6 minute read
Events & celebrities at Hilton Athens
στις 11,12 και 14 σεπτεμβρίου, το θρυλικό ροκ συγκρότημα scorpions έδωσε τρεις συναυλίες στην αθήνα, με τίτλο "mTv unplugged – scorpions live in athens" στο θέατρο λυκαβηττού. για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της σειράς "mTv unplugged", πραγματοποιήθηκε μία συναυλία στην ελλάδα και μάλιστα σε υπαίθριο χώρο. / on september 11, september 12 and september 14, rock legends scorpions played three concerts in athens, greece under the "mTv unplugged - scorpions live in athens" at the lycabettus theater. for the first time in the history of the "mTv unplugged" series, a concert in greece under the open sky took place.
Οι Scorpions, ένα από τα πιο επιτυχημένα και μακροβιότερα ροκ συγκροτήματα της ιστορίας, διέμειναν στο hilton Αθηνών και φωτογραφήθηκαν με τον Θανάση Πάσσα, Διευθυντή Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού του ξενοδοχείου. / The Scorpions, one of the most successful and longest-lasting rock bands in history, stayed at the hilton Athens and were photographed with Thanasis Passas, director of human resources.
ο αλέξανδρος χριστόπουλος υποδέχθηκε την τελευταία πανσέληνο του καλοκαιριού μαζί με το πιο hip κοινό της πόλης στο καθιερωμένο πλέον full moon πάρτυ του galaxy bar. / alexandros christopoulos welcomed the last full moon of summer with the hippest crowd in the city at the full moon party hosted by the galaxy bar.
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01. Galaxy bar 02. Βίκυ Λαιμού / Vicky laimou 03 Γιώργος Σατσίδης / Giorgos Satsidis 04. Αλέξανδρος Χριστόπουλος / Alexandros Christopoulos 05. Γιώργος Τουρνικιώτης και Έβελυν Παρασκευοπούλου / Giorgos Tournikiotis and evelyn Paraskevopoulou 06. Δανάη Μειδάνη και Έφη Τρεμούλη / Danai Midani and efi Tremouli.
o john choes και ο john kagioulis διοργάνωσαν στις 26/10, στο galaxy bar του ηilton αθηνών, το καταπληκτικό «californication party». εμπνευσμένο από την rοck μουσική και το στυλ της, περιελάμβανε live από τους jamming funkers, djs, dancers και μόδα με δημιουργίες των κωνσταντίνου μιτροβγένη, μαρίας τάγκαλου, leather’s fashion και boudoir. οι προσκεκλημένοι διασκέδασαν με άκρως ανεβασμένη διάθεση, παρέα με το jack daniels και τo νερό αύρα! / john choes and john kagioulis hosted on 26/10 the amazing «californication party» at the galaxy bar of the hilton athens. live music from jamming funkers, djs, dancers and fashion shows entertained the guests, along with jack daniels and avra water!


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01. Οι νικητές της βραδιάς επί σκηνής / Winners on stage 02. Η ομάδα του Jack Daniels / Jack Daniels Team 03. Πριν από την επίδειξη μόδας / before the fashion show 04. Η DJ Μαρία Αντωνά / DJ Maria Antwna 05. Ο σχεδιαστής μόδας Κωνσταντίνος Μιτροβγένης και τα μοντέλα του / fashion Designer Konstantinos Mitrovgenis and his models 06. John Κagioulis - Damianos Asimenios - John Choes 07. John Choes - nayla Jauffur 08. Χαμόγελα από τις χορεύτριες / Α smiling dancer.
infO ADDreSSeS
Airport “eleftherios Venizelos” Athens international Airport, (0030) 210 353 0000-1
port Authorities
ArcheologicAl sites
THE ACROPOLIS Dionysiou Areopagitou, Plaka, (0030) 210 321 0219 The “Sacred rock” is built in the 3rd Millennium bC on a hill 70 metres above the town of Athens and it is the most important site of the city. in the same area, there is the Parthenon temple, the temple of Apteros niki (Wingless Victory) and the erectheion.
THE ODEON OF HERODES ATTICuS - HERODEON Dionysiou Areopagitou, Plaka, (0030) 210 323 2771 The theatre was built by herodes Atticus in 101 AD and held 6,000 people.
ANCIENT AGORA OF ATHENS ADRIANOu Plaka, (0030) 210 321 0185 The Ancient Agora (Market) was the centre of the ancient Athenian every-day life.
THE KALLIMARMARO STADIuM Vas. Konstantinou Ave. built in 329 bC and rebuilt in 140 AD by herodes Atticus. in 1895, it was reconstructed in marble, in order to host the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896.
