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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 712


9th May to 15th May, 2019

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

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9th May to 15th May, 2019

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

‘Sarbans’: A complete Punjabi Programming Language Nowadays, everyone is forcing his child to become perfect in English language. No doubt, English is an international language and learning two and more languages would add a feather in your cap. But this cannot eliminate the importance of your mother tongue . Meantime, some personalities and social organizations always stand up in the favour of our mother tongue punjabi . Their efforts give us hope that our language is secured in future. Sardar Harjit Singh is a living example. Presently, he is serving as a Computer Faculty in Govt High School Rohjari in Jalandhar district. He has developed a computer software called ‘Sarbans’ that has all the features like any other modern Computer language. ‘Sarbans’ is a educational

programming language allows a programmer to write computer programs wholly in Punjabi language . This software would be extremely worth full specially for the students of punjab state, who want to learn computer coding in their native language. Sarbans is available in two versions. The (Logo version) of Sarbans is an Interpreted Programming language through which students can learn sophisticated programming principles with graphic commands and paint tools. The next version of the sarbans (Sarbans-2.0), which is likely to be launched by the end of 2019, would have the powers of a

complete general purpose programming language like Python or Java. For all of that, Its developer only need a support from government and universities. This software can be downloaded free from website Any query and feedback can be send at

9th May to 15th May, 2019


Less than month left to nominate a Young Citizen of the Year People are being urged to nominate a young person they know for the Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year Award ahead of the deadline at the end of this month. Devised by the city’s Rotary Clubs alongside the City of Wolverhampton Council, Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation, the Express and Star, The Way Youth Zone and Waitrose, the award celebrates 1319 year olds who live, learn or work in the city and have gone the extra mile to help other people or organisations. The closing date for nominations is Friday 31 May, 2019, and the award has already had support from stars such as Wolves Captain Conor Coady, soul

sensation Beverley Knight and comedienne Doreen Tipton, who have all recorded video messages saying why they think the awards are vital for the city and its young people. City of Wolverhampton Council’s Director of Education Meredith Teasdale said: “We are lucky to have thousands of wonderfully talented young people across our city whose contributions deserve to be recognised. “I would urge everybody to nominate a young person they know before the deadline on 31 May, so that together we can share their success.” To nominate chosen young citizen(s) and view videos from the award’s famous supporters, please

‘Will never hesitate to fly in a 737 MAX’, says Warren Buffett

Jagjit Singh Ganeshpur,

Two-thirds of abortions unsafe in major Indian states: Study London Abortion has been legal in India since the early 1970s, but in five out of nine major Indian states, over two-thirds of abortions may be unsafe, new research by experts based at the University of Oxford and India suggests.Vulnerable and disadvantaged women and

young women (aged 15-19) are particularly at risk and have the highest chance of dying from an abortion-related complication, the study published on Thursday in BMJ Global Health says. The study of 1.8 million women analysed anonymous data from India’s 2010-2013 Annual Health Surveys to estimate the rates of and risk factors for unsafe abortion and abortion-related maternal mortality in nine states. Previous research had found that women’s educational attainment, participation in the

work force, social class and ethnicity, and the predominant preference for male children influenced abortion seeking, but this is the first empirical study of the combined effect of these factors on unsafe abortion. In the nine states (Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha,

Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Assam), which represent 50% of the population, the overall rate of unsafe abortion was 67%. The study found that 58,266 of the 89,447 abortions among women aged 15 to 58, in the nine states were unsafe. Abortions were classified as unsafe if they were not performed (if induced) or completed (if spontaneous) in a health facility or by a skilled birth attendant or were carried out at 20 weeks’ gestation or beyond. Senior author Manisha

Nair of the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford, said: “Socioeconomic vulnerability, teenage pregnancy and inadequate access to healthcare services combine to leave large numbers of women at risk of unsafe abortion and abortion related death and constitute a major public health problem in India.” About 70% of India’s population live in rural areas where safe abortion services are not readily available. More than half the abortion-related deaths in the study were due to a lack of access to appropriate health care. Women living in rural settings had 26% higher chance of an unsafe abortion and were more likely to die from an abortion-related cause compared to women living in urban settings. The study says. Saswati Sanyal Choudhury of the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Assam, and co-author of the study, said: “We manage several women in our hospital who come with complications related to unsafe abortion, often very late.” Besides Nair and Sanyal Choudhury, other coauthors of the study are Anjali Rani (BHU, Varanasi), Farzana Zahir (Assam Medical College, Diburugarh) and Ryo Yokoe (Oxford).

