INSIDEAnyonefortennis? pg.8 Youth Zone pg.9 We Invented The Weekend pg.22 Springboard heroes pg.26-27

LIFE is administered and designed by Salford City Council’s Communications Team. This edition will be distributed week commencing 29 August 2022. Printing: Swan Print. Distributed to more than 130,000 households by Royal Mail and other agencies. Contact: Salford Civic Centre, Swinton, Salford, M27 5FJ. Any leaflets or flyers inserted in or distributed with this magazine do not appear with the partners (listed below) endorsement or agreement and we discourage our distributors from putting material inside your copy of LIFE IN Salford. Cover image: Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett and Salford businessman Fred Dorne with young people from Salford set to benefit from the new Youth Zone. Green Flag Awards pg.19New housing pg.11 ON THE COVER 8 Anyone for tennis? 9 New Youth Zone coming to Salford 22 We TheInventedWeekend 26-27 Springboard Heroes This magazine is funded and produced by: U n iv e rsity T e aching T rus t IN THIS ISSUE 4-7 Salford City performanceCouncilreport 8 Salford’s popularity booms 10 ForHousing website 11 New housing for Salford residents 13 Walkden Park and Ride 14-15 Teams behind Salford’s COVID-19 effort 16 That’s the Salford Way 17 Well done Angela MBE 19 Now it’s nine –Green Flag Awards 20 New era for health and care services 21 Free vitamins 23 Energy rebate update 24 How to volunteer 25 Digital appointment letters 28 BBC Philharmonic 29 Domestic abuse support 30 Salford Women and Girls’ Commission Digital Life in Salford Want to read more stories about what’s happening in Salford? Want to find out what’s on from theatre and festivals to markets and more? Want to share Digital Life in Salford with family and friends? Visit Digital Life in Salford online where you’ll find this edition with extra pages, photos and videos. If there’s a website mentioned in the story you can click on it and go straight to the page. New Youth Zone pg.9 Want to advertise your business in Life in Salford? The only magazine delivered to 131,000 households in Salford. Trusted, local and cost effective. For business advertising enquiries please contact Buy Me Media 0161 350 5000 Don’t forget COVID-19 is still around so. Keep up the good work on hand hygiene, get fully vaccinated and stay home if you feel unwell. Let’s enjoy life without spreading the virus. We’re always keen to hear what you think about Life in Salford or get in touch if you have any queries, including requesting a large print copy. Please email letters@lifeinsalford or write to Life in Salford, Salford City Council, Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton M27 5DA. Your emails and letters will not be published. Visit Digital Life in Salford at to read it from Tuesday 30 August. You can also download it or read an accessible electronic copy at 3REGULARS City Mayor’s column 12 University of Salford 18 Free educationadult courses

At Salford City Council, we are reviewing our emergency services and offers in the city, working alongside the community and voluntary sector and bracing ourselves for a huge surge in requests for support. But following 12 years of austerity, local government budgets are a fraction of what they once were and we are catering for hugely increased demand.
City Mayor Paul Dennett
The BBC is reporting that 98% of dentists in the North West no longer take on NHS patients. Our NHS is struggling - with too few doctors and nurses, a gigantic backlog of elective surgeries and operations, and huge difficulties in receiving face-to-face appointments with OurGPs.
infrastructure and our public services are crumbling - even when there isn’t industrial action on the railway, residents in Greater Manchester could be forgiven for thinking there was, due to the sheer number of cancellations due to inadequate staffing.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this city made a call to our residents to support one another through our Spirit of Salford network and Community Voluntary Sector. Together, we provided emergency food packages to thousands of Salford residents, provided advice line support through our integrated Spirit of Salford helpline connecting together the council, heath and voluntary sector services.
And what’s worse, this winter we are expecting the biggest cost of living crunch in living memory, as prices for gas and electricity skyrocket.
As Life in Salford goes to print, it seems as though many things are falling apart in our country.
Costs of food and other essentials are rising in the shops - every one of us will have felt the pinch when it comes to buying groceries.
So please, if you haven’t already, sign up to our emergency volunteer response team who coordinate our volunteers in the city by emailing volunteer@salfordcvs. and get involved with your local community and voluntary sector groups.
This city’s great advantage, when times get hard, is the way in which the people of our city band together and look out for one another.
I know we will rise to the task once again.
Time to stick together
The cost of living crisis will require no less of a response than the COVID-19 pandemic. The council will do as much as it can to support you through hard times - but we will need to once again work together to look after one another as well. The real Spirit of Salford is the people of Salford – as it has always been.

The council processed over 7,000 applications to help people in crisis access emergency support via Salford Assist. The council’s welfare rights, fairer charging and debt advice service helped 4,713 Salford residents bring in over £4.6 million intohouseholds.low-income We launched our new InclusionEqualityandStrategy which shows how we will WorkforceWeinequalitiesaddressandwhatstepswecantaketomakeadifference.alsolaunchedourEqualityandDiversityStrategytocelebrateourdiverseworkforceandhowweareworkingtotackleinequality. Our parks and streetscene team won the large team of the year award at the Local theirChronicleGovernmentAwardsforworkduringthepandemic. The team provide services to over 120,000 businessesaroundproperties,10,000andover250,000residents. We have started working with developcommunitieslocaltonewideasto townSwintonimproveandEcclescentres. This is the start of our ambition to regenerate our town centres.Weretained our eight GreenawardsFlag and added a ninth award for our parks and greenspaces across the city The schemerestorationtorevitaliseWorsleyDelph,oneofSalford’smosthistoricsites, wonaNationalLandscapeAward for launchedTheregeneration.CityMayorCrowdfundSalfordtohelplocalgroupsandbusinessesfindfundingandsupportwiththeirideastobenefitourcity.
This is Salford City Council’s annual performance report for 2021/22. Here, we take a closer look at how we have delivered on our Great Eight priorities.
£128,000hasCrowdfunderraisedover so far for projects including opening a new rugby clubhouse and restoring a sensory garden. We increased the number of accredited Real Living employersWage in Salford to 83 boosting the pay of over 2,700 people.We upgraded our Better Off website – to make it easier for people to find out if they’re entitled to benefits, apply for them and get help with jobs, debt and money management. We boosted the pay of over 4,000 care workers in the city by an extra £768.

The City Mayor announced the launch of a Skills and Work programme to help residents connect to the huge economic growth in our city. By 2023/24 this programme will invest £1.5 million every year creating opportunities for Salford people. 86% of schools have been rated as good or outstanding, an increase on 82.7% last year. We have supported 10,727 customers to get online as part of our Digitalprogramme.Everyone We created more than Kickstart140 work placements for young people at risk of unemployment.long-term Young people aged 16-24 got six months paid work with full training and support.
We have put solar panel charging stations in all our depots to power electric vehicles.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 • Annual Performance Report 2021-22 - Key highlights 5
97% of early years settings in Salford have been rated as good or outstanding. We won two Employer of the Year Awards from Salford City College and University of Salford. This was for the amazing work we do to giveapprenticeshipscreateandforthesupportweourapprentices.Wecreated134apprenticeshipsin2021/22
47.98% of all household waste in Salford is sent for recycling, reuse or composting – an increase on 47.35% last year. To reduce surface water flooding we have been sustainablebuildingdrainagesystems such as creating plantingwetlandsnaturalandtreestotakeinwaterfromtheroadanddistributeittotheroots.
In October 2021, The Lowry in Salford Quays hosted the Greater Manchester Green Summit, an important regional event before the Glasgow COP26 conference. A new solar farm made up of over 5,000 panels will be built in Little Hulton which will produce megawatts2 a year of clean energy. We are installing air source heat pumps in our public buildings, which are a green alternative to oil and gas. Pumps are already installed at Cleavley athletics track and Clifton Country Park saving 33 tonnes of CO2 a year. We have plans to fit another 10 pumps which are expected to save 295 tonnes of CO2 every year.

