2022/23 - Issue Sixteen - Sutton Coldfield Town

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E Official Digital Matchday Magazine Season 2022/23 Official Digital Matchday Magazine Season 2022/23

Saints Saints

President - JohnWalker



















SocialMedia- MikeGreen








KitMan-MickHunt Analyst-JordanBeale






Address: RowleyPark,KesterWay, StNeots,Cambs., PE196SL









publicationofownershipinrelationtostep1-4withinthefootballpyramid, weherebyconfirmthelegalstatusofStNeotsTownFootballClub IdentificationNumber 02921210,andisaPrivateLimitedCompany.

Forthepurposesofpublication ofownershipwecanconfirmthatthefollowingarelistedasDirectorsoftheCompany: Lee Kearns (Significant interest 70%) , Iain Parr, Louise Sales, Gary Wilson, Mehmet Mimoglu and as Non Executive Directors Mike Green,Jeremy Green,andBarryCavilla. CompanySecretary KeithGotch,CompanyAccountantKeithGotch

"Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to the Premier Plus Stadium for today's Pitching-In Northern Premier League Midland Division game."

Today we extend a warm welcome to the Players, Officials and Supporters of Sutton Coldfield Town and we hope your brief stay with us here in St Neots is an enjoyable one.

At last, a Tuesday evening game with a positive outcome. Of course I'm talking about our last outing when we entertained Coleshill Town here at the Premier Plus Stadium in very chilly conditions. It was another late late show as we scored an 89th minute winner through leading scorer Trey Charles (his nineteenth goal of the season). This after Manny Osei scored his first league goal for us to put us in front and then the visitors equalised in the 85th minute so its testament to our fitness levels to be able to crank up the pressure once again so late on in a game and not just sit back and accept a point. It was also fantastic to see Charlie Johnson back in the blue shirt, earning the MOM plaudits with a superb display on his second debut for us. At the time of writing, we are not quite sure what the future holds in regards to him coming home as he is still registered with St Ives Town and we thank them and Ricky (manager) for allowing him to come along and help us out on the night.

Another tough game in store today against Sutton Coldfield Town, who also won on Tuesday evening, 2-0 at Bedworth United so we will once again have to be at the top of our game to achieve anything positive from the game. We then follow this up with an away trip to Daventry Town on Tuesday 14th February (Valentines Day) for what is a real six pointer as they currently sit just below us in the table.

Get behind the boys today from the off, your support is greatly appreciated by the lads . PUMP


Greenie’sGreetings WithDirectorMikeGreen Greenie Greenie Greenie



"Good afternoon and welcome everyone for today game in the Northern Premier League Midland Division. May I take this opportunity to welcome all the players, club officials and supporters of Sutton Coldfield Town, our latest visitors to the Premier Plus Stadium, Home of the Saints and we wish them a safe journey home later this tea time."

It was unfortunate that we lost the original fixture some weeks ago to the bad weather after many days of hard work trying to cover and get the pitch ready.

The Saints have had a positive start to the new year and have steadily been picking up points and after two difficult, long, away trips to Chasetown and Sporting Khalsa, we now have a couple of home games, the last against Coleshill Town who we played out a very competitive and thrilling game and picked up 3 valuable points to take us out of the automatic relegation places. We are hopeful the Pete and the lads can continue with these battling performances and strive to pick up some much needed points to push the Saints clear of the relegation places and to a more comfortable position in this very competitive league.

We are close to finishing one of our Community Club projects with the Memorial Wall and Garden Area and we will bring you more news very soon for all to see and have a place to put your special messages on and remember those special moments you and your loved ones have enjoyed at The Saints over the years.

Meanwhile please continue to give Pete and the Team your fantastic support as always and help push the club onwards and upwards.

Enjoy the game and look forward to seeing you around for a chat.

Together in Football. Best wishes.




We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.






We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.






StNeots’eightleaguematcheswinningrungroundtoahaltasalively visitingBurnhamsidepulledbackatwogoalsdeficittotakeadeserved point.NeverattheirbestStNeotshadtosettleforthedrawandwillreflect onconcedingthreegoalsathomeforonlythesecondtimethisseason.

