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480 Dudley Road, Wolverhampton WV2 3AF

Tel: 07539828168 Billa Vol: 13,

Issue 649

U.K’s Largest Circulated Free Punjabi/English Newspaper


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11st January to 17th January 2018

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Unit 3345,Miller St.,Middleway, Newtown, Birmingham B6 4NQ.

Vol: 13,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly


Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

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Vol: 13,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

√π«≥Á «√≥ÿ ¡˜≈Á ¡Â∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ ÚºÒØ∫ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ Â∂ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª From : Surinder Singh Azad and Family & Mann Jitt Weekly. ÏzÂ≈ÈÚΔ Í≈ÒΔÓÀ∫‡ Á∂ «‘ ⁄πº’∂ ÓÀ∫Ï Í≈ÒΔÓÀ∫‡ √. ÍΩÒ «√≥ÿ ¿∞μÍÒ ¡Â∂ ‘∞‰ Á∂ √Ó≈Ò «Ï˜«Èº√ ’«ÓÙÈ ÚºÒØ∫ ¡Â∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ ÚºÒØ∫ √Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ Â∂ Á√Ú∂∫ Í≈ÂÙ≈‘ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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Issue 649

Consul General of India ÚæÒ∫Ø √Ì ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ Â∂ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬ΔÕ jrmn isMG v`loN

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Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

Dr Aman Puri CGI

√. ◊πÓΔ «√ßÿ «√æ˱ ÚæÒØ∫ √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ¡Â∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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Consul S M Chakarborty

Balehar Singh Ramewal ÚæÒØ∫

√Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ¡Â∂ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬ΔÕ

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√Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ Â∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª

Consul Pankaj Sharma

Balraj Singh Atwal

¡≈√Δ¡≈È È≈Ò ⁄≥◊∂ √Ï≥˪ ”⁄ ÍÚ≈√Δ Ì≈ÂΔ¡ª Á≈ ‘ºÊ: √πÙÓ≈

Newhampton Road East, Wolverhampton ”Â∂ √«Ê Ïß◊≈ √‡Ø Á∂ Ó≈Ò’ √zΔ ÓØ‘‰ Ò≈Ò Ïß◊≈ ÚæÒØ∫ √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ¡Â∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª


11st January to 17th January 2018

NRI Properties dy mwlk sR su i rM d r isMG sMDU v`lo √Ì ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ Â∂ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬ΔÕ √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ «¥√Ó√ ¡Â∂ ÈÚ∂∫ √≈Ò ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

DBK Estate dy mwlk sR. kwbljIq isMG sMDU Aqy pRIvwr v`lNo √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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Dr. Chittaranjan Pandit MBBS ÚæÒ∫Ø √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷ Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

Jassa Dehal ÚºÒØ∫ √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷ Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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Avtar Singh Cheemna ÚæÒØ∫ √Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ¡Â∂ ◊πÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷ Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª 125 Hill Top, West Bromwich B70 ORU

Tel : 0121-505-3529

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

√Ó±‘ √ß√≈ ˘ «¥√Ó√ ¡Â∂ ÈÚ∂∫ √≈Ò ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

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* Verticals * Rollers * Venetians * Real Woods * Faux Woods * Conservatories * Perfect Fit * Blackouts Full pallet of colours and styles to choose from all manufactured child friendly, by design

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649


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11st January to 17th January 2018

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

√Ó±‘ ‹◊ ˘ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Glassi Junction Bar & Grill ij`Qy mMglvwr nMU vI Awpxy mnpsMd dy pMjwbI KwixAW dw luqP lY skdy ho[ Awpxy pRIvwr nwl vI Aw skdy ho[ * 35 sItW dw rYstorYNt * swbqy qMdUrI murgy * bwr iv`c hr qrHW dI ifRMk * muPq kwr pwrk Come and enjoy your evenings & weekends. Families welcome even on Tuesdays.

Open 7 days 11 AM to 11PM

ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

131 Willenhall Road, Wolverhampton WV1 2HR For table bookings

Tel – 01902 454040 or 0773455837

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Tel : 0121-553-3501

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

ÓÈ «‹æÂ

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

«’zÍ≈ Ï≈‹ª Ú≈ÒÛ∂ ÁΔ


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11st January to 17th January 2018

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

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11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

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Vol: 13,

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Issue 649


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11st January to 17th January 2018

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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Mr Shalbinder Malle giving Chairman’s Report, accompanied on stage by Trustee Mr Dev Singh Malle and Treasurer Mr Bhajan Singh Aulak

Members of the community.

Local Civic Dignitaries, MP for Warwick and Leamington, County Council Chairman, District Council Chairman, Mayor of Royal Leamington Spa, Mayor of Warwick and Mayor of Whitnash.

Santosh and Astha, helpers on the day

Prominent local residents.

Ranjit Kalsi and Resham Malle helpers on the day.

Mayor of Royal Leamington Spa Councillor Anne Goodey presenting Sports Awards for Football to Mr Bikar Singh Dosanjh.

Inspector Faz Chisty giving talk local community policing.

Members from the community.

Community Members and Service Users.

Local Councillor and Chief Inspector of Police and members.

Santosh Shukla receiving an Appreciation Award for outstanding service to the Community presented by Deputy Consulate General from the Indian Embassy Mr Pankaj Sharma and Committee Member Mr Tika Singh Bhangal.

Members of local community.

Mrs Gurbans Kaur Randhawa receiving an Appreciation Award for outstanding service, providing Panjabi education in the Community presented by Warwick and Leamington Spa MP, Mr Matt Weston, prominent community member Mr Jaswant Singh Virdi and Chief Editor of Mann Jitt News Karam Singh.

Amila Kaur Madar and Yasmin Kaur Thiara receiving their Achievement Awards for Panjabi education presented by Warwick and Leamington Spa MP, Mr Matt Weston, Committee Members Mr Jaswinder Singh Sohal and Daljit Singh Dulay.

Simon Hruska and Nick Leahy receiving their Sports Awards for outstanding achievement in boxing presented by Chairman of Warwick District Council Councillor Alan Boad, Stage Secretary Gurdwara Sahib, Mr Mohan Singh Sandhu and Committee Member Mr Bhopinder Singh Aujla.

Jess receiving a cheque for £1,000 on behalf of Cancer Research from Sukhjivan Gill, H. Singh Atwal, Martin Crossley (Manager Lloyds Bank), The money was collected by the Management Committee of the Community Centre in memory of a very dear colleague Mr Gurpal Singh Atwal.

