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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 711

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2nd May to 8th May, 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 711


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HE CRITICS have spoken: Avengers Endgame is a cinematic triumph. As the climax to Marvel’s epic movie series gears up for general release this week, the verdict appears to be a resounding thumbs up from film pundits across the globe, with the likes of The Guardian branding the finale “a sugar rush of delirious enjoyment” and Vanity Fair lauding it “a rich and rewarding conclusion”. And at three hours and one minute in length, the New York Times insists it’s more than worth the outstretched run time. “There are roughly 10,860 seconds nestled in between the quiet, spooky opening and the last bit of end credits,” writes A.O. Scott. “Which means that whatever a ticket costs in your neighborhood, Avengers: Endgame might count as a bargain. It”s shorter than Titanic, The Godfather Part II or Luchino Visconti’s The Leopard. And while the time doesn”t exactly fly, it don’t drag either. The two hours and forty minutes of Infinity War felt infinitely longer.” “Settling scores, wrapping up loose ends and taking a victory lap — the main objects of the game this ostensibly last time around — generate some comic sparks as well as a few honest tears.” The Mirror awards the film five stars — as do the majority of the reviews — and compares it to the final movie in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.“This easily matches The Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King, for magnificent scope and sweep, and that epic equalled the all-time best Oscar haul with 11 wins,” Chris Hunneysett pens.


Robert Downey Jr (centre), Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige pose during the handprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Critics laud the climax of the superhero series as ‘unconquerable brilliance’ and ‘cinematic triumph’ although you will feel its length by the end, and may spend some time afterwards thinking through the side plots the Russo brothers could have cut to speed things up. The fourth Avengers movie had so many demands and expectations weighing upon it. Despite some flaws, there’s no denying that this is a truly impressive achievement and a worthy conclusion to a story years in the making.” The Verge is less glowing about the movie. “Endgame [feels] like an odd mess of a movie,” writes Tasha Robinson. “If a film with this structure and pacing (and 181-minute run time) was made with original characters, critics would eviscerate it as self-indulgent, sloppy, and incoherent.” Addressing the film’s length in a recent interview with Vulture, screenwriter Stephen McFeely reasoned: “It”s exactly as long as it needs to be. Any shorter and it would have felt like we weren’t honouring all the threads and franchises that are feeding into this climax.”


CFEELY went on to explain how after 22 whole movies, the three-hour runtime is actually a “lean” interpretation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “22 movies in, not only has the movie earned its length, but people deserve a movie of that substance. I swear to God, it sounds like a paradox to say this, but it’s a lean three hours!” And McFeely’s fellow writer Christopher Markus joked about anyone who hoped for a “tight 85” minute romp: “If we told you the entire universe got snapped out and we were gonna wrap it up in a tight 85, you’d have issues.” Just 10 days before the movie swings into theaters, the directors of the films Anthony and Joe Russo penned a note urging fans to not spoil the ending for others. The letter comes after the ending of Avengers: Endgame was leaked featuring spoilers, according to the LA Times. The newspaper reported that the leak appears to be footage filmed off a large screen inside a screening room — but the origin of the leak is still unknown. Daily Mail

‘SURREAL GRANDIOSITY’ The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw writes: “I have to admit, in all its surreal grandiosity, in all its delirious absurdity, there is a huge sugar rush of excitement to this mighty finale, finally interchanging with euphoric emotion and allowing us to say poignant farewells. Avengers: Endgame’s unconquerable brilliance takes Marvel to new heights. “The final film in this long segment of the Avengers saga is thrilling and, yes, genuinely moving,” Vanity Fair’s Richard Lawson gushes. “Ultimately, Endgame understands a simple human response: how nice it is, how reassuring, to see and feel something complete. To have all the pieces finally arrayed together, set before us like totems of some vague accomplishment we managed just by sitting there for all those hours. “Yeah, yeah, it’s all just comic book flash and hokum. But for more than a few moments of this last Avengers film, all that pomp finds its circumstance. There in the vacuum of the theater, it feels pretty mighty.” Justin Chang of the Los Angeles Times writes: “Despite its

2nd May to 8th May, 2019

epic ambitions and tumescent running time, Endgame often feels shorter, looser and lighter on its feet than some of its Marvel brethren.”

