Salvationist 1 March 2025

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Facing fierce

ARE you a fan of spoilers? My other half occasionally likes to know the ending of a film, so there’s no reason to be afraid. Sometimes, it’s impossible to avoid knowing what’s going to happen – The Shawshank Redemption, spoiler alert, is an uplifting watch come its conclusion.

As we start our journey into Lent this Wednesday, we as Christians already know the ending: the joy of Easter and the Resurrection. But there’s a lot of Shawshank before the Redemption –and in life we can find ourselves similarly weighed down as we travel through a world of distractions, challenges, temptations and fears.

But – spoiler alert – God has already won the battle. His salvation and victory are before us and behind us. His Spirit is with us. That knowledge defies our understanding, but if we truly know it – if we plant it in our hearts – we can step out with certainty and courage.

That doesn’t mean we don’t get afraid, distracted or tempted along our path, but it does mean we can meet opposition with bravery and hope. We can trust in God to guard and guide us, as we recommit to following him through the greatest story ever told. How can you strengthen your courage in God this Lent? How can you boldly show it to others?


International Women’s Day

Inspiring creations

Influential examples

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Issue No 2001

EDITOR Major Julian Watchorn



Stevie Hope, George Tanton, Lyn Woods, Major Margaret Bovey, Major Lynne Shaw


GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Louise Phillips, Joseph Halliday, Oyindamola Olagunju


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From the 2011 New International Version (Anglicised), unless otherwise stated

FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth


General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham


Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn


1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ 0845 634 0101

© The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. ISSN 2516-5909.

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland is SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland is CHY6399.

IVAN RADFORD Managing Editor

Look up!



rare planetary parade lights up the skies, Ivan Radford celebrates the awesome wonder of God’s creation

WHERE were you last night? And were you looking up? Because on Friday 28 February, miles above our heads, something spectacular was occurring: a rare alignment of seven planets in the sky.

It’s been an astronomical start to 2025 – literally. In January, it was possible to see at least four planets together with the naked eye – Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars were certainly visible from deepest darkest Suffolk, when I was gazing up after sunset. Uranus and Neptune were also there, but would have required a telescope to see.

At the end of February, though, Mercury joined the planetary party, meaning that all seven other planets were technically visible at the same time.

Reflect and respond

Reflect on Psalm 8 or the lyrics to ‘How Great Thou Art’. Praise God for his beautiful creation – and remember that it includes you.

Every week this month, pause, turn your eyes to the stars and let the awesome wonder of God’s creation, and the sheer scope of his love, take your breath away.

Visit for a watchlist of celestial sights to keep you grounded in God’s love.

Depending on where you were – your own lighting conditions and cloud cover – you might have only seen a few planets, rather than the whole set. Neptune, Mercury and Saturn, in particular, were very close to the sun and tricky to see.

But the hype around it was entirely justified: the next alignment of five planets won’t happen until October 2028, then February 2034 after that. For all seven at once again? You’ll be waiting until 2040.

Why? Because it’s very unusual for their different orbiting speeds to leave them appearing alongside each other. It’s like when two trains are briefly in sync on parallel tracks, except these don’t have wheels, are 4,000 times bigger and are floating in space.

It’s so easy to take the universe around us for granted, to keep our eyes on the ground and not remember that we’re on a tiny, pale blue dot hurtling around a gian ball of blazing hydrogen and helium at 67,000 miles per hour. Or that the Earth is 11 times smaller than Jupiter, or 9 times smaller than Saturn.

When you remember that, and gaze upwards – even just at the speedy glow of the International Space Station passing overhead – you remember just how small humankind is. How trivial our worries about what to wear today or whether we missed that train might seem by comparison.

And yet more incredible still is that these things do matter to God – that he knows, loves, cares about, listens to and walks alongside every one of us. Psalm

8:3 says: ‘When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars … what is mankind that you are mindful of them?’

The hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’ beautifully expresses that breathless thought: ‘When I in awesome wonder/ Consider all the worlds thy hands have made;/ I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,/ Thy power throughout the universe displayed.’ It goes on to remind us of the real jaw-dropping scope of God’s love: ‘And when I think how God, his Son not sparing,/ Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in.’ There’s only one word for it, to borrow an adjective from Professor Brian Cox: amazing!

While last night was a rare opportunity to see seven planets together, the brilliant reality of living in this solar system is that the planets and stars are around us all the time. This month is good for admiring Mars, a partial lunar eclipse and, on 23 March, Saturn’s rings disappearing from view. April, May, July, August, October and December all promise meteor showers to marvel at. In September, there’s a lunar eclipse and Venus will hide behind the moon for a spell. And there are supermoons to dazzle in November and December. When was the last time you looked up?


Exploring Leadership Day

Sat 26 April

William Booth College

What is it?

Your opportunity to explore spiritual leadership, officership, vocation and ministry within The Salvation Army –whatever that looks like for you. The day will formally begin at 10am with worship, followed by an optional lunch. In the afternoon, you can choose from a range of seminars. The day will conclude with worship and ends at 6pm. This year’s guest speaker is William Booth College Principal LieutColonel Mark Herbert. There’ll also be a park run and a prayer walk at 8am, for early arrivals or those staying the night before, plus a prayer room and a café to chat about calling – with doughnuts! A children’s venue will be available for ages 5 to 11, along with an 11-plus zone in the afternoon.

Who is the event for?

Anyone! No matter your age or background, if you want to find out who and what God is calling you to be, this day is for you.

Why should you go?

It’s a great way to explore leadership within The Salvation Army and how you can grow and develop as a leader. How are you living out God’s calling on your life? How can you find out what that is?

Book your place

Tickets cost £11 with lunch or £6 without lunch. To book your place, visit exploringleadership

‘I am excited to be learning about God’
Rosie (Reading Lower Earley) shares how and why she became a junior soldier

ABOUT a year ago, Dad was telling me about being a junior soldier when he was younger and I asked if I could do the same. With no other regular children at Reading Lower Earley Corps on Sundays, we started to talk about how I could understand my love of God better, and so I set myself a challenge.

