ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
√≈‚∂ √‡Ø «Úº⁄Ø∫ √≈Δ¡ª ‚«≥’√ ¡Â∂ ◊Ω√Δ √√Â∂ Ì≈¡ Â∂ «ÓÒÁΔ ‘ÀÕ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ Í‡≈’∂,¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈˜Δ ¡Â∂ ÎπºÒfiÛ∑Δ¡ª Á≈ Úº‚≈ √‡Ω’ ‘À ¡Â∂ ‘À ÚΔ √√Â≈
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Open 7 Days
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù GG
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Sidhu Fashions LTD & Family ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ˘ «¬√ Á∂ AD √≈Ò Í»∂ ’È Â∂ Òº÷ Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ªÕ«¬√ Á∂ È≈Ò ‘Δ ¡√Δ∫ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ˘ ÌØ√≈ «ÁÚ≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘ª «’ «¬‘ ‹Á º’ ÙΔz ◊∞» ◊z≥Ê √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ «√˪ ˘ Óπº÷ º÷«Á¡ª ÓÈ∞º÷Â≈ ˘ ¬∂’Â≈, Ï≈ÏΔ, √«‘‰ÙΔÒÂ≈ Á≈ √≥Á∂Ù «Á≥Á≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈, ‹≥ Ó≥ª ÁΔ ◊∞Ó≈‘ ’È Ú≈ÒΔ √Ó◊Δ ˘ È≈ ¤≈Í∂◊≈ ¡Â∂ Í≥‹≈ÏΔ Óª ÏØÒΔ ÁΔ √∂Ú≈ ’Á≈ ‘∂◊≈ ¿∞ÂÈΔ Á∂ ¡√Δ∫ «¬√ Á∂ È≈Ò √º⁄∂ «ÁÒØ∫ ‹∞Û∂ ‘ª◊∂Õ
Bahadur Singh, Gurnam Singh, Amrik Singh
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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o y, New e Delhi, e /Wednesday, C g ,February e es 20, y, 2019 e Mail Today,
y 0, 0
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Masood Azhar.
AFTERMATH By Ankit Kuma in New Delhi
AROUND a week before the attack on a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama, the chief of Pakistan-based terrorist outfit Jaish-eMohammad(JeM), Masood Azhar, addressed an open gathering in Pakistan under heavy police security, India Today has learnt.
IN A major diplomatic move, France, US and the UK are set to move the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions committee to ban Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar. The Jaish is a proscribed organisation under the UN. Sources told India Today TV that the countries will move the UN. This move comes days after the Pulwama attack that killed 40 CRPF soldiers. The JeM had claimed responsibility for it. This will be the second time that the trio from the P5 will put such a proposal.
A recording of the event released by the terror outfit confirms that Pakistan authorities even provided security personnel in uniform to Azhar. The kingpin of the terrorist group addressed a gathering of recruits in Pakistan's Peshawar on February 5
JeM chief held rally days before attack amid heavy security and wailing sound of police sirens. “We have seen those times in Pakistan when these brothers in uniform were ordered to remove our flags but today my eyes were filled with tears when I saw these brothers in uniform walking under the same flag today in our rally,” Azhar said. Contrary to the recent media reports which claimed that India’s most wanted terrorist Masood Azhar is “terminally ill and has been bedridden for months at a hospital in Rawalpindi”, it now establishes that Azhar has been very much Security agencies inspect the site of suicide bomb attack. active and on the move. In fact this gathering held in killed by Indian security forces strong presence of his organisaJeM’s stronghold Khyber during operations in Kashmir, tion in Kashmir’s Pulwama. Only Pakhtunkhwa province reveals Azhar said: “First Afzal Guru, nine days after this statement, a that Jaish chief Azhar is fit now we have sacrificed Talha and suicide attack claimed by JeM enough to travel almost 800 km Usman. JeM will continue to killed 40 CRPF jawans in Kashfrom his permanent nest in send people from across the mir’s pulwama. Bahawalpur to the western city country (Pakistan)”. Azhar also made a reference to of Peshawar. Drawing a parallel between US the sacrifice of JeM’s suicide Notably, Azhar made a referPresident Trump and PM Narenattackers and credited his outfit ence to Pulwama in his speech. dra Modi, Azhar told his supportfor reigniting insurgency in Kash“If you write name of a girl from ers that India would withdraw its mir. Azhar said: “By God’s grace Pulwama on Google and search, troops from Kashmir, just like US and the sacrifice of our beloved you will see the flags of is withdrawing from Afghanistan fidayeens (suicide attackJeM flags and pictures because of Jihad. ers) we have reached A of Jaish chief on the this far but our work is India Today TV could not indehouses in villages of not over yet.” Making pendently verify the authenticity recording Kashmir,” he said, a reference to his of the recording. was released by boasting of a nephews who were India Today TV
PULWAMA MASTERMIND The kingpin of the terror group spoke to recruits in Peshawar on Feb 5 amid security. Azhar even made a reference to Pulwama in his speech. Nine days after this statement, a suicide attack claimed by JeM killed 40 CRPF soldiers. Azhar recounted past JeM attacks in India. The JeM chief also spoke of his nephews, Talha and Usman who had been killed by security forces during operations in Kashmir.
