ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
ÒØ’ √Ì≈ ⁄؉ª B@AI : F Óπº«Á¡ª, F ¡≈◊»¡ª ”Â∂ «‘‰◊Δ¡ª Șª
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Arun Photay Steps down as Councillor Tory Councillor of Wolverhampton city Council has informed to Mann Jitt that he has decided to step down as Councillor due to work commitments and increase involvement with the Conservative Party on a national level.Now he is the Deputy Regional Chairman of Shropshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire and the Midlands area.
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
‘Will break up FB, Google if I’m U.S. Prez’ The Friday statement by the presidential contender and consumer protection advocate had an immediate impact on the company stocks. Warren is polling in the first or second tier of potential presidential candidates, earning an average of 7% support in a polling average — though to implement her ideas she would have to capture both the nomination and defeat U.S. President Donald Trump. Warren described her plans in an essay published on Medium that made the case for promoting competition. “Today’s big tech companies have too much power — too much power over our economy, our society, and our democracy. They’ve bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field against everyone else. And in the process, they have hurt small businesses and stifled innovation,” she wrote.
As these tech giants have grown larger and more powerful, they have used their resources and control over the way we use the Internet to squash small businesses and innovation.
DEMOCRATIC Senator Elizabeth Warren said that if elected United States President she would break up top tech giants Amazon and Alphabet’s Google and Facebook, saying they have ‘too much power’ and have ‘bulldozed competition’.
Senator accuses them of ‘using data for profit’ Amazon shares fell 1.5% and Facebook and Alphabet shares were down 0.6% in trade on Friday morning. Warren, a former academic, became a liberal favourite after she helped create the first consumer financial protection board. Warren, who is seeking to stand out in a Democratic field crowded with progressives, said the companies have been allowed to purchase potential competitors, like Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram. She made her policy pitch as she seeks to distinguish herself from other contenders, including Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has gone after Amazon to try to get the shipping and Internet giant to boost wages. Sanders introduced legislation, named after Amazon chief Jeff Bezos, that would seek to tax companies whose workers are
browser’, and has made Facebook FACEBOOK users face new privacy conaware of the vulnerability. The attack cerns as yet another security breach exploits something called ‘iframe’, could be giving away the names of which is used to see whether a user people they have been messaging. has been or is engaging with chat Hackers trying to gain access to priboxes in Messenger. The chat box and vate accounts need only to get users contact list are rendered in iframes. to click a video link, which would be easily disguised as regular content. Masas said, ‘When the user has not been in contact with a specific user, The loophole then lets hackers check the iframe count would reach three which contacts had recently engaged and then always drop suddenly for a with the user over Facebook Messenfew milliseconds. This lets an attacker ger. The flaw comes after CEO Mark reliably distinguish between the full Zuckerberg announced a ‘privacyand empty states. This could let him focused future’ for its users. The latest remotely check if the current user privacy exposé was made by Ron has chatted with a specific person or Masas from Imperva, an online business, which would violate privacy monitoring website. those users’ privacy. By lookMasas called the latest The ing at patterns I was able to vulnerability a ‘side-chanhackers can leak the state of a crossnel attack, performed on access accounts origin window.’ Daily Mail an end user’s web
by any video link.
forced to rely on government benefits for health care and living costs. The acronym comes from its title ‘Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies’. She would appoint regulators who would rely on existing antitrust laws ‘to break up mergers that reduce competition’.
She said that they would rely on those tools to ‘unwind anticompetitive mergers, including: Amazon: Whole Foods; Zappos Facebook: WhatsApp; Instagram Google: Waze; Nest; DoubleClick’. In her pitch to rein in the influence of tech giants, the Massachusetts Senator envi-
sions legislation targeting companies with annual worldwide revenue of $25 billion or more, limiting their ability to expand and forcing parts of Google and Amazon’s business structure to operate as separate entities. “Today's big tech companies have too much power — too
much power over our economy, our society, and our democracy,” Warren said. It remains to be seen whether Warren will introduce legislation in the Congress aligning with the first element of her plan. Spokeswoman Kristen Orthman said a Bill introduction was not imminent. Daily Mail
Do you know galaxy weighs same as 1.5 trillion Suns!
It measures 256K light years across.
