Volume 1 Issue 2
Volume 1 Issue 2
Relationship Advocacy What’s A Healthy Commitment… by YourHeartShape.com
Guest Column Inside Out – From Heart To Mouth by Marissa Aulick
24 Jesus Challenge Untamed Christianity by WithoutJesusISuck.com 30
Music Review StefanOtto/Love Means War by ImadeiNTruth.com
Inside Cover Intelligent Design Rooted from Inspiks.com
In Living Color The Beauty of Marriage by MannyHandsome.com
SALTY Nugget The Hiding Place Review by Lashan James
SALTY Internet Finds Song from LeeJMusicOnline.com
Fighting Tales Reborn, Renewed, ReInvented by Javier Edwards
Interview Highlight RicLamar Fashion by JesusCouture.com
What’s Your Fragrance? by Shayna Saint Jean
It’s A Natural Thing by Suzanne Delica
Giving Sexy Back by Robyn-Ann Lawson
What’s Your Fragrance? by Shayna Saint Jean
The Beauty of Godliness by Sarah Yu
Purchase your tee in the
Store today.
Volume 1 Issue 2
The BEAUty OF HOLINESS WHY BEAUTY? Because Hollywood did not invent beauty, they just watered it down. Because we are never satisfied by the decay of worldly beauty - we were made for something more. Because beauty is first spiritual, all other forms will only self-destruct. Because our insatiable appetite for beauty came from our Abba – so only He knows how to satisfy it, preserve it, source it, measure it. Because beauty is in the eye of The Creator.
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SALTY is a publication of Unconventional Media.
You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor... it is no longer good for anything. - Matt 5:13
Writers: Suzanne Delica, Sarah Yu, Shayna Sain Jean, Marissa Aulick, Lashan James, Jammie Chasteen Columns: ImadeiNTruth.com, YourHeartShape.com, JesusCouture.com, WithoutJesusISuck.com Photographers: LMDesign.com (Cover), Green Flamingo Photography, GREYSKALE for MannyHandsome.com, Larry Rosalez Role Models: Marsha Saintvil (cover), Anthea Charlemagne, Dominique Mitchell, Javier Edwards, Manny Torres Design: Karthik R. (layout), Inspiks.com (graphic picks),
Editor’s Prayer
Volume 1 Issue 2
Father, this is a hard topic. I barely scratched the surface. Why give me this theme now when I am still wrestling with never seeing Your beauty with physical eyes? I even question the relevance of this theme in light of heavier Kingdom matters (justice, redemption, truth, etc.). But that’s exactly it – for beauty is one of the most relevant realities in our culture today. So it must be explored, not ignored and left for society to define. You are showing me that beauty is first spiritual, and only then overflows into other dimensions. Yet once detached from their spiritual source, those same manifestations of splendor will only decay and become perverted. This truth applies to our self worth, fashion sense, marriages, friendships, material gain and every other facet of life. I pray this issue reaches those struggling with the idolatry of beauty in our generation, male and female. May we realize that beauty is Your idea, so it can only be judged by You. You made us in Your image with an insatiable appetite for all things pleasing and glorious, but we keep thinking it will be satisfied by created things instead of You, the Creator. You alone are wholly beautiful and satisfying. Lord, give us eyes to see that we are only beautiful in as much as we are like You - and You are holy. Pursuing the beauty of holiness is not “missing out” on the world’s wonders, but refusing to miss out on You, the main wonder. Mission Impossible awaits us – an ugly world crying out to for a beautiful Savior - and we want to be Your hands and feet, Your ride or die bride. Pour out Your Spirit and make us “holy as You are holy”, modest and glorious, powerful yet compassionate, carrying the lasting fragrance of life, all together lovely and beautiful. For beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. Beautiful are the lips of those who speak life and not death. Beautiful are the lives of those that shine bright in dark places. “Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2 Your daughter, Robyn-Ann
by Philip Davis
What’s a
Healthy Commitment or Engagement Relationship?
From YourHeartShape.com
Making it past the single life, through the dating experience Tandeace Hairston and into an exclusive relationship is the founder is almost like nearing a marathon of HeartShape finish line. When marriage is just Relationship a step or two away and you’ve Advocacy, and has already come so far, it’s easy to been writing for overlook things figuring you can relationship, family fix them after the wedding--very and education unwise. Use the commitment publications since or engagement to fix anything 1994. broken because a whole new marathon begins once you get married, and it’s the longest one you’ll ever run.
marriage and a bitter divorce; if anything is important to have at this stage it’s a mate who knows this as much as you do.
More In Common Than In Opposition
Presence of Sexual Purity
About the Author
Balanced Desire for Marriage An ABC Science study exploring cravings revealed how brain responses link to problems like overeating. Those desperate to be married can be compared to this notion because they usually lose the craving (based on a way of thinking) for their mate when the pursuit is cured by marriage. You don’t want to lose a strong intensity for your mate after the wedding though--that’s when it matters most. Strong partners temper desperation or anxiety with patience and prayer.