the terror outfit
LT GEN DHILLON SAYS PAK LINK TO ATTACK CLEAR was avenged as the perpetrators were killed four days after the Pulwama incident. “I would like to inform that in INDIAN Army made it clear less than 100 hours of the Pulthat Pakistan had a hand in the wama terror attack, we have attack on CRPF convoy in eliminated JeM leadership Jammu and Kashmir on in the Valley which was February 14. While being handled by the warning terrorist JeM from Pakistan,” groups that they Dhillon added. Givwon’t be spared ing details of the Lieutenant Genencounter on eral Kanwal Jeet Monday (FebruSingh Dhillon, ary 18), the secuCommander of the rity forces said Srinagar-based 15 that it was a very Corps, termed the well-planned operJeM as a ‘child’ of ation. the Pakistani Army “We developed inteland said that they, as Lt Gen well as the ISI, played KJS Dhillon ligence on the terrorists and then carried a role in the attack. the operation,” said SP Dhillon said, “We were trackPani, IG J&K Police. Top coming the top JeM cadres since mander of theJeM — Kamran, February 14. The Pulwama terhis deputy Raheed alias Gazi, ror attack was coordinated by and a local militant Hilal were the JeMcadres in Pakistan and killed during the military the Pakistan Army.” The army operation. Five security peralso said that the terror attack
France, UK & U.S. will move to ban Azhar By Geeta Mohan in New Delhi
This is learnt after Pakistan’s foreign office blamed India for accepting “unverified social media content of JeM claiming responsibility” for the terrorist attack in Pulwama.
By Shuja Ul Haq in Srinagar
SECURITY forces are working on new safeguards for the movement of convoys in Jammu and Kashmir in wake of the Pulwama attack on the CRPF convoy that killed 40 troops. This move comes as the ‘threat of vehicle-borne suicide bombers is now a reality’. Officials said that new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be put in place soon to tackle the new modus operandi adopted by terrorists. While new measures to detect Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are being discussed, ways to segregate military movement from civil traffic are also under review.