OUR galaxy has been put on a set of Space Telescope Science Institute in the mathematical scales by scientists who U.S. “By combining Gaia’s measurements have discovered the weight of the Milky of 34 globular clusters with measurements Way. It is believed to weigh the same as 1.5 of 12 more distant clusters from Hubble, trillion Suns and measures 256,000 light we could pin down the Milky Way’s mass years across. The project involved interin a way that would be impossible without national collaboration between scientists these two space telescopes.” The research working for NASA and ESA on the Hubble puts Milky Way as an above average and Gaia telescopes. They found the galaxy in terms of its size. figure by combining data from 46 “The more massive a galaxy, the globular clusters, masses of hunfaster its clusters move under the dreds of thousands of stars pull of its gravity. Most previous Scientists that swarm around the Milky measurements have found the Way’s centre. discovered the speed at which a cluster is Thirty-four of these came approaching or receding from weight of the from Gaia and another dozen Earth, that is the velocity Milky Way using from Hubble. “We were lucky along our line of sight. Howdata from Gaia to have such a great combiever, we were able to also nation of data,” explained measure the sideways motion and Hubble. Roeland van der Marel of the of the clusters, from which the
total velocity, and consequently the galactic mass, can be calculated,” explained professor Wyn Evans from the University of Cambridge. A supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy weighs the same as four million suns and previous estimates of the Milky Way’s size varied enormously between 500 billion to 3 trillion Suns. Variation comes from disagreements and discrepancies in techniques used to measure and weigh dark matter, which makes up to 90% of the galaxy. “We just can’t detect dark matter directly. That is what leads to the present uncertainty in the Milky Way’s mass — you can’t measure accurately what you cannot see!” explained Laura Watkins of the ESO, who led the research team performing the analysis. Daily Mail
By Milan Sharma in New Delhi
THE Ministry of External Affairs reacted strongly to Pakistan’s claims on preemptive airstrikes in Balakot after the Pulwama attack on February 14. Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar read out a statement issued by the MEA, saying, “If, as Pakistan claims, they have a video recording of the downing of a second Indian aircraft, why have they not shown it to the international media even after more than one week?” “If Pakistan claims to be a ‘naya Pakistan with nayi soch’, it should show ‘naya action’ against terrorist groups and terror infrastructure on its soil and end cross-border terrorism in support of its claims,” the MEA said.
‘Pak used F-16, denied it’
Vol: 15,
Issue 704
India asks Pak to ‘walk the talk’ on terrorist groups
The ministry said that questions should be asked to them as to where the fuselage of the aircraft is and what has happened to the pilots. “As we have already said, there are eyewitness accounts and electronic evidence that Pakistan deployed F-16 aircrafts and one F-16 was MEA spokesperson shot down by Indian Air Force Raveesh Kumar (inset) Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman,” it said. slams Imran Khan’s “Evidence of the use of government. AMRAAM missile, which can only be deployed on F-16 used by Pakistan, has also been shown to the media. Pakistan should explain why it continues to deny that its F-16 aircraft was shot down?” The ministry also said that they have asked the United States to examine whether the use of F-16 against India is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the sale. The MEA claimed that they (Indian government) was on February 27 ‘transparent and open’ in informing the media that in the process of defending the national sovereignty and territorial integrity, they lost one MiG-21 Bison in action and Abhinandan had to bail out and land in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoK).
After the pre-dawn air strike on February 24, India was quietly monitoring the situation and it was Pakistan which started crying around 5.00 am that Modi has hit us
— Narendra Modi, Prime Minister
The terrorist camps The widespread presence of terrorist camps in Pakistan is a public knowledge within and outside Pakistan. “Repeated requests by us and the international community for Pakistan to take action against such groups were met with denial,” the MEA said. Since February 26, following the demands from the international community, Pakistan is again claiming to take fresh action against terror groups on its soil. In an interview to CNN on February 28, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan said, “Well, he is (Masood Azhar) in Pakistan according to my information.” Claims are being made that terrorist organisations will be proscribed, that some individuals have been placed in preventive detention and the government ‘Naya Pakistan’ must show ‘naya action’ against terror and some action has been taken against seminaries and madarsas belonging to terrorist groups. “We have been seeing terrorist attacks on our soil. Pakistan claims to proscribe groups and individuals, but this is confined only on paper. Terror groups continue their activities without hindrance,” he said. India Today TV
14th March to 20th March, 2019
MEA: FALSE NARRATIVE BY PAK THE MEA said that Pakistan continues to propagate a false narrative of the events of the airstrikes on their soil. It also said that the Pakistan government is playing a spokesperson for terror outfit Jaish-eMohammed (JeM). The ministry claimed that the Pakistan government is playing a spokesperson for terror outfit Jaish-eKumar asserted that PakMohammed (JeM). It asked, istan-based terror groups ‘Pakistan foreign minister were conducting their Shah Mehmood Qureshi had activities without any hinsaid that there was some drance. It said that even confusion and that the after years, Pakistan JeM have not fails to take any The claimed responsicredible action ministry bility of the against the JeM attack. Is Pakand other terclaims that Pak istan defending rorist organisagovernments have Jaish?’ tions that conbeen lying forever
tinue to operate with impunity from Pakistan. In 2004, the then Pakistan President made a solemn commitment that they won’t allow any territory under their control to be used for terrorist activity in any manner. The ministry claimed that till today Pakistan failed to take any credible action against the JeM and other terrorist organisations, which continue to operate with impunity from Pakistan. The widespread presence of terrorist camps in Pakistan is a public knowledge within and outside Pakistan. The MEA said that their repeated requests to take action against such terror outfits have been met with denial.