region.Thecouncil won The Pandemic YearInnovationDigitaloftheaward at the national Digital Leaders 100 awards. The award was for the Spirit of Salford helpline, launched within 72 hours of lockdownwhichbeginning 40,000morehelpedthan Salford residents affected by COVID-19.
We accommodationpeoplesupportedtoaccessbyhousingover 300 people who have slept rough or remain at risk of sleeping.roughWedelivered 2,865 new homes. We delivered 425 affordable homes this year, exceeding the target we set of 209. A further 358 homes are forecast to be delivered by March 2023. A former family centre in Little Hulton is beingintoconverted new apartments to help homelessness.residentsSalfordatriskof As part of our Rough AccommodationSleeperprogramme, 70 propertiesnew have been agreed and occupied or are in the process of coming into use. We are awaiting decisions on funding for another properties.24
Our City Mayor announced a £30 million capital investment into council housing. In the middle of a national homelessness, housing and cost of living crisis, building truly affordable homes is a huge priority for the council. Our target is to build 3,000 new council homes in the next decade.
In March 2022, our Chief Executive opened the 2022 Digital City Festival’s Cyber Summit, held at HOST (Home of Skills and Technology) Salford. This highlighted Salford and Greater Manchester’s outstanding cyber security capabilities and the economic growth this brings to our
Salford’s first fleet of electric cargo bikes will be taking to the roads. Using money from the Energy Saving Trust we have bought 18 bikes which can carry cargo and three separate trailers which can be attached to the electric or ordinary bikes. We have continued to deliver our programme of walking and cycling routes this year, working on the Trafford Road project, key sections of the RHS Garden Bridgewater Greenway, Swinton Greenway and the Liverpool Street cycle links schemes. We are continuing to deliver the Salford Bolton projectImprovementNetwork to improve bus journeys in our city with work taking place at the RoadStreet/FrederickBroadjunctionandontheA666.
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Following our annual report to UNICEF we have retained the awardGold for our Early Help Service and 0-19 Health Service. We helped over 83% of adults in contact with servicesmentalsecondaryhealth to
In July 2021, Ofsted carried out an inspection of Salford’s Leaving Care Service. The feedback was fantastic and included comments on the dedication and commitment of staff and partners. We launched our new domestic abuse service for children and adults –Safe Salfordin which offers a one front door approach for domestic abuse support in Salford.
The council agreed a balanced budget confirming that, over the next two years, £3 million will be allocated to help Salford residents make the most of the economic growth opportunities in our city. We improved creditorperformanceourofpayments. 98.9% of payments to our creditors were made within 30 days. The council working with its partners, has helped 14 companies and businesses to relocate to Salford or expand. This has created 2,110 new jobs with the value to the Salford economy estimated to be £138.1 million. We launched the 'Our Home is on Your High Street' initiative to everyoneencouragetovisittheirlocalhighstreet,shoplocal,supportlocalandenjoylocalinSalford.
51.4% of the money the council spent on buying goods and services has gone to Salford organisations.based
Theindependently.livenumberofyoung people being admitted to hospital with self-harm has reduced to 73, the lowest rate in four years. 44% of smokers who set a date to quit with stop smoking services achieved a fourweek quit, exceeding our target of 35%.
£37.5million of public sector and million£501 of private sector investment has been secured.

Salford has had the biggest population increase in the north of England according to official Census 2021 figures. England and Wales carry out a national census every ten years to see how society is growing and changing. The last census was in 2011 and the statistics from it are used to help plan public services. More detailed results that will provide a more insight into Salford's communities and neighbourhoods across the city will be released later this year.
Floodlighting will be added to courts at Parr Fold Park and disabled access to Victoria Park will be improved, along with the tennis courts. Much of the funding comes from Section 106 money paid by developers for local improvements. A new booking system will allow people to hire a court by the hour or join an annual membership scheme and money generated will be reinvested into the courts.
Salford Community Leisure (SCL) and We Do Tennis will offer free public coaching and work with children, young people and schools to encourage youngsters to try tennis.
28% 18.6% 5 9
Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety. The UK government and LTA are investing over £30 million in the sport across Britain. our video to find out more about the development of Salford's tennis courts
Salford’s biggest growth is in younger age groups, unlike the rest of England. Salford residents aged over 65 grew by 8.4 per cent compared to a 20.1 per cent increase in England as a whole.
“This is a game changer for tennis in Salford. Better facilities, free coaching and help for children to learn tennis skills is a real winner.”
Thanks to everyone who took part according to census
facelifttocourtsSalfordget Watch
Salford’s popularity booms
WATCH VIDEO Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 8
Twenty-one tennis courts across Salford will get a £500,000 facelift to encourage more people to take up the game.
Salford City Council and the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) will improve or add new courts, nets and electronic access gates at Albert Park, Boothsbank Park, Buile Hill Park, Eccles Recreation Ground and Lightoaks Park, where paths, signs, fences and access to the park generally will also be enhanced.
Anyone for tennis?
Salford’s population has grown. From 233,933 in 2011 to 269,900 in 2021 – a 15.4 per cent increase. That’s two and a half times higher than the national rise for England (6.6 per cent) and more than Manchester at 9.7 per cent. 65'sover Salford has had a 28 per cent increase in children aged five to nine and a 24 per cent increase in those aged 10 to 14. Adult residents aged 25 to 29 have increased by 26 per cent, those aged 30 to 34 have risen by 42 per cent and those aged 35 to 39 by 33 per cent. The numbers of children aged under 15 rose by 18.6 per cent in Salford, compared to a five per cent increase in the rest of England, while those aged 15 to 64 rose by 16 per cent compared to 3.6 per cent in England.

The new Youth Zone will take two years to develop and is expected to be based near Salford Crescent train station and the University of Salford.
Salford-born businessman Fred Done said: “Having been born and raised in Salford, I know just how much young people in the area would benefit from the opportunities available through a Youth Zone. I have had the pleasure of supporting HideOut Youth Zone in Gorton to open its doors to thousands of local young people, across Manchester and now it’s time to take this to Salford and change the lives of many more.”
Greater Manchester already has five Youth Zones where members can choose from over 20 activities every night from sports to creative arts, music, drama and employability training for just 50p per visit and £5 annual membership. Salford is to get its own brand new, state of the art Youth Zone
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “A huge thank you goes to Fred Done for his generous donation, without which the likelihood of delivering a Youth Zone for Salford and investing further in youth services simply would not be possible. It is so fitting that Fred, who started business in Pendleton in the 1960s, will make a difference for future generations in the area”
New Youth Zone coming for Salford
It is thanks to a new partnership between Salford-born businessman Fred Done, Salford City Council and Manchester based charity, HideOut Youth Zone
Trained youth workers and dedicated volunteers will be available every day for guidance and support, creating up to 70 full and part time jobs and up to 100 volunteering opportunities.
The multi-million pound centre for eight to 19 year olds (up to 25 for those with additional needs) will open seven days a week and support approximately 4,000 young people.
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Manchester Youth Zone Tameside Youth Zone

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ForHousing is always trying to do better and improve customer service, and is very excited to share the improvements to the website based on the feedback tenants have given.
Over the past six months, social landlord ForHousing has worked closely with tenants to learn what matters most when visiting the ForHousing website and to make improvements.
Tenants told ForHousing they wanted to be able to report a repair, book an appointment, and pay their rent with ease, so these areas have now been made front and centre of the website.
ForHousing has created handy how-to videos to help guide people through the different areas of the website. You can view these videos by simply visiting the ForHousing website at
Ninety per cent of visitors to the ForHousing website use mobiles and tablets so changes have been made to provide a better experience when using smaller devices.
If you have any thoughts you’d like to share about the website, please drop ForHousing a message at because your feedback is always appreciated.
Improving the ForHousing website

The group will have delivered over 100 one to fourbedroomed homes over the last four years despite the challenges to supply chain and construction materials as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “I am delighted to see strong progress in delivering truly affordable homes for our residents and the future generations of our city.
Twenty homes came from the Hilton Lane, Walkden development and eight from the Irwell Riverside development in Charlestown.
Another 26 homes are expected to be handed over to Dérive by the end of March 2023 consisting of a further 22 at Hilton Lane and four more from Irwell Riverside Thursday 30 June.
Dérive also saw the largest handover of homes in one day since the company began in 2018 when 14 of the Hilton Lane homes were handed over.
Extra announcedpolice
“These developments are helping us provide the type of housing that Salford residents truly need, and we remain ambitious in our aims to deliver thousands more over the coming years.”
“We’re really pleased that GMP has listened to our concerns. Salford Quays has become one of Europe’s most successful waterside regeneration schemes and we need the infrastructure for it to continue to thrive,” he “Thesaid. wider neighbourhood police team area, which includes Ordsall, Pendleton and Charlestown, will also benefit from the flexibility provided by additional officers for Salford Quays.”
Salford City Council has secured 28 new homes for families at affordable and social rents.
New housing for residentsSalford
Extra police officers based in Salford Quays will also support neighbourhood teams in Ordsall, Pendleton and Charlestown.
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The new officers will focus on local crime and antisocial behaviour, with extra support as needed, in a move welcomed by City Mayor Paul Dennett.
Chief Superintendent Shaun Donnellan, of GMP’s Salford district, said: “The population of Salford Quays is continuing to increase, as is the number of businesses moving to the area - attracting both people from across Greater Manchester as well as tourists. With an increase in footfall comes challenges but these extra resources ensure that the local policing team is well equipped to overcome them.” Contact your neighbourhood policing team via
The council’s housing arm, Dérive Salford, has taken 28 new affordable properties from two housing developments.
In an emergency, always dial 999. Information about crime can also be shared anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. AT A YOU’LLUNIVERSITYLOVE SEARCH OUR CLEARING COURSES
Park and ride work begins at Walkden
Construction has started on creating a brand-new park and ride facility at Walkden railway station.
Users of Walkden station are also set to benefit from the £3.8million RHS Walking and Cycling Links project that is providing a 6.2km specialised route for those travelling from the station to RHS Bridgewater and into Worsley and Boothstown. A significant proportion of the route is already open for public use and it is expected that the remaining sections will be complete by Spring 2023.
WATCH VIDEO Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 13
The new facility is being built at the site of the former environmental services depot off Chestnut Avenue. It will provide 107 parking spaces, four motorcycle bays, cycling storage for up to 32 bikes and electric vehicle charging points. The scheme will boost access to sustainable travel for Walkden residents, help combat congestion within the town’s busy road network and reduce on-street parking with currently no dedicated off-street parking available for those using the Itstation.willcomplement proposals led by Network Rail to install a new lift to the platform from the street with work currently in the design stage and expected to start in the coming years. Both Swinton and Irlam railway stations are also set to benefit from new lifts to the platforms through Transport for Greater Manchester’s Access for All programme with works earmarked to commence in 2023.
The park and ride works are being led by Transport for Greater Manchester in conjunction with the council with work carried out Monday to Friday between 8am and It6pm.comes as a new hourly direct shuttle bus service between the station and RHS Bridgewater has launched in time for the summer, running through to Sunday 25 September. The service runs hourly on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays with fares capped at £1 for adults, 50p for children and it will be free for concessionary pass holders.
Watch the video on Walkden station's regeneration
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “I am delighted that work is finally starting on this project which I have long campaigned for and I know will be greatly appreciated by the people of “ThisWalkden.brand new facility will only enhance the asset that this railway station provides for the town and will provide a sustainable option for those who are keen to shorten their car journeys or who are able to cycle for part of their journey.
“This work is part of a wave of developments for this very popular station, including the new lift to access the platform from street level, which I continue to address with Network Rail as we want to see it delivered as soon as possible for Walkden residents.”

