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Resource depletion - National recycling rates

Most metals can be recycling indefinitely without losing any material(s) properties. Some need alternative qualities of virgin metals to return to the correct metallic composition.

Recycling rates 52%

0% Unknown

52% 49% 48% 46% 40% 34% 32% 30% 27% 20% 19% 18% 18% 16% 10% 9% 5%

Switzerland Austria Germany Holland Norway USA Canada UK Japan Ireland Italy Portugal Spain Greece Ireland China Russia

Resource depletion - Rising scrap metal prices

There was a crash in scrap prices as the 2012 recession impacted the global market. Barring that temporary fluctuation the price of scrap metal has constantly increased. This increase in value has directly caused the increase in demand for metal recycling systems as they become increasingly economically viable whilst encouraging sustainability.

Scrap Index Price (ÂŁ/ton) 400

GPD value (%) 8

International recycling demand








0 2004






2010 Time





Aeroplane composition and recycling quantities Most common commercial plane BOEING 747-400

Glass, aluminium plastic laminates (50%)

Aluminium (25%) %

Titanium (12%)

Steel (7%)

Others (6%) Glass, Carbon

Embodied energies

Energy and sustainable calculation with respect to recyclable precious metals

Relative total percentages and quantities of potential resources

Building envelope

With the function of the building to dismantle and reprocessing large aeroplane parts the interior program is similar in size to a areoplane assembly factory. Unlike a stereotypical factory shed which has 4 walls a grid of column support a roof I have decided to generate an architectural language that blurs the distinction of wall or roof. Integrating performative structures I have decided to use a diagrid system. This allows subtle curves to blend the primary structure to the hard scape.

Section A Section A shows the subtle merger of the elements that form the walls and roof. This structural diagrid allows the geometry to closely follows the programs spatial requirements to minimise building size and reduce maintenance and HVAC costs.

For larger scale of Section A reference please refer to enclosed Appendix A

Primary structure plan

This plan shows the radius density changes of a 32m,16m and 8m grid and their geometrical intersections

Section A

Factory floor plan

This plan shows how the radial diagrid columns interact with the factory floor

For larger scale of Factory floor plan reference please refer to enclosed Appendix B Section A

3D Internal diagrid roof, column, floor and foundation sectional detail

Detail legend 1 - 25mm concrete floor for harsh impact resistance 2 - 100mm level insulation complete with zonal underfloor heating 3 - 150mm internal concrete raft 4 - 2mm Damp proof course 5 - Internally compacted dolomite complete with 25mm lean blinding layer 6 - Alignment and holding shear key steelwork 7 - Localisation steel plate to bolt steel flitch plate in place 8 - Holding down bolt, steel tube bolt box with hessian sack at underside of steel anchor plate to allow lateral movement of bolt. 9 - 14m deep circular concrete piles 10 - Concrete pile cap that transfer column loads into ground 11 - Subsidiary structural grid to distinguish double skin environmental control 12 - A series of 3 - 6 circular steel hollow section ring beams to tie all vertical diagrid members together 13 - The main upper ring circular steel hollow section ring beam that integrates multiple diagrids 14 - Primary structural steel diagrid members

Diagrid column connections

This elevation shows how a sequence of unique columns rely upon the same architectural and structural language and yet define specific programmatic change beneath.

Diagrid column connections

This plan shows how the radial diagrid columns interact with each other. By maintaining an internal grid of multiples for example 32,16 and 8 the members seamlessly intersect at universal junctions.

3D Analysis - Massing and programmatic planning

Once an internal program had been defined, volumes could be applied to the site to give an initial scale. This creates a set out point from the runway and subsequent program that allows the building to conceal its mass within the hillside whilst excavation is kept to a minimum quantity.

1. Identify spatial sequence on site with minimum excavation

2. Generate volumetric study from on site program

Diagrid column connections

The elevations below show the interaction between the primary diagrids structure and the excavated site areas.

3. Create a series of curves to approximate the volumetric study

4. Loft a series of curves to establish optimised form

Technical resource as an output The surrounding area is of utmost importance. Sheffield is historically the Steel city of the UK and this facility would contribute to its resurgence. viability.