The songsters allowed me to join them, bringing the average age down A LOT! But I love being part of the group and it has given me somewhere I belong without other kids to share my faith.

Then we had a special meeting at Reading Lower Earley and Basingstoke Singing Company joined us for the celebration. I loved seeing other children singing about God’s love and so we asked if I could join in. They have welcomed me to Basingstoke Corps and I now have other children to talk to and learn with.

So I split my time between Reading Lower Earley and Basingstoke, giving me two corps families!

I made my promise in front of my Reading Lower Earley family – the first junior soldier at the corps in 15 years – and will repeat that commitment with other children at Basingstoke in I am so excited to be learning about God and singing about our love.

Junior Soldier’s Promise

I know that Jesus is my Saviour from sin.

I have asked him to forgive my sins, and I will trust him to keep me good.

By his help, I will be his loving and obedient child, and will help others to follow him.

I promise to pray, to read my Bible, and to lead a life that is clean in thought, word and deed.

I will not use anything that may injure my body

Have you got a testimony to share? We’d love to hear your faith story! Get salvationist@


Continuing a series of messages that William Booth sent to corps to be read in Sunday meetings

LAST week, I told you what our poor world wants with respect to that book: the Bible more widely circulated, the Bible more carefully read, the Bible more truly believed, and the Bible more fully obeyed, both in the spirit and in the letter.

We have God in man, now we need also the Bible in man. We want every Salvationist to be a living, walking, active Bible – a Bible which will be seen and read of every soul around him.

The Apostle John says that ‘the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14 King James Version).

Now words are used to express our thoughts and feelings to those about us. So Jesus Christ – the Divine Word – became a man in order to make us know by his speech, action, suffering and death what the thoughts and feelings of God really are towards us.

So we want the words of the Holy Book to be made flesh in our day. That is, we want the Bible in men, women and children, who shall live and act it out before the men, women and children around them, and show them by living pictures what the Bible teaches.

They will explain the goodness and love of God by being good and loving themselves. They will teach the beauty of holiness by living true, honest, industrious, kindly and pure lives themselves.

They will teach the sacrificing compassion of Jesus Christ by

themselves pitying the lost, and seeking to save the souls of men. They will reveal in themselves the joy of a real conquering religion by a glad and victorious service.

Where is the necessity for these living Bibles? Because men are ignorant of the all-important things revealed in the Bible.

They are ignorant of God; they have the most mistaken views about him; they think him a hard Master, or a Being they can trifle with as they choose.

Many of them are ignorant of his purpose and desire respecting them. They do not see that he wants to make them good on Earth and happy in Heaven.

They are ignorant of what he wants them to do and to be, and of their ability to comply with his wishes. They count religion impossible to them in their helplessness and sin.

They are ignorant about religion altogether; they think it a melancholy affair at best, or something altogether beyond their comprehension. Now the Bible explains all these things, if men would but read it.

Some cannot read it, more is the pity. Many will not read it. They despise it; they think it beneath their notice; unworthy of their attention; they don’t like the subject of which it treats. They are too full up of business, or pleasure or sin.

They won’t go to meetings where it is read or talked about; it has no interest

for them. They have a Bible, but they never open its covers; they won’t read it.

But they will read men and women who are living Bibles. They will read you. They cannot help doing so. Therefore, live the Bible right out before their eyes.

Remember: you will be read in the family, in the workshops, in your corps and as you walk about the streets and roads of the place in which you dwell.

If you are right, your life will picture the life Christ wants men and women to live more effectively than hundreds of New Testaments which people now open. They understand what your life says. They cannot help but do so.

So come along, my comrades, and be living pictures, known and read of all around you.

Be living pictures of practical godliness – that is, of the doctrines and commandments reduced to practice in everyday life. Be living pictures of experimental religion – that is, of the enjoyment of the blessings of pardon, purity and peace, promised us in the Bible, realised in your own hearts.

I want you to be living pictures of the love for souls for which the Bible calls, and without which I see not how any man or any woman can reckon themselves servants of Jesus Christ.

And last, and of most importance, I want you to be living examples not only of the letter of the Bible, but of its spirit and its power, that of you there may flow liberty, light, and love to all around you.

Are you sitting comfortably?

Captain Megan Kervin ponders the pouring of perfume

IT’S the run up to the Passover festival. People are starting to gather in Jerusalem for ceremonial cleansing. There is a hubbub in the Temple courts surrounding whether or not Jesus will make an appearance. Meanwhile, there is a plot to kill Jesus and he is keeping a low profile by heading towards the desert town of Ephraim (see John 11:45–57).

As Passover approaches, little do people know that Jesus has returned from Ephraim and is now staying within two miles of Jerusalem at Bethany – the home of Lazarus and his sisters.


When it comes to people and crowds, what kind of person are you?

Do you like to be among it all or only if you have to be?

Are you a big party person or do you prefer a quiet dinner with family and friends?

As I re-read the account of Jesus’ anointing at Bethany, I’m humbly aware that what we’re given is an insight into an intimate gathering of friends who have come together amid some key events.

As a community of people who seek the presence of Jesus at our own gatherings, I wonder what the invitation to look in on this occasion could say to us. I would like us to accept the invitation and ask: Where are we sat?


Take a moment to read what happens before and after our study passage.

Does this change the gathering’s significance?

Pray that God will reveal to you why he chose to share this event with us.

So here we are in Bethany at a meal being held in Jesus’ honour. While Martha serves, Lazarus and others recline at the table.

That seems fair enough. Lazarus has been through quite the medical miracle – it’s probably best he reclines at the table! However, this detail about how they are sat communicates something of the atmosphere of this gathering.

Do we recline while queuing for a rollercoaster? Do we recline when we’re running late? Would we remain reclined if a Frisbee sped towards our deckchair on the beach? Probably not!

Reclining isn’t a position that we would normally adopt when we are feeling anxious, rushing or under threat. Reclining at the table was common practice in Greco-Roman and Jewish cultures and then, as now, was an indication that the meal was relaxed, unhurried and among trusted company.

Whoever was gathered at this table in Bethany, this detail about how they are sat suggests they felt comfortable, that they were safe and free to enjoy each other’s company – to indulge in whatever discussion or entertainment might be offered.


