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The Disassembly Line Design studio integrated technology report Part 1

Contents Chapter 1 - Contextual analysis

Design proposition

Site identification Site introduction Cultural and Historical influences macro scale Cultural and Historical influences meso scale Site influences and topology Wind analysis Hydrology Geological Solar Climate and temperatures Program Analysis Environmental conditions - Heating, cooling and ventilation Lighting and sound control Spatial conditions -

Working areas Machine and pedestrian safety Public and private segregation Site, building and resource security

Transportation and safety of disassembly Aeronautical logistics Runway codes, safety and maintenance

Chapter 2 - Precedent analysis

Environmental Precedent - Edinburgh airfield - South Austrailian health and medical research facility

Technical Precedents

- Boeing aircraft facility - Kings cross station extension

Chapter 3 - Building Description

Programmatic and spatial site plan Ground floor plan with immediate context Massing studies and 3D form development Feature air traffic control tower plans and sections

Chapter 4 - Structure and Material Choice

Technical considerations - Efficient structures Arhictetcural language - Primary and secondary structure - Internal sectional details - External sectional details - Environmental considerations Material consideration Structure, foundations and constructability

Chapter 1 Design proposition - The Disassembly Line The aeronautical industry is an ever growing industry contributing to the widely known phrase ‘the world is getting smaller’ and aiding the growth of globalisation. As a direct result of an exponentially increasing transport system, airline companies have an increasingly complex task dealing with the aircraft that have reached their lifespan limits. Across the USA huge graveyards are rapidly amassing. Other countries that have a significant history with air transport have similar conditions. Specifically countries involved in WWII have an alarmingly high number of aircraft approaching decommission. The result is billions of pounds in technology and materials becoming abandoned in graveyards set in desolate wastelands. The projects main aim will be to combat this by bringing much needed reuse of currently abandoned materials back into circulation. With an ever increased scarcity of relatively precious metals such a titanium and aluminium the project will have instant industrial and economical ramifications. With a sustainability ethos at heart the project demands the renovation of a derelict brown field airfield site. The diagram to the left shows a simplified process of am aircraft life with current aeronautical legislation. Currently 88% of aircraft are sent to such amassing graveyards as the example mentioned below. The design project will focus on reducing the through flow of aircraft and encourage a more sustainable closed loop dynamic where materials and technology are recycled . This will be tackled with a 3 part system consisting of an intake, disassemble and finally reprocessing and distribution.

Site identification The site was derived by a careful consideration of multiple parameters. 1. Sphere of economical influence. After identifying the projects function, research showed the UK currently has 6 maintenance based aircraft facilities. Increasing the distance from these will increase the sphere of influence the flagship decommissioning facility will generate. 2. Brownfield sites There are 20+ disused airfields in the UK, most hurriedly built during World War 2. Airfields require significant infrastructure, connections and vast quantities of space. Redeveloping a brownfield reduces the environmental impact. 3. Distribution and infrastructure Situating the facility near in a city will provide excellent infrastructure and the recycled products will benefit from the substantial distribution techniques whilst cementing cultural and historical influences.

Identifying optimal site Continual expansion of the 3 location parameters to remove less effective sites

Largest cities in the UK Providing excellent infrastructure and distribution techniques

Current decommissioning facilities Increasing distance from these facilities will maximise economic success

Current abandoned airfield facility in the UK Maximising economically and political influence by identifying most effective site

Site introduction After consulting the 3 parameters derived by the function, the location result was the now abandoned Sheffield airfield. The airfield marked by a red line, is situated 3km northeast of the centre of Sheffield adjacent to the current industrial district. The airfield has ideal transport connection with the River Don canal, M1, Sheffield bypass and the national train-line within a mile.

