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480 Dudley Road, Wolverhampton WV2 3AF
Tel: 07539828168 Billa Vol: 13,
Issue 652
U.K’s Largest Circulated Free Punjabi/English Newspaper
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¡Á≈≈ ÓÈ «‹æ ÚæÒØ∫ ÙzΔ ◊∞» ‘« ≈¬∂ √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª √≈Δ¡ª √ß◊ª 鱧 ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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Vol: 13,
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Sunrise Glazing (INTL) Ltd.
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
ÙzΔ ◊∞» ‘« ≈¬∂ ¡Â∂ ÙzΔ ◊∞» «ÚÁ≈√ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª Òº÷-Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Á∂ Ó≈Ò’ ÙzΔ √ΔÂÒ ≈Ó ÒºËÛ, ÙzΔ ’∂Ù ÒºËÛ ¡Â∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ ÚºÒ∫Ø √Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ Ë≥È Ë≥È ◊∞» «ÚÁ≈√ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù ÍπÏ ÁΔ Òº÷ Òº÷ ÚË≈¬ΔÕ
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
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1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Úº÷-Úº÷ ÓπÒ’ª Á∂ ¯Ω‹Δ ¡«Ë’≈Δ¡ª È∂ ’ΔÂ∂ ‘«Ó≥Á √≈«‘Ï Á∂ ÁÙÈ
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
& all Benefits
√Δ ”Â∂ ‡À‡» Ú≈«Ò¡ª ÁΔ ÷π√ º √’ÁΔ ‘À ÈΩ’Δ
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01902 544 785, 078888 35994
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Vol: 13,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 652
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1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
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1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
11 13
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Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
13 11
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Open 7 days 11 AM to 11PM
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ÒØ‘ÛΔ ÁΔ¡ª Òæ÷-Òæ÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª
131 Willenhall Road, Wolverhampton WV1 2HR For table bookings
Tel – 01902 454040 or 0773455837
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
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Midlands Ltd.
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
◊∞» ÿ ÁΔ √Ó»‘ √≥◊ Â∂ √∂Ú≈Á≈ ’Ó∂‡Δ ÚºÒØ∫ √Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ ÙzΔ ◊∞» ‘« ≈¬∂ ¡Â∂ ÙzΔ ◊∞» «ÚÁ≈√ ‹Δ Á∂ ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈ ÁΔ ÚË≈¬ΔÕ
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Vol: 13,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
I/AA ‘ÓÒ≈ : «Í≥‹ª ÁΔ ÙÈ≈÷Â Ò¬Δ Íø‹≈Ï √’≈ ÚÒØ∫ ÁØ ◊∞Áπ¡≈«¡ª Í≥‹≈Ï ”Ú«√‡Δ Á∂ √≈«¬≥√Á≈È ˘ √ºÁ≈ ˘ Íz≈Í‡Δ ‡À’√ Á∂ ÈØ«‡√ ’ΔÂ∂ ‹≈Δ ⁄≥ ‚ Δ◊Û∑ : I/AA ÚÒ‚ ‡∂‚ √À∫‡ (‚Ï«Ò¿±‡Δ√Δ) ‘ÓÒ∂ Á∂ ÍΔÛª Á∂ «Í≥‹ ÁΔ ÙÈ≈ıÂ Ò¬Δ √≈«¬≥√Á≈Ȫ Á∂ «ÚÙ∂Ù ◊∞Í º È≈Ò ’≥Ó ’È Ò¬Δ Í≥‹≈Ï Ô»ÈΔÚ«√‡Δ,
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Ì≈ÂΔ ’ΩÈ√πÒ‡ ∂ ‹ÈÒ È∂ Ïz«Ó≥ÿÓ «Ú÷∂ ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈ Ì≈ Á≈ FIÚª ◊‰Â≥ «ÁÚ√ «ÓÂΔ BF ‹ÈÚΔ B@AH «ÁÈ Ù∞º’Ú≈ ˘ √Ú∂∂ A@ Ú‹∂ Ì≈ Á∂ ¡À∂’«‡≥◊ ’Ω∫√Ò ‹ÈÒ ÙzΔ ¡À√ ¡ÀÓ ⁄º’ÏÂΔ È∂ Ì≈ Á∂ FIÚ∂∫ ◊‰Â≥ «ÁÚ√ ÁΔ ÷πÙΔ «Úº⁄ ÏÛ∂ √ÈÓ≈È È≈Ò Ì≈ Á∂ «Â≥◊∂ fi≥„∂ ˘ Ò«‘≈«¬¡≈ ¡Â∂ «¬√ Ù∞Ì ¡Ú√ Â∂ √ºÁ∂ ‘ج∂ ÷≈√ Ó«‘Ó≈Ȫ ¡Â∂ ’«Ó¿±«È‡Δ ÒΔ‚ª ÁΔ ‘≈˜Δ «Úº⁄,Ì≈ÂΔ ’ΩÈ√»Ò∂‡ Á∂ √Ó»‘ √‡≈Î È∂ √≈ÚË≈È ‘Ø’∂ Ù‡Δ ◊Δ ◊≈«¬¡≈ ¡Â∂ Ì≈ Ó≈Â≈ ’Δ ‹À Á∂ È≈Ò È≈Ò ‹À «‘≥Á Á∂ È≈‘∂ Ò≈ ’∂ Á∂Ù Ì◊ÂΔ ¡Â∂ ¬∂’Â≈ Á≈ √ϻ «ÁºÂ≈Õ«¬√ ¿∞Í≥ ÙzΔ ¡À√ ¡ÀÓ ⁄º’ÏÂΔ È∂ Ì≈ÂÚ≈√Δ¡ª Á∂ È≈Ó Ì≈ Á∂ ≈Ù‡ÍÂΔ Á≈ √≥Á∂Ù ÍÛ∑’∂ √π‰≈«¬¡≈ «‹√ «Úº⁄ Ì≈ È∂ ‘∞‰ º’ ’ΔÂΔ Âº’Δ Á∂ È≈Ò Á∂Ù ˘ ‘Ø Ó‘≈È Ï‰≈¿∞‰ Ò¬Δ √’≈ ÚºÒØ∫ ⁄πº’∂ ‹≈ ‘∂ ’ÁÓª Ï≈∂ ÌÍ» ‹≈‰’≈Δ «Á≥«Á¡ª √Ó»‘ Ì≈ÂÚ≈√Δ¡ª ˘ ◊‰Â≥ «ÁÚ√ ÁΔ ÚË≈¬Δ «ÁºÂΔÕ«¬√Á∂ È≈Ò ‘Δ ¿∞ÿ∂ ’ÚΔ¡ª, ◊ΔÂ’≈ª ¡Â∂ ’Ò≈’≈ª È∂ Á∂ÙÌ◊ÂΔ Â∂ Ì≈ÂΔ «Ú√∂ ˘ ¡≈Í‰Δ ’Ò≈ ≈‘Δ∫ Í∂Ù ’ΔÂ≈Õ
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
‘≈‰Δ ’ Ï≈Ò
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
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1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Indian-origin landlords found guilty of renting out ‘slum’ house to 40 in London An Indian-origin family who colluded with a property agent tolet out their four-bedroom house in north London to more than 40 immigrants have been found guilty of overcrowding by a court in London.Harsha Shah, 53, her daughter
Chandni, 27, and her brotherin-law Sanjay, 54, worked with agent Jaydipkumar Valand, 42, to illegally undertake multiple tenancies at the 1920s property which they also let fall into a state of disrepair, a UK court was told this week.The house, described as a “slum”, was divided into seven bedrooms on the ground floor, two on the first floor and crammed with as many as five people per room for rents between 40 and 75 pounds per week, the Harrow Crown Court was told.The occupants had just two bathrooms to share between them and the fire exits were all blocked, causing a safety hazard.While the Shah family and Valand were convicted in May last year, they are now fighting against having to hand over nearly
360,000 pounds obtained as rent during the course of the tenancy at a confiscation hearing at the Court.Edmund Robb, appearing on behalf of the local Brent Borough Council, told Judge Stephen Rubin that besides claiming back any housing benefits paid out by the authority, the rent paid can also be seized under the UK’s proceeds of crime act.“Receiving rent was in breach of a selective licence. If they had complied with the regulations the money would not have come into their hands. There was a minimum of 25 people living in the house and there could at any one time be up to 40 people living in the house,” he said.However, the defence argued that taking the rent from the migrants was not an offence, and therefore, a confiscation order was not enforceable.“We say that receiving the rent is not a criminal offence and neither is continuing the tenancy. They are clearly in breach of the law, but the receiving of rent was not illegal,” said lawyer Cameron Scott. Judge Rubin will reserve his judgment on whether a proceeds of crime order can be enforced. Meanwhile, following a trial at Willesden Magistrates Court last year, the Shah family were found guilty of failing to have the proper licence and will be sentenced at a later date.
