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Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 707
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Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
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4th April to 10th April, 2019
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4th April to 10th April, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Â≈∫ ¿∞√ 鱧 ÁÏØ⁄ ’∂ Ó∂∂ ’ØÒ ÒÀ ¡≈¿∞‰≈ ‘À¢ Ù∂± ’«‘‰ Òμ«◊¡≈, ““√Ú∂∂ ’∞fi ÏßÁ∂ ∞μ÷ Ú섉 Ò¬Δ ¡≈¬∂ √È¢ Ï≈’Δ Â≈∫ √≈鱧 Á∂÷«Á¡≈∫ √≈ Ìμ‹ ◊¬∂, Í «¬μ’ ‹‰≈ Ï⁄ «◊¡≈¢ ¿∞‘ ∞μ÷ “Â∂ ⁄«Û∑¡≈ ÏÀ·≈ ‘À¢ ¡√Δ∫ ¿∞√
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
IT’S DEMOCRACY AT WORK: JEREMY HUNT Contortions in the UK over Brexit have evoked a range of reactions in Europe, India and elsewhere – from laughter to puzzlement to bewilderment and worse – but foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt insists the British have not taken leave of their senses. Contortions in the UK over Brexit have evoked a range of reactions in Europe, India and elsewhere – from laughter to puzzlement to bewilderment and worse – but foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt insists the British have not taken leave of their senses. Brexit was supposed to happen at 11pm on March 29, but the time/ date came and went by, with little signs of the deadlock in Westminster anywhere near resolve. Ask anyone in London what lies ahead, and the answer invariably is: “I don’t know”. Speak to European and non-European diplomats based in London and you get an array of responses. One baffled diplomat defines Brexit as the UK’s attempt to recover the egg from an omelette, while another from a south Asian country simply doesn’t want to talk about it. Hunt acknowledges the range of emotions: “I suspect old friends are shaking puzzled heads. The clash and thunder over Brexit is not an appealing spectacle. Some may feel that British politicians are acting out Monty Python sketches in real life”. But, he wrote in a signed piece in the Washington Post: “Please put aside the doom-laden commentary and accept my assurance: We British are neither abandoning our
neighbours nor retreating from the world. We have not taken leave of our senses”. According to him, the ongoing debates and votes in the House of Commons can be exasperating, but that is also its job, where the government must fight for every vote on the crucial issue of the UK’s place in Europe. The withdrawal package reached by the Theresa May government with Brussels has now been voted down thrice, besides the treasury benches losing several Brexit-related motions and amendments in recent weeks and months. Hunt writes: “If we lose sometimes, that too is democracy. For all the pressure it puts me under personally, I take pride in answering to a parliament that is impossible to suborn. In some countries, disputes of this kind might spill violently onto the streets. In Britain, our national debate on Brexit has been contained within our democratic in-
stitutions”. “We have been through worse the repeal of the Corn Laws, for instance, poisoned British politics for a generation after 1846. We have also shown resilience in the most supreme of tests – maintaining parliamentary democracy and removing a respected prime minister even as the country fought for its life during World War II. Having survived such tests, British institutions will overcome this one too”. Hunt would not agree that London’s stature in international relations has dwindled, as some think-tanks and others averred in recent studies. “Look beneath the surface and Britain’s international position remains unchanged. The United Kingdom is a small archipelago, with rather less than 1% of the world’s population. Alongside the United States we have done more to shape the world we live in than any other country and remain in the global top
India and the United States have been calling upon Pakistan to take urgent steps against terrorists based on its soil, and have renewed those calls with a new urgency in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack.