DefensivelyStNeotswereshoddyandManagerDennisGreenewillbe lookingtofindsomeimprovementinthisareabutthemainfeaturewas theirinabilitytocontrolthegamefrommidfieldashasbeentheircustom. NeitherJuniorKonaduorAdrianSearwereattheirbestandbutforafirst everhattrickbyBenMackeythisuncharacteristicperformancecouldhave beenpunishedmoresignificantly. Theresultwasnottoodamaging becauseleagueleadersSloughconcededaninjurytimepenaltytodraw1-1 athometoAFCHayessothegapatthetopremainsatthreepointswithSt Neots’twomatchesinhandtobeplayedinthenextfortnight.

StNeotsbeganwellenoughwithearlyeffortsfromLewisHilliardand JordanGentbothearningcornersanditwasashockwhenBurnhamwent aheadfromtheirfirstgenuineattackafter14minutes. Withnodanger threateningReneSteerwaspenalisedforanunnecessarypushandfrom thefreekickonthecornerofthepenaltyareaWillHendry’swellplaced freekickbeattheoutsideofthedefensivewallandgoalkeeperMichael Duggan. StNeotsrespondedwithBenMackeybringingafinesavefrom AndrewBaylissanditwasfromtheirfifthcornerkickafter22minutesthat StNeotslevelled. ItwasadelightfulmoveasChrisHopewonaDanJacob crossandheadedtheballdownforBenMackeytosmashhomealow shot.ThatshouldhavesettledthenervesbutbecauseStNeotswerebeing outfoughtinmidfieldtheywereguiltyofconcedingtoomanyfreekicks thatkepttheirdefenceunderfairlyconstantpressure.



Howeverwhentheydidattacktheyweretwiceunluckynottoregainthe leadasJohnnyGrayclearedoffthelinefromMackeyandDabJacobalso sufferedasimilarfatewhenRyanBirdblockedhiseffortonthelinewith Baylissbeaten. AshalftimeapproachedLewisHilliardcollectedaneat StefanMooreflickandcarvedhiswaythroughthedefenceonlyforBayliss toleavehislineandsmothertheshot.

AgoaljustoneminuteaftertherestartputStNeotsincontrol. Itwasa carboncopyofthefirstwithJacobandHopeagaininvolvedandBen Mackeyapplyingthefinaltouch.Withinafurthertwominutesitwas3-1as MackeyjoyfullycompletedhisfirsteverhattrickforStNeotsafterhisfirst effortwasparriedbythebusyBayliss. ThatshouldhaveseenStNeots settletoprotecttheirleadbutjustfourminutesaftergoingtwogoals behindBurnhamwerebackinthegameasStNeotsfailedtocoveraJohnny GraycornerandDanWillmentwasallowedtoheadpastDuggan. TheSt NeotskeeperthenmadeanexcellentsavetodenyGrayanequaliserasSt Neotstriedhardtoregaintheinitiative. Despitetheintroductionof PearsonMwanyongoandShaneTolleytofreshenuptheirattackitwasthe Burnhamsubstitutionsthatprovedsignificantforwithjustsevenminutes leftGavinJamesfoundagapontherighthandsideandcrossedtothehead ofKieranKnightandheunselfishlysetuptheunmarkedLewisDriverfor thegoalthatrobbedStNeotsofvictory.

St Neots: Duggan, Webb, Steer, Sear, Gent, Hope, Hilliard, Konadu, Moore, Mackey,Jacob.

Subs: Mwanyongo(forKonadu50mins),Tolley(forMoore78mins),Greene, Kamara&Henebery

Manofthematch:BenMackey Attendance:382

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Yearfounded:1879 Chairman:SteveBanks ClubWebsite:www.sctfc.com


Aspecialreturnwelcomeforourvisitorsthisafternoonwhowerethefirstsidetovisitusfor 36yearsintheFATrophyin2012afterthechangeofrulesandourabsencefromthe competitionduetoacombinationofreasons. Thematchreportofthatmeetingcanbefound elsewhereinthisprogramme. Notethiswastohavebeenthefirsttimewehavefacedthe sameteamtwiceinourleagueprogrammethisseason. However,thefirstdateforthisfixture arrivedasdidouropponents,afterourarmyofvolunteershadworkedtomakethepitchfit afterheavyovernightfrost.Thematchrefereetookaverylongtimetoinspectandlessthan anhourbeforescheduledkickoffheannouncedthatthepitchwasunfit. Sothisisareturn visitforouropponents.