Think about the last time you struggled to have a conversation with someone because of entirely different views. Allow that to help you picture what a marriage is like when two people yolk up who don’t see (or want to see) eye-to-eye. Of course no two people are 100% alike, but you never want to go into a marriage with someone whose beliefs, values and morals complicate yours.
Exclusivity doesn’t warrant sex unless it comes with a marriage vow and certificate. Sex, out of its time, confuses your commitment or engagement relationship because it’s reserved for marriage. Unmarried couples who have sex set themselves up for emotional exhaustion (1 Corinthians 6:18) and invite strain into the relationship.
Clearly Defined Doctrinal Beliefs
Now is the time to begin praying for each other unselfishly; to serve more than you want to be served. When you’re preparing to be with someone for life, prayer is a nonnegotiable requirement for having a healthy commitment or engagement relationship.
2 Corinthians 6:14 warns not to get attached to an unbeliever; enemies obviously don’t make good partners. An intimate relationship with God and strong faith in His existence makes the difference between a successful
Praying Unselfishly
References ABC Science: Food Cravings All In the Mind (http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2003/08/25/931454.htm) Resources MarriageToday.com: Cohabitation Increases Chance for Divorce (http://www.marriagetoday.com/cohabitation-increases-chance-for-divorce/) www.saltymagazine.com
Fro m M a nny H a
n d s o m e .c om
Inside Out:
From Heart To Mouth By Marissa Aulick
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I’ve come a long way from this melodic lie. Words do hurt! Simply take a look at the headlines about bullying and its tragic consequences in the lives of so many young people. They cried a different tune: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will severely hurt me.” Many people are hurting and the culprit is gossip, slander, curses and filthy talk, even among those who profess to know Christ. Yet, we have such a great example of one using His words carefully, to speak life and not death. One day, teachers of the law and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They wished to stone her, condemning her as an adulterer. They asked Jesus what they should do and He proceeded to write on the ground. Eventually lifting His head He said, “’Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’” People slowly began to go away, one at a time, until no one was left. Lifting His head, Jesus then said, “ ‘Woman, where are they? Has not one condemned you?’ ‘No one, sir,’ she said. ‘Then neither do I condemn you,’ Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.’” These verses speak volumes to me. Yes, the woman was caught in adultery; yes she was in sin, and yet the only one who was fit to condemn with His words did the opposite. Jesus did not want to shame her with His words and judgment as the others did so hatefully. He loved her. He wanted to transform her not with words of hate, but with truth and grace. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, and what the teachers and Pharisees were speaking was their hatred and judgment, which they attempted to justify with truth of the woman’s sin. (John 8)
Gossip, curses, and slander come from a similar heart. It is not loving. What proceeded from Jesus’ mouth on that day were words of truth that came from a heart of love (truth and grace, even to an adulterer, even to a tax collector, even to you and me). You see, like stones, words do hurt, but they hurt deeper and longer than the sting of a stone, stick or fist. After the bruises have healed, the echoes of hateful words from hateful hearts resound in the minds of their recipients. Jesus knew this and therefore He acted different because He was different. As disciples of Jesus we too must be different: Love before we speak. Write a prayer in the sand if you must. Still, it’s not only about not saying the wrong things, but being the right person. Besides, Jesus also said, “They worship me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me.” (Matthew 14) Ask God to increase your love for people so that when encountered with the temptation to throw stones with your slander, curses, gossip, or filthy language, you will remember Jesus who said, “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” and “A tree is known by its fruit.” What you say may not merely reveal things about others, but it exposes you. So, like the Pharisees and teachers of Jesus’ day, let’s drop our stones, but also bow our hearts before the Rock of our Salvation, asking him to change us from the inside out—from heart to mouth!
e serve a gracious and kind Father who loves us and wants only what is best. How does this truth help us in the midst of trials and heartache? We’ve all had a bad grade, a lingering cold or a broken heart that God helped us to deal with and gave comfort through friends, His Word and the Holy Spirit. But what does the understanding of a good and gracious God look like when we are hedged in on every side by horror, despair, loneliness, and grief? In the delicately written yet powerful true story “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom, there is a clear and tangible picture of God’s grace and glory. The story follows Corrie and her family as their simple yet joy-filled life is gradually overrun with German forces and Nazi occupation during World War II in Holland. In deciding that their only course of action is to aid their Jewish friends and neighbors, the Ten Boom family must live under the shadow of possible arrest, incarceration, beatings and even death. They are undeterred as they see again and again God’s faithfulness and provision. One family members’ potentially fatal decision to not lie leads to life rather than death. In another situation a prayer was answered for provisions that only be acquired illegally. The words of love and encouragement given by her father and sister reflect the love and compassion of our heavenly Father. There is an idea that runs through the story that at the right time the Lord will give the strength and grace to accomplish what is needed. From the beginning of the story this idea serves as a foreshadow of the pain that is to come. The injustice and anguish that they face deeply test their emotional, physical, and spiritual strength. I truly don’t want to give the story away, but please understand Corrie’s family is faced with the worst their time had to offer. Apart from the love of God and if mercifully available, each other, there was no reason for joy or hope or peace. Rather their entire experience seemed to be only for the purpose of discouragement and despair. That may seem completely depressing and utterly uninspiring, but this is a book of hope. What strikes me the most, even as I am writing this, is how incredibly faithful God is if we will only open our eyes to see His grace and provision. The platitude is that ‘God will never give us more than we can handle’, but wouldn’t it be better to say God’s grace is sufficient for whatever we are required to handle? (2 Corinthians 12:9) If you have ever struggled with finding God’s goodness and grace in your circumstances be inspired by “The Hiding Place”. Who knew that there could be a reason to be thankful for lice, or an almost empty bottle of vitamin e oil could stretch for hundreds of ill women or a clerical error could change the lives of millions and lead to a path of healing for a nation? This book declares over and over again that ‘yes, God is good and His promises are true’.
