CHURCH of SAINT MARY The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2022 Reverend Father Robert A. Romeo | Pastor Reverend Father Dominik Wegiel | Parochial Vicar 1300 Northern Boulevard | Manhasset, New York 11030 516 627 0385 | Fax 516 627 6070 World Mission Sunday
Parish Mission Statement
We, the community of Saint Mary’s, Manhasset, building on our rich heritage of Catholic faith and tradition, center ourselves in the Eucharist and honor God in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be the presence of Christ through our liturgical, educational and social ministries. We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world. We commit to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ.
Church of Saint Mary 1300 Northern Boulevard Manhasset, New York 11030 (516) 627-0385 Fax (516) 627-6070
Schedule of Masses
Monday–Friday 9:00 AM
Saturday 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment. Please call 627-0385.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in the Chapel on the second Sunday of the month following the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are unable to come to Church, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist.
Parish Office 627-0385 | Fax 627-6070
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday (phone only) 10:00 AM–1:30 PM
Parish Social Ministry 365-2705
11:00 AM-3:00 PM
E-mail: St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Religious Education
Monday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 AM–6:00 PM Closed on Friday
Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo Pastor 627-0385 | ext. 1004
Rev. Fr. Dominik Wegiel Parochial Vicar 627-0385 | ext. 1006
Parish Staff
Jane Clifford Bulletin Editor
Jennifer Fedele Office Manager 627-0385
Marie T. Granieri Director of Religious Education 627-4028 | ext. 1127
Vincent Hartley Facilities Manager 627-0385 | ext. 1002
Kathleen Kosciusko Director of Parish Social Ministry 627-0385 | ext. 1126
Robert Levulis Music Director 313-7606
Vanessa Quiros Parish Office 627-0385
Sr. Teresa Raftery, IHM Adult Faith Formation 627-0385 | ext. 1010
The Schools of Saint Mary Nursery through 12th Grade
Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Ph.D. President 627-2711
Norma Ragalli Stafford Director of Admissions 627-2711 | ext 1084
Edward Short
Vice President of Development 627-2711 | ext 1120
Eileen M. Symmons ’82, ’86 Director of Communications 627-2711
Kiera Gmelich Walsh Director of Alumni and Parent Relations 627-2711 | ext. 1162
Sarah de Venoge Griffin ’02, ’06 Liaison for School Relations
St. Mary’s Elementary School 627-0184
Kristen Schreiner Principal
St. Mary’s High School 627-2711
Gerard J. Buckley Principal
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Parishioners,
The Pharisee in today’s Gospel seems, at first glance, to be a faithful follower and a good religious person. First glances can sometimes deceive. When I was reading the Gospel the second time, what jumped out at me was the number of times this person used the pronoun, “I.” Each other time I read it, I could not get past how often he boasted about his accomplishments and “good deeds.” There is always a balance, especially for us as Catholic Christians, between acknowledging our gifts and talents and just bragging. We have been taught to be humble and not really talk about the good things we do. This is also problematic since we have to give thanks and name what God has blessed us with, but we don’t want to come off as “blowing our own horns.” This Pharisee has certainly crossed the line. For me, it became clearer when he gloated that he was not like the tax collector...a sinner. You can almost see him look over at the tax collector with disgust and disdain. Wow, talk about arrogance, judgment and puffed up pride. The very man he condemns has his head bowed in supplication and with a sense of his own unworthiness. Yet he still knows he can approach God for forgiveness and mercy. There is no referring to the “I” in his prayer. He comes kneeling before God and throwing himself at the feet of God. The lack of the “I” certainly opens him to hear the voice of God. He, unlike the Pharisee, doesn’t come with a prepared “resume” of all his good works.