CRPF personnel were killed in Pulwama. I want to ask the PM that who killed them.... Wasn’t it a BJP government that freed Masood Azhar from an Indian jail?
— Rahul Gandhi , Congress president
In the last five years, three times we have crossed the border and conducted successful strikes. I will provide information on two, but not the third
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— Rajnath Singh, Home minister
NIA cracks whip, summons Hurriyat leaders By Kamaljit Sandhu in Srinagar THE National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday issued summons to top Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Naseem Geelani, son of proPakistan separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani. While Naseem has been summoned twice earlier, this is the first time that the top leader of the Hurriyat has been called for questioning over the 2017 Jammu and Kashmir terror funding case. India Today TV has learnt that the two have been asked to present themselves at the NIA headquarters in New Delhi on Monday. On February 26 last month, the NIA raided the Mirwaiz’s residence in the Nigeen area of Srinagar and searched the premises for over six hours. The first set of arrests by NIA in 2017 included Shahid Ul Islam, a close aide of the Mirwaiz. Sources say the questioning pertains to a letter seized during raids which stated Rs 5,000 was paid to a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative. Sources say that the said money was allegedly given by Shahid to
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Naseem Geelani, son of pro-Pakistan separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani (L), summoned.
the operative the Mirwaiz’s behest. Incidentally, a DSP of J&K police Faheem Ali, who was deployed for security of the leader, was also called in for questioning in August 2017. Sources told India Today TV that Mirwaiz was consulting his lawyers before going to Delhi. The NIA in February had carried out searches on houses of separatist leaders. According to NIA
spokesperson, seven locations which were raided belonged to top separatist leaders Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, JKLF chairman Yasin Malik, president of JKDFP Shabir Shah and Naseem Geelani, son of Syed Ali Shah Geelani. Sources had told India Today TV that NIA teams seized incriminating documents including property papers, financial transactions receipts and bank
account details. Electronic devices including laptops, tablets, mobile phones, pen drives, communication system and DVRs were also seized during the searches. The government has also cracked down on SAS Geelani keeping him under house arrest, Yasin Malik was slapped with Public Safety Act and was shifted to
7 locations that were raided belonged to separatist leaders Kotbalwal jail in Jammu. Following the Pulwama suicide attack last month, the government withdrew security cover of senior separatist leaders in the Valley. The Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL), which includes Geelani, Malik and Mirwaiz had termed raids on the houses of separatists as a political vendetta against the separatist leadership. India Today TV
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
MICHIGAN MAN RECEIVES CONGRATULATORY TELEGRAM 50 YEARS LATER Michigan A man who graduated from the University of Michigan in 1969 has finally received a congratulatory telegram from family friends that was sent more than 50 years ago. Robert Fink received the Western Union telegram this year. Western Union ended its telegram business in 2006. The Washington Post first reported on the telegram finally being delivered to Fink. The telegram originally arrived in 1969 at an Ann Arbor apartment Fink shared with three classmates a day after he had left to attend graduate school in New York. Christina Zaske rediscovered the telegram in December after removing the bottom drawer of an old filing cabinet now owned by Ann Arbor-based digital marketing agency ICON Interactive to retrieve a piece of paper that had fallen inside. “I looked inside, mostly because I was curious to see an actual telegram,” Zaske told The Ann Arbor News. Zaske saw Fink’s name on the paper and used the internet to find him and return the note. Fink is now a professor at Oakland
University in Rochester, a Detroit suburb that’s about 45 miles northeast of Ann Arbor. “I was surprised to learn that he had never received the telegram and was glad that I could reunite it with its intended recipient all of these years later,” Zaske said. Fink said the letter has brought back memories and made him reflect on his old connections. “The theme for me has been that the long arm of the past is reaching out and grabbing me, and
I should take it seriously,” he said. Fink said he’s regretful he never had the chance to thank Ben and Lillian Fischman for sending the telegram, noting that they’ve both died. “It also left me with a funny sense of guilt that they had thought about me that way,” Fink said. “It took some effort to send a telegram — it’s not like texting someone. It touched me they had thought about me and made the effort to do so.
