The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 29, 2023
Reverend Father Robert A. Romeo | Pastor
Reverend Father Dominik Wegiel | Parochial Vicar
1300 Northern Boulevard | Manhasset, New York 11030 516 627 0385 | Fax 516 627 6070
Reverend Father Kingsley Nwanwa | Parochial Vicar
Parish Mission Statement
We, the community of Saint Mary’s, Manhasset, building on our rich heritage of Catholic faith and tradition, center ourselves in the Eucharist and honor God in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be the presence of Christ through our liturgical, educational and social ministries. We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world. We commit to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ.
Church of Saint Mary
1300 Northern Boulevard
Manhasset, New York 11030
(516) 627-0385
Fax (516) 627-6070
Schedule of Masses
Monday–Friday 9:00 AM
Saturday 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment. Please call 627-0385.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in the Chapel on the second Sunday of the month following the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are unable to come to Church, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist.
Parish Office
627-0385 | Fax 627-6070
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday (phone only) 10:00 AM–1:30 PM
Parish Social Ministry
Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Religious Education
Monday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 AM–6:00 PM
Closed on Friday
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo Pastor
627-0385 | ext. 1004
Rev. Fr. Dominik Wegiel
Parochial Vicar
627-0385 | ext. 1006
Rev. Fr. Kingsley Nwanwa
Parochial Vicar
627-0385 | ext. 1089
Parish Staff
Jane Clifford Bulletin Editor
Jennifer Fedele Office Manager
Marie T. Granieri
Director of Religious Education
627-4028 | ext. 1127
Vincent Hartley
Facilities Manager
627-0385 | ext. 1002
Kathleen Kosciusko Director of Parish Social Ministry 627-0385 | ext. 1126
Robert Levulis
Music Director 313-7606
Vanessa Quiros
Parish Office 627-0385
Sr. Teresa Raftery, IHM
Adult Faith Formation
627-0385 | ext. 1010
The Schools of Saint Mary Nursery through 12th Grade
Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Ph.D. President 627-2711
Norma Ragalli Stafford Director of Admissions 627-2711 | ext 1084
Edward Short Vice President of Development 627-2711 | ext 1120
Eileen M. Symmons ’82, ’86 Director of Communications 627-2711
Kiera Gmelich Walsh Director of Alumni and Parent Relations 627-2711 | ext. 1162
Sarah de Venoge Griffin ’02, ’06 Liaison for School Relations
St. Mary’s Elementary School 627-0184
Theresa A. Kemp Principal
St. Mary’s High School 627-2711
Gerard J. Buckley Principal
Stewards of God’s Gifts
In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Formation: When you hear the Beatitudes, think about how you may become a more merciful person this upcoming week.
The collection for Sunday, January 22, 2023 amounted to $23,158.00
The collection for Sunday, January 23, 2022 amounted to $21,634.00
The collection for Christmas, 2022 amounted to $211,101.00
The collection for Christmas, 2021 amounted to $206,512.00
Have you enrolled yet? Visit Our parish code is NY281.
We Care for Our Parish Community
We celebrate Baptism at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month and at 12:30 PM on the fourth Saturday of the month as scheduled. Please call the Parish Office at least one month in advance to see if a date is available and to arrange to fill out pre-baptismal paperwork. New parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session held once every month. Those chosen as sponsors for Baptism should lead lives in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of Godparent.”
At least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the necessary preparations.
Children’s Education
Saint Mary’s Elementary School offers excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel from grades N, Pre-K to Eighth grade. For information call 627-0184.
Empowering Character, Innovation and Leadership in our students, Saint Mary’s High School is a dynamic, contemporary, Catholic value-centered school, combining a commitment to academic excellence and educational innovation, with a passion for learning, and an emphasis on moral character development through the pursuit of truth and discovered in faith and reason. For information call 627-2711.
The Religious Education Program provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in public or private schools. Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation requires two years. Classes are held at St. Mary’s for Grades 1 through 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:30-5:30 PM. Classes also meet on Sundays from 9:3010:20 AM for Grades 1 through 8 and on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 PM for Grades 6, 7 and 8. We also offer the option of an online home program for Grades 1 through 7. For information about Grades 1-8 call 627-4028 or email Mrs. Marie Granieri at
Parish Social Ministryã
We care for our sisters and brothers through our Parish Social Ministry and Food Pantry. For information call 365-2705.
