ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
«¬≥‚Δ¡È ˙Ú√Δ˜ ’ª◊√ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚˜ ÚºÒ∫Ø «¬‚Δ¡È ÈÀÙÈÒ ’ª◊√ Á∂ ÍzË≈È ÙzΔ ≈‘∞Ò ◊ªËΔ jI,I.O.C Uk & Europe Á∂ ÍzË≈È ’ÓÒÍzΔ «√≥ÿ Ë≈ÒΔÚ≈Ò ¡Â∂ √Óπ⁄ º ∂ ’ª◊√Δ È∂Â≈Úª ÂÊ≈ √◊Ó ’ª◊√Δ «√Í≈‘Δ¡ª ˘ «Â≥È ≈‹ª ÁΔ¡ª ¡À√Ï ≥ ÒΔ ⁄؉≈ «Úº⁄ «Úº⁄ «ÓÒΔ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ «‹ºÂ ÁΔ¡ª ÚË≈¬Δ¡ªÕ
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‹≈Δ ’Â≈: Chairman Jas Sidhu & vice President Amrit Singh Barhmi of I.O.C Midlands.
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
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Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
9 years after being flushed, New Jersey woman gets back her wedding ring
Samantha Cohen, 50.
HE DUKE and Duchess of Sussex’s renowned personal secretary is set to leave her role after the birth of their child in spring just weeks after another aide suddenly resigned.
Cohen joined Meghan and Harry ‘temporarily’ when the post was left vacant by Fox.
Samantha Cohen, 50, is a key member of Meghan’s Kensington Palace staff and her departure will fuel THE REAL reason Harry and rumours that the Duchess is Meghan are moving to difficult to work for. Windsor is because of tenCohen is nicknamed ‘Samansions between the two tha the Panther’ and was also brothers, it’s claimed. one of the Queen’s most Initially it was thought that trusted aides having served as a frosty relationship a communications secretary between Meghan and Kate and spent 17 years working for was to blame for The Duke the royals. and Duchess of Sussex’s She joined Meghan and Harry move from Kensington ‘temporarily’ when the post was Palace. But the driving force left vacant by Edward Lane behind the divide is actually Fox, who left this summer following five years of service. The friction between Harry and Duke and Duchess were said to William, according to The have asked for her to stay on. Sun. It claims Harry has The Duchess is reported to accused William of trying to have been especially keen to ‘wreck his marriage’ after hire her permanently after she his older brother voiced resigned from Buckingham concerns over Meghan. Palace- but Cohen reportedly The Duke of Sussex is also refused and will leave in 2019. said to be overly-protective Meghan’s personal assistant about his wife because ‘he Melissa Touabti also quit, just couldn’t do the same for six months after the Royal wedPrincess Diana’. ding at Windsor Castle in May. A Palace insider said: “It’s Reported in the Sunday Times, a source close to Meghan said: “Sam will be a huge loss. Going ‘heals the mind’. forward, Meghan might need Cohen, described as ‘deeply someone cut from a slightly difcommitted’ to the Queen, is ferent cloth to traditional held in high regard among the courtiers, who is not a career royal family. civil servant or royal insider”. She was the first woman to The source also revealed the ever hold the press secretary’s Duchess’ early morning routine job and was made a Commanand warned that new aides der of the Royal Victorian would have to be adaptOrder by the Queen in able and patient. 2016. The mother-ofThe Duchess has The three known as ‘The previously said secretary is Panther’ for her that she wakes feisty attitude up at 4.30am to known as ‘The began working in do yoga, which Panther’
The driving force behind the divide between the two couples is friction between Harry and William, it is claimed my opinion that Harry feels he couldn’t protect his mother, so he’s going all out to protect his wife. He will brook absolutely no criticism of Meghan — and he is so sensitive he often sees criticism or negativity where there isn’t any”. The first hint of friction between the brother came when Harry introduced the Royal household after she applied to be a media minder at the palace while she was on a trip to London 20 years ago. From Australia, she has been described as well-liked and ‘unstuffy’ and was seen as the perfect aide for Meghan to settle in the royal family. Sources claim that she also advised Meghan on her makeup and helped her understand the intricacies of the royal family. She was spotted with the Duchess during Meghan’s first
William to Meghan, 37, the first time she came to stay at Kensington Palace. Once she’d left, William reportedly warned Harry that they didn’t know her intentions. Harry then reportedly ‘went mental’ and accused his brother of trying to finish their relationship before it had Daily Mail started. solo engagement with the Queen and also attended the royal wedding. Meanwhile, Touabti left her job at Kensington Palace just six months after Meghan married into the Royal Family. Royal insiders were stunned at the abrupt departure. After Meghan’s PA quit, a Palace source was authorised to pay tribute to her and the role she played in helping organise Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Daily Mail
Nobel peace prize ceremony shines light on rape in conflict Oslo-Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege and Yazidi activist Nadia Murad, an Islamic State sex slave survivor, will be presented with the Nobel Peace Prize Monday, as they challenge the world to combat rape as a weapon of war. Mukwege, dubbed "Doctor Miracle" for his work helping victims of sexual violence, and Murad, who has turned her experience into powerful advocacy for her Yazidi people, will receive the prize at a ceremony in Oslo. The Norwegian Nobel Committee in October said the prize was "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict". The laureates, who have dedicated their award to rape
victims across the world, have said they hope the Nobel will raise awareness of sexual violence and make it harder for the world to ignore it. "We cannot say that we didn't act because we didn't know. Now everyone knows. And I think now the international community has a responsibility to act," Mukwege told reporters at a news conference on Sunday. The prize was not a "victory", but could be seen "as the start of a new struggle, a new struggle against this type of evil", he added. The surgeon has spent 20 years treating the wounds and emotional trauma inflicted on women in the DR Congo's war-torn east.
