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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019



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Vol: 14,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019

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Issue 700

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Vol: 14,

Issue 700

Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù GF

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

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Vol: 14,

Issue 700

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14th February to 20th February 2019


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Vol: 14,

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Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


Brussels taunts Theresa over ‘insane’ Brexit plan BRUSSELS has taunted Theresa May over her ‘insane’ Brexit plan as she heads to Ireland on the latest leg of her struggle to get a deal. The Prime Minister met a wall of resistance from EU chiefs to her pleas for changes to the backstop in a brutal round of talks in the Belgian capital yesterday.


EU council president Donald Tusk stoked tensions by dismissing May's objections to his jibe about Brexiteers deserving a ‘special place in Hell'. He also praised a rival proposal from Jeremy Corbyn to lock the UK in a customs union - while commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker insisted the Withdrawal Agreement will not be reopened. Even though there was a small comfort as the bloc agreed to re - start discussions between technical teams on a solution, it now seems impossible for Mrs May to have a new package ready to bring back to the Commons before the end of February.

Deputy PM Simon Coveney

PM will head to Ireland to meet counterpart Leo Varadkar That would be barely a month before the UK is due to crash out - raising the stakes dramatically. As the process threatened to spiral deeper into acrimony, a senior EU official complained that Brexit was ‘still at square one’ and they had ‘lost the month of February’. “Mrs May is now flirting with nodeal and there's a point where we're going to enter full Theresa May had a series of awkward encounters with EU chiefs including blown blame game mode,” the official told Jean-Claude Juncker (right) in Brussels on Thursday the Telegraph. They claimed the PM was warned she needs legally-bindJuncker that their teams will Cox has been leading work determined to run the negotiaing assurances the UK will not carry on talking in an effort to within Whitehall on providing tion “down to the wire”, describbe tied to EU rules indefinitely find an agreed solution that can either a time limit on the backing the remaining timetable for through the backstop if she is to command support in the Comstop or giving the UK an exit striking and ratifying a deal as get her Brexit deal through the mons. mechanism from it. “insane”. House of Commons. Brexit Secretary Stephen BarBoth proposals have received a May will meet Irish premier Ahead of their talks, Varadkar clay will hold talks with the EU's dusty response from Dublin, Leo Varadkar for dinner tonight will travel to Belfast for talks on chief negotiator Michel Barnier which insists the backstop canas she continues her shuttle Friday with the main Northern on Monday. not be time limited if it is to prodiplomacy to try to break the Ireland parties. vide an effective 'insurance Meanwhile Downing Street has deadlock. policy' against the return In her meetings in said ministers are looking ‘with May Ahead of her talks with the of a hard border Brussels on Thursday, interest’ at a letter from Jeremy Taoiseach, Attorney General is continuing between Northern May won a commitCorbyn setting out the terms on Geoffrey Cox will meet in the Ireland and the ment from European which Labour would support a her push to thrash Irish capital with his Irish counRepublic. Commission presideal in Parliament. out a reworked terpart, Seamus Woulfe. dent Jean-Claude May, however, has Daily Mail Brexit deal with EU

‘Death to America aimed only at Trump’ IRANIANS will chant “Death to America” as long as Washington continues its hostile policies, but the slogan is directed at President Donald Trump and U.S. leaders, not the American nation, Iran’s supreme leader said on Friday. “As long as America continues its wickedness, the Iranian nation will not abandon ‘Death to America’,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a gathering of Iranian Air Force officers marking the 40th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, according to his official website. Trump pulled out of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers last year and re-imposed sanctions on Tehran, dealing a blow to the country’s economy. “‘Death to America’ means

IRELAND could suffer a crippling economic hit if the UK crashes out of the EU without any agreement in place. Dublin's finance minister Paschal Donohoe said last month that growth could be over 4% lower over the next five years if there is no deal - and other estimates have put the damage even higher. There are fears of food shortages and huge queues at ports, with speculation the consequences could be worse than for the UK. Plans published by the Irish government before Christmas insist it will still try to avoid a hard border with Northern Ireland even if there is no deal, despite the EU commission suggesting this will not be possible. Deputy PM Simon Coveney admitted the problems highlighted in the report were 'stark' and 'sobering'.