Youth Ministry
We reach out to our teens though our Youth Ministry Program. For information email or visit
New Parishioners
We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Mary’s Parish. If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call the Parish Office.
Opportunities For Prayer
The Church is open Monday to Friday until 8:45 PM, on Saturday until the end of the 5:00 PM Mass, and on Sunday until 6:00 PM so that we may have the opportunity for quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Miraculous Medal Novena is said each Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Monday to Saturday the Rosary is said following the 9:00 AM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Chapel. On First Saturdays, the Scriptural Rosary is recited following the 9:00 AM Mass.
Church of Saint Mary | 4
Masses and Special Intentions
Paul Martocci
Geralyn Gerba
Parker James Austin
Mark Stapleton
Stephen Sheehan
Sandy Pittman
Jeanette Albanese
Moira Feely
Masses for the Week
Monday, January 30th
Heb 11:32-40, Mk 5:1-20
9:00 AM | Sal & Peggy Limoggio
Tuesday, January 31st
St. John Bosco, Priest
Heb 12:1-4, Mk 5:21-43
Theresa Fallon
Christine Marchese
Thomas Hyland
Estela Fernandez
Cherie Baldenko
Carol Bennett
Lisa Fontenelli
Frank Prince
Hope Della Ratta
Nina Marie
Maria DeAngelis
James McCabe
Chuck Sockett
Ann Pardi
Kristin O’Shea O’Keefe
Marguerite Barone
Robert Labriola
Vincent Nicky O’Donnell
Names will remain on the list for three months. Please email if you would like to continue with the listing
Ralph Pappalardo
Carlo Domenic Beals Mazzaferro
Barbara Gerbasi
Catherine Cannon
125th Brigade Support Battalion
23rd Marine Regiment
25th Marine Regiment
2-4 GSAB Task Force Mustang
2-211th GSAB Task Force
War Horse
51st Security Force Squadron
75th Ranger Regiment
82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron
Alacqua, Alexander, 1LT, USA
Amerson, Jason, CPT, USA
Anderson, Michael, 1LT, USA
Arnold, James, LCpl, USMC
Avasthi, David, Capt, USAF
Baber, Joseph, Maj, USAF
Broderick, Evan, SGT, USA
Broderick, Steven, SN, USN
Brodie, Virgina H., 2ndLt, USMC
Brown, Jason, SGT, USA
Fontanetta, Joseph, Maj, USMC
Hayes, Andrew, Capt, USMC
Hernandez, Steven, SSgt, USAF
Higgins, James, GySgt, USMC
Hilton, Justin, SGT, USA
Hilton, Nathaniel, SGT, USA
Horner, Brian G., 1stLt, USMC
Howard, Edward, PV2, USA
Hussey, James M., GySgt, USMC
Jones, Scott B., LT, USN
Jones, Katherine L., LTJG, USN
LaManna, Vincent S., Jr., PVT, USA
Landolphi, Michael, ENS, USN
Lanza, Anthony E., LtCol, USMC
Madden, Michael E., Major, USAF
Major, A. Edward, III, MAJ, USA
Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 161
Marine Transport Squadron 352 McGorry, Patrick F., HM2, USN
McKievear, Gary, LT, USA
Millau, Jeffrey, PFC, USMC
Morris, Jr., Brian J., MAC, USN
O’Leary, Jason, SSgt, USAF
Petracca, Evan L., LTJG, USN
Quinn, Anthony, Jr., SGT, USA
Richardson, Timothy, PV2, USA
Radman, Paul Cpl, USMC
Rodi, Caroline G., CAPT, USN
Sharkey, John J., LtCol, USMC
Spivak III, Edmund, Capt, USAF Sweeney, Timothy, CPT, USA
Swersky, Roberto, Capt, USMC
Tafone, Samantha, SGT, USA
Ullrich, Kenneth C., HN, USN
Unger, Matthew J., SPC, USA
Vachris, Madison LTJG, USN Wood, Kelly, BMSR, USN
9:00 AM | Cecilia Perez
Wednesday, February 1st
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15, Mk 6:1-6
9:00 AM | Mario Reali
Thursday, February 2nd
The Presentation of the Lord
World Day for Consecrated Life
Mal 3:1-4, Heb 2:14-18, Lk 2:22-40
7:00 AM | Peggy Shea
9:00 AM } Carmini Natale
Friday, February 3rd
St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr
St. Ansgar, Bishop
First Friday Heb 13:1-8, Mk 6:14-29
9:00 AM | Hannah Filardi
Saturday, February 4th
First Saturday
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21, Mk 6:30-34
9:00 AM | Assunta & Peter Scimeca
5:00 PM | Thomas J. Flynn, Sr.
