ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
’Ω‰ ω∂◊≈ ÁÁΔ «¬√ ¡≥È-Á≈Â∂ Á≈...?
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 714
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23th May to 29th May, 2019
‘√«Á¡ª Á∂ ÿ Ú√Á∂ pqnI pyikEN vwps AweI, pqI drvwzw KolHidAW hI au`cI au`cI h`sx l`gw[ pqnI- kI qyrw idmwg Krwb ho igAw, h`sI jwnY? pqI- myry gurU ny ny ikhw sI ik jdoN vI koeI msIbq Awvy qW aus dw mukwblw h`s ky krIdw[ *** AmlI- fwktr swihb, mYnUM iek swl pihlW buKwr ciVHAw sI[ fwktr- qy hux kI qklI& hY? AmlI- qusIN nhwaux qoN mnHw kIqw sI, A`j ieDr dI lMG irhw sI, mYN soicAw ik fwktr swihb nUM p`uCdw jwvW, kI hux nhw lvW? *** hwQI dy kIVI nwl ivAwh sMbMDI dyKw-dyKI dI rsm c`l rhI sI, prMqU kIVI hwQI nwl ivAwh krwaux leI rwzI nhIN sI ho rhI[ Aw^Ir kIVI dI shylI ny v`Kry qOr 'qy ies dw kwrn jwnxw cwihAw- qUM hwQI nwl ivAwh leI 'hW' ikauN nhIN rhI? kIVI dw juAwv sI- muMfy dy dMd inkly hoey hn[ *** ipqw- rwjU byty ro ikauN irhw eyN? rwjU-upqw jI, dukwn vwly ny mwirAw ey, mYN aus dw pYn corI kIqw sI[ ipqw- corI krnw koeI cMgI Awdq nhIN byty[ nwlwiek qYnUM kI zrUrq sI dukwn qoN pYn cor krn dI, mYnUM d`sdw mYN d&qroN cuk ky lY AwauNdw[
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
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Vol: 15,
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Issue 714
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23th May to 29th May, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
Axis of Resistance www.mannjittweekly.co.uk
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
23th May to 29th May, 2019
Top general of Iran tells battle-hardened jihadists ‘funded’ by the govt to prepare for war across the Middle East if conflict with US escalates
RAN'S top general has called on their axis of resistance of thousands of battle -hardened jihadists throughout the Middle East to prepare if war with the US erupts. From Lebanon and Syria to Iraq, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, Tehran's influence has expanded in the past decade, forging deep and powerful ties with ruthless fighters. Today it was revealed General Qassem Suleimani had told allies in Iraq to ‘prepare for proxy war,’ as US warships stand on guard in the Persian Gulf.
And an official of the Revolutionary Guard bragged on Friday their arsenal of missiles could ‘easily reach [those] warships.’ US intelligence experts told the Guardian, General Suleimani rallied militias in Baghdad three weeks ago. A source told the paper: “It wasn’t quite a call to arms, but it wasn’t far off.” In reaction to the meeting, the U.S. decided to evacuate all nonessential diplomatic personnel from Iraq. While, on its military bases, the threat level was raised. The ominous manoeuvring comes against a backdrop of soaring tensions in recent weeks with a war of words between Washington and Tehran. There have been accusations of sabotage attacks on oil tankers off the coast of the UAE, drone attacks on Saudi pipelines claimed by Yemeni rebels allied to Iran and, crucially, the dispatch of U.S. warships and bombers to the Qasem Soleimani, Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps region. has told allies in Iraq to ‘prepare for proxy war,’ as US warships stand on guard. Last week, officials said they had detected signs (Inset) President of Iran Hassan Rouhani. of Iranian preparations for potential attacks on U.S. forces and interests in the Middle East, but Washington thousands of Shiite Mushas not publicly released any lim fighters beholden to evidence to support claims of an Tehran. While Hezbolincreased Iranian threat. Genlah strike fear into foes eral Suleimani’s cry to arms to in Lebanon; the Iranithe Iraqi militias is just a flavour ans are backing of the havoc they can wreak with Hamas and the tens of thousands of jihadists Islamic Jihad group loyal to Tehran throughout the in the Gaza strip. In Middle East. Yemen, they are behind the Houthis in a vicious proxy war Tension escalated over the Saudis whichwith has US warships in the Gulf raged for four years. And in Iraq they have established a network of control At a mass rally in February in through a trio of militants: Asaib Beirut, a Hezbollah commander Ahl al-Haq, Kataeb Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah declared: “If and the Badr Organization. America launches war on Iran, it Hezbollah, whose name means will not be alone in the con'Party of God,' was established frontation, because the fate of by Iran's Revolutionary Guard our region is tied to the Islamic during Lebanon's civil war in the Republic.” Hezbollah is one of In a paper for the Brookings 1980s. Today it is among the group as revolutionary Iran's the most prominent members of most effective armed groups in Institute earlier this year, former ‘most successful export’ and the self- styled ‘axis of resistthe region, extending Iran's U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Tehran’s ‘multi-purpose tool.’ ance,’ armed groups with tens of Jeffrey Feltman described the influence to Israel’s doorstep. —Daily Mail
CHAMP missiles.