US to exempt army officers from sanctions who support Guaido Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei death to Trump, (National Security Adviser) John Bolton, and (Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo. It means death to American rulers,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. European signatories of the nuclear deal have been trying to save the accord, but Khamenei said they could not be trusted. “I recommend that one should not trust the Europeans just as the Americans,” Khamenei said. “We don’t say, don’t have contacts with them, but it’s an issue of trust.” The European Union has stepped up criticism of Iran’s ballistic missiles programme while remaining committed to the 2015 nuclear deal. Reuters

WASHINGTON is prepared to exempt Venezuelan military leaders from punitive sanctions if they recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim leader, PresidentDonald Trump's national security adviser said on Wednesday.

Venezuelan army so far supports Maduro John Bolton took to Twitter to urge senior military officers to 'make the right choice' and align with Guaido instead of the embattled President Nicolas Maduro. 'The U.S. will consider sanctions off-ramps for any Venezuelan senior military officer that stands for democracy and recognizes the constitutional government of President Juan Guaido,' Mr Bolton wrote. 'If not, the international financial circle will be closed off completely,' he added.

Trump's national security adviser John Bolton The remarks align with those of Trump, who pledged in his State of the Union address Tuesday night to ramp up pressure on Maduro's socialist government, telling Congress that 'we stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom.' Trump swiftly recognized Guaido, the leader of Venezuela's

National Assembly, after he proclaimed himself acting president of Venezuela last month, and has not ruled out a military intervention in the crisis-wracked country. Guaido has since been recognized by more than 40 countries, including the UK, France and Spain. Trump has appeared to relish the fight against Maduro, a leftist firebrand fond of criticizing US foreign policy, who presides over a crumbling economy in which food and basic supplies are scarce and millions have fled to neighboring countries. US Senator Marco Rubio, whose parents immigrated to the United States from Cuba, whose communist government backs Maduro, also suggested Washington offer protections for those who turn against Maduro. He tweeted that Venezuelan military leaders like Vladimir Padrino, the minister of defense, 'can play an important role in restoring democracy' in Venezuela. Daily Mail

Vol: 14,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019



n a m t s e rich accuses U.S. f o d i o l b ta l i a m k c bla

Dylan ntent Officer Co f ie h C I M A Howard.


ORLD’S richest man Jeff Bezos reveals “blackmail” emails from Enquirer threatening to publish his naked selfies to lover unless he drops claims magazine’s exposé was politically motivated.

Emails sent to Jeff Bezos said nude photos of him and Lauren will be published in the weekly A PROPOSED AGREEMENT A full and complete mutual release of all claims that American Media, on the one hand, and Jeff Bezos and Gavin de Becker (the 'Bezos Parties'), on the other, may have against each other.

unpublished texts and photos (the ‘Unpublished Materials’). AM affirms that it undertook no electronic eavesdropping in connection with its reporting and has no knowledge of such conduct.