New York-Incredulous things do happen! Nine years after a New Jersey woman accidentally flushed her gold wedding ring, encrusted with several diamonds, down her toilet, she recently got it back from the public works department. Paula Stanton, 60, was cleaning her bathroom in 2009 when her 20th anniversary diamond ring, presented by her husband Michael, fell into the toilet and down the drain. She thought it was gone forever. "I was cleaning and knew I must have flushed it down," she said. "It had been a little big on my finger, because it was winter time and my hands were smaller. I felt so bad about it. Sad and embarrassed," she told the Press of Atlantic City. Recently when she and her husband returned home from spending Thanksgiving this year with their son and his family in South Carolina, they found a note taped to their door. It asked them to contact the city's public works department. "I figured they had to work near our house and had to dig up the yard or something," Stanton said. Ted Gogol, 64, with the Somers Point Public Works Department, while carrying out routine maintanance work on a sewer line near Stanton's home last month, noticed a shining thing in the mud. "I was only in a manhole less than 400 feet away from their house when I saw something shiny sitting in the mud and debris. I realised it was a ring, and I remembered the woman who was looking for a ring," he said, recalling that Stanton came over asking finding a lost ring. So, he left a note on the family's front door. Stanton eventually called public works and Gogol told her he had found a ring, but couldn't be sure if it was hers, she said. But the couple's initials were engraved on the interior of the band, and Gogol was able to tell her that it was the one. "He came by after work and dropped it off. Nobody could believe it. Everyone was in a state of shock. I was hugging him and crying," Stanton said. After getting advice from a jeweler and boiling it in peroxide and lemon juice (more than once), Stanton returned the ring to her finger, where she wears both the original and replacement rings. Gogol said it was meant to be and was incredulous that he had found a ring lost for nine years in the sewer system that runs for about 65kms in Somers Point. "There are honest people in the world, and I was so happy to have been able to help somebody," he said. "People say around this time of year, crazy things happen. She said it was her Christmas miracle," Gogol quoted Stanton as saying.
Vol: 14,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
India & China will resume military drills after a year
John Kelly to step down as White House Chief of Staff WHITE House Chief of Staff John Kelly will step down by the end of the year, President Donald Trump has announced, becoming the latest toplevel official to quit the administration amidst reports that relations between them have soured beyond repair. The 68-year- old retired Marine Corps general has been President Trump’s Chief of Staff since July 31, 2017 when he replaced Reince Priebus, who resigned, In the first seven months of the Trump administration, Kelly
Kelly had replaced Reince Priebus was the secretary of Homeland Security. “John Kelly will be leaving - I don't know if I can say ‘retiring’. But, he's a great guy. John Kelly will be leaving at the end of the year”, Trump told reporters at the White House on Saturday. “We will be announcing who will be taking John's place...I shall be announcing that over the next day or two. But, John will be leaving at the end of the year. He has been with me almost two years now”, Trump said. Nick Ayers, the 36-year- old chief of staff to vice-president Mike Pence, is Kelly’s likely successor. There were reports that the relationship between Trump and Kelly had deteriorated to such an extent that the two were no longer on speaking terms. Kelly, who was brought in by Trump after he fired Reince Priebus, has been instrumental in bringing in a sense of discipline inside the White House. Kelly was one of the several generals appointed by Trump to key
INDIA and China will resume their joint military drills after a one-year gap on Tuesday in the southwest Chinese city of Chengdu to improve capabilities in fighting terrorism and promote mutual understanding, officials said on Sunday. “The opening ceremony of the drills will be held on December 11”, they said. “Each side will send 100 troops to take part in the 7th India and China joint military exercises - 'Hand in Hand' which will focus on counterterrorism operations”, Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Col Ren Guoqiang said last month. The exercises will be held after a gap of one year as both the sides were locked in a 73-day standoff in Doklam in the Sikkim sector of the border in 2017.
CHANGE OF GUARD The 68-year-old retired Marine Corps general has been President Trump’s Chief of Staff since July 31, 2017. In the first seven months of the Trump administration, Kelly was the secretary of Homeland Security. Nick Ayers, the 36-year-old chief of staff to vice-president Mike Pence, is Kelly’s likely successor. According to a report in ‘The Wall Street Journal’, the relationship between Kelly and Trump had completely broken down. Veteran journalist Bob Woodward wrote in his bestselling book ‘Fear’ that Kelly called Trump an idiot at the head of a Crazytown administration.
roles, including defense secretary Jim Mattis, and former national security advisers Michael Flynn and HR McMaster. According to a report in ‘The Wall Street Journal’, the relationship between Kelly and Trump had completely broken down, leading the president to tell an associate to stop calling John and to instead call Nick, he's my guy. Veteran journalist Bob Woodward wrote in his bestselling book ‘Fear’ that Kelly called Trump an idiot at the head of a Crazytown administration. Kelly is said to have used the description repeatedly and also allegedly
The drill will promote understanding between the two militaries.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
said that it's pointless to try to convince him of anything Kelly, however, denied such reports and stayed in post. CNN reported this week that Kelly and Trump were no longer even speaking to each other. It said Trump wanted a chief of staff with more political expertise, to help him handle the inevitable investigations and legislative battles with next year's Democratcontrolled House, and to prepare for the 2020 election. In France in November for events marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the first world war, Kelly visited an American ceme-
tery outside Paris while Trump remained in the city, the White House said rain made a presidential visit impractical. Kelly's exit from the White House is the latest in a series of reshuffles in the Trump administration. On Friday, Trump said he will nominate William Barr his attorney general, replacing Matthew Whitaker who was named acting attorney general only a month ago. Whitaker replaced Jeff Sessions for the top Justice Department post. Sessions was fired on November 7 after he was attacked and ridiculed for months by the president. Trump appointed State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert as the US' next ambassador to the UN, replacing Indian- origin Nikki Haley who said in October that she would step down at the end of the year. PTI
The strained relations between the two sides later improved resulting in an informal summit between PM Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Chinese city of Wuhan in April this year. “The drill will promote understanding between the two militaries and improving their capabilities in fighting terrorism”, Col Ren said. The exercises, which will conclude on December 23, will include live shooting and adoptive and basic training, he said, adding that true to its name 'Hand in Hand', China and Indian militaries should also work hand in hand for the benefit of people in both the nation. Top leaders from both the countries met on November 24 at the 21st India-China border talks held at Dujiangyan near Chengdu in southwestern Sichuan province. PTI
Trump calls for an end to federal probe into Russian meddling
Robert Mueller is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 US elections and related matters.