Chairman of Warwickshire County Council Councillor Clive Rickards presenting Sports Awards for Martial Arts with Stage Secretary of Gurdwara Sahib, Mr Mohan Singh Sandhu and Committee Member Mr Kamaljit Sigh Sandhu

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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Mayor of Whitnash Councillor Tony Heath presenting Sports Awards for Hockey to Mr Jasvir Singh Lall with Chief Inspector Faz Chisty and Community Centre Trustees , Councillor Mota Singh and Mr Dilbar Singh Aulak.

Deputy Consulate General from the Indian Embassy Mr Pankaj Sharma, Stage Secretary Gurdwara Sahib, Mr Mohan Singh Sandhu, Warwick and Leamington Spa MP, Mr Matt Weston, General Secretary of Gurdwara Sahib, Chief Editor of Mann Jitt News Karam Singh, Mr Bhajan Singh Aulak

Kamaljit Singh Dosanjh and Geeta Kaur Lota Volunteer organisers of the Two Castles Charity Run presenting a cheque from the money raised to Mr Shalbinder Singh Malle Chairman of the Community Centre.

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Sidhu Fashions LTD & Family ÚÒØ∫ √Ó±‘ ÓÈπæ÷Â≈ ˘ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ Â∂ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ Òæ÷ Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ

Bahadur Singh, Gurnam Singh, Amrik Singh and thir father Baksish Singh Sidhu TÒÛΔ ‹ØÛÈ Ò¬Δ «Í¤Ò≈ ¡≥’ ÍÛ∑Ø ‹Δ”” «‹√ Â≈∫ «Í¤ÒΔ «’Ù «Ú⁄ ÓÀÈ∂ ¿∞√ √Ó∂∫ ÁΔ¡≈∫ ’∞¤ ÿ‡È≈Ú≈∫ Ú≈∂ «Ò«÷¡≈ √Δ «’ √ÚÀ ‹ΔÚÈΔ «Ò÷‰ Òμ◊∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ¡≈∫ ¡Ì∞μÒ Ô≈Á≈ ÁΔ Ó≈Ò≈ Á∂ «Ï÷∂ ‘ج∂ Ó‰’∂ «¬’·∂ ’’∂ ÂÂΔÏ Á∂‰≈ ¡√≈È È‘Δ∫ ‘∞Á ß ≈, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ’Á∂ ÌΔ ’Ø¬Δ Ó‰’≈ ÒÌ ÍÚ∂ Â≈∫ ⁄∞μ’ ‘Δ ÒÀ‰≈ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬μ’ Ô≈Á «¬‘ ‘À «’ ¿∞√ Ú’Â «‹¡≈Á≈ Í«Û∑¡≈ «Ò«÷¡≈ ’Ø¬Δ ¡≈ÁÓΔ «Íß‚ «Ú⁄ È‘Δ∫ √Δ ‘∞Á ß ≈ Õ ’∞¤ «◊‰ÂΔ Á∂ ÒØ’ ‘Δ «‹¡≈Á≈ ÂØ∫ «‹¡≈Á≈ Á√ÚΔ∫ Í≈√ ‘Δ √È, ’≈‰ «¬‘ √Δ «’ «‹¡≈Á≈ ÒØ’ ÷∂ÂΔ Ï≈ÛΔ ‹≈∫ ‘Ø ‘ÊΔ∫ ’ßÓ ‘Δ ’Á∂ √È Õ ’∞ÛΔ Â≈∫ ’Ø¬Δ ÌΔ ÍÛ∑Δ «Ò÷Δ È‘Δ∫ √ΔÕ ¡μ‹ ’μÒ Â≈∫ ÒÛ≈¬Δ¡≈∫ Á∂ „ß◊ ÏÁÒ ◊¬∂ Ò∂«’È ¿∞Á∫Ø ’Á∂ ’Á∂ «’√∂ Ó∂Ò∂ Â∂ ‹≈∫ È’Ò≈∫ ÍÀ‰ Â∂ ÒÛ≈¬Δ¡≈∫ ’Á∂ ’Á∂ ‘Ø ‹≈∫ÁΔ¡≈∫ √È ‹Ø «‹¡≈Á≈ ‚≈∫◊≈∫ ‡’±¬∂ Â∂ «’Í≈È≈∫ È≈Ò ‘∞Á ß Δ¡≈∫ √È, ÏßÁ’ ± Â≈∫ «’√∂ ÏÁÓ≈Ù ’ØÒ ‘Δ ‘∞Á ß Δ √ΔÕ √≈‚∂ ‹μ‡≈∫ Á∂ Ó∞‘μÒ∂ «Ú⁄ «ÂßÈ ÿ Ïz‘Óȉ≈ Á∂ √È «‹‘È≈∫ «Ú⁄Ø∫ ÓÒ≈Ú≈ ≈Ó Á≈ ÓÀ∫ «˜’ ’È≈ ⁄≈‘∞Á ß ≈ ‘≈∫Õ «¬‘ Ó∂∂ Ï⁄ÍÈ Á∂ ÁØ√ ÓμÁΔ Á∂ «ÍÂ≈ ‹Δ √ÈÕ «¬‘ «ÂßÈ Ì≈ √È ¡Â∂ ÷∂ÂΔ Ï≈ÛΔ ’Á∂ √ÈÕ ÓÒ≈Ú≈ ≈Ó ¿∞∫fi Â≈∫ ÌÒ≈Ó≈È√ √Δ Ò∂«’È ‹μ‡≈∫ È≈Ò ‚≈∫◊ √؇≈ ‘؉ Ò¬Δ Â’Û≈ √ΔÕ ’Á∂ ’Á∂ «’√∂ È≈Ò fi◊Û≈ ‘Ø ‹≈∫Á≈ Â≈∫ «¬‘ √≈∂ ÿ «¬μ’·∂ ‘Ø ‹≈∫Á∂ √ΔÕ √≈‚∂ «Íß‚ Á∂ ¿∞μÂ Ú≈Ò∂ Í≈√∂ ÏÏ∂ÒΔ «Íß‚ Á∂ ’ØÒ «¬μ’ ◊∞Á∞¡≈≈ ⁄Ω∫Â≈ √≈‘Ï ‘À ‹Ø ¡μ‹ Ï‘∞ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ ω «◊¡≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬‘ ◊∞Á∞¡≈≈ «¬μ’ ÈÁΔ Á∂ ’ß„∂ ‘À «‹√ 鱧 ¿∞√ Ú’Â ⁄Ø¡