Jeff Bezos has published a shocking letter that was sent to him by a National Enquirer editor threatening to publish nude photos of the Ama A public, mutually-agreed zon billionaire if he did not back off claims that The agreement is comupon acknowledgment from the decision to out the billionaire’s affair with pletely confidential. the Bezos Parties, released Lauren Sanchez was politically motivated. through a mutually-agreeable In the email, American Media’s Chief Content In the case of a breach of the Officer Dylan Howard comments that “with news outlet, affirming that agreement by one or more of The Washington Post poised to publish unsubthey have no knowledge or the Bezos Parties, AM is stantiated rumors of The National Enquirer’s basis for suggesting that AM's released from its obligations initial report, I wanted to describe to you the coverage was politically motiunder the agreement, and photos obtained during our newsgathering.” vated or influenced by political may publish the Unpublished He then goes on to claim that the Enquirer forces, and an agreement that has a “d*** pic” sent by Bezos and a photo that Materials. they will cease referring to shows Sanchez’s “nether region.” Any other disputes arising After listing the images, Howard writes: “It such a possibility. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his girlfriend would give no editor pleasure to send this email. out of this agreement shall Lauren Sanchez have not seen each other in 28 AM agrees not to publish, I hope common sense can prevail - and quickly.” first be submitted to JAMS days — after the exposé of their long-term Bezos did respond quickly, by posting that letdistribute, share, or describe mediation in California. ter and two others online. affair turned into a wider scandal. The first email was sent on FebThe Enquirer could also lose cution. shared by Bezos was far more ruary 5, a proposed agreement in a post on Medium. was sent on February 6 and a “If in my position I can’t stand its immunity deal with New York In a subsequent email, an clear about the deal. third email was sent at an up to this kind of extortion, how prosecutors over a $150,000 hush attorney for American Media “As I advised previously, we payment during Donald unknown date in response to a many people can?” outlines a proposed agree- stand by the legality of our ment, which was also newsgathering and reporting on February 4 note sent by Bezos’ “These communications Trump’s presidential it was published by Bezos. this matter of public interest Jeff’s lawyer Marty Singer to Howard. cement AMI’s long-earned rep- campaign, Jon Fine, the lawyer and concern. Moreover, AmeriThese emails were sent just a utation for weaponizing journal- claimed last night. private MI reached the deal who wrote the terms can Media is undeterred from few months after American Media istic privileges, hiding behind investigator of the deal, worked continuing its reporting on a agreed to fully cooperate with a important protections, and last year after paying reportedly under Bezos at Ama- story that is unambiguously in Department of Justice investiga- ignoring the tenets and purpose $150,000 to silence suspects that a ‘govt zon for nine years the public interest — a position tion involving President Trump of true journalism,” wrote Bezos. Karen McDougal, a entity’ might have according to his Bezos clearly appreciates as Playboy under penalty of law. “Of course I don’t want per- former LinkedIn page. got hold of his who had reflected in Boies Schiller Janu“Well, that got my attention. sonal photos published, but I model He was employed as a ary 9 letter to American Media private texts But not in the way they likely also won’t participate in their allegedly had an affair lawyer, director and vice stating that your client “does hoped. Any personal embarrass- well-known practice of black- with Trump. president at Amazon not intend to discourage reportBut the company’s ment AMI could cause me takes mail, political favors, political between 2006 and 2015, he ing about him” and “supports a back seat because there’s a attacks, and corruption. I prefer alleged threat to Bezos could journalistic efforts,” read the much more important matter to stand up, roll this log over, be interpreted as a breach, writes on his online profile. The third and final email email. potentially opening it to proseDaily Mail involved here,” explained Bezos and see what crawls out.”

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


Kangana: Alia is Karan’s puppet Kangana hits out at Alia again, tells her to grow some spine.

great admirer of Kangana, KANGANA Ranaut launched not only as a performer but into a tirade against Bollyalso on a personal level. “As I wood after the film fraternity have said before, I really allegedly ganged up against admire her as an actor and her and refused to come out the choices that she makes. in support of her ambitious She’s a very outspoken perhistorical drama Manikarnika: son and I admire her for that The Queen Of Jhansi. She as well. If I have upset her lashed out at Alia Bhatt and unintentionally, then I don’t Aamir Khan, as well as others know. Basically, it wasn't my in the industry. intention. I didn’t do anything According to Kangana, Alia to get a reaction like this,” “shamelessly” asked her to she said. promote Raazi, but did not Kangana had earlier bother to even attend the slammed Alia for not screenings of any of her having “a voice of films. When Alia said I her own”. “I that she did not would like reached out to intend to rub her to react to her Alia and asked the wrong way, her what makes Kangana hit out at personally if she her again, calling has any complaints. her think her a “puppet of I don’t want to talk Manikarnika is my personal Karan Johar” and about it in the controversy, it’s telling her to media, said a film whole “grow some spine”. Alia nation is talking However, instead of about and wonderresponding to Kangana ing why Bollywood is with a jibe, Alia chose to keeping quiet on such a relemaintain a dignified silence. In vant work. I asked her if I can an interview with a leading be courteous and gracious to daily, she said, “I would like to acknowledge her requests react to her personally if she for encouraging relevant has any complaints. I don't work that she does, why is she want to talk about it in the so scared to see my film,” she media.” said. India Today TV Alia also said that she was a

Alia Bhatt


ANYE West is being sued by the parents of the little girl heard preaching her version of the gospel at the beginning of his tune Ultralight Beam.