LikeourladsSuttonhavestruggledtofindaspellofconsistencythisseasonandthey currentlysitinfourteenthplaceinthetable–averycomfortabletenpointsaheadofus.Away fromhometheyhavealreadyrecordedthreevictories–atChasetown,DerehamandGresley coupledwithhomevictoriesoverBedworth,HinckleyandYaxleyplusofcoursea6-0midweek victoryoverourladswaybackon4thOctober. Sincethen,wehaverecordedjusttwowins andadrawinelevenleagueoutingssotodaygivesusachancetochalkoutthememoryof thatdefeatandrebuildourconfidenceaswemovefurtherintotheseason. Lastseasonour visitorsfinishedseventeenthinthefinalleaguetable–acomfortablethirteenpointsaheadof thethreebottomclubsallofwhomsufferedrelegation.

InCupcompetitionourvisitorshaverecordedaninconsistentsetofresults. IntheFACup extra-preliminaryround,theylost2-0atRomuluswaybackinAugustbeforetheleague seasonhadbegunbuttheymadeupforthatdisappointmentintheFATrophy. Inthefirst qualifyingroundtheydefeatedGranthamTownawayfromhomebytheoddgoalinthreeand followedthatupwithanotablehome2-0victoryinthesecondqualifyingroundoverhigh flyingHalesowenTown. Theirthirdmatchinthecompetitionwasawayathighergraded MatlockTownwheretheywerebeaten3-0. FinallyintheirCountyCupcompetitionthey recordedanotherimpressiveresultwinning3-1awayatSportingKhalsa. LastSaturdaythey beatGresleyRoversbyagoaltonil.


2012/13 StNeots 3-1



SuttonColdfield 6-0 StNeotsTown(NPLMidlandDivision)





We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.





PlayingintheFATrophyforthefirsttimesince1976StNeotsmadeawinning startwithacomfortablevictoryovervisitingSuttonColdfield. Therewasa returntothesideforShaneTolleyandheobligedwithasecondhalfgoalbut thiswasagenuineallroundteamperformancewithStefanMooreandPearson MwanyongoimpressiveupfrontandChrisHopelookinginvincibleattheback. AdrianSeargaveanothernon-stopperformanceinmidfield,anditwasdifficult todetectaweaklinkwhichgivesManagerDennisGreeneaninterestingtask withthereturnnextweekendofDanJacob. Thevisitorsarefourthintheir league,anditwasunderstandablethatthetwosideslookedfairlyevenly matchedinthefirst45minutes.

Therewasanexplosivestartandthevisitorscouldhavebeeninfrontafterjust 50secondswhenJamesQuiggincrossedfromtheleftandDeanRathbone’s fiercevolleywasbrilliantlypushedawaybyMichaelDuggan. Howevernotto beoutdoneDuggan’soppositenumberNiallCooperthrewhimselffulllengthto parryaPearsonMwanyongoshotcurlingintothetopcornerofhisnet.Sutton lookedmostdangerousatsetpiecesandthreequicksuccessioncornerstested theStNeotsdefencewithRathboneandCraigMarshallbothfinishingoff target. AnopportunisticlobbedfreekickfrominsidehisownhalfbyChris Hopecaughtthevisitingkeeperoffhislineandhehadtobackpedaltopush theballoverthebarbuthewasbeatenafter32minutes. LewisHilliard’sdeep cornerwasheadedbackbyLewisWebbandStefanMooreappliedthefinishing touch. QuigginmighthavelevelledthescoresbutwithonlyDuggantobeathe skiedtheballoverthebarandStNeotsfinishedthehalfstronglywithCooper savingwellfromHopeandMwanyongostabbingtheballwidefromcloserange.




Two minutes after the restart Shane Tolley displayed his predatory striking ability when Stefan Moore collected a Mwanyongo through ball and set up his strike partner for his first goal since 13th September. This visibly deflated the visitors and for a while St Neots were able to slow the pace and dominate play. Sutton changed their tactics sending on an additional striker but they got little success against a stubborn St Neots defence. After 66 minutes another excellently executed goal effectively decided the contest. Again Mwanyongo camebackintomidfieldtopickuptheballandhefoundTolleywhosefirsttime flick played Stefan Moore clear and he outpaced his marker to score his eighth goal in just twelve games this season. Towards the end Sutton looked determined to get a consolation goal and James Reid went close and in injury time he made up for his miss driving home through a packed penalty area followingacorner.