Roberta Pendl
Frank G. Pendl, Jr.
Anna Marangiello
Lucy Ianno Tully
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Sunday, February 5th
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 58:7-10, 1 Cor 2:1-5, Mt 5:13-16
7:30 AM | People of the Parish
9:00 AM | Pasquale Parrella
10:30 AM | Margaret Bruno
Harriet & Joseph Brensic
Wachowicz & Orchel Families
Victoria Strocchia
Patrick Edwards
Cheryl Levulis
12:00 Noon | Purgatorial Society
If you have a service member that you would like to add to this list please e-mail Please include name, rank and branch of service.
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time | January 29, 2023
Cover: The Sermon on the Mount.
Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890).
Feast of St. Blaise
Friday, February 3rd
The Gift Shop will reopen next Sunday, February 5th with beautiful items for Lent and Easter
The hours are after the 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 Noon Masses. It is located in the Parish Ministry Center below the church.
Any inquiries, please call 526-627-0385 ext. 1033
Readings and Questions for Faith Sharing on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I: Isaiah 58:7-10
Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless.
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16
You are the light of the world.
Question for Adults:
Like salt and light, how can I be a transformative influence in my family, workplace, community?
Question for Children: How can I be a light that leads my family and friends closer to Jesus?
Church of Saint Mary | 6
Throats will be blessed here at St. Mary’s at the
AM Mass following the Gospel.
Rosary Society
Our Mission Statement:
The Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart
Invest 20 minutes of your day to pray the Rosary, and see the difference it will make in your life.
If you would like the Rosarians to pray for a special intention, please e-mail us at
Attention! All Women of the Parish!
St. Mary’s Rosary Society is looking for new members
We are 230+ strong, but are also always happy to welcome new Rosarians into our group. As a parishioner, your only obligations will be annual dues of $25.00 and a devotion to the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We offer many opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and charity to our parish throughout the year. Details about who we are and what we do can be found on the parish website, [Go to “Our Community,” and click on “Rosary Society” for more about us.] For more information, we can be contacted at We will welcome our new members formally at our Annual Mass and Communion Brunch on Saturday, April 22nd. We hope you will consider joining the Rosary Society!
Thursday, February 9th, at 7:00 PM in the Marian Room
St. Mary’s Rosary Society is once again proud to present ROSARY 101, an evening of learning everything there is to know about praying the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ALL parishioners, and students, are encouraged to attend as we discuss how the Rosary developed as the most significant devotion to Mary. We will also lead a tutorial and pray the Luminous Mysteries.
Friday, February 10th, at 10:00 AM in the Marian Room
As always, all are invited to attend.
Our Rosarians are again invited to support the Columbiettes’ Valentine’s Day Bake Sale, to be held the weekend of February 11th-12th. We hope you will consider adding your dessert talents to the donated baked goods! Details to follow.
“When the time had come in which, according to the law, Mary was to be purified in the Temple and to present Jesus to the Eternal Father, she, accompanied by St. Joseph, directed her steps toward Jerusalem. Joseph took two turtledoves, which were to be offered, and Mary took her beloved Infant. She took the Divine Lamb to offer Him to God, as a token of the great sacrifice which He would one day accomplish on the cross. O God, we also unite our sacrifice to that of Mary: We offer your Incarnate Son. By His merits we beseech you to grant us Your grace. We do not deserve it, but Jesus sacrificed Himself to You to obtain this for us. For the love of Jesus, then, have mercy on us.” - St. Alphonsus Liguori, Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time | January 29, 2023
RCIA and Adult Faith Formation
Join a Prayer Group for Lent!