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Indian-American woman sues Weinstein for sexual harassment Wahington :Disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein has been sued by his former IndianAmerican personal assistant who has alleged that she was subjected to sexual exploitation and a “sexually hostile” work environment while working for him.Sandeep Rehal, who was Weinstein’s personal assistant for two years from 2013 to 2015, has sought trial by jury in an 11-page lawsuit.For over two years Rehal was “forced to work in a pervasive and severe sexually hostile” work environment at Weinstein’s company and “defined by endless offensive, degrading, and sexually harassing actions, statements, and touching at the hands of her boss,” alleges a lawsuit filed in the Southern District Court of New York on January 25.A day later, on Friday, the court issued summons to Weinstein and his company to respond to the charges within 21 days.The 65-year-old film producer has been facing a number of other sexual allegations, many of whom have been widely reported in the US media including in the New York Times.The lawsuit alleged that Rehal “had to pick up Harvey Weinstein’s used Caverject shots, which he tossed on the floor in his office, hotel rooms and his apartment”.She also had to “pick up his used condom, and clean up
rooms” and semen off his couch, before housekeeping personnel would do their work, the lawsuit charges. “Rehal was required to be involved in and aware of the preparations for, and clean up after, Harvey Weinstein’s extremely prolific sexual encounters,” it alleged. “Throughout her employment with Defendants Ms Rehal was required, as a condition of her employment, to work with Harvey Weinstein when he was naked. On an almost weekly basis, she was required to take dictation of emails from him while he was naked,” the lawsuit alleged. Weinstein subjected Rehal to “unwelcome touching”, the lawsuit alleges.Almost every time she accompanied Weinstein in his chauffeured Lexus SUV, he made her sit in the back with him
and touched her thigh.“After Ms Rehal started wearing pants instead of skirts, Harvey Weinstein would rub between her thighs. When Ms Rehal sat crosslegged in an attempt to prevent him from being able to touch her thigh, Harvey Weinstein would touch the back of her legs and butt,” the lawsuit alleged.“Among Ms Rehal’s responsibilities was to maintain Harvey Weinstein’s list of contacts with a special asterisk that identified Harvey Weinstein’s ‘girls’, his many sexual partners,” the lawsuit said, adding that Weinstein also ordered Rehal to obtain and set up an apartment close to the office for him to “use with one of his sexual liaisons,” and purchase lingerie for the woman in that apartment as well as gifts for other women.
World’s first crayons found in an ancient lake India’s Rich Became Richer by Rs Archaeologists say they may have discovered the earliest example of a crayon.The crayon, made of a red mineral pigment called ochre, was discovered near an ancient lake now blanketed in peat, near Scarborough, North Yorkshire. The crayon may have been used by our ancestors 10,000 years ago for applying colour to their animal skins of for artwork. The University of York researchers, who worked in collaboration with the Universities of Chester and Manchester, also discovered an ochre pebble at another site on the opposite side of the lake.The pebble had a heavily striated surface which was likely scraped to produce a red pigment powder, and the crayon measures 22 millimetres (0.87 inches) long and 7 millimetres (0.28 inches) wide. According to the researchers, ochre is an important mineral pigment used by prehistoric hunter-gatherers across the world.The latest research suggests people collected ochre and processed it in different ways during the Mesolithic period (8000 BC to AD
2700, also called the Middle Stone Age) when people used chipped stone tools. The ochre objects were studied as part of an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Departments of Archaeology and Physics at the University of York, using state-of-
the-art techniques to establish what they’re made of. The two ancient artefacts were found at Seamer Carr and Flixton School House, which are both archaeological sites situated in a landscape rich in prehistory, including one of the most famous Mesolithic sites in Europe called Star Carr.A pendant was discovered at Star Carr in 2015 and
is the earliest known Mesolithic art in Britain. At the same site, more than 30 red deer antler headdresses were found which may have been used as a disguise when hunting, or during ritual performances by shamans when attempting to communicate with animal spirits. Lead author of the study Dr Andy Needham, from the University of York’s Department of Archaeology, said that the latest discoveries helped to further out understanding of Mesolithic life. ‘Colour was a very significant part of hunter-gatherer life and ochre gives you a very vibrant red colour,’ said Dr Needham.‘It is very important in the Mesolithic period and seems to be used in a number of ways.‘One of the latest objects we have found looks exactly like a crayon; the tip is faceted and has gone from a rounded end to a really sharpened end, suggesting it has been used. ‘For me it is a very significant object and helps us build a bigger picture of what life was like in the area; it suggests it would have been a very colourful place.’