St Neots Town: Duggan, Deeney, Steer, Webb, Henebery, Hope, Hilliard, Sear, Moore,Tolley,Mwanyongo.

Subs: Gent (for Henebery 27 mins), Konadu (for Webb 46 mins), Sno (for Hilliard 72mins),Greene&Mitchell.




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StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.

Partners-Visitwww.stneotstownfc.co.uktofindouthowtobecomeapartner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney. Som’s Salon is a Mens Barbershop and Ladies Hairdressers, we are located on Longsands Parade, Saint Neots with FREE parking directly outside the shop! 01480 589037

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StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.

Call 01480 470931 / Mobile 07950 496568 Partners-Visitwww.stneotstownfc.co.uktofindouthowtobecomeapartner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.
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Saints Social Media Sponsor

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St Neots Town 2 Coleshill 1

As the clock moved on to the 90th minute Trey Charles, St Neots leading marksman, took advantage of a careless clearance to rob the last defender and slot home a fierce low shot under the diving body of the hapless visiting goalkeeper to give a resurgent home side all three points. It was the perfect finish to a match in which St Neots had shown a defensive sureness and a burning determination to overturn two previous away defeats this season by the visiting side. It had been a tightly fought contest with the goalless first half tribute to the defensive qualities of both sides, but the hard-working well-organised home side always looked to be the better of the two and deservedly picked up the points that lifted them out of the automatic relegation area. With leading scorer Charles fit again, he resumed his place in the side alongside newly re-signed defender Charlie Johnson who added steel to the back four. Making way for them was striker Robbie Mason and defender Charlie Stallard who were both on the bench and destined to make brief second half appearances.

St Neots began well and inside the first quarter hour had created two or three good chances to stamp some early authority on the tie. After twelve minutes home skipper Callum Anderson saw his first shot rebound from the crossbar before placing a second effort that shaved the wrong side of a goalpost. Then in the next attack a looping Joe Rider header from a Charlie Lewis lengthy throw was well saved by visiting keeper Paul Hathaway. At the other end a low effort by Chris Lait was wide but St Neots were enjoying the better of the exchanges and Jon-Paul Duncliffe fired over the bar after neat attacking play by Manny Osei.After 24 minutes Trey Charles did well to outwit a defender to go clear but his shooting angle was too acute and the chance was lost. Then around the half hour from a Liam Hook corner debutant Charlie Johnson forced a full length save from the visiting keeper. Although possession had been evenly shared the visitors seldom threatened the St Neots goal and just before the break another long throw – this time from Arron Smith – was won by Johnson but his snap shot passed the wrong side of a goalpost.




With little to show from the first half the visiting side was expected to restart the match in a positive way but they created little to threaten the defensive partnership of Johnson and Tom Dickens. On the hour a Lewis free kick to the far post was not cleared and Anderson sent an effort over the crossbar but St Neots were using their long throwing ability as a real threat to the visiting defence. After 71 minutes their persistence paid off as a throw from Smith was knocked into the area and Charles set up Manny Osei for the opening goal - his first league goal for St Neots. Briefly the visiting side rallied and Kai Tongue and Alex Tomkinson both had efforts comfortably gathered by Jamie Greygoose. As the second half entered the final ten minutes St Neots sent on Charlie Stallard for Joe Rider but after 85 minutes St Neots failed to defend a Tomkinson corner leaving Amadir Sandhu the room to net an equaliser from close range. However, St Neots were not prepared to settle for a point, and they once again pressed forward. As the final minute of normal time arrived a poor clearance by the visiting keeper saw Trey Charles rob a defender to reinstate St Neots lead with a positive finish and St Neots were robbed of a second late goal when Hathaway made amends for his error with a backbreaking save to deny Liam Hook.

St Neots Town: Greygoose, Lewis, Smith, Anderson, Dickens, Johnson, Duncliffe, Hook, Charles, Rider, Osei

Subs: Stallard (sub for Rider 84 mins), Mason (sub for Duncliffe 86 mins), Sylvester, Boxer, and Webster.