Billionaire Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most influential businessmen, said Saturday that he would not hesitate to fly in a Boeing 737 Max airplane, despite the grounding of the planes after two fatal crashes. “I will never hesitate even for a second to fly on a 737 MAX,” he said in response to a question from AFP on the sidelines of the annual shareholder meeting of his Berkshire Hathaway empire in Omaha. While Buffett, the world’s third-richest man, owns stakes in severa l o f t h e m o s t prestigious American companies — from CocaCola to JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs to Apple and, recently, Amazon — he holds no shares in Boeing, though he has invested in airlines. Buffett was responding to

a question about the damage to Boeing’s reputation after 737 MAX planes were involved in two fatal crashes that left a total of nearly 350 people dead in a span of less than five months. Boeing’s entire 737 MAX fleet has been grounded since shortly after the latest crash in March, while investigators study the incidents and engineers work on solutions. Another Boeing plane — a 737 model that preceded the MAX line — was involved in a rough landing late Friday in Jacksonville, Florida, when it skidded off a runway and into a river, but without causing any serious injuries. “Planes have never been so safe,” Buffett said, even as he encouraged Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg to always make safety a priority.

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Vol: 15,


Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


Telangana BJP president K Laxman called off his fast. He was protesting against student suicides in view of an alleged goof-up in declaration of results.



The banking system is in tatters. Willful defaulters have doubled in five years. At the time when Modi government is leaving, the willful default amount stands at `1,21,700 crore. — RANDEEP SINGH SURJEWALA, CONGRESS SPOKESPERSON


Daily soundbites from the political ‘Maha Kumbh’

Should the UN ask the Congress, should it consult Madam or Naamdar before declaring him (Masood Azhar) a global terrorist? — NARENDRA MODI, PRIME MINISTER

Does democracy mean buying other party’s MLAs and forming govt through it,Modi ji?How does BJP have this amount of money to buy MLAs? Earlier also you have tried to buy our MLAs but it isn’t that easy to buy AAP members.

The liar has yet again lied. Arvind Kejriwal is the one who gives a light to the definition of filth. We will file a defamation case and add SC/ST Act.


Why is the PM talking about IPL? His is the first government since 1996 that has been unable and unwilling to have assembly elections in J&K on schedule. Why doesn’t he talk about that also? —OMAR ABDULLAH, NATIONAL CONFERENCE LEADER


Modi has ditched people by promising ‘acche din’, which are elusive. Good days have come only for people like Adani and Ambani. Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi and others did scams worth crores and f led the country but no action is taken against them as they belong to Gujarat. — NAVJOT SINGH SIDHU, CONGRESS LEADER

Sonakshi joins mum’s SP campaign in Lucknow


(L-R) SP leader Dimple Yadav with Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha and her mother Poonam Sinha in Lucknow on Friday.

By Shivendra Srivastava in Lucknow Samajwadi Party (SP) is putting all its weight to support its candidate Poonam Sinha who is fighting against BJP heavyweight Rajnath Singh in Lucknow. On Friday, her daughter Sonakshi Sinha, a popular Bollywood actor, took part in a roadshow in Uttar Pradesh's capital. Poonam Sinha’s husband actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha, who is the Congress candidate from Patna Sahib had joined her last month as she filed her nomination paper. Shatrughan Sinha had

angered many in his party as it has fielded its own candidate in the prestigious constituency. Clarifying why he turned up at his party's rival's roadshow, he said he was there as a "dutiful husband". Sonakshi was accompanied

Shatrughan, in Congress, had also batted for wife by her brother Kushh Sinha and SP MP Dimple Yadav. The roadshow that moved through three Assembly constituencies covered a distance of about 6km, across the old parts of the city.