sonnel — Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal, three jawans and a policeman — also died in the military operation. Sending a strong message to ‘misguided’ Kashmir youths, Dhillon said that anyone who picks up a gun in Kashmir will
New SOPs for convoys in Kashmir While civilian traffic movement will be stopped during the movement of convoys, sources said that this will be done initially as an experiment to assess whether it can be smoothly implemented and it would not affect the civilians. By Abhishek Bhalla India Today TV
be eliminated. He appealed to the mothers in Kashmir that they should ask their sons, who are militants now, to return to mainstream. “Mothers have an important part to play in Kashmiri society,” he said. India Today TV
The last proposal was blocked by China French sources told India Today TV that they are ‘working on the proposal which will be tabled soon’. The decision was taken after a discussion between diplomatic advisor to the French President, Philippe Etienne, and national security advisor Ajit Doval on Tuesday, said French sources. “At the UN, France will lead a proposal to put Azhar on the terrorist list. It will happen in a couple of days,” a senior French source told India Today TV. The last proposal was blocked by China thrice till it lapsed in 2018. India TodayTV
Pak citizens in Bikaner asked to leave India THE deteriorating relations between India and Pakistan in the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack has had its fallout in Bikaner district in Rajasthan that borders India’s Western neighbour. Pakistani citizens in the region were asked to leave the district within 48 hours, failing which they can be prosecuted under IPC Section 188. Bikaner district collector, Kumar Pal Gautam, issued an order to Pakistani citizens to leave the district within the given time period. According to
They can be charged under IPC Sec 188 Gautam, 10 Pakistani citizens were living in Bikaner on visas and hundreds of Pakistanis have been living in the region without any visa. Police made a list of those people and the intelligence department will act upon the issue soon, reports said. As per the collector’s order, any dharmshala, hotel and hospital within the Bikaner revenue region are also prohibited from allowing Pakistani citizens to stay. The Monday order will continue for two months, if not cancelled before that. By Dev Ankur/ India Today TV
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Global climate change targets unlikely to be met It is due to delays in changing the way people use land, according to new research
LOBAL targets to limit climate change are unlikely to be met due to delays in changing the way people use land, according to new research. The study, involving researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Edinburgh, suggests that efforts to make land manage- Efforts to make land management less damaging to the climate needs to be stepped up dramatically to avoid high levels of climate change ment less damaging to Professor Mark Rounsevell, decades to happen, far too the climate need to be of KIT and the University of slowly to help slow climate stepped up dramatically Edinburgh, said: “Ongoing change to the agreed level. if high levels of climate destruction of tropical forests Dr Calum Brown of KIT, in Brazil, the Democratic lead author of the study, said: change are to be avoided.
“The 195 countries that The 2015 Paris Agreement to signed the Paris Agreement limit average global temperain 2015 set out a range of ture increases to 1.5C (2.7F) actions they would take to above pre -industrial levels tackle climate change. relies heavily on changes in the “In most cases little progress management of agricultural has been made in implementland and forests around the ing these actions and often the world, researchers said. situation has actually worsMany countries plan to preened in the last three years. vent deforestation or establish “Our research suggests that new forests over large areas to many of the plans for mitigaabsorb carbon dioxide from tion in the land system were the air, and to reduce greenunrealistic in the first place house gas emissions from agriand now threaten to make culture, changes which would the Paris target itself remove up to 25% of the unachievable.” greenhouse gases The research highreleased by human lights deforestation activity every year. Research in tropical regions, However, the new highlights the which has accelerresearch shows acceleration in ated recently after that such deforestation in previously slowchanges in land tropical regions ing down. use usually take
Republic of the Congo and Indonesia is particularly concerning, because these forests store huge quantities of carbon, as well as containing high levels of biodiversity. “Attempts to protect these forests have had limited success and laws against felling have recently been rolled back. Political and economic pressures make it very difficult for governments to stop deforestation and start reversing past damage.” The researchers argue that the slow rate of progress is an inevitable consequence of disconnected political priorities, delays in the adoption of new approaches by land managers and trade connections that drive deforestation in tropical countries. Daily Mail
COUNCIL BACKS NEW ADULT SOCIAL CARE RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN Councils across the West Midlands have teamed up with Skills for Care to help boost recruitment in adult social care throughout the region. The Every Day Is Different When You Care campaign is being led by the Department of Health and Social Care and supported by the West Midlands Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (WM ADASS) which represents local authorities in the region. All 14 councils in the West Midlands, including the City of Wolverhampton Council, are supporting the campaign, establishing for the first time, a regional approach to raise the profile of adult social care across the region. Councillor Sandra Samuels, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Services, said: “There is more to adult social care than meets the eye, offering an extremely varied and rewarding profession with
opportunities to suit every type of carer, and so we’re very keen to encourage as many people as possible to consider a career in care. “This new campaign will help people understand more about adult social care and the various job roles available in domiciliary care and residential care, tackle any myths they have about the sector, and explore whether a job in social care would be right for them.” As well as providing a valued and critical service to some of the country’s most vulnerable citizens, adult social care provides an occupation and an income for hundreds of thousands of people. In the West Midlands alone, around 160,000 people already work from 4,100 locations and it is estimated that demand for their services is such, that by 2030, somewhere between 45,000 and 70,000 new jobs will need to be filled. To find out more about working in the care sector in Wolverhampton, please
see Wolverhampton Workbox’s guide to Careers into Care at https://bit.ly/ 2TNSVmL, call the Wolves at Work team on 01902 554400 orwolvesatwork@ wolverhampton.gov.uk. For more information about the Every Day Is Different When You Care campaign, please v i s i t w w w. e v e r y d a y i sdifferent.com. Andy Begley, Chair of West Midlands ADASS, said: “This is a very productive and exciting time in adult social care. The rapidly growing sector continues to evolve and transform in creative and innovative ways, bringing exciting new job vacancies and lots of opportunities to develop and progress. There’s never been a more exciting time to be part of this vibrant and dynamic sector. “The sector is also one of the biggest employers in the country, by some estimates employing more people than the NHS, and contributes literally billions of pounds to the West Midlands’ economy.