their countries. No details were offered of the India-Pakistan discussions and response was awaited from the state department to a request for more information, including, if the two officials also talked about their proposal, with France in the lead, to the UN Security Council to designate Masood Azhar, the head of Jaish-eMohammad that has claimed responsibility for the Pulwama attack, as a terrorist. The three P-5 countries launched last week a fourth attempt to sanction Azhar. China, which blocked the last three attempts, holds the key and it has been non-
committal so far. A decision is likely next week. The United States and the United Kingdom have both strongly condemned the Pulwama attack and have extended their support to India to fight terrorism. The United States backed India’s right to self-defense and the airstrike on a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist camp in Balakot, Pakistan, calling it “counter-terrorism actions”, a description that India has welcomed and embraced for the strikes. The US and UK, joined by France, also pressed the UN Security Council to pass a “pathbreaking” statement condemning the Pulwama attack, despite stiff resistance from China, on behalf of Pakistan. And the three P-5 countries and Afghanistan joined India to oppose an appeal by Hafiz Saeed, founder and head of Lashkar-e-Toiba that carried out the 2008 Mumbai massacre, to be removed from the UNSC list of designated terrorists. An ombudsman for the world body rejected Saeed’s petition on Wednesday.
US, UK discuss need to reduce India-Pakistan tensions
Washington US secretary of state Mike Pompeo and UK’s National Security Advisor Mark Sedwill on Friday discussed the need to reduce tensions between India and Pakistan, following the Pulwama terrorist attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed last month, as one of “key global priorities”. The two officials discussed “key global priorities, including support for reducing tension between India and Pakistan”, US state department spokesperson Robert Palladino said in a readout of their meeting. They also discussed Syria and Iran, and the special relationship between
14th March to 20th March, 2019
Bodies of 2 missing climbers from UK, Italy found on Pakistan’s ‘killer mountain’
Islamabad The bodies of two mountaineers from the UK and Italy were found Saturday in northern Pakistan, nearly two weeks after the duo went missing while trying to climb Nanga Parbat in Gilgit-Baltisitan region, the Italian ambassador said Saturday Italian national Daniele Nardi, 42, and Tom Ballard, a 30-year-old Briton, went missing on February 24 as they climbed the mountain, which at 8,125 metres (26,660 feet) is the world’s ninth-highest peak. Nanga Parbat is also known as the “killer mountain”. Italian ambassador to Pakistan Stefano Pontecorvo tweeted that the bodies of the two men had been identified from aerial photos. “It hurts to announce that the search is officially over,” he wrote. “The search team have confirmed that the silhouettes spotted... at about 5,900 meters are those of Daniele and Tom,” he tweeted. Ballard and Nardi were attempting a new route on the Mummery Rib, a steep and dangerous avalanche-prone area on the Himalayan peak. The pair had lost contact with
the base camp, prompting a search by other fellow mountaineers in collaboration with the Pakistan Army, said Karar Haidri of Alpine Club of Pakistan, which organises mountaineering and other mountain-related adventure activities. The search was interrupted by bad weather. It also got delayed because rescue teams were forced to wait for permission to send up a helicopter after Pakistan closed its airspace on Wednesday amid escalating tensions with India following the Pulwama attack. Haidri also shared a message sent by Nardi’s family on the tragic occasion. “We are devastated by pain; we inform you that Daniele and Tom’s researches are completed. Part of them will remain forever at Nanga Parbat,” the family said. Nardi had attempted to scale Nanga Parbat in winter several times. Ballard was the son of British climber Alison Hargreaves, the first woman to scale Mount Everest alone and without bottled oxygen. She died in 1995 at the age of 33 while descending K2, the second highest peak in the world.