Sr. Teresa is organizing a Lenten Prayer Group to meet once a week during the Lenten Season. If you would like to be part of this group, please call or email Sister to register. If you have never been in a prayer group and would like some instruction, Sister will be happy to work with you. Give her a call. Please make your call or email on or before February 3rd so there is time for Sister to reserve the day and area where the meetings will be held.
Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Become a Catholic?
Our door is still open for anyone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church, Learning more about the Faith we practice and becoming a fully initiated Catholic for anyone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation. In order to qualify as a Godparent in Baptism the person must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation. They include Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
Sister Teresa can be contacted about our RCIA and other Adult Faith Formation programs at 516-627-0385, ext. 1010. Her office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00AM and 4:00PM and other times by appointment.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
SVDP MEETING IS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH at 7:00 PM in the Saint John Paul II Room. New members are always welcome!
We invite you to explore the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary’s Church. There are no special qualifications to join, other than the desire to join with others in helping Neighbors in need. As a group, we meet monthly. Come decide for yourself if God is calling you to this special Ministry.
In the Gospel today Jesus gives us the Beatitudes, which embody a radically alternative vision of life and we find that God indeed calls us to blessedness. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul proclaims the gospel of the kingdom and brings healing to the broken hearts of those who live in poverty.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516-627-0385, ext. 1125, or email To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516-746-8250. Thank you for your continued support.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sundays at the 9:00 AM Mass
What Is It? After the Opening Prayer, children gather and are dismissed from the church with a blessing by the priest, proceed to the chapel for the Sunday Readings and a short reflection on the Gospel, all on a level that children can understand. They are returned to the church at the beginning of the Creed.
Get Involved! We are in need of a few more people who would like to break open the Gospel reading for the children. Please consider sitting in on Sunday to see what it’s about and/or email Jane at
Church of Saint Mary | 8
FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE CONTACT MRS. NORMA STAFFORD, DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS AT EXT. 1084 OR NSTAFFORD@SAINTMARYSMANHASSET.ORG Join us to learn about our Catholic faith community, academic, athletic, and extracurricular offerings on SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 FROM 12:00-2:00 PM 1340 NORTHERN BOULEVARD, MANHASSET, NEW YORK 11030 SAINTMARYSES.ORG | 516 627 0184 Providing excellence in Catholic education since 1926. Saint Mary’s Elementary School SAINT MARY’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE for ADMISSIONS
St. Mary’s Elementary School: The Standout Choice for Your Child’s Catholic Education
Saint Mary’s Elementary School offers an innovative Catholic education designed level. Our experienced, caring faculty knows how to bring out the best in every child, whether we’re encouraging shy writers to share their stories or guiding tech-savvy seventh graders to complete science assignments on Chromebooks.
With small classes, an emphasis on shared values, state-of-the-art technology, and exciting after-school activities, we integrate the values of the Catholic faith into the lives of our students while inspiring excitement in learning. Saint Mary’s is truly the education for a lifetime.
From the outside, Saint Mary’s Elementary School is a well-kept suburban school with bright, airy classrooms and energetic children entering its doors. Once inside, you’ll immediately feel the Saint Mary’s
where friendly, dedicated teachers warmly nurture each child’s unique talents and build a strong educational foundation. We prepare students to achieve their greatest academic potential as they grow in mind and spirit by offering:
We graduate well-rounded students prepared for the future not only academically, but also spiritually and socially. We do this by promoting an atmosphere of respect, tolerance, and generosity through Gospel lessons integrated throughout our curriculum.
Our superior academic curriculum emphasizes core subjects and enriches your child’s life through special programs in art, technology, music, physical education, Spanish, and library science. With small classes and experienced teachers, we offer differentiated learning within all subjects as well as extra help for those who need it, encouraging children to
Everyone at St. Mary’s, from our faculty to our youngest scholars, embraces the newest learning technologies with enthusiasm. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard, a class set of Chromebooks, and there are two computer labs, one for younger students and the other for older students. Beginning with students in Kindergarten, technology is integrated through keyboarding, coding, and 3D printing design, where mathematical skills and creativity are applied to bring 2D drawings to life. There is also a science lab for Grades 6 through 8, and each student in the Middle School receives a Chromebook, which increases student interest in learning and ownership of the learning process. In addition, Middle School students have the opportunity
last bell says a lot about that school’s community. At St. Mary’s Elementary School, our classrooms, halls, and
enthusiasm as teachers, coaches, moderators, and students gather after school for athletics, extracurricular activities, and special offerings.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: An Interscholastic Athletic Program including lacrosse, volleyball, soccer, baseball, softball, and basketball; Performing Arts Program, Mock Trial, Morning Broadcast, Praise Band, Student Government, and more.