If you were sat with Jesus, would you be happy to recline and relax?

‘To be in your presence,/ Not rushing away’, as songwriter Noel Richards puts it.

Do you think Jesus managed to experience peace amid everything else? How?

Take a moment to pray that God would grant you peace to recline in his presence this Easter.

As we have come to expect, Martha has been a brilliant host (see Luke 10:38–42) and in comes Mary with her bottle of perfume.

Do you have a favourite perfume? Scents and smells are very personal, but I think we all appreciate that better quality scents would usually come with higher price tags.

While we don’t know exactly why Mary had this perfume in her possession, it’s likely it wasn’t for everyday use. This scent perhaps had more significance than our perfumes of today. This was an ointment made from a luxurious substance imported from India called nard, which, according to Judas (see v5), would have cost a year’s wages. The pouring of it on Jesus’ feet was neither a fashionable gesture nor an attempt to lift the aroma of Jesus and the house. This was an act of deep love, identifying Jesus as King or priest and preparing him for death. Judas fails to recognise the significance, and Jesus quickly defends Mary by trying to explain it. I wonder if she understood it fully.

JOHN 12:1–11

A shortened version of Prayer Matters will continue to be published weekly in Salvationist in 2025. To read the full, unedited booklet, visit




We’re called to worship and honour Jesus, but do we always understand the significance of our offering?

Do we come to Jesus with our best or do we bring him a token?

Take a moment to pray about what you bring to God. Allow God to encourage and challenge you.

Into this once-relaxed atmosphere, arrives a ‘large crowd’ (v9) of Jews who have come to see Jesus and Lazarus. I wonder what the atmosphere was like now. I wonder whether the dinner guests stayed reclined. I wonder what the crowd thought arriving to the rich scent of expensive perfume. I wonder how much they overheard.

This Lent, as we invite Jesus, and others, into our places of worship, where are we sat? Are we, like Martha, getting everything ready? Are we, like Lazarus, enjoying the opportunity to be in Jesus’ presence? Are we, like Mary, trying to add something of more significance? Are we, like Judas, too invested in the practicalities?

I pray that, in all things, we prioritise being people and places of welcome and peace, where people can come and experience something of Jesus, having heard something of what he is about.


In recent years, our local council has provided a free waste disposal service, but it hasn’t included recycling. Paying for a recycling service was important for us as a community. Pray that the many people who use our hall and shops will understand the need for this important practice and will understand why we’re asking them to separate their waste. Pray too that the example we set will encourage people to do more recycling at home.

by Captain Kate Newland (Brighton Congress Hall) and the Connect Group


Lord, we are all equal in your sight. It is a human right that all men, women, boys and girls of all classes and races should have equal access to freedom and opportunities in this world. Bless us with an understanding that all people are equal, and that you have blessed us with that right. from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Calendar


Thank you, Lord, for the heralds who each week freely give up their time to distribute Kids Alive! and War Cry. Please give them health and strength to tell people of the good news of your love for everyone. Be with the heralds in their work and bless them with more good weather than bad.

by Major Andrew Stone (Editor, War Cry)


Pray for the lieutenants attending. There will be opportunity for them to reflect on their first five years in ministry. Pray particularly for the moment when they share with the session some of their learning and experience. by Major Lisa Lloyd-Jones (Assistant Secretary for Personnel)


The days stretch before me and invite me inward to that silent, holy space that holds your Spirit. This special time beckons me to see my life through Christ’s eyes, and the truth and reality of your love incarnate… Let your loving kindness flow over me and seep into my heart. from


Serving communities in Connecticut, Delaware, Northeast Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, pray for the territory’s work with those who have survived disasters and those who are particularly vulnerable in the coldest weather. Pray for the leadership team, Commissioners Ralph and Susan Bukiewicz and Colonels Christine and Ivan Rock. by Lyndall Bywater (UKI Boiler Room Team)


The theme is I Made You Wonderful and has been prepared by women from the Cook Islands. We are invited to know that each one of us was made with care and love by God. Reflect today on how you might receive this truth more deeply in your own life.

based on information at


Do you have something or someone you’d like us to pray for?

Email with ‘prayer request’ in the subject line.

Take courage!

Secretary for Spiritual Life Development Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts shares biblical examples of courageous disciples

Strong foundations

IN Joshua 1:1–9, God repeats ‘be strong and courageous’ three times, even clarifying in verse 9 that it is a command. Joshua’s victory was assured, as he was called by God. Israel’s success could not be put down to Joshua’s skills or leadership, but the fact that God reigns over all and is trustworthy with his promises. When God speaks ‘I am with you’, this should be enough for us to proceed with the victory that has already been given to us. In verse 5, God states ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’, and this is then quoted in Hebrews 13:5, applying this statement to all believers – to us.

This is a decision of faith to push away fear and pick up courage for the things God has called us to.

Stepping up

• How does God’s promise to Joshua apply to us as disciples today?

• What does it mean to be strong and courageous in the context of the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:18–20)?

• How does the assurance of God’s presence help us face fear in our discipleship journey?

Standing out

• Identify areas of your life where fear is holding you back from fully obeying Christ.

• Identify strategies of courage and support in those areas.

• Pray for courage to take the next steps in your walk with God.

Facing trials

DISCIPLESHIP often requires standing firm in the face of persecution and trials. Fear of man can often overtake our fear of God, but Peter and John did not cower to the Sanhedrin in Acts 4:1–22, for they knew a greater ruler. Their courage enabled the truth to break through, for the Sanhedrin saw in them a quality that Peter and John should not humanly possess.

We see this echoed in 1 Peter 3:13–17, as we are encouraged not to fear man, but to revere Christ and be prepared to give an answer for the hope we hold. In the Western world, persecution isn’t a common occurrence, though opposition from Satan is. We are tempted with worldliness, pride, a need for acceptance and constant success. We must stay vigilant to the spiritual opposition surrounding us and stand with boldness.

Stepping up

• What role does the Holy Spirit play in helping us to be courageous disciples?