I think the difference and the problem is that the religious Pharisee thinks, because he follows all God’s commands and ordinances, HE DESERVES God’s ear. His stiff neck, as described as his stance before God, comes off to me as a pride of will. His plan and will he assumes God must know is best...hmmmm. He has a skewed image of what faithfulness means. When we fall in love with Jesus and accept Him in our lives as savior the “I, me, mine” should fade and be replaced with a desire to “know” the Other. In coming humbly before God, prayer should not be a list of all our good works hoping to change God’s mind or bend His will to ours. Rather, prayer should begin the work of changing us to conform to God’s will and what God wants of us.
This is not always easy. One of the difficulties and problems I see with the Pharisee’s mentality is that when we approach God telling Him what to do and how wonderful we are, and He doesn’t do “our will,” it can cause a crisis of faith and maybe an abandoning of God. You know the mentality...well, I prayed; it didn’t come out my way, so maybe God doesn’t exist or He doesn’t answer our prayers. This is a caution for each of us. Prayer should be approached as wanting and seeking what Jesus wants for us, not so much what we want of Jesus. This does NOT mean and I repeat does NOT mean we should not ask God for the needs of our hearts...we definitely should and are commanded to do so. BUT the prayer should end with openness to whatever God wills for us. It should be a desire to know God’s plan and purpose for our lives. This can only happen when we leave arrogance and pride at the doorway to prayer and are willing to listen to what Jesus has to say to us. Listening can only happen in silence, when the words are put aside and we can enter into the silent place where Jesus sings to us.
If anyone in the parish has a child or grandchild with special needs (or know anyone who does) who has not received the Sacraments, please call me at the Parish Office. I would be so happy to assist in their preparation.
A reminder that if anyone has gluten or wheat allergies, the parish has low gluten hosts on hand. There are additional options for those who may not be able to tolerate even the smallest amount of gluten. For these or any other needs for Holy Communion, please call me at the Parish Office.
Father Jude has been staying with us temporarily before he begins his assignment as chaplain at Plainview Hospital. I want to thank Fr. Jude for his dedication, service, and prayerful presence in our parish. He has been a pleasure to live with and to work with. I know you join with me to wish him God‘s blessings in his new ministry as we thank him for his service to our parish.
In Jesus and Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Fr. Bob
“The one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14)
Stewards of God’s Gifts
In today’s Gospel, we are introduced to the humble tax collector and the proud Pharisee. Which of the two do you identify more with?
Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Hospitality: As Catholic stewards of the Faith, we should be hospitable to all whom we come across. So that when our time comes, we can say, “I have competed well; I have finished the race.”
The collection for Sunday, October 16, 2022 amounted to $20,666.00
The collection for Sunday, October 17, 2021 amounted to $21,695.00 The collection for Hurricane Impact Relief amounted to $4,791.00
Have you enrolled yet? Visit Our parish code is NY281.
We Care for Our Parish Community
We celebrate Baptism at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month and at 12:30 PM on the fourth Saturday of the month as scheduled. Please call the Parish Office at least one month in advance to see if a date is available and to arrange to fill out pre-baptismal paperwork. New parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session held once every month. Those chosen as sponsors for Baptism should lead lives in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of Godparent.”
At least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the necessary preparations.
Children’s Education
Saint Mary’s Elementary School offers excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel from grades N, Pre-K to Eighth grade. For information call 627-0184.
Empowering Character, Innovation and Leadership in our students, Saint Mary’s High School is a dynamic, contemporary, Catholic value-centered school, combining a commitment to academic excellence and educational innovation, with a passion for learning, and an emphasis on moral character development through the pursuit of truth and discovered in faith and reason. For information call 627-2711.
The Religious Education Program provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in public or private schools. Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation requires two years. Classes are held at St. Mary’s for Grades 1 through 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:30-5:30 PM. Classes also meet on Sundays from 9:3010:20 AM for Grades 1 through 8 and on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 PM for Grades 6, 7 and 8. We also offer the option of an online home program for Grades 1 through 7. For information about Grades 1-8 call 627-4028 or email Mrs. Marie Granieri at
Parish Social Ministryã
We care for our sisters and brothers through our Parish Social Ministry and Food Pantry. For information call 365-2705.