Poonam Sinha made her debut in politics last month. She will be fighting on SP ticket against Home Minister Rajnath Singh in Lucknow, the constituency which is considered to be a stronghold of the BJP. SP-BSP-RLD are the three parties fighting the election in an alliance in Uttar Pradesh with 37 seats for SP, 38 for BSP and 3 for RLD. The Congress has picked selfstyled spiritual guru Acharya Pramod Krishnam as its Lucknow candidate. Lucknow will vote in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections on May 6. The result will be declared on May 23. —India Today TV

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


Kulstarr Bio - 2019 Name Kuli Shoker Artist Name Kulstarr Hometown Wolverhampton, West Midlands. Inspirations growing up Dr Dre, Tupac, Michael Jackson, Gurdas Maan, Kuldeep Manak, Punjabi MC, Jazzy B, Oasis, Tinie Tempah, David Guetta, Craig David, Diego Maradona, Ronaldo (Brazil), Steven Gerrard… Too many to name! Early Life Born originally in Birmingham, I moved to and grew up in Wolverhampton from a young age. Music was never really in my family, barring my Dad having a vaja which he used to enjoy playing at home. However this all changed after going on a trip to Punjab in 1992 for my cousin’s wedding. I was very young, and whilst out shopping with my family in the city one day I came across a music store with lots of handmade instruments hanging up and placed around the store. Something about this moment gripped me and instantly I was drawn towards the Tablas. Maybe it was because I used to see them all the time at the Gurudwara, or because they used to be played during Punjabi school on Sunday mornings in assembly! But my Dad was like “don’t think about it”, thinking they would be left lying around our house after a few weeks of playing. We didn’t buy the Tablas on that trip… but for the next few months I’d pester my Mom & Dad to get me a set of Tablas. Maybe them saying no made me want them more? Or if i had gotten what I wanted in the first place then maybe they would have actually been left lying around? So eventually my parents caved in, and we had a relative bring me over a set from Punjab. I loved them and I was eager to learn to play. My Bibi ji found out about classes every Tuesday and Thursday at our local Gurudwara from 4.30 onwards, so every week on those days the two of us used to catch the bus so that I could go to the lessons. It wasn’t easy carrying a huge bag of Tablas - believe me! This was my introduction into music. Learning about basic beats and rhythm. Not only that, but learning about the hard work that has to go into any craft. This was my second major hobby I’d taken up in my spare time at a young age. the other was football for a local team. Training on Saturday mornings and a match on Sunday afternoon - after Punjabi school! Journey to Music Production As I grew up learning Tabla, I became curious in also wanting to learn other instruments. So I started learning basic dholki, dhol, vaja (not great), tumbi, and algoze. But it was one day when I had just started college that I randomly came across a ‘Free Trial’ for a music production program. I was fascinated and instantly downloaded the 28 day trial. This program was as basic as it

could get, however it allowed me to record my instruments and then chop them up within the software. At the time I was really into my Hip Hop music so I began to get instrumental beats and mix those up with my instruments. Eventually, this led to me chopping the beats up and making my own beat patterns and bass etc. When the 28 day trial finished I begged my Mum to buy me the program, but I remember she said only if I washed the cars and cut the grass

enrolled onto a PhD, however, my future was not in further studying or finding a job… I knew that I wanted to follow my music. I took a leap of faith. Lets see where it takes me! Recent Work Since making social media only a few years ago, I have had the opportunity to really grow as an artist by experimenting and releasing different music. It has also helped me in other areas that comes along whilst doing music e.g How to promote yourself, how to stay relevant, how to keep on improving by understanding the market out there etc. Ive been able to learn how to work with different artists, musicians, lyricists, studios etc. simply by understanding that any artform requires dedication and hard work. I was never on any social media 3 years ago. Friends urged me to get on the social media path and start building up my presence by providing content and