MISSILES TO ‘FRY’ ELECTRONICS OF IRAN THE U.S. Air Force has deployed at least 20 missiles that could zap the military electronics of North Korea or Iran with high-power microwaves, rendering their military capabilities virtually useless without causing any fatalities, DailyMail.com has learned exclusively. Known as the Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP), the missiles were built by Boeing's Phantom Works for the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and tested successfully in 2012. They have not been operation until now. The microwave weapons are fitted into an air-launched cruise missile and delivered from B-52 bombers. With a range of 700 miles, they can fly into enemy airspace at low altitude and emit sharp pulses of high power microwave (HPM) energy that fry computer chips, disabling any electronic devices targeted by the missiles with causing any collateral damage. Mary Lou Robinson, the chief of the High Power Microwave Division of the Air Force Research Lab at Kirtland Air Force Base, has confirmed to DailyMail.com that the missiles are now operational and ready to take out any target. The project has been advancing secretly ever since the Air Force successfully tested a missile equipped with HPM in 2012 —Daily Mail
US Sikhs say Nordstrom apologised for turban, waiting for Gucci Nordstrom has apologised to Sikhs for selling a turban they found offensive, but a representative with the US community’s top civil rights organisation said on Saturday they are still waiting to hear from the Gucci brand that designed it. “We feel that companies are commodifying and capitalising on something that is dear and sacred to people around the world,” said Simran Jeet Singh, a senior fellow with the New York-based Sikh Coalition, who said the turban has a deep religious significance for the men of his faith. “And there is tension over the fact that the very article of our faith has been the focus of so much hate and violence and bullying,” he said, recalling that Sikhs wearing turbans have been attacked in hate crimes, including a man killed near Phoenix a few days after 9/11. The current complaint springs from a
Gucci head wrap that until Wednesday was advertised on Nordstrom’s website for $790 as the “Indy Full Turban.” The description said the “gorgeously crafted turban is ready to turn heads while keeping you in comfort as well as trademark style.” The Nordstrom website on Saturday still had a reference to a Gucci “head wrap,” but it was listed as sold out and it was no longer pictured. “We have decided to stop carrying this product and have removed it from the site. It was never our intent to disrespect this religious and cultural symbol. We sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been offended by this,” the department store said in a tweet. Sikhs across the United States and around the globe have taken to social media to lambaste Gucci, including Taran Parmar, a radio journalist for News 1130 in Vancouver, Canada. Gucci President and CEO Marco
Bizzarri this month attended a Gucci-sponsored event in New York’s Harlem in addition to a recent fashion show featuring London-based black designer Ozwald Boateng at the Apollo Theater to mark the 100th anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance. In February, the brand apologized and removed from its online and physical stores a turtleneck black wool balaclava sweater that could be pulled over the chin and nose. It included a slit along the mouth, ringed with what look like giant red lips and evoked blackface for many people.Also in February, Katy Perry’s fashion line pulled two types of shoes featuring protruding eyes, nose and red lips that critics likened to blackface. The singer and company said they were saddened it was being compared to blackface and said the designs rather were envisioned as a nod to “modern art and surrealism.”
Australian PM defies exit polls, winning 74 seats forcing Labour Party leader to step down
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
Freedom of press vital, says Pope Francis
Australian PM Scott Morrison (C) arrives to deliver a victory speech with his family in Sydney.
POPE FRANCIS paid tribute on Saturday to journalists killed while doing their jobs, saying media freedom is a key indicator of a country’s health. In an address to the Foreign Press Association in Italy, he urged journalists to shun fake news and continue reporting on the plight of people who no longer make headlines but are still suffering, specifically mentioning the Rohingya and Yazidi.