Youth Ministry
We reach out to our teens though our Youth Ministry Program. For information email or visit
New Parishioners
We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Mary’s Parish. If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call the Parish Office.
Opportunities For Prayer
The Church is open Monday to Friday until 8:45 PM, on Saturday until the end of the 5:00 PM Mass, and on Sunday until 6:00 PM so that we may have the opportunity for quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Miraculous Medal Novena is said each Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Monday to Saturday the Rosary is said following the 9:00 AM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Chapel. On First Saturdays, the Scriptural Rosary is recited following the 9:00 AM Mass.
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Masses and Special Intentions
Theresa Fallon Christine Marchese Thomas Hyland Estela Fernandez Cherie Baldenko Carol Bennett Lisa Fontenelli
Paul Martocci Geralyn Gerba Parker James Austin Mark Stapleton Allison Balentine Frank Prince Hope Della Ratta Cheryl Levulis Nina Marie Maria DeAngelis Judith Betts ’55 ’59
James McCabe Chuck Sockett Ann Pardi Stephen Sheehan Robert Levulis Sandy Pittman Jeanette Albanese Moira Feely
Masses for the Week
Monday, October 24th St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Eph 4:32-5:8, Lk 13:10-17
9:00 AM | Mabel Osso
Tuesday, October 25th Eph 5:21-33, Lk 13:18-21
9:00 AM | Julia Campanella
Wednesday, October 26th Eph 6:1-9, Lk 13:22-30
9:00 AM | Joan Mueller
Thursday, October 27th Eph 6:10-20, Lk 13:31-35
7:00 AM | Joseph Hirsch ’14
Names will remain on the list for three months. Please email if you would like to continue with the listing
Karen C. Belletti
John Battaglia
Antonia Pepe
125th Brigade Support Battalion
23rd Marine Regiment
25th Marine Regiment
2-4 GSAB Task Force Mustang
2-211th GSAB Task Force War Horse
51st Security Force Squadron
75th Ranger Regiment
82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron Alacqua, Alexander, 1LT, USA Amerson, Jason, CPT, USA Anderson, Michael, 1LT, USA Arnold, James, LCpl, USMC Avasthi, David, Capt, USAF Baber, Joseph, Maj, USAF Broderick, Evan, SGT, USA Broderick, Steven, SN, USN Brodie, Virgina H., 2ndLt, USMC Brown, Jason, SGT, USA
Fontanetta, Joseph, Maj, USMC Hayes, Andrew, Capt, USMC Hernandez, Steven, SSgt, USAF Higgins, James, GySgt, USMC Hilton, Justin, SGT, USA Hilton, Nathaniel, SGT, USA Horner, Brian G., 1stLt, USMC Howard, Edward, PV2, USA
Hussey, James M., GySgt, USMC Jones, Scott B., LT, USN Jones, Katherine L., LTJG, USN LaManna, Vincent S., Jr., PVT, USA Landolphi, Michael, ENS, USN Lanza, Anthony E., LtCol, USMC Madden, Michael E., Major, USAF Major, A. Edward, III, MAJ, USA Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 161 Marine Transport Squadron 352 McGorry, Patrick F., HM2, USN McKievear, Gary, LT, USA Millau, Jeffrey, PFC, USMC Morris, Jr., Brian J., MAC, USN O’Leary, Jason, SSgt, USAF Petracca, Evan L., LTJG, USN Quinn, Anthony, Jr., SGT, USA Richardson, Timothy, PV2, USA Radman, Paul Cpl, USMC Rodi, Caroline G., CAPT, USN Sharkey, John J., LtCol, USMC Spivak III, Edmund, Capt, USAF Sweeney, Timothy, CPT, USA Swersky, Roberto, Capt, USMC
Tafone, Samantha, SGT, USA
Ullrich, Kenneth C., HN, USN Unger, Matthew J., SPC, USA
Vachris, Madison LTJG, USN Wood, Kelly, BMSR, USN
9:00 AM | Mabel Osso
Friday, October 28th
Ss. Simon & Jude, Apostles Eph 2:19-22, Lk 6:12-16
9:00 AM | Lucille Lukin
Saturday, October 29th Phil 1:18b-26, Lk 14:1, 7-11
9:00 AM | Kathleen A. Kelly ’61
5:00 PM | Thomas J. Flynn, Sr. Mary Morse Virginia McCabe Fallon ’75 Inez Valentini Jeanne Gallagher Catherine DeMauro
Sunday, October 30th
The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 11:22-12:2, 2 Thes 1:11-2:2, Lk 19:1-10
7:30 AM | Kathleen Kelly
9:00 AM | People of the Parish 10:30 AM | Salvatore Asaro 12:00 Noon | Mabel Osso Anne T. Nolan Michael Kenny Virginia Fallon Cristian Caamano Patricia Gillen
On the cover: The Pharisee and the Publican.