‘IMMENSELY SATISFYING’ CNN’s review gushes: “Having set up a formidable task and then some with the finish of Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame rises to the challenge, delivering an epic finale that proves immensely satisfying. “Without being too grandiose, it also feels like the culmination of everything Marvel has built in conquering the pop-culture universe. Running just over three hours (in a manner that mildly

tests patience in the first hour, and bladders in the third), the sequel has more on its mind than just completing that story. “Somehow, the film manages to set up Marvel’s future while nostalgically embracing its past, bringing a sense of cohesion to the decade-plus roster of movies that have led up to this point.”

‘IT’S AN ODD MESS’ Digital Spy’s four star review says: “The movie runs for three hours, making it the longest MCU entry by half an hour. It starts at a good pace and maintains it for most of the runtime,


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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

King’s College London, told ‘The Sunday Times’. “It’s a grim outlook, but we are likely to see more attempts at attacks, more regularly, for the foreseeable future. Sri Lanka was not a one-off. If anything, it was a test run,” he said. The UK’s intelligence services continue to investigate links between one of the Sri Lankan suicide bombers, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, and the UK-based extremists since it emerged he had studied in Britain. Mohamed is considered by Western intelligence agencies to be one of the plot’s ringleaders. He is believed to have secretly travelled to Syria to prepare for the attack. Once there, he was reportedly “mentored” by a group of notorious British ISIS

fighters and recruiters, including the killer known as Jihadi John. “Mohamed appears to have been sent back to Sri Lanka after receiving his terrorist training under an ISIS strategy utilising ‘crocodile cells’ — or sleepers waiting to pounce,” The Sunday Times reported. “We’ve seen intelligence which connects him (Mohamed) to a number of British terrorists who were in Syria, as well as to Jihadi John and Junaid Hussain, around the time that ISIS set up its caliphate,” an intelligence source told the newspaper. “The British jihadists seemed to be mentoring him through communication online and also when he travelled to Syria,” the source added.


Farmers reject sops, dither on support to parties

UK security forces hunt for ISIS ‘crocodile cells’: Report London Britain’s security forces are on the hunt for so-called “crocodile cells or sleeper cells” of Islamic State (ISIS) operatives plotting terrorist attacks in the UK and Europe, according to a UK media report. The country’s police chiefs are urging churches and mosques in Britain to have counter-terrorism training because of fears of further attacks in the wake of the Sri Lanka terrorist strikes, which claimed hundreds of lives over Easter. “Now that ISIS has been defeated in Syria and Iraq, it will become more violent outside (this area). As its core weakens, its peripheries will become more dangerous,” Charlie Winter, of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at

2nd May to 8th May, 2019

Mohamed is likely to have spent only a matter of months in the Syrian war zone, and it remains unclear when he returned to Sri Lanka to become part of an ISIS sleeper cell. Another theory is that Mohamed may have fallen under the influence of terror outfit Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) while living in London and studying at Kingston University in the mid-2000s. The group, which calls for the foundation of an Islamic caliphate, had a strong presence on the Kingston campus at the time Lathief was in the UK to study aeronautical engineering, according to ‘The Sunday Telegraph’. However, a spokesperson for HuT Britain said the group had no record of Lathief Mohamed being a member.

Sitting on a cot at the grain market, Jagsir Singh, a farmer owning three acres of land, seems to be staring at an uncertain future. “Successive governments at the state and the Centre have left the farming community disillusioned,” he says, wondering who to vote for these coming elections, as are thousands of farmers in Punjab. With procurement on full swing, poll contestants are approaching them at mandis. But the farmers show little interest in hearing them out. The Swaminathan Commission report almost discarded, they believe no policy has been rolled out to help them diversify into more remunerative crops. Jagsir Singh, who hails from Jassi Pauwali village in Bathinda, has three children, all of them matriculate and doing odd jobs. “I never had enough money to educate them further and send them to good colleges and universities,” he says. “Rising input costs and vagaries of weather over the last decade has made farming all the more unviable. The Centre has done nothing substantive to address farm distress. The

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme is a mere eyewash,” he adds. Balwinder Singh of Gulabgarh village too calls the central scheme “a cruel joke” on the farmers, pointing out that even daily wagers earn more than Rs 6,000 a year. “The cotton yield was good this year, but cultivators didn’t get the desired price even as government agencies refrained from making purchases. Many of us resorted to distress sale,” he says. Harpal Singh of Naruana village seems to be inclined towards the Amarinder Singh government. “The government could not ensure total debt waiver, but it made a beginning with a debt relief of up to Rs 2 lakh. No government can write off the entire debt in one go,” he tells The Tribune. At the same time he is all too aware that a waiver can’t be a permanent solution. “The government must fix crop prices as per the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission. No farmer would ask for a waiver, if he gets remunerative prices for the produce,” he says.