CLIMATE change is shifting the energy in the atmosphere that fuels summertime weather, which may lead to stronger thunderstorms and more stagnant conditions for regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including India, an MIT study found. The study found that rising global temperatures, particularly in the Arctic, are redistributing the energy in the atmosphere. More energy is available to fuel thunderstorms and other local, convective processes, while less energy is going towards summertime extratropical
Climate change is shifting the energy in atmosphere that may lead to stronger thunderstorms. cyclones — larger, milder weather systems that circulate across thousands of kilometers. These systems are normally associated with winds and fronts that generate rain. Extratropi-
cal cyclones ventilate air pollution, so with weaker extratropical cyclones in the summer, you are looking at the potential for more poor air-quality days in urban areas. PTI
Indian salesman sexually harasses teen at Dubai mall
The 31-year-old Indian spotted the girl at the shop where he worked while her mother was busy talking to another employee. According to police reports, the incident took place on November 13, 2018. An Indian salesman has been accused of sexually harassing a 15-year-old girl at a mall in Dubai, according to a media report. The 31-year-old Indian spotted the girl at the shop where he worked while her
mother was busy talking to another employee. According to police reports, the incident took place on November 13, 2018. The victim said the accused grabbed a dress and pulled her to a corner in the shop before rushing to help her button it. He then groped and touched her body inappropriately in the process, the Khaleej Times reported. “The accused admitted during interrogation that he
had helped her try on an Arabian traditional dress. While buttoning it, he said he must have touched her unintentionally while fastening the last button,” a police officer said. He admitted that he was not authorised to help dress customers, but because his Filipina colleague was busy with the girl’s mother he decided to help, the report said. A ruling will be pronounced on February 28, it said.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
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Your Stars This Week
Fish & Chips Shop for sale in Rugeley (Staffordshire) Low rent Council lease 9 year lease remaining No rates Lockup Weekly takings £3,500 plus Also a member of Just eat Asking price £100,000 ÿæ‡ «’≈¬∂ Ú≈ÒΔ, ÒΔ˜‘ØÒ‚, ÒΩ’ ¡æÍ ¡Â∂ Ï‘π ‘Δ Î≈«¬Á∂ÓßÁ «ÎÙ ¡À∫‚ «⁄Í√ ÙΩÍ «Ú’≈¿± ˛Õ
Contact Bhinda 07908329347 Name Change Notice.