Artist: Barent Fabritius (1624-1673).
If you have a service member that you would like to add to this list please e-mail Please include name, rank and branch of service.
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 23, 2022
after the 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 Noon Masses.It is located in the Parish Ministry Center below the church. 516-627-0385 ext. 1033
All Souls Day is Wednesday, November 2nd Masses
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
At the 7:00 PM Mass all those who died over the past year will be especially remembered. All parishioners are invited to attend, especially those whose relatives passed away since November 1, 2021 even if their Mass of Christian Burial or Memorial was not celebrated at St. Mary’s.
A Novena of Masses will be offered for All Souls Day. Those wishing to remember their beloved dead in our nine days of Masses should fill out the envelopes found in your packets and drop them off in the collection baskets or at the Parish Office. Additional envelopes may be found at the doors of the church. Please submit the names of those you wish to be included in the All Souls Novena of Masses by Wednesday, November 2nd.
Readings and Questions for Faith Sharing on the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I: Wisdom 11:22-12:2
You overlook people’s sins that they may repent.
Reading II: 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2 That our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith.
Gospel: Luke 19:1-10 “Today I must stay at your house.”
Question for Adults: How am I taking care of the poor both in my community and the world?
Question for Children:
How do I respond to experiences of God’s love ?
Saint Mary
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Parish Social Ministry
The Parish Social Ministry Office Has Reopened!
The renovation is complete and we are back in business in our office located on the ground floor of the convent facing the east side of the church. Stop by and see!
DRIVE-THROUGH HOLIDAY FOOD DROP SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 2:00 - 6:00 PM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 6:00 -8:30 PM in the parking lot behind the church
God’s people of all ages are suffering in poverty right here in our neighborhood. They need food assistance all through the year but especially during the holiday season. The Parish Social Ministry office is hosting a “drivethrough holiday food drop” with the goal of collecting the freshest possible food items to allow our neighbors suffering in poverty to enjoy a true feast with their families on Thanksgiving. We will be hosting this drive-through collection on Sunday, November 13th from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM and on Monday, November 14th from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM. This drive through collection will take place in the parking lot behind the church. (You may also drop the items by our office on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM the weeks of November 7th and 14th.)
The items we are collecting for this drive are:
Frozen Turkeys (10-15 lbs.)
Frozen Oven Stuffer Chickens
Frozen Pounds of Butter
Frozen Pies (either homemade and boxed or bought frozen)
Frozen Crescent Rolls or Biscuits
Boxes or Bags of Stuffing Mix Cans of Carrots, Corn, Beans, Cranberry Sauce Cans of Turkey Gravy 3-8 Pound Bags of Potatoes Quarts of Milk (no gallons)
Please consider donating to this special meal if you can.