The Federation of Jewish Services (The Fed)
The pandemic put many community services on hold, but the success of the vaccine programme, together with the easing of restrictions, has happily brought the return of many vitally important social groups and communal activities.
Read about the people and teams who continue to make a difference and support the delivery.
"My bad legs meant I was unsteady, and I was resigned to simply being at home alone. Suddenly that changed – it was so wonderful to get involved with The Fed!"
Vaccines remain our best line of defence Getting vaccinated is free and only takes a few minutes. There are vaccination clinics at times to fit around your lifestyle and we also offer walk-in sites. For more information, visit vacclinics or call the national booking line on 119. Visit or call 0161 772 4800 for more information.
of connection
For Lionel, The Fed was a part of his life long before he joined the Coffee Stop crowd. He said: "I'm really quite shy and was nervous when I went, but I was made so welcome by the other guests and all the staff. It's a great thing to have in your life – that sense of human connection and interaction. At my age it's invaluable."
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Our aim throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been to protect the lives and livelihoods of Salford residents. Together with an army of staff, partners, and volunteers, we successfully rolled out COVID-19 testing in all communities and continue to deliver one of the most extensive vaccination programmes in history!
Fed Volunteer Coordinator, Julie Abramson, said: “The Coffee Stops are a truly special service. People are greeted with a room full of friendly faces, laughter, and warmth. We often have guest speakers and sometimes theme the afternoon around an upcoming Yom Tov (Jewish Festival).”
One such group is The Fed's popular 'Coffee Stops' programme run by the charity's Volunteer Services Team, who organise the monthly gettogethers across north and south Manchester. These gatherings provide a few hours companionship and conversation - making the difference to some between total isolation and a sense of community and belonging.
The introduction to the Coffee Stops came as a lifesaver for Sonia.

There was a determination in Salford that having a learning disability would not be a barrier to accessing a COVID-19 vaccination.
a mask often made it harder to connect with people but I learnt how smiling with your eyes and a simple 'hello' lets you see where the conversation leads, and I can honestly say hand on heart that anybody I approached was very welcoming.
Smiling with my eyes
The Spirit of Salford Helpline 0800 952 1000 is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm.
Award winning COVID-19 vaccine delivery programme for people with learning disabilities
Jenny Capper, Neighbourhood Volunteering Worker, Salford CVS
Jenny witnessed first-hand the massive effort to set up the COVID-19 vaccine Workingrollout.
Launched within 72 hours of lockdown beginning, the Spirit of Salford helpline has supported more than 40,000 residents affected by COVID-19 since the pandemic began. It was awarded The Pandemic Digital Innovation of the Year award in November 2021, one of the most prestigious digital leadership awards in the UK. The helpline is still available and offers support on lots of different issues that you might be facing. You can get advice about what to do if you test positive for COVID-19, support for a family member with COVID-19, information on staying safe and when you can have a vaccine or booster and where to get one.
For further support and volunteer opportunities visit
For more information visit Spirit of Salford Helpline at Salford City Council
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 15
I'm so grateful to support this work. I’m proud to have made a difference in the community and the power of smiling through my eyes whilst wearing my mask.
Spirit of Salford Helpline
Teams from Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, Salford Care Organisation (part of Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust) and Salford Primary Care Together joined forces with GP practices across the city to offer every person in Salford with a learning disability a home visit from a specialist nurse who understands their needs for their vaccines.
Easy read booklets and letters were produced, a dedicated vaccination booking line and dedicated clinics were set up with longer appointment times, no waiting and relaxing music playing for those who could attend a vaccination centre. Family carers were also offered the vaccine. As a result, over 80% of people with a learning disability in Salford have had all three vaccines, higher than the Salford, Greater Manchester and England averages. The programme was named ‘Inclusion Champion’ at the Greater Manchester Health and Care Champion Awards 2021 and put forward as the North West’s nomination for a Parliamentary Award in the COVID-19 response category.
You’re supporting patients with anxiety, reassuring them they are going to be ok and sharing tips on keeping calm. You end up having the most interesting and often emotional conversations with people after their Wearingjab.
with Salford CVS opened my eyes to those who are alone, vulnerable, frightened, and those with curious questions! The queues of people, waiting patiently, nervously and those with no fear but a sense of excitement of the hope, health, and protection on offer.
A mum-to-be who came for her first jab shared how people had influenced her and had put her off getting jabbed. So, it was great to see her making her own choice to get vaccinated.

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A new report shows what has been achieved and sets out plans for the next three years.
The Salford Way brings together three key strategies to tackle poverty, create an inclusive and green economy where residents benefit from growth without harming the planet and challenge and tackle inequality.
• £7 million secured to decarbonise the city’s public buildings. To read the full report, visit:
Boosting the wages of over 4,000 Salford care workers.
Some of the key highlights from 2021/22 include:
Tackling inequality and making sure residents benefit from Salford’s booming economy are key priorities for Salford City Council.
• The successful launch of the Salford Women and Girls’ Commission.
• Targeted support provided to over 60,000 residents through Salford Assist, the council’s Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service, the Spirit of Salford helpline, holiday activity clubs, the Household Support Fund and other initiatives.
• Increasing the number of Real Living Wage employers in Salford to 83.
• £1.5 million committed to skills and work opportunities for young people and adults.
That’s the Salford Way
Councillor Sharmina August, lead member for the inclusive economy, anti-poverty and equalities, said “Tackling inequality will always be a top priority on our agenda here in Salford. The Salford Way is a truly innovative approach that combines three strategies to address a variety of inequality issues collectively, enabling us to make sure our residents are supported in the best way possible.”

“I feel really honoured and a little embarrassed as I feel lots of carers deserve it,” said Angela, who first thought of fostering as a teenager.
Can you help the NHS Coronavirus?BEAT
Well done Angela MBE
Dedicated Salford foster carer Angela Shiel has been awarded an MBE for her outstanding work with children.
Angela and husband Michael have fostered for Salford City Council for 21 years, caring for 52 children and young people. They continue to foster and have also adopted two children.
“The most important thing to me are the outcomes for children and young people: supporting them through difficult times, helping them move on, always belonging, being available and someone they can trust.
Professor Bakerly said: “People who get involved in health research tend to become better at managing their own health. Joining the research community is good for you and good for others.”
Salford Royal respiratory consultant Professor Nawar Bakerly, who is leading long COVID-19 research in Greater Manchester, is encouraging people to join in the fight to Help BEAT Coronavirus. The campaign will help the NHS understand long COVID-19 and other ongoing issues caused by the pandemic. It is part of Research for the Future, a National Institute for Health and Care Research Network Greater Manchester initiative hosted by the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust.
“I feel I have always had a caring and protective nature and from being a teenager, fostering was something I thought about. Fostering for your council enables you to help the children and young people in your community. It can be extremely rewarding seeing the children blossom and taking advantage of opportunities."
Registering with Research for the Future means you will receive information about these opportunities and details of how to take part.
Salford City Council’s fostering service needs a wide range of people to become foster carers to meet the needs of children and young people. To find out more information visit: call 0161 799 1268 or email
There are lots of different types of research you can take part in, including answering questionnaires, joining discussion groups, testing equipment, or taking part in trials to find new treatments.
For more information and to register please visit or text RESEARCH and YOUR NAME to 81400
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 17
Most people feel the effects of COVID-19 for about two weeks, but others experience long COVID with breathlessness, fatigue and brain fog for months.