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail guru@gurukaun.com Aries March 21-April 19 The fiery planet Mars enters your 12th house till February 19th, giving you wild imagination and creativity. Do soul searching and look within to analyze where you want to go in 2019. Taurus April 20-May 20 The festivities are over and you are encouraged now to concentrate on your career and financial stability. Whilst the red planet, Mars makes you rash and aggressive, the task master Saturn tells you that there no short cuts to any destination. Gemini May 21-June 21 Now that the festivities are over, the planets urge you to look to new directions and opportunities, focus on professional matters and ensure that home life is smooth and peaceful. Saturn brings some challenges and opposition to your plans. Cancer June 22-July 22 What a week Cancer: whilst Mars makes you adventurous and thrill seeker, Saturn can put some restrictions and challenges in your life. Others are too demanding and you need to focus on your relationships with friends and family. Leo. July 23-August 22 Communications and interaction are vital for your professional progress this week. Mars and Saturn stir up storms this week and finances may the eye of the storm. Some one new enters you social circle and may offer you a business opportunity. Virgo August 23-September 22 Obligations of home life and limitations of expression may stress you this week. Someone is withholding vital information from you and this might put a spanner in your commercial project. The Mars-Saturn combination prompts you to focus on career and relationships. Libra September 23-October 22
A hectic week begins with focus on domestic obligations, children's affairs and close relationships. Financial pressure begins to ease now, but the Mars energy makes you ambitious and go getter. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Deal with elderly people and siblings tactfully or you are bound to offend someone. Now that the holidays are over, get down to nitty-gritty and take a stock of your financial affairs Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Looking for a new residence; now is the ideal time to house hunt as Mars cast benefice eyes on your investments and real estate. Interact and mingle with people and you will discover professional and financial opportunities. Social events bring new people to your fold. Capricorn December 22-January 19 The Mars-Saturn combo prevails this week and whilst Mars enhances your momentum and energy, it also makes you rash and arrogant. Saturn is notorious for challenges and obstructions. Aquarius January 20-February 18 You are in for an exciting and adventurous week but ensure to hold on to your purse strings. It is also time to clear the backlog, attend to pending chores, and clear the correspondence. Pisces February 19-March 20 Take advantage of the Mars transition for next few weeks; revise your goals, rewrite your strategy and endeavour to achieve success. Minor delays and problems come mid-week but will have negligible effect on your plans.
I Krishna Rani of 4 Brown Street, Wolverhampton WV2 1HR give hereby notice of my name change from Krishna Rani to Krishna Rani Blah with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.
Message of Mr. Balbir Singh Lalli the Chief Patron of Mann Jitt Weekly. Congratulations on the longevity and Service of the Mann Jitt Weekly news paper to the Community. “ I am proudly say that on the behalf of the whole Community and in particular the readership of Mann Jitt weekly, many many congratulations to the editor, journalists and staff of this wonderful news paper. It has become an invaluable resource for us all. I am very grateful indeed to have been associated with you over the last 14 years. Long may you continue with sterling work that you do.”
Step up to career in social work with fast-track programme The City of Wolverhampton Council is encouraging people to consider a new route into children’s social work. The window is now open for applications to the new West Midlands Step Up to Social Work programme, a fasttrack training programme leading to a Masters in Social Work through which people could potentially start a career as a children’s social worker within 14 months. The course will be running from January 2020 to March 2021 and participants will receive a tax-free bursary of over £19,000 towards living costs and any child care arrangements. In addition, all course fees are paid. At the end of the course, successful candidates will be expected to practice with one of the organisations which Paul Sweet, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet are partnering with the programme – such as the City of Member for Children and Young People, said: “We are very Wolverhampton Council – for at least two years. Councillor pleased to be supporting the West Midlands Step Up to
Social Work programme, which offers people a direct route into the world of children’s social work. “I would encourage any talented graduates who have ever thought about a career in children’s social work to seriously consider applying for this fast-track programme and, who knows, one day they may be working with children, young people and their families in Wolverhampton.” The application window will be open until 18 March 2019. Potential applicants need a minimum of a 2:1 honours degree or a 2:2 honours degree plus a higher degree at level 7 or above, and at least six months’ experience working with vulnerable children, young people and families. Candidates also require English and Maths GCSE qualifications at grade C or above, or equivalent.