Site constraints

Geology To the south side of the site there is a hill which was artificially created as a result of excavation when the original runway was constructed. I plan to extend the runway to accommodate international flights and submerge some of the building into the hillside. With the artificial hill being recently built up, excavation and geological work will be easier. Solar There is minimal passive solar shading where the buildings will be located, so the building envelope with need to adopt a solar shading technique to help control internal environmental qualities


One of the project’s distinctive elements is that unlike most airfields the journey is a one way system. Planes descend into Sheffield and area returned and recycled, the process embodies the return of precious materials back to into the earth. The control acts as a communication relay between teams that each facilitate a stage of any planes descent and ground movement.

Environment and energy Chapter 2

Summer lighting strategy Section A

Factory floor plan

Solar panels

Spandrel panels


Summer extreme sun angle of 73 degrees Equinox solar angle of 49 degrees Winter extreme sun angle of 24 degrees

Section A

Summer - 73 degrees

The building envelope will mainly consist of spandrel panels that approximate the doubly curved roofscape. Within each cell there will be two main windows rows that twist with the geometry of the roof to celebrate the architectural form whilst providing sufficient average LUX levels.

Section A

Glazed panels

Spring lighting strategy Section A

Factory floor plan

Solar panels

Spandrel panels

Section A

Spring- 49 degrees

Section A

Glazed panels

Winter lighting strategy Section A

Factory floor plan

Solar panels

Spandrel panels

Section A

Glazed panels

Winter- 34 degrees

Section A

Night time lighting strategy Section A

Factory floor plan

Section A

With the control tower noted as a high level building element it requires lighting to warn any air traffic of its position and serves as a beacon to help guide aircraft in the air safely to the site.

The function of the building requires a series of on site smelting facilities. To maintain maximum efficiency these function 24 hours a day to save heating and cooling costs and time. There is an inherent need to light the factory floor at night for continual usage shown below by a sequence of floodlights and spotlights.

Sleeping quarters for night staff are shelters from light

Section A

Heating and cooling strategy The program works by separating the factory floor into 2 main sections. All the furnaces and noted hot treatments are in one area. This is to contain all the excess heat in one confined area to be cleaned, treated and fed back into the building heating system.

Section A Factory floor plan

The roof naturally rises to create a passive convention effect from each of the furnace area so excess heat can naturally escape whilst a controlled amount be can trapped and used to heat other parts of the building.

Passive stack effect

Passive stack effect

Section A

Each of the 26 large diagrid columns allow for a localised stack effect to cycle hot air out and draw cooler air in. These columns forms act like a series of mini atria that punctures the building at regular intervals.

Passive stack effect

Section A

The factory floor will generate a lot of heat from machinery, people and vehicles. This will naturally rise and collect at high points at the roofscape where there will be mechanically controllable fittings.

Acoustic strategy The use of machinery used to dismantle segments of the planes will generate a large decibel range. It’s important that the program allows vision of the disassembly area for the office staff along the retaining wall to maintain vision for safety aspects and yet are sheltered from the noise of the factory floor.

Factory floor plan

The aim of the construction of the structural elements will be to contain noise to the highlighted zones shown to the left. This will allow a controlled zonal system where identified precautionary tactics like ear wear can be enforced. Compulsary PPE will be required.

The approaching aircraft from the runway will cause large noise disturbances and so all external walls will need increased sound insulation to protect from the high decibel levels

To protect the offices from the noise a double skin will be employed for the control tower facade. This allows multiple layers to aid reflection and disruption of the sounds whilst providing other environmental benefits to the office environments within.

Section A

Noise source Protective ear gear

Solar shading strategy With the main geometry having minimal passive solar shelter, the facade is required to employ a system that can deal with the excessive solar gains. Using Auto desk Vasari 3.0 I have mapped a simplified geometry that follows the complex doubly curved roof geometry.

This allows for holistic average solar gain analysis to highlight extreme environmental areas. The system will rely on 2 stages. 1.The application of solar panels in the red areas will ensure maximum sustainable energy generation throughout the year. 2. The use of both static and mechanical cowls to reduce average solar gains in certain areas.

Solar panel optimum area

Project location : Sheffield Study time : Annual average BTU/m2 Cumulative 190

105 Areas where solar panels wouldn’t be justified and yet reduction of solar gain is still required 20

Below is the sequential build up of the areas that need to receive solar treatment.