India hardsells film biz at Berlinale 2019 INDIAN delegation at Berlinale 2019 met Head of Venice Production Bridge, Venice International Film Festival, Pascal Diot, who expressed his interest to work with the country and International Film Festival of India. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry, is participating at the Berlinale 2019. India Pavilion has been set up at Berlinale to showcase Indian Cinema at the global

Pascal Diot

platform and facilitate new business opportunities in Media & Entertainment sector. Diot also emphasised on giving prominent presence to India and IFFI at Venice International Film Festival 2019. The delegation from New Zealand discussed the IndiaNew Zealand co-production treaties. PTI

West sampled the audio from a 2016 viral video of Natalie Green, who was four at the time, and then got permission from her mother to use it. But her legal guardians say the hip -hop star got permission from the wrong parent, according to TMZ. Andrew and Shirley Green maintain West reached out to Natalie’s biological mother, Alice Johnson, whom they claim has no legal right to give approval. According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, the Greens adopted Natalie in December 2012 and took over all parental rights. The Greens also state in the lawsuit that Johnson has never received a written license agreement or payment for the use of Natalie’s voice. The Greens are now seeking profits from Ultralight Beam in addition to other damages. In the original 44-second video clip, Natalie is seen in a car, on her mother’s lap, rocking back and forth and screaming about how “we don’t want no devil in the house” and “we want the lord.” Her passion and commanding voice captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. That passion, no doubt, is what caught West’s attention and led him to add her to the beginning of his song, which was featured on his 2016 album, Life

Kanye West (above) is being sued by the parents of the little girl (inset) heard preaching her version of the gospel at the beginning of his tune Ultralight Beam. “Kanye West’s team reached out of Pablo. to me shortly before the release In an interview with Complex, of his album. I was elated when Natalie said the video came the offer was presented.” about “when my family memLittle Natalie is now bers were about to travel seven-years old. to Atlanta and asked me ‘Kanye to say a quick prayer So Far, Team West has for them as they nornot given an official West got mally would before comment on the lawpermission from they departed.” suit, according to the wrong parent’ She added: TMZ. Daily Mail

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


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Your Stars This Week

Still time to nominate volunteers to enjoy day out at Wolves

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries (March 21-April 19) Tidy up your desk, finish off pending chores, at home or workplace and start a fresh as the cosmos is all set to being in a blast of fortunate and blissful changes. Taurus (April 21-May 20) As Mars enters your sign, your energy and charisma begin to rise and you are in right frame of mind to achieve your goals and targets. Gemini (May 21-June 20) As Mars shifts into your 12th house, you may experience of drainage of energy and wish to spend time with yourself. For next few weeks, it is better not to venture into new projects or take major decisions. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Mars influences your 11th house of team work and collaborations and it is the perfect time to cash-in your past efforts and planning for a new venture. Thursday awakens your love and affection. Leo (July 23-August 22 The next few weeks are power packed and you will undertake journeys to enhance your finances and security. As the power surge keep rising so will be positive changes Virgo (August 23-September 22) You may have to concede to other people’s whims and wishes and take undesired action. It will be a low-key week, so work behind the scenes and let others take all the credit. Libra (September 23-October 20) Avoid pressurizing people or interfere in their routine or the unwanted advice will bounce back on you. Partners

and family members are in no mood to concede or compromise especially on the 13th. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Beware when dealing with mechanical/electrical appliances. Someone close is dubious and evasive; tension and nervousness rise but apart from this you are prepared to spen passionate and intimate time with your loved one on Thursday, the Valentine’s Day. Money becomes bone of contention at the weekend. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) The week is filled with love and romance, as Mars and Uranus join together in your 5th house of love. Work of course cannot be ignored and whilst you are frolicking, spare some time to promote your career. Finances remain stable. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Communications and networking are vital now to your career/business and it is imperative that soon you will get an opportunity for promotion or sign a new contract. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Be flexible and ready to change plans as unexpected events are in the fore this week. You may indulge in thinking of the past misadventures, but as the saying goes forget the past and move on. Pisces (February 19- March 19) The Sun Moves into your sign next week and you will notice a power surge, energy and magnetism peak and aspirations rise. To embrace the changes cosmos has planned for you, finish off the pending chores.