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Congratulations on completion of 14 years of dedicated service- Mannjitt Weekly Dear Karam Singh Uncle Ji Sat Sri Akal We extend our best wishes on the 14th Anniversary of your commendable service to community. At your career milestone, we extend our heartfelt honour to you for the standards & commitment to excellence that you reflect in your work on prestigious weekly issues of “MANNJITT”. Today is the perfect day to tell you that no one could do a better job than you for the community the way you do it. Your dedication, talent and abilities have earned you a remarkable name in the community and industry. We feel lucky to have you and Thank you for everything. With Best Regards NITESH SAINI BRANCH MANAGER 502-504, HAZARA HOUSE, DUDLEY ROAD, WOLVERHAMPTON,UK WV2 3AA Contact No.: 0800 849 9229 Mobile: 07740 798 407
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Britain to strip IS teen of citizenship: lawyer Britain will strip citizenship from a UK teenager who joined the Islamic State group in Syria but now wants to return home with her newborn baby, a lawyer for her family said on Tuesday. Shamima Begum’s fate has stirred controversy since she and two friends fled London to join the terror network four years ago when she was aged just 15. The case points to a dilemma facing many European countries, divided over whether to allow jihadists and IS sympathisers home to face prosecution or
barring them over security concerns as the so-called “caliphate” crumbles. A lawyer for her family, Tasnime Akunjee, said on Twitter that they were “very disappointed with the Home Office’s intention to have an order made depriving Shamima of her citizenship,” and that they were considering “all legal avenues”. ITV News reported that the Home Office has sent a letter to Begum’s mother, received Tuesday, notifying the family of the decision which it said the teen had
the right to appeal. “In order to protect this country, (the home secretary) has the power to deprive someone of their British citizenship where it would not render them stateless,” the Press Association reported the Home Office as saying, adding it would not comment on individual cases. Begum is currently in a refugee camp in northeast Syria where she fled to escape fighting in the east of the country along with hundreds of other people with links to IS. At the weekend she gave birth
to her third child, and appealed to British authorities to show “compassion” by allowing her to raise the baby in Britain — while expressing no regret over having joined IS. She has previously given birth to two other children after marrying in Syria. Both children have died, apparently from illness and malnutrition. “I’m afraid he might even die in this camp,” Begum said of her newborn. “I feel a lot of people should have sympathy for me, for everything I’ve been through,” she told Sky News, adding that “I didn’t know what I was getting into when I left”. However, in an interview with the BBC on Monday, she compared the Manchester Arena bombing to military strikes on IS strongholds, calling the terror attack “retaliation”. European countries have been grappling with what to do with foreign fighters detained in Syria by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, who have warned they may not be able to guard their jails once US troops leave. The British government on Monday rebuffed US President Donald Trump’s call to take back alleged UK jihadists captured in the warravaged country.
Virendra Sharma MP reacts to Labour MP resignations Responding to the resignations of seven Labour MPs, Virendra Sharma MP said: “I absolutely understand the frustration of these former colleagues, some of whom I consider friends, I too want to see a clearer Labour Party commitment to the EU and to a People’s Vote as is Labour Party policy. However, I totally believe that the Labour Party should remain united and together and that splitting in this way undermines our chances of securing the best relationship with the EU and the best government for Britain.”
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Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Plight of Early Trade Unionists Remembered 200 Years On A plaque which remembers five early trade unionists from Wolverhampton, who were arrested and transported to Tasmania 200 years ago, has been rededicated during a ceremony at the city’s Civic Centre. The group were leaders of the Tin Plate Workers Society which had been established to defend the rights and interests of workers in the Japanning industry. The society was forced to meet in secret because such workers organisations were illegal at the time. After taking part in a strike in 1819, the society’s meeting room, which was on the site of what is now City of Wolverhampton Council’s Civic Centre headquarters, was raided by the Bow Street Runners. Society members managed to initially block the police from entering to enable officials to destroy
documents and records fearing they might incriminate them. The police did eventually break through the blockades and arrested all those inside. Five of those arrested were subsequently convicted and transported to Tasmania as punishment where it is believed they remained for the rest of their
days. The names of the men are not known, but a plaque in the foyer of the Civic Centre remembers their story. Wolverhampton’s three MPs, councillors and trade union representatives gathered on Friday (FEB 15) for a rededication ceremony for the plaque which was put
back on display at the Civic Centre, where it has been displayed since the 1980s, after temporarily being taken down for a recent refurbishment. Cllr Roger Lawrence, Leader of City of Wolverhampton Council, said: “The story of these men, who were simply fighting for basic rights and
better pay, deserves to be known by a much wider audience. “Their unfortunate plight happened 15 years before the much more famous Tolpuddle Martyrs, but barely anyone knows about it. History has even forgotten their names, but we remember them here at the Civic Centre on the same site where they were arrested 200 years ago. “It was down to the brave actions of people like the Tin Plate Metal Wo r k e r s S o c i e t y, w h o defied draconian laws and came together to demand better pay and conditions, that the trade union and Labour movement came to be.” Despite the raid, the society continued and still exists today as Wolverhampton Craft Branch of the Community Union and is believed to be one of the oldest union branches in the world.