Smart devices – find out what your smart device can do MSOffice – Word, Excel and Powerpoint Spreadsheets and databases Office work and admin Teaching adults Youth Confidencework building English – from basics to being able to help the kids with their homework. Planting seeds, saving bees, learning IT (four weeks) Smart device photography – phone/ tablet or digital camera required Maths course (not certified) –learn the basics and help the kids with their homework.
Advertisement Free 2022autumn-courseseducationadultfortheterm Want to learn new skills, meet new people and make friends? All courses are free to Salford residents aged 19 plus (terms and conditions apply) and run once a week for eight weeks. First Steps courses for beginners IT – search, shop and email safely
Next Steps – to develop your skills further IT – online banking and saving, desktop publishing, photography and more MSOffice – learn more skills and how to use Access Working in Photoshop (some IT skills required) – learn or refresh your skills. Book your place now. Call Janet on 07482 606808 or Paul on 07882 092231, email or visit
Corinth Business and Community Training C.I.C. is a not-for-profit community interest company putting the learner at the heart of what we do. It’s where learning makes sense. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

“It is a huge achievement for the city. Parks and green spaces have to meet and maintain very high standards to win this prestigious award. It is a great accomplishment and I’d like to congratulate and thank everyone involved” she said.
Salford now has nine parks and green spaces which are officially amongst the best in Britain.
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After a successful programme of improvements over the last two years and hard work by the Friends of Parr Fold Park and Salford City Council’s parks team, Parr Fold Park achieved Green Flag status. There are other exciting plans for the park in the pipeline with investment in new tennis courts starting in the autumn.
Parr Fold Park joins Agecroft Cemetery, Blackleach Country Park, Boothsbank Park, Clifton Country Park, Peel Green Cemetery, Peel Park, Victoria Park and Winton Park which kept their flags.
Now it’s nine
Each year judges assess how welcoming, clean, healthy, safe and secure the park or greenspace is and how well it involves the local Councillorcommunity.Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety praised the efforts of the many volunteers who support the council in maintaining and improving the parks and green spaces.

During that time, there were many achievements:
A new era for health and care services in Salford
It’s at the heart of a new, wider partnership called Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership, involving NHS organisations, councils, voluntary, community and social enterprise groups and other key partners that support health and social care.
For the past nine years, Salford CCG decided NHS spend on most health services in Salford.
The partnerships will help organisations work better with the public to keep everyone healthier, plan and deliver health services more effectively, make sure everyone is treated equally and fairly, help the NHS become as efficient as possible and also help it contribute to the wider Visiteconomy.thenew website to find out more
£1 million per year invested into the Third Sector Fund - grants to voluntary organisations, community groups, social enterprises and primary schools to help improve the health and wellbeing of residents. £18 million secured from the Greater Manchester Transformation Fund to test new ideas and innovative ways of working across primary care, the community and voluntary sector and with our providers.
Each area of Greater Manchester also has a local integrated care partnership. The Salford Integrated Care Partnership brings together the same partners to ensure Salford residents get the best possible services.
Some of the current priorities are tackling waiting times for planned hospital care, transforming urgent and emergency care services, and better support for children, young people and those with long-term conditions.
Standard’‘Salford introduced to improve the quality of care patients receive from GP practices.
It replaces all ten Greater Manchester clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and Greater Manchester Shared Services. The new organisation is responsible for decisions about health services in Greater Manchester, NHS budgets and delivering services to put plans into action.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 20
Salford Urgent Care team launched to relieve pressure on Salford Royal’s emergency department, allowing them to treat those with more conditions.serious Managing Salford’s COVID-19 vaccination programme, delivering vaccines to three quarters of adults in Salford, including an award-winning programme to vaccinate people with learning disabilities.
The Partnership discusses major issues affecting people’s health in Greater Manchester and works on improvements.
The way health services are bought and planned for Salford has changed. NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care has been formed as part of national changes to how the NHS and councils support health and social care.
Goodbye to Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

• Walkden Gateway, Smith Street, M28 3EZ
If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you may not get enough vitamin C or D or folic acid.
Free vitamins
Staying alert about air pollution could benefit your health Poor air
This is one of a range of initiatives across Greater Manchester designed to keep you informed and forms part of a Clean Air Plan, which aims to reduce the levels of nitrogen oxide in the air we breathe within the city region.
GPs in Salford are also doing their bit to improve air quality by prescribing more environmentally friendly inhalers. These inhalers produce up to 20 times less carbon dioxide, which is released into the atmosphere.
To find out what the air quality is like where you live, sign up to receive free air pollution alerts, either by text message, email, or a recorded message.
• Pendleton Gateway, Broadwalk, M6 5FX
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 21
• Newbury Place Health Centre, 55 Rigby St, M7 4NX
The government recommends all children aged six months to five years, babies who are breastfed or consuming less than 500 ml of infant formula and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers take daily vitamin supplements.
Healthy Start vitamin drops for children contain vitamins A, C and D and tablets for adults contain vitamins C, D, and folic acid. They do not contain milk, egg, gluten, soya or peanut residues and are suitable for vegetarians and halal diets.
Did you know Healthy Start vitamins are free for all pregnant women, new mothers, and children under five in Salford regardless of the family’s income or immigration status?
Short term exposure can cause flare ups for those with health conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as trigger heart attacks and strokes. Long-term exposure to poor air pollution over months and years can also contribute to some chronic health conditions, similar to those caused by smoking.
• Eccles Gateway, Church Street, M30 0TU
You can collect these important vitamins for free from these centres. Please ask at reception:
• Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, M27 6BP
If you’re pregnant or have a child under four and you’re claiming some benefits or tax credits, you could also claim a free prepaid card to spend on healthy food. Visit to find out more.
For more information visit:
The free air quality alert provides the latest air pollution levels, so you can monitor the air quality where you live.
Vitamins are essential to maintain normal bodily functions, strengthen immune-systems and protect from some diseases. Young children may not get enough vitamin A and D even if they are eating well.

And, as requested, a reminder that Salford residents can get discounted tickets at The Lowry, by joining the free Our Lowry scheme. Email our@thelowry,com with your name, address, postcode and mobile phone number or call 0333 208 6000.
Salford’s Seven Bro7hers brewery is creating a special festival can enjoy shows, styling challenges, charity shop finds, workshops and exhibitions and visitors can join discussions on the history of the weekend and how free time is changing, food in communities, sustainable travel and climate change.
Thanks for the feedback – please keep it coming. Email (comments won’t be published)
Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey on Life in Salford magazine. We’re delighted that you enjoy it and more of you are also reading our online version ( in_salford_38com/salfordcouncil/docs/life_https://issuu.
Discountedtickets Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 22
The free festival at Salford Quays on Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11 September will feature music, gardening, theatre, dance, workshops, sports, talks, food, wellness, crafts and giving back to the community.
. Social media is used for unexpected or emergency closures and Transport for Greater Manchester has the latest travel information.
Please visit for full details.
Please visit the My City Salford directory directory/
There will be classic street games, workshops, stories and a chance to design future cities for children alongside the UK’s first ever e-sports festival. The festival, which finishes with The Free Time Parade, is also encouraging donations to Salford Foodbank and to Salford CVS’s community fund for local good causes.
Digital Life always has extra content that we just can’t fit into the printed magazine. All our Gateway centres, Broughton Hub and libraries have free internet access and help to get online if you need it. We also produce a screen reader friendly version available at with all the print and digital content.
or see page 25 in this issue of Life in Salford for information about volunteering. Roadworks and transport? Salford City Council’s weekly bulletin can be found at uk/
Salford’s newest festival will celebrate the joy of free time.
Thanks for the feedback
Invented the Weekend
You asked for more information about services and local community groups for both mental and physical health, wellbeing and socialising.
The weekend was invented in Greater Manchester in 1843, when campaigners won workers the right to leisure time on Saturday afternoons.
The BBC Philharmonic will lead the Weekend Orchestra in a community performance while The Lowry brings circus and Indian dance performances to the streets. There will be live bands and music, street food traders, art and craft market.

This is the government’s one-off payment of £150 for households in council tax bands A to D to help towards the rising cost of energy bills, being paid by local councils through the council tax system.
Salford City Council is carrying out its annual update of the electoral register listing people eligible to vote in local and national elections.
Newly added voters will be sent a follow up individual registration form, or can register online at:
Letters have been sent to more than 120,000 homes asking for confirmation of who is registered to vote at that address. Details can be confirmed by text, online or by and check the details. If you have received an A4 letter you don’t need to respond unless the details of who can vote in your household have changed. If you receive a large, A3 household form you must respond by law, even if the information on the form is correct.
Please be careful of scammers. Salford City Council will not phone asking for your bank details to make the payment.
At time of going to press, Salford City Council has paid more than 100,000 residents but is still awaiting responses from some households it has written to with their unique codes to make their claim.
For more information please call 0161 793 2500 or email; please include your address in any email.
Young people aged 16 or over can register now, ready for when they turn 18. Please add anyone over 16 to the form so we can start their registration process.
Energy rebate update
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 23
Don’t lose your chance to vote
Salford City Council is working hard to ensure all eligible Salford households get their energy rebate.
If you need help applying online, please call 0161 793 2530 for assistance. Or call into your local gateway in Eccles, Pendleton, Swinton, Walkden or Broughton Hub which are all open 8am to 10pm Mondays to Thursdays, 8am to 6.30pm on Fridays and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Visit for more details.
If residents do not respond in time to receive a direct payment, the £150 rebate will be credited to their council tax account.