first! She was true to her word and bought me the program. After creating monstrosities, I kept improving and wanting to learn more and more. I feel like I made steady progress with this program, and even though it was basic and restricted, it taught me the absolute basics of understanding the methods of mixing and building beats. Until this very day, I have every single track I produced with this program and I also have the original program itself - but I don’t use it! When the time came for moving on from this program, I eventually picked up professional production programs and equipment which would allow for me to learn and produce at my best. These are the programs I use today. Where does the name ‘Kulstarr’ come from? ootball. Pure and simple. When you play with my lads, whether it’s a one-off or regular - you get given a name. And that’s one of my better names! Study/Academic Life I went to University and did a BA (Hons) in Business Management, then went on to do a Masters in HR Managements whilst getting chartered with the CIPD. I was then almost

being active. So that’s exactly what I did. Now I am on all social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and SoundCloud. All under the name ‘Kulstarr’. Once my social media was up and running, I realised that I need to upload content. And that waiting for official releases would be too long and time consuming. I wanted to engage with the audience and show different strings to my bow. I have been fortunate to be able to learn how to shoot, edit and produce music videos. And I’ve also been fortunate to learn how to make my own artwork via photoshop and Lightroom etc. To shoot my videos I have a team… Me & my wife - Mrs Kulstarr! So far I have uploaded these tracks/ videos: 1. The Bhangra Mixtape 2. Channa Mereya - The Kulstarr Fix 3. Zindabaad Yaarian - The Kulstarr Fix 4. Unforgettable - The Kulstarr Fix 5. Hostel - The Kulstarr Fix 6. Tera Mera Sajna - The Kulstarr Fix 7. Kangani - The Kulstarr Fix (Most recent) 8. Sardar – The Official Debut The Asian music market has lots of producers doing remixes of current and

recent tunes, more so in the UK. I wanted to find a way to differentiate myself but at the same time be able to showcase my music producing capabilities. Up until Hostel, my tracks were all remixes with my own beats added on top. I decided I would take a fresh approach to my next track ‘Tera Mera Sajna’. This would be a mashup of 2 huge classics. ‘Tera Mera Pyar’ by Kumar Sanu, and ‘Sajna ve Sajna’ by Gurdas Maan. I worked with a singer called Mahiraj from Punjab for this track and he did the vocals. We met through social media and this idea was something we both felt was sentimental to us. My Dad used to sing this song all of the time, and doing this track was bringing back so many memories. So for this particular track I did the music from fresh, made the artwork and put together a video. I decided that recreating tracks by doing covers would be my approach into releasing content online, instead of remixing. After this track was released, it was thankfully well received by the audience for which Im grateful for. The feedback of this track was truly amazing, and made me want to stay with this new approach of bringing the audience fresh music. So next up was another cover track called ’Kangani - The Kulstarr Fix’. This time I worked with another new artist who has never released a track before, but who I believe had great potential. Again, we met through social media and we were both keen on working on some projects together. This track had fresh vocals, fresh music, fresh artwork and a fresh video! So far, this has had the best feedback of any of my free downloads online. I have had videos of this being used at weddings for entrances, first dances and part of dhol team sets. It’s truly been amazing. Sardari was my official debut track released through a record label, featuring the vocals of Jaswinder Daghamia. I composed & produced this track, and this was a massive journey for me as it began life before I even had social media. I held this track back as I knew that making a social media presence first would be crucial for me to succeed in music. Maybe it would give me a small chance of getting established as a music producer. But I knew I needed to learn the ropes first. Once I felt I was ready and the track was ready, I then went ahead and released Sardari on October 25th 2018 alongside