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

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For any Social Functions, we provide full DJ Services. Contact: Anil DJ-07792 702 079

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Homeopathy for High Blood Pressure Hypertension or high blood pressure is by and large a product of the modern lifestyle. For details of the various reasons and causes, you can refer to NHS Choices website but for the sake of our patients, I will be giving them in brief here. My main focus in this piece will be detailing the different homeopathic medicines used to treat high blood pressure. It is pertinent to mention here that these medicines do not work in the same way as typical conventional medicines. Conventional medicines immediately bring down the blood pressure and the effect lasts for a couple of hours. Thereafter, you have to repeat the dosage. This process is endless when it comes to modern conventional medicine meaning that the medicines are habit forming and have to be taken for the rest of one's life. On the contrary, when you take Homeopathy for this problem, the results will not be instant and the blood pressure will not fall in minutes after having taken the homeopathic medicine. Rather, it takes some days or weeks to start showing its effects. Once the raised blood pressure starts to fall to near the normal blood pressure, the results will be long lasting. After a couple of months, the blood pressure will come down to normal and even if you are not taking homeopathic medicines for high BP, your blood pressure will remain normal. Before we go into the specifics of the treatment, it is important that we understand the dynamics of blood pressure, what it is and its causes and symptoms. So here are the basics in brief: High Blood Pressure The normal average blood pressure

is 120 mm systolic and 80 mm diastolic. This is the average blood pressure and not the absolute normal. Anything in the range of 110 and 130 mm systolic and 70 to 90 mm diastolic can be considered within range. When the blood pressure shoots above 140 mm systolic and 90 mm diastolic, it is considered high. Such a patient is said to be suffering from high blood pressure or having hypertension.

One reading of high blood pressure is not sufficient to label a person as having hypertension. At least 3 readings at 3 different occasions should be taken before telling a person that they have high blood pressure. Symptoms of High Blood Pressure :The truth is that high blood pressure is unlikely to have any symptoms. That is precisely why most of the time hypertension is detected as a result of a routine check-up or while investigating for other symptoms. It is therefore known as a silent killer. Managing High Blood Pressure My experience has been that managing high BP is not at all difficult. It is widely known that the culprit of this is the modern-day

lifestyle. While we cannot go back and live in the Stone Age, we can take some steps (listed below) that can help us bring closer to nature and further from the modern lifestyle. The good part is that by reversing these lifestyle changes, one is able to control their blood pressure. - Start walking daily for 40-45 minutes. - Drink a lot of water. - Cut down on intake of salty or fried

the body, the various systems and the immunity back to the natural efficient self. Once that occurs, the body and its own innate defence systems are able to get everything under control. This can maybe then allow you to reduce your medications or perhaps even lead a medicine free life. Here I am giving you some examples of Homeopathic medicines for high an exhaustive list covering all types blood pressure treatment. I have of cases of high blood pressure. In found these homeopathic medicines chronic cases, one has to look at to be most commonly indicated and various things before prescribing very effective for the homeopathic homeopathic medication. If treatment of high blood pressure: someone is on conventional Avena Sativa, Belladonna, Nux medicine they should not stop their Vomica, Natrum Mur: These current treatment but homeopathic medicines are the tried and tested medicine can be taken alongside it. ones. They have their own Once the effects of homeopathic indications and work only when the medicine begin to work in a couple symptoms match. It requires the of months' time, it is then possible expertise of a diligent and to taper down the conventional experienced Homeopathic medicine with the advice of your GP. practitioner to understand the Kulwant Singh Uppal requirements of each individual FEhom, LFHom (Pharm) patient and prescribe the most Medical Homeopathic Practitioner foods. suitable homeopathic remedy for Tel: 0121 456 7420 - Junk food and processed foods high blood pressure therefore selfMobile: 07988681527 should be avoided. medication should not be E-mail: - Consume raw fruit and vegetables recommended.This is by no means daily. - Yoga is also very effective in bringing blood pressure levels to normal. Homeopathic remedies for High Blood Pressure :In the San Francisco :Sidestepping once again whether Donald Trump’s homeopathic system, the tweets violates its terms of service, the micro-blogging platform has medicines do not have an clarified that it will not block the US President’s tweets because he is immediate effect. They take some a world leader. In a blog post called “World Leaders on Twitter”, the time to get the body and the various company said on Friday that there has been a lot of discussion about systems back into shape. This is political figures and world leaders on the platform.“Blocking a world leader because the focus is on getting to from Twitter or removing their controversial tweets would hide important the root of the problem. Homeopathy information people should be able to see and debate,” the company does not work in a superficial said.“It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper manner. It does not just aim at necessary discussion around their words and actions.” Twitter was not alleviating the individual symptoms. blocking Trump for his “nuclear button” tweet that stormed the social On the contrary, the effort is to get media, and many thought raised prospect of nuclear war with North Korea.

Donald Trump a world leader, won’t block him: Twitter

Royal recognition for East Midlands Ambulance Service clinician East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) technician, Kuldip Singh Bhamrah has been named in the New Year's Honours List to receive the prestigious Queen's Ambulance Service Medal for Distinguished Service. The medal, presented at Buckingham Palace in London, recognises ambulance personnel who have shown exceptional devotion to duty, outstanding ability, merit and conduct in their role. Kuldip is one of only xxx colleagues from the ten English ambulance services to receive the award this year. When told about the news, he said: "I was so overwhelmed and proud when I first heard that I was going to be a recipient of this award. It was completely unexpected. It still hasn't quite sunk in". Kuldip has been serving the people of Leicestershire and Rutland for 36 years. He began

his ambulance career as a member of the non-urgent Patient Transport Service in 1981 based at the then Welford Road Ambulance Station. In 1982 Kuldip successfully trained and qualified

team, known for his humour, generosity and listening ear. He said: "My colleagues at EMAS, both past and present, have become my second family. It's all down to their love and support that

as a technician and has responded to thousands of 999 calls, receiving many commendations from the public for his professional and compassionate conduct. Kuldip is a much loved and respected member of the EMAS

I am where I am today". As an ambulance technician Kuldip works alongside an emergency care assistant or paramedic to respond to 999 calls. He is required to make clinical decisions and is the lead clinician if crewed up with an emergency

care assistant, providing patients with potentially life-saving care at the scene and getting patients to hospital if further treatment is required. Working shifts and in all weathers; Kuldip deals with a range of different people and situations. When Kuldip is not responding to 999 calls, he works with his local community raising awareness about the ambulance service, teaching emergency first aid skills, fundraising through using his singing talents and highlighting careers within the service. Kuldip explained: "As a British Sikh, doing what I consider to be the best the job in the world, I am passionate about raising awareness of the many different roles in the ambulance service within the Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. I especially want to encourage

young people within the BAME communities to consider, what I believe to be an incredibly rewarding profession". Commenting on his achievement Mark Gregory, EMAS General Manager for Leicestershire and Rutland, said: "Kuldip is an asset to our service. I am proud to have him as part of my team. His dedication to EMAS, as well as his passion for community engagement work is a source of inspiration." Kuldip has also received recognition when he was awarded the EMAS Chief Executive's Commendation for his actions whilst on holiday in London. He was first on the scene at a cardiac arrest in a public place and even after colleagues from London Ambulance Service arrived on scene, Kuldip remained and provided assistance".