You can call us on 0161 787 7795 or email You can also browse opportunities on the volunteering portal on our website Interested in finding out more? The Volunteer Centre Salford can help you find a suitable opportunity and support you with the process. You can make an appointment with a member of our friendly team to chat about the different opportunities and find out more about volunteering; there is no pressure to commit to anything.process!butVolunteeringinVolunteeringSalfordisagreatwaytomakeadifferencetoothers,youcanalsomakeahugedifferencetoyourselfinthe There are hundreds of charities and community groups doing great work in Salford. They have a range of roles that volunteers can support them in and there is something to suit most people. You can volunteer in a variety of settings; outdoors, out and about at community events, drop in centres for homeless and vulnerable people, kitchens, a creative arts and wellbeing centre, in an office, plus much more. Volunteering is a great way to: Improve your wellbeing • Connect with others and feel part of your community • Meet interesting people and make friends • Learn new skills • Share your skills and experience • Support a good cause • Feel useful • Build confidence • Make your CV stand out • Have fun! Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 24

If you have any questions, or would like information to be sent to you in other languages or formats, please ring the free helpline 0800 707 6060, scan the QR code or visit
Until recently, bowel cancer screening was only offered to people aged 60 to 74, with anyone older able to request a kit every two years by calling the helpline.
Appointment letters go digital at Salford Royal
A new online portal is making it easier than ever for patients to manage their hospital outpatient appointments.
Since March, some patients have received a text or email message from the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust asking them to log in to view their Salford Royal appointments instead of receiving letters by post. Once on the platform, patients can view their appointments at the click of a button, helping to speed up the process. Most patients will also be able to request their appointment is rescheduled or Overcancelled.thecoming months more patients will receive a text or email notification asking them to access their appointments in this way. If a digital notification isn’t opened, a paper letter will still be sent to the patient to ensure they do not miss their appointment. However, it is hoped the introduction of digital letters and text reminders will help reduce the number of missed Drappointments.JohnMacdonald, Consultant Cardiologist, said: “Most people are happy with the new service, which will give patients more control over their appointments, be more convenient, save time and is better for the Theenvironment.”secureservice is a partnership between Synertec, DrDoctor and the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, which Salford Royal is part of.
The Bowel Screening programme is improving the service by starting to invite people who are aged 56 and will gradually phase in invitations for people from 50 years old. This invitation will arrive in the post inviting you to complete a test that is done at home.Thetest requires only one sample to be sent off so is easier and more straightforward than ever before to complete. Results are sent out within two weeks and an abnormal result doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer as many conditions can cause blood in your poo.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 25
Everyone who receives an abnormal result will be offered further investigations carried out by highly skilled and experienced NHS professionals.

“Springboard Heroes are the cream of the crop and now it is your turn to help pick the overall winner, so that they can receive the £1,000 prize, and continue with the fabulous work that they do.”
The group consists of volunteers from a range of ages, with the eldest being 76 and the youngest volunteer just three-years-old.
Vote for your local Springboard Heroes
The finalists for the annual Springboard Heroes Awards have been announced.
Seedley Langworthyand in Bloom
The volunteers offer their services for free, as they have a passion for making the streets, within one square mile across Seedley and Langworthy, covered in blooms. Planting thousands and thousands of plants during the planting season, everyone is always eagerly waiting to see the vibrant colours blossoming.
For nearly twenty years, a group of greenfingered volunteers have been spending their time helping to brighten up streets in Salford.
For the past year, housing association Salix Homes has been awarding grants to groups and projects in Salford that are making a real difference in communities.
Sian Grant, executive director of operations at Salix Homes, said: “We’re extremely proud of our Springboard grant programme, which provides a lifeline to people in our communities, in many different ways. “The grants provide support to a range of people and groups which benefit our communities. Finalists this year include a group offering outdoor space to people who may have limited access to green space in the city, and a group providing a beautiful floral display to brighten up the Seedley and Langworthy area.
Now, Salix Homes has picked four fantastic projects from across its neighbourhoods, as the Springboard Hero finalists, and it’s over to the public to vote for their favourite. The winning project will receive a £1,000 cash boost.
From boxing clubs, to gardening groups, Springboard has provided much-needed cash injections to local projects that boost community spirit, promote health and wellbeing and help to reduce isolation.
We have four outstanding finalists, all of which provide huge benefits for the people of Salford. Now it’s time to pick the winning Springboard Hero. Read more about the finalists and the difference they’re making in Salford, and check out their nomination videos to hear why they think you should vote for them to win the £1,000 cash prize.
The landlord has donated more than £33,000 to dozens of local groups and initiatives across Salford as part of its Springboard community grant programme.
Are you an established community group, a charity, school, or just an individual with a great idea for a community project? You can apply for a share of the funding pot. Visit to find out more about the Springboard Community Fund.

Manchester City Mission (MCM) If they win the Springboard Heroes Awards, they’ll use the £1,000 prize money to enhance the green sanctuary they’ve created and continue to work with local schools and community groups to help even more people learn about bees and beekeeping.
Members of Salford Boxing Club know all too well the benefits regular exercise provides, but equally know the costs associated with gym membership, often creating barriers for people on low incomes. That’s why the boxing club have come out fighting to help improve the mental and physical health of Salford residents by giving away free two-month memberships for their on-site gym, which is based at Broughton Gymnastics and Lifestyle Centre on Camp Street. They’ve already used Springboard funding to give away free gym membership to 30 local people, but if they win the extra funding, they’ll extend the scheme to another 30 residents who’ll have free access to the gym, plus the sports and fitness classes available.
Although MCM are a faith-based charity, everyone is welcome and there is no pressure to follow the Christian faith.
Bee Corner is located at Islington Mill on Chapel Street and is now home to a thriving bee apiary and community garden, which is supporting people to improve their mental health and wellbeing and feel part of the natural world around them.
The project was created by bee enthusiast Amber MCormack in 2021 who had a vision to create more opportunities for people to access nature and help tackle the isolation that can come from urban living.
Bee Corner is creating a buzz in Salford after a neglected concrete space in Islington was transformed into a green haven for humans and honeybees in the heart of the city.
Scan the QR code or visit www.salixhomes. to watch the finalists nomination videos and cast your vote!
Manchester City Mission (MCM) aim to alleviate poverty for as many Salford residents as feasibly possible. They run a Family FoodFayre food club at the Windsor Centre in Salford. Each member of the Fayre can choose 12 items of food, worth around £15, twice a week - helping to support people who are struggling on low incomes. Food includes perishable and nonperishable goods. There are currently around 280 households registered and growing rapidly due to the growing need.
BoxingSalford Club
CornerBee Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 27

Salford residents can enjoy an exclusive ticket offer of £4 stalls tickets for all concerts. Numbers are limited so do book early. Contact The Bridgewater Hall and quote SALFORD when booking. For online bookings – please enter the promo code before selecting your seat. Phone: 0161 907 9000 Online: Scan the code to browse and book

The Men's Advice Line provides confidential emotional support and practical advice for men experiencing domestic abuse. Call: 0808 801 0327 Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm or email: info@
It’s difficult to talk about domestic abuse but you don’t have to live with bullying, control and violence.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 29
Staff at Safe in Salford, the city’s new free, confidential domestic abuse support service, understand and will do all they can to make it as easy as possible for you to tell your story and get the help you need. No judgement, no blame, no telling you what you should “Wedo. know it takes a lot for someone to open up and tell their personal story,” said Alice, an independent domestic abuse advisor who works with survivors. “They often feel guilty and ashamed even though domestic abuse can happen to anyone. They’re afraid of being judged and are worried about the consequences of asking for help. When we say yes, we believe you, there’s nothing to feel ashamed about and we’re here to help you find the best way forward, the relief on their faces is incredible.
The service is based in Salford and led by Salford Foundation along with The Pankhurst Trust, TLC: Talk, Listen, Change and Trafford Domestic Abuse Service (TDAS) which together have decades of experience in supporting men and women survivors and working with perpetrators to help them change their behaviour. Services for survivors and perpetrators are offered entirely separately.Safein Salford staff are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Please call 0161 793 3232 or email They aim to respond to phone messages within 24 hours and emails within 72 hours.
The national domestic abuse helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and has translators if your first language is not English and BT Type Talk for callers with hearing difficulties. Please call 0808 200 0247 or email
“We don’t tell people what to do. We give them options and choices and let them decide what’s best for them and their family.”
The ManKind Initiative on 01823 334 244 Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm (except Friday evenings) or email
Please visit for details of a range of support services.
You don’t have to live