AUSTRALIA'S ruling Conservative Coalition led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday made a miraculous comeback in the general election, defying exit polls and devastating the opposition Labor Party, forcing its leader Bill Shorten to step down. Around 16 million Australians swarmed to the polling booths across the country on Saturday to elect the nation’s 31st prime minister, in what was widely
Morrison returns in a ‘miracle’ win
Haines said she was very determined to work with the government on addressing climate The latest results showed that change. Morrison along his wife the Conservative Coalition has Jenny visited a church in Sydwon 74 seats while labour ney's Sutherland Shire on Sunsecured 66. A party needs 76 day in his electorate of Cook seats for a simple majority in the where he thanked his local vot151-member House of Represeners. tatives. It was not clear if 51“I have always believed in miryear-old Morrison will require acles... for me and for my govthe support of independent MPs to govern. But ernment, for all of my an independent, team it's all about Around Helen Haines, who you...tonight is about won from the seat 16 million every single Ausof Indi, said that tralian,” a beaming Australians she would be Morrison told his swarmed the working with the supporters. “You polling booths to Coalition in the don't get to be a PM elect their 31st PM scenario of a and serve in that on May 18 hung parliament. capacity unless you
referred to as the climate change election.
first are a member for your local electorate. I want to thank everybody here in my local electorate and local team,” said Morrison, who has only led the government since last August, when Liberal Party colleagues lost confidence in his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull. Morrison had wooed voters by saying if re-elected, the Coalition would deliver a stable economy, more jobs and tax cuts. He also promised funds for women's career initiative and domestic violence and conservative plans to deal with climate change. Center-left Labor Party leader Bill Shorten, who campaigned heavily on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conceded his
Bill Shorten defeat and said he would resign as the party leader. I called Scott Morrison to congratulate him... wished him good fortune and good courage in the service of our great nation. The national interest required no less, Shorten said while addressing his supporters in Melbourne. —PTI
Pope Francis. “I listened in pain to the statistics about your colleagues killed while carrying out their work with courage and dedication in so many countries to report on what is happening in wars and other dramatic situations in which so many of our brothers and sisters in the world live,” he said. Francis had just heard the association’s president, Patricia Thomas of Associated Press Television, talk about journalists killed, imprisoned, wounded or threatened in their line of work. “Freedom of the press and of expression is an important indicator of the state of a country’s health,” the pope said. “Let’s not forget that one of the first things dictatorships do is remove freedom of the press or mask it, not leaving it free.” Francis did not mention any countries in his address to about 400 members of the foreign media and their families. —Reuters
Saudi says will respond with all strength
Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir.
SAUDI ARABIA said on Sunday that it wants to avert war in the region but stands ready to respond with ‘all strength’ following last week’s attacks on Saudi oil assets, telling Iran that the ball was now in its court. Riyadh has accused Tehran of ordering Tuesday’s drone strikes on two oil pumping stations in the kingdom, claimed by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group. Two days earlier, four vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, were sabotaged off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. Iran has denied involvement in either operation, which come as Washington and the Islamic Republic spar over sanctions and the U.S. military presence in the region, raising concerns about a potential U.S.-Iran conflict. “The kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not want a war in the region nor does it seek that,” Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir told a news conference. “It will do what it can to prevent this war and at the same time it reaffirms that in the event the other side chooses war, the kingdom will respond with all force and determination, and it will defend itself and its interests.”
investigation. No-one has claimed responsibility, but two U.S. government sources said last week that U.S. officials believed Iran had encouraged the Houthi group or Iraq-based Shi’ite militias to carry it out.
The Prince invited Gulf leaders to discuss impacts of the attacks
Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Sunday invited Gulf and Arab leaders to convene emergency summits in Mecca on May 30 to discuss implications of the attacks. “The current critical circumstances entail a unified Arab and Gulf stance toward the besetting challenges and risks,” the UAE foreign ministry said in a statement. Saudi Arabia’s Sunni Muslim ally the UAE has not blamed anyone for the tanker sabotage operation, pending an
The drone strike on oil pumping stations, which Riyadh said did not disrupt output or exports, was claimed by the Houthis, who have been battling a Saudiled military coalition in a war in Yemen since 2015. The head of the Houthis’ Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammed Ali alHouthi, derided Riyadh’s call to convene Arab summits, saying in a Twitter post that they “only know how to support war and destruction”. A Norwegian insurers’ report seen by Reuters said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were “highly likely” to have facilitated the attack on vessels near the UAE’s Fujairah emirate, a main bunkering hub lying just outside the Strait of Hormuz. —Reuters
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
South African man scams KFC; C TO FRESH LOW AGAINST DOLLAR ‘gets free KFC for a year’, arrested Chandigarh Social media was thrown into a frenzy earlier this week when it was alleged that a 27-year-old student from South Africa managed to scam his way into getting a free KFC every day for a year. It was claimed that the student would arrive at the fast food restaurant in a limousine driven by his friend who worked part-time as a driver. Wearing a suit, he would then walk straight up to the counter before whipping out an ID card from ‘head office’. He would tell the employees that he had been sent from the KFC headquarters for quality
check. The story was shared on Twitter by a Kenyan journalist, who also revealed that the conman had been arrested for his prank. The tweet read: “South African man arrested for eating at KFC free for a year
by saying head office sent him to taste if they are up to standard.” Since he shared it, the thread became viral. At the time of filing the story, it had already been re-tweeted 3,864 times and had over 7,156 likes.