20.9 Lakh Crore in 2017, Says Survey Davos: The rich becoming richer continues to be the picture not just in Indian but across the world. A new survey shows that the richest 1 per cent in India cornered 73 per cent of the wealth generated in the country last year. The survey, released by the international rights group Oxfam, shows that the wealth of 67 crore Indians comprising the population’s poorest half rose by just 1 per cent.The survey showed that the wealth of India’s richest 1 per cent went up by over Rs 20.9 lakh crore during 2017 – an amount equivalent to total budget of the central government in 2017-18.“In India, it will take 941 years for a minimum wage worker in rural India to earn what the top paid executive at a leading Indian garment firm earns in a year,” says the study named Reward Work, Not Wealth.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday left for World Economic Forum in Davos. The annual Oxfam survey is keenly discussed at the World
Economic Forum Annual Meeting every year. Oxfam India has urged the Indian government to ensure that the country’s
economy works for everyone and not just the fortunate few. The situation is worse globally, according to the survey. It says that 82 per cent of the wealth generated last year worldwide went to 1 per cent rich people while 3.7 billion people accounting for the poorest half of population saw no increase in their wealth.Last year’s survey had showed that India’s richest 1 per cent held a huge 58 per cent of the country’s total wealth -higher than the global figure of about 50 per cent.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
US trade body backs Canadian plane maker Bombardier against Boeing Montreal : A US trade commission on Friday handed an unexpected victory to Bombardier Inc against Boeing Co, in a ruling that allows the Canadian company to sell its newest jets to US airlines without heavy duties, sending Bombardier’s shares up 15 percent. The US International Trade Commission’s unanimous decision is the latest twist in USCanadian trade relations that have been complicated by disputes over tariffs on Canadian lumber and US milk and President Donald T6rump’s desire to renegotiate or even abandon the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Trump, who did not weigh in on the dispute personally, took his “America First” message to the world’s elite on Friday, telling a summit that the United States would “no longer turn a blind eye” to what he described as unfair trade practices. The ITC commissioners voted 4-0 that Bombardier’s prices did not harm Boeing and discarded a US Commerce Department
recommendation to slap a near 300 percent duty on sales of the company’s 110-to-130-seat CSeries jets for five years. It did not give a reason immediately. US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement
part of the trade policy process works unimpeded despite President Trump’s protectionist rhetoric.” The decision will also help Bombardier sell the CSeries in the United States by removing “a huge
that the commission’s finding “shows how robust our system of checks and balances is.” Boeing’s shares closed flat. “It’s reassuring to see that facts and evidence matter,” said Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “This
amount of uncertainty,” at a time when its Brazilian rival Embraer is bringing its new E190-E2 jet to market, a source familiar with the Canadian plane and train maker’s thinking said.The ITC had been expected to side with Chicagobased Boeing. The company alleged it was forced to discount
Russian agents created 129 US election events, says Facebook Washington/San Francisco Facebook Inc said Russian agents created 129 events on the social media network during the 2016 US election campaign, according to testimony to Congress, shedding more light on Russia’s purported disinformation drive aimed at voters.Facebook, in a written statement to US lawmakers released on Thursday and dated January 8, said 338,300 different Facebook accounts viewed the events and that 62,500 marked that they would attend. The company said it did not have data about which of the events took place.Facebook, the world’s largest social media network, said in September only that Russians had created “several promoted events.”Copies of the event pages that have surfaced since then show that at least some of them were political rallies centered on divisive subjects, such as immigration. Russia denies the conclusions of US intelligence agencies that it tried to meddle in American democracy.Facebook delivered the details to Congress this month in response to written questions from the US Senate Intelligence Committee.Facebook said that it had found “overlap” between the online marketing done in 2016 by Russian agents and by President
Donald Trump’s campaign and Also in its written response to called it “insignificant.” The follow up questions, Facebook said company said it was not in a that last year it removed Moscow-
position to either substantiate or disprove allegations of collusion between the two camps. Trump denies any collusion and has described investigations by congressional panels and a special counsel as a witch hunt. Facebook has previously said some 126 million Americans may have seen Russian-backed political content on Facebook over a twoyear period, and that 16 million may have been exposed to Russian information on Instagram. Facebook, Twitter Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google testified about misuse of their services before three congressional committees in October and November.
based Kaspersky Lab from its list of free anti-virus offerings to users who go to the social media site from a computer that may be infected with malicious code. Facebook said it no longer provided Kaspersky Lab as a recommended anti-virus option but that it was “unable to easily reconstruct how many Facebook users downloaded Kaspersky software.”Kaspersky Lab has repeatedly denied allegations by US security officials that its software could enable Russian espionage, a fear that led to the US government last year to ban the use of its products in federal computer networks.
its 737 narrow-bodies to compete with Bombardier, which it said used government subsidies to dump the CSeries during the 2016 sale of 75 jets at “absurdly low” prices to Delta Air Lines. Bombardier called the trade case self-serving after Boeing revealed on Dec. 21 that it was discussing a “potential combination” with Embraer. Boeing denied the trade case was motivated by those talks. BOEING TO CONSIDER ITS OPTIONS :The dispute may not be over. “This can still be appealed by Boeing,” Andrew Leslie, parliamentary secretary to Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, told reporters in Montreal. Boeing said it would not consider such options before seeing the ITC’s reasoning in February.But Boeing said it was disappointed the commission did not recognize “the harm that Boeing has suffered from the billions of dollars in illegal government subsidies that the Department of Commerce found Bombardier
received and used to dump aircraft in the US small single-aisle airplane market.”Bombardier, Delta and the US consumer advocacy group Travelers United all called the ITC decision a victory for consumers and airlines. The decision may end up helping Trump’s goal of boosting US jobs as the CSeries jets for US airlines will be built in the United States rather than Canada.Through a venture with European planemaker Airbus SE , which has agreed to take a majority stake in the CSeries this year, Bombardier plans to assemble CSeries jets in Alabama to be sold to US carriers starting in 2019.Airbus Chief Executive Tom Enders promised to push ahead “full throttle” with the Alabama plans. “Nothing is sweeter than a surprise, a surprise victory,” he said. The case had sparked trade tensions between the United States and its allies Canada and the UK. Ottawa last year scrapped plans to buy 18 Super Hornet fighter jets from Boeing.