• K-8 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Choose from Angel Choir, Chess Club, Coding, Sport of the Week, Mad Science, Craft Corner, and more.
to lead the School in prayer, pledge, announcements, and special programs communicated daily through a live stream to each classroom.
What happens at a school after the
The Early Childhood Education Program at St. Mary’s provides children with critical foundational skills, strategies, and experiences that promote success in school and beyond. Recognizing that intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual developments are intricately woven, we provide an educational environment where social, cognitive, and creative skills are enriched with one-on-one and small-group interactions through ageappropriate play and exploration. The curriculum is enhanced through interactive learning with the latest technology, special enrichment activities, and ample opportunities for parental involvement. By providing our students with a challenging yet comfortable learning environment,
we prepare them both academically and socially, instilling a love of learning and
The Elementary School Level focuses on educating the whole child, by integrating the values and virtues of the Catholic faith into the curriculum and by helping each child to develop as a unique individual. Our academic curriculum fosters a lifelong love of learning and encourages students to challenge themselves continually. Parent involvement is a key component in building upon our students’ academic, social, and
spiritual growth at the school. Parents are invited to participate in all liturgical celebrations and to take on an active role in various activities such as library duty,
We utilize an interdisciplinary approach throughout our curriculum, which is enhanced through the use of current technology, hands-on learning, and interactive websites. Our students participate in age-appropriate, skill-related experiences such as book discussions, exploring different perspectives through conversation, reenacting the Stations of the Cross, and participating in mission fundraisers and our blood drive, where they begin to develop skills in making connections, in critical thinking and analysis, and moral development.
n to skills in ons, in critical and and moral
integration of technology enhance the challenging academic curriculum for the Middle School. Parents and students can access the website and Parent Portal on a daily basis, and every Middle School student has the use of a Chromebook for the school year. In Middle School, we use technology to allow students the freedom to discover solutions to problems both independently and collaboratively. Our many extracurricular programs include Mock Trial, Performing Arts, Interscholastic Athletics, and service opportunities with local and global charity initiatives. Each spring, students have the opportunity to work with theater professionals to prepare a musical. The students either perform or learn backstage arts in stage crew, makeup, and production.
6-8 )
At the Middle School Level, we begin to place more focus on moral and ethical formation, instilling Catholic values in each student. The curriculum is enriched across the content areas with topics that are connected to students’ moral development with an emphasis on developing responsibility, independence, integrity, and consideration for others. We assess students on their spiritual, social, and academic growth
their years at St. Mary’s. Students develop skills in decision-making, problemsolving, critical analysis, communication, and cooperative learning.
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Strong extracurricular programs and the integration
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A strong academic foundation coupled with all the opportunities available at St. Mary’s ensures that our Middle School students are well prepared for continued success in their secondary education, as demonstrated in our partnership with St. Mary’s High School. Our Grade 8 students have the opportunity to take two Regents level courses, Living Environment and Algebra 1.
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A graduate of St. Mary’s Elementary School has come from an environment where he or she has been given the support and who believes in his or her own abilities, who is prepared for the future, and who embodies the St. Mary’s mission in the following areas:
• LEARNING – Possessing a love of learning with the ability and motivation to pursue knowledge both independently and cooperatively
• BELIEVING – Understanding the Catholic faith and incorporating Christian values into everyday life
The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
• RESPECTING – Adopting a spiritual philosophy based on faith generosity toward others
and trusting in his or her capability of succeeding
• SERVING – Embracing a sense of empathy toward others and a desire to contribute to the community through service
• COLLABORATING – Knowing how to compromise, communicate clearly and assertively, and effectively work in cooperation with others
and reaching his or her full potential
Our proud members of the Class of 2022 were accepted to St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School as well as other highly regarded educational institutions in the area.