NAWAZ SHARIF MOVES HIGH COURT SEEKING BAIL IN AL-AZIZIA CASE Pakistan’s jailed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday moved the Islamabad High Court (IHC) seeking bail on medical grounds in the Al-Azizia corruption case. The Supreme Court earlier this month dismissed the 69-year-old three-time prime minister’s review petition seeking permanent bail on medical grounds and the permission to go abroad for treatment. Sharif returned to the Kot Lakhpat jail on May 7 to serve his seven-year prison term in the case after the end of his six-week bail, which was granted to him on medical grounds with a condition that he would not JIHADI John's beard and the way he walked was the key to the missile strike that killed him, a new documentary has revealed. The merciless executioner was identified by a drone flying at night over the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria, which beamed back infrared pictures to military chiefs in the US. Within 15 seconds a missile was launched which obliterated the fanatical Londoner as he spoke on the phone. A Channel 4 documentary being broadcast on Monday reveals for the first time details of how Jihadi John, whose real name was Mohammed Emwazi, was hunted down and killed with the help of state-of-the-art tracking and identification technology. Colonel Steve Warren, the Pentagon spokesman at the time, tells the programme: 'Because of the conditions — it was night — we were using infrared. You can't see his face but we could sort of see how he moved, the cut of his jib, so to speak. The angle of his beard, these things we could see. Eventually we were convinced that this is Jihadi John. And so the floor commander at the time orders, ‘Take the shot.’ Within 15 seconds a missile obliterated Emwazi.” Drones had been searching for the ISIS terrorist for a year but any attempt to wipe him out was made difficult because he always surrounded himself with women and children and made sure he was in crowded areas. General Richard Barrons, former Commander Joint Forces Command, who was involved in the operation, told MailOnline: “We knew where he was and had drones looking for him. We identified Emwazi very
leave Pakistan. Opinions of specialist doctors from Switzerland, the US and the UK have been included in the petition filed at the high court by Sharif’s counsel Khawaja Haris, the Express Tribune reported. “According to the medical board, Nawaz is suffering from numerous diseases,” the petition said. According to the reports,
doctors recommended that Sharif’s condition is lifethreatening. Tension and stress can prove to be threatening to his life, it added. Even Sharif’s blood and sugar levels have not normalised, the petition went on to add. The petition stated that all members of the special medical board, along with doctors associated with doctors hospital Lahore, Sheikh Zayed Hospital Lahore and National Hospital Lahore as well as medical specialists from UK, USA and Switzerland were unanimous that Sharif’s treatment is not possible in jail premises.
Documentary claims Jihadi John killed in drone attack
compared to the buying and selling rate of currency exchange companies. The weaker rupee had a domino impact on the stock market. The Pakistan Stock Exchange 100 index lost 804.5 points to close at 33,166, registering a 2.4 per cent downfall. Meanwhile, the foreign exchange reserves dwindled to USD 8.846 billion, putting pressure on the State Bank of Pakistan to urgently
address the issue. Opposition parties criticised Prime Minister Imran Khan's handling of the economy, saying the country's financial problems have increased since he took over in August last year. "The government has completely failed to handle the economy and in fact sold it to the IMF," said Muhammad Zubair of Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz.