• How can we apply 1 Peter 3:15–17 when facing challenges to our faith?

• What Godly qualities could we cultivate to prepare for opposition?

Standing out

• Consider a time when you faced opposition or discomfort because of your faith and how you overcame it.

• Identify three ways you will prepare for challenges based on these Scripture passages.

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you with boldness and wisdom in the face of future challenges.

Living counter-culturally

AS disciples we are called to stand firm in our faith in a world that rejects it. If we stand firm in God’s unchanging word, we can set culture and break culture.

In Daniel 3:8–28, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s courage to not conform to their cultural expectations led those cultural norms to shift and break. We can imagine the enormous pressure put on these men to compromise, to conform. We too may have been pressured to conform to some social norms that do not glorify God, in order not to cause any disruption. But Jesus was a social disruptor of things that were not honouring to his Father. Let us have the courage and conviction to live counter-culturally, no matter the cost, and follow the challenge of Romans 12:1 to live as pleasing sacrifices to God.

Stepping up

• What can we learn from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s example?

• What does it mean to be ‘transformed by the renewing of your mind’ (Romans 12:2)?

• What cultural pressures are challenging your faith, and how can you stand firm?

Standing out

• Identify one area where you are tempted to conform to cultural values rather than biblical ones.

• Discuss with others practical ways to live counter-culturally.

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you strength to stay true to God’s call.

• Read the full Bible study series and explore courageous discipleship further at

Standing out

Lyn Woods encourages us to see, know and show Jesus in our lives

THIS year’s Covenant Sunday urged us to consider how we can step up and stand out for Jesus and live in covenant with him. The covenant cards we signed declared: ‘I want to see you, know you and show you.’

The concept of seeing Jesus reminded me of a familiar image found in many a home, including mine, in the latter part of the 20th century. You might think of a modern depiction of Jesus from a film or TV show. It might be helpful to visualise Jesus in your rhythms of prayer, devotions, worship or study. But what of really seeing Jesus?

I recently attended the funeral of a dear friend, a true Christian gentleman. Of all the things that were spoken during his celebration of life, and there were many, a lady captured my attention with one simple, affirming statement: ‘The only Jesus some people will see is the Jesus in you and the Jesus in me’.

Thinking back to my youth, there were many Salvationists who stepped up and stood out for Jesus. Their example, dedication, inspiration and selfless giving spoke volumes to me, though they probably didn’t even realise their impact at the time; it was who they were through life in Christ. I saw the

immeasurable love, grace and mercy of Jesus in my corps family; they showed it to me through their words and actions.

For others to see Jesus in us, we first must know him truly and intimately. We get to know Jesus through studying his teachings and applying them to every part of our daily living, talking with our heavenly Father, immersing ourselves in his boundless love, grace and mercy, seeking his will and going deeper in our relationship with him. Only then can we live the way he intends and show him to others.

As 1 John 2:3–6 says: ‘We can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did’ (New Living Translation).

William Booth urged us to ‘plunge ‘neath the waters’ of that ‘soul-cleansing sea’ so that our lives are not ‘joyless and useless’ (SASB 509) but shine with the risen Saviour.

Tim Hughes in his song ‘Jesus, You Alone’ described it this way:

Day and night I’ll lift my eyes to seek you…

Hungry for a glimpse of you in glory…

So I’ll set my sights upon you, set my life upon your praise,

Never looking to another way.

If our daily living isn’t holy, if our outward faith is superficial, we will lack spiritual authenticity. We cannot show Jesus without truly seeing and knowing him first; we must be rooted in Christ, observe his commands and teachings and love wholeheartedly. See him, know him, show him – it’s the only way.

• Explore this year’s Lent resources at and follow the 40 Days of Courage discipleship challenge through our Facebook page at salvationistuki

Notes to self

Major Lynne Shaw celebrates the inspiration and connection that journaling can bring

JOURNALING can be a powerful tool for self-development, wellbeing and spiritual growth. There are many different methods, countless possible prompts, thousands of tips and a vast array of notebooks, apps and online tools. There’s also a lot of hype but, with a sense of freedom, and maybe a little guidance, journaling can be adapted to fit you, whether you like to write – or speak – in paragraphs or a single sentence or, if you adopt the micro-journaling method, you don’t even use words at all.

You can journal for all sorts of reasons. A friend of mine journals to clarify their thoughts if they’ve been through something intense, and sometimes just to record a significant moment.

You can set aside a whole evening or choose a chunk of time to tackle a particular area of thinking, development and growth. You can use seasonal prompts – for example, Lent – or follow a topic or theme, such as ‘surrender’.

You might find your time under pressure, so a shorter way of journaling could involve reading one or two verses in the Bible, then taking 5 to 10 minutes to reflect on what they say to you or the questions they raise.

Committing that first word to the page can feel like a Herculean effort. One strategy to overcome this is to write about what’s getting you stirred up at the moment. Another strategy is to choose a colour that matches your mood, and then write why you’ve chosen that colour, even if it’s just a few words.

Remember: your journal is your private space. No one is marking your work! As a former teacher, this has been significant in getting past my mental blocks –I don’t have to spell everything correctly, have perfect grammar or use exemplary handwriting. Journaling is for me and my edification, and it can be whatever I need it to be, whether that stays the same over time or changes every day.

Major Paula Knight (Wood Green) says of her journaling: ‘The content of my journals have changed as I’ve moved through the different seasons of life. As a teenager I used my journal to process my thoughts and emotions, express my hopes and dreams and seek a life of holiness. I would write prayers of repentance, give long accounts of the difficult situations that I was facing and ask God for his guidance and wisdom. It helped clarify my thinking and gave time and space for God to speak to me.’

Major Janet Thompson (THQ) says: ‘I didn’t have the words when Russia invaded Ukraine – my dad’s home – so I got messy and allowed colours and shapes to form as my soul cried out to God.’

You might write about how you feel, patterns you’ve noticed, special events or things that inspire you. You might journal about your insecurities, fears and shadows, your experiences, your thoughts – particularly the unhelpful ones – your ideas, dreams and visions or what you feel in the depths of your being.