Unfortunately, for these families this holiday meal is only that - a one day meal. While we hope it will be very enjoyable for them, they still need food assistance throughout the rest of the month and into next year. The St. Mary’s community does a wonderful job of supporting these families, but we are asking for a little extra at this difficult time. If you are able to provide grocery store gift cards to the parish social ministry office, they would be put to good use providing much needed food to these families during the holidays and into next year. In addition to grocery store gift cards, we will be providing non-perishable food items to all our families throughout the year. Please consider donating any non-perishable food you can. We are always in need and nothing goes to waste. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity and may God bless you and your family over this holiday season and in 2023.
Leftover candy from Trick or Treating? Consider donating it to St. Mary’s Parish Social Ministry for our food pantry. Thank you!
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 23, 2022
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
New members are always welcome! We invite you to explore the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary’s Church. There are no special qualifications to join, other than the desire to join with others in helping Neighbors in need. As a group, we meet monthly. Come decide for yourself if God is calling you to this special Ministry. Meetings are in the Marian Room.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, the tax collector’s prayer allows God to be God and so allows God to pour mercy into his heart. When we pray and give alms to the poor, we allow God’s mercy to be poured into their hearts.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516-627-0385, ext. 1125, or email To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516746-8250. Thank you for your continued support.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The Saints Encourage Us to Go to Adoration
St. Catherine Labouré - “Whenever I go to the chapel, I put myself in the presence of our good Lord, and I say to him, ‘Lord, I am here. Tell me what you would have me to do’ . . . And then, I tell God everything that is in my heart. I tell him about my pains and my joys, and then I listen. If you listen, God will also speak to you, for with the good Lord, you have to both speak and listen. God always speaks to you when you approach him plainly and simply.”
St.Teresa of Calcutta - “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in heaven, and will help bring about an everlasting peace on earth.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori - “Know also that you will probably gain more by praying fifteen minutes before the Blessed Sacrament than by all the other spiritual exercises of the day. True, Our Lord hears our prayers anywhere, for He has made the promise, ‘Ask, and you shall receive,’ but He has revealed to His servants that those who visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament will obtain a more abundant measure of grace.”
St. Faustina - O Christ, let my greatest delight be to see You loved and Your praise and glory proclaimed, especially the honor of Your mercy. O Christ, let me glorify Your goodness and mercy to the last moment of my life, with every drop of my blood and every beat of my heart. Would that I be transformed into a hymn of adoration of You. When I find myself on my deathbed, may the last beat of my heart be a loving hymn glorifying Your unfathomable mercy. Amen.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction
3:00 - 5:00 PM
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Rosary Society
Our Mission Statement:
The Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart
Invest 20 minutes of your day to pray the Rosary, and see the difference it will make in your life.
If you would like the Rosarians to pray for a special intention, please e-mail us at
Our annual Christmas Dinner is only six weeks away. Friday, December 6th at North Hills Country Club. Please look for details in upcoming bulletins.
“Let us take as our mediatrix with God the most glorious Virgin Mary, the invincible Queen of the Rosary, who has such great power over the forces of hell, and has so many times made us feel the effects of Her maternal love.” - Pope Leo XIII, the “Rosary Pope”
Respect Life Ministry
pro-life efforts — your help is needed locally now more
the St. John Paul II Room of the Parish Center.
witness at Hempstead Planned Parenthood.
St. Mary’s Respect Life Ministry encourages you to share in our
than ever! Monthly Meeting — Wednesday, October 26th, at 7:00 PM, in
40 Days for Life Campaign — Prayerful, peaceful, loving and compassionate
( Please consider participating … and bring friends! For more information about St. Mary’s Respect Life Ministry, email
Mary’s High School Performing Arts Presents: The Haunted Halls of Marist be prepared to be scared St. Mary's High School SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 | 6:00-9:00 PM SUGGESTED DONATION $5 OR ONE NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM PER PERSON Food Donations to Benefit St. Mary’s Parish Social Ministry Food Pantry NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN 5TH GRADE AND YOUNGER Visit or scan the QR code for more details including pre-registration for timeslots! THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Knights of Columbus Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122 Coat Drive November 5 - November 21
The Knights will be accepting new and gently used winter coats, jackets, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats, and the like. Boxes will be set up in the south lobby of the church. The Knights would like to thank everyone in advance for their continued generosity. For rather large donations, please call Tom Mayerhauser at 516-852-0812.