The Hiding Place Review by Lashan James
Know You More (c) 2010 Lee Johnson - www.LeeJMusicOnline.com - www.Facebook.com/LeeJMusic - www.Youtube.com/LeeJMusicOnline.com
15 My heart is fixed in the Lord No longer afraid as before And for my prayer each day May You speak through a life display Unto You I belong My deepest need, my surface want Just like Daniel in the Den Just like Solomon Arrayed with beauty from ashes I want to know You more Just like Stephen saw and said Jesus is the Living Bread Upon You I will depend I want to know You more I want to know You more I’ll walk through You the Door Unveil my heart, my core I want to know You more I choose to run this race One day I’ll see Your face Lord You know I need Your patience to wait Just like Daniel in the Den Just like Solomon Arrayed with beauty from ashes I want to know You more Just like Stephen saw and said Jesus is the Living Bread Upon You I will depend
Reborn Mind Renewed Now Reinvented Testimony by Javier Edwards At one point in my life I thought the world and life itself was a coincidence. Money was my motivation. Purple haze and sour diesel was my preference. Sex and pornography was an addiction. I had more Jordans and SB’s than you had teeth, fingers and toes. I was well known. My image was who I was. I was a cool kid. I was my own God. You couldn’t tell me anything. I ruled the world... hand in hand with Satan.
17 May 15, 2010 my life took a turn that nobody including myself expected. I was born again. God literally snatched me and said “My child, leave it all behind and follow my Son”. So I did just that: left the weed, left the girls, left the envy, left the pride, left the lust, left the darkness I was walking in and became a disciple. I was an avid atheist prior till - you could not tell me there was an “Almighty” or someone bigger than my understanding. If I couldn’t see it, I didn’t believe it. Scripture says, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and that’s exactly what’s happening to so many of us; we are so full of pride, so full of sin... chasing our own desires. We are so stuck on getting that next high, seeking that next thrill, that bigger “action” that we do not even realize we are DYING joyfully with an eternal inferno waiting for our soul. People don’t understand that it is not God who sends the sinner to hell but you who make the conscious decision to continue walking in sin, and reject the Savior Jesus Christ who died for your sins: “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). It makes no sense to most, until they are face to face with trouble, in a bind, or worse – death, and they call out His name to save them: JESUS. If you don’t take my word for it, take His; and if you can’t take His, believe for the works’ sake. I’ve seen blind eyes open, kids come out of comas, lames get out of wheelchairs and walk, hearing restored, cancer healed - from prayer only. So please,
I have walked down that road where “image is everything”, where who you are is not defined by your spirit but by who you know, what you say and wear, and how the majority sees you. I am telling you there is another side of life that iscrazy ill and filled with unfathomable peace. There is a God who loves you far more than your parents and far more than you love yourself. He loved us so much so to bear a Son to live and die for you. God raised Jesus from the dead and He sits at the right hand of God, constantly interceding for your sin, waiting on you to call on His name with your whole heart. Believe with your mouth and confess with your heart that He is Lord, and I promise you… haha, I’ll leave it there. #ThankMeLater “But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:8). “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16).
WHY NOT?! By JesusCouture.com
alking into Linda’s, a shop in Portsmouth, Virginia, I am welcomed by Kendric Brown, the man behind RicLamar clothing. He greeted me with southern hospitality, a huge smile, and a hug. A refreshing welcome in today’s busy world. We talked, we laughed, and we bonded a bit on the topic of Christian fashion. Kendric sees RicLamar clothing being a part of the New York Fashion Week and Christians being a part of the mainstream fashion world. Why not?!