"We have engaged closely with the Sikh community on the issue of kirpans. As a result, we have amended the Bill to ensure that the possession and supply of large kirpans for religious reasons can continue," a UK Home Office spokesperson said. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for British Sikhs had led a delegation to the UK Home Office to ensure that the kirpan remains exempt when the new Bill becomes law. "I am pleased to see the government amendment... which reflects the importance of not criminalising the Sikh community for the sale or possession of large kirpans," said Labour MP Preet Kaur Gill, Chair of the APPG for British Sikhs. The new law
would therefore maintain status quo in continuing to legally safeguard the sale, possession and use of large kirpans. Fellow Sikh MP Tan Dhesi had also made an intervention during the Offensive Weapons Bill debate in the Commons to seek "assurances about the kirpan, given the Sikh community's serious concerns". Large kirpans, with blades over 50 cm, are used by the community during religious ceremonies in gurdwaras as well as for ceremonies involving the traditional Sikh Gatka martial art. They would have fallen foul of the new Bill on the possession of large blades without the amendment, which has now been agreed.
UK gets new weapons Act, secures Sikh right to carry long kirpans
London A new Offensive Weapons Bill aimed at tackling rising knife crime in the UK completed its journey through Parliament to become an Act of law after receiving the Royal Assent of Queen Elizabeth II this week. The Bill had been amended late last year to ensure that it would not impact the right of the British Sikh community to possess and supply kirpans, or religious swords.
Jihadi John in a ISIS propaganda video.
quickly after the execution videos he tion technology and comparing the appeared in but finding him was much pattern of the veins in his left hand in harder because we did not have any which held a knife pointed directly towards the camera with images of people on the ground in Raqqa.” him in archive photographs. GCHQ “The tracking was all done electron- used recordings of his voice from preically but eventually, it was his beard vious wire taps taken during a threeand the way he walked that gave him year surveillance operation and comaway.” Emwazi became one of the pared it to the disguised voice used in world’s most wanted men after exe- the ISIS video. Emwazi's identity was not publicly cuting a number of western hostages confirmed until February 2015. Once in horrifying videos that were used the hunt for him was underway, by ISIS as propaganda tools. Emwazi used his backThe first appeared in August ground as a former comIn 2014 when he killed Ameriputer science student at can journalist James Foley. August 2014, Westminster University Officials at GCHQ knew he killed to evade American and within a matter of hours British authorities. an American that it was Emwazi, He used encryption establishing his identity journalist James programmes, private through voice recogni-
Islamabad The Pakistani rupee tumbled to a fresh life-time low of Rs 150 per dollar on Friday amid rising demand for the greenback. The deterioration of the rupee followed a USD 6 billion assistance package by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under strict conditions, including allowing more space to market forces to determine the exchange rate. The national currency has been sliding for the last three days. It closed at a record low of Rs 147.10 against the dollar on Thursday. The rupee fell further on Friday amid rising demand for the dollar. At the close of trading, the inter-bank rate was Rs 149.50, while the open market rate was Rs 150 per dollar. The inter-bank rate is always slightly lower as
networks and wiped clean every computer he ever sent messages on. He was eventually discovered after he contacted his wife and child who lived in Iraq, kicks staring a year-long hunt. Emwazi had been under surveillance by MI5 until he disappeared in 2012, before emerging as the ISIS executioner dubbed ‘Jihadi John’ two years later. MI5 even made an unsuccessful attempt to recruit him as an informant before he fled to Syria. The programme claims that Emwzi was driven by a desire for personal vengeance against the west while the authorities made killing him a priority because of his propaganda value to ISIS. —Daily Mail
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Vol: 15,
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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama
Aries (March 21-April 19) On Tuesday Sun and Mercury move into Gemini opening new venues of social activities. Communications and interacting with like-minded individuals are the focus of the week. Taurus (April 21-May 20 As the week dawns, focus turns to finances, investments, borrowing and lending. The fiery Mars aspects your travel zone and it is possible that you may jet off to exotic destinations at a short notice. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sun and Mercury blast into your sign on Tuesday; celebrate, get the cake and candles out and make a wish. The next few weeks are full of opportunities to enhance your income, personal security and well -being. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As the Sun shines on 12th house for next four weeks, you feel stretched, overworked and exhausted and desire for isolation and rest. Domestic scene though calm and peaceful has some undercurrents of confusion and unrest. Watch where your money goes. Leo (July 22-August 22) Discretion is the Mantra for this week. Keep your cards close to your heart and work silently behind the scene to further your professional ambitions. Your social status and popularity are destined to soar in the coming week. Virgo (August 23-September 22) The cosmos shines on your house of profession and career and the next few weeks will be hectic and strenuous. Control your urge to travel as away from your base could result in missing out on an opportunity.