Journaling can be a grounding force, a reminder you have agency, a way to empower yourself to find solutions, take action and grow. It can allow the wisdom you have gained to rise up and sooth or challenge you, or give voice to deepseated emotions or questions that were tickling the back of your mind. It can also – and perhaps often should be – a space for gratitude, a chance to slow down and notice the goodness, wisdom and loving provision of God. However, whenever, and wherever you do it, the gift of journaling is reconnecting with yourself and with God.

• A Lent Journal is available to purchase from, providing daily song lyrics, Bible readings and space to record insight, prayers and doodles.

Self-Denial 2025

Growing in faith and service

THIS year’s Self-Denial Appeal runs from 2 February to 2 March with a focus on the life-changing work in the Indonesia Territory.

We have seen how The Salvation Army is growing in Indonesia as young people join the corps. We’ve seen people who are rooted in their communities putting their faith into action and serving without discrimination.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve heard from four remarkable people. We met Dita, a nurse. We met Dedi, a youth worker, James, a teacher, and Flora, a Salvation Army cadet.

James teaches PE in a primary school in Palu, where he hopes to make a difference to every one of his students. The Salvation Army has shaped his approach to his life and work: ‘For a teacher, in my opinion, the most important thing is perhaps our mindset. We should teach with great sincerity and we should see it as a form of service. In my opnion it is the best thing.’

Dita is a nurse in a Salvation Army hospital. She is serving people in her community through her work: ‘The amazing thing about this hospital is that many people in Palu City, even outside Palu City, know that this is the best hospital, the best atmosphere with very good service. In this hospital, we are taught to serve with love and to serve without discrimination.’

Dedi is a lecturer, but he also works with teams of young people in a Salvation Army corps that has been growing a lot. He’s committed to reaching out to young people and helping them to serve: ‘To see students who have graduated, who have finished studying, continue to serve others with loving souls, serving souls, nothing is more satisfying than seeing them thrive in real world ministry. And to equip young people, to equip everyone, to become servants of God.’

Flora is studying in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital. She’s in her first year of cadet training and she’s on the path to follow

God’s call: ‘I feel at peace in living out this calling. It’s different from my previous life, but there was something I felt was lacking in me and, after I decided to follow my calling and become a candidate officer in The Salvation Army, I felt peace in my heart.’

The Self-Denial Appeal is all about helping to make The Salvation Army’s mission happen all over the world, and the people we’ve seen over the last few weeks have been a real inspiration.

Your Self-Denial money will support the global mission of The Salvation Army. Some goes to our mission partners. The rest comes here to International Headquarters, who distribute it to the parts of the world that need it most. It funds the vital work that The Salvation Army is doing year after year, work that goes on all over the world at the heart of the community.

It’s not too late to give to Self-Denial. You may have already used this year’s collection box or the envelope. This QR code links to, where you can donate. If you have a standing order set up, you can make a payment that way.

The Salvation Army is doing some incredible work in some of the most diverse corners of the globe. A lot of the work is only possible because of the money you give through Self-Denial. So many of you have been so generous in what you’ve given year after year. Your Self-Denial money is making

a world of difference. And let’s remember: Self-Denial happens in Salvation Army corps around the globe. So while we reflect prayerfully about what we can give, our sisters and brothers worldwide are doing the same.

• Based on this week’s Self-Denial Appeal video, available to watch at uk/selfdenial

Your offering

Bring your sacrificial offering to your corps altar service on Sunday 2 March, or hand it in at your corps any time during or after the appeal. Why not ask your corps leader for a collection box and save up for your gift?

Donate using this QR code or by visiting selfdenial – and give your corps name when prompted.

God’s way with me

Three delegates from the 260th session at the International College for Officers (ICO) share their testimonies


USA Eastern Territory

I CURRENTLY serve in the New Jersey Division as Women’s Ministries Secretary. I am excited and humbled to be at the International College for Officers. I am eager to learn as much as I can.

Romans 8:28 says: ‘And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them’ (New Living Translation). God has worked through situations in my life and turned them into good. It started before I was born.

My dad came from a family of alcoholics, and he was going down that same road. He broke the cycle when he found a War Cry on a bus that he drove, and accepted Christ. He found a Salvation Army church and brought my mom. She then also accepted Jesus. Shortly after, they became officers and brought my brothers and me up in a loving Christian home. One by one, each of us were saved and answered God’s call to

officership. I believe God had me in mind way back when my dad’s heart was softened.

As a Christian, my life has not always been easy. There have been events in my life I don’t understand why God allowed to happen or why I had to endure them – the loss of a baby and my husband being gravely ill, to mention a few. I questioned God’s love for me during these times, and I became angry. I may never know the reasons why, but I know God can redeem and use the trials I faced for his glory. I have the assurance that God is in charge and will work all things together for good. Twenty-five years of officership and life behind me, a loving husband, two beautiful miracle children, six very different appointments and, as I look back, I see God was present through it all. He is faithful, and I can trust him with my future, knowing he has my best in mind.

I am so grateful to have these weeks at the ICO to reflect on God’s grace over my life, learn from other session mates, and soak in the presence of Jesus all around me. I am excited to return home and see how everything I have experienced will impact my ministry.


New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory

AOTEAROA (New Zealand) has a prayerful and powerful national anthem: ‘God of nations at thy feet,/ In the bonds of love we meet./ Hear our voices we entreat,/ God defend New Zealand.’

‘God of nations…’ Representatives from the four winds of the globe will call Sunbury Court home temporarily, during this ICO session – and I’m one of them. Aotearoa NZ is my homeland, a 23-hour flight from London.

Natural landmarks like mountains and rivers not only connect my people to a physical location, they also identify where we come from and to whom we belong. He uri o Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Awa, Ngai Tūhoe, Taranaki. Ko Faye Molen taku ingoa

My husband, Steve, and I have double appointments. We are both corps officers in Manurewa, South Auckland – although it is shown negatively in the media, God is present there. I’m also Pōkarekare Māori ki Te Tai Aroha, a Change Leader for Māori – the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa NZ, and Steve is pioneering coordinator in our territory.