JC: Kendric, introduce me to RicLamar. RL: I started off with a clothing line. I would have fashion shows where clients could buy the specific items. After awhile, I ended up not having enough time to reproduce everything, but I did have enough time for you to come to me and get something custom. After this year I will no longer do custom clothing. We now do four fashion shows a year. One show per season. Spring/Summer, a street/casual with high fashion influences, fall/winter and an evening collection. We can make detailed clothing without all of this in the front and all of that in the back hanging out. JC: Who are you as a designer? What makes you different? RL: I don’t want to just make pretty clothes; I want to make clothes that mean something and make a statement. I want you to question if you like it or not. There needs to be a thought process to it. Not just, that’s nice, and move on, or I don’t like that, and move on. I have to pray and ask God for inspiration and creativity so that I don’t work from my flesh. I want this to be a ministry, not just nice clothes. You can get nice clothes at Wal-Mart (laughs). I’m serious; my shorts are from Wal-Mart! If you’re confident in what you’re doing, people will love it. Like Alexander McQueen, he made some crazy stuff and
people loved it, but there was so much darkness in his life. Imagine if these designers were in the Kingdom and what they could do with their gifts. JC: What is your take on style? RL: I really believe that you should be able to go to your closet, grab a shirt, throw on some jeans (well, skinny jeans) and stilletos and GO! People should go, “Wow, what are you wearing?” Your clothing can be the first invitation for someone to get to know Christ. They look at you and that makes them want to talk to you. You have to be radical and be out there ... WHY NOT? JC: Who wears RicLamar Clothing? RL: The woman that is not scared for people to look at her. It’s not an age; it’s an attitude. You have to want someone to look at you. There is no way that you can wear RicLamar clothing and not be looked at. JC: What do you think about Christian fashion? RL: It’s tee shirts! Really, it’s tee shirts and that’s the extent of it. At first I made tee shirts, because that’s where I thought I fit into this world of Christian fashion. One said, “I hate religion.” Churches didn’t like that. I tried to explain to them the difference between religion and relationship. I brush my teeth religiously; I don’t want to have a “brush my teeth” relationship with God.
20 JC: You’re a Christian designer in a world where sex sells. I heard you had to face a little controversy over one of your models in an online article. Can you explain? RL: I listen to everything people say about RicLamar. I decide if it’s something I digest or not. I take seriously what the commentator on “Lions and Liars” said. I agreed with everything he said. The model had tan lines and was wearing a sweetheart dress. The tan lines created clevage when the picture was printed in color. It was never meant to be in color; it was supposed to be black and white. I told them when I saw the picture that I hated it and never wanted to see it again. They did not understand that and they posted it. I prayed about it. I talked to the photographer and the people at Lions and Liars. They didn’t want to change it, but they did it. As we grow in Christ our image changes and that is not the image I wanted for RicLamar Clothing. JC: That’s a great way to look at it and learn from it. Where else do you face resistance in what you’re trying to do? RL: When people see RicLamar clothing and it doesn’t have the name Jesus on it, they don’t respect us as a ministry. We can’t wear a dress and have the name Christina and be a Christian company? Does your company name have to include Mary from the Bible and everything say Jesus on it to be Christian? I try to tell them, you can’t minister naked! We can minister to people through clothes. The runway is our pulpit! People see a dress and it’s strapless and they say, “oh, you’re of the devil.” We’ve been kicked out of churches. JC: You say you want to go to NYFW and to be on Project Runway. How do you see yourself getting there? To the world, fashion is fashion; to us, it has a purpose. How do you see yourself bridging the gap between how the world sees fashion and how we as Christians see fashion? RL: In order to get the world’s attention, to make them look, you have to give them something to look at. Putting out models that have a standard and who aren’t going to strip naked with a guy right there, or walk down the runway showing it all. JC: Where do you want to take Christian fashion? RL: To New York Fashion Week! I want the girl to walk down the Runway with an “I hate religion” shirt and a couture skirt. Why can’t we do that? Why can’t we run in their area? We’re here and we wear this and you can wear it, too! People think that when they get saved they need to buy the little Christian tee shirt, but no, your prom dress can be made by a Christian designer, someone who exudes who Christ is.
Do you know who I am? I’m a child of God! The walls are going to fall down; they are starting to now. My name is starting to get out there. Show them the ministry side; we’re not just pretty clothes, there’s more to it.
Find out more about RicLamar Clothing at:
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The
Creator by Suzanne Delica
Perfection Imagine Eve in the Garden of Eden. Naked in every aspect of the word. Pure in essence, mind, and spirit. Beautiful. No flaws at all. Complete. Walking with her God—the one who created her as He intended her to be. You can’t help but wonder what did perfection look like? What did she smell like? Who was this Eve of the Garden of Eden? She must have been someone of great grandeur and beauty because it is her that the serpent approached first. What better way to attack God than to shatter Eve’s identity as God’s beloved, help-mate, and giver of life.
Life After Sin With sin came idleness, covetousness, idolatry, and death. But sin wasn’t alone; for low self-esteem, lost identities, and perversion were riding its heels. We can see the results of sin all around us—just look in the mirror. What agreements have you made with the enemy? When is the last time you’ve seen yourself naked (not at all made-up) and felt beautiful? Is it essential for you to put your “face” on, wear at least some earrings, your 5 ½ inch stilettos, and $500 dollar purse in order to have a good day? Oh and don’t let your edges look overdue for a touch up or your gel nails chip—that would be the end of life as we know it. Please excuse my crudeness, but beauty has been perverted into have and have-nots defined by a society that has NO idea of what the word stands for. We have allowed the world to convince us that God messed up or forgot some things when He made us. From $1000 weaves, false lashes, cosmetic surgery, materialistic addictions, and a slew of alterations we do to our bodies, by not loving ourselves as the naked beings we came into this world as, we are telling God that He is not perfect because we don’t feel we are.