Never raised question on Modi’s caste: Priyanka

Amethi Taking a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his remarks that he comes from a very backward caste, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi today said she does not have any knowledge of his caste and the Opposition has never talked about it. “I am still not aware of the caste that Modi belongs to. And the Opposition and the Congress have never raised the issue of his caste,” she told the media at Busiyave village here. Gandhi said the Congress had only been raising issues such as development, health services, employment, education, women safety and farm distress. Gandhi’s remarks came a day after Modi told a rally in Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh: “Behenji (Mayawati) is distributing my caste certificate. And now that she has started it, I must tell you that I come from the most backward caste in Gujarat. “I was not aware of my caste till Behenji, Akhilesh Yadav and Congress began mentioning it. I am grateful to them, yet I am not in caste politics. I ask them not to drag me into caste

politics,” he added. Gandhi also slammed the BJP’s use of nationalism as an election plank. “Nationalism is about serving the people, finding solutions to problems faced by the people. “But what are they doing? They are not listening to the problems of the people. Their voices are suppressed. This is not nationalism,” she said. Hitting out at Union Minister and BJP candidate Smriti Irani, who is contesting again against Congress president Rahul Gandhi from Amethi, Priyanka Gandhi said: “She has insulted the people of Amethi by distributing shoes to them.” She said the way in which the BJP was contesting elections by distributing money and shoes was not correct. “Elections are not fought like this. One has to go among the people, listen to their grievances and find solutions, and inform them about what you are going to do for them.” The Congress leader, who is in charge of eastern Uttar Pradesh for the Congress, said the people of Amethi have high self-esteem and have never begged for anything. “I have been coming here since I was 12 and I’ve never seen the people demanding anything from us,” she said.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


Dera people voters too, can’t be ignored: Preneet Congress candidate from Patiala Preneet Kaur on Sunday said she had no problem in asking for votes from anyone, including Dera followers “if they are registered voters of my constituency”. Following rumours of her asking and approaching voters from a particular sect, Preneet clarified that she would ask for votes from all voters. Speaking to The Tribune, the former Union Minister of State for External Affairs said “For me every person in Patiala, who is eligible to cast his or her vote, should be approached. I do not look at Patiala residents from the point of view of their religious faith, religious inclination, caste or creed. When we go out, we meet those who are Akali or AAP supporters as well. We do ask them for votes. In the same manner, Dera followers are approached without the mention of their faith,” she said. Talking particularly about Dera followers, Preneet said they were

also residents of the state and there was nothing wrong in asking them for votes because an MP represents everyone. “I never said

I will visit religious places or meet Dera heads to seek votes from their followers. I am clear that anyone who is eligible to vote in

TRADE AT ATTARI HIT, BJP MAY FEEL THE HEAT IN AMRITSAR Amritsar With imports from Pakistan at the Attari ICP reduced from 200 trucks to about five trucks every day, labourers, transporters and businessmen are all seething with anger. Trade has been hit with the NDA government at the Centre raising the Customs duty on imports by 200 per cent following the Pulwama terror attack. Most of the labourers at the ICP have been rendered jobless while small transporters have been forced off the road. Their annoyance with the BJP-led government at the Centre may affect the SAD-BJP prospects in the elections, especially in the Amritsar constituency. It will take a lot for the leaders of these parties to pacify the transporters. Gursahib Singh claims 6,000 porters from nearby villages have been left without work. Amrik Singh of Bachiwind village in Ajnala tehsil of Amritsar puts the number of registered porters and helpers at 1,433 each. “They have now taken up odd jobs in the city while unregistered workers have returned to their families in UP and Maharashtra,” he says. “As of now, less than 200 persons are reportedly employed at the ICP,” he adds. Unable to pay loan and quarterly tax returns, truck operator Sukhdev Singh of Gharinda village says he has sold three of his five trucks. “It has been more than two-

and- a- half months since the imports plummeted to a fraction. Nobody knows how long this will last. We want normalcy to be restored. Conflict will be ruinous”, he says pensively. “With trade booming before the Pulwama incident, transporters residing in nearby villages were operating 500 trucks,” claims Attari Truck Union chief Subeg Singh.