Knights of Columbus
Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122 Serving St. Mary’s Parish in Manhasset and St. Aloysius Parish In Great Neck
What is a Knights of Columbus Family?
We are Catholic families building a bridge to our faith. Our lives, time, efforts, and resources are dedicated to these values: Charity. Unity. Fraternity. Patriotism.
We come from different places, backgrounds, and all stages of life. But the common thread is our Catholic faith. We are Catholic families seeking to improve ourselves and the world.
It’s one thing to say who you are. It’s another thing is to live it. Put your values into practice.
Become a Knights of Columbus family.
Interested? Please call: Tony Racioppo 917 539 0859 Dan Garcia 516 358 1817
Ladies interested in joining the Columbiettes
Please contact Maura Clifford at
The Fr. WIlliam A. Daly Columbiettes Invite You to A Fun Evening of Bingo
Friday, November 4th, at 7:00 PM
St. Aloysius Church Parish Center 592 Middleneck Road, Great Neck (Parish Center is behind the church and is wheelchair accessible)
Cost is $10.00 includes 1 bingo packet
Additional cards will be available for purchase 16 and older, please.
CASH Prizes
50/50 and Lottery Tree Raffle Holiday Boutique
Snacks, Dessert, Coffee/Tea will be served or feel free to bring your own.
Seating is limited.
Must RSVP with payment by October 28th. Checks payable to Fr. William A. Daly Columbiettes Send your Name, Address, Phone No., Number of reservations to St. Aloysius Church, Attn: Sara, 592 Middleneck Road, Great Neck, NY 11023
Mass Intentions Book for January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 opened on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.
Please note our policy whereby you will be able to reserve only two Masses during the first two weeks of the opening of the Mass Intentions Book for the first quarter of 2023. After that time, you may reserve any additional Masses for the period. Mass intentions may be requested in person at the Parish Office, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, or call (516-627-0385) or email (information@ for other options.
Religious Education
Dear St. Mary Families,
Classes for St. Mary’s large religious education community are well underway. Reflecting on these past weeks, my favorite Ronald Dahl quote comes to mind. He said, “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.”
Each week, I am blessed with the opportunity to see the devotion of St. Mary’s volunteers. Several times a week, Jim Brooks and Chris Mueller manage the challenging job of traffic management. Hidden from everyone’s view, they always arrive ready to embrace the sun or stand in the rain to carry out this most vital task. Within the classroom setting, I observe Mrs. Palumbo’s and Mrs. Sipress Grade 8 Confirmandi gathered in a circle to pray. God hears every whisper. Ms. Hurley and Mr. Bartul graciously teach two different grades a week – teaching about the life of grace. Together with all of our Catechists and volunteers, these are Christ’s blessed “music” makers dedicating themselves to carrying out his mission in the world. As the artwork created by Grade 2 Catechists Mrs. Schembri and Mrs. Gulbenkiar tells us – each is a child of God and are reminded of this holy truth.
God’s love is the very breadth of our life. May we attain by grace what Christ asks of the Father in his prayer “As Thou, Father in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us” (Jn 17, 21).
Onward we go!
Mrs. Granieri
OCIA and Adult Faith Formation
OCIA Is Here Waiting for You!
We may have a candidate or catechumen for our OCIA Program and the group is getting involved in other aspects of faith formation in the parish. The webinars chosen by the NCCB for the presenters and leadership of the programs are ongoing.
Our door is still open for anyone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church, Learning more about the Faith we practice and becoming a fully initiated Catholic for anyone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation. In order to qualify as a Godparent in Baptism the person must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation. They include Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
Sister Teresa can be contacted about our OCIA and other Adult Faith Formation programs at 516-627-0385, ext. 1010. Her office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00AM and 4:00PM and other times by appointment.