a video I edited & directed. I was lucky enough again to receive amazing feedback from the audience. Now I have collaborated again with Mahiraj, with whom I previously worked with on ‘Tera Mera Sajna’. This time, we are covering the Noor Jahan classic ‘Gallan Goorian’ which was also covered by one of my idols Punjabi MC on the album ‘Legalized’. I always try to add a twist to all of my tracks, and Gallan Goorian 2019 will be no different! I have prepared the track, artwork, trailer and video by myself. I truly hope the audience enjoys it as much as they have with my other tracks. What is ‘The Kulstarr Fix’? So what is ‘The Kulstarr Fix’? well, basically these are remixes/cover tracks that happen to be one of my favourite tracks - then mixed. So I have merely joined the words Favourite and Mix together to create the term ’Fix’. The ‘Fix’ name also represents that a particular song will be a free download. When doubts creep in? When I was younger and starting my music production journey the doubts were huge. You see the task ahead of you and you don’t know which way to turn or ask for help. Then fears kick in. What a place to be! What I have learned over the years is very simple – learn to trust yourself. Learn to trust your ability, and learn to understand and trust your instincts. But this only matters when you’re prepared to put in the hard work and believing in yourself. I keep a healthy balance with music, and know when to take time away to enjoy other things in life. Doubts are normal, and doubts are natural. Its finding ways to channel those doubts that is key. Future I haven’t forgotten about ‘Official’ releases! I actually have a few in the pipeline, with one already released (Sardari). The idea is to stay active, and that means releasing music as consistently as possible. I will continue to make free downloads, as well as work on official content, alongside more artwork & music videos. Free downloads always reminds me of why I do music in the first place - because I love it. I actually enjoy continuously learning, developing and appreciating every step. Just like when my Bibi Ji was taking me to Tabla classes on the bus - all for the love! The journey up until now has been amazing, and I feel as thought there’s a lot more on its way with Gods good graces.

ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama

Aries (March 21-April 19) Task master Saturn restricts progress at work place and curbs your social life and status. People around you are engrossed in their own affairs and you may feel ignored and neglected. Mercury in Taurus highlights your house of finances and security. Taurus (April 21-May 20 Messenger Mercury moves into your sign and your energy and charisma soar. Uranus brings in positive opportunities so prepare to leap for progress and success. Count to ten before your irrational outbursts or risk withdrawal of a very crucial support from a workmate. Gemini (May 21-June 20) May 6th forward Mercury influences your 12th house and it is better to relax and rejuvenate for the next couple of weeks. Take things in their stride instead of forcing progress or completion unless you have a deadline. Defer your actions till you have full information. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As Mercury travel through Taurus for next two week, your 11th house is activated and your amore inclined to lie low and hide in your crab shell. In the coming weeks expansion and desire to explore new horizons will get bigger and stronger. Leo (July 22-August 22) Changes are afoot and resistance will only jeopardize your career progress. Opposition to your proposals and plans are inevitable but with persistence you will overcome the opposition. Take advantage of Mercury in your 9th house of innovation and adventure. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Wanderlust is in your mind but be prepared for delays and cancellation, if planning to jet off to far off places. Someone close has been a sore in the back and it is now time to breakaway, heal and start afresh. Joint efforts and teamwork generate desired results. Libra (September 23-October 20)

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As Mercury moves into Taurus on 6th May, the message is not to disclose your plans but act discreetly for your goals. Personal relationships are under the cosmic microscope and may you have to break away from an ailing relationship. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) The planetary configuration indicates that whilst you are full of energy and confidence, something you utter unconsciously may result in breaking a long-standing relationship. Saturn warns you to be careful at place of work; avoid offending a workmate. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) For the next two weeks ensure that business proposals and plans are checked to the minute detail without which you may not realize your goals. Avoid signing a contract or agreeing to accept an offer in a hurry. Money discussions will be fruitful. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) The week is great for social activities, flirtations and opening your heart to someone you admire. There are flaws in your career plans and you need to go back to the drawing board. Property and finances will be the subject for family discussion and disagreements. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) With Mercury now eyeing your fourth house, it is time to focus on finances, investments and security. Try mending your relationship with your partner/spouse to avoid separation and heartache. Networking and teamwork are the key to achieve your goals for the next few weeks. Pisces (February 20 - March 19) Cosmos sends you a message to embrace changes, move to a new social circle and seek change of scenery. Someone will instigate and provoke you into arguments and your best course will be to avoid the bait and move away.