Card: Duncliffe (Y – 69 mins)

Goals: Osei (71 mins), Charles (90 mins)

Coleshill Town: Hathaway, Birch, Sandhu, Dainty, Byrne, Doyle, Tongue, Williams, Lait, Tomkinson, Washbourne

Subs: Marsilla (for Birch 76 mins), Higginson, and Rowe

Cards: Doyle (Y – 73 mins), Byrne (Y – 90+3 mins)

Goal: Sandhu (85 mins)

Attendance: 119

Referee: Luke Scott (Northampton)

John Walker



The football club associated with Sutton Coldfield was formed in 1879 with the first game taking place on the 1st of February at "Meadow Plat" in Sutton Park when the club lost 6-2 to Birmingham. The club moved to its present ground in Coles Lane in 1920. From just after the Second World War until the early 1980s, the club played its football in regional leagues in the area, including Walsall Senior, Birmingham Comb, Birmingham Senior, Worcester Combination, Midland Combination and West Midlands Leagues.

In 1980-81 we reached the First Round proper of the FA Cup for the first time in our history and were drawn at home to Doncaster Rovers of the then Fourth Division. In front of a record crowd of over 2.200 at Coles Lane we played well but were defeated 2-0 with two late goals.

In 1982-83 we joined the Southern League following the introduction of the revised football pyramid. We secured promotion to the Premier League after finishing runners up to Cheltenham Town. Relegated the following season and then remained in the Southern League at step 4 until 2010-11.

In 1992-93 we reached the First Round proper of the FA Cup for the second time in our history and were drawn away to Bolton Wanderers of the then Second Division at Burnden Park. In front of a crowd of over 5,000, a major shock was on the cards when a late goal for Sutton was ruled out for offside and the game finished with a 21 win for Bolton who were promoted that season and also reached the Fifth Round of the FA Cup winning at Anfield along the way. Another highlight came in 1998-99 the club won the Dr Martins League Cup, beating Cambridge City.

In season 2007-08 Sutton lost in the play-offs to eventual winners Stourbridge and in the following season 2008-09 missed out on the play-offs on goal difference when Chesham United equalized two minutes from time against Bromsgrove Rovers.

In season 2010-11 we were moved by the FA into the EVO-STICK Northern Premier League Division 1 South and again missed out on the play-offs finishingsixth for the third year in a row. In 2009-10 and for the first time in our 132-year history we won the Birmingham Senior Challenge Cup beating Nuneaton Town 1-0 in the Final.

2011 saw the installation of the 3G artificial pitch at Coles Lane.



In September 2012, Chris Keogh stepped down as manager after 12 years and joined the Board, his assistant Neil Tooth taking over as manager.

In 2014-15, the Club took the big step of changing the status of the club from a Members Club to a Company Limited by Guarantee.

In the same season, we earned a play-off berth by finishing fourth in the regular season. In the Semi-Finals we travelled to Newcastle Town, who had finished third, and came away with a 3-1 win. This put us in the Final, away at Leek Town, who had finished second. This turned out to be a great game and Sutton scored a very good 20 victory to get promoted to the NPL Premier Division. The last time we had played at level 3 was some 30 odd years ago in the Southern League.

Season 2015-16 was a new experience for us, after promotion via the play-offs, to the Premier Division. Many people were saying we would immediately get relegated, but the team proved them all wrong. After a steady start of 3 draws and 2 losses in the first 5 games, we hit a purple patch over the next 9 games, winning 7, drawing 2, putting us second place in the league. Following a number of injuries, we slipped down the league to finish a creditable 12th. In the FA Cup we were knocked out in the First Qualifying round by Oadby Town but in the FA Trophy we were more successful, when we reached the First Round proper only to lose to National League side Barrow AFC 1 0 to a late goal.

After a poor start to season 2016-17, Sutton struggled to pick up points and were knocked out of the FA Cup and Trophy in the early rounds. A difficult decision was made and the club parted company with the management team having won 3 and drawn 5 of the 20 league games played. Despite some improvement in form we remained in the bottom four for almost the entire season and went into the last game needing to better Corby’s result to survive. A tremendously spirited performance earned a point with a 0 – 0 draw at much fancied Workington and with Corby losing at Coalville survival was ensured.



