Saint-Paul School Ελληνογαλλικθ Σχολθ «Ο Άγιοσ Παφλοσ» Εργαςία Μαιητών Α’ Γυμναςίου ςτο Μάιημα των Αγγλικών (Γ’ Τρίμηνο) Κατά τη διάρκεια του δευτζρου και τρίτου τριμήνου οι μαθητζσ μασ διδάχθηκαν και εξαςκήθηκαν ςτισ εξήσ γλωςςικζσ δομζσ: The target language can - for ability have - for description language for introduction 3rd person singular Comparative, superlative Vocabulary and Stylistics most commonly used in comic books (pop culture items that students read in English)
Γιωζζηθέο Δνκέο πξνο εμέηαζε Τν ξήκα can-για ικανότητα. Τν ξήκα have-για περιγραφή Λεμηιόγην γηα ζπζηάζεηο θαη εηζαγωγέο Τξίην εληθό πξόζωπν (ρξήζε ζηνλ Ελεζηώηα) Σπγθξηηηθόο, Υπεξζεηηθόο βαζκόο επηζέηωλ Λεμηιόγην θαη κνξθνινγία πνπ ζπλαληάηαη ζηα βηβιία θόκηθο ηεο πνπ θνπιηνύξαο ηα νπνία νη καζεηέο δηαβάδνπλ ζηελ αγγιηθή γιώζζα
Θζλοντασ να χρηςιμοποιήςουμε ενεργά τισ δομζσ αυτζσ και ζτςι να ενιςχφςουμε την αυτενζργεια των μαθητών μασ, οργανώςαμε την ακόλουθη εργαςία: The Superhero
Project. Σκοπόσ τησ εργαςίασ αυτήσ ήταν να εμπλζξει τουσ μαθητζσ τησ Α’ Γυμναςίου ςτη δημιουργική χρήςη τησ γλώςςασ αλλά και ςτη χρήςη των νζων τεχνολογιών ςτη διδαςκαλία, κάτι που μασ αφορά όλουσ: μαθητζσ, εκπαιδευτικοφσ και γονείσ. Έτςι, οι μαθητζσ κλήθηκαν να δημιουργήςουν το δικό τουσ υπερ-ήρωα όχι μόνο γραπτά, αλλά και οπτικά χρηςιμοποιώντασ ζνα πρόγραμμα γραφιςτικήσ ςτο διαδίκτυο υπό τη δική μασ καθοδήγηςη. Τα αποτελζςματα μιλοφν από μόνα τουσ: τα παιδιά μασ εξζπληξαν με τισ ιδζεσ τουσ, μερικζσ από τισ οποίεσ εκθζτουμε ςτον ιςτότοπο του ςχολείου μασ. Ακολουθεί το φυλλάδιο οδηγιών (handout) που μοιράςτηκε ςτουσ μαθητζσ μασ και δείγματα των εργαςιών.
Υπεφιυνεσ Καιηγθτριεσ: Μερτζάνη Χρυςοφλα Κυριακίδου Ευαγγελία
Saint-Paul School Name:_______________________
The Superhero Project!!! Forget all about Spiderman and Superman! You are now called to CREATE YOUR OWN SUPERHERO….with the superpowers you wish. More specifically, your task is to write a paragraph describing your imaginary superhero: You should describe: the superhero (his or her powers and characteristics,) where they live, what they like what they don't like weaknesses secret identities their uniform
their friend (s), or pet(s) The target language for this activity is: can - for ability have - for description language for introduction 3rd person singular
comparative, superlative Here’s an example of what we want you to do. The only difference is that you don’t have to paint your superhero, we will do something more fun!
“This is The Super Kid. He lives in Trois-Rivières, Canada. He can teach martial arts to his friends, but nobody knows his secret identity. In reality, he is called John and he is a twelve-year old student who goes to our school!!! He is perfect at school. But he can also climb walls faster than Spiderman! He speaks English, French and 12 other languages. He is good at spying and hockey. He doesn’t like devils and monsters. His uniform is a black costume that is waterproof because he can also breathe underwater. He saves everybody who is in trouble. His only weakness is pizza: he is allergic to it, and his enemies fight him by throwing pizza slices at him!” Instructions on how to create your own superhero: Log on to the Internet, type in the following URL
Here you are!! Now use your imagination, choose a female or male body for your superhero, dress them up, paint them and then save and print your work. Your individualized “painting” and your paragraph will be posted in the classroom for everybody to admire, and five of the best works will be posted on our school’s site!!!!
The deadline for this project is the 20th of April and your participation is optional.