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In Session with Dr. Patricia Pitta
Hope, Disappointments, Realistic Goals and Expectations: With God on Your Side
“Self-control is one part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
We are at the end of January and how many people have made resolutions and decisions for the New Year and have already disappointed themselves? Most people find themselves losing their resolve by the second week of January. The wish for the wanted changes becomes a thought of the past and you are left with feeling angry and sad about your lack of follow through.
It is important to ask yourself: “Were the goals realistic to achieve? Did you plan well in advance how you were going to deal with the changes in thinking and behavior that needed to take place so you could be successful? Did you pray to the Lord and particularly the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance in your new commitments and desires?
The Holy Spirit is the Lord’s everpresent representative that can guide you as you journey through making changes in your life, no matter what they are.
if you already have not been able to follow through on your resolutions, or they are getting too difficult, or you want to make changes to improve your life in whatever way, start with taking time to pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. As you do this, you will also quiet your mind and body and be able to find your own center that is filled with God’s love. That will give you the strength to identify what you want to change, the route to making the changes, and the ability to make the desired behaviors.
Having the Holy Spirit within is
like having a coach within you that will guide you in a healthy way. I know that one of the most common resolutions is the desire to lose weight and get healthier. Many lose the resolve within the first week. So, here is the route to successful change:
1. Spend time in prayer imploring the Holy Spirit to accompany you on your journey as you plan to make changes. Envision the Holy Spirit with you. Is HE sitting on your shoulder or taking a seat right inside your body? Maybe in your heart or your stomach? I know that sounds silly, but you need to envision HIM with you. You need to place HIM where you feel comfortable. Remember, HE is your coach and will be with you always.
2. Now I will focus on the concept of changing eating habits. You can put any other habit in this place. First, you need to determine what habits you want to change: Is it your meals, your snacking, your daily grazing and constant eating, or do you want to get rid of eating a specific food? Most people know how to eat properly. It is about making the resolve to follow the changes you want and making a plan. Here is the plan!
3. First week: Spend time in prayer each day and think about what behavior patterns you want to change. Many people who don’t eat a meal and then are famished by the next meal, usually eat many more calories when they do eat. Let’s start with eating three meals and two healthy snacks a day. I want you to think about this and write a plan on what you could eat. Many people don’t want to do this, but it is important to see your plan written to be able to visualize the changes you want to make. You usually want to start immediately. Take the time to visualize the change.
4. Week two: I suggest you keep a food record. That is also a “no-no” for many. You usually don’t want to
interfere with your impulses. You want “it now.” I suggest that you envision the Holy Spirit within you and being the support that encourages you to write what you eat before you eat. Get it? Not after you eat it. If you write before you eat it, you have the chance to interfere with the fantasy and impulses that will lead you to eat inappropriately. This can work with many addictive behaviors.
Ask: “Would the Holy Spirit who loves me want me to eat inappropriately?” I know you will find the answer within. Take your time, pray, think, and then act. If you err, start over immediately. Don’t wait till tomorrow. So many have said that if they eat the wrong thing, the day is ruined. It is not; start again immediately. Forgive yourself and don’t punish yourself further by continuing to eat the wrong foods for you. Loving yourself is not giving into unhealthy cravings or owning false beliefs. If you err, pick yourself up immediately, and work again in an effective way which is supported by God “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” (Isaiah 43:1819).
5. I know you can do it: Invite the Holy Spirit to join you in your new journey. Place HIM with you. Pray and calm your mind and body. Make your plan and follow through step by step. Remember: “No one is perfect.” Keep doing, and doing, rather than trying. See the prayer below to Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is always with me. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me in my journey of change. If I have weak resolve at times, help me pick myself up and get back on track. With the Holy Spirit as my fulcrum of strength, change and coach within, I will succeed slowly, day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. Amen
February 11th - 12th After All Masses
The Fr. William A. Daly Columbiettes will be selling delicious, homemade baked goods after all Masses the weekend before Valentine’s Day, February 11th and 12th, in the south vestibule of the church. Come meet the Columbiettes and help support their designated charities with your purchase.