Priority areas which require solar shading treatment

Areas that allow a comfortable range of average LUX levels throughout the year Project location : Sheffield Study time : Annual average BTU/m2 Cumulative 190



Expanded area where solar panels would perform well and ease internal environmental control

The blue areas highlight where greater insulation will be needed because the area receive minimal passive solar gains.

Solar shading strategy Using this system allows for detailed application of solar treatments that both heat and cool the building. To more accurately interrogate the structure I have zoomed into the diagrid scale and applied the system to each pair of planar panels that form each diamond within the diagrid.

Project location : Sheffield Study time : Annual average BTU/m2 Cumulative 190



These progressive images show how application and retesting of the static cowls reduces the average annual solar gains to a manageable and more acceptable level

Project location : Sheffield Study time : Annual average BTU/m2 Cumulative 190



Services and integration Chapter 3

Service integration Hydronics Water distribution There are two main service risers which run parallel with respective structural cores. These provide hot and cold water to various amenities whilst dealing with collection and distribution of foul water, eg toilet water. Water management - Rainwater harvesting A large section of roofscape above the reprocessing area will collect rainwater. The nature of the doubly curved envelope system allow for extremely specific watershed area control, which subsequently allows for collection of specific quantities of water. This collected water will be used in two ways. 1. The water will be used as a coolant system for the casting of the metals. 2. The remaining water will be used as part of a grey water system where grades of water are used in food preparation in kitchens, down to wc water etc...

Service legend Communications Office/Administration Public Night staff provisions Water storage Mechanical and resource storage Rainwater harvest area Hot water movement Cold water movement Foul water movement

Full structural exploded axonometic

Legislative framework If the project was to be constructed there would be a need for multiple systems to be installed in the reprocessing area as sprinkler systems wouldn’t be sufficient enough to deal with any large scale fire or explosion emergencies.

Sewage and waste Any foul water is collected and sent along a newly construction sewage main to the nearest existing service run. This new service pipe will lay beneath the new staff entrance road to allow a direct route and easy access for maintenance.

Macro scale ventilation and services integration

Stack effect

The services will run in false ceilings stemming from the structural core service riser. This allows each floor to have a controlled environment. The ventilation forces fresh cool air into the rooms. The natural heating from machinery, people etc heats the air and forms a natural convention current that propels a stack effect in the atrium to passively regulate the internal temperature.

HVAC (Heating,Ventilation and Air conditioning)

Convection current

Heating from appliances and activities Stack effect

HVAC (Heating,Ventilation and Air conditioning)

Convection current

Heating from appliances and activities

Detail section through ground - 2nd floor of control tower and atrium

Fire strategy - Fire compartmentalisation and fire safety equipment The building has 8 main compartments, each designed to allow the shortest and quickest route out of the building in case of a fire. Each zone has a unique colour both shown in plan and section below.

Section A Factory floor plan

Fire escape route signage Emergency fire blanket Portable fire extinguisher Fire escape

Section A

Each compartment has a separate fire assembly zone outside the building away from flammable materials or emergency vehicle access.

All researched control towers have a singular core which I have deigned complete with lifts and stairwells. These do not however comply with building regulations for fire control depending on the number of persons occupying the room.

Section A

Fire strategy - Maximum fire routes and fire rated structure Section A Factory floor plan

The main factory zones have increased fire rating protection of up to 2 hours to help deal with any leaks or damage to any of the furnace areas. Main fire routes are labelled and marked along with a sequence of floor markings to aid safe pedestrian within the factory.

Maximum fire routes and distance

2 hour fire rating 1 hour fire rating 30 minutes fire rating Fire escape route

Section A

The main factory floor doesn’t comply with fire regulations of maximum fire distances in a small section of the purple zone. When researching factory fire escapes most don’t adhere to all the fire regulations however they base fire rating approval upon a risk assessment strategy. The strategy assesses the likelihood of a fire breaking out within the factory floor. With mainly fire retardant materials and heavy portable fire management it can satisfy fire regulations.

Section A

Structure systems and integration Chapter 4

Structural axonometic The factory has several key area that each require specific volumetric and environmental conditions. Generating such volumetric studies and developing a diagrid envelope system allows the geometry to manifest in a manner that directly suits the internal requirements. The diagrid system then allows for a relatively simplified construction technique of what is otherwise a complex systematic driven form.

The main pedestrian entrance at the control tower allows personnel to move vertically through building to the required floors whilst engaging with the roofscape. The structural elements become the architectural celebration of the building.