“This number may have dwindled to 250. Unable to pay insurance installments and meet maintenance cost, most have sold off their trucks,” he says. Anurag Tripathi, Central Warehouse Corporation Punjab head, says import merchandise, worth Rs 25lakh-Rs 30 lakh per day earlier, has declined to about Rs 1 lakh.

my constituency should be told about Congress’ achievements and our policies,” she stated. Preneet is visiting pockets with

significant Dera followers and seeking votes as she is doing in other areas. Preneet’s statement assumes significance as the Punjab Congress chief Sunil Jakhar had categorically stated that the party would not seek Sirsa sect’s support. Even the SAD had stated that it would follow Akal Takht’s edict of not taking support of the Dera. The BJP — the alliance partner of Akali Dal — which the Dera had supported in the 2014 Haryana Assembly polls, is the only party from Punjab that has not denied taking its support. Even the AAP is against reaching out to the Sirsa Dera. Till 2017 Punjab Assembly polls, almost all political parties were trying to woo Sirsa-based Dera Sacha Sauda. However, the situation took a turn in the aftermath of Dera head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s conviction in a rape case and suspected role of his followers in a series of sacrilege incidents during the previous SAD-BJP regime.

Sukhbir busy in Ferozepur, Majithia pitches in Bathinda

Former Akali minister Bikram Singh Majithia aka Majhe da Jarnail is leading the party’s charge in the high-profile Bathinda constituency in Malwa region. Camping in Bathinda for the last over one week, Majithia has been in the thick of action, strategising and garnering support for his sister and two-time sitting MP Harsimrat Kaur Badal, who is pitted against Congress Gidderbaha MLA Amrinder Singh Raja Warring. Majithia has been regularly holding meetings and addressing small public meetings. Incidentally, this is not the first time that he has been playing a crucial role in his sister’s election campaign in Bathinda. He was instrumental in ensuring her win in the 2009 and 2014 elections, although in 2014, he was a bit tied to Amritsar, which witnessed a high-stakes battle between Capt Amarinder Singh and Arun Jaitley. It would be different this time, as the brother-sister duo will have to largely carry the party’s campaign in Bathinda on their shoulders. The reason being that SAD patriarch Parkash Singh Badal isn’t campaigning much due to health issues, while party chief Sukhbir Singh Badal is contesting from Ferozepur. Besides, Sukhbir will also have to address rallies in other constituencies. Replying to a query regarding Warring building a narrative of “commoner versus mighty”, he said everyone was free to dream and build his own narrative. “I wish everybody has been a commoner like Warring who moves around in a Land Cruiser and has assets worth crores,” he said. Majithia accused the ruling Congress of raking up the sacrilege issue against the SAD, as it has done nothing that might prompt the people to vote for them. “The people can see through their designs and won’t fall for it,” he claimed.

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Vol: 15,


Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama

Aries (March 21-April 19) As the task master Saturn retreats in your house of career and ambition, be very careful of offers and help others offer you. Latent pot holes and traps are imminent. The New moon on 4th May indicates financial security and hectic social life. Taurus (April 21-May 20 Saturn and Pluto put a damper in your finances and you may have to revise your budget. Beware to ruffle someone’s feathers; keep a low profile and steer clear of any arguments. The New Moon on Saturday brings out your passions. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your house of money relationships and love is activated on the 29th April and you are destined to make significant progress for next few months. Your energy and charisma re on the rise but remain calm and composed else you will damage your reputation. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Facing the problem is the best remedy to resolve the issue for once and all. Task master Saturn retrogrades for next 6 months in your house of relationships. Look within, seek support from loves ones and revise your career plans. Leo (July 22-August 22) As Saturn begins its back spin from 29th April, the focus is on health, wellbeing and self-care. With the new moon on Saturday, your social status and popularity begin to soar and you will be flooded with invitations. Finances and property matters need attention. Virgo (August 23-September 22) It would help your ambitions and expectations to slow down and take things in their stride. Delays and cancellations are imminent but would prove beneficial in the long run. The new moon on Saturday signals expansion and global contacts. Libra (September 23-October 20) Saturn and Pluto in the house of relationships create stumbling