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

China tightens North Korea trade limits under UN sanctions Beijing: China on Friday tightened limits on critically important energy supplies to North Korea and stepped up other trade restrictions under intensified UN nuclear sanctions. Beijing said it will limit exports of crude oil and refined petroleum to the North. Previous curbs didn’t apply to crude oil, which makes up the bulk of China’s energy exports to the North.China accounts for nearly all of Pyongyang’s energy supplies and trade, making its enforcement key to sanctions aimed at discouraging leader Kim Jong Un from pursuing nuclear and missile technology. The Security Council tightened sanctions on the North following its ballistic missile test on Nov. 29.Beijing was long Pyongyang’s diplomatic protector but has supported the UN sanctions out of frustration with what Chinese leaders see as their neighbour’s increasingly reckless

behaviour.Despite the loss of almost all trade, the impoverished North has pressed ahead with weapons development that Kim’s regime sees as necessary for its survival in the face of US pressure. China has steadily increased economic pressure on Pyongyang while calling for dialogue to defuse

the increasingly acrimonious dispute with US President Donald Trump’s government.On Friday, a foreign ministry spokesman applauded news of possible talks between the North and South Korea’s government. “We welcome the recent positive turn of events in the peninsular

Israel finds 2,700-year-old ‘governor of Jerusalem’ seal

JERUSALEM : Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Monday a 2,700-year-old clay seal imprinted with images and Hebrew words that may have belonged to a biblical governor of Jerusalem. The round button-sized seal was found in a building in Jerusalem’s Old City near the Western Wall and dates back to the 7th century BC, from the time of the First Jewish Temple, said the Israel Antiquities Authority. The artefact bears an engraving showing two men wearing robes and facing each other in a mirrorlike manner. Below them is an inscription in ancient Hebrew that reads “to the governor of the city”, or mayor.“It’s a very rare find,” said Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, excavator of the Western Wall plaza for the Israel Antiquities Authority. “The find’s great importance is that until now, we only know the expression of city governor (of Jerusalem) from the Bible,” she told AFP. “This is the first time we find it in

the archaeological context, in an archaeological dig of a structure from the seventh century BC,” she added. The seal does not mention the name of the governor or the city of Jerusalem, but Weksler-Bdolah said she believed it referred to the Holy City. She said a scientific examination of the seal would be conducted soon and was expected to corroborate its link to Jerusalem. According to her, the seal was apparently attached to an object to be delivered to someone on behalf of the governor of the city. News of the discovery comes as tensions swirl around Jerusalem after US President Donald Trump designated the city as Israel’s capital. Jerusalem’s status is perhaps the most sensitive issue in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. Israel sees the entire city as its capital, while the Palestinians want the eastern sector as the capital of their future state.

situation,” said spokesman Geng Shuang at a regular briefing held before the latest trade curbs were announced.Geng expressed hope “all relevant parties” would take advantage of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to “bring the issue back to the correct track of peaceful settlement through dialogue and consultation.”In the same briefing, Geng said China’s government would “deal seriously” with violators of U.N. sanctions on North Korea after a South Korean newspaper said Chinese-owned ships registered abroad regularly traded oil to the North. Analysts see North Korea’s need for Chinese oil as the most powerful economic leverage against Pyongyang. But Chinese leaders have warned against taking drastic measures that might destabilize Kim’s government or send a wave of refugees fleeing into China.Chinese leaders have resisted previous US demands for an outright oil embargo but went along with the latest limits.

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Egypt’s Grand Mufti endorses Bitcoin trading ban

Cairo : Egypt’s top imam has endorsed a ban on trading in Bitcoin by declaring it “forbidden” by Islam. Sheikh Shawki Allam, the Grand Mutfi, said the digital cryptocurrency carried risks of “fraudulence, lack of knowledge, and cheating”. Bitcoin began last year below $1,000 but reached nearly $20,000 before the end of the year. Then it lost more than 25% of its value inside a week, sparking warnings of a dangerous bubble. The Grand Mufti said risks could arise because the virtual currency was not subject to surveillance by any centralised

authority. “Bitcoin is forbidden in Sharia as it causes harm to individuals, groups and institutions,” the fatwa said, as reported by Egyptian daily Ahram In August 2017, Egypt’s first bitcoin exchange was opened. The crypto-currency was declared illegitimate by the authorities last month. An adviser to the Grand Mufti, Magdy Ashour, told Egypt Today that Bitcoin was “used directly to fund terrorists”. Last month, a New York-based woman was charged with laundering Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and wiring the money to help so-called Islamic State.

Government Association, told the BBC: “Clearly there’s a part to play for incineration but not all parts of the country have incinerators. “It’s a challenge - but mostly in the short term… and we will cope. In

consulting with industry over a tax on single-use plastics and a deposit scheme for bottles. Reduce and simplify Mr Gove told the BBC his longterm goals were to reduce the

the longer term we need a much more intelligent waste strategy.” Any move towards burning more plastic waste, though, would be met with fierce resistance from environmental groups. Louise Edge, from Greenpeace, told the BBC: “The government has got us into this mess by continually putting off decisions and passing the buck.“Incineration is the wrong answer - it’s a high-carbon nonrenewable form of generating electricity. It also creates toxic chemicals and heavy metals.“If you build incinerators it creates a market for the next 20 years for single-use plastics, which is the very thing we need to be reducing right now.”The government is

amount of plastic in the economy overall, reduce the number of different plastics, simplify local authority rules so people can easily judge what’s recyclable and what isn’t as well as increase the rate of recycling.The UK must, he said, “stop off-shoring its dirt”. The Commons Environmental Audit Committee said Britain should introduce a sliding scale tax on plastic packaging with the hardest to recycle being charge most and the easiest to recycle being charged least.There is broad agreement over much of that agenda, but it is not yet clear how the UK will achieve that long-term goal - or how it will solve its shortterm China crisis.

