marie

Maria DeAngelis

James McCabe

Chuck Sockett

Ann Pardi

Kristin O’Shea O’Keefe

Marguerite Barone

Robert Labriola

Vincent Nicky O’Donnell

Grace Williams

Names will remain on the list for three months. Please email if you would like to continue with the listing

Tadeusz Arkadiusz Bedowski

John David Kenlon

Felix G. Andrews

Mary Simone

Hussey, James M., GySgt, USMC Jones, Scott B., LT, USN

Jones, Katherine L., LTJG, USN

LaManna, Vincent S., Jr., PVT, USA

Landolphi, Michael, ENS, USN

Lanza, Anthony E., LtCol, USMC

125th Brigade Support Battalion

23rd Marine Regiment

25th Marine Regiment

2-4 GSAB Task Force Mustang

2-211th GSAB Task Force

War Horse

51st Security Force Squadron

75th Ranger Regiment

82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron

Alacqua, Alexander, 1LT, USA

Amerson, Jason, CPT, USA

Anderson, Michael, 1LT, USA

Arnold, James, LCpl, USMC

Avasthi, David, Capt, USAF

Baber, Joseph, Maj, USAF

Broderick, Evan, SGT, USA

Broderick, Steven, SN, USN

Brodie, Virgina H., 2ndLt, USMC

Brown, Jason, SGT, USA

Fontanetta, Joseph, Maj, USMC

Hayes, Andrew, Capt, USMC

Hernandez, Steven, SSgt, USAF

Higgins, James, GySgt, USMC

Hilton, Justin, SGT, USA

Hilton, Nathaniel, SGT, USA

Horner, Brian G., 1stLt, USMC

Howard, Edward, PV2, USA

Madden, Michael E., Major, USAF

Major, A. Edward, III, MAJ, USA

Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 161

Marine Transport Squadron 352 McGorry, Patrick F., HM2, USN

McKievear, Gary, LT, USA

Millau, Jeffrey, PFC, USMC

Morris, Jr., Brian J., MAC, USN

O’Leary, Jason, SSgt, USAF

Petracca, Evan L., LTJG, USN

Quinn, Anthony, Jr., SGT, USA

Richardson, Timothy, PV2, USA

Radman, Paul Cpl, USMC

Rodi, Caroline G., CAPT, USN

Sharkey, John J., LtCol, USMC

Spivak III, Edmund, Capt, USAF

Sweeney, Timothy, CPT, USA

Swersky, Roberto, Capt, USMC

Tafone, Samantha, SGT, USA

Ullrich, Kenneth C., HN, USN

Unger, Matthew J., SPC, USA

Vachris, Madison LTJG, USN Wood, Kelly, BMSR, USN

9:00 AM | Mary Harrop

Wednesday, February 8th

St. Jerome Emiliani

St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin

Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17, Mk 7:14-23

9:00 AM | Bobbe Rice Lynch

Thursday, February 9th

Gn 2:18-25, Mk 7:24-30

7:00 AM | Nicolina & Michael Colalillo

9:00 AM | Nancy McGivney (2nd anniversary)

Friday, February 10th

St. Scholastica, Virgin Gn 3:1-8, Mk 7:31-37

9:00 AM | Peter J. Calabretta, Sr.

Saturday, February 11th

Our Lady of Lourdes

World Day of the Sick Gn 3:9-24, Mk 8:1-10

9:00 AM | Michael Polis

5:00 PM | Kathryn & Arthur O’Brien

Thomas J. Flynn, Sr.

Larry Needle

Lucy Ianno Tully

Victoria Strocchia

Kathy Hyer

Sunday, February 12th

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sir 15:15-20, 1 Cor 2:6-10, Mt 5:17-37

7:30 AM | Catherine Frankes Ogrudek

9:00 AM | People of the Parish

10:30 AM | Rudy Parente

12:00 Noon | Gary Valenti

Victoria Strocchia

Francis Vincent McGurren

Mary Daily Neylon

Michael Polis

Lilia Orive

Cover: The Sermon of the Beatitudes. Artist: James Tissot (1836-1902).

If you have a service member that you would like to add to this list please e-mail Please include name, rank and branch of service.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 5, 2023 Patricia M. Cardillo

Mass Intentions Book for

July 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023 will open on Tuesday, February 14th.

Please note our policy whereby you will be able to reserve only two Masses during the first two weeks of the opening of the Mass Intentions Book for the third quarter of 2023. After that time, you may reserve any additional Masses for the period. Mass intentions may be requested in person at the Parish Office, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, or call (516-627-0385) or email (information@ for other options.

The Gift Shop reopens TODAY

February 5th with beautiful items for Lent and Easter

The hours are after the 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 Noon Masses. It is located in the Parish Ministry Center below the church.