The 2017-18 season mirrored that of the previous year; again, Sutton struggled to pick up league points and were knocked out of the FA Cup and Trophy in the early rounds by lower league teams. At the beginning of 2018 with the team having only 5 wins and 5 draws from 29 games and a goal difference of minus 48 the decision was once again taken to change the management. Neil Tooth (Toothy) was reappointed with a new management team and reinvigorated the team doubling the number of wins and being competitive in almost all the remaining games. However, the deficit inherited was too great and relegation became something of a formality.

Relegation saw us competing in the Southern League Division 1 Central for the 201819 season. ‘Toothy’ completely rebuilt his squad and, unsurprisingly, this took time to come together and there were some early season disappointments. However, given a little time, and how often have Managers at all levels craved for that, the new squad with its balance of experience and youth got to grips with the league and two very good runs in the season saw us finish 5th and qualify for the play-offs. This saw us lose 3–2 after extra -ime to Bromsgrove Sporting in front of a crowd of 1,850 in what was possibly the best and most exciting game of the season. Other highlights were a good FA Cup run which saw us beat Rushall Olympic of the South Premier League Central after a replay before losing to Alfreton Town of the National League North in another replay. We had a little earlier lost on penalties to another National League North Team, Leamington, in the Birmingham Senior Cup. Our last game of the season was against Boldmere St. Michaels in the Final of the Walsall Senior Cup where we lost 2 – 0. Coming so close after the play-off Semi-Final this just proved a game to far for the team.

With a further revision of the National League Structure the 2019-20 season saw us back in the North/East section after one season away “down south”. This was an opportunity to re-acquaint ourselves with a number of former adversaries, while for many of the Club Players, Officials and Supporters it was an opportunity for a number of first-time visits to some Clubs. Again, ‘Toothy’s’ philosophy for the season was to blend experience with the continuing development of, in particular, U21 players and many were given the chance to play at senior level. We had considerable success in the FA Cup with a win over Gresley Rovers, while Redditch and Kettering were beaten after replays. The dream ended with a 1 – 0 defeat to a very good Boston United team in the Third Qualifying Round. There was some success in the FA Trophy with wins over Yaxley and Stafford Rangers before a defeat at the hands of Hednesford Town.



The League season started slowly, the cup runs taking a toll, but the results improved as the season progressed including six wins on the bounce in February and March and gave hope that the final weeks of the season might see a play-off place. However, it wasn’t to be and in March the season was terminated, and all football activity ceased with the onset of the Covid pandemic.

Sadly the 2020-21 season was significantly compromised by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic which had a significant impact on all clubs; not just from a playing perspective but survival became a real issue for many across all levels of football. The season didn’t start until September and was curtailed and then cancelled in November. We had a slow start losing the first games in both the FA Cup and FA Trophy, while only 7 games were possible in the league and we finished with a record of 3 wins, 2 draws and 2 defeats.

After losing last season we approached 2021-22 with anticipation, expectation and a little trepidation. Budgets had been compromised due the closure of facilities, after two difficult seasons a number of players had retired or moved on and some supporters (the life blood of clubs at our level) were uncertain about attending games. Nevertheless, we retained key players from the previous year’s squad, with a number of former U21 players maturing well and putting themselves in contention. As always, our Manager, ‘Toothy’, was watching the local scene and made some key signings. During the lockdown the Board continued to invest in the Club’s future with a number of facility improvements and a commitment to other long-term developments. We also looked to continue the total development of the club as the Ladies and Junior sections went from strength to strength and continued our commitment to working with the local community.

2021-22 began with a 2-0 home win against Soham Town, which proved to be one of only a handful of wins in 2021 in what became a difficult season for the Royals. Under Neil Tooth’s leadership only one more win was recorded before the end of October against Sporting Khalsa and following a 5-1 defeat to Ashton United in the FA Trophy resulted In ‘Toothy’ and his assistants resigning as the management team. Ross Thorpe was appointed as the new manager following a short stint as interim manager, with Steve Hinks later joining as assistant. A resurgence in December saw the Royals record their first away wins at Soham Town and Coleshill Town and further wins at home against Stamford and Shepshed also followed. The key game to avoid relegation came in a home tie which saw an incredible attendance of 823 witnessed a crucial 3-0 win against fellow strugglers Wisbech Town. This run of results helped the Royals beat the drop with games to spare on 37 points.