UK ‘faces build-up of plastic waste’

The UK’s recycling industry says it doesn’t know how to cope with a Chinese ban on imports of plastic waste.Britain has been shipping up to 500,000 tonnes of plastic for recycling in China every year, but now the trade has been stopped. At the moment the UK cannot deal with much of that waste, says the UK Recycling Association.Its chief executive, Simon Ellin, told the BBC he had no idea how the problem would be solved in the short term. “It’s a huge blow for us... a gamechanger for our industry,” he said. “We’ve relied on China so long for our waste… 55% of paper, 25% plus of plastics. “We simply don’t have the markets in the UK. It’s going to mean big changes in our industry.” China has introduced the ban from this month on “foreign garbage” as part of a move to upgrade its industries.Other Asian nations will take some of the plastic, but there will still be a lot left. Seven charts that explain the plastic pollution problem Simple ways to cut back on plastic Curb ‘devastating’ waste MPs say. Environment Secretary Michael Gove has admitted that he was slow to spot the problem coming. The UK organisation Recoup, which recycles plastics, said the imports ban would lead to stockpiling of plastic waste and a move towards incineration and landfill. Peter Fleming, from the Local

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Outrage in Turkey over ‘child marriage green light’ ANKARA : Turkey’s religious affairs state agency came under heavy criticism on Thursday from the main opposition party after it reportedly said girls as young as nine could marry under Islamic law. The Diyanet religious affairs directorate said on Tuesday the minimum age for girls to marry was nine, while for boys it was 12, according to Turkish media

including Hurriyet daily quoting the agency’s official website. The post, which took the form of an explanatory statement on Islamic law, has since been taken down, after a backlash from the opposition and women’s rights groups. The head of the High Commission of Religious Affairs Ekrem Keles on Thursday told Hurriyet that the earliest

age for a girl to marry is 17 and 18 for a boy. “Forget a nine or a 10 year old child marrying, a child at 15 should not marry and should not be married,” he said. The legal age to get married in Turkey is 18. But Turkish law says that in an extraordinary circumstance, a judge can give permission for a male and female aged 16 to marry. The controversy

Infant’s DNA tells of ‘first Americans’

PARIS: A baby girl who died in Alaska some 11,500 years ago belonged to a formerlyunknown population group whose discovery has shed light on the peopling of the Americas, a study of her genome has revealed. By decoding the child’s genetic fingerprint, scientists could look back on the history of the first people to conquer the New World, and conclude they likely arrived from Siberia some 20,000 years ago. “The study provides the first direct genomic evidence that all Native American ancestry can be traced back to the same source population during the last Ice Age,” researcher Ben Potter of the

University of Alaska told AFP. Potter and a team analysed the DNA of an infant whose remains were unearthed at the Upward Sun River archaeological site in Alaska in 2013. She was named Xach’itee’aanenh T’eede

Gaay (Sunrise Girlchild) by the indigenous community, and her genome “provided an unprecedented window into the history of her people”, said Potter.The team had expected the girl’s genetic profile to match that of known

Germany starts enforcing hate speech law GERMANY: Germany is set to start enforcing a law that demands social media sites move quickly to remove hate speech, fake news and illegal material.Sites that do not remove “obviously illegal” posts could face fines of up to 50m euro (£44.3m). The law gives the networks 24 hours to act after they have been told about lawbreaking material. Social networks and media sites with more than two million members will fall under the law’s provisions.Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will be the law’s main focus but it is also likely to be applied to Reddit, Tumblr and Russian social network VK. Other sites such as Vimeo and Flickr could also be caught up in its provisions. The Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG) law was passed at the end of June 2017 and came into force in early October. The social networks were given until the end of 2017

to prepare themselves for the arrival of NetzDG. The call to police social media sites more effectively arose after several high-profile cases in which fake news and racist material was being spread via the German arms of prominent social media firms. Germany’s justice ministry said it would make forms available on its site,

which concerned citizens could use to report content that violates NetzDG or has not been taken down in time.As well as forcing social media firms to act quickly, NetzDG requires them to put in place a comprehensive complaints structure so that posts can quickly be reported to staff. Twitter recently updated the guidelines it follows when tackling hate speech. Most material will have to be

removed within 24 hours but networks will have a week to act on “complex cases”. Facebook has reportedly recruited several hundred staff in Germany to deal with reports about content that breaks the NetzDG and to do a better job of monitoring what people post.The law has been controversial in Germany with some saying it could lead to inadvertent censorship or curtail free speech.The German law is the most extreme example of efforts by governments and regulators to rein in social media firms. Many of them have come under much greater scrutiny this year as information about how they are used to spread propaganda and other sensitive material has come to light. In the UK, politicians have been sharply critical of social sites, calling them a “disgrace” and saying they were “shamefully far” from doing a good job of policing hate speech and other offensive content.

Native American groups. Instead, it showed she belonged to a completely new group, which they named Ancient Beringians.“Prior to this study, we did not know that this Ancient Beringian population existed,” said Potter.Critically, the girl’s genome also revealed the identity of a common ancestor her people shared with Native Americans. This common forebear or “source population”, which the team dubbed Ancestral Native Americans, emerged some 36,000 years ago in what is Russia today,

splitting from East Asians, whose progeny include the Han Chinese. The common ancestor stuck around on the Asian continent for several thousand years, with genetic evidence that it interbred with its East Asian cousins. This likely stopped due to “brutal changes in the climate” at the height of the last Ice Age, which may have isolated the ancestral group.Around 20,000 years ago, it split into two groups one of them the Ancient Beringians - the gene data showed.