SANCTuARy OF POSEIDON Cape Sounion, (0030) 229 203 9363 65 km. southeast of Athens, it is built to Poseidon. built in the 5th century bC, the temple offers a magnificent sunset and breathtaking view to the Aegean Sea.
ROMAN AGORA Pelopida Str. & Aiolou Str., (0030) 210 321 0185 it was erected by Julius Caesar and completed by hadrian between 10 and 11 bC.
TEMPLE OF OLyMPIAN ZEuS Vas. Olgas & Amalias Ave., (0030) 210 922 6330 it took 700 years from 530 bC to build the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the largest temple in Greece.
NEw ACROPOLIS MuSEuM 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou, (0030) 210 900 0901 NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL MuSEuM 44 Patission Str., Athens, (0030) 210 821 7724 BENAKI MuSEuM 1 Koumbari Str. & Vas. Sofias Ave., Kolonaki, (0030) 210 367 1000 CITy OF ATHENS MuSEuM 7, Paparigopoulou Str., Klafthmonos Sq., (0030) 210 324 6164 GOuLANDRIS MuSEuM OF CyCLADIC ART Neof. Douka Str. & Irodotou Str., Kolonaki, (0030) 210 722 8321 ILIAS LALAOuNIS JEwELLERy MuSEuM 12, Karyatidon Str. & Kallisperi Str., Makrygianni, (0030) 210 922 1044 MuSEuM OF GREEK FOLK ART 17, Kidathinaion Str., Plaka, (0030) 210 322 9031 NATIONAL GALLERy 50, Vas. Konstantinou Ave., (0030) 210 723 5857 NATIONAL HISTORICAL MuSEuM 13, Stadiou Str., (0030) 210 323 7617 NATIONAL MuSEuM OF CONTEMPORARy ART 17-19, Vas. Georgiou II Str. & Rigillis Str., (0030) 210 924 2111 NATIONAL wAR MuSEuM 2, Rizari & Vass. Sofias Ave., (0030) 210 725 2974 NuMISMATIC MuSEuM 12, Panepistimiou Str., (0030) 210 364 3774
exhibition & concert hAlls
ONASSIS CuLTuRAL CENTRE 107 - 109, Syngrou Ave., (0030) 210 900 5800 B. & M. THEOCHARAKIS FOuNDATION FOR THE ARTS & MuSIC 9, Vas. Sofias Ave. & Merlin Str., (0030) 210 361 1206 MEGARON, ATHENS CONCERT HALL Vas. Sofias Ave. & Kokkali, (0030) 210 728 2333 HELLENIC COSMOS 254, Pireos Str., Tavros, (0030) 212 254 0000 BaHar 31 & 33, evripidou Str., Athens, (0030) 210 321 7225
Boss stores 19, Amerikis Str., Kolonaki, (0030) 210 338 9080 / 15, Kiriazi Str., Kifissia, (0030) 210 801 1503 / 20, lazaraki Str., Glyfada, (0030) 210 898 6378 / bOSS Shop: Golden Attica, Golden hall, (0030) 211 181 4322 / Central distribution: hugo boss hellas llC, (0030) 216 900 2300
HonDos Center 4, Omonia Sq., Athens, (0030) 210 252 82800 / 6, Merlin Str., (0030) 210 338 6000 / 2, Ag. Konstantinou Str., Glyfada, (0030) 210 891 0900 / 39, ermou Str., Athens, (0030) 210 902 4435
KassIs BoUtIqUes Chopard 2, Stadiou & Voukourestiou Str. (0030) 210 3250555
KessarIs 7, Panepistimiou Str., Athens, (0030) 210 338 7150 / 37Α, Kifissias Ave., Golden hall, Maroussi,
(0030) 210 683 9602-3
DespIna MIraraKI s.a. 55 Kifisias Avenue, Paradeisos Amarousiou, (0030) 210 6179294 - 5 / 1
Vasiliou Georgiou & Zisimopoulou, Glyfada, (0030) 210 8982052.
Matt roYal "Casa di Patsi", 188 Kifisias Avenue,
210 8084626
rItZI 17 Kanari & 1 Solonos, Athens, (0030) 210 3390180
sYMBol Hellas 185, Syngrou Ave. & 2, Sardeon
Str., nea Smyrni, (0030) 210 932 5038
tsIroU 46, Vasilissis Sophias Ave. (hilton Athens), (0030) 210 7281000
VenetIa VIlDIrIDIs 11 Voukourestiou Str. & 8 eleutheriou Venizelou Str., Athens, (0030) 210 321 9408

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