Cultural and Historical influences Macro scale

1789 - Major road built to Rotherham however Rotherham still prospering over Sheffield

1803 - Sheffield prospering due to transpennine connection, Rotherham industrial expansion stagnates. Continual local industrial shift from Rotherham to Sheffield

1795 - First large scale usage of canal of River Don for industrially purposes

1817 - Sheffield enjoys significant influence and expansion due to the critical influence industrial revolution

1796 - Major road connection across the Pennines built

1893 - Sheffield noted as ‘Steel city’, the powerhouse of the north

Cultural and Historical influences Meso scale

1905 - Introduction of the River Don canal and connection to the National train line

1959 - M1 connected to Sheffield, runs adjacent to the site and continual industrial and residential expansion of ‘Steel City’

1989 - Continual expansion of Sheffield and construction of Sheffield Parkway and immediate M1 connection

2007 - Closing of Sheffield city airport due to economical factors

1975 - Continual industrial and residential expansion of ‘Steel City’

2014 - Construction of Science and Business park along fringes of site

Site influences

Sheffield International Forge masters

Outo Kumpu (Steel manufacturer)

New science and business park

Terminal converted to new business centre

As part of the initial construction of Sheffield airport, several small environmental habitats were protected and allowed to flourish. All are on the very fringes on the site and will remain untouched. Protected wildlife area

Aerial site map

Technical resource output The surrounding areas is of utmost importance. With Sheffield being the Steel city of the UK the distribution of recycled metals will be crucial to the economical viability. Some of the noted influences on the site are mentioned to the right.


Sheffield country walk


Site boundary


Contours (10m intervals)


Water course National Police Air Service Sheffield country walk Casting Technology (Titainium casting) Boeing advanced manufacture research centre

Wind Real time wind site analysis As the westerly prevailing winds approach they are channelled either side of the new business park which shelters the runway. The remaining wind moves around the site as it is diverted by the large, part artificial hill.



All functioning airfields constantly monitor wind speed, direction and pressure in the immediate area. Aircraft prefer to avoid side winds where possible, therefore runways are located and orientated to minimise the effects of wind

Very high pressure

Moderate pressure

High pressure

Low pressure

High - moderate

Very low pressure

Meso scale - Sheffield has an long and proficient steel making history which has developed alongside significant development of the River Don. Significant river manipulation and a large surplus canal system which runs adjacent help contain any potential flood threats. Such systems monitor river flow, water quality and total rainfall etc... Spring Wind rose diagram

Summer Wind rose diagram

Autumn Wind rose diagram

Winter Wind rose diagram

Prevailing wind site analysis

Using a combination of Ecotect and Autodesk Vasari Beta 3, I was able to plot the prevailing wind direction, speed and orientation. The sequence above shows 4 images illustrating how the wind reacts to the site. The main hill I plan to use to reduce the massing is distinctively highlighted. The linear approach of most planes from the west along the runway see a relatively calm wind interference.

Hydrology Macro scale - There is a naturally occurring phenomenon known as the ‘Rain shadow effect’. This causes decreased precipitation levels across large areas east of the Pennine mountain range. Cross section through the Pennine mountain range

M l Hu l

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1. Prevailing winds drive the clouds which holds the precipitation 2. It then rains inland as the clouds continue reaching higher altitudes 3. The pressure from increased altitude forces the air to rise and condense. 4. The cloud eventually passes the mountain range but is dry and this causes a large shadow zone of decreased precipitation Meso scale - Sheffield has a long and proficient steel making history which has developed alongside significant development of the River Don. Substantial river manipulation and a large canal system which runs adjacent to the river, helps contain any potential flood threats. Such flooding threats are identified by monitoring river flow, water quality and total rainfall etc...

Rivers and streams December












Surface water flooding Low risk flooding areas Medium risk flooding areas High risk flooding areas

= 5mm of rainfall

Maximum extents of possible flooding

Geology Macro scale - This site is a natural shifting pattern of clay, silts and sands and glacial deposits which is common around river basins. In the South West section of the site there is a distinct disconformity and that is due to the anthropogenic engineering of the site when the airfield was first constructed. The runway has been excavated to become level and all overburden has been simply moved on site to form a part artificial hill.