Libra (September 23-October 20) As the Sun and Mercury traverse in your ninth house of travel, adventure and excitement, some of you will be busy making long haul travel plans. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) With Sun and Mercury in your eight house, close relationships are in the loop and very likely arguments and disagreements flare up at home. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Relationships, personal and professional are in the loop. Sun & Mercury inspire you to heal, mend and start new relationships. Money matters resurface mid-week and a long outstanding financial claim will be settled soon. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Arguments and squabbles with close ones will disturb you and distract you from your cherished goal. Social status and popularity are your destiny for the next few weeks but remember you don't have to flash your cash to gain admiration. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) As the Sun moves into house of passion and love on Tuesday 21 May you may engage in a new romantic affair. Team work and joint ventures are inevitable. Pisces (February 20 - March 19) Property matters, buying and selling, are to the fore. With the Sun in your fourth house, you will plan to renovate and redecorate your home. Professionally you are very busy for the next few weeks but do avoid power struggle.
Put your best foot forward and become Walking Group leader
People are being encouraged to put their best foot forward and become a walking group leader. England Athletics, Public Health England and the City of Wolverhampton Council are looking to recruit a number of Brisk Walking Group leaders as part of a pilot programme to encourage more residents to get active. Brisk walking is simply walking at a quicker than usual and at a pace that gets the heart pumping. J o h n D e n l e y, t h e C i t y o f
Wolverhampton Council’s Director of Public Health, said: “This is a great opportunity for people who are motivated about their own health and wellbeing, able to motivate others and want to learn new skills to help other adults get more active by leading brisk walks. “The successful candidates will be given free training and be expected to deliver a minimum of two, 12-week brisk walking programmes in the community to receive the
qualification. “If you are passionate about helping people to become and enjoy being active, then please get in touch.” For more information, please email phcommissioning@ wolverhampton.gov.uk or call Public Health on 01902 551106. Training will take place at The Hub at Ashmore Park, Griffith Drive, on Saturday 13 July from 9am-5pm. Individuals who want to receive the training will need to be free on this date.
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
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Name Change Notice I, DEEPAK S/O Subhash Chander, resident of 76 Woodruff Way, Walsall, West Midlands, UK, WS5 4RL, and my address in India is Village Kapoor Pind, District Jalandhar, PUNJAB, hereby give notice of my name change from DEEPAK to DEEPAK VERMA with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.
NAAN making Machinery For Sale. Brand new NAAN making Machinery available for sale in Wolverhampton, Consists of CORNER BUILT OVEN, PROVER, COOLER and PRESS.
Contact: S. Bhogal 07971 730 641
Bank staff flagged Trump, Kushner transactions for watchdog: NYT Washington-Anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG recommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving entities controlled by President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, be reported to a federal financial-crimes watchdog, the New York Times reported on Sunday. The newspaper, citing five current and former Deutsche Bank employees, said executives at the German-based bank, which has lent billions of dollars to the Trump and Kushner companies, rejected their employees’ advice and the reports were never filed with the government. The Times said the transactions, some of which involved Trump’s now-defunct foundation, set off alerts in a computer system designed to detect illicit activity, according to the former bank employees. Compliance staff members who then reviewed the transactions prepared socalled suspicious activity reports that they believed should be sent to a unit of the Treasury Department that polices financial crimes, according to the newspaper. The Times reported the bank employees viewed the decision not to report the transactions as a result of a lax approach to money laundering laws. They said there was a pattern of bank executives rejecting reports to protect relationships with lucrative clients, according to the newspaper. One employee who reviewed some of the transactions said she was terminated last year after raising concerns about the bank’s practices, the Times reported. The Times quoted a Deutsche Bank spokeswoman as saying investigators were not prevented from escalating activity identified as potentially suspicious. The spokeswoman described as “categorically false” any suggestion that bank staff were reassigned or fired in an effort to quash concerns related to any client. She also said Deutsche Bank has intensified efforts to combat financial crime.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
US ex-spy sentenced to 20 years in Google celebrates Persian prison for selling secrets to China maths genius Omar Khayyam Washington A former official of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was Friday sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment on charges of spying for China. The former official, Kevin Mallory, was convicted under the Espionage Act for selling classified US "defense information" to a Chinese intelligence agent for USD 25,000. "Former US Intelligence officer Mallory will spend the next 20 years of his life in prison for conspiring to pass national defense information to a Chinese intelligence officer," Assistant Attorney General John Demers said. This case is one in an
alarming trend of former US intelligence officers being targeted by China and betraying their country and colleagues, he said. "This sentence, together with the recent guilty pleas of Ron Hansen in Utah and Jerry Lee in Virginia, deliver the stern message that our former
intelligence officers have no business partnering with the Chinese, or any other adversarial foreign intelligence service," Demers said. Mallory, 62, was found guilty by a federal jury in June 2018 of conspiracy to deliver, attempted delivery, delivery of national defense information to aid a foreign government and making material false statements. According to court records and evidence presented at trial, in March and April 2017, Mallory travelled to Shanghai to meet with an individual, Michael Yang, who held himself out as a People's Republic of China think tank employee, but whom Mallory assessed to be a Chinese intelligence officer.