U.S. PRESIDENT Donald Trump on Saturday renewed his call to end a federal probe into Russian election meddling, describing the investigation as a “witch hunt” a day after U.S. prosecutors detailed a previously unknown attempt by a Russian to help his 2016 presidential election campaign. “Time for the Witch Hunt to END!” Trump said in a message on Twitter. His tweet also quoted television host Geraldo Rivera, a Trump friend, dismissing any claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia as ‘collusion illusion’. It was the president’s second tweet of the day about Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia. Russia denies meddling allegations.“After two years and millions of pages of documents (and a cost of over $30 million) no collusion!” Trump tweeted earlier
After 2 years & millions of pages of documents (and a cost of over $30 mn) no collusion on Saturday. Mueller said in one filing that Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, had provided his office with ‘useful information concerning certain discrete Russia-related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact’ with Trump’s real estate company during the 2016 campaign. In his court filing on Friday, Mueller said Cohen told them he was approached in November 2015 by an unnamed Russian claiming to be a
‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation. The filing said the contact occurred during discussions about a possible hotel bearing Trump’s name in Moscow. Cohen is to be sentenced next week for campaign finance violations, financial crimes and lying to Congress about Trump’s business dealings in Russia. Prosecutors are seeking a substantial prison sentence. Mueller said the Russian national who approached Cohen offered “synergy on a government level” with the Trump campaign in pushing for a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that Cohen said he did not follow up. Mueller said that the discussions about a potential Trump hotel in Moscow were relevant to his investigation, because they occurred “at a time of sustained efforts by the Russian government to interfere with the U.S. presidential election.” Reuters
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
Johnson: I feel a personal responsibility to fix Brexit Boris Johnson (pictured Sunday on the BBC) predicted that Theresa May will suffer a big defeat in the crunch vote on her deal which will give her a ‘powerful’ mandate to renegotiate.
Prime Minister Theresa May.
ORIS JOHNSON Sunday said he feels a deep sense of ‘personal responsibility’ for Brexit as he predicted Theresa May will lose her vote on the deal by a huge margin this week.
The ex Foreign Secretary became visibly shaken as he was quizzed about the Brexit turmoil and said he believed Britain can do ‘much, much better’ than the PM’s deal. He also predicted that May will suffer a big defeat in the crunch vote on her deal which will give her a ‘powerful’ mandate to renegotiate. His intervention comes as Britain is facing one of the most momentous weeks in politics in modern time with MPs due to vote on the deal on Tuesday. But staring down the barrel of defeat, May is considering delaying the vote and heading back to Brussels to have a ‘handbag moment’ and squeeze more concessions out of the EU. Trying to pile more pressure on the PM, Johnson said the PM must tear up the hated Irish backstop plan and refuse to hand over half of the £39billion divorce deal until the UK gets a free trade deal.
Boris Johnson became visibly emotional as he told of the responsibility he feels . He said the UK can do better than the PM deal which he predicted will be defeated He said the UK should
Appearing on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show Sunday, he said: “Don’t underestimate the deep sense of personal responsibility I feel for Brexit and for everything that has happened. “Do not underestimate how much I care about this because this is fundamental to our country” He added: “And it absolutely
tear up the hated backstop and renegotiate with the EU PM is considering delaying Brexit vote amid expectations of massive defeat She is being urged to copy Margaret Thatcher breaks my heart to think that after all that we fought for, all that we campaigned for, all that [Brexit Secretary] Steve Barclay campaigned for, all that everybody believes in, that we should consign ourselves to a future in which the EU effectively rules us in many many respects and yet we have no say around that table in Brussels. Daily Mail
TORY LEADERSHIP FOR ESTHER ESTHER McVey Sunday said that she would consider running for the Tory Party leadership if Theresa May is ousted over the Brexit chaos. Leading Conservatives are jostling to line themselves up for the top job, with Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson among those eyeing up the leadership. And throwing her name into the mix, McVey said she would think about taking a run at the job if she was urged to by allies. McVey, who left the government on the brink of collapse when she quit the Cabinet last month in fury at the Brexit plan, also said she could only support the PM if she tears up her deal
Esther McVey
and renegotiates. Quizzed about the leadership on Sophy Ridge on Sunday on Sky News, she said: “If people asked me then of course you’d give it serious consideration, and do it, if people asked me”. She said the next leader of the Tories should be able to ‘unite the party behind a deal’. And she urged the PM to tear up her deal, go back to the EU and make fundamental changes to her deal. She said the controversial backstop should be scrapped while the UK should not pay the £39billion Brexit divorce bill until the country get a free trade Daily Mail deal.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
Macron prepares to say sorry, announce tax cuts French President Emmanuel Macron is to deliver a TV address on Sunday.
PRESIDENT Emmanuel Macron is to deliver an apologetic address on television and announce further tax cuts following a day of violent protests across the country on Saturday. Cities including Paris, Marseille and Bordeaux exploded into violence on Saturday, during the fourth weekend of demonstrations in a row by Yellow Vest protesters. Burned-out cars dotted the streets in several neighbourhoods in Paris on Sunday morning as cleaners swept up the broken glass from smashed shop windows and bus stops. Throughout Saturday, Macron skulked behind the majestic walls of his presidential palace in Paris while outside, his city – and his country – once again erupted in fury. Protesters smashed store windows and set fires around Paris and clashed with police, who fired tear gas throughout the day in the French capital.
Protesters smashed store windows and set fires around Paris and clashed with police, who fired tear gas.