Alluvium - clay and silts

Clay, silts and sands deposits

Glaciafluvial deposits

River terrace deposits (sands and gravels)

Till and mid pleistocene Mudstone Sandstone Siltstone Made ground Topsoil Clay 1









Borehole Depth 0





Meso scale - The site has hundreds of recorded borehole samples. I have taken a selection of these and created two geological sections of the sites strata. Both longitudinal and cross sections have then been amalgamated in a 3D axonometic section shown to the left. Longitudinal borehole example Cross borehole example

Longitudinal section Cross section

Solar With such a large site, identifying environmental trends is key to the early stages of the project. Shown below are seasonal cumulative solar radiation quantities. Highlighting areas such as the northern face of the hill as having more passive solar protection suggesting it’s a better location for the building. Seasonal average solar radiation (BTUm-2)

3D stereographic solar shading diagram



0 Autumn Using Ecotect it’s possible to plot the solar shading in incremental shadows that dynamically interact with site geometry. This allows for very specific massing manipulation to sufficiently integrate with the site context. 70.6 Sun position Minimum solar projection 0 Winter

Maximum solar projection Relative solar angle Solar azimuth Shadow study - Summer





0 Shadow study - Spring

Shadow study - Autumn

Shadow study - Winter

Building program and spatial attributes The disassembly line consists of 4 main zones.


Environmental considerations 1. Intake

Airspace analysis Vision and radar Aircraft approach Securing large open ground areas Runway intake Safe and clean during difficult weather Ground logistics Acoustic protection

2. Disassembly

Station bays ( Exterior lighting ) Decompartmentlisation vehicle logistics Station bays ( Interior lighting ) Decompartmentlisation vehicle logistics Compartments recycling areas Compartments recycling areas Heating and cooling, Ventilation Collection and transfer of recycled materials Mechanical, maintenance and storage

3. Administration and security

Administration Lighting and ventilation Control tower influence (Architectural) Circulation Control tower influence (Technical) Structure and maintenance Vertical circulation (Structural cores) Emergency lighting and sign-age Work force movement dynamics Material sorting Material distribution Iron and Steel reprocessing Titanium reprocessing Aluminium reprocessing Casting areas Metal distribution

4. Reprocessing and distribution Vehicle movement and safety Machinery heat and ventilation Heat capture and usage Heat capture and usage Heat capture and usage Vehicle movement and safety Vehicle logistics and traffic control

Intake Disassembly Administration and security Reprocessing and distribution

Chapter 2 - Architectural precedents Environmental - Edinburgh air traffic control tower

Edinburgh air traffic control tower floor plans The outer red line shows the extents of the building footprint. The relative plan inside shows the scale of saved space.

Control towers are pivotal to the success of any airfields. They govern intake, spatial traffic and safety of all aircraft etc and as a result influence geographic, economic and social aspects of the airfield. The previous airfield closed because it was unable to accept international flights due to small runway length and the control tower limited traffic. Edinburgh’s control tower manages to deal with the required economically quantities of aircraft whilst employing architectural environmental systems After identifying the spatial program of the control tower 3D Reid architects cleverly design a structure capable of dealing with the doubly curved natural and variable vertical size. The resultant geometry includes all necessary spaces and ensures the minimum building volume it constructed. This helps minimise waste by reducing heating, cooling requirements. The red line indicates the buildings footprint projected vertically. The surrounding space is saved and yet the building reaches the height to safely view the entire airfield. 0




Reducing building volume

Establish a 3D massing to suit the volumetric program

Creating a series of smoothed curves to approximate volumetric study

Loft smoothed curves to create minimum building volume

Generate a structure to suit optimised volume

Creating and understanding structures with doubly curved forms

A diagrid of large steel runs with metallic panels filling the internals geometry

A secondary grid of smaller steel runs to provide operable service panel and controlled ventilation

Each metallic panel can be opened to provide both passive and controlled additional mechanical ventilation.

Generating a main structural grid

The grid works by using many small length straight members to approximate the curved geometry.

The smaller secondary grid aids control of passive ventilation strategy

The smaller secondary grid allows for potential double skin to control internal environmental conditions

Architectural precedents Environmental - South Australian health and medical research institute Intensive environmental analysis dictated the building’s form, allowing it to achieve its optimum solar orientation. Internal floor plate functions are arranged to allow maximum daylight in east facing write-up spaces while the enclosed solid lab support spaces located on the west provides protection from the harsh west sun.