touched a nerve in Turkey, where child marriages are not uncommon and the fight continues to raise girls’ level of education. Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmaker Gaye Usluer accused the government of being “more interested in how to marry children at a young age when there needs to be talk on children’s education, health”. Meanwhile CHP lawmaker Murat Bakan on Twitter said child marriages “violates children’s rights, women’s rights and human rights”, adding that the party had called for a parliamentary investigation into child marriages. Women’s rights groups also criticised the agency, which is similar to a religious affairs ministry, accusing it of trying to legitimise child abuse and urging Diyanet to “get their hands off our children”. The ministry said it had “never and will never approve early marriages” in a statement, saying it was only defining Islamic law.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries (March 21-April 19) Mercury influences your 10th house of ambition and power, till January end and if you play your cards right, you have the ability to harness success and attain your desires. Be careful with cash and valuables at the weekend. Taurus (April 21-May 20) Tread carefully and take the chores one at time; in fact, avoid multi- tasking. Some of you will undertake journeys for work and may have to research and negotiate. Gemini (May 21-June 20) With the combo of Sun, Mercury and Pluto, your charm and magnetism are beamed to the universe and an intense activity of love, attraction and infatuation is forecast for next few weeks. Concentrate on your professional matters mid-week. Cancer (June 22-July 22) You have had a relaxing two weeks and now it is back to the grind stone. Pick up work from the point where you left before the holidays and gradually tidy and finish off. Mercury the messenger awakens your urge to communicate and connect with people. Leo (July 23-August 22 With planetary activity in your 6th house of work and career, it is inevitable that you are bogged down with professional and personal chores. Home family and loved ones pull you on one side and by office work on the other. Bear all till next week. Virgo (August 23-September 22) No need to keep a low profile or your thoughts to yourself, any more. Your house of expression and outreach is activated on the Tuesday and the more you spread out your wings, more you will progress. Attend to repairs at home. Libra (September 23-October 20) Discussion and arguments may cause tensions at home but if

you compromise and concede diplomatically, issues will be resolved amicably. As Mercury lights up your status and you are in the spotlight. Ease out at the weekend and spend quality time with family. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You get a power surge early in the week and with your communications skills you are force to reckon with. Midweek could bring you a long awaited positive news relating to your career. You are still in a holiday mode, but remember work has to be done. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Collaborate with like minded people and you can achieve what you desire. The Sun beams and illuminates your second house of money and you begin to notice financial improvements. Stay focused at the weekend to finish off domestic chores. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Holidays are over and you have to dive deep to finish off professional assignments. As Saturn and Pluto join hands, a hectic period begins at the office. Your energy and magnetism are on the rise. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Time to review your relationships both professional and person career building and you feel isolated. You will not get out of a rut till you change your life style or may be move to a new environment. Your partner is engrossed Pisces (February 19- March 19) Planets offer you some options this weeks and if you choose wisely. Some people are sabotaging your projects and others are undermining your reputation. It is time to detour and move to new greener pastures.

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√≥Í’ ’Ø: Mr. Singh: @GIGCDGBFIB

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Ground-breaking car cruising ban extended until 2021 A ground-breaking injunction banning car cruising in the Black Country has been extended for a further three years by the High Court today (Tuesday 9 January, 2018).The injunction bans people from taking part in a car cruise anywhere within Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall, or from promoting, organising or publicising any such event in the four areas.Some 17 people have

also been convicted of breaching the injunction, either by participating in or organising a car cruise, and have received suspended prison sentences, been fined up to £1,000 and ordered to pay court costs. However, there are still car cruising hotspots in the region with a

number of fatalities linked to car cruising in recent years, and so the four Black Country boroughs, led by the City of Wolverhampton Council and West Midlands Police, were successful in seeking a continuation of the injunction until 1 February 2021 at the Birmingham District Registry of the High Court this morning.His

Honour Judge McKenna, sitting as a High Court judge, said: "The measures are reasonable and proportionate and I am content to extend the order for another three years. "Councillor Paul Sweet, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: "Car cruising is noisy, dangerous and illegal, causing damage to property and

posing a risk of injury or worse to participants and the general public alike. It also takes up a lot of valuable time for our hard-pressed emergency services. PC Stuart Hemming from West Midlands Police said: "We will continue to work with councils in the Black Country to eradicate this anti-social and dangerous behaviour and make our boroughs safer places to live, work and socialise.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


India limits visitors to save Taj Mahal UK attack ‘hero’ admits AGRA : India is to restrict the number of daily visitors to the Taj Mahal in an attempt to preserve the iconic 17th-century monument to love, its biggest tourist attraction. Millions of mostly Indian tourists visit the Taj Mahal every year and their numbers are increasing steadily as domestic travel becomes easier. Experts say the vast crowds increase wear and tear on the white marble tomb, which already must undergo regular cleaning to stop it turning yellow from polluted air, and could put pressure on its foundations. In future only 40,000 local tourists will be allowed to enter the historic complex per day, authorities said Wednesday. “We have to ensure the safety of the monument and visitors as well. Crowd

management was emerging as a big challenge for us,” an official with the Archeological Survey of India - which controls the monument - told AFP on condition of anonymity. The restrictions will not apply to foreigners, who pay 1,000 rupees ($16) to enter.Indian

ticket if they want to get around the limit.The Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth in 1631. Anyone wanting to see the main crypt, which houses the couple’s spectacular

visitors normally pay just 40 marble graves inlaid with rupees, but will be able to semi-precious stones, will buy the more expensive also have to pay for the pricier ticket. The graves also date back Thought of the week to the 17th century but do "Time and Tide never wait for anybody, take the goods not actually contain the what God gives you, if one door shuts and He opens bodies of the royal couple, another one for you." Editor in Chief. who are buried under a

English vicar slaps £100 fine on brides running late for wedding

separate lower chamber. Visitors to the UNESCO World Heritage site already have to contend with lengthy queues and heavy security. The plan to restrict visitors comes after five people were injured in a crush on the last day of the year, which often attracts large crowds.“It’s a welcome move because the last time we came here it was very chaotic,” Seema Sarkar, a tourist from the eastern Indian state of West Bengal, told AFP.Local tourist police inspector R.B. Pandey said it was a much needed step. “It’s priceless heritage and if we don’t cap the tourist numbers it will be lost for future generations,” he said. “You just cannot control such huge crowds.” Daily visitors to the Taj Mahal average 10,00015,000 but can be much higher at weekends, going up to around 70,000. Nearly 6.5 million visited the monument in 2016, according to government figures.

kept waiting. The only exception to the fine is for delays caused by traffic jams or genuine mishaps, the paper said. Corbyn said the fine was proving a success, pointing out that brides were now arriving 10 minutes early. “It has had the desired effect,” he said.