Women and girls across Salford are being urged to get involved with a commission that is working to make sure the city is a safer and better place for women and girls.
“Bringing forward the most sustainable brownfield land for development is the approach we are taking in Greater Manchester and this decision once again supports that.
The Salford Women and Girls’ Commission, which is made up of women from a range of backgrounds in the city, is seeking more views from residents across the city as it works to identify local solutions to some of the most pressing issues around inequality.
More homes to be built on Salford’s brownfield land
To do this, you can submit your views by heading to the official website of the commission at filling out a form or emailing the team directly at equalities&cohesionteam@salford. You can also engage with the commission through social media by joining its public Facebook group titled Salford Women and Girls Commission or following the group on Twitter at @SalfordWomensCommission@SalfordWomens.
Salford is set to benefit from almost £10million of funding to develop new homes on brownfield land.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 30
Get involved in the CommissionWomenSalfordandGirls’
A listening event was held on Tuesday 26 July where more than a dozen women attended to give their opinions on the issue of women’s safety in Salford and how it can be addressed. The commission will now come together to discuss solutions to the concerns, but more women are invited to share their views.
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) approved an allocation of £27million to be split amongst three Greater Manchester councils with Salford City Council receiving just short of £10million that will be spent on building 620 new homes across four sites. A total of 31 brownfield sites across Greater Manchester were chosen for funding from a total of 147 Salfordnominations.CityMayor Paul Dennett, who is the GMCA Deputy Mayor and portfolio holder for homelessness, healthy lives and quality care, said:
Attendees of the Salford Women and Girls’ Commission listening event.
The brownfield first approach to development has been adopted by Greater Manchester leaders within the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and the Places for Everyone plan will also have a brownfield first preference to minimise the impact on the green belt.
“The aim is that brownfield land – which is land that has been used before and is disused or derelict – is much better to develop on than a green field site that has never had development on it.”

Former Yorkshire and England Cricketer, Michael Lumb, was thinning on top. He had considered a hair transplant but was unsure what the procedure entailed and was worried by what others might say if he went ahead with it. his first visit to MHR Clinic, he felt completely at ease with the idea of restoring his hair. He now has a full head of healthy hair and is delighted with his results.
Advertisement PremierCheshire’sHairLoss Clinic BEFORE AFTER Outstanding Excellence in Hair Restoration CALL MHR NOW MENTION “LIFE IN SALFORD” TO CLAIM YOUR FREE CONSULTATION 01565 745344 Manchester Clinic 2 The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Cherry Tree Lane, Rostherne, Knutsford, UK, WA14 3RZ Harrogate Clinic 11B The Arch Barn 1 Harewood, Leeds, LS17 9LF UK “The whole process from start to finish is easy”
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Volunteers wanted Wharton and Cleggs Lane Community Gardening Group, Little Hulton is looking for volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The fruit, vegetables and flowers they grow are used in their onsite community café. No experience needed. Please contact Janet on 07985 468964 or email
Salford in short
Remembering our past Working class history in Salford will be celebrated in three new projects funded by Historic England. Fault Lines will document the Ordsall’s untold history, through interviews, podcasts, music and creative writing to create an aural history trail.
Four new flagpoles are now flying the armed services flags and there are plans to add benches to commemorate Salford’s four Victoria Cross holders: Lance Serjeant Joseph Woodall, Sergeant Joseph Lister, Private William Norman and Private Henry George SalfordCrandon.Veterans Association has been fundraising for the benches through Salford Crowdfunder. Crowdfunder was set up by City Mayor Paul Dennett to test local support for projects which must benefit the city and support one of the council’s Great Eight priorities to create a fairer, greener and healthier IfSalford.groups or individuals can crowdfund sufficient money towards their project, they will win match funding of up to £10,000 from Mayor Dennett.
Salford in short Here’s the latest headlines from Salford. To find more detail about each story visit (
Benchmark of respect Salford’s new veteran’s memorial garden near the Cenotaph, Swinton is taking shape
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 32
Salford residents have benefited from kind-hearted gym members raising money for three defibrillators. Members of Salford-based gym M3 Perform set out to raise £1,000 to buy one defibrillator for the gym but raised enough to buy two more. One has been donated to St Philip’s Primary School, Barrow Street, Salford and another to Age UK Salford in Swinton.
Unearthing Pendleton’s Past at St Thomas Church will uncover gravestones and the stories of the people they commemorate and Navvies will use art and sound projected onto the water to tell the story of the 17,000 men who dug the Manchester Ship Canal. A micro forest will be planted at MediaCityUk in their memory. Heartfelt help for the community
Flashback to Armed Forces Day Image credit: Manchester Ship Canal Collection, Peel Archives Ken Whittick and Sue Fletcher, Age UK Salford; Mike McLaren and Lloyd Gordon, M3 Perform; Paul Sherlock, Age UK Salford; Rebecca Long-Bailey, MP, Councillor Jim Cammell, Councillor Stuart Dickman, Bernard Lea, volunteer Age UK Salford, Councillor Heather Fletcher and Joy Kershaw, Centre Manager, Critchley Community Hub (standing). Image credit: Manchester Ship Canal Collection, Peel Archives

Award winning Salford school officer
The Post-COVID Syndrome Service (PCSS) is open to adults registered with a GP in Salford, Manchester, Trafford, Bolton or Wigan whose physical wellbeing, mental health and mood and daily functioning is affected following a COVID infection. People can refer themselves or be referred by a health professional. Please visit for details.
If you missed the trail, don’t forget membership of Salford libraries is free and children can borrow up to ten books for three weeks and five e-books or audiobooks online. There are picture books and board books for babies and toddlers, information for homework projects, comics and a range of general fiction for all ages and skills. Libraries also offer storytime sessions for under fives. Find your local library at:
Salford in short
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 33
Long COVID help A new service has been set up to help people suffering long Covid to improve their daily lives.
Salford Literacy Trail
Tracey, who works at Lewis Street Primary School, won the Adult Champion category at Place2Be’s Wellbeing in Schools Awards. Place2Be is a mental health charity for children and young people which provides services in Traceyschools.said:
Tracey’s role also includes safeguarding, child protection, anti-bullying and therapies for children with special needs. She also works with Salford City Council on Emotionally Friendly Schools and Thrive in Education, the council’s mental health support team for children, young people and schools in the city. Salford was one of four trailblazer sites in Greater Manchester for implementing this national mental health in education programme.
Tracey Redgrave has won a prestigious national award for championing positive mental health in her school.
"I feel completely humbled. I can't believe I've won and what a fantastic reflection on our school and Salford.”
Fiddlers Lane primary school, Irlam has added a solar powered stopwatch to its green credentials. Funding came from Greater Manchester Community Renewables (GMCR), a community energy scheme, which raised money from the community to install solar panels at the school in 2016. The panels have since generated enough energy to charge over 14 million smartphones. GMCR reinvests profits from the scheme in community grants.
Twenty eye-catching bookbenches designed by local schoolchildren and artists will be in Salford until Friday 9 September. The Salford Literacy Trail was designed to inspire a love of reading. Pupils from 20 schools took part in creative workshops with their artist to explore themes and characters from their favourite books. Each sculpture uniquely captures how children feel about the books and stories that have inspired them and helped them to get in touch with their emotions. The trail was designed by the National Literacy Trust, the Bupa Foundation and Wild in Art. For more information and a downloadable Trail Map visit:
Solar supportpanelsschool

The young people also paraded from the Deans Youth Centre to Salford Civic Centre to meet with city leaders and discuss the importance of Youth Pride and the ongoing work to support our young people in Salford.
This year young people chose Aim high – Build for the future as their Youth Day theme and lots of events throughout the week featured tower building activities to symbolise this years’ theme.
Young people from Salford’s LGBTQI+ community came together to celebrate the second annual Salford Youth Pride on Thursday 11 August as part of the Youth Day celebrations.
In August, Salford celebrated Youth Day which is an annual day of activities organised by young people, for young people across the city.
Salford Youth Day 2022! VIDEO Salford Youth Pride
• Tuesday nights at Eccles Youth Centre, Eccles, M30 0WY, 5.30pm to 8pm
Salford’s LGBTQI+ youth groups are safe spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people. Members can get involved in activities including trips, cooking and arts and crafts.
• T and Toast parent / carers support group: Every third Sunday of the month at The Beacon Centre, Broughton, M6 6QT at 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
The celebrations involved a full schedule of activities including arts and crafts, photography sessions and drag workshops supported by Salford Pride.
The groups meet at:
• Monday nights at Bridgewater Youth Centre, Little Hulton, M38 9WD, 5.30pm to 8pm
• T and Toast youth group – Trans/Non binary youth group: Every third Sunday of the month at The Beacon Centre, Broughton, M6 6QT at 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Email Chris Rice at if you have any questions or want to get involved.
Young people came together to celebrate with a week of fun filled activities between Monday 8 August and Friday 12 August 2022.The events included everything from cake decorating to fishing, climbing and even water fights.
• Thursday night at The Beacon Centre, Broughton, M6 6QT, 5.30pm to 8pm
Salford’s Nerd Club, a youth group run by Salford Youth Service, completed a 12-hour gaming challenge at the Deans Youth Centre as part of the Youth Day celebrations and raised an incredible £490 for The Rockin R charity who provide safe and sterile gaming equipment for young people in hospitals.
Take a look at what our young people got up to across the city for Youth Day 2022! Find out more about Salford Youth Day at:

The Den youth club 7pm to seniorsaged5pmCentre,Walkden8.30pmShoppingM283ZHto6.30pmjuniorseightto1111plus Boothstown Youth Café 6pm to 8pm. Age 11+ Boothstown Community Centre, M28 1NB TSunday&Toast group Third Sunday of every month, 1.30pm to 3pm Safe space transgenderforand nonbinary young people, The Beacon Centre, London Street, M6 6QT
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 35
SEND youth forum
Fun for young people
6pm to 8pm first and third Wednesday every month Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP Contact
LGBTQI+Monday group 5.30pm to Bridgewater8pmYouth Centre, Bridgewater Street, Little Hulton, M38 9WD Youth club 6.15pm to Broughton8.45pmHub,50 Rigby Street, Broughton, M7 4BQ For year seven and older Young women’s group 6.30pm to– 8.30pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP For year seven and older GirlsTuesdaygroup 6.15pm to 8.45pm Salford Lads Club, St Ignatius Walk, Ordsall, M5 3RX
Make friends, have fun, learn something new – there’s loads to do at Salford City Council’s free youth clubs. Everyone is welcome and here’s a list of some of the activities that take place. To see more visit:
Duke of Edinburgh Award session
Youth club 6pm to 8pm The Den, Walkden, M28 3AD LadsThursdayonly group 3.45pm to 6.45pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP Years seven to 13 Disability youth club 6pm to CadisheadCadishead8pmHall,Park, Harriet Street, M44 6RB Disability group 5.30pm to Centre,Bridgewater7.30pmYouthM389WD Nerd club 4.30pm to 6pm Microsoft Teams every,films,tvandmusic.contactfordetails
LGBTQI+ group 5.30pm to 8pm The Beacon Centre, London Street, M6 6QT
BeaconFriday youth club 6.15pm to 8.15pm The Beacon Centre, London Street, Salford, M6 6QT Year seven and older Open youth club 6.15pm to 8.15pm Sea Cadets Building/ Irlam Youth Hub, corner of Liverpool Road and Fairhills Road, Irlam, M44 6BA Eccles girls group 6pm to 8pm The Castle Community Centre, Lewis Street, Eccles M30 0PU Irlam Youth Club in partnership with SCL 6pm to 8pm Sea Cadets Building/ Irlam Youth Hub, corner of Liverpool Road and Fairhills Road, Irlam, M44 6BA Deans Friday night youth session 6.30pm to 8.30pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 OHZ Year seven and older
5pm to 6pm on Microsoft Teams Contact
BAYSE Project youth club and sports activities in partnership with Salford Community Leisure (SCL) 6pm to Brookhouse8pm Community Centre, Buckthorn Lane Salford, M30 7QH, , For eight- to 16-year-olds Year 6 group 3.30pm to 5.30pm The Beacon Centre, London Street, M6 6QT Young women’s group 5.30pm to Bridgewater8.30pmYouth Centre, Bridgewater Street, Little Hulton, M38 9WD Spy activity session 4pm to 6pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP Outdoor session, high ropes, fishing, art and more for year seven and older Youth Council 6.30pm to 8.30pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP Social action, local and national campaigning for young people. Please contact LGBTQI+ group 5pm to 8pm The Castle Community Centre, Lewis Street, Eccles M30 0PU SportsWednesdayandactivities 5pm to 7pm Lewis Street Primary School, Lewis Street, Eccles, M30 0PL Irlam girls’ group 6pm to 8pm Sea Cadets Building/ Irlam Youth Hub, corner of Liverpool Road and Fairhills Road, Irlam, M44 6BA For 11 plus Team building and multiskills activity session in partnership with SCL 5pm to 7pm The Castle Community Centre, Lewis Street, Eccles M30 0PU Year Six night 6.30pm to 8.30pm Deans Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, M27 0AP Group work 5pm to 7pm Castle EcclesCentre,CommunityLewisStreet,M300PU Young Men’s group Centre,Bridgewater5.30pmWednesdayto8pmYouthM389WD
SEND Youth Club in partnership with Cadishead Hall, M44 6RB

For more what’s on information go to
Enjoy a range of events in Salford
Makers Market
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 36
A new and imaginative free festival from Salford - one massive, colourful, exciting weekend of music, theatre, sport, workshops, dancing, laughs, and more to celebrate the joy of free time.
Thursday 14 July to Friday 9 September, various locations across Salford, free. Explore your city and discover new adventures through the power of stories and reading. The Salford Literacy Trail is a stunning collaboration between the National Literacy Trust and the Bupa Foundation to create 20 Book Bench sculptures in the heart of Salford.
All events and details were correct at the time of publication, but please confirm with the venue or organisers before setting off.
The Tiger who came to Tea
Follow us on social media @visitsalford
Last weekend of every month, free entry. The Lowry Plaza, Salford, M50 3AZ Local makers, bakers and artisans with food, drink, art, vintage and modern crafts.
We invented the weekend Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September, free entry, booking required for some activities. MediaCity and Salford Quays, Salford, M50 2NT
Thursday 27 October to Sunday 30 October, tickets from £18. The Lowry, Salford, M50 3AZ Join the tea-guzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos. Don’t miss this stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem… expect to be surprised!
What’s on
Salford Literacy Trail

Sunday 11 September, 1pm and 2.30pm. Tickets £Free, booking essential. Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WU
Life Drawing Lates (Steampunk Special) Wednesday 21 September, 6pm to 7.45pm. Tickets £8, booking essential. Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WU Explore the amazing world of Steampunk where Victorian invention meets Science Fiction. The model for this evening eventwill be a wheelchair user who has adapted his wheelchair specially to reflect the Steampunk aesthetic. There will be support and tuition from illustrator/ animator, Paul Pickford. All materials provided.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 37
Langworthy Live
This year Heritage Open Days is celebrating inventions. A zoetrope is a device that allowed people to animate images prior to the invention of film. Join local artist Caroline Coates to make your own Zoetrope from old CDs.
For full line-up visit: Independent Salford Beer Festival 2022
Thursday 17 to Saturday 19 November, tickets from £23. Hemsley House, 4142 The Crescent, Salford, M5 4PE Bringing some of the UK’s best breweries into Hemsley House in Salford. Enjoy great beer, beautiful juicy ciders and wonderful company - with all profits going to Independent Salford Beer Festival friends and local charity START Inspiring Minds.
Ben Frost Friday 21 October, 7.30pm to 11pm. Tickets £18. The White Hotel, Dickinson Street Salford M3 7LW. Australian Reykjavik based composer, Ben Frost, performs minimalist, instrumental music at Salford’s underground venue. Frost most recently composed scores for Ridley Scott’s ‘Raised by Wolves’, and Netflix series ‘Dark’.
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September, Tickets £5.50. Langworthy Road, Salford M6 7AQ Langworthy Live features bands and music artists performing in shops, businesses and community centres down Langworthy Road and surrounding area.
We Shall All Be Brothers and Sisters - the Communist Party in Britain 1920-2020 Until Thursday 22 December, Free entry. Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford M5 4WX Through objects, sound and photographs, explore the history of the Communist Party in Britain. Originally on display at the Marx Memorial Library in London, this exhibition marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party in Britain (1920). Rachel Goodyear: Stirrings Until Sunday 26 February 2023, free entry. Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Peel Park, The Crescent M5 4WU ‘Stirrings’ is the first major solo exhibition by Rachel Goodyear in a North-West museum and art gallery, it includes new large-scale drawings and a new animation.
Zoetrope Workshop

Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 38
“Situations can quickly get out of control if knives are involved.”
Knife crime falls – but work goes on Knife crime may be falling in Salford but the work to get knives off the streets never lets up.
Giant bee helps tackle knife crime
A giant bee made of weapons deposited in Greater Manchester Police’s Forever Amnesty will be visiting schools and Salford City College in September.
School pupils across Salford are hearing the message that choices have consequences directly from former gang members, prison officers and through music and Community groups are working with young people on the verge of criminality and police officers are using information to deter, disrupt and prosecute criminals and get weapons off the
From sessions in schools to police patrols, Salford Community Safety Partnership is working hard to warn young people about the dangers of knives and steer them away from crime. Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety, said: “Most young people don’t carry a knife but for any who do or who are considering, we say stop, think and “Ifdon’’re caught carrying an illegal knife there’s no excuse, no defence of self-protection. You could get up to four years in jail or an unlimited fine and a criminal record. That will affect your chances of getting a job and even travelling abroad, as some countries ban people with knife crime convictions.
“Whilststreets.wewelcome the fall in knife crime in Salford, we’re not complacent about the dangers. Even one person hurt is one too many,” said Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety.
Knife crime in Salford – unlike some areas of the country – has fallen, thanks to extensive work with young people by Salford Community Safety Partnership and ongoing Greater Manchester Police operations to remove weapons from circulation.
The huge sculpture which was made from numerous knives, guns and other weapons is the latest initiative to steer the city’s young people away from violence.