What Does the Bible Say About Beauty? God’s Word says otherwise, for “you were fearfully and wonderfully made.” “For God made man in His image,” so who are we to defy the truth. This is something that I actually struggled with growing up. I had little to no selfesteem and wanted to commit suicide daily (but never had the guts to officially). To outsiders I had it all: light-skinned, long hair-don’t care, exotic look, and a closet as full as a socialite always on the scene. I was living the fashionable life of a shallow, wannabe deep soul sistah. I was confident for all the wrong reasons. When I looked in the mirror, I hated what I saw and wished for the next chick’s figure, hair, and even eye color. The only things I thought I had going for myself were the long hair and fashion-forward style. But then one day I decided to pray about what I saw when I looked in the mirror. Faithfully, God revealed to me in 2009 what His Word says about beauty:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. –Psalm 139:14 (NIV) For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. -Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV) Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. –Proverbs 31:30 (NIV) Behold, thou art fair, my love; Behold thou art fair; Thine eyes are as doves. –Song of Solomon 1:15 (ASV) Never again will you be called “The Forsaken City” or “The Desolate Land.” Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight” and “The Bride of God,” for the LORD delights in you and will claim you as his bride. –Isaiah 62:4 (NLT)
Over the course of that year into 2010, God began to prune the false images and ideas I had of beauty. As I looked in the mirror, I began to see less of what I lacked and more of what I was blessed with. On one of those days of revelation God whispered to me “beauty is in the eye of the Creator.” That was when the walls completely fell down and I believed that what I saw was real beauty—I had an Eve moment. I was already transitioning to “go natural” and so I decided that same day to get a “Big Chop”. FREEDOM rained down on me that day! I finally understood what God meant when He gave me the Isaiah 62:4 verse above. When I would get my hair relaxed, the chemical processing was killing my ends and my spirit—I despised what I thought was nappy, unruly, and cursed hair. God said these exact words to me: “Every curl represents the complex covenant I have with the earth. Your hair thirsts for the living water just like your spirit does. You couldn’t appreciate something you weren’t taught to love properly. I made your ancestors’ hair as such so that they could survive in the wilderness. You have been blessed with uniqueness. Your hair is your crown.” It is not a coincidence that “going natural” is such a grass-roots movement right now! The Lord is stirring up our hearts to love our temples as He created them. God is redeeming His people and bringing us back to the Garden of Eden—a place of purity, naturalness, and beauty. And He is starting with our self-image, even our hair for the Bible says:
It is her glory.. for her hair is given to her for a covering. – 1 Corinthians 11: 15 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. –Matthew 10:30 (NIV)
A Generation of Eve’s Being in the Garden of Eden is a choice you have to consciously make, daily. God wants you to know your identity and have confidence in it so that when the enemy comes along and tries to destroy your life, like he did Job and Samson, you won’t fret or be moved because you know who you are. That’s the one thing he cannot take from you, unless you let him.
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Your beauty mesmerizes the Lord! One look from you and the Lord is made well. He adores you, just as you adore Him! What a splendid thing it is to know who God is in You. It is your anointing, not your style, that makes you effective—the power of God in you. I pray that my testimony and words of wisdom will encourage you to rise as an Eve Generation. Not afraid to be naked in truth and beauty. The makeup and dress-up are nice to enhance what is already there, but to see women (and men) who leave God’s presence glowing in a heavenly haze of His light are far more appealing!
I want to get lost in Jesus again! I miss Him.
Untamed Christianity from WithoutJesusISuck.com
I miss going to the rooftop of the FSU parking garage at midnight, turning my Hillsong United CD all the way and dancing for God until I’d get so tired that I’d fall out on the cold pavement. Lying on my back I would stare at the stars and know in my heart that I pleased a God that loved me more than the wonders of this world. At that point, I would know in my heart without a shadow of a doubt that I was precious to Him. That is what the cost was for me to have so much freedom in Christ. That was the price I paid. Countless nights on that roof all alone in the presence of God.. just me and Him. In order to know Christ in such a way that nothing else matters we must momentarily abandon the pleasures of this life whenever it is essential for our spiritual development. Turning off the TV, turning the phone off, and changing your plans to hang out with friends, or whatever it takes. Whatever the cost to embrace the Father we must be willing to pay it. Christianity is not a drag. It is not something that blows your high. CHRISTIANITY DOESN’T HAVE TO SUCK. If you live Christianity the way I believe in all my heart it is supposed to be lived, then it is the most high inducing, euphoric feeling that you will ever experience. YOU MUST FIGHT TO KNOW THE FATHER - YOU MUST FIGHT! Life has so many distractions. Be determined to not be distracted. I love you all, Maurice Reece)
Co-Owner of Without Jesus I Suck, LLC www.saltymagazine.com
Sexy Back by Robyn-Ann Lawson
od makes things beautiful, but God never brought sexy into the Kingdom. He never looked at sexy and thought “it is good” and decided to give it to His people. So the fact that we came into the Kingdom and did not see it there, does not mean that it left. Sexy was never here! God never intended it for “His called out ones”. So Christians, let’s not bring sexy back.