‘At thy feet…’ I grew up in a small wood milling town. I met Jesus – and

The Salvation Army – through humble people like Audrey and Reg Koivu. Later, as a teen, I lived a double life; holy some days, others full of selfishness – sorry, mum and dad!

‘Bonds of love…’ I was widowed early on in my first marriage. Left to raise three young children, I questioned how a loving God could let this happen. My parents, family and church loved me in my brokenness and anger, and God tenderly replied: ‘This wasn’t my plan –I’m grieving too.’

‘Hear our voices…’ An 11-year gap between being called to officership and entering training gave me time to heal. During that time, I married Steve and had two more children, one of whom passed away. Once again, God sat with me in my grief.

‘God defends and so will I…’ Jeremiah 1:4 and 5 and Isaiah 61:1–4 reaffirmed who God had called me to, and for what purpose. The ICO is an opportunity to sit attentively at God’s feet and be refreshed by his love, hear stories of God’s faithfulness, and learn how better to be with those yet-to-be-fully restored.

May God’s sovereign Kingdom come and his holy will be done wherever you and I may be. Thanks to our loved ones, fur babies included, and territories for releasing us to attend the ICO.



India Eastern Territory

I GREW up in a Salvation Army household. My parents were local officers in our home corps, my father was promoted to Glory in 2021. I have three brothers and a sister. God gave me Major Lalmuanpuii Sailo to be my beloved wife and my partner in ministry. With God’s blessing, we have four children, two boys and two girls and we currently live in Aizawl, Mizoram.

I am grateful to God for giving me this opportunity through our leaders to be one of the ICO delegates. Since I was a child I made a vow to be an officer, and people I have always looked up to have always been officers. When I was a child, I used to put up a picture of ‘The Cedars’ –the predecessor to the ICO – in my room, envisaging when I would go to this place. The Founders William and Catherine Booth’s graves have always been the place I want to visit the most and have a moment to reflect on how incredible and Spiritfilled they were. God has listened to me, and this year he made it


Located at Sunbury Court, the ICO exists to further officers’ personal and leadership development. It provides an environment for them to flourish spiritually through teaching, prayer, worship and fellowship.

possible for me to be at the new ‘Cedars’, as well as visit the burial sites for our Salvation Army heroes. I am deeply grateful to God.

I am currently appointed as an editor in the India Eastern Territory. I truly believe that the valuable things that we are learning here in the ICO will be helpful in many ways – it has already been a great help to me. I have gained many things from my interactions with my session mates. The lessons that we are learning have opened up new ways of thinking and elevated our abilities to spread the love of God and his words through our writings.

The word that God gave me as I am here is: ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you’ (Joshua 3:5). Since I was a child, I heard about the ICO being the place where many officers would grow in their leadership skills. I came here hoping it would also help me grow in many ways, and my expectations are all being met as I am receiving countless blessings and growth. I will return to my appointment with all my faith in him and lead his people with compassion


International leaders attend

USA National Advisory Board


GENERAL Lyndon Buckingham and World President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham shared their global perspectives with the USA National Advisory Board. Their presentation included an overview of Compass, the Army’s new Global Strategic Framework. The board comprises community and industry leaders who, through their expertise, help The Salvation Army in the USA carry out its mission. Commissioner Bronwyn opened the meeting with prayer and devotions, speaking poignantly on the constancy of God’s love. In his introduction of Compass, the General indicated that it set a clear direction for action.

The General and Commissioner Bronwyn conducted the retirement ceremony of USA National Commander Commissioner Kenneth Hodder and National Secretary for Programme Commissioner Jolene Hodder.

The evening brought an energetic and inspirational programme, themed Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives, and focused on the Army’s work in Southern Nevada.

The General drew upon the parable of the good Samaritan and spoke about the responsibility to see people in need and stop to engage them with both material and spiritual aid. – CL

IHQ The latest exhibition held in Café 101 focuses on the situation in Ukraine and how The Salvation Army are supporting people in need. Since the start of the war in Ukraine three years ago, more than 6.3 million Ukrainians have been forced to flee their country as refugees and about 3.7 million people are internally displaced. Corps in Ukraine are working to create safe spaces for children and adults, where their mental, physical, social and spiritual development can be nurtured and supported. Programmes promote community and prevent isolation, and creative projects engage participants with activities to aid trauma processing and integration. See the exhibition online at – AR


SALISBURY The corps hosted a sell-out concert for local musical group Second Wind, raising £975 for Salisbury Trust for the Homeless. The corps partners the charity to help support people experiencing homelessness, and hosts the annual event to both raise funds and build awareness. – MD


GATESHEAD The corps is providing exercise classes to improve older people’s mobility and help them recover after cancer and hip operations. The classes, provided by Active Families, include chair fitness with timbrels, stretch bands and shakers. They also help reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes and help members make new friends. Community Manager Ann Humes said: ‘Our eldest member is 95 years old and she really feels the benefit of the class. Another attendee had been signposted by her doctor to help her improve her flexibility in preparation for a hip operation. We also see the mental health benefits exercise can bring in improving mood.’ – AR


SWAN LODGE Residents from the Lifehouse have shown their kindness and community spirit by fundraising to support schooling in the Gambia. Staff members and residents took part in a sponsored llama walk and charity football matches to raise money for support worker Gemma Stoker to visit the Gambia with the Gunjar Project, which modernises schools. Gemma said: ‘It’s overwhelming as our residents are struggling themselves, but they are willing to help others. It just shows what kind of people they are.’ – AR


GOLDTHORPE A creative community project encouraged local people to get crafty and design and make their own piece of textile artwork. These patches are part of a duvet cover that will tour the Dearne Valley to highlight the Army’s community work. The project was inspired by a national Welcome Mat project by the Launchpad Collective, a charity that supports refugees into work. The mat has been on display at the corps, which has been working with Migrant Action to support refugees and asylum seekers who have settled in the area. – AR


TED Brooks retired as a herald after selling the War Cry and representing Jesus in Whitley Bay for more than 20 years. Many lives have been touched through prayers shared and the gospel message taken out to the community by Ted over these years. He was presented with a framed certificate of recognition for his service. – FS