A British Sikh girl who converted to Islam as a teenager and tried to travel toSyria to join the Islamic State(ISIS) was on Friday sentenced to three and a half years in prison for terrorism offences by a UK court.Sandeep Samra, 18, who claimed she wanted to work as a nurse in wartorn Syria, had pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts by attempting to travel to the region between June 1 and July 31 last year.However, she denied intending to carry out acts of violence, claiming that she had wanted to leave the UK after members of an anti-extremism team informed her family about her conversion to Islam.Judge Melbourne Inman at Birmingham Crown Court found her guilty of the charge, saying she had been “deeply radicalised”.The teenager was arrested by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit (WMCTU) in June last year.“Samra’s phone was examined and officers found evidence of her support for ISIS and her intent on travelling to Syria or other areas controlled by ISIS. She dismissed warnings of the dangers for women in the conflict and even declared her intention to seek her own death,” said Chief Superintendent Matt Ward, the head of WMCTU.“The contents gave insight into Samra’s mindset and showed she was
developing an active interest in ISIS and jihadi ideology,” he added.The police found several conversations on messaging apps which referred to the fact that her
British Sikh Muslim convert girl jailed for plotting to join ISIS in Syria
passport had been taken off her and sought help in getting a false one or even fake documentation that she could travel on. Samra also had conversations regarding ways in which she could be smuggled out of the country, how she could then make her way to Syria and the routes available to her.WMCTU also uncovered conversations with a man, who appeared to live in Egypt, during which they declared their love for each other and a desire to get married and travel to Syria to take part in ‘jihad’.Samra applied for her first passport in September 2015 but it was handed to the police by her father a month later after teachers became concerned and reported her. The schoolgirl then applied again in June last year and tried to trick her schoolteacher into counter-signing it for her.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
EU takes Panama, seven others off tax haven list BRUSSELS : The EU removed eight countries including Panama from its new tax haven blacklist on Tuesday after they pledged to address its concerns, in a move swiftly condemned by activists.The United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Mongolia, Macau, Grenada and Barbados
were also lifted from the list by finance ministers, in a move that comes just weeks after the bloc unveiled its original list of 17 nonEU nations.The decision drew criticism from campaigners including Oxfam who say the EU’s commitment to tackle tax avoidance after the “Panama Papers” leak last year has now been watered down.“Eight jurisdictions have been removed
from the EU’s list of noncooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, following commitments made at a high political level to remedy EU concerns,” an EU statement said.French finance minister Bruno Le Maire tweeted that “European pressure has brought its first results!”The eight
countries will now be on a “grey list” of countries that have made unspecified commitments to the EU on reforming their tax laws. The blacklist now covers just nine jurisdictions: American Samoa, Bahrain, Guam, Marshall Islands, Namibia, Palau, Saint Lucia, Samoa and Trinidad and Tobago.Ministers agreed that “delisting was justified in the light of an expert assessment of the
commitments made by these jurisdictions to address deficiencies identified by the EU,” the statement said.“In each case, the commitments were backed by letters signed at a high political level.”The lists came a year on from the leak of the “Panama Papers” - a massive amount of data from a prominent Panamanian law firm showing how the world’s wealthy stash assets.The EU originally screened a total of 92 countries to draw up the list, which is expected to be continuously updated.Oxfam said Tuesday’s decision undercut EU efforts to get tough on tax.“The EU is rushing to take countries off the blacklist without it being clear what they have actually committed to improve; this is further undermining the process,” said Aurore Chardonnet, Oxfam’s EU Policy Advisor on tax and inequality.Chardonnet said it was “no secret that tax havens remain at the heart of the EU, with four European countries actually failing the EU’s own blacklisting criteria.”“EU governments should tackle tax havens within the EU with the same urgency they are pressuring other countries to adopt tax reforms that were decided by an exclusive club of rich countries,” she added.
India-themed Cafe Faces Protests For Glorifying British Empire Cafe Blighty India in London has been facing protests by some Labour Party activists who have accused the cafe of glorifying the British Empire and presenting a “garish” colonial view of India. The Indiathemed cafe, however, says that they have taken inspiration from the “great Commonwealth powerhouse of India, championing it through our decor, menu and
atmosphere”. The activists have also started a petition which urges local Tottenham MP David Lammy to force the cafe to change its current theme. The petition states: “It is adorned with Hindi and a neon Gandhi on the wall. The owners are not Indian, and the food is not Indian, but British with an Indian ‘twist’ – which frankly many Indians would find offensive. It is a garish colonial view of India, stereotyped and built for English
consumption.” The India-themed cafe has been set up by Blighty Commonwealth of Cafes. It is based on the concept of sourcing coffee beans from the Commonwealth countries such as Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, among others. The company’s statement said, “We are serious about coffee. We source our beans from Commonwealth countries – Rwanda, Kenya, India, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea and Malawi and roast them ourselves to ensure we are serving the highest quality drink possible.” The signature dish at both cafes in north London is the full English breakfast in three variants – the Winston as the traditional nonvegetarian version, the Clementine is a vegetarian option, and the Gandhi as “the only vegan full English breakfast we know of”. The signature dish at these cafes in north London (only two) is the Winston – the traditional non-vegetarian dish, the Clementine – a vegetarian dish, and the Gandhi – the only vegan dish. “We never imagined that Churchill or Gandhi would attract complaints. We thought they were both widely-liked and admired figures,” said co-owner Chris Evans.
EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici last week accused several European countries including Ireland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus of being tax policy “black holes” and promised to pressure them to change their ways.Moscovici has also urged ministers to make
public any commitments made by countries to get off the list. French MEP Eva Joly of the Greens party, a major advocate of fair tax policy, echoed his call and condemned the decision to withdraw the eight countries from the blacklist. “Today’s decision further weakens the credibility of this list,” she said.