Graham Dodd, current branch secretary of the Wolverhampton Craft union, said: “It means so much to our current members and their families that this plaque, which remembers the plight of our union’s founding fathers, is on display on the very site of what happened to them in this 200th anniversary year. “None of us want to live in the past - we are a forward-thinking, relevant and growing union, but this was an important event in the history of the trade union movement and it should have a higher profile. “Sadly what happened to these tin plate metal workers is nowhere near as well-known as other incidents. So having this plaque on display in the Civic Centre means that more people have an opportunity to learn about what people had to go through to get the most basic of rights.”
Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019
Committee to decide between in-form pacers Khaleel and Unadkat for Australia ODIs today Jaydev Unadkat is a matured bowler now with more variations and an increase in pace.
Rishabh Pant can also double up as the third opener although KL Rahul is also in contention for a spot.
EROING in on players for a couple of available World Cup spots, including a toss-up between left-arm pacers Jaydev Unadkat and Khaleel Ahmed, will be the selection committee’s primary focus on Friday when it picks the India squad for the limited-overs series against Australia. India will play two T20 Internationals and five ODIs, starting February 24, in what will be their last international assignment before the World Cup, which begins in England on May 30. The series against Australia will also be an indicator as to who among Rishabh Pant and Dinesh Karthik will board the Heathrow-bound flight as a specialist-batsman-cum-secondwicketkeeper. KL Rahul is back in the mix as the third opener after a couple of good innings for India A against England Lions in the two unofficial Tests. While the two T20 matches will be a pre - cursor to the ODI series, vice captain Rohit Sharma is likely to be given a short break to rejuvenate and come hal, Kuldeep Yadav, Bhuvneshback fresh for the ODIs. war Kumar, Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammed Shami. The selectors have already identified 13 cerSkipper Kohli and pace speartainties for the World Cup and head Bumrah will be back in action for the final dress rehearsal they are Virat Kohli, Shikhar and the selectors are unlikely Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, Ambati look beyond 16 to 17 players, who Rayudu, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, are now in the scheme of things Kedar Jadhav, Hardik Pandya, for the World Cup. Vijay Shankar, Yuzvendra Cha-
A shoot-out is
expected between
Pant & Karthik
Khaleel Ahmed played in India’s Australia and New Zealand tour.
There are at least four contenders for the last two slots depending on the combination the team management would want. While Bumrah, Shami and Bhuvneshwar are certainties in the pace department, the bone of contention is a left-arm seamer who will add variation to line-up. Khaleel, the young Rajasthan speedster, played in Australia and New Zealand but he looked like a work in progress who could be all at sea in a megaevent like the World Cup. Unadkat, who has only sporadically played for India since his debut in 2010, is suddenly back in contention after a good Ranji Trophy season where he led Saurashtra to the final. Agencies
Pogba believes Manchester United recapturing the spirit. Paul Pogba believes Manchester United are recapturing the spirit of the ‘Class of 92’ and wants to help nurture the club’s next crop of academy talents. The Red Devils have been rejuvenated since interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took over from the sacked Jose Mourinho in December, winning 10 of 12 matches and going unbeaten until the Champions League loss to Paris Saint-Germain on Tuesday. Solskjaer, a fan favourite during his 11-year stint at Old Trafford, has been credited with restoring United’s identity and Pogba pointed to homegrown pair Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard as evidence the club is returning to the ways which once unearthed David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes in a famed era of youth promotion. And the 25-year-old France star wants to play a part in ensuring the academy continues to supply the senior squad. “So I try to pass that on to the other boys. “I try to give my experience to the younger ones because I “It is the culture of this club, the generation of Beckham, had the chance to play in the World Cup, I’ve played in a Scholes, [Nicky] Butt, Gary Neville... when you come from Champions League final and a Europa League final,” Pogba said the academy you want to play for the first team and do in quotes reported by The Sun. great things.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 701
21th February to 27th February 2019