Clean chit to CJI: Women protest outside Supreme Court, detained New Delhi-Many women lawyers and activists were among protesters outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday as that questioned the clean chit given to Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi in a sexual harassment case a day ago. As it is not allowed to gather outside the apex court for any kind of demonstation, the Delhi Police detained the protesters and imposed CrPC Section 144 in the area to prevent further escalation. This comes after the three-judge top court panel headed by Justice S.A. Bobde found no substance on Monday in the sexual harassment allegations levelled by a former apex court employee against Chief Justice Gogoi.

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Contact: 07921 529 011

Cong copied our slogan: AAP

After the Congress putting up signage all across Punjab reading “Sara Punjab Captain de naal” and a new song on the same theme played by the party during a recent rally, AAP leaders have begun saying that the ruling party had stolen their slogan used ahead of 2017 polls.The AAP leaders have said their slogan used all across Punjab then was “Kejriwal-Kejriwal sara Punjab tere naal”, which the Congress has copied now. AAP MLA and Bathinda Lok Sabha candidate Baljinder Kaur has alleged, “The Congress slogan and song is a ditto copy that our party has been using and this shows that they do not have any originality of ideas.” She said, “The Congress has

copied almost every idea that we initially mooted for the aam aadmi, including putting an end of VIP culture and stopping use of red lights. Let them copy and use, things will be before them soon.” Even AAP Doaba chief and candidate from Hoshiarpur Dr Ravjot Singh has said, “It is not a good practice for a party to copy another party’s slogan that, too, especially when it has been widely used.” The new song that the Congress has started playing in rallies goes like this, “Hun har paase bulian haase, Punjab pher khushaal, sara Punjab Captain de naal (meaning now everywhere there are smiles and laughter and Punjab is once again prosperous, entire Punjab is with Captain)”.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


‘I apologised to Supreme Court, not PM Modi. Stand by chowkidar chor hai slogan’: Rahul Gandhi Congress president Rahul Gandhi said on Saturday he will stand by his “Chowkidar Chor Hai” jibe as it is a reality and continue using the slogan again Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Rahul Gandhi said during a press conference in New Delhi that he apologised to the Supreme Court as he felt he had made a mistake. “There is a process is going on in the Supreme Court and I made a comment attributed to SC so I apologised. I did not apologise to the BJP or Modi ji. ‘Chowkidar Chor Hai’ will remain our slogan,” he said. As he launched another attack on the Prime Minister, he took on the issues of unemployment and agrarian crisis and criticised Modi for “insulting” India’s armed forces. Rahul Gandhi said that it is clear that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is losing in the Lok Sabha election 2019 and is conducting a “panicky campaign”. “More than half of the elections are over and there is clear cut feeling that Modiji is

losing … Our general assessment is clearly saying that BJP is losing the elections,” Rahul Gandhi said. “The reality is that Modiji is losing the elections and it’s visible on his face,” he said. The main issues facing the c o u n t r y, h e s a i d , w e r e unemployment and the crisis facing the farmers of the country but the Prime Minister said nothing about the concerns of the common people. “The biggest issue right now is unemployment and the way Modi ji has destroyed the economy. The country is asking that Modi ji you promised us two crore jobs, what about that? He doesn’t speak a word on jobs or farmers as he has nothing to say,” Rahul Gandhi said. Hitting out at the Prime Minister, Gandhi said: “Modiji’s entire strategy is to distract. We have fought four to five elections with him. We have fought against him in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. As soon as he realises that he is not going to win then he brings something

new like he brought seaplane in Gujarat.” The Congress does not p o l i t i c i s e t h e a r m y, R a h u l Gandhi said, and it is not anyone’s property as Prime Minister Narendra Modi questioned the Congress’ claims that the U PA government had carried out six surgical strikes during its tenure. “The army, air force or navy

are not the personal property of Narendra Modi ji like he thinks. When he says that surgical strikes during the UPA were done in video games then he is not insulting Congress but the army,” Gandhi said. The Congress president’s remarks come a day after the Prime Minister said during a public meeting in Rajasthan’s Sikar that the party which questioned the surgical strikes

is now saying “me too, me too”. The issue of surgical strikes has been a regular refrain in PM Modi’s electoral speeches after the IAF’s air strike on a Jaishe-Mohammad training facility at Balakot in Pakistan following the February 14 Pulwama suicide bombing in which 40 CRPF jawans had lost their lives. He had even asked the first-time voters to dedicate their vote to Balakot.