I believe the confusion between the Kingdom and the Church has fed, and even created, this misconception. The Kingdom and the Church are not synonyms. The Church is being transformed to look more like the Kingdom, not the other way around. God is not lowering His Holy standards to comply with changing church culture, He is calling us up to meet His and stand on it. So yes, I am sure you have seen sexy in the church. I am even sure you have seen sexy in me. But please, brethren, do not use the church as your measuring stick, or else you may miss “His kingdom come”. Neither am I writing this blog based on my own standards, because I am not calling people to myself – “If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true” (John 5:31). I am calling people to Christ. I am striving to be more like Him, but I am not Him. Moreover, I am judging, so that I may be judged. I am throwing the boomerang out to stir disciples, so it can in turn provoke me to righteousness also. And yes, this exhortation is for those who profess the love of Christ, not outsiders. “For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those www.saltymagazine.com
26 who are inside? But those who are outside God judges” (1 Corinthians 5:12-13). We are supposed to sharpen each other, but usually we refrain from speaking, fearing what others will say about our eye planks. But bring it on! Please show me the planks in my eyes, because we are running to Christ together, and my plank will only end up tripping up your race too. Men, women, brothers and sisters, let us give the world back it’s “delicacies” and refuse to eat from the king’s table of rotting sensuality (Daniel 1:8). Rather, we feast on the lasting beauty of a modest King who has already given us beauty for ashes, glory for shame, and a refreshing spring of grace to replace the stench of sin. Our God is majestic, splendid and beautiful and has chosen a stunning bride for His wedding day - us. So we must not be afraid to stand out and set ourselves apart for Him, “exhorting one another, so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). Those who are called by His name, I am calling you out, let us give sexy back... it’s starting to stink up the place.
References BEAUTIFUL - Having qualities that delight the eye. Synonyms: admirable, angelic, appealing, beauteous, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, handsome, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, splendid, statuesque, stunning, symmetrical, wonderful SEXY - being erotically attractive to another Synonyms: arousing, flirtatious, erotic, hot*, inviting, provocative, provoking, racy, risqué, seductive, sensual, sensuous, slinky*, spicy*, steamy, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous
John 5:30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. www.saltymagazine.com
1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
’ WHAT S YOUR FRAGRANCE? By Shayna Saintjean
ragrance. Take a moment to stop and breathe deep, what’s the scent in the atmosphere around you? Is it food, your perfume, the person sitting next to you, or no particular smell at all? Whatever your answer is, there is weight to it because it is distinctive, often leaving a permanent imprint on your mind. To add to that, have you ever had the weird sensation of smelling something and you can almost taste it? ‘Yuck!’ Well, sometimes the reaction is ‘Mmmmm.’ A good friend of mine recently commented on how fragrance and other scents invoke memories. Babies have interesting reactions to fragrance. Many seem to become accustomed to their parents’ scent. It has been scientifically proven that the sense of smell is the first sense to be developed, and it happens in the womb. What?! Babies actually use their sense of smell to stay close to their mothers and differentiate that particular smell from others. Second Corinthians 2: 14- 16 says : ‘[He] uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. ’ Wil Pounds, a missionary, wrote about passing a sign as he drove through Panama City a few years ago. He wrote, “I saw a sign that read: ‘Old fishermen never die; they just smell that way!’“ He proceeded to say the sign reminded him “of carnal Christianity that always has the smell of death about it. It stinks. It has a repulsive odor.” As Christians we naturally emit an odor. What’s yours? Luckily there are only two options, life or death. Just as the scripture says, those that are perishing and those that are being saved are able to pick up on these odors. Fragrance is overall defined as ‘a distinctive odor that is pleasant.’ If that is true, why are we able to be the fragrance of death? The bible speaks of it on several occasions. To those that are perishing and even us Christians, death seems to be so sweet and aromatic. In our sinful nature, we’re drawn to it and we desire to stay in it even as the reward has passed. The fragrance of Christ, just as the scripture says, is the knowledge of who He is. I’ve heard so many people say that the world is waiting for an encounter with Jesus! But it has to be a difficult task when so many professed Christians are with their friends in the clubs, having sex before the Lord gave them license to, remaining stagnant and complacent in their faith, gossiping, slandering, and the list goes on. Most of the time, all of this is done amongst their friends that have no idea who Jesus is. Where’s the truth in that? One of my best friends was in a similar spot a few years ago. In high school, she was www.saltymagazine.com