Marriages Fixed on Facebook Are Bound to Fail: High Court Ahmedabad : Marriages fixed on Facebook are ‘bound to fail’, the Gujarat High Court observed while of a domestic violence case on January 24. Justice JB Pardiwala, in the order, advised a couple to dissolve their troubled marriage. “This is one of the those modern marriages fixed on Facebook, therefore, bound to fail,” he said. “They got married and within two months thereafter problems cropped up in their marital life. I should make note of one fact that the parties did try to settle the matter, however, the settlement could not be arrived at,” the judge observed.Jaideep, a native of Navsari, came into contact with Fansi on Facebook in 2011, when he was pursuing a degree course in engineering. In February 2015,
the two tied the knot with the consent of their parents. However, the marital relationship turned sour within two months, reports PTI.Fansi lodged an FIR against Jaideep, his brother Piyush and parents-in-law Vikeshbhai and Anitaben, accusing them of domestic violence and harassing her for dowry. On the other hand, Jaideep and his family members approached the high court in 2016 seeking quashing of the case. Justice Pardiwala advised the couple, who are still in their early 20s, to consider divorce and move ahead. “I am still of the view that the parties should explore the possibility of settlement and put an end to the marriage with consent. Both the sides are young.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
spqwihk-rwSIPl Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÀÒ AI ÁΠ«Ú⁄ Âπ‘≈鱧 Âæ’Δ «ÓÒ‰ Á≈ ÔØ◊ ω «‘≈ ˛Õ ÁΠÁ∂ ’ßÓ Ò¬Δ Ô≈Â≈ ”Â∂ ÚΔ ‹≈‰≈ ÍÀ √’Á≈ ˛Õ Ïæ«⁄¡ª Á∂ Í∂ͪ Á∂ ÈßÏ Âπ‘≈鱧 Íz∂Ù≈È ’ √’Á∂ ‘ÈÕ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÀÒ -Ó¬Δ B@ «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ ’Ø¬Δ ÚΔ ’ßÓ √ªfi∂Á≈Δ «Ú⁄ Ùπ± ’È ÁΔ È≈ √Ø⁄Õ ‹∂ ’Ø¬Δ ÈÚª ’ßÓ ’È ÁΔ √Ø⁄ ‘∂ ‘Ø Âª ¿π‘ ’ßÓ ¡≈Í‰Δ ÍÂÈΔ Á∂ Ȫ ”Â∂ Ùπ± ’∂◊∂ ª «¬‘’≈ÎΔ Î≈«¬Á∂ÓßÁ ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA Úæ‚∂ Ïæ⁄∂ Á≈¿π√ÁΔ ÓÈÌ≈¿π∫ÁΔ ‹◊∑≈ «Ú⁄ Á≈÷Ò≈ ‘Ø √’Á≈˛Õ Âπ√Δ∫ ⁄Û∑ÁΔ¡ª ’Ò≈ ”⁄ ‘Ø◊∂Õ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB «¬‘ ‘ÎÂ≈ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ «ÓÒ∂-‹πÒ∂ ¡√ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘∂◊≈Õ ’ßÓ «Ú⁄ ÊØÛ≈ ‰≈¡ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈Õ ÍÀ√∂ ÚæÒØ∫ Âß◊Δ ‘∂◊ΔÕ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈Í ”Â∂ ’≈ϱ æ÷‰ ÁΔ ˜±Â ˛Õ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬‘ ‘ÎÂ≈ Âπ‘≈鱧 ’¬Δ Íæ÷ª ”Â∂ ÈÚΔ¡ª ¿π⁄≈¬Δ¡ª ÚæÒ ÒÀ ’∂ ‹≈Ú∂◊≈Õ Í«Ú≈ ¡Â∂ «Óæª ÁΔ ÓÁÁ È≈Ò Âπ‘≈‚∂ ÚÍ≈ «Ú⁄ «¬æ’ √π÷≈Úª ÓΩÛ ¡≈¿π‰ Ú≈Ò≈ ˛ ‹Ø «’ Âπ‘≈‚∂ ÚÍ≈ ˘± ÈÚΔ∫ «ÁÙ≈ ÚæÒ ÒÀ ’∂ ‹≈Ú∂◊≈Õ ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB «¬‘ ‘ÎÂ≈ Âπ‘≈‚∂ ’ßÓ Ò¬Δ ⁄ß◊≈ ¡Â∂ √π÷Á ÏÁÒ≈¡ ÒÀ ’∂ ¡≈ «‘≈ ˛Õ ’ßÓ «Ú⁄ «‹√ ÏÁÒ≈¡ ˘ «Ò¡≈¿π‰ ÁΔ √Ø⁄ ‘∂ √Δ ¿π‘ ÏÁÒ≈¡ ‘Ø √’Á≈ ˛Õ
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Your Stars This Week
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries (March 21-April 19) The Full Moon on 31st, activates your house of glamour and popularity; be prepare to take the center stage. Wrap up your outstanding projects and welcome the beginning of a new progressive era. Taurus (April 21-May 20) With the advent of Full Moon on 31st, the focus is on home, family and close relationships. The next couple of weeks are excellent to move with the high and mighty, pick up some tips, and launch a business venture. Gemini (May 21-June 20) The Full Moon means that you are about to embark on a journey or change your job and life style. Your social life is about to take off and you may have to refuse some invitations. Quality time spent with someone you love generates joy and pleasure. Cancer (June 22-July 22) The lunar eclipse on the 31st falls on the axis of your money and progress. Pay off outstanding bills and expect increase in cash flow or some unexpected windfall. Leo (July 23-August 22 An excellent week Leo as the Full Moon on 31st is in your sign, Wednesday could the luckiest day so far. The week will be game changer in career, popularity, relationships and finances. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Mending and healing are in the pipeline and it is time to blow away cobwebs from struggling relationships to start fresh and renew. Finances and real estate issues should be dealt with care and caution. Libra (September 23-October 20)
Your 11th house of collaboration and team work is lighted up on 31st by the Full Moon. For long. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) What a great week Scorpio, as your efforts and hard work for the last six months are about to net you the rewards. The Full Moon and messenger Mercury activate your 4th house of home and family for the next three weeks. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) With the Full Moon on 31st, comes the power of travel and adventure, and a clear sign that you are on right track to expand your horizon. Work and money flow generously but remember not to mix emotions in joint ventures. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Financially, you are about to receipt unexpected cash injection. Wednesday forward your energy, charisma and confidence are on the rise. You are in a romantic mode and project seductive and intimacy vibes. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Personal projection, expansion and a new life style are fast approaching and the take off is on Wednesday 31st January. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Avoid hasty decisions, irrational action and confrontations. It is time to look after yourself and focus on your welfare. The prime object this week is healing, patching up, in short “forget, forgive and move on”. You may feel ignored and left out at the weekend.
Tory MP Heidi Allen Says Conservative Party Is 'Letting Britain Down' Theresa May was facing mounting pressure as a string of Tory MPs criticised her leadership and Government, with one saying the party was "letting this country down".The Prime Minister was urged to "get a grip" and give some "direction" to her promises to tackle "burning injustices" while one MP compared the speed of the Government's policy-making to a tortoise.Tory discontent over May's leadership and Brexit has led to reports that the number of MPs who have written to the backbench 1922 Committee calling for a contest is close to the trigger point needed to force a battle aimed at toppling the PM.Heidi Allen, known as an independent voice on the backbenches, said the party needs to "get a grip and lead".Normally loyal backbencher Nigel Mills said the PM has not delivered
on her early promises to tackle "burning injustices" and that MPs are concerned about the Government's lack of direction.He told BBC Radio 4's World At One: "I think the frustration is the Prime Minister had what I thought was exactly the right drive and the right belief when she first came into office and it's hard to see exactly how we're making progress on that."We need to show a sense of what our values are, where we're going, where we want to get to, and if that timeframe has to be 18 months or two years to deliver something, well then that's fine, we can explain why that is."But I think where people are perhaps just a little concerned is perhaps we don't quite know what that direction is, what those policies are going to look like or where they're going to perhaps come from in that situation.
Thought of the week "People think the birds in the cage are singing but actually they are crying for their freedom" John Webster.