Music Ministry
There’s Still Time to Join the Choir
St. Mary’s Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the church and provides music for the 10:30 AM Sunday liturgies. The choir plays an essential and significant role in many liturgies throughout the year. We wish to encourage any one in the parish to join this special ministry. No special music skills are needed. If you are interested, please email our Director of Music, Robert Levulis, at: consider this wonderful ministry as a way to contribute to the prayer and liturgical life of our parish.
Let the little children come to me... (Matthew 19:14)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sundays at the 9:00 AM Mass
After the Opening Prayer, children will be dismissed from the church with a blessing by the priest, proceed to the chapel for the Sunday Readings and a short reflection on the Gospel, all on a level that children can understand. They are returned to the church at the beginning of the Creed.
We are in need of a few more people who would like to spend a short while helping the children understand the Gospel reading for the day. Please consider sitting in on Sunday to see what it’s about and/or email Jane at
Next Altar Server Training Monday, October 24th, at 5:00 PM in the Church
For more information, please email Fr. Dominik at
Anthony Vincent Gallo
Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 - Rome: 2 May 1934
Second Time
Daniel Campana and Britnee Firzol St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Joseph, Melville, NY King’s Park, NY
Robert Emilio and Aileen Cooke St. Mary, St. Frances de Chantel, Manhasset, NY Wantagh, NY
Third Time
Christopher Broderick and Erin Moran St. Dominic, St. Mary, Oyster Bay, NY Manhasset, NY
Please Patronize Our Advertisers
Business Owners: if you would like to advertise in our bulletin, please call JS Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Our parish code is 571800.
O Most Holy Trinity, Who deigned to raise Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo to the priesthood, and endowed him with precious gifts, especially that of a burning love for suffering and immolation, we humbly beseech You, if it be Your will, that he may be glorified on earth, and that we may obtain through his intercession the particular grace which we ask for with living faith. Amen.
Bulletin Submission Policy
We welcome submissions to the weekly Bulletin. All copy and material is due by noon on Mondays preferably in electronic format - original documents, no PDFs. Photos or supporting graphics should be hi-resolution and sent via E-mail as attachments. Phone photos should be “actual size.” No copyrighted material, text or photos. The Bulletin Editor may edit submissions for content, clarity and/or size. Please E-mail your submission to
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In Session with Dr. Patricia Pitta
Helping Your Child and Teen with Anxiety and Depression: Pray, Feel, Plan and Act
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” (Proverbs 12:25)
In the height of the pandemic and thereafter, our children and teens are experiencing excessive amounts of trauma due to enduring so much stress, loss and change in their everyday lives. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, one third of high school students experienced poor mental health during the pandemic and 44% reported feeling ”persistently sad or hopeless.” One in five teens considered suicide and nearly 10% attempted it (Newsday, September 12, 2022)
Going forward I will use the word child (he) when referring to child or teen. What are the signs of depression? He seems sadder and more irritable than usual. He experiences feeling sad for a large part of the day. He is no longer participates in usual activities that he previously enjoyed. He is spending more time alone and less with friends. He has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeps more than usual. Making everyday choices has become cumbersome and he experiences learning and/ or behavior issues at school. Social media becomes more encompassing and less interaction and connection with friends becomes the norm. He experiences a loss of hope. As you can see, there are many symptoms of depression. Having one doesn’t mean you are clinically depressed. It is usually a cluster of symptoms.
Feeling anxious can be a means of escaping feelings of depression or sadness we don’t want to face.
Anxiety is considered to be a higher level of functioning in dealing with our feelings, but both anxiety and depression can be debilitating.
The most important thing is for parents to be in connection with their child and to be aware of how your child feels, acts, and thinks. It is essential to spend time with your child to make sure that if you observe some symptoms, you immediately address your observations by talking and allowing your child to express feelings attached to what he is experiencing.