Rahul Gandhi attacks BJP over Masood Azhar’s release Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on Sunday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to tell the families of the 40 CRPF jawans killed in Pulwama suicide bomb attack as to who released Masood Azhar, whose Jaish-eMohammed group has claimed responsibility for the terror attack, from an Indian prison almost 20 years ago. Taking to Twitter, he alleged that the current National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval, went to Kandahar to hand over the “murderer” Azhar.Azhar, along with two other militants, was released by the Indian government in December 1999 in exchange for the passengers and crew of an Indian Airlines plane that was on a flight from Kathmandu to New Delhi when it was hijacked on Christmas eve that year and diverted to Kandahar in Afghanistan. “PM Modi please tell the families of our 40 CRPF
Shaheeds, who released their murderer, Masood Azhar? Also tell them that your current NSA was the deal maker, who went to Kandahar to hand the murderer back to Pakistan,” Gandhi tweeted. At least 40 Central Reserve Police Force jawans were killed in the terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district on February 14 for which JeM has claimed responsibility. In response to Gandhi’s tweet, the Bharatiya Janata Party posted on its social media platform: “You were probably busy playing video games when the whole nation was praying for safe return of hijacked passengers. Do you know that all decisions regarding the hijacking were taken at all-party meet? Remember Latif, handler of Pathankot, released by UPA as ‘goodwill gesture’?”
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
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Your Stars This Week
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail guru@gurukaun.com Aries March 21-April 19 Stuck in a rut; can't move ahead; just relax and revise your strategy. The Sun in Pisces helps you to redesign you approach to all aspects. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your social status begins to pick up again and you are at the center stage. Love begins to bloom and if you are single a permanent relationships seem inevitable. Gemini May 21-June 21 Relationships, commercial and personal help you to develop your career. Domestic chores and children's affairs keep you on the toes this week. Mid-week may create some block and challenges but the road will be smooth and clear by the weekend. Cancer June 22-July 22 Bring some order to your life and focus on your selfinterests for the next few weeks. Discard old beliefs and outdated attitude and you will notice significant improvement in your career and relationships. Leo. July 23-August 22 A great week to deal with investments, real-estate or just adding an extension to your home. Fiery Mars lights up your house of fame and popularity and your status will be boosted for the next weeks. Virgo August 23-September 22 Your energy and charisma attract others to your fold, virtually doing your bidding. Avail the opportunity and seek support for your ventures. Mercury influences your
house of relationships, passions arise and emotions run high. Libra September 23-October 22 As Mercury lightens up your house of progress and efficiency, focus on all aspects of your life from job, finances and relationships. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Celebrate: Fiery Mars leaves your sign and your next few weeks are free of arguments, confrontations and squabbles, at home and at work. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 As Mars begins its travels in your sign, your confidence and enthusiasm begin to rise. Mercury remains in your house of home and family for next few weeks and your wander lust begin to recede, spending more time with the loved ones. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Communications are now the prime factor in your achievement and progress. Seek information and demand support for your new projects. Aquarius January 20-February 18 You need to rewrite your budget, keep a grip on your spending and explore new venues to enhance your income. Pisces February 19-March 20 The cosmos urges you to focus on your career and security rather than daydream, socialize and flirtations. If looking for a new job, be ready to avail the opportunities mid-week.
Pakistan seeks removal of India from FATF co-chair post Islamabad : Pakistan has asked the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to remove India as the co-chair of the international terror financing watchdog’s Asia-Pacific Joint Group, which is reviewing Islamabad’s progress on action against terrorism. The FATF had in February said Pakistan made “limited progress” in curbing terror financing and failed to show a proper understanding of the risks terrorist groups pose. Pakistan faces economic sanctions if it fails to act. In a letter to FATF president Marshall Billingslea, Pakistan finance minister Asad Umar asked him to appoint any other member country as the co-chair “to ensure that the
review process is fair, unbiased and objective”. “India’s animosity towards Pakistan is well-known and the recent violation of Pakistan’s airspace and dropping of bombs inside Pakistani territory was another manifestation of India’s hostile attitude,” Umar wrote. He was referring to the Indian air strike on a terror camp in Pakistan on February 26 in retaliation to the February 14 Pulwama attack. Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for the attack. Separately, Pakistan maintained it did not lose any of its planes during the aerial combat with Indian Air Force jets on February 27. The combat followed the Indian air strike. “The Indian
government and the Indian media continue to spread disinformation to mislead the international community, and the Indian people for domestic political gains, while trying to cover up its failures and resultant embarrassment,” the Pakistani foreign office said in statement Saturday. The statement came hours after external affairs ministry spokesman Raveesh Kumar told the media that an Indian Air Force’s MiG-21 Bison shot down the F-16 fighter aircraft during the combat as Pakistan retaliated to the air strike. There are eyewitness accounts as well as electronic evidence for it, he added.