17 police officers among the injured The country is bracing for yet more protests after Saturday’s “yellow vest” demonstrations and rioting saw 1,400 people arrested and at least 71 injured in the capital. French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said 17 police officers were among the injured and that “exceptional” security measures allowed police to put nearly 1,400 people in custody in Paris last night. Across the entire country, some 1,400 people were taken into custody, the Interior Ministry said Sunday - a roundup the scale of
which the country hasn’t seen in years. On Sunday, the highly influential Parisien newspaper reported that “after eight days of silence, the head of state” has told supporters “he will speak on Monday night on television to respond to the angry
Study: Trove of planets hiding in cosmic dust SUPER-EARTHS and Neptunesized planets could be forming in the cosmic dust around young stars in much greater numbers than previously estimated, a study has found. Observing a sampling of young stars in a star-forming region in the constellation Taurus, researchers from University of Arizona in the US found many of them to be surrounded by structures that can best be explained as traces created by invisible, young planets in the making. The research, published in the Astrophysical Journal, helps scientists better understand how our own solar system came to be. Some 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system was a roiling, billowing swirl of gas and dust surrounding our newborn sun. At
French.” Macron will not appear “empty handed” but will instead make further concessions in regards to tax, it added. He has already been pilloried for abandoning green taxes on diesel and petrol in response to the early
rioting, but is set to cave in further. Macron said on Friday that the president would address the “There are too many taxes, too nation early in the coming week. many taxes, too much taxation in this country,” Macron told MPs in Macron broke his silence on Sata private meeting on Friday, the urday to tweet appreciation for Parisien reports. the police, but pressure mounted on Sunday on him to propose new Macron’s “mea culpa” included solutions to calm the anger dividhim admitting that he appeared ing France. too arrogant and out-of-touch, He has already scrapped a and he will address such concerns planned fuel tax increase but the on a national TV channel. move has failed to end the “yellow Macron’s spokesman said he is vest” protest movement, which set to make a major announcedemands lower taxes, higher minment early in the coming week, imum wages and better pension but gave no details about timing benefits. or about what Macron could Saturday’s protests saw more announce. than 1,400 arrests in Paris alone, “The President of the Republic while the national figure stood at will of course make important 1,723. Casataner estimated there announcements,” government were 10,000 yellow vest prospokesman Benjamin testers in Paris on SaturGriveaux said on LCI telday, among some evision on Sunday. Protests 125,000 protesters “However, not all the saw around around France. The problems of the ‘yelnumber of injured in 1,400 arrests in low vest’ protesters Paris and nationwill be solved by Paris alone, while wide was down Satwaving a magic the national figure urday from protest wand.” stood at 1,723 riots a week ago. Senior allies of Daily Mail
UN talks offer help to people uprooted by climate change This is the first time that exoplanet statistics coincide with observations of protoplanetary disks. the early stages, this so-called protoplanetary disk had no discernable features, but soon, parts of it began to coalesce into clumps of matter — the future planets. As they picked up new material along their trip around the Sun, they grew and started to plow patterns of gaps and rings into the disk from which they formed. Over time, the dusty disk gave way to the relatively orderly arrangement we know today, consisting of planets, moons, asteroids and the occasional comet. PTI
WHEN indigenous groups from around the world met in Alaska in October, they sounded the alarm on how their homelands, cultures and livelihoods were threatened by rising temperatures, loss of permafrost, higher sea levels and weather disasters. One of the biggest risks facing
Task force set up to tackle the problem them is being displaced from their land by climate change, they said. “We maintain the unbreakable human and sacred spiritual connection with our land, air, water, forests, sea ice, plants, animals, and our communities handed down to us from our ancestors,” they noted in a joint declaration. The groups from Alaska, Louisiana, Washington, Bangladesh and the Pacific urged U.N. climate negotiations to recognise the rights and
Groups from Alaska, Louisiana, Washington, Bangladesh and the Pacific urged U.N. climate negotiations to recognise the rights and needs of “climate-displaced peoples”. needs of “climate - displaced peoples”. This week, the talks took a decisive step towards doing that, experts said. Delegates at the conference in Poland approved a report by a taskforce set up to tackle the problem
under a five-year-old U.N. mechanism aimed at addressing worsening losses and damage as a result of climate change. The decision needs to be formally adopted when the meeting ends on December 14. Reuters
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
Newlyweds Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra arrive in Mumbai (right) and at the Met Gala earlier this year.
Priyanka Chopra
IS A GLOBAL SCAM ARTIST? No, you are racist By Ananya Bhattacharya
HEN you go to Mariah Smith’s Twitter profile for a look at the writer who is dominating social media trends today, you come across a pinned tweet. It says, “I’m so f****** nice to everybody, and everyone is so vile to me.” Then you take a closer look at her display picture. A radiant face. Of a black woman.
‘The Cut’ columnist wrote a disgruntled, vile piece on the global superstar