Knights of Columbus
Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122
Serving St. Mary’s Parish in Manhasset and St. Aloysius Parish In Great Neck
What is a Knights of Columbus Family?
We are Catholic families building a bridge to our faith. Our lives, time, efforts, and resources are dedicated to these values: Charity. Unity. Fraternity. Patriotism.
We come from different places, backgrounds, and all stages of life. But the common thread is our Catholic faith. We are Catholic families seeking to improve ourselves and the world.
It’s one thing to say who you are. It’s another thing is to live it. Put your values into practice.
Become a Knights of Columbus family.
Interested? Please call:
Tony Racioppo 917 539 0859
Dan Garcia 516 358 1817
Ladies interested in joining the Columbiettes
Please contact Maura Clifford at
Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo
Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 - Rome: 2 May 1934
O Most Holy Trinity, Who deigned to raise Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo to the priesthood, and endowed him with precious gifts, especially that of a burning love for suffering and immolation, we humbly beseech You, if it be Your will, that he may be glorified on earth, and that we may obtain through his intercession the particular grace which we ask for with living faith. Amen.
worldwide marriage encounter Give the greatest gift Yourself!!! This experience will help you listen, share and connect more deeply with your spouse Make this Christmas even more special Give the gift of a weekend away to focus on your relationship February 3-5 Held at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Huntington, Long Island Are you ready for more growth and happiness in your marriage or priesthood? Uncover the secrets to a lasting, supportive, transformational marriage! Questions? call Chuck & Maria Reiss (631) 486-8607 Long Island Application Couple Apply at: click apply and search by zip code or address
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Short Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament
I adore you Jesus, true God, and true man, present in the Holy Eucharist, kneeling before you and united in spirit with all the faithful on earth and all the saints in heaven. In gratitude for so great a blessing, I love you with all my heart, for you are worthy of all praise and adoration. Lord Jesus Christ, may I never offend you with my lack of love. May your Eucharistic presence refresh me in body and soul. Mary, Mother of the Eucharistic Lord, pray for me and obtain for me a greater love for Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
(The Divine Praises)
Blessed be God.
Blessed be his holy Name.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction
Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.
About Dr. Patricia Pitta
Dr. Pitta ( is a Clinical and Board Certified Couple and Family Psychologist practicing in Manhasset and is the chair of the Mental Health Ministry of St. Mary’s. She is a professor of psychology at St. John’s University and a graduate of the Pastoral Formation Institute of Rockville Centre. Dr. Pitta is the author of Solving Modern Family Dilemmas: An Assimilative Therapy Model published by Routledge and Integrative Couple and Family Therapy published by the American Psychological Association.
Christmas Flower Offerings In Memory Of
Walter Bryant
Phillis Bryant
Karl Horner
Mary Horner
George & Muriel Doyle
George & Anna Doyle
Vincent & Josep Valentino
John & Isabel Horgan
Kenneth & Margaret Haunss
Kazimierz & Jadwiga Sapinski
Barby McGloin
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Clarke
Mr. George Itang’are and Mrs. Sarah Nyamhanga
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bartul
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hentschel
Mr. & Mrs. George Hawes
Mrs. Louise Pearlman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Napolitano
Larry Kelly Jr.
Elizabeth Kelly-V.
Ed Heiskell
Deceased Members of the Gallo and Walkiewicz Families
Catherine Maggio
Bernard Maggio
Anthony Sorice
Rose Sorice
Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. Gary, MD
Donated By
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald La Chance
Mr. & Mrs. John Papa
Mr. & Mrs. John McSweeney
Mr. Tony Andovini
Richard Salat
Ms. Kathryn Licursi
Mrs. Romayne Kovach
Annina Madia
Juanita & Adam Figueroa, Sr.
Conway and Symmons Family
Dr. Anthony Buzzitta
Yolanda Spinetta
Anthony Spinetta
Donald Scott
Steven Salerno
Vincent & Catherine Tafuri
Edward Brady
Daniel Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Scaramelli
Mr. Andrew DiGiacomo
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Della Ratta in honor of Hope Petrosino
Della Ratta(living)
We endeavor to record your intentions accurately; please forgive any typographical errors.
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