The iconic form is characterised by a transparent facade that is inspired by the skin of a pine cone. The triangulated diagrid facade responds to its environment like a living organism. The facade is designed to improve access to daylight, reduce heat and glare, and maintain vision for a healthy internal environment.

With the ground level open to the public building allows free movement across the site whilst controlling the internal conditions through intelligent usage of a double skin and thorough environmental research and design

Controllable interactive facade

Reduction of solar glare

Stereographic solar diagram

North facade solar analysis

Subtle introduction of solar shading

View of internal atrium

Each diamond has been specifically tailored to reduce glare but allow sufficient nature light instead. This very precise control allowed for optimal environmental conditions

East facade solar analysis

South facade solar analysis

West facade solar analysis

“Key to realising the diagrid facade, was the use of parametric modelling tools to integrate environmental, programmatic, and formal requirements to generate a shading system that changes accordingly. This allows the facade to interact with sunlight, heat load, glare, and wind deflection, while maintaining enhanced views and daylight to create a healthy internal environment.

Architectural precedents Technical - Boeing aircraft facility


Although the decommissioning facility will be a flagship building with an entirely unique function many aspects and working conditions can be understood from general purpose Boeing aircraft facilities. Applying such practices adapted from this case study can be applied in reverse order to help guide the programmatic efficiency of decommissioning system

5 4 3

Ground plan Simple one way intake is offset by multiple bays to separate the aircraft into pre-built compartments. Multiple large hangers doors allow entrance leading to specifically designed bays to suit each compartment. A main conveyor system runs parallel to each bay allowing for easy collection and sorting of all salvaged material.



1. Generally most aircraft are broken down into their components in exterior spaces. Engines are removed first as they contain the largest monetary value

2. All wings and tail wings are then disconnected. Each component is then transferred to specialist areas for decommissioning and recycling

3. The remaining fuselage of the plane is moved indoors on a large transport bogey.

4. The aircraft is lifting into bays where teams of engineers and machines assess the structure

5. Each bay is fitted with storage, various cutting, sorting machinery and runs perpendicular to a large automated conveyor system.

6. The salvaged materials from the bays is transferred to the conveyor system which sends and sorts it for reprocessing.

Kings cross station expansion plan

Kings cross train station is the singlular busiest train station in the UK. Over 1million commuters use the station daily and as a result the architecural expansion was focused on making passenger travel safer, simpler and easier to understand

To meet such credentials John McAslan + Partners alongside Bentley developed a steel diagird system that had become the single largest spanning structural system in Europe

Kings cross station expansion section

The diagrid system allows a large series of interlocking columns to arch out from a clustered central area. The naturealperfect dome shape wants to strucutrally fail at the lowest point, where the structure has needed to be reinforced with a series of cloumns that help localise and divert the loads Exploded axometric section of strutucal system





Localised diagrid structural system The columns system works by supporting the roof approximate geometry at a series of points which localised the forces and diverts them vertical down to the foundations The variable angle and length of the beams spanning from the top of the column allow for a variable flexible roof geometry without compromising the structure

1. Steel circular hollow sections 2. Planar double glazing to approximate potential doubly curve surfaces. 3. Primary grid of diagram steel to localised loads 4. Secondary grid of integrated diagram steel to and aid environmental control 5. Variable length steel members and columns


Architectural precedents Technical - Kings cross station expansion

Building description Site plan

Protected natural wildlife areas

To the north side of the site there is a hill which was artificially created as a result of excavation when the original runway was constructed. I plan to extend the runway to accommodate international flights and submerge some of the building into the hillside. With the artificial hill being recently built up excavated and geological work will be easier. The planes move along the south edge of the site which create the predominant base from which the angles of the building will be formed. The factory has the 3 main internal areas, disassembly, administration and reprocessing. The nature of these processes is normally very linear and orthographic. To create a more interesting and dynamic architectural influence the building rotates by 90 degrees. This form maintains the internal program whilst complimenting the surrounding site and environment.