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’ΔÓ - A ’ØÛ C@ Òº÷ «‹√ÁΔ ¡Á≈«¬◊Δ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ‹ª «¬≥‚Δ¡≈ «Úº⁄ ’ΔÂΔ ‹≈ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ √≥Í’ - @GDAAHDBEHE ‹ª @GGBCE@CHGH
Name Change I, MUKHTIAR SINGH of 96 Blackwood Avenue, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV11 1EY and my address in India is village Kaleran, Disst. Jalandhar, Punjab, do hereby give notice to change my name from MUKHTIAR SINGH to MUKHTIAR SINGH DHILLON with subject to the approval of CONSULATE GENERAL Of INDIA at BIRMINGHAM. 2. I, SANDEEP KAUR CHAHAL of 96 Blackwood Avenue, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV11 1EY and my address in India is village Nangal kalan, Disst. Ludhiana, Punjab, do hereby give notice of my name change from SANDEEP KAUR CHAHAL to SANDEEP KAUR DHILLON with subject to the approval of CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA at BIRMINGHAM.
Off Licence & Convenient Store For Sale Convenience store with off licence selling due to illness £38,000 including stock open to offers. New coolers and shelvings. Located in Brownhills rent £750 month. For more information, only genuine people please contact.
Phone : 07432 088061
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Former US; president John F Kennedy’s silk scarf may fetch $6,000 at auction
Boston: A cream-coloured silk scarf belonging to former US President John F Kennedy is up for auction and is expected to sell $6,000. The scarf from A Sulka & Company was worn by Kennedy during his tenure as a congressman and into his early senatorial career. It has an attractive herringbone pattern, classic black- and-tan fringe ends, and an embroidered open monogram bearing Kennedy’s initials, “JFK.”
An accouterment of his classic style, this is an exquisite scarf sported by Kennedy as he strolled the chilly sidewalks of Boston during the early 1950s, according to the RR Auctions. The Sulka brand became synonymous with the style of the upper crust and political elite, and long served as the go-to haberdashery for the likes of the Duke of Windsor, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, and Clark Gable, among others.
UK sandwich eating produces same CO2 as ‘millions of cars
Britain’s annual sandwich consumption produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as more than eight million cars, according to a study published on Thursday.Around 11.5 billion sandwiches are consumed each year in Britain, half of which are homemade and half bought, according to the British Sandwich Association (BSA).This annual consumption “generates, on average, 9.5 million tonnes of CO2 eq., equivalent to the annual use of 8.6 million cars,” said Adisa Azapagic, professor at Manchester University, which produced the study.The researchers studied the carbon footprint of 40 different fillings. Mass-produced sandwiches containing pork (bacon, ham or sausage) were found to have the largest footprint, followed by shopbought varieties containing cheese or prawn. The most carbonintensive filling was found to be the shop-bought “all-day breakfast”,
comprising egg, bacon and sausage. Producing this generates 1,441 grams of carbon dioxide, equivalent to the CO2 emissions produced by a 12-mile (19-km) car journey. The “cleanest” was found to be homemade ham and cheese, with the production, storage, packaging and transport of shop-sold sandwiches accounting for their increased environmental impact. Researchers estimate that the carbon footprint of sandwiches could be reduced by half by changing recipes and packaging, recycling waste and extending their shelf life. “We need to change the labelling of food to increase the use-by date as these are usually quite conservative,” said Azapagic. “Given that sandwiches are a staple of the British diet as well as their significant market share in the food sector, it is important to understand the contribution from this sector to the emissions of greenhouse gases,” she added.
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
Boris ‘descendant’ of mummified Basel woman Scientists in the Swiss city of Basel have solved a decades-old mystery over the identity of a mummified woman.Their research revealed a surprise: the woman is the great-great-great-greatgreat-great-great grandmother of UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. The body was uncovered in 1975 while renovations were being done on Basel’s Barfüsser Church. She was buried right in front of the altar, clearly well fed, and wearing good quality clothes. This was obviously the body of a wealthy lady of Basel. But who was she exactly, and when did she die? There was no gravestone to indicate her identity, but initial testing of her wooden coffin suggested it dated from the 16th Century. Another clue: her body was riddled with mercury - a standard treatment for syphilis from the late 15th to the 19th Century. Highly toxic mercury treatment was more often a kill than a cure and it was this that preserved her body. But that still left open the question of who she was. Basel in the 16th and 17th Centuries was a wealthy trading city; its port on the river Rhine was a key hub for moving goods across Europe, and it remains so today. Local historians knew that members of Basel’s wealthy families were buried in and around the Barfüsser Church. Some were clearly named in records, some had clearly marked gravestones.But not the mummy.
It only became clear in 2017, in newly discovered archives, that the mummy had been uncovered once before, in 1843.Those records led historians to suspect the mummy was a member of a wellestablished Basel family, the Bischoffs. Using the most up to date methods, scientists were able to extract DNA material from the mummy’s big toe.This was compared, by scientists working independently from one another, with DNA taking from living descendants of the Bischoff family.The results were clear, showing a 99.8% probability that the descendants and the mummy were all from the same maternal line.Now the scientists and the historians were sure: the mummy was none other than Anna Catharina Bischoff. Born in Basel in 1719, she died there in 1787. Once her identity had been established, genealogists were able - with the help of the efficient records of births, marriages, and deaths which tend to be kept by the wealthier classes - to trace more of Anna Catharina’s descendants.She had seven children. Only two survived childhood, but one daughter, also Anna, married a certain Christian Hubert Baron Pfeffel von Kriegelstein. Five generations of von Pfeffels later, and we find Marie Luise von Pfeffel marrying one Stanley Fred Williams. Their daughter Yvonne married Osman Wilfred Johnson Kemal… and their son, Stanley Johnson, is British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson’s father.