Council seeking relatives of the late John Edward Pritchard Relatives of the late John Edward Pritchard are being asked to get in touch with the City of Wolverhampton Council so that his funeral can be arranged. Mr Prichard, who was 81, passed away recently. He had been living in a care home in Merridale for several years, and previously lived in the Ettingshall and Bilston areas with his brother. He is believed to have also had connections with the Wombourne area. Anyone who is related to, or knows, Mr Pritchard or has any information which may help trace his relatives or friends is asked to please contact Diane Washbrook, Protection and Funeral Officer at the City of Wolverhampton Council, by calling 01902 555333 or emailing

There’s still time for people to nominate unsung volunteering heroes who they think deserve a Premier League day out at Wolverhampton Wanderers. The City of Wolverhampton Council is keen to celebrate the contribution that volunteers make to the city, and will be inviting six of them to enjoy Wolves’ top flight clash with Arsenal on Saturday 16 March. In order to select six lucky winners, the council is asking people to send in their nominations – but they should hurry as the closing date is next Friday 22 February. Deputy Managing Director Mark Taylor, who will be hosting the group on 16 March, said: “Thousands of people in Wolverhampton give up their time to volunteer in one way or another, and as a city we should be very grateful for their efforts. “I’m looking forward to welcoming some very deserving volunteers to

enjoy Wolves’ game against Arsenal, and I would encourage people to put forward their nominations today. Please tell us who you are nominating, who they volunteer with and, most importantly, why you think they are a worthy winner. “We’ve already had some excellent nominations, but there’s still time to get yours in, so please don’t delay.” To make a nomination, please send the name of the volunteer, the name of the organisation they volunteer for and a short summary – no more than 100 words – detailing why you think they should win. Please also include your contact details and send your nomination(s) to: Martha Cummings, Voluntary Sector Coordinator, City of Wolverhampton Council, Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square WV1 1SH. Alternatively you can email

Kamala Harris confronts critics questioning her black heritage New York-Indian-origin US Senator Kamala Harris, who officially kicked off her 2020 presidential campaign, has directly confronted critics who questioned her black heritage, saying she was not going to spend her time trying to educate them about who black people are. Harris, 54, became the first IndianAmerican and the second black woman to serve in the US Senate when she took office in 2017. In an interview on Monday with New Yorkbased The Breakfast Club radio, the show's hosts asked the California

Democrat to address a series of derogatory memes circulating on social media, questioning her black heritage, her record of incarcerating minorities as a prosecutor and her decision to marry a white man. One of the hosts cited a meme that said Harris is "not African-American" because her parents were immigrants born in India and Jamaica and she spent her high school years in Canada. "So I was born in Oakland, and raised in the US except for the years that I was in high school in Montreal, Canada," the CNN quoted Harris as saying.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019


‘Above: It wasn’t too long before the young miss Kate Moss, aged 14, was catapulted into the public eye as a supermodel. Left: Han Solo then and now. Below: Julia Roberts is still the ‘Pretty Woman’, even if it’s nearly 30 years.


WARPED D ON’T do a doubletake. These really are the moments when celebrities were reunited with their younger selves. Dutch artist Ard Gelinck has brilliantly photoshopped music and film stars “now” and “then” in

The late King of Pop Michael Jackson deserves not one but two generational turns.

O Brother, Where Are Thou? The answer for George Clooney, 57, is his apparent younger sibling stood right next to him.

these astonishing images. The seemingly-posed photographs include famous faces such as Kate Moss, Sir Paul McCartney and Harry Potter star Emma Watson. Give or take a wrinkle or two, the stars seem to have aged well. But as Tina Turner might ask of Gelinck’s time -warp creations, who do you think is simply the best? Daily Mail

Does Emma Watson still hold Professor McGonagall’s time turner? Oprah may have gone through different body sizes but this proves she’s essentially the same.

JLaw is engaged The star’s representative later JENNIFER Lawrence is engaged confirmed the engagement to to Cooke Maroney after eight multiple outlets. The two were months of dating. On Tuesday, introduced by Lawrence’s best the Oscar winning actress, 28, friend Laura Simpson and have confirmed she is to marry the been dating for eight months. New York art gallery director, 34, after he popped the Cooke works at New York's question with a “giant Gladstone Gallery, which On rock”. represents artists Tuesday including Lena DunThe happy news actress left ham’s dad, Carroll comes after the couRaoul’s in NYC with Dunham, as well as ple were spotted Richard Prince, Anish dining together in boyfriend Cooke Kapoor, and Bjork’s New York at Raoul’s, Maroney sporting ex, Matthew Barney. with Lawrence seen a ‘giant rock’ on He is known on the art showing off the ring her finger party scene and previon her finger. ously worked at the presA source who witnessed tigious Gagosian gallery. the scene told PageSix the For Jennifer, the romance two and their pals were defibegan just months after she nitely celebrating something. split from Mother! director Dar“The ring was very noticeable. ren Aronofsky, 49, in November They were sitting back in a cor2017 after dating for about a ner. She was wearing a cute year. black dress with white polka Daily Mail dots,” it was reported.