Any inquiries, please call 526-627-0385 ext. 1033

Readings and Questions for Faith Sharing on the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I: Sirach 15:15-20

If you choose you can keep the commandments, they will save you.

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

The Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God.

Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.

Question for Adults:

How am I called to go beyond minimal adherence to the Ten Commandments?

Question for Children:

How can I seek out God’s wisdom? Who helps me to find it?

Church of Saint Mary | 6

Rosary Society

Our Mission Statement:

The Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart

Invest 20 minutes of your day to pray the Rosary, and see the difference it will make in your life.

If you would like the Rosarians to pray for a special intention, please e-mail us at


Our Rosarians are again invited to support the Columbiettes’ Valentine’s Day Bake Sale, to be held the weekend of February 11th-12th. We hope you will consider adding your dessert talents to the donated baked goods! Please respond to if you would like to volunteer and we will provide further instructions. Thank you.


Thursday, February 9th, at 7:00 PM in the Marian Room

St. Mary’s Rosary Society is once again proud to present ROSARY 101, an evening of learning everything there is to know about praying the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ALL parishioners, and students, are encouraged to attend as we discuss how the Rosary developed as the most significant devotion to Mary. We will also lead a tutorial and pray the Luminous Mysteries.


Friday, February 10th, at 10:00 AM in the Marian Room

As always, all are invited to attend.

Ministry of Consolation

Have You Considered Becoming a Minister of Consolation?

St. Paul teaches that when one person in the community suffers, so do we all. Thus, at the time of the death of a loved one, we minister to the grieving through the Consolation Ministry and by witnessing to the love of God. Our trained teams help the family to plan a beautiful Mass of Christian Burial including the choices of Scripture Readings, Music, and assisting family members who would like to be involved in the Mass.

All are invited to consider being a part of this moving ministry either as a Greeter, Altar Server, Family Coordinator, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or Lector. Call the Parish Office at 516-627-0385 or Valery Rodi, Ministry Coordinator, at 516-627-0910 for more details.

Bread & Wine

are offered this week in loving memory of Dr. Peter J. Calabretta, Sr.

RCIA and Adult Faith Formation

Last Call to Join a Prayer Group for Lent!

Sr. Teresa is organizing a Lenten Prayer Group to meet once a week during the Lenten Season. If you would like to be part of this group, please call or email Sister to register now. So far, too few people have signed up and so it may not be possible to offer this opportunity for Lenten prayer this year. If you have never been in a prayer group and would like to know more, Sister Teresa will be happy to work with you.

Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Become a Catholic?

Our door is still open for anyone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church, Learning more about the Faith we practice and becoming a fully initiated Catholic for anyone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation. In order to qualify as a Godparent in Baptism the person must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation. They include Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.

Sister Teresa can be contacted about our RCIA and other Adult Faith Formation programs at 516-627-0385, ext. 1010. Her office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00AM and 4:00PM and other times by appointment.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH at 7:00 PM in the Saint John Paul II Room. New members are always welcome!

We invite you to explore the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary’s Church. There are no special qualifications to join, other than the desire to join with others in helping Neighbors in need. As a group, we meet monthly. Come decide for yourself if God is calling you to this special Ministry.

In the Gospel today, Jesus says, “You are the light of the world,” he is calling us to live our Christian vocation in words and deeds. Be a “light” to those living in poverty and in a world of darkness by giving a donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516-627-0385, ext. 1125, or email To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516-746-8250. Thank you for your continued support.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Sundays at the 9:00 AM Mass

What Is It? After the Opening Prayer, children gather and are dismissed from the church with a blessing by the priest, proceed to the chapel for the Sunday Readings and a short reflection on the Gospel, all on a level that children can understand. They are returned to the church at the beginning of the Creed.

Get Involved! We are in need of a few more people who would like to break open the Gospel reading for the children. Please consider sitting in on Sunday to see what it’s about and/or email Jane at

Church of Saint Mary | 8

Parish Social Ministry

As serious needs arise, and with food prices at all time highs, we find our food pantry has become a vital resource for so many people. We distribute food to over 150 people per month. Your continued donations of food to the pantry allows many families to have food especially for their children.

No family should go hungry, and we make sure, with your help, that does not happen. Thank you for keeping our pantry the vital food bank it has become. We are in need of the following items:



Bar Soap

Cake Mix

Local Brownie and Girl Scout Troops Make a Difference in Our Food Pantry






Small Boxes of White Rice

First grade Brownie troop 549 and Fourth grade Girl Scout troop 536 (represented by Charlotte Maismith and Avery Rizzo pictured at right) donated much food to our pantry by collecting from people they knew. Thank you, girls, for your generosity and time and for your concern for those in need! Great job!