Thomas Markle reacts to daughter Meghan Markle giving birth

Thomas Markle is “delighted” to have a new grandchild. Meghan Markle’s father released a statement exclusively to The Sun on Monday, just hours after the Duchess of Sussex gave birth to her first child — a boy! — with husband Prince Harry. “I’m delighted to hear that mother and child are doing well. I am proud that my new grandson is born into the British royal family and I am sure that he will grow up to serve the crown and the people of Britain with grace, dignity, and honour,” the statement said. “GOD bless the child and I wish him health and happiness, and my congratulations to my lovely daughter Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry, and GOD save the Queen.”

ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


The duchess’ mother, Doria Ragland, is “overjoyed” by the arrival of her first grandchild Meghan, 37, gave birth to her son on Monday morning at 5:26 am London time, Buckingham Palace announced. “We are pleased to announce that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex welcomed their firstborn child in the early morning on May 6th, 2019,” the official statement read. “Their Royal Highnesses’ son weighs 7lbs. 3oz.” Prince Harry was on-hand for the birth of the baby, the palace confirmed, and the rest of the royal family is “delighted with the news” of its arrival.

“It is not a good thing to bring the Army in poll campaign by political parties. The Election Commission too has said

Another setback for AAP, MLA Sandoa joins Cong Ending days of speculation over his deserting Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), local MLA Amarjit Singh Sandoa finally joined the Congress this evening. Sandoa was welcomed into the party by Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh at his residence in Chandigarh. Sandoa is the second AAP MLA who has joined the Congress in the last 10 days. Mansa MLA Nazar Singh Manshahia earlier deserted his parent party to join the Congress on April 25. Welcoming Sandoa into the party fold, Capt Amarinder said the Congress had got a major boost with the joining of

two MLAs ahead of the elections. Sandoa, who was a taxi driver in Delhi, was fielded by AAP from his native place Ropar in the 2017 state Assembly elections when he defeated former minister and senior SAD leader Daljit Singh Cheema and Congress’ Brinder Singh Dhillon. He, however, courted controversies when his former landlady in Ropar levelled allegations of molestation against him. In June last year, some locals allegedly roughed him up when he went to stop “illegal mining” near Nurpur Bedi. The accused had alleged that the MLA was pressuring them to

give money if he wanted to continue mining operations in the area. Though there were reports that the Congress was in touch with Sandoa, the latter kept denying it and even continued attending AAP meetings in Chandigarh as well as in

Delhi regarding the party’s election strategy. He left for Chandigarh this morning along with Anandpur Sahib MLA and Speaker Rana KP Singh and a few of his confidants, making it clear for locals that he was set to join the ruling party.

this. Ultimately, it’s the institution which suffers damage in long term,” he said on the sidelines of a function here. Hooda was here to attend a dialogue on India’s national security. “Protecting our people is one of the most important aspects in the national

security strategy we prepare,” he said in the function. Hooda, who recently headed a Congress panel on national security and submitted a report, also said that the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is an important challenge being faced today.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


In times most polarised, a Black hero at White House

2011 World Cup hero Yuvraj feels Pandya will lead the way for India in England


UVRAJ Singh, hero of India’s victorious campaign in the 2011 World Cup, is expecting special performances from allrounder Hardik Pandya in the 2019 edition, beginning May 30 in the UK.