Ambassador Nathan Sales, the US counter-terrorism head at the state department who led the US side, “emphasized” his country’s support for the people and government of India in the fight against terrorism, according to a joint statement. Ministry of external affairs’ Joint secretary for counter-terrorism Mahaveer Singhvi led the Indian side. The two sides also discussed the need to strengthen cooperation on information sharing and other steps to prevent terrorists from traveling in line with the UN Security Council resolution on terrorists returning to their home countries from conflict
4th April to 10th April, 2019
First woman to win ‘Afghan Star’ TV show to fight Taliban with music
The first woman to win the Afghan version of American Idol says she will fight the Taliban with her music, embracing a victory rich in symbolism as her country faces an uncertain future. Zahra Elham won the 14th edition of Afghan Star last week, after male contestants took the prize in the hugely popular televised singing competition 13 years in a row. Elham, from Afghanistan’s ethnic Hazara minority, enchanted audiences with her high-pitched, raspy voice, performing Hazara and Persian folk music in traditional loose, colourful Afghan dresses and heels. The result made international headlines at a time when many women in the deeply patriarchal country fear their hard-won rights may come under threat as Washington, seeking a way out of the war, holds talks with the Taliban. Elham, who spoke to AFP in an interview at private television channel Tolo, which produces Afghan Star, appeared taken aback by her new fame more than a week on -- but determined to use it to inspire other girls. “I was very proud of myself but at the same time shocked to be the first woman to win the contest,” the young woman in her early 20s said, her hair elegantly covered with an olive green scarf, visibly still uncomfortable with a camera. No one sings in her family, she
India, US reiterate call for Pakistan to take ‘meaningful’ action against terrorism
India and the United States on Friday reiterated their call for an “urgent need” for Pakistan to take “meaningful, irreversible and verifiable” actions against terrorists and terrorist groups. Officials of the two countries who held heir annual meeting of their counter-terrorism Joint Working Group here on Friday, in the backdrop of the Pulwama terrorists attack by Pakistan-based Jaish-eMohammad, also shared concerns over “ongoing cross-border terrorism in South Asia”, a reference to Pakistan-based terrorists carrying out attacks in both India and Afghanistan.
zones. They also highlighted in their discussions, according to the statement, the most urgent and pressing counter-terrorism issues such as funding and operation of terrorist outfits, terrorists’ use of the Internet to recruit and radicalize supporters, and “prosecuting, rehabilitating and reintegrating Foreign Terrorist Fighters”. Returning fighters of the defeated Islamic State caliphate are a global concern. Officials of two sides also discussed their “priorities” and procedures regarding the designation of terrorist groups and individuals for sanctions.
said. She was inspired to compete after watching YouTube videos of idols such as Aryana Sayeed, an Afghan pop singer and social media star often likened to Kim Kardashian -- a characterisation that in conservative Afghanistan is a bold, deeply political one. When asked if she, like Sayeed, is now a role model for Afghanistan’s young women, Elham’s response underscored the importance of her new platform in a country where women are largely absent from public spaces. “Yes, my voice is important for the women of Afghanistan,” she replied bluntly. “Other girls will get courage and sing, like I have been following Aryana Sayeed ... when I saw a girl like Aryana Sayeed I thought to myself, ‘If she can, so can I. She has two hands and two legs, as do I’.” ‘Make my future bright’ Despite her passion, Elham, who is also a Justin Bieber and Maher Zain fan, says she has no intention of going in to politics. But if the Taliban return to some semblance of power in Afghanistan, she says, “I will fight with my music, because I want to make my life music and singing”. The Taliban used their strict interpretation of Islam to ban music and force women behind closed doors and beneath burkas during their austere rule of Afghanistan from 1996 until they were ousted in 2001. Since then they have waged an increasingly bloody insurgency against the Afghan government and US-led international troops. Now, as talks with the US progress, fears are sharp in Kabul that Washington may rush to exit, paving the way for the Taliban to return to some semblance of power in Afghanistan. Young women, keenly aware of how their gender were suppressed under Taliban rule -- and still facing steep restrictions in Afghanistan today -- are among the most vocal in warning they will not compromise their rights if the insurgents return. For now, however, Elham says her victory is a matter of pride -- and that she remains focused on her music, with plans to learn the guitar and make more video clips of herself performing. “I see my future in music, and I can make my future bright with singing,” she says.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
Rebel UK MPs launch new push to stop no deal Theresa May's spokesman says PM May is absolutely opposed to a second referendum, pleasing Brexiteer ministers. UK MP Philip Hammond will call on the cabinet to consider a second referendum on Theresa May’s deal.
EBEL MPs have launched an audacious new plot to stop a No Deal Brexit on April 12 as the Prime Minister faces down her feuding ministers during a five-hour ‘mother of all Cabinet meetings on Tuesday. The rebels had been hoping to pass a law to force a soft Brexit option on Theresa May on Wednesday, but after their disastrous indicative votes last night will instead try to pass a bill compelling the PM to ask for a long delay at an EU summit on April 10.