the one our group of friends looked to as an example of Christianity. Simply because, although she was sneaking into clubs, sleeping with her boyfriend, and gossiping with us, she faithfully went to church on Sundays and read her bible every morning at breakfast. I remember going home to visit from college and telling her about all the Holy Spirit moves in my life, but she would continue living the double life. Until one visit, I asked her not to go out with her friends or to at least not tell them she was Christian. I was so gripped with a sense of falsely representing a God who was so faithful and so GOOD. We chatted in her car and wept. We wept over the false picture we’d given so many times of whom He is. For the aroma of Christ does not mix with the aroma of death ever! I think Jesus was on to something when He said he would spit out the lukewarm, the in between, the wolves in sheep clothing, the false prophets, the whimsical ambassadors. People come to “know” the Lord through friends like the one mine used to be, yet we live lives of carnal Christianity – spewing the fragrance of death while uttering the name of Jesus. I know He weeps over this, and the world around us suffers because of it. This is why our churches are full of people who equate experiencing the Lord with going to church on Sunday, because they see those that appear to be spiritually in order go right back to their carnal lives ridden with sin. Yup! True, Christians are not perfect. But when we actually separate ourselves unto Him who is able to keep us from falling, the scent of life washes over us. When you allow Him to break every stronghold, to wash you clean, and strip off the death you’ve been lugging around, there is nothing left there but life. The huge difference is that even when you stumble, you still get back up with the fragrance of His name all over you, for His name is Mercy, His name is Grace. Just as babies have realized, no matter the perfume, a particular scent sticks to you. Today, my best friend that I mentioned above thoroughly loves the Lord and so many of her friends want to go to church, bible study, and Jesus retreats with her! Believe me, even those that seem to be swallowed in darkness are amazed and drawn to the sweet scent of salvation by grace, where they no longer have to work for love, they just have to dwell. Truly it takes a true experience with Jesus to wear His scent and He will not be mocked as the word says, so the knock off brands will be exposed. Haha. I remember quoting the bible to so many people in anger and going right back to lying in a bed with a guy who drenched me in false love. I was dead and death was all over me. But I also remember saying yes to the Lord completely and Him reaching down to rip me out of the pit I couldn’t see out of and sometimes was accustomed to. Still death lured me back, saying, “You were comfortable then. Come
29 back to what you know. At least hang out here while you get comfortable there.” I listened. Praying for people by day and having sex by night. And then I had an abortion. Surely. Surely, now the church and God would reject me. Satan made sure I knew I should lie in the bed I made, feeling shameful and unworthy. But I wanted to smell that scent of life again, so bad that I crept back into His presence. Something like someone drowning and sticking half of their mouth out of the water for air one last time, because they were so sure they deserved to go under. What I got at that point surprised me. I came up for a moment of air and it was… I’d say it was like a deep fresh breath, but it was so much more than that. It was really like coming up for a moments worth of air and realizing that when I did, the entire ocean of death around me had been swept back. All there was around me was the fresh aroma of life. I remember feeling like I should hold my breath because I didn’t deserve so much freedom but it was so good, clean, pure, righteous, and beaconing that I couldn’t stop taking deep breaths and weeping. Even now, with tears in my eyes, I tell you, I’ve never smelled anything so good and today I can’t get enough of it, and tonight I ask for the grace from God to ache for it tomorrow. His scent, the knowledge of Him, is so overwhelming that I could taste it! Man. Friends. Brothers. Sisters. Stop drowning yourself and those around you in the stench of death. Taste and see that the Lord is good! For we are the aroma of Christ. The fragrance of life or death. Stop sinning; stop chilling in your comfortable spot. He died for our freedom but also to take us from glory to glory. For those of you who know Him but still get drawn to that unsatisfying pit, allow that scent of life to keep you familiar and close to Him, a technique we were born with as children! For those of you who haven’t encountered the real deal, not the watered down version of the fragrance of the knowledge of Him, DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to get it! It’s worth it. Now, once again, stop for a moment and take a deep breath in, what’s the scent in the atmosphere around you? Life OR death? Choose life.
Stefan Otto Love Means WaR Shows Promise in
Review by Imade Borha I’ve never told anyone this before, but the two most intimidating words to me are “music review”. Describing sound is like describing air. How do you describe something you can’t tangibly see? Besides the fact that I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m also non-confrontational. I argue with words like “think”, “sometimes”, and “maybe”. So how in the world can I do a music review on an artist I absolutely love and still be truthful and honest? I don’t know, but Jesus take the wheel. StefanOtto is a poet turned rapper whose lyricism centers on galvanizing a movement of people who push back the darkness through the light of Jesus Christ. He’s an expert storyteller who uses allegories full of biblical principles to reveal divine truth. With his 2008 debut album Novelty of Self and his 2009 EP, N.O.S. Reloaded, StefanOtto is like a sociologist on the mic in his ability to examine a culture that abandoned it’s God-given creativity. With two very impressive songs in Taste of Regret and The Rising, I had high expectations for StefanOtto’s sophomore album, Love Means War. His jazz/Hip Hop fusion and profound lyricism raised the bar for both musicianship and maturity in Christian Hip Hop. After listening to the album, Love Means War isn’t the masterpiece I hoped for, but it does display his potential as an extremely talented lyricist.
Album Weakness: The Album’s Order Seems a Little Off The Rising is utter dopeness. StefanOtto lets you know what time it is and straight rips the album’s opener. It’s classic StefanOtto where his assertive lyrics speak of an unstoppable movement of believers while dropping punch line bombs on the haters. And then it happens. The leaven of pop music comes so unexpectedly like Lil Mama jumping on stage during a Jay-Z performance. Out of nowhere, I’m hearing auto-tune on Here We Go and Elektrik Starz while I got this confused look on my face like someone just swapped out my StefanOtto album with the Black Eye Peas. Now, someone may like Hip Pop music, but that style is just not my preference.