UNITED NATIONS : Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Peru, Poland and the Netherlands formally joined the ranks of the non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday “to make a difference,” the body’s president said.“Peace and security are difficult to achieve,” Kazakh envoy Kairat Umarov, who took the rotating presidency in January, told council members at a special ceremony. “You are going to have a real chance to make a difference.” One after the other, ambassadors representing the council’s six new member countries - five men and a woman, Polish envoy Joanna Wronecka - placed their flag among those

of the body’s nine other members.The UN Security Council has 15 members, including five with permanent seats who have the power to veto resolutions - Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. Three women and 12 men are among the 15 ambassadors who will soon be seated at the U-shaped table in the center of the Security Council’s chamber. In addition to Wronecka and US envoy Nikki Haley, Karen Pierce will take her seat later this month as Britain’s new ambassador. The six countries who left the UN Security Council on December 31 are Egypt, Italy, Japan, Senegal, Ukraine and Uruguay.

( • 110, $135) cheque before the service, which he gets to keep if the bride is late and distribute to the organist, bellringers and choristers

A homeless man hailed as a hero for apparently coming to the aid of victims of the Manchester Arena terror attack last year admitted on Wednesday he had instead robbed them.CCTV footage played in court showed Chris Parker wandering between

victims bleeding on the floor after the bombing outside a pop concert in the northern English city in which 22 people were killed.Parker, 33, was seen in the footage taking a purse from the handbag of Pauline Healey, whose 14-year-old granddaughter lay dying nearby, and he later used her bank card at a local McDonald’s, the court heard. He was interviewed by British media in the

aftermath of the attack carried out by Salman Abedi, saying he had been begging outside the concert arena when the bomb went off.A tearful Parker told the Press Association news agency at the time: “I heard a bang and within a split second I saw a white flash, then smoke and then I h e a r d screaming.”“It knocked me to the floor and then I got up and instead of running away my gut instinct was to run back and try and help,” he said. “There was people lying on the floor everywhere,” he recounted, adding that a woman had died in his arms and he had come to the rescue of a little girl whose mother had been killed.Parker was also accused of stealing a mobile phone from a teenage girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at the scene of the explosion.

Indian man ‘kidnapped’ for marriage NEW DELHI : Allegations a young engineer was kidnapped and made to marry at gunpoint are being investigated by police in one of India’s poorest states, which has a history of forced marriage of men. Video footage apparently showing Vinod Kumar being forced to go through with a wedding by his bride’s family sparked the probe, police in the eastern state of Bihar said Friday.‘Pakadua Vivah’ (forced marriage) is a practice specific to Bihar and surrounding areas, and is mainly carried out by poor families who cannot afford a dowry - still a widespread expectation in India. A video circulated on social media shows the engineer being manhandled and forced to dress for the wedding as he pleads for freedom. “We are only performing your wedding, not hanging you,” one man is heard to shout as Kumar begs to be released. Another video shows Kumar sitting beside his bride crying while a woman, apparently an in-law, tries to console him. Lalan Mohan Prasad, a local officer, told AFP police had

Fed up with repeated delays to wedding services because of brides arriving late, an English vicar is imposing £100 fines for a delay of more than 10 minutes, The Times reported on Friday. Church of England vicar John Corbyn said he had introduced the policy at his two churches, Holy Cross in Bearsted and St Mary the Virgin in Thurnham, after two delayed weddings in a row. “My team was feeling a bit ill-used... We worried that it was going to become normal practice,” he said. Couples are asked to present the vicar with a £100

stealing from victims

contacted Kumar and offered their help but he had not formally complained. Local media quoted the engineer as saying one of the bride’s relatives had pointed a pistol at him after they met at a mutual friend’s wedding and ordered him to marry her. Since the incident, he has reportedly escaped and returned to his home in neighbouring Jharkhand state. Bihar has a long-held reputation for lawlessness and gang violence, with families thought to enlist organised criminals to help them carry out abductions and forced marriages. Local social scientist Saibal Gupta said such marriages enjoyed widespread acceptance and tended to endure, given the stigma of divorce. “The frequency of such kidnappings has come down, but certainly not stopped. Poverty is still rampant,” he told AFP. Official figures show police received nearly 3,000 complaints of groom kidnapping in 2016. None of the marriages were annulled.

Six countries enter UN Security Council

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


Global road safety programme for youth becomes multi award-winning Global non-governmental organization YOURS - Youth for Road Safety has been awarded the prestigious

Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for their work in creating a generation of youth road safety ambassadors. The YOURS' Capacity Development Programme has inspired and empowered young people on nearly every continent of the world to take meaningful action for road safety in their communities and beyond. It was described by the judges as having an exceptional impact across the world. Held annually, the most outstanding examples of international road safety

initiatives are given public recognition through the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards and the winners

are invited to a Gala Presentation held at The Savoy in London. Prince Michael of Kent is HRH Queen Elizabeth's paternal first cousin.Having been delivered in Belize, Kenya, Niger, Oman, Saint Lucia, United States of America and South Africa, the programme has developed the capacities of young people in all aspects of youth and road safety issues. It has provided young people with the skills and knowledge needed for them to go out into their communities and deliver strong road safety messages as champions. It is delivered

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in a unique youth friendly, brain friendly, highly interactive and energetic way. Picking up the award in London, YOURS Communications Director Manpreet Darroch said, "We are delighted to have our work recognized by this prestigious award. Road traffic crashes remain, and have been the single biggest public health concern facing youth for over a decade. However, the young people we inspire and work worth are doing something about it', he added."Our programme in Belize for example, has contributed to a real change in the country with young people setting the example for the rest of society as road safety champions. It's the young people themselves who are taking real action. We need to continue to invest in youth as catalysts of change for road safety and take them seriously in youth participation. We thank our Founding Members Michelin and the World Health Organization for their unwavering support from the start and all other partners that make our work possible". Find out more at Manprit Daroch di report

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Malaysia approves new search for missing flight MH370 Kuala Lumpur The Malaysian government has approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the Indian Ocean, the Transport Minister said Saturday. A US based company early this week dispatched the search vessel Seabed Constructor to look for debris in the southern Indian Ocean, 3 years after the Boeing 777 disappeared on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew.The governments of Malaysia, China and Australia called off the 1,046-day official search on Jan 17 last year without solving the mystery. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau’s final

report on the search conceded that authorities were no closer to knowing the reasons for the plane’s disappearance, or its exact location.“The basis of the offer from Ocean Infinity is based on no cure, no fee,” Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Saturday. It means that payment will be made only if the company finds the wreckage.“That means they are willing to search the area of 25,000 square kilometers pointed out by the expert group near the Australian waters,” he said.However, he said, “I don’t want to give too much hope … to the (next of kin).” He said his government was committed to continue with the search.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Taking 20 wickets of little value if we don’t bat well: Virat Kohli