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blocks and heated arguments and discussions with siblings particularly. Family obligations take precedent for the next few months. Career and finances and joint ventures are under auspicious stars. Prepare for a sizzling weekend. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) The new moon this weekend signals fresh start in relationships and romance. On Monday the 29th April Saturn turns retrograde and you get opportunity to weed out dead wood from your life. Work remains hectic and domestic chores are overpowering. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) With the Saturn in a back-spin for next six months, the focus will be on finances and you may feel the pinch, keep a tight grip on your wallet, avoid impulsive buys and remain in a savings mode. Mars energy and benevolent Mercury, reward you with opportunities. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) The new moon on Saturday is instrumental in reigniting passions and lust. Opportunity to gel with your partner are a plenty. The retrograde Saturn as of 29th will precipitate issue relating to personal security and welfare. Confide in your family members. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) The new moon this week activates your 4th house and you will be busy renovating and making your nest more comfy for the family. The week is auspicious to start new projects, expand your horizon and communicate with friends in distant places. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Check your appliances, broad band and digital gadgets, as the retrograde Saturn may cause havoc. The new moon at the weekend brings fresh start and a host of positive opportunities to enhance your earning power. Property matters may crop up at dinner.

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Council seeks relatives of the late Olive May Walshaw Relatives of a woman who passed away recently are being asked to get in touch with the City of Wolverhampton Council so that her funeral can be arranged. Olive May Walshaw, also known as Dannie Walshaw, was 74 years of age. She previously lived in the Bilston area but is believed to have originated from the Edgbaston area and may have relatives in or around Dudley. Anyone who is related to or knew Mrs Walshaw, or has any information which may help trace her relatives or friends, is asked to please contact Elaine Thursfield in the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Court of Protection team on 01902 555740 or email

Live in or Live out Lady carer Required. In Narborough, Leicester LE19, a polite and healthy, Full time Live in or Live out lady carer required to look after an old lady and doing house work. Good wages and other facilities available. ÒÀ√‡ Á∂ È≈Ï∑Ø ¬∂Δ¬∂ «Úº⁄ «¬º’ ÈÓ √πÌ≈¡ ¡Â∂ «Ù‡ ÍπÙ‡ ¡Ω ÁΔ ˜» ‘À «‹‘ÛΔ «¬º’ Ϙ∞◊ ¡Ω ˘ ‘ÓÁÁΔ È≈Ò √≥Ì≈Ò √’‰ Á∂ È≈Ò ÿ Á∂ √≈∂ ’≥Ó ’È Á∂ ÔØ◊ ‘ØÚ∂Õ⁄≥◊Δ ÂÈ÷≈‘ ¡Â∂ ‘Ø √‘»Òª ÚΔ ‘ÈÕ

Contact: 07921 529 011

How ‘laid-back’ Sri Lanka became a soft target for Islamist strike A week ago, Sri Lankan tourist guide Ricky Costa was preparing for a typically easy Sunday ferrying backpackers between Colombo’s tea shops and beach bars in his canary-yellow rickshaw. Then the blasts began. The coordinated suicide bombings by Islamist militants at hotels and churches killed more

than 250 people and sent shockwaves through an Indian Ocean island state that had enjoyed relative peace since a civil war ended a decade ago. How such a sophisticated operation could have been carried out in a country where violence by Islamist militants drawn from the Muslim minority was not high on

the list of concerns has left Sri Lankans and foreign intelligence agencies stumped. President Maithripala Sirisena has announced a total overhaul of the security establishment, blaming them for failing to communicate several warnings they had about potential attacks, including one from India hours

before the first bomb.However, interviews with more than a dozen people with direct knowledge of the Sri Lankan government and security apparatus, including military sources, senior diplomats and intelligence agents, suggest deeper failings that created an ideal environment for extremists looking for a soft target.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