Air traffic control tower Main staff entrance

Staff parking


Docking bay Distribution Area

Runway entrance Cockpit entrance

Fuselage entrance

Engine entrance

Emergency plane entrance

Service vehicle parking

Helicopter bays

Landing bays

2km length runway

Scale 1: 2000 North New Tinsley business park

Building description Factory floor plan

Control Tower Main staff entrance


Control Tower

at er




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Fuselage disassembly

A re lum pr i oc niu es m sin g

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Staff parking


Casting area


in W

St or ag ex e a pa nd ns fu io tu n re


The disassembly building has 5 main entrances each designed especially for disassembly of plane compartments. They most expensive clean parts such as the engines and cockpits are reprocessed at the front to showcase the sustainable process

Material converyor system

Emergency plane entrance

Wing entrance

Runway entrance

Docking bay

Cockpit entrance

Distribution Area

Engine entrance

Fuselage entrance

al ur ct ru re St co

al ur ct e u r r St co

Scale 1: 1000 Landing bays

North Helicopter bays

Building description Initial 3D form The form is derived from a sequence of volumes based on the disassembly and recycling process of the plane. The process was extracted from the reverse engineering of a Boeing construction facility


1. Identify spatial sequence on site with minimum excavation


2. Generate volumetric study from on site program

3. Create a series of curves to approximate the volumetric study

4. Loft a series of curves to establish optimised form


The air traffic control tower stands as the prominent feature of the building and integrates with the roof. It provides vertical circulation, security across the site and controls plane movement and quantities

5. Apply a diagrid system that defines the architectural language

The main components of the incoming planes are the product input into the building. The output will be unrecognisable as plane components ingots and refined metals.

Building description Control tower The form is based around a single structural core that reverses twice from top to bottom. This allows the upper floor including the control room the optimum position to co-ordinate security across the entire site and visually monitor the local airspace whilst allowing split level circulation. The core is used as the primary circulation to and from the administration area which overlooks the factory floor.

Air traffic control Room

Reduced building volume

18th / Control floor

12th floor

11th floor

17th floor

10th floor

16th floor

9th floor

8th floor

15th floor

14th floor

7th floor

13th floor

6th floor


Main staff entrance

Factory floor

5th floor

4th floor

3rd floor

2nd floor

1st floor

Ground / factory floor

In a similar manner to Edinburgh air traffic control tower the intermediate floor plans decrease in size. This reduction of the building volume means less pressure on mechanical ventilation strategies and yet the control room benefits from the elevated height.

Structure Structural form and weight/strength ratio Diagrids are more versatile than most grids because they rely on a sequence of triangles. Diagrids are designed to create triangular structures with diagonal support beams which offer more efficient performative structures and require less structural steel than conventional steel grids

Generic anchor points

161% weight 42% Surafce area

Piped digrid to increase structural strength

140% weight 53% Surafce area

Regular grid of double curved surface

More framework for doubled curved surface

127% weight 67% Surafce area

Basic framework for double curved surface

118% weight 80% Surafce area

110% weight 92% Surafce area

Progressively increased number of structural grid members

100% weight 100% Surafce area

Structure Architectural language

3D Internal diagrid roof, column, floor and foundation sectional detail

Allowing the iconic diagrid to penetrate every level of the building will create a universal architectural language. The diagrids structure perfectly suits the complex doubly curved nature the program based roof whilst providing advancing solar control and potential for a double skin and all resultant environmental control benefits.

Detail legend 1 - 25mm concrete sprung floor for harsh impact resistance 2 - 100mm level insulation complete with zonal underfloor heating 3 - 150mm internal compacted concrete raft 4 - 2mm Damp proof course 5 - Internally compacted dolomite complete with 25mm thick dry lean blinding layer 6 - Steel alignment and holding flitch pin/plate 7 - Localisation steel plate to bolt steel flitch plate in place 8 - Hessian sack with infill concrete once column is positioned 9 - 14m deep circular concrete pile foundation 10 - Concrete pad foundation to localise loads and distribution to the pipe foundation 11 - Subsidiary structural grid to distinguish double skin environmental control 12 - A series of 3 - 6 circular steel hollow section ring beams to tie all vertical diagrid members together 13 - The main upper ring circular steel hollow section ring beam that integrates multiple diagrids 14 - Primary structural steel diagrid members 15 - Dual Layer poly carbonate solar powered glazing with internal argon vacuum 16 - Steel rivet plate to connect variable length steel member to double curved diagrid roof 17 - Concrete members with variable length to help attenuate double curved diagrid roof 18 - Solid steel ball with nodal penetration and concrete infill area after column alignment 19 - Dual Layer poly carbonate solar powered glazing 20 - Precast concrete external drainage gutter 21 - 200mm sqaure external paving stones 22 - 25mm - 50mm grit sand for levelling purposes