Top BBC men take wage cuts in gender pay row Six top male BBC presenters agreed to take wage cuts Friday after the broadcaster’s female China editor quit in protest over unequal pay. The six, who are among the British Broadcasting Corporation’s top-earning journalists, voluntarily decided to take a pay cut.In July the publiclyfunded BBC for the first time published the salaries of its highest-paid stars, in brackets of £50,000, ($71,000, 57,000 euros) following pressure from parliament. Twelve of the top 14 were men, as were two-thirds of BBC staff earning more than £150,000. Carrie Gracie, who was on £135,000 a year, quit last month as the BBC’s China news editor and returned to the London television newsroom in protest at the “indefensible pay gap”.Among her fellow international editors, North America editor Jon Sopel earned £200,000 to £250,000, while Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen earned £150,000 to £200,000.Sopel was among the six who agreed to a pay cut, along with John Humphrys, who anchors BBC radio’s main morning news programme.A leaked, off-air exchange between the pair last month, joking about how much of their salaries they were going to hand over to Gracie, caused uproar at the BBC.Humphrys is having his pay slashed from more than £600,000 to between £250,000 and
£300,000. “It was my decision and it’s the third and they have been volunteered in each case,” he said.“The BBC is in a very, very different position from what it was all those years ago when I was, like many other people
between £700,000 and £750,000 a year. “I support my female colleagues who have rightly said that they should be paid the same when they are doing the same job,” he said.A BBC statement said the corporation was “very grateful” to
in the BBC, having money pretty much thrust upon us.”He said he thought the controversy would “blow over”. - BBC says ‘very grateful’ Others taking a pay cut are Humphrys’ colleague Nick Robinson, Huw Edwards, who anchors the main evening television news, and breakfast radio presenter Nicky Campbell. The sixth is afternoon radio show host Jeremy Vine, the BBC’s bestpaid journalist-presenter, who earns
the presenters who had agreed to pay cuts.“The final details of some of these changes are still being discussed.”The BBC’s best-paid stars are breakfast radio host Chris Evans (at least £2.2 million), football presenter Gary Lineker (at least £1.75 million) and chat show host Graham Norton (at least £850,000).The best-paid female star, joint-eighth on the list, was TV dancing contest co-presenter Claudia Winkleman, on at least £450,000.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
We Mustn't Allow Hate to Spread Holocaust Memorial Day Services were held last week in most towns and cities in the country. Millions of innocent people who perished simply because they belonged to a different race or did not agree with the policies of their rulers were remembered in moving ceremonies. However, these Services can become meaningful only if we learn from them and make sure that extreme violence and crimes against humanity do not happen ever again. The true way to mark the Holocaust is to pause and reflect so that the world does not allow any repetition of horrors inspired by hate and fear. Unfortunately, the world is at present witnessing a rapid rise of ultra -right wing political parties taking centre stage in many countries. A consequence of that is the sudden surge in nationalism which plays a significant role in stoking up fear and hate. In Germany and Austria, the countries which perpetrated genocide and killed more than 6 million Jews, far right wing groups are on the rise. Such groups target immigrants or people who do not belong to their tribe, who look different or have different way of living. The anti-migrant party AfD has for the first time won seats in the German parliament. In Austria, the anti-migrant Freedom party is part of the coalition running the Austrian government. The referendum to leave the European Union was driven by the Leave campaigners creating a climate of fear about immigration. They wanted this country to be homogenous, all belonging to the same culture. UKIP did its best to instil a sense of
fear of immigrants and claimed that unless Britain took control of its borders, the future of this country was doomed. Something similar, but on a much bigger scale happened during the Second World War when Hitler and his Nazi supporters spread fear of Jews and other minority
groups. The white supremacy groups were among the main purveyors of extreme hatred. Jews, Roma people, and gays were found guilty of everything. They were incarcerated in concentration camps, herded like cattle and made to starve. Today it is the refugees and other minority communities who are being targeted. Despite the pledges never to allow another holocaust to happen again, the world has not learnt from its past.
Genocides have since then taken place in many countries, Cambodia, Sudan, Srebrenica, Rwanda and many other places have seen similar barbaric atrocities. When Khmer Rouge took control of the Cambodian government in 1975, they killed almost 2 million political dissidents. When the Hutu President's plane crashed in Rwanda, Hutu extremists assumed it was the Tutsis who shot it down. In order to take revenge, they set out to destroy all Tutsi population. Nearly 100,000 children were orphaned, abducted or abandoned. Many more such killings on a mass scale have taken place in many other places.It is the duty of all responsible citizens, politicians and those who have power and authority to take every step to combat hatred before it gets out of hand. Hate and fear is a toxic mixture which can, and sometimes does, destroy communities. Dr Sehdev Bismal MBE
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to ask London court to drop UK arrest warrant `WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s lawyers will ask a London court on Friday to drop the arrest warrant that stems from his breach of bail conditions, as he steps up efforts to leave the Ecuadorean embassy after five and a half years. Assange, 46, has been
holed up in the red brick building since 2012 after skipping bail to avoid extradition to Sweden over an allegation of rape, which he denies.Assange had feared Sweden would hand him over to the United States to face prosecution over WikiLeaks’ publication of
swathes of classified military and diplomatic documents in one of the largest information leaks in US history.The hearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court is the latest push by Assange to find a way to leave the building without arrest.
that are in the upper size tools that were chipped in range of what’s seen in places to make them modern humans, but that sharper were also found nearby, marking the “earliest known association of the Levallois technique with modern human fossils in the region.” Older fossils of modern humans have been found in Africa, including some with similar facial otherwise shows clear characteristics excavated patterns and features of our from the Ethiopian sites of species,” said the report. Omo Kibish and Herto, Other archaeological dating to around 195,000 evidence in the cave showed and 160,000 years old.Even that the inhabitants hunted older primitive human big game and used fire.Stone remains - though still
members of our species have been found in Morocco (315,000 years old) and South Africa (259,000 years old).In China, the human fossils known to science are younger, with fragments from the Zhiren and Daoxian Caves ranging in age from 80,000 to 113,000 years ago. But the discovery in Israel sheds new light on the routes of modern human migration out of Africa, and helps scientists better under the evolution of our own species.