Rocky - aka Sylvester Stallone - is still as rocking as ever.

Ranveer gets flak, once again RANVEER Singh has usually been a popular favourite among Bollywood fans. However, the actor has been getting into scrapes lately and his fans are finding it rather hard to forgive him. Just the other day, he made news for jumping into the crowd and injuring numerous fans. And now, he is under fire for making distasteful comments at the promotions of his upcoming film Gully Boy. A video of Singh from a Gully Boy concert is being circulated on Twitter, where he can be heard saying, “Bagal mein apna JJ hospital haina, saala aaj raat itna awaaz karo ke wahan ke sab murde jaag jaye. Bole toh police aani mangti hai idhar, lekin fikar nahi karne ka tumhare bhai ka abhi word hai police mein bole apun bhi

Actor made distasteful comments at an event. Simmba hai baba”. (Right next to us is JJ hospital, make so much noise that even the dead wake up. Don’t worry if the police come here, I’m Simmba anyway.) Singh’s Gully Boy releases on February 14. His film Simmba crossed Rs 200 crore at the box office, and fans now have high expectations from his Gully Boy. India Today TV

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

'Dr Evil' pleads guilty to GBH after chopping off body parts in Wolverhampton studio A Wolverhampton body modification artist, known as 'Dr Evil' has today pleaded guilty to three counts of grievous bodily harm after removing and cutting body parts in his studio. Brendan Patrick McCarthy, owner of Dr Evil's Body Modification Emporium previously based in Wolverhampton, added 'body modification' to his services before carrying out extreme procedures at his tattoo parlour. All procedures including the removal of a customer's ear, a client's nipple and splitting a customer's tongue, were carried out without an anaesthetic. Public Protection officers at City of Wolverhampton Council served a notice on McCarthy preventing him from carrying out any of his extreme services under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The council engaged the expertise of a consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon to advise of the risks involved in McCarthy's activities. The expert advised that McCarthy's lack of medical training, unsuitable operating environment, lack of specialist equipment and working with untrained 'professionals', meant

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he was putting people at greater risk of severe bleeding, infection and life changing complications. West Midlands Police arrested McCarthy in December 2015 on suspicion of assault and again in October 2016 for wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: "Today, we have exposed a national issue which requires a national regulation to be introduced to protect members of the public against the risks of extreme body modification. "Whilst I'm sure Mr McCarthy considers himself an artist, providing a service removing and cutting people's body parts without adequate medical training from unsuitable retail premises, presents a risk to the public that we are not prepared to accept. "McCarthy has been undertaking significant cosmetic practises which need to be carried out in a suitable medical facility and customers need to be psychologically vetted before the procedure. "Cosmetic surgery requires a high level of legislation and we will be asking national government to address these extreme practises that are being increasingly being requested the public."

14th February to 20th February 2019


FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION INVIOLABLE: VIRENDRA SHARMA MP "My attention has been drawn to a recently held press conference in London by Indian Journalists' Association (Europe), wherein a United States-based radio frequency engineer of Indian-origin alleged Electronic Voting Machines in India can be hacked. I don't wish to go into the merits of this claim, which has been dismissed by the Election Commission of India and widely questioned in India. What is disturbing, though, is threats against the President of IJA have been posted on social media urging a minister in the Indian government to take punitive action against him. Freedom of expression and therefore liberty of news media is enshrined in the constitutions of both Britain and India. Such principles are inviolable. To impute motives in the working of an independent journalists' association is unbecoming in a democracy. IJA is a distinguished 72-year-old organisation, which has hosted prime ministers of Britain and India and been strictly even-handed towards political parties in both countries. It will serve maintenance of the rule of law in good stead if all concerned refrained from interfering in its rightful activities." Virendra Sharma MP Chair, Indo-British APPG

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Krunal Pandya has punched above his weight with some gritty performances.