Second man sentenced in Bilston car cruise case Get free help to tackle violent A second man has been investigation witnessed a number of Lynsey Kelly, the City of sentenced after admitting breaching breaches of the injunction which he Wolverhampton Council’s Head of or controlling behaviour the ban on car cruising in the Black recorded using his vehicle’s Community Safety, said: “Car Country by taking part in a cruise in Bilston last autumn. Thomas Dunn, of Mayfair, Stourbridge, appeared before the High Court in Birmingham (Monday 29 April, 2019) and was fined £500 and ordered to pay costs of £931.50. He had previously admitted to breaching the injunction by participating in a car cruise at Springvale Avenue in Bilston on the evening of 14 October, 2018. The court was told that a local resident heard car engine noises, wheels screeching and cheering from the direction of Springvale Avenue at around 8.45pm, and upon

dashcam. A total of five vehicles, including 19-year-old Dunn’s Toyota MR2, were involved in the car cruise, during which vehicles were seen overtaking the witness’s car at speed and driving in convoy before heading away onto the Black Country Route. His Honour Judge McKenna, sitting as a High Court judge, said: “Mr Dunn has accepted that he is in breach of the injunction by driving in convoy on the evening of 14 October 2018 and as a consequence prohibited activities, namely public nuisance and annoyance, were caused.”

cruising is dangerous, anti-social and illegal, and once again the authorities have demonstrated their ongoing determination to tackle the problem. “The message is very clear; people who take part in a car cruise in the Black Country will be in breach of a High Court injunction and will face the consequences.” The injunction bans people from taking part in a car cruise anywhere within Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell or Walsall, or from promoting, organising or publicising any such event in the same area.

Paris: T rade unions join ‘yellow vests’ protesters Trade Thousands of trade unionists and activists from left-wing parties marched with “yellow vest” protesters through Paris Saturday to present a united front against French President Emmanuel Macron’s latest reforms package. The Paris march, organised by the militant CGT union, came ahead of the main yellow vest march in the eastern city of Strasbourg, where protesters clashed with police trying to enforce a ban in parts of the city centre. Veterans of the protests, which have been running for six months now, led off

the Paris march. But in a new development, many senior figures from the radical left marched with them, including Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leader of France Unbowed and one of Macron’s most vocal critics. Welcoming this show of political unity, Melenchon told BFM TV: “It’s the first time that there has been a call of this kind, that’s to say union organisations, associations and political movements.” That in itself made it a political event, he added.It was a government plan to increase diesel prices and raise taxes on

Free places are now available on a behaviour change programme for men who want help to learn non-abusive ways of behaving in their relationships.The programme has been commissioned by the Safer Wolverhampton Partnership and is delivered by My Time, an organisation with a wealth of experience working to help men change their controlling or violent behaviours since 2012. The 30-week programme comprises of weekly two-hour sessions supporting men to recognise the triggers for abusive behaviours towards current or ex-partners, and providing them with strategies to make positive changes.Penny Darlington, Chair of Wolverhampton Domestic Violence Forum, said: ”We want to help individuals who are controlling, violent or abusive in their relationships to face up to how their behaviour affects their partner and family, understand what triggers their behaviour, and learn non-abusive ways of behaving. “Taking part in a programme like this can make significant differences to the lives and relationships of all of those involved – including individuals themselves, their partners and/or ex-partners, and any children who may have be affected by their abusive behaviour.“I would encourage anyone who recognises that they are abusive in their relationships to take that first step towards a better life by enrolling on this programme.” Men can self-refer themselves to the programme, and referrals are also welcomed from any organisation in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors.Prospective participants will be assessed for suitability, will need to acknowledge their abusive behaviour, and demonstrate a willingness to change, as well as give consent for their partner(s) to be contacted during the programme.

pensions last November that sparked the protests in rural France, which quickly ballooned into a full-scale anti-government rebellion.But in the early months of the movement, its leading figures resisted attempts by parties on the far left and the far right to hijack their cause for their own ends, as they saw it. Macron rolled back some of his more controversial measures within weeks of the protests starting and on Thursday announced more Chinese President Xi Jinping measures to help people on low met Pakistani Prime Minister Imran pensions. Khan on Sunday and expressed hope that Pakistan and India could meet each other halfway to improve their strained relations following the Pulwama terror attack by a JeM suicide bomber. Both leaders also exchanged views on situations in South Asia, an official Chinese statement here said about the meeting between Xi and Khan. India-Pakistan relations reportedly figured prominently in the meeting. Xi expressed hope that Pakistan and India could meet each other halfway and promote the stabilisation and improvement of India-Pakistan relations, it said. Khan arrived in China on April 25 and attended China’s second Belt and Road Forum (BRF) held on April 26-27. The BRF meeting was held to highlight the achievement of the trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) started by Xi in 2013 in which $60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an important component. India skipped the meeting for the second time, protesting over the CPEC which is being laid through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). Sunday’s meeting between Xi and Khan is regarded significant as it was held in the backdrop of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following the