Album Strength: The Core of the Album Delivers
StefanOtto comes back to form on Gunzilla. This song is the unofficial start of the album to me. StefanOtto displays his expert storytelling skills on this ominous, Hip Hop and go-go mash up track. He tells the tale of an emcee that murders his listeners with lyrics that promote death and violence. The metaphors StefanOtto uses is so vivid that it’s almost unreal. StefanOtto continues his narrative approach with Taste of Regret. It’s one of my favorites with its conga percussion and jazzy hook. The lyrics are so complex and personal that it sounds more like a private letter than a song. Without a doubt, Shine is my favorite song on the album. Everything about this track is EPIC. The child choir sample, the militant snare drum, and the somber saxophone riffs all build into an apocalyptic theme where StefanOtto warns that nothing will stop him from piercing the darkness with the light of Christ. If I could give an award for the most pleasantly surprising song, I would definitely give it to My People (For Rwanda). StefanOtto has the Fela Kuti anointing on this one. He murdered the track in discussing the pillage of Africa, but the rhythmic singing on the hook has a sista doing an undercover bodyroll. StefanOtto has the powerful gift of being able to both educate and entertain.
Conclusion: The Album is a Sign of Greatness to Come Love Means War is a stellar album that is somewhat impaired by a less than stellar track listing. The album doesn’t make the huge first impression I hoped, but once I got past the initial missteps, I was amazed. Moving forward, I hope that StefanOtto realizes the magic he has in live band versions of The Rising and Taste of Regret. This soulful, jazzy Hip Hop sound is what sets StefanOtto apart in a world full of over-produced artists. Though these songs are in the red headed stepchild zone at the end of the album, I believe The Rising and Taste of Regret are a sign of greatness to come.
Stay updated at IAmStefanOtto.com
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the Beauty of
GoDliness by Sarah Yu
Holiness is also known as godliness and blessedness. But it is mistaken to be a restriction or a set of rules and regulations. Little do we know, that holiness goes beyond what we know and understand. Christians in the 21st century have lost their focus on why they believe in God and the commitments that come with believing in God. The two greatest commandments are: to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls and to love one another. Love is part of holiness and all of us are called to imitate Christ by serving as He served, loving as He loved, and by being faithful to God as He did. Unfortunately, this world has corrupted the minds of many: young and old alike. This broken world needs Christians that have a passion for doing His will and to be able to be genuine about their faith. Anyone can go to church and half-heartedly worship Him on Sunday but it’s what people do in between Sundays that matter the most. Many other religions have standards and requirements in order to please God and in order to gain His trust and love. But that’s not what Christianity is. The foremost factor in imitating Christ is to be in a relationship with Him. Christ graciously lavishes us with undeserving love and even though we reject it, He never gives up on us. The love that we receive is to be given to those who have never experienced the everlasting love of Christ. Mission trips provide a great opportunity for those who want to live out their faith but it’s easier to express your desire through words than to actually go through with it. Personally, I have struggled through this many times. The church I attend gives us an opportunity to go to China and Korea every year to teach English and to provide music lessons. I was moved to go and put my faith into action. I told the Senior Pastor that I was excited and I was definitely going. But last minute, I got scared and all of
these ‘What-if’s?’ ran through my head and eventually I turned it down and missed an opportunity of a lifetime. After, I realized that I didn’t trust God enough. Even though I tried to deny it, I knew that being scared meant that I didn’t trust Him. I am proud to say that through daily experiences, I am continuously learning about Him more and more and putting the effort to knowing more about who He really is. Holiness can be shown through so many ways. Many of us think, “Holiness is so advanced for me. I have to be a super Christian to be able to do that.” That’s not true! No matter how young or how old you are, through Him, you can do anything. So, you ask, “How can I put my faith into action?” Earlier in this article, I mentioned the two greatest commandments and His will for every one of us. Put those into action so non-believers may see and know that, “Wow, Christianity is really all about love and they worship a God that wants to love us endlessly!” Start off small. The little gestures count. Opening the door for the elderly, students, and anyone else, is a simple act that can make someone’s day and show that you care. Another simple thing to do is to walk a friend to class and ask how they’re doing. It shows a sign of companionship and it shows that you are willing to sacrifice 5 or 10 minutes of your time to get to know them. The most important one is to stay positive and smile! It sounds so simple but a lot of people don’t do it. A simple “hello” with a smile can make a person’s day. Holiness doesn’t apply to only pastors, church leaders, or the staff at church. No matter how old or how young you are, it doesn’t matter and it isn’t a limitation for God. Be creative and find other simple ways to reinforce the love of God to others, Christians and non-Christians alike. He is there to help you not to condemn you. Everlasting love and grace: what more can you ask for?
Repentance isn’t just saying sorry. Sorry is not enough. It doesnt account for the wrath that God poured unto Jesus for our sins. Christians who repent are sick of their sinful ways and the ways of this world. They tap into the mercy, love, and grace of God by turning their backs from sin, denying themselves and asking God for help. They must want to live righteously and holy in the presence of their creator.
– Marsha Saintvil // Facebook // 1/24/11
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