Secretary Elizabeth

with a retirement


CORPS leader Territorial Envoy Ailsa Flinders was invested as an honorary member of 17th Purley (St John’s) Cub Pack, when she visited to receive donations for the corps Christmas toy appeal. The corps and cub pack first linked up through the 2019 Christmas toy appeal. This relationship has grown each year to now include Beavers, Scouts and parents collecting for the appeal. Ailsa looks forward to sharing with them more of what the Army can do to assist in the community. – AF

ASSISTANT Corps Secretary Janet Robinson was presented with a certificate of appreciation, signed by Divisional Commander Major Paul Billard, together with a bouquet of flowers and small gift upon her retirement. Janet’s 53 years of continual service have included time as a local officer in Bedford and Northampton, before taking on the role of assistant corps secretary, rather than corps secretary, because she did not like to be in the limelight. Janet has served faithfully, efficiently and professionally in all her duties at Bath Citadel for 17 years. We thank God for such a committed and dedicated local officer. Janet is pictured with corps officer Major David Wise. – SL

JOAN Papps transferred to the songster reserves after many decades of faithful service. Territorial Leader Commissioner Paul Main presented her with a certificate during the 140th corps anniversary celebrations. Joan is number one on the roll and was songster leader for more than 25 years. Joan is pictured with Territorial Leaders Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main, corps leaders Lieutenant Jacqueline Coates and Territorial Envoy Roger Coates and Deputy Songster Leader Alison Quick. – RC

Holland was presented
certificate after
years of faithful service to the Lord and the corps. She is pictured with corps officers Major Julia and Captain Wayne Adcock. – WA GUILDFORD


ROBERT Innes was enrolled as a soldier on Covenant Sunday by Major William Slade. Robert is the first new soldier at the corps in many years. Last year he began attending the Army again after an absence of about 40 years. He quickly realised that the Army was where he should be and, after settling into corps life, decided he needed to make a commitment and become a soldier again. Robert testified that he had always felt the presence of God in his life. Also pictured is Young People’s Sergeant-Major Andrew Renouf. – AR


MR and Mrs Promise were enrolled as soldiers on Covenant Sunday by corps leader Territorial Envoy Mark Simpson. They shared a very heartfelt testimony and duets. Also pictured are Corps Sergeant-Major Steven Hindmarsh and Colour Sergeant Rachel Harper. – MS


NICHOLA Priestley was welcomed as an adherent and Rosie was enrolled as a junior soldier by corps officers Captains Roelof and Tanyia Vermeulen in an amazing and blessed Sunday meeting. Also pictured are Jenny Underwood, Sonia Parkhouse, who took Rosie through her junior soldier classes, and Darren Early holding the flag. – TV


CAROL and Gary Faulkner were enrolled as soldiers and Lacie-May and Ruby were enrolled as junior soldiers on Covenant Sunday. Carol first attended the corps on Commissioning Sunday and watched the livestream. Carol has become a huge part of the corps family and helps lead the food pantry. Gary testified to feeling able to leave his burdens with Christ. Lacie-May and Ruby were the first junior soldiers enrolled at the corps in more than 30 years. The girls began attending after their family began using the food pantry. They were supported by family and the young people at the corps, and as they prayed at the mercy seat the other young people surrounded them and prayed with them. The girls chose the song ‘Our God Is a Great Big God’ to celebrate. After the meeting several people enquired about adherency and soldiership. – KS

YEUNG Chingmui was welcomed as an adherent by corps officer Major Vaughan Bovan, with the help of Steve Yuen as translator. Chingmui moved to Warrington in 2022 and quickly settled into the fellowship. She immersed herself in the life of the church helping in our coffee shop and singing in our choir, never letting her difficulties with English be a barrier. – VB



GRAHAM was promoted to Glory on 27 December, aged 62, after an illness during the past year. He leaves his wife, Jane, son, Harry, and daughter, Zoe.

Graham became a Salvationist in 1997, after attending a meeting at the old citadel building in York. That was the start of a life with much devotion to the work of The Salvation Army. Graham, by his own admission, had a quiet and humble approach to faith, shown in practical ways in everyday life.

Graham will be remembered for the work he did for the corps and community behind the scenes. This was ably demonstrated during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the corps became very involved with the collection, sorting and distribution of food hampers. Because of the transmission risk to older volunteers, Graham managed many aspects of this work, and his enthusiasm to put his faith into action meant hundreds of local families were helped. – DA


EILEEN was born in 1930 into an Army family and spent her formative years at Aston Corps in Birmingham.

In the 1960s, Eileen and her children transferred to Birmingham Citadel, where she remained a soldier until her death at the age of 94. Although not a member of the sections, she was very involved and supportive of all that happened in the corps, taking particular interest in the young people, and was always ready with a smile and a listening ear.

Not able to attend the citadel in later years, the availability of meetings via livestream enabled her to stay connected and part of the corps family, while at the same time enabling her to share her faith with the staff and residents of her nursing home. Eileen’s strong faith, which had proved so important in her life, was evident to the end. – RO



JANET was born in Stirling, Scotland, in 1947 into a fifthgeneration Salvation Army family.

In 1967 she committed herself to Army officership and joined the Evangelists session. It was there that she met and fell in love with Jim Wright, eventually marrying him at Stirling in 1970.

They lived briefly in Lincoln and then became soldiers in Rotherham before moving to Sheffield Citadel in 1973. Unfortunately, Jim died in 2006, but Janet continued at the corps as a songster and bandswoman and held various local officer positions. Despite ill health, she helped in the kitchens, cooking for Cameo well into her seventies.

Since 2000, Janet had survived four different cancers and a brain tumour, but never was she anything other than a joy to be with. Janet was a saint who will be welcomed in Heaven, although probably not in the heavenly choir. – GB


GRAHAM was a third-generation Salvationist, born into Birmingham Citadel, where he stayed for the 85 years of his life. He progressed from the YP band to the senior section, being a featured soloist on the flugelhorn. Graham was also a stalwart member of the songsters, having a fine second bass register. Graham was a unique personality, had a ready wit and a natural way of getting his point over, even when admonishing someone in his role as band sergeant. He showed real support for young folk in the corps and could be found well into his 80s giving brass tuition to learners as they prepared to join the YP band. Graham was very proud of his family. Preceding his wife, Sheila, by a few weeks, he will be much missed by all. Yellow, red and blue running through his veins, we have said farewell to a great Christian character. – MO


BRENDA was born in 1941 and attended Knottingley Corps, where she met and married her husband, Selwyn.