3D Internal diagrid roof to column

1 2 34 5

14 13

12 11

2D external to internal roof, column, floor and foundation sectional detail


7 8

10 9


15 16 17 18

17 19


The large open plan factory floor roof curves to suit the internal program. There is a 20m centre grid of 5 collected columns that react to the doubly curved roof. They seamlessly integrate with the roof structure.

6 7 8



1 2 3 4 5 9

Structure Material, structure, foundations and constructability The exploded axonometric to the right shows the build up of the structural aspects of the building. The primary and secondary optimised roof structure blends into a sequence of amorphous diagrid columns. These allow large open plan vaulted space idea for working with bulky aeroplane compartments. Each diagrid columns leads to the industrial scale raft foundations complete with isolated pad and pile foundations to divert loads into the ground beneath safely 1

Exploded axonometrical strucutral diagram

Sequence of diagrid columns responding to the doubly curved nature of the roof with in turn responds to the volumetric studies based on disassembly program



6 7 Air traffic control tower The air traffic control tower acts as a lateral support foe the roof, which is in turn supported by the internal structural core and large retaining wall

1. Primary and secondary diagrid roof 2. Double glazed and opaque interlocking triangular panels 3. Integrated diagrid columns 4. Pad and pile foundations 5. Structural cores to aid lateral support 6. Air traffic control tower complete with structural core 7. Retaining wall

Live load Structural elevation The red lines below show a live or dead load and how the relevant structure reacts to safely manage and divert the load to the ground.

Snow load

Dead load




Snow load

Building description Strucutral plans and systems The plan shows the main stcutural element a series of fire escape route and fire compartments.

Fire escape route

Diagrid columns maximum span

Fire escape route Fire escape route

Fire escape route

Fire escape route

Fire escape route

Scale 1:1000

Fire compartment zone

Bibliography and References Environmental sources Subject http://www.windfinder.com/contact/weatherdata.htm http://www.bgs.ac.uk/products/onshore/home.html?src=topNav https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/planning-and-city-development/planning-documents/background-reports/strategic-flood-risk-assessment.html http://www.bing.com/maps/#Y3A9NTQuNTczMDAyfi0xLjIzNzYwMCZsdmw9NiZzdHk9ciZlbz0wJnE9c2hlZmZpZWxk http://maps.environment-agency.gov.uk/wiyby/wiybyController?x=435500.0&y=387500.0&topic=floodmap&ep=map&scale=9&location=Sheffield,%20Sheffield&lang=_e&layerGroups=default&distance=&textonly=off

Wind analysis Geological analysis Flood risk assessment Site logistics Environment extremes

Precedent sources http://buildipedia.com/aec-pros/featured-architecture/kings-cross-station-redevelopment http://www.architectmagazine.com/healthcare-projects/south-australian-health-and-medical-research-institute-designed-by-woods-bagot_o.aspx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyDy-KdMGEA http://www.milmod.co.uk/va-king%E2%80%99s-cross-station-exhibition http://cameronandersonarchitecturequt.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/kings-cross-station-canopy.html

Kings cross station expansion South Australian health and medical research Boeing construction factory Kings cross station expansion Kings cross station expansion

Reading sources Lightness by Adrain Derker and Ed van Histe Strength to weight ratio structures Information is beautiful by David McCandless Graphic presentation Perfomative architecture by Branko Kolarevic and Ali M Malkawi Performative efficient structures

Sam Hayes - 33241624 Master of Architecture Year 2 Leeds Beckett University Technology report - DSIT A

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