The beauty of being a family that practices faith is that you offer your child the opportunity to share in prayer and talk. With all the change and trauma in our everyday lives, time for prayer in families offers a child and parents a forum to share in community, have a healthy purpose, partake in sound activity, and share in faith. Also, in prayer, the family joins together to create their sense of reality based on hope and the love of God which is an antidote for depression.
A family that stays united in talk offers its members the opportunity of a safe haven where you can express that which pains you. You no longer must hide your feelings. Instead, you put them forward and allow people to feel with and for each other offering a forum for healing.
If you see your child struggling with depression, talk and make plans to do things together to address his feelings. This will act as a way to work through feelings by experiencing positive communication and activities
together. If parents are connected in a healthy way with their child, they will be more understanding of his feelings. Your child will feel your genuine interest and compassion and will be able to express his feelings. Expression will enable healing and you will find new ways of dealing with issues through the practice of prayer and compassionate and meaningful communication. This should result in offering hope and a vision on how to make changes that promote healing. If symptoms persist, please consult a psychologist.
Prayer of Healing for the Parents and Child:
The Lord always protects me and so do my parents. In unity with the Lord, I go to my parents with all my concerns, fears, and sadness. My parents will embrace me and together we will find the words that enable me to heal as I share what bothers me.
Also, you can visit for a relaxation exercise to help calm the mind and body. My suggestion is you first pray and then do the relaxation exercise. You can do this with your child.
Dr. Pitta is a Clinical Psychologist and a Board-Certified Family and Marital Psychologist practicing in Manhasset and is the chair of the Mental Health Ministry of St. Mary’s. She is also the former director of the Postgraduate Training Program in Couple and Family Therapy at St. John’s University and a graduate of the Pastoral Formation Institute of Rockville Centre.
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 23, 2022
What is the Silver Circle Membership Program?
• A fundraiser that raises money for the IHM sisters Retirement Fund. How much does a membership cost?
• Memberships are $25.00 each. You may purchase as many as you like.
Why should I join?
• In addition to supporting the IHM Sisters, you have 324 chances to win prizes ranging from $50.00 to $1,000.00.
When are the prize drawings?
• Drawings are held from October 2022 through June 2023 on the third Wednesday of each month.
What are the other member benefits?
• You are remembered in a monthly Mass for our benefactors and are able to share in the daily works and prayers of the IHM Sisters.
Please know how grateful we are for all that you do for us!
To join: please send $25.00 per membership along with the following information to:
Sr. Sandra McMahon, IHM, St. Mary’s Convent, 1320 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, NY 11030
Name: Last ______________________________ First ______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State _________ Zip + 4 _______________ Phone __________________________ Date _____________ Amount $_________ GIFT MEMBERSHIP Name: Last ______________________________ First _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip + 4 __________ Amount $_______ Phone __________________________ Date _____________ Please make checks payable to: Sisters of IHM If purchasing additional memberships, please attach a sheet to this form.
Reception to Follow
Join Bishop John Barres and the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception for a Celebration of Priesthood from the Joyful Enthusiasm of the First Days to the Witness of Priestly Fidelity through the Years
The ImmaculateConceptionMedal is presented to a priest who has exemplified the qualities of commitment and fidelity over a lifetime of priestly service. Pray with us that our new priests will receive the blessings of Almighty God as they follow in the footsteps of the High Priest, Jesus Christ. Celebrate the gift of self to the people of Rockville Centre and beyond as they embark on their journey with commitment and fidelity.
of the Immacculate Conception
Reservations Required $150 per Guest, $100 Clergy
For Additional Information, Reservations, Journal & Sponsorship Opportunities:
“Thee, O God, we praise”
Frs. Louis Cona, Christopher Heller, Stephen Rooney
Sunday November 6 2022 Vespers at 4 pm Dinner
Bishop Robert J. Brennan
Marriage Struggling?
Do you feel alone?
Are you frustrated or angry with each other?
Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other?
Does talking about it only make it worse?
Are you separated or divorced, or thinking about separation or divorce?
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Serra for Priestly and Religious
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