Xi meets Imran Khan, calls for better Indo-Pak relations

February 14 Pulwama terror attack carried out by Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) which killed 40 Indian CRPF soldiers. Khan’s meeting with Xi took place when China is under pressure at the United Nations over its repeated attempts to block efforts to declare Pakistan-based JeM leader Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. Last month, China put a technical hold on a resolution put forth by the US, the UK and France at the UN’s 1267 counter-terrorism committee to declare Azhar as a global terrorist. While there is no word here whether the Azhar issue figured in Xi’s talks with Khan, officials say there is a sense of wariness on the part of Beijing to block India, the US and other countries’ efforts to blacklist him at the UN on behalf of Pakistan. Addressing Pakistan and China Investment Forum in Beijing on Sunday, Khan expressed hope that the relations between the two neighbours will improve after the Indian General Elections.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019



K U L S T A R R - 04/19, Video 29/04/19 Platforms: (All Kulstarr) GALLAN GOORIAN (2019) - YouTube, SoundCloud, Song title: Gallan iTunes Podcasts Goorian Kulstarr is a UK-born, upSinger: Mahiraj and-coming music producer Music: Kulstarr who takes particular inspiVideo: Kulstarr ration from folk, Punjabi, hipArtwork: Kulstarr Release date: Audio 29/ hop & grime genres. He has

showcased his music, artwork & video making ability on YouTube with consistent releases that have helped steadily gather attention and grow an audience online for his work. These have included remixes, complete covers with new singers, and official releases. He has also caught the eye with his video shooting & imaginative editing skills, something that he has developed over the course of releasing online. He has also recently designed & unveiled a brand new logo, which has been incorporated for the first time into his new track & video. Recent releases such as 'Kangani' and 'Sardari' became popular amongst his listening audience across all his social media, and saw his music being playlisted on radios whilst also being very grateful for receiving in-

terview invites across various radio stations in the UK and making an appearance on Sky TV. Now though, Kulstarr is back again with a new track. This time, teaming up with Punjabbased singer Mahiraj. Their previous collaboration 'Tera Mera Sajna' , which was a mashup cover between 'Tera Mera Pyar' by Kumar Sanu and 'Sajna ve Sajna' by Gurdas Mann, became a popular track amongst Kulstarr's fans, and now they have collaborated once again to bring you a cover of the Noor Jahan classic Gallan Goorian - but with a unique Kulstarr-style twist. The music, artwork, and video have all been put together by Kulstarr himself. Whist growing up and being a massive fan of Punjabi MC, the Gallan Goorian cover on the album

'Legalized' was one of Kulstarr's favourite tracks growing up. So a Kulstarr version was always going to be inevitable, and he hopes to bring a different vibe & freshness to this Noor Jahan classic. "This track for me represents living life

for nothing else but chasing your dreams. Live proud & dream big." (Kulstarr) You can find more music & information about Kulstarr on his Official Social Media sites

THOUSANDS GATHER IN KABUL FOR AFGHAN MEET Thousands of politicians and officials from across Afghanistan gathered amid tight security in Kabul on Monday to discuss the war and US efforts to forge a peace deal with the Taliban. More than 3,000 people have been invited to the rare “loya jirga”, which is being billed as the largest in modern Afghan history, in a bid to set possible conditions under which they might accept a peace settlement. The loya jirga – literally means “grand assembly” in Pashto — is being held as the US and Taliban are discussing a possible foreign troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in exchange for a permanent ceasefire and various Taliban pledges. The talks have so far cut out the government of President Ashraf Ghani, whom the Taliban view as a US stooge.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 711


2nd May to 8th May, 2019


Rishabh Pant has been often criticised for his inability to finish off games and getting out repeatedly after playing reckless shots.