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116-year-old Japanese woman honoured as oldest person by Guinness A 116-year-old Japanese woman who loves playing the board game Othello was honored Saturday as the world’s oldest living person by Guinness World Records. The global authority on records officially recognized Kane Tanaka in a ceremony at the nursing home where she lives in Fukuoka, in Japan’s southwest. Her family and the mayor were present to celebrate. Tanaka was born January 2, 1903, the seventh among eight children. She married
Hideo Tanaka in 1922, and they had four children and adopted another child. She is usually up by 6 a.m. and enjoys studying mathematics. The previous oldest living person was another Japanese woman, Chiyo Miyako, who died in July at age 117. The oldest person prior to Miyako was also Japanese. Japanese tend to exhibit longevity and dominate the oldestperson list.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
London mayor Sadiq Khan named UK Politician of the Year On women’s day, Pakistan London London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been named the Politician of the Year at an annual awards ceremony held in the UK’s House of Commons complex for his ongoing contribution to the political life in the British capital. The annual Political and Public Life Awards presented by Britain’s ‘Asian Voice’ weekly newspaper here on Thursday also recognised UK defence secretary Gavin Williamson as Cabinet Minister of the Year and Indianorigin politician Priti Patel as Conservative Party MP of the Year. “Our armed forces are made strong by being made up of people of every single community and background... contributing to keep us safe,” said Williamson, on receiving
his award. “I continue to be your public servant,” added Patel, a former UK Cabinet minister. Khan, 48, whose grandparents were born in India and parents migrated from Pakistan to the UK, was named ‘Politician of the Year’ at an awards ceremony held in the UK’s House of Commons complex. Among other winners from the field of politics at the event, now in its 13th year, included Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Arlene Foster, Labour Party MPs Dan Carden and Thelma Walker. The other award categories included International Hotel of Year which was won by India’s Leela International hotel chain. Comedian of Year award went to British Indian comedian Paul Chowdhry and
Restaurant of the Year for London’s Delhi street food restaurant Hankies. “We are hosting the Asian Voice Political and Public Life Awards at a time when dissent is rife, and arguably unprecedented, in our political stage and the future of the economy hangs in the balance, perhaps perilously so,” said C B Patel, the Publisher and Editor of ‘Asian Voice’.
“In the din and tumult of the current scenario, I believe it is important for us to recognise and honour leaders in our political and public life who make a tremendous contribution to preserving Britain’s enviable stature as one of the leading economies of the world,” he said. The awards are held annually to honour people who have made a special impact in the preceding 12 months, ranging from international politicians to individuals who make an impact in their local communities. Readers of the weekly ‘Asian Voice’ newspaper nominate potential winners and an independent panel of judges comprising eminent personalities from different walks of life in the UK, select the winners.
first female senator chairs senate session
Islamabad Krishna Kumari Kohli, Pakistan’s first female senator from the Hindu Dalit community, on Friday chaired the session of the Upper
House of Parliament on occasion of International Women’s Day. “Chairman Senate of Pakistan decided to make our colleague Krishna Kumari Kohli aka Kishoo Bai to Chair the Senate for today on Women’s Day,” Senator Faisal Javed tweeted. Krishna, 40, was elected as senator in March 2018 after spending many years working for the rights of bonded labourers in Muslimmajority Pakistan. She is the first Thari Hindu woman to be elected to the Pakistan senate. She belongs to the Kohli community from the remote village of Dhana Gam in Nagarparkar area of Sindh province where a sizeable number of Hindus live. “I consider myself very fortunate today to be sitting on this seat...,” she said before starting the session. International Women’s Day is observed across the world on March 8. Born to a poor peasant, Jugno Kolhi, in February 1979, Krishna and her family members spent nearly three years in a private jail owned by the landlord of Kunri of Umerkot district. She was a grade 3 student at the time when held captive. She was married to Lalchand at the age of 16, when she was studying in 9th grade. She pursued her studies and in 2013 she did masters in sociology from the Sindh University. She had joined the Pakistan Peoples Party as a social activist along with her brother, who was later elected as Chairman of Union Council Berano. Krishna’s election to Senate represented a major milestone for women and minority rights in Pakistan.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
UK lifetime business award for Swraj Paul Industrialist Swraj Paul, one of the richest Indians in the UK who set up his first companies in Birmingham in the 1960s, has been awarded for his lifetime contribution in the Midlands region, which is home to a large Indian diaspora. Paul, 88, who is also a member of the House of Lords, received the ‘Lifetime Contribution-Midlands Business Awards 2019’ from Harj Sandher, founder of the awards, at an event in Leicester on Friday evening. One of the previous recipients of the awards is Kumar Bhattacharyya, the celebrated engineer who founded the Warwick Manufacturing Group and advised the Tata group, among others, during his long career. He passed away earlier this month. Paul recalled the entrepreneurial spirit of the Indian community in the region, and said: “I first began business in the
Midlands nearly 50 years ago. It was then a very different place but there was a feature that I found particularly encouraging - it was a region of opportunity”. “In the decades since then, we have had good times and difficult times. But that attribute remains an essential part of our commercial and social DNA and it is what sustains our economic environment; and we must nourish it”. A large number of Indianorigin people moved to Leicester and the Midlands after being expelled from Idi Amin’s Uganda in the early 1970s. They have since rejuvenated the region’s economy and culture to the point that Leicester is now seen as the ‘poster town’ of UK’s multicultural policies. Paul said at the awards event: “The Midlands is perhaps the centre of this country’s multiculturalism. Over the years, one of the extraordinary features of
this has been how different people have flourished in its social and economic ethos and yet retained their values and their cultural essence”. “The things that we treasure, that we want to hand down to our children, inevitably go through some change. But they have not been lost and indeed have acquired a richness that is visible as you look around this room. When I first
came to the Midlands, I never believed that this would be possible. To me, this is a better yardstick of success than any secular index”. “It gives me some pride to see how well those of us who came from the Indian sub-continent have become involved with, learned from and contributed to the Midlands, particularly here in Leicester”, Paul said.