A black woman in 2018 New York. So when you go back and re-read the article that has left social media reeling today, Is Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ Love For Real?, you are forced to weddings. But Mariah, whose wonder, “Is this for real?” ancestors went to the US from Ablack woman living and Africa, has probably been cut a tweeting from Trump-era New more raw deal. None of us is York can come up with and put unaware of the atrocities that in words such racist, lookist, blacks in the US have faced, ageist and over all else – a and are still facing. Smith writdownright vile and personal ing an article so evidently laced attack on Priyanka Chopra. with bitterness and hatred for Priyanka is a “global scam an immigrant, arriviste artist”, Smith says in her colPriyanka Chopra, is therefore, umn. She offers nothing to like an animal rights activist back her claim. Nada. She says getting trampled over by a cow how Nick Jonas needs to get on (confession: that’s a line from a the horse that he rode to his Hollywood film, Confessions of wedding and “gallop away as A Shopaholic. Because an fast as you can”. Indian equivalent would of course be lost on Smith). The India to the West, even in cows, to people like Mariah, we 2018, is probably the land of Indians worship. Because, hey, snake-charmers and elephants Priyanka is brown who made it – and horses that we ride to
big in the US by “scamming” who stole the man of her Hollywood. So she cannot have dreams. This is a columnist a “normal” wedding, cannot fall writing for New York Magain love with a man 10 years zine’s ‘The Cut’ about a global younger and obviously superstar – a woman who cannot give her made it big in a country What husband a HAPPY known for its morerelationship. than-gracious attiexactly is the tude to Indians, in “Nicholas Jonas issue? Is it that industry that married into a Hollywood had not an gave us Hrundi v fraudulent relaseen anything like Bakshi. Priyanka tionship against Priyanka or that Chopra will tell you his will... and I’ll tell she ‘fooled’ Nick so. you why I think so,” Smith begins her But what exactly is into martirade with this and Ms Smith’s problem? riage? goes on to speculate in Is it the fact that “Hollypainstaking detail why she wood had seen nothing like thinks this is a “fraudulent relaPriyanka Chopra” till she tionship”. She is not a disgrunlanded in America? Or is it that tled fan writing on the woman she apparently fooled Nick
Jonas into marrying her? And even if – for a split second, let’s assume – Priyanka DID fool someone Nick, is he a lovestruck 5-year-old who cannot see true love from fakery? Is that how gullible Americans are? For heaven’s sake, at least have some respect for your own countryman. As for us, we are happy when a just-another-Indian-girl breaks the glass ceiling in the male-dominated, white-dominated film industry and appearing at the Met Gala with the man of her choice. Meanwhile, ‘The Cut’ updated the story multiple times before taking it down and apologising.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
spqwihk-rwSIPl Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÒ À AI «¬√ ‘¯Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ ÓÈ È±ß ÙªÂ æ÷Ø ¡Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ «Úæ⁄≈ª 鱧 Á ± «‹¡ª ”Â∂ ÊØ͉ ÁΔ ’Ø«ÙÙ È≈ ’ØÕ ÏØÒ⁄≈Ò Â∂ Ì≈Ù≈ ”Â∂ ’≈ϱ æ÷ÕØ «’√∂ 鱧 ÚΔ ◊π√ æ ∂ «Úæ⁄ ’πfi ’«‘‰ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄ØÕ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÒ À -Ó¬Δ B@ Ì≈¬ΔÚ≈Ò È≈Ò ‡’≈¡ ÷ÂÓ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈Õ ‹ÒÁÏ≈˜Δ «Úæ⁄ ¡≈ ’∂ ’Ø¬Δ ÚΔ ¯À√Ò≈ È≈ ’ØÕ Í«Ú≈ È≈Ò «’√∂ «ÙÂ∂Á≈ Á∂ ÿ ‹≈‰ Á≈ Íz◊ Ø ≈Ó Ï‰∂◊≈Õ Ïæ«⁄¡ª ÚÒØ∫ ÍzÙ ∂ ≈ÈΔ ÷ÂÓ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ΔÕ «ÚÁ∂Ù Ô≈Â≈ Ú≈√Â∂ ¡‹∂ È≈ √Ø⁄Ø «’¿π∫«’ «¬√ Á≈ ÔØ◊ ¡‹∂ È‘Δ∫ ˛Õ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA «¬√ ‘¯Â≈ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ ÷πÙΔ¡ª Ú≈Ò≈ ‘∂◊≈Õ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Á∂ ÂØ∫ π’∂ ‘ج∂ ’ßÓ «√∂ ⁄Û∑È◊∂Õ Âæ’Δ Á≈ ÔØ◊ ω «‘≈ ˛Õ ÍÀ√∂ ÁΔ Âß◊Δ «’√∂ «ÙÂ∂Á≈ ÁΔ ÓÁÁ È≈Ò Á± ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ΔÕ ÿ «Úæ⁄ ’Ø¬Δ Ë≈«Ó’ ’≈‹ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈Õ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB ÓÈ ÁΔ ÁØ‘Δ √Ø⁄ ’ßÓ ’ÁΔ ˛Õ «¬æ’ √Ø⁄ ¡Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈Í ”Â∂ «ÚÙÚ≈√ æ÷Ø ¡Â∂ Ú∂÷Ø «’Ú∂∫ ’ßÓ Âπ‘≈‚Δ ÔØ◊Â≈ Á∂ «‘√≈Ï Á∂ È≈Ò ‘Ø «‘≈ ˛Õ ÿ Ú≈«Ò¡ª Á≈ ͱ≈ √«‘ÔØ◊ Âπ‘≈鱧 «ÓÒ∂◊≈, «‹√ È≈Ò ÓÈ «Úæ⁄ ¿πÂÙ≈‘ Ï«‰¡≈ «‘ √’Á≈ ˛Õ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬√ ‘¯Â∂ Âπ‘≈‚∂ ¡‡’∂ ‘ج∂ ’ßÓ ‘Ø ‹≈‰◊∂Õ ÍÀ√∂ ÚÒØ∫ ⁄æÒ ‘Δ Âß◊Δ ÷ÂÓ ‘؉ ‹≈ ‘Δ ˛Õ ’≈ØÏ≈Δ ÍzÙ ∂ ≈ÈΔ¡ª ÷ÂÓ ‘؉◊Δ¡ª Õ ÁØ√ª È≈Ò ÓÈ-Óπ‡≈¡ ÷ÂÓ ‘؉◊∂Õ «√‘ ÚæÒ ÊØÛ≈∑ «Ë¡≈È Á∂‰ ÁΔ ˜±Â ˛Õ ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB
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Your Stars This Week
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail guru@gurukaun.com Aries March 21-April 19 Behind the scene meetings and discussions will prove advantageous, boosting your career and finances. Team work and joint ventures are now your road to success. Taurus April 20-May 20 The planets bring meetings with authority and powerful people and bless you with charm and charisma. Relationships and family are a joy and you are magnate to attract others to your fold. From 20th, Sun changes sign and your career gets a lift off. Gemini May 21-June 21 Will power, energy and persuasion enable you to forge ahead with your projects and with the help of fiery Mars in your work zone, you can handle any task. Cancer June 22-July 22 This is a week filled with glamour, love and flirtations. Relationships may be under pressure, especially with the elderly. Be receptive and compromising and try to absorb ideas and suggestions from the family to solve a daunting problem. Leo. July 23-August 22 Control your finances, build up resources and feel secure. The full Moon at the weekend signals completion of a project you started few weeks back. A new phase, new ideas and new openings are forthcoming. Virgo August 23-September 22 A very hectic week at work place when you have little or no time to relax, gaze around or attend to mundane tasks. On Saturday, the Full Moon illuminates your financial and career zones.