Pant talks about World Cup omission, focus on IPL play-offs and what he has learnt from inspirational Kohli & Dhoni

ISHABH Pant, only 21, is trying his best to handle success, spotlight and disappointment at the same time these days. The success of scoring Test hundreds in England and Australia, the spotlight that he is in almost always because of fans and critics and the disRISHABH PANT appointment of not making travel to England this summer. it to the India’s World Cup But the five wise men of Indian squad. All of it accompacricket decided otherwise. nied with the back-breaking “I was disappointed but as a schedule of ongoing Indian cricketer or a professional, I Premier League. know that there is nothing I will

“I was disappointed, obviously. Every player playing for the country dreams of participating in the World Cup. It would have been an entirely different experience,” Pant told AAJ TAK in an exclusive interview, his first after being left out of the Indian World Cup team. The likes of Sourav Ganguly, Ricky Ponting, Michael Vaughan, Matthew Hayden and many others were sure that the young wicket-keeper will definitely


achieve if I continue to think about it. I try to move on and focus on the matches that I am playing. If you do not think of moving on then things will be more difficult. I look at the positive aspect more. Right now doing well in the remaining games of the IPL is what I am focusing on. My biggest strength is remaining positive, irrespective of any situation,” says Pant. From making his Test debut against England at Robin Hood’s

with a clear mind. He tells me not Nottingham to being talked to focus on what people say and about India’s biggest X-factor in keep on improving as a player. the one - day format, Pant has That is what I try to implement, had a memorable time in interremain positive till the end of national cricket so far. the match.” “I think that getting an The opportunity to play This is where learnTest cricket for my ings from MS Dhoni 21-year-old country, even being and India skipper left-handed called a Test player Virat Kohli has batsman says sounds so nice. My come in handy. coach always used he has had a “I have learnt a lot to tell me that he from both MS Dhoni memorable will consider me a and Virat. The main journey with complete cricketer thing I would say is Team India so only after I play Test discipline. Even till cricket. I was really date, Mahi bhai is not far happy to get that opporlate. He follows the same tunity and scoring those process every day. One thing centuries in England and Auswhich Virat bhaiya told me and I tralia.” will never forget is that playing 100 Having two legends in the games is not necessary to become Delhi Capitals’ dressing room an experienced player. Learning Ganguly and Ponting – has from other player’s mistake and helped Pant hugely, especially. not repeating it is also important,” “Dada (Ganguly) tells me to play he concluded. —India Today TV

I was disappointed, obviously. Every player playing for the country dreams of participating in the World Cup. It would have been an entirely different experience. I try to move on and focus on the matches that I am playing. If you do not think of moving on then things will be difficult. Right now doing well in remaining IPL games is what I am focusing on.

By Vikrant Gupta in New Delhi


RAYO PILE MORE MISERY ON REAL Real Madrid’s response to Barcelona winning the title was to lose to 19th-placed Rayo Vallecano and fall 18 points behind La Liga’s newly-crowned champions. A deserved 1-0 defeat at Vallecas on Sunday means Zinedine Zidane’s second term now shows four wins from eight games and a worrying lack of improvement since he returned as Madrid’s coach. Adri Embarba’s penalty, given after consultation with VAR, was enough for Rayo. Going down swinging Six points from safety with three games to go, Rayo Vallecano’s survival hopes are slim. However, the minnows from Vallecas achieved

an historic victory Real Madrid on Sunday, their first in La Liga since 1997. Rayo fans and players celebrated wildly at fulltime, as much for getting one over their illustrious neighbours as the potential boost to their bid to avoid the drop. “I dreamt once that I would never beat Real in my entire life but now we have done it I can die happy,” said

coach Paco Jemez. No Benzema, no hope Zinedine Zidane was left exasperated with his Real side after their defeat. The French coach was unusually expressive in his dismay with the team’s performance, not shielding his players after their lifeless outing. “We didn’t even create chances, we did nothing well. We have

to all be angry with our performance,” said Zidane. “I am angry because we gave an awful image of ourselves.” Madrid were missing their key player this season, Karim Benzema. The striker has scored each of the club’s last eight goals. The fact that Benzema is La Liga’s second-highest goalscorer on 21, level with Barcelona’s Luis Suarez, shows how he is the anomaly at the Santiago Bernabeu. Champions League, anyone? Just like in the Premier League, it seems that no side is good enough to step up and grab fourth place and qualification for next season’s Champions League.

ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 711

2nd May to 8th May, 2019


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