CAPE TOWN His bowlers set it up nicely by taking 20 South African wickets but a dejected India captain Virat Kohli said that it would be of little consequence if the batsmen don’t put up a better show in the upcoming matches. India’s star-studded batting line-up scored 209 and 135 in both essays in their 72run defeat in the first Test. “Taking 20 wickets to win a Test match is the priority. But if your batsmen don’t bat well, then it doesn’t matter. If you are not getting close to their total, it doesn’t matter if you have taken 20 wickets or not. We needed to bat better than what we did,” Kohli didn’t beat around the bush after yet another humiliating defeat outside the sub-continent. The skipper felt for his bowling attack which dismissed South Africa for 130 in the second innings and kept the victory target at a gettable 208. “Definitely, we feel for the

bowlers because they bowled their hearts out. A guy like Jasprit (Bumrah) bowled beautifully in his first Test match, he troubled the batsmen a lot this morning. Mohammed Shami bowled his heart out, Bhuvi was good as well and not having done the job, they will also be gutted about it,” the disappointment was palpable in skipper’s voice. “At the same time as I said they know that can repeat that performance and if we get a lively wicket again, we can exploit those conditions,” said Kohli. He was all praise for Hardik Pandya for his all-round effort in this Test match. “Hardik Pandya showed great character in the first innings to get us to that total. We needed if not one big partnership, then every wicket adding 30-35 would have done the job for us. We needed to show more character with the bat there is no question about it,” he added.

Kohli spoke about the intent that is needed to be shown with perfect blend of defence and attack while batting on these adverse conditions, which are completely different from the belters on Indian subcontinent. “We lost four wickets in four overs. If you do that, it is very tough for you to come back and win Test matches from there. You want their bowlers to come back for second and third spells. We failed to do that and need to apply ourselves better. “At the same time, we need to have intent because the kind of bowling attack they have. You can’t even be in a zone of not having intent and see off 35-40 overs. You need to find the perfect balance to do well in South Africa especially where there is more bounce. You cannot be casual at the same time you cannot have loose shots also,” he observed. Kohli did not pay much heed to the criticism about going into the Test match without any warm-up game. “We were very well-prepared. I don’t think we felt any lack of preparation. Even they got out for 130 in the second innings and they play here all the time. It was a wicket where things were happening every day. We let ourselves down with the bat, that’s for sure.” Kohli was all praise for man of the match Vernon Philander, who took career-best 6 for 42 to dismantle India.

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018

Season 3 off to lukewarm start as Sushil blocked

New Delhi Season 3 of the Pro Wrestling League got off to a lukewarm start with a modest crowd turnout and top draw Sushil Kumar not making his tournament debut after the opposition blocked the 74kg category. The small crowd that had come to watch the action at the Siri Fort Sports Complex were left disappointed after Mumbai Maharathi’s Sakshi Malik won the toss and blocked the 74kg category, keeping Delhi Sultans’ Sushil off the mat. The crowd numbers increased as the tie progressed but still more than half of the 3000seater arena was empty. PWL

CEO Sunil Yash Kalra felt the turnout would improve as the 18-day league progressed. “I am sure there would have been a lot more people if Sushil was competing. But his category was expectedly blocked by the opposition, which is the beauty of this format,” Kalra said. “Wrestling is a sport where you are never worried about crowd support. It has huge following. I am confident the turnout will only get bigger as the tournament goes on,” he said, adding that 12 Olympics medallists and 24 World Championship medallists were participating in the event.

Nadal begins new era without mentor Toni in Australia Barcelona- Rafael Nadal showed that talk of his demise had been exaggerated by winning the French and US Open titles last year although he faces a battle to repeat those feats without his lifelong coach and uncle Toni while also fighting familiar injury troubles. He returns to the Australian Open, where he lost a thrilling five-set final to longtime rival Roger Federer in 2017, after overcoming his chronic knee problems just in time and hoping to continue last year's progress under new coach Carlos Moya. Former world number one Moya will lead the Mallorcan's team, after spending last season with Rafael and Toni preparing for

the latter's retirement, having helped Nadal roar back to life after a barren three-year spell without a grand slam trophy. He can take some credit for the vast improvement in Nadal's second serve, which helped the Spaniard win a

10th Roland Garros title without dropping a set and saw him blow away Kevin Anderson to lift the final major of the year in New York. "I increased my serve by several kilometres per hour and I think I did better overall with my second than first, and I can say I won some

points almost for free as a result," Nadal said in an interview with Spanish daily AS in December. "We’ll have to keep working on that because in my career there are two vital things, the serve and the return, where I start the point and where I have to attack so I don’t have to run more than I need to. "It's a new era and will be like adapting to a different routine. Moya has come with new ideas and new methods of working that have worked well and we are excited." last action. Nadal, 31, became the oldest player to end the year as world number one although the stresses and strain on his body finally took their toll when he had to pull out of the ATP World Tour Finals in November after losing his opening round


match.That was his last competitive action as he missed warm-up events in Abu Dhabi and Brisbane and only returned for the Kooyong Classic exhibition tournament on January 9, in which he lost in straight sets to Richard Gasquet. Nadal was naturally rusty after his extended break but he looked free from his notorious knee problems and is by no means alone in heading to the Australian Open after injury troubles. Andy Murray has had to extend his six-month absence by having hip surgery, while Novak Djokovic and Stan Wawrinka have not played competitively since Wimbledon in July although the pair, unlike the Briton, will be at Melbourne Park.

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 13,

Issue 649

11st January to 17th January 2018


È∂ «‹æ«Â¡≈ Best Residential Development UK Regional Award and National Award 2017-18

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MARC DARCY Brand Winner of 2017 Wishes to all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR

Ó≈È⁄À√‡ ÁΔ ÓÙ‘» GORDON BENNET ’≥ÍÈΔ Á∂ Ïzª‚ MARC DARCY «‹√È∂ DRAPERS INDEPENDENT AWARD 2017 «‹º«Â¡≈ ‘À, Á∂ √≈∂ √‡≈Î ¡Â∂ ÍzÏ≥Ë’Δ ÏØ‚ ÚºÒØ∫ √Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ ◊π± ◊Ø«ÏßÁ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ ¡Â∂ ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òº÷ Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ªÕ

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