Being blessed with two sons, this was a marriage which was to last 61 years and was firmly rooted in their faith.

Selwyn’s work led them to serve at Brighouse and Reading Lower Earley Corps before they returned to Knottingley in retirement.

Brenda was well known for her hospitality, both at home and at the Army. She assisted with the lunch club, over-60 friendship club and charity shop, and was equally at home at YP events.

She instigated an annual strawberry tea to raise funds and was a prolific knitter of items for Christmas fairs. Brenda was called Home after a short illness. She was loved by all she met and will be sadly missed by Selwyn and her extended family. – KH


SHEILA was introduced to the Army as a young girl at Boston by her neighbour, where she quickly established herself in the singing company, torchbearer youth club and Guides. Progressing into senior soldiership, Sheila met a young bandsman when Birmingham Citadel YP Band visited her home corps. A friendship developed into courtship and in 1960 she was married to Graham Hinsley. She then transferred to Birmingham Citadel, where she remained on the roll for 65 years until her passing a few weeks after Graham. Sheila settled into the songsters while bringing up their two daughters, Karen and Maxine. In 1961, Sheila was appointed cradle roll sergeant, a position she held until her promotion to Glory. In that time, she enrolled and supported 325 children. At the celebration of her life, Sheila was referred to as the lovely lady, a true description of one of the most treasured members of the corps. – MO


Effective 1 July

MAJOR CARELLE DAWS, Divisional Commander, East Midlands Division

MAJOR IAN MOUNTFORD, Divisional Leader and Divisional Commander, North West and Isle of Man Division

MAJOR TRACEY MOUNTFORD, Divisional Leader and Assistant Divisional Commander, North West and Isle of Man Division

Effective 17 July

CAPTAIN JOHN CLIFTON, Divisional Leader and Divisional Commander, North East Division

CAPTAIN NAOMI CLIFTON, Divisional Leader and Divisional Personnel Officer, North East Division

MAJOR GORDON COTTERILL , Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, THQ

MAJOR CATHERINE SMITH, Candidates’ Director, William Booth College

MAJOR JONNY SMITH, Candidates’ Director, William Booth College

Effective 1 September

MAJOR LISA LLOYD-JONES, Secretary for Personnel, THQ, with the rank of lieut‑colonel

Effective 1 November

CAPTAIN RICHARD BRADBURY, Secretary for Mission, THQ, with the rank of major

Local officers appointed




Wedding anniversaries

Golden (50 years)


Promoted to Glory

PAULINE DARE, Basingstoke

DARYL AUSTIN, Brighton Congress Hall, on 25 December 2024

MICHAEL HARRIS, Shepton Mallet, from Royal United Hospital, Bath, on 6 January

BANDSWOMAN/SONGSTER DOROTHY EWLES, North Walsham, from Furze Hill House on 7 February

KARIN THOROGOOD, Leigh on Sea, on 10 February


RETIRED BANDMASTER ROBERT DARE, Newcastle City Temple, and Retired Corps Treasurer Win Hollis, Basingstoke, of their mother Pauline Dare

PEARL HARRIS, Shepton Mallet, of her husband Michael Harris


• Listen online at ARMY

Territorial Leaders Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main

Sun 2 Mar Gosport (140th corps anniversary)

Thu 6 Mar William Booth College (Confirmation in Officership Conference, closing worship) Sat 15 Mar – Sun 16 Mar Guisborough (145th corps anniversary)

Chief Secretary Colonel Peter Forrest and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development Colonel Julie Forrest Mon 17 Mar William Booth College (Spiritual Day)


Care for creation: International Bible study

Major Heather Poxon (THQ) has established a monthly Bible study for Army colleagues worldwide to consider caring for creation. The next session, themed Our Shared Opportunity, will take place on 4 March at 8pm. For more information, email

Legacy fundraising materials

Gifts in wills make up half of donations to the Army each year, ensuring it can continue supporting people in need. Help your corps members consider leaving a gift in their will by ordering your free Legacy Fundraising materials. They include an A4 and A3 poster, plus a leaflet encouraging members to request a free will guide. Order by Friday 7 March by emailing or calling 020 8194 2330. Materials will arrive in late March.

Prepare and plan for the World Day of Prayer (7 March)

This year’s ecumenical prayer wave – themed I Made You Wonderful is based on Psalm 139. The annual event raises awareness of the lives and concerns of others worldwide, especially those who created its resources – this year women from the Cook Islands. Find out more at . Holding a service to mark the World Day of Prayer? Tell us about it by emailing

Helping-Hand Appeal

Are you raising funds for this year’s appeal, which supports international food security projects? Tell us about what you’re doing where you are at salvationist@


Sunday Worship

This week’s message is from Captain Rob Westwood Payne (Maidenhead) and includes a Self‑Denial altar service. Can’t join us at 11am on Sundays? Catch up with the weekly podcast of highlights. Each week’s broadcast is repeated in full on Sundays at 6pm, Mondays at 12am and Thursdays at 9am.

• Listen online at

Sing to the Lord with the ISS

Enjoy favourite recordings from the International Staff Songsters, this month chosen by Ann Stewart. Listen at 5pm on Sunday 2 March.

• Listen online at

Sunday Lunch

The musical side to your Sunday lunch, featuring your favourite Salvation Army music. The first Sunday of each month features Reuben’s Pick and Mix, presented by Reuben Dykes (Kidsgrove). Tune in from 1pm to 2pm.

• Listen online at

Faith in Sport

Join Sports Mission Specialist Rob Moye (THQ) as he meets people who connect their passion for Jesus with their love of sport. This episode features Tony Daniels (THQ).



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The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

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