New Delhi Google on Saturday dedicated a creative and special doodle to Persian mathematician Omar Khayyam on his 971st birthday. He was best known for his work on the classification and solution of cubic equations. Apart from his maths skills, he was also a well-known astronomer and poet. Born in Nishapur in northeastern Iran, Khayyam spent most of his life near the court of the Karakhanid and Seljuq rulers in the period which witnessed the First Crusade. His work on the classification
and solution of cubic equations is phenomenal of those times as he had provided geometric solutions by the intersection of cones. Khayyam was first to give a general method for solving cubic equations. Although he didn’t consider negative roots, his methods were sufficient to find geometrically all real (positive or negative) roots of cubic equations. In 2012 as well, Khayyam’s 964th birthday was also celebrated by the search engine with a special doodle which was very well received by users.
Sri Lanka marks a decade of the end of brutal civil war
Colombo Sri Lanka, still reeling under the scars of the Easter Sunday bomb blasts, on Saturday marked 10 years of the end of the nearly brutal civil war between the government and the LTTE even as it came under criticism for failing to ensure justice for the victims. The Sri Lankan government on May 18, 2009, killed Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE) chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in the coastal village of in Mullaittivu, bringing to an end the bloody armed conflict fought mainly in the north and east of the island nation. At least 100,000 people were
killed in the over three-decade-long conflict. Thousands of people, including security personnel, are still reported to be missing after the war. Hundreds of people gathered in parts of Northern Sri Lanka to remember the victims of the war, the Colombo Gazette reported. The government will commemorate the war heroes during the Victory Day celebrations on Sunday, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. It asked the public to light a “Lamp of Peace” in the memory of those who laid down their lives for the country.
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Vol: 15,
Brexit talks collapse
London Britain's tumultuous divorce from the European Union was again in disarray on Friday after the Opposition Labour Party declared lastditch talks dead due to Prime Minister Theresa May's crumbling government.Boris Johnson, the face of the campaign for Britain to leave the EU, said he would be standing as a candidate to replace May as Conservative
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
set out in early June a timetable for her departure. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wrote to May on Friday informing her that the Brexit talks, which began on April 3, had "gone as far as they can" due to the instability of her government. "We have been unable to bridge important policy gaps between us," Corbyn, a socialist who voted against leader. Nearly three years after joining the predecessor of the the United Kingdom voted 52 EU in 1975, wrote to May. per cent to 48 per cent in a referendum to leave the EU, it remains unclear how, when or even if it will leave the European club it joined in 1973. The current deadline to leave is October 31. Brexit talks between May's Conservative Party and Labour collapsed hours after May agreed on Thursday to
Discover how to empower mental health and live better through author’s personal journey Charlotte Sra announces publication of ‘Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil’
Charlotte Sra shares how hypnotic scripts, cognitive behavior therapy, neurolinguistic programming and mindfulness factored in the spiritual journey that she
and her son underwent with mental illness in Sra’s new book, “Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil: MENTALLY BROKEN”(published by AuthorHouse UK). Most people talk to themselves in their head, phenomenon psychologists call this inner speech. According to Sra it helps people plan, regulate their emotions and be creative, among other functions. The book breaks down true accounts of Sra and her son experiencing mental illness: the thought process and the physical journey. By sharing the depths of mental health, the author intends to show others how to rebuild “the broken jigsaw” of one’s mind through the power of the unconscious inner voices, the seventh sense.