New York’s iconic Chrysler Building to be sold for $150 million: Report Owners of the Chrysler Building have reached a deal to sell the iconic New York City building for “a little more than $150 million”, The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday. The sale price of the tower in midtown Manhattan, considered an Art Deco masterpiece, marks a significant loss for Emirati investment firm Mubadala, which paid $800 million for a 90 percent stake in 2008. Real estate group Tishman Speyer, which had bought the building for a reported $210-250 million in 1997, retained a 10% stake. The Journal reported that building owners do not own the ground beneath it and pay annual rent that went up from $7.75 million to $32 million in 2018 and was set to increase again to $41 million in 2028.Citing brokers, the newspaper said those fees “have eaten away at much if not all of the building’s revenue.” The building also has some 4,00,000 square feet (37,160 square metres) of space that is either vacant or will become so in the coming years, the Journal said.The Chrysler Building, which opened in 1930, stands 1,046 feet (319 meters) tall. It was the world’s tallest building, but only for 11 months, after which it was dethroned by the Empire State Building, also in Manhattan.The building was a personal project for Walter Chrysler, the founder of the car manufacturer that bears his name, but remained separate from the auto business.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
TURNING POINT Australia’s Ashton James Turner plays a shot during the fourth ODI against India at the Punjab Cricket Association Stadium in Mohali on Sunday.
India’s Shikhar Dhawan celebrates his ton during the 4th ODI against Australia on Sunday.
India had reduced Aussies to 271/5 before Turner’s knock (84* off 43) turned it around to seal the massive chase
Ashton Turner stuns Team India to level series 2-2
NHERALDED Ashton Turner took an experienced Indian attack to the cleaners with some unbelievable hitting, helping Australia chase down a record breaking target of 359 runs and level the five-match series in Mohali on Sunday.
It was the highest ever total that Indian team failed to defend in its ODI history, losing the game by four wickets. Playing only his second ODI, Turner hit an unbeaten 84 off 43 balls with five boundaries and as many six sixes to help Australia win in only 47.5 overs. Earlier in the day, Shikhar Dhawan fired India to 358 for nine with a sublime 143 off 115 balls.