Prison officer and dog handler Paul McGovern, who runs Actions Have Consequences, talks to pupils about the impact of choices they make.
• Young people starred in The Broughton Trust’s play #GETHELP about the impact of a knife crime murder on the victim’s family and friends. A second play is planned.
• Salford Community Safety Partnership members work together to offer young people alternative activities and support to steer them away from crime and poor choices. carryingJust a knife could lead to four years in jail for peopleyoung
It’s an offence to have, without lawful authority, good reason or reasonable excuse:
• An offensive weapon in a public place, defined as any article made, adapted or intended to cause injury.
Know the law
The Offensive Weapons Act 2019 makes it illegal to possess certain weapons and bladed articles; anyone buying online and attempting to take delivery of such items would be breaking the law. It’s illegal to buy a knife if you’re under 18 or to sell a knife to someone under 18. Any concerns about local shops selling knives should be reported to
• An offensive weapon or a bladed or pointed article on school premises
The maximum sentence for each of these offences is up to six months imprisonment and/or a fine following conviction in the magistrates’ court, or up to four years’ imprisonment and/or a fine following conviction in the Crown Court. Mandatory minimum custodial sentences apply if an offender is aged 16 or over.
• Police officers also hold sessions on the law as many young people didn’t know just carrying a knife could lead to four years in jail.
Worried about knives?
• Greater Manchester Police run Operation Sycamore knife patrols in hot spots, using community information and stop and search potential offenders as necessary
• Any bladed or sharply pointed article in a public place, except a folding pocketknife with a cutting edge of three inches or less.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 39
Let your children know they can always talk to you or a trusted adult such as a teacher or youth worker if they are worried about knives. Listen to their concerns and help them find a solution that doesn’t involve knives and make sure they understand the consequences of carrying a knife. If someone is injured or killed by a knife in your presence you could be tried for causing harm or murder even if you’re not the main offender under the joint enterprise law. If you need to dispose of a knife you can do so with no questions asked at one of 13 Forever Amnesty bins across Greater Manchester. Salford’s amnesty bin is at Swinton police station, Chorley Road, M27 You6AZ.can report information about knife crime completely anonymously to Crimestoppers at or by calling 0800 555111. Young people can visit Fearless which is designed to help them report crime.
Most high schools in Salford have enjoyed the No More Knives music tour with pastor and former gang member Mo Timbo talking about how he turned his life around.
• Police school engagement officers support those initiatives and regularly speak to pupils about drugs, gangs and the myth that knives offer protection.
• Greater Manchester’s Violence Reduction Unit has funded Street Doctors, to help young people learn lifesaving first aid skills
Taking action

There are over 1,800 litter bins all across Salford so don’t let litter spoil our city – show you care, bin your litter or take it home with you. In Salford we work in partnership with lots of volunteers, residents, community groups, friends’ groups and voluntary organisations to clean up litter and make Salford a place for everyone to enjoy. We spoke to Salford Litter Hero volunteer Graham who talked about the harmful impacts litter has for our wildlife and environment and discussed how you can get involved with the amazing work Salford Litter Heroes do by joining one of their community litter picks. Watch the video below to find out more. If you want to help keep Salford tidy, sign up to become a Litter Hero today to receive your free litter picking equipment Make sure you join our campaign by using the hashtag #KeepSalfordTidy on social media!
Did you know litter and fly tipping removal cost the council £2,741,911 in 2021/22? Salford is our city, and we all need to look after it. The money spent cleaning up litter could be used to provide essentialotherservices.
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 40 Door to door transport is now available on Mondays and Fridays 0161 925 1233 (8.30am to 4.30pm) 01704 538810 (out of hours) or Reg. No. 3438263. Registered as a charity. Reg. No 1071111 All breaks are based on bed, breakfast and evening meal Winter Warmers offers throughout October and November Seven days £280 Monday to Friday £170 Return door to door transport within Salford £60 per person Wet Wheelchairroom access All types of functions catered for Group bookings welcome 2020 brochure and tariff out now

The aim is to stop problems and keep tenants in the property by helping landlords to draw up a clear action plan around domestic abuse, hate crime, hoarding and anti-social behaviour to avoid evictions. However, the course also sets out the correct legal procedures which landlords need to follow if it does become necessary to end the tenancy.
Free training course for private landlordsexperiencing problem tenants
The scheme is also offering free mediation between private landlords and their tenants and one to one help if required. Private rented sector tenancies now make up a third of Salford’s housing market. Anyone interested can contact
Life in Salford 38 • August 2022 41
where you
Salford Credit Union offers savings accounts can start with as little as £1 a week. forsavingsandloanslocalpeople forsavingsandloanslocalpeople Call 0161 686 5880 or email
or apply online at Look for @CUSalford on Facebook
You can save by setting up a standing order with your bank to pay a regular sum or standing order or have the money taken directly from your wages before you get them. Choose from a regular savings account, an additional savings account to build up money for a special purchase, a Christmas savings account or set up a junior savings account for children. You can get an affordable loan of between £500 and £2,000 depending on your income without having to save first. The Credit Union will check affordability before offering the loan.
There’s no charge for depositing or withdrawing your money, no hidden charges or fees and all your savings are fully protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Salford Credit Union is owned by its members and offers savings and loans to people living or working in Salford or north Manchester and northwest regional members of Unison and Unite the Union. Any profits are paid back to members through a dividend.
Help to tackle antisocial behaviour
Salford City Council and Irwell Valley Homes have teamed up to launch the first training course in the country for private landlords whose tenants may be experiencing or causing problems. Voted UK’s no.1 Mobility Retailer 2019, by Access & Mobility Professionals *VAT Exempt - Ask in Store for Details nsurance/Warranty is arranged by Ableworld UK Ltd and provided through Mark Bates Ltd t/a Premier Care, Premier House, Londonthorpe Road, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 9SN who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN 308390.Calls made to this number may be recorded for monitoring and quality purposes * 24/48 hr installation subject to stock & availability #Warranties exclude repair caused by wilful damage or neglect. Prices valid to 25.09.22 ableworld AbleworldUK TO REQUEST MORE INFORM ATION CALL 00 8 0 0 4 7 0 1 9 1 2 VOTED MOBILITY RETAILER IN THE UKNO.1 8476788 StairliftsReconditionedStraightStairlifts:FROMONLY£495*NewCurvedStairlifts:FROMONLY £2995* "I went into the shop in to arrange to buy a stairlift. The staff were lovely and very helpful. They showed me the different types and I tried an example out. They arranged for the engineer to come to the house. The engineer measured the staircase and the stairlift was installed a few days later. The stairlift is just what I needed and works -Susan,wonderfully."2021 Repairs24HourCalloutServiceWehavepeopleonthephone24hoursaday,7daysaweektoofferengineeringsupport. We buy back and dependingunwantedremovestairliftsupto£500paidonageandconditionAcorn,Brooks,AgeUK&Minivator Rental Options from £15/week NewStairlifts:Straight £1295* FROM ONLY * 'TRY BEFORE YOU BUY' IN YOUR LOCAL STORE * ABLEWORLD ENGINEERS OVERSEE THE WHOLE PROCESS, FROM SURVEY TO INSTALLATION. * NO PUSHY SALES TEAMS. * INSTALLATION TAKES AROUND 2 HOURS, AND ENGINEERS WILL LEAVE YOUR HOUSE CLEAN & TIDY. * EXTRA WARRANTIES # FROM £20.15 / MONTH . WIGAN ABLEWORLD17CarolineStreet,Wigan,WN34EL 01942 233200 ableworldwinfo@igan co uk Adjacent to Anrich Pet Healthcare Centre SALFORD MaBurrowsABLEWORLDHouse,10PriestleyRoad.WardleyInd.Est.nchester,M282LY 0161 728 1880 ableworldsalfordinfo@ co uk 200yards from BOC Gas Further details on all our stores can be found on: HYDE ManchesterABLEWORLDRoadRetailPark,Hyde,SK142BD 0161 543 7670 Adjacent to B&M Other stores at Southport, 01704 537 631 Shakespeare St, PR8 5AB Wavertree, 0151 733 1118 Rathbone Road, L15 4HH St Helens, 01744 453 038 Eccleston Street, WA10 2PG Advertisement