Libra September 23-October 22 Home and family are under pressure this week and your best bet is exert diplomacy and patience to relieve tension and distress. Work opportunities, expansion and growth are coming to you in next few weeks. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Early in the week your charm and magnetism is boundless, but destiny also calls upon to finish off the outstanding personal and work issues. Ensure that your finances are under control and that unexpected bills that arrive are settled on time. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Financial and productivity challenges derail your plans to attend a social event. As the festivities are over, the bills begin to arrive making the atmosphere slightly gloomy and depressed. Capricorn December 22-January 19 As the Sun prepares to leave your sign to move into Aquarius on the 20th, the message from the cosmos is to organize yourself, answer correspondence, return phone calls and take control of your work issues. Aquarius January 20-February 18 As the Sun arrives in your sign on the 20th and the Full Moon on Saturday, it is time to discard the old and stale and begin with a clean slate to embrace the new. Pisces February 19-March 20 Positive changes are on the way and you have the choices; accept a new lucrative job offer and stay put. Embracing change is always difficult but what has to be done should be done.
Cong makes inroads into cow belt New Delhi-The Congress made inroads in the Hindi heartland sweeping Chhattisgarh, surging ahead of the ruling BJP in Rajasthan and giving a tough fight in Madhya Pradesh - clearly signalling its revival ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Although the party plummeted in Mizoram and Telangana, where it had hoped to counter the TRS in alliance with the TDP, its losses in these two states were more than compensated by the gains in the
cow belt - a BJP stronghold with deep RSS penetration and Hindutva resonance. Congress president Rahul Gandhi claimed victory in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, saying his party had won because the people believed Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "corrupt". The Gandhi scion, who was elected AICC president this day (December 11) a year ago, credited the wins to party workers and called BJP's 2019 Lok Sabha win
an impossibility. Addressing a conference at the AICC headquarters, where he was flanked by leaders Ahmed Patel, Randeep Surjewala, Anand Sharma and Navjot Sidhu, he said: "I think with a resurgent Congress and united Opposition, it will become very difficult for the PM to win 2019. The message is clear. The country is not happy with demonetisation, GST and lack of jobs. Our ideology will defeat the BJP in 2019."
BSP, SP may now join Cong-led grand alliance
Lucknow-The BSP and Samajwadi Party, that had kept away from the 21-party Opposition meeting in Delhi a day prior to counting, are now likely to join the grand alliance in Uttar Pradesh ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. Significantly, the BSP has announced not to support the BJP. Mayawati has already summoned her winning MLAs to Delhi. In the past, there have been instances of BSP MLAs crossing over to the ruling party. But more than keeping her flock together, she is likely to drive a hard bargain for UP in lieu of her party's support to the Congress in Madhya Pradesh and to a Congress-led grand alliance at the national level. Congress' Kamal Nath, it is learnt, has already contacted Mayawati for support in MP. The Samajwadi Party too has announced its support for the Congress in MP. The SP in alliance with the Gondwana Ganatantra Party has won one seat in Chhattisgarh. The Mayawati-led party has not performed as per expectations. But it has more or
less retained its voter share of an average 4 per cent in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and cornered 2 per cent votes in Telangana. A few days ago, both the BSP and SP had spurned the Congress, calling it 'arrogant'. SP president Akhilesh Yadav had declared that if needed, he would "remove the hand (Congress symbol) off the cycle (SP symbol) handle". For the BSP, the Congress success in Chhattisgarh comes as a setback of sorts. Mayawati had announced to form the next government by crossing the halfway mark along with her newfound ally Ajit Jogi's Janata Congress Chhattisgarh. A senior BSP MLA admitted that the party had "overestimated" its potential. The poll outcome is a lesson for the SP too - that it must now follow the BSP blindly. A senior party leader remarked: "Akhilesh, who enjoyed a good rapport with the Congress president, seems to have acted in haste. If we want to keep the BJP at bay, we have no choice but to support the Congress."
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
“Singer Soumita Saha has a message - Step up to career in Stand up for Human Rights ”. social work with fasttrack programme
Singer Soumita Saha, who has been at the forefront in the fight against society evils has a message for everyone on World Human Rights Day. She urges everyone to stand up for their own rights and those of others. According to her, Human Rights empower us all. These propagate Equality, Justice and Freedom, prevent violence and sustain peace. Our shared humanity is rooted in these universal values. “Without Human Rights, the civilization wouild cease to exist. Whenever and wherever humanity’s values are abandoned, we all are at greater risk”, says the singer, who had made International debut with song Ishq in February this year. For last 1 week, Soumita has been raising this awareness about Human Rights through video messages, social media campaigns and various other fora. “It is our duty to educate everyone about Human Rights. Humanity finds meaningful execution only when you introduce people to Human Rights. If you want to be
today’s ‘lady with the lamp’, try teaching people the right usage of Human Rights”, added the songbird. This day, December 10, is observed every year as Human Rights Day to commemorate the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. The principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights laid the foundations for the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights worldwide. “We often witness Human Rights Violations around us. Sometimes these violations are so deeply embedded in the society that we fail to recognize them. I urge everyone to stand up for the Human Rights and raise voice against violations, no matter how trivial they are”, she added. “We should also organize ourselves together to publicly lobby for a better leadership, better laws and greater respect for human dignity in the society. Wherever we are, we can make a real difference. In the street, in school, at work, in public transport; in the voting booth, on social media, at home and on the sports field”, she further added.
The City of Wolverhampton Council is encouraging people to consider a new route into children's social work. The new West Midlands Step Up to Social Work programme is a fast-track training programme leading to a Masters in Social Work, meaning people could potentially start their career as a children's social worker within 14 months. The course will be running from January 2020 to March 2021 and participants will receive a tax-free bursary of over £19,000 towards living costs and any child care arrangements. In addition, all course fees are paid. At the end of the course, successful candidates will be expected to practice with one of the organisations which are partnering with the programme - such as the City of Wolverhampton Council - for at least two years. Councillor Paul Sweet, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: "We are very pleased to be supporting the West Midlands Step Up to Social Work programme, which offers people a direct route into the world of children's social work. "I would encourage any talented graduates who have ever thought about a career in children's social work to seriously consider applying for this fast-track programme and, who knows, one day they may be working with children, young people and their families in Wolverhampton." The application window will be open from 4 February to 18 March 2019. Potential applicants need a minimum of a 2:1 honours degree or a 2:2 honours degree plus a higher degree at level 7 or above, and at least six months' experience working with vulnerable children, young people and families. Candidates also require English and Maths GCSE qualifications at grade C or above, or equivalent. For more information about the West Midlands Step Up to Social Work programme, please email the City of Wolverhampton Council's Principal Social Worker Louise Haughton via louise.haughton@wolverhampton.gov.uk.