Dhawan puts doubts to rest with signature century The partnership of 86 off 39 balls between Turner and Alex Carey became the turning point after Peter Handscomb and Usman Khawaja had set the platform with a 192-run thirdwicket stand. The big lad, who has been a designated finisher for Big Bash League side Perth Scorchers, showed his finishing skills against world’ best death bowler Jasprit Bumrah (3/63), hitting him for an effortless ramp shot. The swagger with which he lofted Bhuvneshwar Kumar (1/67) over long-on and deep mid-wicket, earned him a few fans among the home crowd and the poor Indian fielding did help his cause with Kedar Jadhav and Shikhar Dhawan dropping sitters. PTI
SCOREBOARD INDIA BATTING Batsman Dismissal R Rohit c Handscomb b Richardson 95 Dhawan b Cummins 143 Rahul c Carey b Zampa 26 Kohli c Carey b Richardson 7 Pant c Finch b Cummins 36 Jadhav c Richardson b Cummins 10 Shankar c Maxwell b Cummins26 Kumar c Carey b Richardson 1 Yadav not out 1 Chahal c & b Cummins 0 Bumrah not out 6
B 92 115 31 6 24 12 15 2 1 1 1
Extras: (b 1, lb 1, w 5) 7 Total: (Nine wickets; 50 Overs) 358 Fall of wickets: 1-193, 2-254, 3-266, 4-296, 5-314, 6-331, 7-344, 8-351, 9-352
AUSTRALIA BOWLING Bowler Cummins Behrendorff Richardson Maxwell Zampa Finch
O 10 10 9 8 10 3
M 0 1 0 1 0 0
R 70 61 85 61 57 22
W 5 0 3 0 1 0
AUSTRALIA BATTING Batsman Dismissal Finch b Kumar Khawaja c Yadav b Bumrah Marsh b Bumrah Handscomb c Rahul b Chahal Maxwell lbw b Yadav Turner not out Carey c Dhawan b Bumrah Richardson not out
R 0 91 6 117 23 84 21 0
B 2 99 10 105 13 43 15 0
Extras: (b 4, lb 8, w 5) 17 Total: (Six wickets; 47.5 Overs) 359 Fall of wickets: 1-3, 2-12, 3-204, 4-229, 5-271, 6-357
INDIA BOWLING Bowler Kumar Bumrah Shankar Yadav Jadhav Chahal
O 9 8.5 5 10 5 10
M 0 0 0 0 0 0
R 67 63 29 64 44 80
W 1 3 0 1 0 1
Result: Australia win by 4 wickets
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Vol: 15,
Setback to May, MPs reject Brexit deal for second time Britain's Parliament rejected Prime Minister Theresa May's deal to quit the European Union for a second time on Tuesday, deepening the country's worst political crisis for generations, 17 days before the planned departure date. Lawmakers voted against May's amended Brexit deal by 391 to 242 as her lastminute talks with EU chiefs on Monday to assuage her critics' concerns ultimately proved fruitless. Seventy-five Conservative MPs rebelled against their party's position by rejecting May's deal. Three Labour parliamentarians rebelled against their leader by voting in favour of the agreement. The vote puts the world's fifth largest economy in uncharted territory with no obvious way forward: exiting the EU without a deal, delaying the March 29 divorce date, a snap election, or even another
referendum are all now possible.May might even try a third time to get parliamentary support in the hope that hardline eurosceptic lawmakers in her Conservative Party, the most vocal critics of her withdrawal treaty, might change their minds if it becomes more likely that Britain might stay in the EU after all. While she lost, the margin of defeat was smaller than the record 230-vote loss her deal suffered in January. "If this vote is not passed
tonight, if this deal is not passed, then Brexit could be lost," a hoarse-voiced May told lawmakers before her deal was defeated. Lawmakers are now due to vote on Wednesday on whether Britain should exit the world's biggest trading bloc without a deal, a scenario that business leaders warn would bring chaos to markets and supply chains, and other critics say could cause shortages of food and medicines.
Issue 704
14th March to 20th March, 2019
Donald Trump sets up another wall-funding fight with Democrats Washington: US president Donald Trump will seek $8.6 billion more for his border wall in budget proposals 2020 to be announced on Monday, setting up another round of fight with the Congress that caused the longest ever shutdown of the federal government recently. The proposals were described in some reports as “dead on arrival” as Democrats, who now control the House of Representatives, will most certainly reject it, given their opposition to the wall and other cuts that the Trump administration is expected to seek in welfare programmes. The budget is also expected to propose an increase of $35 billion in defence spending, taking it up to $750 billion. Senior Trump aide Larry Kudlow confirmed the president’s wall funding proposal on a television show on Sunday morning, acknowledging it will trigger a new fight. President Trump had sought $5.6 billion in his 2019 budget, but had to settle for $1.3 billion. He has sought to raise an additional $6.5 billion by shifting
funds from other approved appropriations by declaring a national emergency, which has been challenged in courts and is set to be rejected by the Congress. He will veto the congressional rejection and save his emergency declaration, but it is not clear yet if he can begin moving funds pending the settlement of legal challenges.Trump’s campaign promise of a wall along the border with Mexico has turned into a fight that is likely to continue given the pressure he is under from his supporters, some of whom have turned against him for failing to
begin work on it and giving in to Democrats in the last shutdown. One of them is Ann Coulter, an influential conservative commentator, who has called the president an “idiot” for surrendering to Democrats. Trump lashed out against her Saturday calling her a “Wacky Nut Job”. Earlier, he had unfollowed her on Twitter to register his anger. Democrats are in no mood to relent either. They called the president’ proposed “immoral” and had at one stage said they would not give Trump even $1 for it. The $1.3 billion they approved earlier is strictly to be spent for other measures to boost security at the border and not for the wall.