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

14th February to 20th February 2019






India yet to play here



New Zealand v Zimbabwe, Feb 14, 2012


The Rohit Sharma-led Indian side will aim to win their first T20 international series in New Zealand on Sunday.


Bangladesh v New Zealand, Feb 3, 2010



R. Levi, South Africa v New Zealand, Feb 19, 2012



J. Franklin, New Zealand v England, Feb 12, 2013


2008 Compiled by Manoj Kumar

INDIA ROUND off their long tours to Australia and New Zealand on Sunday with a great deal of satisfaction. Across all three formats, results have been good, leading many to tip India as favourites for the ICC World Cup to be held in England this summer. With Virat Kohli opting out of the T20 series and on a well-deserved holiday, it has given coach Ravi Shastri and stand-in captain Rohit Sharma time to experiment. It’s clear, India have used the T20 series against New Zealand as a buildup for the World Cup. There has been tinkering with the squad, a few changes and results on expected lines. Undoubtedly, Rohit has been a huge hit with the bat and his consistency marks him out as a man in form. As the leading run-getter with authority in T20 internationals, Rohit has that aura of being a batsman who is playing with great touch and enjoying whatever he is doing. At a time when almost everyone has started speculating on what will be the possible 16-member squad for the World Cup, there really are not too many worries for the selectors. With Shastri hinting Kohli could come in at No. 4 in the World Cup in England so that the team can bat deep, the jigsaw kind of fits quite easily. The big debate or so one thought was who would come in at the No.3 position. Perhaps, Rishabh Pant has provided enough answers to that as well, with his ebullient knock of 40 runs in Auckland on Friday catching the eye. Reports Khaleel Ahmed can be a great pick as the trickling in from New Zealand say Pant No. 13 player, having impressed recently. has been watched closely by none other MS Dhoni. home, they will then fineselectors could well be takDhoni himself goes into tune for the last stretch by ing a look at how players the World Cup as a player playing five ODIs against perform in the Indian Prewith good scores in recent Australia. Possibly, in mier League. With the prematches in ODIs and tons these matches, one could mium club cricket tournaof experience. get to see how the five ment in India advanced Frankly speaking, the other places get filled up this time and its schedule battle for places in the from 12 to 16. still not very clear, IPL World Cup revolves more Given Yuzvendra Chadoes become important. around the reserve slots, hal’s ability to fox the Today’s cricketers are at with almost the first 12 so batsmen with his spin, he par with professionals in easy to pick. Starting with can be named as the No.12 other sport. They are Rohit and Shikhar player while for variety in expected to be super-fit, Dhawan, you have Pant at the form of left arm pace, play almost non-stop and No.3. Khaleel Ahmed can be a maintain high levels of If Kohli comes in at No.4 great pick as the No. 13 motivation. Given the forand Dhoni at No.5, player. Khaleel has mat of the IPL, it is very there is more batimpressed in New demanding on every player ting down the Zealand and in who is part of various franCoach line if Ambati England, chisees. Shastri has Rayudu where there The modern day crickhinted they could comes in at will be more eter works hard on fitness No.6. After movement well be taking a and at the same time has that, you for the fast to ensure he does not look at how have to fit in bowlers, a become stale. And in that players perform in left-arm the bowlers sense, it has been good where Hardik speed merIndian Premier Kohli managed to get a Pandya, Bhuchant can be good break. There are League vneshwar great variety. some who will suggest Kumar, Possibly for the Indian cricketers are preMohammed Shami, No.14 place, it could served for the World Cup Jasprit Bumrah and possibe a toss-up between but that’s simply not posbly Kuldeep Yadav take up Kedar Jadhav, who did sible. the No.7 to 11 places. well in Australia and It’s similar to the profesOne could well ask what Dinesh Karthik. No.15 can sional football players who the hurry is to speculate be a contest between get paid so well by clubs, on the World Cup team. Ravindra Jadeja, spinner they do not get released These days, when there is cum good fielder and for the FIFA World Cup in a great deal of professionKrunal Pandya. If one advance. Many have caralism associated with the talks of getting in a reserve ried injuries into the World Indian team and the buildopener, Shubhman Gill Cup. up for the big event in and experienced KL Rahul However, in Indian England proceeding on may be the selectors’ cricket, that is just not the right track, it is a good dilemma for the last place possible as fitness tests sign. in the flight to England. rarely leave any room for Once the team returns Shastri has hinted the compromise.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 700

No takers for ‘adverse’ order on Ayodhya? REGARDLESS of their frenzied calls to settle the protracted Ayodhya title dispute urgently, litigants on either side of the case are not willing to accept any adverse ruling, an India Today investigation has found. The Supreme Court cancelled a scheduled hearing for Jan 29 because of non-availability of one of the five judges of the constitution bench dealing with the matter.