On guaranteeing Step 4 for the Royals, Ross Thorpe resigned as first-team manager to follow other career options. The Royals appointed former Chasetown and Shepshed Dynamo manager David Stringer to take the Royals forward in the 2022-23 season. As well as a new management team, it was also an important pre-season for the Royals as the 3G pitch has been replaced following the original being installed back in 2011 along with the new LED lights and a refurbished main stand ready for the 2022-23 season. We look forward to the challenge ahead in the new season under David Stringer.



Jonno Brown- GK

Jonno is a strong keeper with a big presence. The keeper impressed when coming into the side at the back end of last season to help The Royals to survive relegation and will be looking to help the team push forward this season.

Kieran Hart - GK

Kieran is a young goalkeeper who has come up through the youth teams. He made his first team debut last season and went on to save three penalties in the five appearances he made. Kieran will be continuing to gain experience and push for the number one spot.

Tom Hurley - DEF

Tom is a young fullback who has come up through the junior and youth teams. He was a regular since he made his debut last year against Halesowen at home at just the age of 16. Tom will be looking to cement his place in the side.

Will Mansfield - DEF

Will is a versatile player who can play across the back four or in midfield. Previously of Heather St John, Will was able to score 8 goals from right back and centre half last season.

Harry Sawyer - DEF

Previously of Coventry United and most recently Hinckley United, Harry was instrumental in their push for promotion last season. Harry operates at right back and brings a threat going forwards.

Sam Walton - DEF

A young defender who is previously of Heather St John, Bedworth and Tamworth Academy. Sam will be looking to compete for his place with a strong selection to go from at centre half.

James Beresford - DEF

Club captain and central defender ‘Bez’ is a true defender who will put his body on the line. James is looking for a successful season and to help the team push on from last year’s position.

Matt Hunt - DEF

With a tall and physical presence, Matt has been able to impress in pre-season. Previously of Tividale, Matt is looking to help The Royals in the step up for success.


Yahiya Todd - DEF

The centre half, previously of Highgate and most recently Heather St John captain is a pacy defender who can drive forward at the opposition and get fans of their seats.

Tom Armitage - DEF

Previous Nuneaton Town left back joined Sutton last season. Tom is an exciting young full back who shows energy going forward.

Aaron Dickens - DEF

Previously of Heather St John, Aaron will be looking to compete for the left back spot in the step up in the non-league pyramid.

Harry Eden - DEF

An energetic full back who spent the last few games on loan at Rugby Town last season. The left footer will be looking to compete for a starting place on a regular basis.

Tim Oyanda - MID

A young player who can operate across the midfield. Tim is a tidy footballer who can fit in and adapt to different systems. Tim will be looking to push for his place in the starting XI this season.

Cameron Collins - MID

A midfield with lots of natural ability, Cameron is a brave, typical midfielder who will want to get on the ball no matter the situation. Cameron is previous player of Highgate and Heather St John.

John Mills - MID

The left footed midfielder who will be keen to help the team get ticking with his passes this season, John is previously of Rugby Town, Highgate and Heather St John.

Lamin Ceesay - MID

Lamin is a young footballer who has progressed through the ranks of Sutton Coldfield. Previously being involved with the first team last season, Lamin will be looking to cement his place in the starting XI.

Benedict Wilson - MID

The young midfielder gained experience in last season’s campaign. A player who will work hard and use this season to push for his place in the team.

Flavio Tavares - MID

Flávio is an exciting player who will get fans off their seats. With pace and his tricky feat, Flavio will be looking to stretch the oppositions defence this season.

Rhys Hilton - MID

Rhys can operate in the higher areas of midfield and likes to take players on. The left footer is certainly a threat to defenders and will pose a threat throughout the season.



Sam Ellis - MID

A 20 year old attacking midfielder who has worked his way up the non-league pyramid over the last few years. Sam is a hard-working player who is happy to get the ball in congested areas.

Stuart Hendrie - MID

An experienced midfield player who will work well into The Royals playing style. Stuart will be looking to help the team and younger players progress with his experience.

James Spruce - FWD

A goal scorer who netted 30 times for Heather St John last season. James can work across the attacking midfield area or as a centre forward.

Ashanti Price - FWD

Ashanti will be looking to display his page, energy and physical presence throughout the season. A centre forward who will be looking to rack up his tally of goals for The Royals.

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