Religious Education

Dear St. Mary Religious Education Families,

As we approach the new liturgical season of Lent, it is vital to remember the sanctifying beauty found in living the sacramental life. Divine grace is diffused by our loving Redeemer in all his members by the means of the sacraments. It is impossible to fathom how Christ desires that his grace so generously given in them, should find hearts yearning for its treasure. The vibrant sacramental life at St. Mary’s Parish nourishes souls and continually strengthens faith to place sovereign confidence in God’s will.

We pray for our First Communicants as they prepare to receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation and for Confirmandi receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Confirmation. These sacraments endow the actual graces necessary to lead a life faithful to God. Hence, let us never be idle in our striving, but always finding our place in the Lord’s vineyard!

Blessings, Mrs. Granieri

The Religious Education Office is located beneath the church in the Parish Ministry Center. Make a right at the bottom of the stairs or exiting from the elevator. The Office is closed on Friday.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 5, 2023
FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE CONTACT MRS. NORMA STAFFORD, DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS AT EXT. 1084 OR NSTAFFORD@SAINTMARYSMANHASSET.ORG We look forward to welcoming you for a tour to learn more about our Catholic faith community, academic, athletic, and extracurricular offerings! 1340 NORTHERN BOULEVARD, MANHASSET, NEW YORK 11030 SAINTMARYSES.ORG | 516 627 0184 | #STMARYSES Providing excellence in Catholic education since 1926. Saint Mary’s Elementary School D • I • S • C • O • V • E • R SAINT MARY’S for the Education of a Lifetime

February 11th - 12th After All Masses

The Fr. William A. Daly Columbiettes will be selling delicious, homemade baked goods after all Masses the weekend before Valentine’s Day, February 11th and 12th, in the south vestibule of the church. Come meet the Columbiettes and help support their designated charities with your purchase.

Knights of Columbus

Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122

Serving St. Mary’s Parish in Manhasset and St. Aloysius Parish In Great Neck

What is a Knights of Columbus Family?

We are Catholic families building a bridge to our faith. Our lives, time, efforts, and resources are dedicated to these values: Charity. Unity. Fraternity. Patriotism.

We come from different places, backgrounds, and all stages of life. But the common thread is our Catholic faith. We are Catholic families seeking to improve ourselves and the world.

It’s one thing to say who you are. It’s another thing is to live it. Put your values into practice.

Become a Knights of Columbus family.

Interested? Please call:

Tony Racioppo 917 539 0859

Dan Garcia 516 358 1817

Ladies interested in joining the Columbiettes

Please contact Maura Clifford at

Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo

Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart

Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 - Rome: 2 May 1934

O Most Holy Trinity, Who deigned to raise Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo to the priesthood, and endowed him with precious gifts, especially that of a burning love for suffering and immolation, we humbly beseech You, if it be Your will, that he may be glorified on earth, and that we may obtain through his intercession the particular grace which we ask for with living faith. Amen.

“You are the Salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” “A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.” “Your light must shine before others.” Why not let your light shine by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience. It can be the salt and light you need for your relationship. Experiences available are:

March 10-12, 2023 in Upton, MA

June 23-25, 2023 in Huntington, NY

Worldwide Marriage Encounter sponsors a variety of in-person and virtual marriage experiences, some on weekends and some on seven weekdays. Couples explore their relationship with each other, God, and the Church. Registration is limited; there is a $100 application fee. For more information or to apply, call Chuck & Maria Reiss at 631-486-8607 or https://

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

A Prayer of Faith in the Divine Eucharist

I believe in my heart and openly profess that the bread and wine which are placed upon the altar are by the mystery of the sacred prayer and the words of the Redeemer substantially changed into the true and life-giving Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ Our Lord and after the Consecration, there is present the true Body of Christ which was born of the Virgin Mary and offered up for the salvation of the world, hung upon the Cross, and now sits at the right hand of the Father and there is present the true Blood of Christ which flowed from his side. They are present not only by means of a sign and of the efficacy of the Sacrament, but also in the very reality and truth of their nature and substance. Amen.

and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction
5:00 PM
Mondays 3:00 -

Welcome New Parishioners

We welcome those who registered in our parish during January, 2023.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Reali and Family

Mrs. Kristine Chaskin and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zuchelli and Family


We welcome those who were baptized during the month of January, 2023. Adelaide Zia Malik

Purgatorial Society

The following names have been enrolled in our Purgatorial Society beginning February 1, 2023.

Edward Gaus II

Maureen Stiller

Nicholas Orlandino

Michael Plouffe

Eugene Rorke

Connie Mackessy

Margaret Roley

Mary & Anthony Di Bartolo

Tina Marcucci

William Sanzeri

Tadeusz Arkadiusz Bedowski


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