(if you have any difficulties with loading the URL, just type Hero Machine 2 in your search engine and you will be directed to the right page. If there are any problems, ask your English Teacher after the Easter
“Kitchen Nightmare”
“This is the “Kitchen Nightmare”. “Kitchen Nightmare” is the best chef in the world! He lives in New-York at Castle Gardens. He cooks very fast and he knows how to prepare all the meals by heart! In reality, he is a cook (not a chef) and the meals which he prepares are awful because he wants no one to know his secret identity. He can also cook faster than Bodrini and he can see inside pots by
using his super vision! He cannot be burnt by fire, very hot soups or hot water. He is dressed like a chef and his suit cannot be stained not even by red wine or oil. His gloves are made of an alien fabric and he can’t cut his fingers! He doesn’t like overcooked meals at all!! In fact he is allergic to all overcooked meals! His enemies throw overcooked dishes at him to beat him!” Panagiotis Mitroussis A2
This is Starfighter and he is a Superhero. He has many superpowers. One of them and the most powerful is that he can control the natural
elements. Nobody knows his secret hideout, but we know that he likes extreme sports and for a mysterious reason, tennis. He doesn’t like crime and bad people that intend to destroy the earth. That is the main reason why he flights them. He doesn’t appear to have any weaknesses. In fact, some people call him “immortal” or just “the perfect superhero”, but these aren’t true. He has a weakness that it is at the same time the greatest advantage. Love ! He loves innocent people very much. That’s why his enemies blackmail him by taking people hostages. Nobody can imagine or find out who he is. His only declaration at the media is that wherever there is crime, he will be there. They say that his modern and high-tech uniform and equipment is made from a clean copy of developed extraterrestial technology. He has developed a good bond with many other superheroes because he says that they fight for the same thing : justice.
Dimitracopoulos Tassos
THE... Superhero Project!!! This is Drake. He lives in a planet far away named Sajian. He is powerful and travels from planet to planet saves the beings on each of them. Everybody knows him but he isn' t big-headed nor a show-off. He loves eating! For example, sometimes when in serious situations he always eats!!! He fights with strange aliens who may be stronger than him, although he bits them! When it s a full moon he can turn into a giant gorilla. That’s why he has a tail. But his weakness, when he becomes a gorilla, is that he can't control it. In normal conditions he usually fights with punches and kicks. He can also throw powerful beams from his hands and when he concentrates he has the ability
to be much stronger!!! written by Nick Andrikopoulos
The Superhero Project!!!
Do you believe that there are only ordinary girls who like wearing dresses and playing with dolls? If yes, you are completely wrong. Fiona, who I am going to present, is different. She has nothing in common with other teenager girls. She lives in Los Angeles, California. She is thirteen years old and she goes to Secondary School. Nobody knows anything about her family. Anyway, she likes keeping her life secret. She is really exceptional. She can become invisible when she wants to avoid being seen by other people. She can also shrink or enlarge herself depending on the circumstances. But the most astonishing ability she has is the power of controlling other people’s mind. But when does she use all these skills? When she knows that some kids need her help, she is next to them. I should not forget to mention that she speaks ancient Egyptian and Chinese and she solves the most complicated exercises in maths in five minutes. She also plays ten musical instruments and she thinks that music is the most important part in life. About the way she is dressed? She loves trousers that she always wears. Her favourite colours are red and black. Nevertheless, this super girl has a weakness. She can’t eat chocolate! Even if a small piece of chocolate touches her, she becomes red and full of spots. If you meet her I am sure that you will love her.
Sophia Papanastassi A2΄
ZEUS This is Zeus. He lives in Agrapidochwri a picturesque village near Mt. Olympus. He likes doing experiments and fighting. The only thing that he doesn't like is sea water, so, at summertime, he stays in Agrapidochwri. His only weakness is sea water, because it doesn't allow him to use his strongest attack called the Shock Of The Lightning. He can control the natural elements, he is very strong and he
can teleport. His lightning aura protects him from his enemies' strike attacks. He wears a golden chest guard, white and yellow pants and boots made of gold and metal. His real name is Kratos and he is a member of the superhero crew “The Gods Of Olympus”. SuperElvis H1N1
My favourite superhero is SuperElvis H1N1. His friends call him just Elvis. He has a lot of super abilities: He can fly with his red cape, he can also become invisible. He can also become extra strong and he can run with super speed. He is a master of martial arts. He has superknowledge and he can breathe underwater. He controls the weather, people’s minds and time. He can transform and tele-transport. He makes fire, freezes objects and is extremely flexible. He can also influence the future. His
only weakness is apples. He is allergic to apples. If an enemy throws him an apple pie he faints.
Let me introduce you to the amazing two metre -tall, female hero with the blazing body. Never approach her or try to touch her as you are going to be burnt out immediately! Her huge bow can send fiery death arrows to your very heart from miles away. Don’t let her cute black and white little dog fool you. He’s just a trick to mislead you; besides, it’s her only friend! She is taller than any other woman in the world and she can become invisible whenever she wants. She can control the fire around her body which sometimes can become hotter than the sun. She can fly at top speed creasing magnetic fields around her. She is immortal but unfortunately can’t eat anything because it gets cooked up when it reaches her mouth so she feeds herself on smog over big towns. What a diet!!Another problem with her is that she can’t live in a house because she might burn it so she lives underwater because she can breath underwater too. She is extremely smart and can communicate with animals, so never think of whispering something against her as even cats and dogs will be able to tell her and then…forget about it!
Vardali Eva
This is the super teacher. She lives in Pireaus, Greece. She doesn’t have a secret identity because all the world knows her and all the children want her as their teacher. Her name is Ευαγγελία Kυριακίδου. She is a beautiful woman and, we don’t know for sure, but we believe that she is between 19-21 years old. She cannot only teach very well but she can also see inside children’s brains and know what they are thinking. She has a super voice which is louder than an atomic bomb. She speaks English, French, Greek and Super teacher language. She is good at supervising and writing on the black board. She doesn’t like lazy children. She always wears beautiful clothes. Her weakness is when the children are talking in the classroom.
All of the above are true. Alexandros Arvanitis