EU rules out Brexit renegotiation BERLIN/STRASBOURGPrime Minister Theresa May sought Angela Merkel's support on Tuesday to save her floundering Brexit deal but the European Union
ruled out renegotiating the divorce treaty, after May postponed a parliamentary vote she admitted she would lose. Less than four months until
the United Kingdom is due to leave the EU on March 29, May warned British lawmakers that if they rejected her deal then the only other options were a
disorderly no-deal divorce, or a reversal of Brexit that would defy the will of those who voted for it. A day after pulling the vote in the face of hostility from
lawmakers, May rushed from London for breakfast in The Hague with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and then a meeting in Berlin with Europe's most powerful leader, German Chancellor Merkel in a frantic bid to save her deal. The message from the EU was clear: It will give "clarifications" but will not countenance reopening the treaty. "The deal we achieved is the best possible. It's the only deal possible. There is no room whatsoever for
renegotiation," European Commission head JeanClaude Juncker said in an address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. In rainy Berlin, a hitch with May's car door briefly trapped her inside, delaying her red carpet handshake with Merkel. The British parliament will vote on a deal before January 21, May's spokeswoman said. If there is no satisfactory deal by then, parliament will still be given a debate on the issue.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
It came into force on 1 February 2015 and bans people from participating in or promoting car cruising throughout the Black Country. “The High Court injunction which the council has obtained and the seriousness they took these incidents is truly remarkable. “I would urge anyone who is experiencing this type of anti-social behaviour to call the police and report it every time so that the authorities can take action and put these people before the courts.” Councillor Hazel Malcolm, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: “We are continuing to take action against anyone suspected of breaching the High Court ban, and we and the police rely upon the invaluable help and support of our communities to do this. “I would like to thank the resident who took and supplied the dashcam footage which proved instrumental in securing these convictions, and I would urge anyone else who has witnessed any form of car cruising to report it to the police.” Incidents of car cruising should be reported to West Midlands Police on 101. In an emergency, always dial 999. The injunction bans people from taking part in a car cruise anywhere within Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell or Walsall, or from promoting, organising or publicising any such event in the same area. It will remain in place until at least January 2021 and defines car cruising as:
«Ú√≈÷Δ ¡Â∂ ÷≈Ò√≈ ÍøÊ Á∂ «√‹‰≈ «ÁÚ√ ÁΔ¡ª ͱ∂ √ß√≈ 鱧 ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª
Vol: 14,
· two or more motor vehicles (including motorbikes) between the hours of 3pm and 7am being on a highway or in a publicly accessible place within the Black Country at which any such vehicle or occupant of a vehicle performs any of the prohibited activities listed below which causes, or is capable of causing, any of the prohibited consequences set out in below. Participating in car cruising means being the driver of, or being carried in (or on), a motor vehicle (including motorbikes) in circumstances in which the above applies. · Speeding; driving in convoy; racing; performing stunts; sounding horns or playing music as to cause a significant public nuisance; using foul or abusive language; using threatening, intimidating behaviour towards another person; causing obstruction on a public highway, whether moving or stationary. The prohibited consequences referred to above are: excessive noise; danger or risk of injury to road users, including pedestrians; damage or significant risk of damage to property; significant risk of harm; significant public nuisance; significant annoyance to the public. Anyone breaching the injunction risks of being in contempt of court, for which they can face up to two years in prison and/ or a fine. They could also have assets – such as their vehicle – seized and crushed. For more information, please visit http:// bit.ly/carcruisingban.
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
UN adopts migration pact despite many withdrawals Marrakesh-A United Nations conference adopted a migration pact in front of leaders and representatives from around 150 countries in Morocco on Monday, despite a string of withdrawals driven by antiimmigrant populism. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migrationfinalised at the UN in July after 18 months of talks-was formally approved with the bang of a gavel in Marrakesh at the start of a two-day conference. But the US and 15 other countries either opted out or expressed concerns, with some claiming the pact infringes national sovereignty. Describing it as a "roadmap to prevent suffering and chaos", UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sought to dispel what he called a number of myths around the pact, including claims that it will allow the UN to impose migration policies on member states. The pact "is not legally binding", he said. "It is a framework for international co-operation... that specifically reaffirms the principle of state sovereignty."We must not
succumb to fear and false narratives", he told an audience that included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Panama's President Juan Carlos Varela and Greek Premier Alexis Tsipras. Merkel launched an impassioned defence of the pact and multilateralism, saying her country "through Nazism brought incredible pain to humanity". "The answer to pure nationalism was the foundation of the United Nations and the commitment to jointly searching for answers to our common problems," she said. The pact, said Merkel, seeks to prevent, rather than encourage, illegal migration. "This is about safe orderly and regular migration-it says (this) clearly in the title." On Friday, the US hit out at the pact, labelling it "an effort by the United Nations to advance global governance at the expense of the sovereign right of states". It was the first country to disavow the negotiations late last year, and since then Australia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia have pulled out of the process.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018
Pant equals world record of most catches in Test cricket
Rishabh Pant (centre) equalled the world record of most catches in a Test by a wicketkeeper.
Super Pant pays rich tribute to Dhoni, says he has learnt a lot
NDIA’S NEW record-holder wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant has described Mahendra Singh Dhoni (inset) as the hero of the country and said the former skipper taught him to be patient and handle pressure situations.