Also backs spinner Kuldeep to do well “Definitely, the way he is batting at the moment, it is phenomenal and I hope he carries that form (into the World Cup). He has been bowling well in patches but as I said it is all about how you handle the pressure,” said Yuvraj. The veteran left-handed batsman was speaking after launching a marketing campaign for MoneyGram ahead of the ICC World Cup. Pandya has been in the form of his life and Yuvraj said that his 91 against the Kolkata Knight Riders was the best IPL innings he has seen. It is probably the best shape as a batsman to get in. “I have been watching since the practice games, he was hitting the ball really well. I had told him ‘it is going to be a special tournament for you, the way you are hitting the ball’,” said the southpaw. “Over the years, as an experienced player you know if some-

Washington-During his illustrious career, Tiger Woods has treated politics as he would a menacing sandtrap avoiding it if at all possible. A black superstar in a whitedominated sport, he has also generally avoided commenting about race relations in the United States. But on Monday, Woods will find himself on the biggest political stage there is the White House. And Woods will be the guest of honour of a president seen by many Americans as racially polarising. He has hit the links in bipartisan fashion, teeing off with Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and Republicans George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump. Trump, an avid golfer and the owner of several golf courses, is to present the 43-year-old with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honour. Though the outspoken Republican has been engaged in a bitter feud with black NBA stars and American football players, he has never expressed anything but unbridled admiration for Woods. He spoke to Woods, whose father was black and whose mother is of Thai origin, following his epic Masters victory last month and extended his congratulations. Trump tweeted that he was honouring Woods “because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and more importantly, LIFE.” Once upon a time, White House visits by title-winning sports teams were routine, but several franchises including the NBA champion Golden State Warriors have opted out under Trump to protest his policies.

Definitely, the way he (Pandya) is batting at the moment, it is phenomenal and I hope he carries that form (into the World Cup).

Pandya is back to his best, at least with the bat, following testing times which saw him serve an interim suspension for making sexist comments on a popular chat show. The 25-year-old has been in remarkable form this IPL and his Mumbai Indians teammate Yuvraj hopes that he extends his explosive run to the 50-over mega event. “I was actually having this conversation with him (Hardik) yesterday where I told him that ‘you have a great chance of performing really well with the ball and bat’, the kind of form he is in at the moment.

Hardik Pandya is in the form of his life for Mumbai Indians in the ongoing Indian Premier League.

— YUVRAJ SINGH, INDIA PLAYER one is hitting the ball well, he is in great shape. He got 91 from 34 balls against KKR, probably that is the best innings I have seen in the IPL just because he hit four quality bowlers he was batting against. “When you are doing that, you know that someone is batting very well,” added Yuvraj. He also backed Virat Kohli-led India, hosts England and Australia to do well in the mega event. “My first two teams are England and India. Obviously with (David) Warner and (Steve) Smith coming back, Australia will be in contention. West Indies also looked a very power-packed side,” he added. —Agencies

Afridi a selfish player, ruined many careers, says Pak batsman Farhat New Delhi-Out-of-favour Pakistan batsman Imran Farhat has lashed out at Shahid Afridi, saying the former all-rounder was a “selfish player” who ruined many careers for his own good. Afridi has raised many eyebrows with his latest autobiography titled ‘Game Changer’. Be it his views on Kashmir and 2010 spot fixing scandal or his age revelation, Afridi has been creating headlines ever since his autobiography got released. He has criticised many

former players, including Javed Miandad, Waqar Younis and Gautam Gambhir in the book which is coauthored by journalist Wajahat S Khan. In a series of tweets, Farhat said he was ashamed to know that Afridi, who lied for 20 years about his age, is naming and blaming some of the legendary cricketers of Pakistan. “I am utterly ashamed from what I have heard and read so far regarding this new book of Afridi. Someone who has lied about his age for 20-odd years now decides to come

clean and name and blame some of our living legends,” said the 36-year-old. “I have a lot of stories to tell regarding this so-called saint we have had the pleasure of playing with. He sure is talented enough to become

a politician,” he added. Farhat, who played 40 Tests and 58 ODIs for Pakistan, also urged the cricketers who have been named and shamed in Afridi’s book to “speak up and tell the truth”. “I have a fair few stories to tell and I urge all the players who have been named and shamed to speak up and tell the truth about this selfish player who has ruined plenty of careers for his own good,” said Farhat. Meanwhile, a petition has been filed in a Pakistan court to stop further publication of the book.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 712

9th May to 15th May, 2019


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