Exploded structural axonometric Comment on connection between layers and the influence on the design and the program

1. Structural core forming main support form the control tower and lateral support for the centre of the gravity retaining wall.

2. Gravity retaining wall is built around the half the building to divert horizontal ground based loads safely. It allows for a portion of the massing to be hidden within the hillside. All excavated overburden with be displaced on site to minimised CO2 impact.

5. Each epicentre of the diagrid columns sits upon a large pile and pad foundations system intertwined with a grid of concrete beams to divert localised loads from the structural.

4. A doubly curved diagrid of cold rolled hot rolled circular hollow sections. These from the largest part of the envelope and instil environmental systems whilst celebrating the aeronautical themed architectural vocabulary of the building. 3. A concrete slab form the base of the factory provided a level hard factory floor surface that can withstand dangerous and hazardous activity.

6.Each pad has as many a 5 piles which disperse loads safely into the ground.

3D Sectional detail Detail legend




22 23 24

1 - 25mm concrete floor for harsh impact resistance 2 - 100mm level insulation complete with zonal underfloor heating 3 - 150mm internal concrete raft 4 - 2mm Damp proof course 5 - Internally compacted dolomite complete with 25mm lean blinding layer 6 - Alignment and holding shear key steel 7 - Localisation steel plate to bolt steel flitch plate in place 8 - Holding down bolt, steel tube bolt box with hessian sack at underside of steel anchor plate to allow lateral movement of bolt. 9 - 14m deep circular concrete piles 10 - Concrete pile cap that transfer column loads into ground 11 - Subsidiary structural grid to distinguish double skin environmental control 12 - A series of 3 - 6 circular steel hollow section ring beams to tie all vertical diagrid members together 13 - The main upper ring circular steel hollow section ring beam that integrates multiple diagrids 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9



26 27 28 29

14 - Primary structural steel diagrid members 15 - Secondary structural steel diagrid members 16 - Glazed panels 17 - Spandrel panels 18 - Gravity retaining wall 19 - 100mm thermal insulation 20 - 100mmx50mm timber joists 21 - False ceiling for services 22 - Structural core 23 - 2 x 25mm plasterboard interior finish 24 - 204mm x 408mm universal steel I beam 25 - exterior concrete gutter tray 26 - Dark plastic gutter 27 - 100mm - 250mm sand for levelling purposes 28 - 5-10mm Binding layer of screed 29 - 100m tarmac

For larger scale of 3D detail please refer to enclosed Appendix C

2D Sectional detail - Scale 1:20


24 19


21 23 22

12 13 14 15 16 10

25 26 27 28 29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 18

Section A

Sectional 3D detial Scale 1:20

For larger scale of Section A please refer to enclosed Appendix A

Control tower floor to internal double skin to structural core Scale 1:20

Lift core detail to structural core Scale 1:20

Diagrid column to foundation detail Scale 1:50

Perimeter diagrid column to foundation detail Scale 1:20

Diagrid column to foundation detail - Scale 1:50 Detail legend 1 - 25mm concrete floor for harsh impact resistance 2 - 100mm level insulation complete with zonal underfloor heating 4 - 2mm Damp proof course 5 - Internally compacted dolomite complete with 25mm lean blinding layer 6 - Alignment and holding shear key steel 7 - Localisation steel plate to bolt steel flitch plate in place 8 - Holding down bolt, steel tube bolt box with hessian sack at underside of steel anchor plate to allow lateral movement of bolt. 9 - 14m deep circular concrete piles 13 - The main upper ring circular steel hollow section ring beam that integrates multiple diagrids 14 - Primary structural steel diagrid members 16 - Glazed panels

16 13 14 6 7 8 5 2 1 9

For larger scale of 2D details please refer to enclosed Appendix D

Perimeter diagrid column to foundation detail - Scale 1:20 1

2 3 4 5 8 6 7 9 14

Control tower floor to internal double skin to structural core - Scale 1:20

22 23 24 1 2

4 20 21 19 16 13 14 12 11 17

Lift core detail to structural core - Scale 1:20 Explanatory text

Structural loading Dead loads Live loads Impact loads Explanatory text

Structural loads Disproportionate collapse (Buildings regulations document A) Explanatory text

Sam Hayes - 33241624 Master of Architecture Year 2 Leeds Beckett University Technology report - DSIT B

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