“I learnt about the topic through personal experiences. I was diagnosed with mental illness in 2001. My son was diagnosed with mutism at 2 and then diagnosed as high functioning savant Asperger’s at the age of 6. I went on to study the physiology of mental health, and hypnotherapy with a masters in mental health diagnostics and the dimensions of inner speech collaborating with my son to create the study of time dimensions and the unconscious minds inner speech,”Sra says. “(My book) empowers you to be your own therapist and helps you follow your dreams and listen to your heart, your inner speech, your hidden happiness, and the power of your unconsciousness
mind.” “Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil” By Charlotte Sra Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781728386331 Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781728386324 E-Book | 148 pages | ISBN 9781728386317 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble About the Author Charlotte Sra aged 48, is an author and the mother to Richie Smartt aged 15, a savant Asperger’s genius. She is an established author, psychologist hypnotherapist and networking specialist in mental health psychology, counseling and life coaching with 20 years of experience. Sra has battled with her own mental health and son’s Asperger’s to find a formulated pattern. Both mother and son have been holding seminars and workshops to empower the mind through inner speech and the seventh sense. Sra has also written “Unseen Darkness,” Richie Smartt has written “The Happening, the World on Fire,” “The Happening, Black Sunflower” and “Dead Men Tale No Tales.” More information is available on her website at: www.1hypnosis.co.uk.www.darkmind.co.uk http ://www.facebook.com/ charlottesra
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019
‘Emotional ton’
England’s Jason Roy celebrates his century against Pakistan.
England’s Ben Stokes plays a shot as Pakistan wicket-keeper Sarfraz Ahmed looks on.
England opener Jason Roy reveals family drama the night before smashing 114 in victory over Pakistan
early on Friday
I had a bit of a rough morning so this one is a special one for me and my family. It was my little one. We had to take her to hospital.
cial one for me and my family. It was my little one. We had to take her to hospital at 1.30 in the morning. I stayed there until 8.30 and came back for a couple of hours sleep and got to the ground just before warmup and cracked on. It was a very emotional hundred.” England required just 140 from 22.2 overs when Roy was After crashing 114 off 89 balls strangled down the leg-side off in the three -wicket win that teenage fast bowler Mohamsealed the series versus Pakmad Hasnain — a dismissal istan with a match in hand, the that began a mini-collapse of Surrey batsman revealed that four wickets for 15 runs. his two -month- old daughter However, Ben Stokes signaled Everly required medical attena return to form with 71 not out tion in the early hours of Frito guide a team missing susday morning. pended captain Eoin Morgan “I’m not in the form of my life. home with three balls to spare. It was not my most fluent of “I don’t think 340 particuinnings but it was an larly felt such a huge extremely special feelscore on a wicket like The ing get over three that with a fast outfigures. I didn’t see Surrey batsfield and small it coming,” the 28man says his boundaries,” said year-old said. Morgan’s stand-in daughter required “I had a bit of a Jos Buttler. rough morning so medical attention Pakistan might this one is a spe-
ASON Roy endured a near sleepless night before hitting a match-winning eighth one - day international hundred at Trent Bridge.
— JASON ROY have been heading up the M1 for Sunday’s series finale in Leeds with a deficit of 2-1 had they appealed when Sarfaraz Ahmed removed the one remaining bail with Tom Curran. Brief scores: England 341 for 7 (Roy 114, Stokes 71*) beat Pakistan 340 for 7 (Babar 115, Hafeez 59, Fakhar 57) by 3 wickets. — Daily Mail
GOOD START FOR INDIANS Former world youth champion Sachin Siwach outclassed his Argentine rival Ramon Nicanor Quiroga as all seven Indians in action on Day 1 had easy outings in the India Open boxing tournament here today. Fresh from a bronze at the GeeBee Boxing tournament, Siwach used his height to full advantage, dominating the bout right from the first round en route a 5-0 win by a unanimous decision in the 52kg men’s category. Siwach will next face former World Championship bronze medalist Rogen Ladon in the quarterfinal,
and will aim to avenge his semifinal defeat by a split-decision in the President’s Cup. “It was a narrow defeat last time. But now I’ve improved my speed and skill and I will look forward to settle scores this time,” Siwach said. Siwach features in the bottom half of the draw that
has Commonwealth Games gold medallist Gaurav Solanki, while the top half features Asian Games gold medalist Amit Panghal. “When it comes to Indians we all know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s a tough road ahead as flyweight is highly
competitive. But as of now my focus is on the next round,” the 20-year-old from Haryana said. Siwach was the only Indian in the fray in the men’s section on Day 1, while the women’s category saw all of them making the next round. Former World Championship silver medallist Sonia Lather began her campaign with a 5-0 win over Chandra Kala Thapa to reach the quarterfinals in the 57kg. In the 60kg category, Preeti Beniwal put up a robust display to outclass her Nepalese opponent Sangita Sunar in a unanimous 5-0 victory to make the quarters. Making her competitive debut in the 60kg, Shahshi Chopra too had an easy outing as she defeated Bhutan’s Tandin Choden 5-0.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 714
23th May to 29th May, 2019