Pant, on Monday, equalled the world record of most catches in a Test by a wicketkeeper, snaring 11 in India’s 31-run win in the first Test against Australia. The 21-year-old is now level with Englishman Jack Russell (vs South Africa at Johannesburg in 1995) and South also been giving the hosts a Africa’s AB de Villiers (vs Paktaste of their own medicine by istan at Johannesburg in 2013). sledging the Australian batsmen He also eclipsed the India every now and then. record of 10 catches in a game by Pant produced some gems Wriddhiman Saha. from behind the wicket when “He’s (Dhoni) the hero of the Usman Khawaja and Pat Cumcountry,” Pant told cricket.com.au. mins were at the crease. Pant went on to add that he feels more confident as a person PONTING HAS A POINT when the Ranchi-born cricketer Australia might have is around him. “I’ve learnt been outwitted in the a lot from him as a peropening Test but son and as a crickformer skipper eter as well. Whenever he’s around, I Ricky Ponting feel more confibelieves the dent as a person. hosts will hold If I’ve got any an edge over problems I can India in the share it with him second Test at and get a soluthe Perth tion right away. beginning Friday. “As a wicketkeeper “I think Perth and a player (he’s will definitely suit taught me) to be our guys a lot more patient in pressure situathan the Indian players, tions like this (in Adelaide). but the Aussies need to You have to keep calm and keep composed and try to bounce back pretty quickly,” give 100 per cent.” Ponting said. After creating the record, Pant “Ponting said Australia need said, “I never thought of the to find out their shortcomings record but it’s good to take quickly and learn from them some catches and put it inside after putting a poor show in the my kitty. It’s good to have milefirst Test.” stones, but I’m not thinking Ponting said Australia should about that too much.” avoid any knee-jerk reaction In the 2nd innings of the 1st and retain the batting order Test, Pant smashed Nathan and field the same playing XI in Lyon for 18 runs in one over, the second Test, despite Aaron which incuded a hat-trick of fours and a six. Finch’s failure as an opener. In the ongoing series, Pant has Agencies
Tim Paine returns to the pavilion after getting out.
their 31-run loss to India in AUSTRALIA Test skipper Tim first Test when a few decisions Paine has backed pacer went against the hosts after Mitchell Starc to rediscover reviewing the umpires calls. his best in the bouncy tracks of Perth in the second Test Umpire Nigel Llong had given after the opening Test where Ajinkya Rahane out caught at he didn’t look menacing bat-pad for 17 early but the despite taking five wickets. decision was overturned on review when replays indicated “When Starcy’s on song, that the ball had hit the batsthere is no better bowler in man’s front pad outside the the world, particularly with line of off stump and missed the new ball, Paine told told his bat and gloves. cricket.com.au. Cheteshwar Pujara, who had “In Perth, the conditions will scored a gritty 123 in the first suit him down to the ground innings, was adjudged out on ... from what I am hearing, the eight and 17 to Lyon on Saturwicket is going to be really day but the dismissals were fast so he’ll be a handful.” overturned. Replays found no Paine also questioned the contact with bat or decision review system, gloves in his first dissaying it has been Also missal and the secfrustrating to deal ond one was overquestions with the technolruled as ball ogy that is not a the DRS system, tracking perfect system. says it has been suggested that Australia frustrating to deal the ball would endured some with an imperfect have gone over frustrating technology the bails. PTI moments during
It's India vs Dutch in quarters, Pakistan out THE Netherlands gave India a reminder of their scoring prowess with a 5-0 thumping of Canada before their coach and captain hinted that the world No. 4 would not let the hosts feel at home in the quarterfinals. The Dutch took their time to get going against world No. 11 Canada. It was expected in a knockout match. But the 16th-minute goal by Lars Balk freed them up. Robbert Kemperman's strike four minutes later only made them more audacious in their attacks. The Dutch were free-flowing - they had 38 circle entries and 20 shots. They weren't bad in defence either, letting Canada into their circle just six times. Thijs van Dam (40th, 58th) and Thierry Brinkman (41st) also got their names on the scoresheet, but the Netherlands could have scored many more. Netherlands coach Max Caldas, though, was "happy" with the performance. "We were able to create chances in all quarters," Caldas said at the post-match press conference. From Canada, the questions quickly shifted to India, whom
the Dutch play in the quarterfinals on Thursday. India have not played a match since Saturday, which means a break of four days before the next match. Caldas hinted at his team's advantage in terms of match practice. "We are happy to play (extra match) rather than practice," said Caldas. India were dominant in the pool matches, even managing to unsettle world No. 3 Belgium in their 2-2 draw. A vehement crowd support also played a part, which the India coach has also acknowledged. But Caldas said that his side would not be overwhelmed by the crowd; neither would they let India take control. "We like to set our own pace," Caldas said. "It is not for the first time that we are playing India in India. And we are used to playing in front of big crowds." Captain Billy Bakker said the team wouldn't be too concerned about the crowd support for India. "There is also home-crowd pressure on India to perform. We will also get energy from the crowd," Bakker said.
Adelaide-Rishabh Pant on Monday equalled the world record of most catches in a Test by a wicketkeeper, snaring 11 in the first match against Australia while breaking the Indian mark. The 21-year-old is now level with Englishman Jack Russell (vs South Africa at Johannesburg in 1995) and South Africa's AB de Villiers (vs Pakistan at Johannesburg in 2013). He eclipsed the India record of 10 catches in a game by Wriddhiman Saha, as the visitors won the opening game by 31 runs to go 1-0 up in the four-match series. P a n t equalled the world record after taking Mitchell Starc's catch off Mohammed Shami's ball in the second innings at the Adelaide Oval. The wicketkeeper caught six batsmen in first innings and five in the next on way to the record. In the first innings, Pant was involved in the dismissals of Usman Khawaja, Peter Handscomb and Tim Paine before pouching on to edges off Starc, Travis Head and Josh Hazlewood's willow. When India bowled again, he played a role in the departure of openers Marcus Harris and Aaron Finch, followed by Shaun Marsh, Peter Handscomb, Paine and Starc. Pant equalled the India record when he took his tenth catch of the match -- a top edge off Australia skipper Tim Paine. "It was nervous as they were coming close, but we did well. I'm happy to contribute to the team. I always enjoy troubling batsmen, I love it when they concentrate on me and not on the bowlers," said Pant, who was heard egging on the bowlers on the stump mic. In the first innings, Pant had equalled Mahendra Singh Dhoni's record of most catches (six) by an Indian wicketkeeper in a Test innings. Pant, who is playing only his sixth Test, was selected in the Indian team following an injury to Saha.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 693
13th December to 19th December2018