Oldest human fossil outside Africa is dug up in Israel MIAMI : The oldest remains of a modern human outside Africa have been dug up in Israel, offering evidence of what genetic studies have already suggested - that humans migrated out of Africa some 50,000 years earlier than previously thought.Facial fragments, including a jawbone and several teeth, were found at a site called Misliya Cave in Israel, one of several prehistoric cave sites located on Mount Carmel.The bones date to between 174,000 and 188,000 years old, said the
report in Thursday’s edition of the US journal Science. Until now, the earliest modern human fossils found outside of Africa were estimated to be between 90,000 to 120,000 years old.“Misliya is an exciting discovery,” said co-author Rolf Quam, an anthropology professor at Binghamton University.“It provides the clearest evidence yet that our ancestors first migrated out of Africa much earlier than we previously believed.”The fossil, named Misliya-1, “exhibits teeth
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
Federer has ‘no idea’ how long he will go on Melbourne : Age-defying Roger Federer says after winning his third Grand Slam title in a year he has “no idea” how long he will continue playing.The 36-year-old Swiss marvel continues to defy the years and attrition rate, reaching his 30th Grand Slam decider and claiming his sixth Australian crown and 20th Grand Slam title.The world No.2 won back-to-back Australian Opens by beating Marin Cilic 6-2, 6-7 (5/7), 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 on Sunday, dropping his only sets of a stress-free tournament.Federer, who downed great rival Rafael Nadal in a classic five-set Australian final last year, eased through this year’s event with five of his seven matches finishing on or under two hours and he spent just a total of 13hr 53min on court.Asked after his Melbourne triumph how much longer he can continue at the summit of men’s tennis, he replied: “No idea. Honest, I don’t know. I have no idea.“I’ve won three slams now in 12 months. I can’t believe it myself. I just got to keep a good schedule, stay hungry, then maybe good things can happen.” Federer said his age didn’t come into it when questions were raised about his
continuing longevity. than Cilic, who is seven years not playing every tournament possible. I enjoy practice. “I don’t think age is an issue, younger, in the fifth set. it’s just a number,” he said. Federer was the oldest man Not minding the travel. Having a great team around me, they make it possible,” he said.“At the end it’s seeing that my parents are incredibly proud and happy that I’m still doing it. They enjoy coming to tournaments. That makes me happy and play better.” Federer is the father of two sets of twins, Myla Rose and Charlene Riva and Leo and Lenny with wife Mirka, a former player he met at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Despite his win Federer will “But I need to be very careful at 36 to reach the Australian remain world No.2 behind in my planning, really decide Open final since Australians Nadal while Cilic has climbed beforehand what are my Ken Rosewall (37) and Mal from six to a career-high goals, what are my priorities. Anderson (36) played in the three.Cilic overcame Federer “I think that’s what’s going to 1972 decider.He explained on the way to winning the dictate how successful I will his circumstances which 2014 US Open final, but it remains his only win in 10 be.” But he added: “Exciting allowed him to play on. times ahead. As a “I think by not overplaying, encounters. professional, it’s what we do. But I’m happy I’m in that position right now.” Great team : His emotional Johannesburg : Nobody questioned anything and victory in Sunday put him symbolises this inbuilt everything he did as captain. alongside Novak Djokovic confidence more than Virat However, true to self, Kohli and Australian Roy Emerson Kohli. He’s someone who remained unruffled and kept with the most Australian titles takes great pride in wearing his focus on the task at hand. at six.While his long-time the India cap. His passion and When the Indians came to the rivals Nadal, Djokovic, Stan commitment to excellence is Wanderers Stadium, there Wawrinka and Andy Murray top-class. It goes well with a was a lot at stake. This ground has given Indian cricket some have injury concerns heading player of his stature. into the new season, not only The losses in Cape Town and great memories, right from did Federer blaze on into the Centurion had given critics a India winning their first Test in final but he finished stronger lot of gunpowder. They South Africa in 2006 and the inaugural T20 World Cup in 2007. More importantly, India have never lost a Test at this venue, famously called the Bullring.Thus, what stared the Indian captain right on his face Singh (29th, 53rd mins), steady start for India as they was the prospect of a first-ever Nilakanta Sharma (42nd were made to work hard to 3-0 defeat in South Africa and min) and Mandeep Singh keep the ball. The Belgian presiding over a possible (49th min) were the attack kept Indian goalkeeper maiden defeat at this historic goalscorers for India in the PR Sreejesh busy through venue. Also, what certainly the first quarter with as many didn’t escape his attention as three penalty corners were those banners at the including a penalty stroke. ground calling for a The first penalty corner in the ‘WHITWASH’ and a ‘3-0’ eighth minute was kept away sweep. No wonder then that, by Sreejesh, who lunged to after proving all doomsayers his right to make a save. wrong with a brilliant, and Sreejesh kept India alive by courageous, performance saving Loick Luypaert’s Kohli had extracted sweet penalty stroke.India won two revenge.“When we came to back-to-back penalty corners play this game, we saw at the start of the second banners of Whitewash, 3-0 regulation time at the quarter but could not make and what not. So, it feels really Gallagher Hockey Stadium. much of them. But they sweet to have made it 2-1,” Earlier, Japan beat hosts New grabbed a 1-0 lead a minute said Kohli in a matter of fact Zealand 4-1 in a shootout to before halftime when manner.The win assumes win the bronze medal after Mandeep Singh set up more significance since it holding the Black Sticks 1-1 Ramandeep to push the ball came on a pitch that was in the regulation time. The in. The action intensified in specially made to suit the final between India and the third quarter with Belgium South African bowlers. The Belgium was yet another scoring an equaliser in the entire South African camp goalfest with both the teams 41st minute through made a lot of hue and cry right testing each other in a high- Cosyns’s well-executed through the Centurion Test, claiming they were not getting voltage encounter. It was a penalty corner.
Four Nations Invitational Hockey Tournament.Felix Denayer, Sebastien Dockier and Arthur van Doren scored for Belgium in the shootout to give the team a win. Tanguy Cosyns (41st min), Cedric Charlier (43rd min), Amaury Keusters (51st min) and Felix Denayer (56th min) scored during the regulation time. For India, Ramandeep
Australia stop Afghanistan walk into Under-19 World Cup final Christchurch : Australia sauntered into the ICC Under-19 World Cup final by halting Afghanistan’s dream run with a six-wicket victory, built around Jack Edward’s half-century after a splendid bowling show, here on Monday. Electing to bat, the strife-torn nation, put on board a modest 181, which was never going to be enough for the three-time champions. It was wicket-keeper batsman Ikram Ali Khil, who resisted the Australian attack with a brave 80 off 119 balls, helping his side put on board something to fight for.Australia had no trouble in knocking off the required runs with opener Jack Edwards producing a solid 72-run knock at the top. They won by 75 balls to spare.Off-spinner Mujeeb Zadran, picked up by IPL franchisee Kings XI Punjab for the next edition, had provided an early breakthrough by dismissing opener Max Bryant (4) but Australia had more than able line-up to handle Afghanistan challenge.Captain Jason Singha (26) was caught and bowled by leg-spinner Qais Ahmed after a good start and Jonathan Merlo (17) also got out cheaply after getting his eye in but by that time they needed less than 60 runs.Ahmad denied Edwards a century by cleaning him up and it was pair of Pawan Uppal (32) and Nathan McSweeney (22) that took the side to finish line. They added 53 runs in their unbeaten fifth wicket partnership.Earlier, Afghanistan struggled to create steady partnerships.
Jo’burg Triumph: A win made by Kohli
4 nations hockey: Belgium shoot India out in final
Hamilton : India suffered a 03 loss via a penalty shootout to Belgium after a 4-4 draw in the regulation time in the final of the second leg of the
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
the wickets that suited them.Ironically, Kohli and the Indian camp never once complained about the pitches. This was in sharp contrast to all visiting captain who come to India and blame the turning tracks for their defeat. So no praise is too high for the Indian bowlers who excelled right through in the conditions here. Their performance was a rare first in India’s cricketing history. “To take all the 60 wickets in the series, we haven’t done it ever before away from home,” Kohli said. “This is the biggest positive that has
come out of this series. ”Another thing about Kohli’s boys that deserves appreciation is that they never stopped believing that they couldn’t beat the South Africans. After losing the series such a turnaround was something not many thought was possible.“After being 2-0 down, people can get really bogged down and lose hope or not show character but this (performance) is something that is testimony to the belief we have in ourselves as a team and the attitude we carry in every game we play,” explained Kohli.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 13,
Issue 652
1st Febuary to 7th Febuary 2018
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