— Amit Malviya, BJP IT cell chief

We are not fighting here for a mere temple.Who has the guts to remove deities from the so-called disputed site? That is a temple & will remain a temple.

— Shriraj Nair, VHP spokesperson

Patience then wore thin, with both sides demanding a speedy disposal. “These dates after dates in the Supreme Court are wrong. These delays are wrong,” remarked Haji Mehboob, a Muslim litigant. Hindu holy men echoed the same sentiments in the wake of the Jan 29 cancellation. But when India Today's undercover reporters reached out to the two sides in the title dispute, they found none of them is willing to accept any unfavourable ruling, no matter when it's delivered. “Do you think anyone can place a single brick if a judgment is delivered (in favour “Whether it’s a Supreme Court or of the other side?” Mehboob was a doomsday judgment. I am a caught saying on tape. “I had Muslim, an ordinary Muslim. They challenged them that I would cannot place it in my lifetime.” allow not even a single brick to be The litigant said he would laid till I am alive.” ‘abide by nothing’ that favoured “Even after the SC ruling?” the opposite side. “I would not probed India Today’s reporter. allow them to place a single brick “Yes, yes. I challenge them to (for a temple). Publically, I am place it. I am being absolutely saying we'd look at the ruling clear. Till I am alive, they cannot when it's delivered. But to tell you put a single brick, no matter whatthe truth, no Muslim would ever ever they do,” he warned. accept it (an adverse judgment).”

Constitution of India will prevail. I may not be happy with the judgment that the Supreme Court formulates or pronounces, but I have to accept it.

By Jamshed Khan in Sushant Pathak in Ayodhya


litigants on either side of the case are not willing to accept any adverse ruling.

It will be incumbent on the govts, both in state as well as at the centre, to ensure that the orders of the SC are executed peacefully and a Ram temple is built there.




14th February to 20th February 2019

— Mehmood Paracha, AIMPLB He warned of violence. “Clashes are inevitable. There's no doubt about it,” Mehboob said. Triloki Nath Pandey, a VHP functionary appearing as a representative of the Lord, was also outspoken about civil unrest if a judgment didn't favour the Hindu side. “It’s the public that builds police; it's the public that builds the constitution; it's the public that builds governments. There will be a new constitution, new

police, new courts and a new syster's name for years later. Similarly, tem,” warned Pandey, referred to the coming generations will as the next friend of Ram Lalla in remember Ayodhya’s Babri the Ayodhya case. “We will go to Masjid.” “If the Supreme Court the people's court. ...There will be verdict goes against the Muslims, a new constitution. Things will be would they accept it?” asked the turned upside down,” he said. reporter. “They would not accept it. There will be disturbance,” “That will cause unrest he replied. Official parties in the country,” the Sourabh in the title dispute aside, reporter asked. “Let Das, a mahant passions still run high that be if the counfar and wide on Ayodof the Santoshi try wants it,” he hya's volatile religious replied. “This is a Akhara in the holy ground, the India settled affair that town, warned of an Today probe found. the Hindus would agitation in the event not compromise on Sourabh Das, a of a pro-Muslim the temple issue. A mahant of the Sanruling by the temple will be built toshi Akhara in the holy by hook or by crook.” town, warned of an agitacourt Iqbal Ansari, another littion in the event of a proigant in the Ayodhya title Muslim ruling. dispute, said he would settle for “We won't let it happen. If the nothing less than a verdict favourruling goes against us, we will have ing the Muslim cause. to launch an agitation. We will go “This is Babri Masjid. The whole there ourselves to build a Ram world knows about it. How can temple,” he said. “Let them bring the Supreme Court issue a ranin paramilitaries or any other dom verdict?” he remarked. “Peoforce. We will resist them.” ple remember their prime minisIndia Today TV

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