Meanwhile, ministers are hunkered down in Downing Street debating the way ahead for Brexit with just ten days to go until Britain is due to leave the EU, and the morning after a top civil servant’s doomsday warning about No Deal was revealed. The Cabinet itself is bitterly divided between Remainers who favour a soft exit from the EU if May cannot get her deal through, and Brexiteers who want to leave without a deal. Ministers must decide on one
Jeremy Corbyn instructed his MPs to back Common Market 2.0. option before the rebel MPs led by Sir Oliver Letwin and Yvette Cooper force their hand by seizing control of Parliament again tomorrow. Speculation had been mounting that the PM would call a snap general election if she failed to get her deal through this week, but Chancellor Philip
Hammond is warning that the Tory party lacks the funds to fight an election and should call a second referendum instead. May faces a possible Cabinet walkout with 15 ministers now calling on her to push for No Deal if she cannot get her own deal through Parliament. —Daily Mail
BRITAIN'S highest-ranking civil servant of which have been leaked to the Daily has issued a doomsday analysis of how Mail, comes ahead of a five-hour the country would be affected by a No Cabinet showdown today. In the letter, Deal Brexit, as MPs yet again failed to the Cabinet Secretary says leaving the break the deadlock last night. EU without a deal would hamper the The House of Commons rejected all police and security services and lead to four alternative Brexit plans in another the return of direct rule in Northern series of votes last night, leaving Britain Ireland. Sir Mark's letter warns that No with no clear plan just 10 days before a Deal would have wider consequences possible cliff-edge exit. MPs rejected a for the UK's economy, security and customs union and a Norway-style constitution. It was sent to every agreement, dealing a blow to Remainer member of the Cabinet last week. It is hopes of a soft Brexit, and also voted understood ministers asked for Sir against a second referendum. Moments Mark's assessment to ensure they were after last night's results emerged, Tory complying with their duty to govern in MP Nick Boles dramatically announced the national interest. he was leaving the party, The letter will now be kept in the slamming his former colleagues Government's files and could be The for their failure to find a released in the event of a letter was compromise. public inquiry into the Sir Mark’s bombshell handling of Brexit. sent to every —Daily Mail letter to ministers, extracts Cabinet member
Musharraf may lose right of defence if he fails to appear in court
Pakistan’s former military dictator Pervez Musharraf was ordered to appear before a special court on May 2 by the Supreme Court in the high treason case and warned him that he would lose the right of defence if he failed to turn up. A special court indicted General Musharraf (retd) for high treason in March 2014. Musharraf (75), left for Dubai in 2016 to “seek medical treatment” and has not returned since. Last month, he was admitted to a hospital in Dubai after
suffering a reaction from a rare disease for which he is already under treatment. A three-member Bench of the apex court headed by Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa was hearing a petition filed by a lawyer, who pointed out that the proceedings of the treason case — being heard by a special court since 2014 — had come to a halt as the former president Musharraf had not returned to the country since 2016. “We cannot let the suspect avail the benefit of not appearing before the
court deliberately. Hightreason is not an ordinary crime,” Chief Justice Khosa reminded the defence counsel. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government had filed the treason case against Musharraf over the president’s imposition of extra-constitutional emergency in November 2007. In the previous hearing of the petition, the top court had said it would intervene if the special court, in its next hearing, failed to make a
decision on how to record the former president’s statement. The apex court today said that if Musharraf does not appear before the special court on May 2, he would lose his right to record a statement under Section 342 of the Code of Criminal Procedures. Musharraf’s counsel told the court, “We contacted Musharraf’s wife. The former president had set the date for his return as May 13 and he does not want to record his statement .”
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
Not sheltering terror, says China accused of ‘shameful hypocrisy’ by US on Masood Azhar ban Defending its repeated attempts to block the listing of JeM chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN, China on Friday refuted US allegation that its action amounted to protecting violent Islamic groups from sanctions. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday denounced China of its “shameful hypocrisy” toward Muslims, saying China abuses more than a million Muslims at home, but on the other it protects violent Islamic terrorist groups from sanctions at the UN.” Pompeo had said it in apparent reference to China’s move to block India’s proposal at the United Nations to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Azhar as a global terrorist. Reacting to this, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a media briefing here on Friday that if that is so, the country that had put most technical holds in the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the Security Council should have been
sheltering more terrorists. At the UN Sanctions committee, the practice of putting technical hold is in line with the rules of the Committee, he asserted. Without directly referring to the US, Geng said, “If a certain country accuses China of sheltering terrorists by putting technical hold, does that mean all the countries that put such holds are sheltering terrorists? If this makes sense then shall we say the country that put most hold is the biggest shelter of terrorists?” China has so far blocked the move four times in recent years. It recently blocked a US, UK and France resolution in the counter terrorism 1267 committee with “technical hold” saying that it provides time and space for the relevant parties to hold talks after the Pulwama terrorist attack. Following this, the US has directly moved a resolution in the UN Security Council on Thursday to blacklist Azhar which China said amounted to undermining the 1267 committee. Defending China’s move to
block Azhar’s listing, Geng said, “China put forward a technical hold with a purpose of conducting in-depth assessment so as to give enough time and space for the dialogue and consultation between parties. China is in communication with all parties to seek a settlement through dialogue. We hope this will be a common goal of all the members of the UNSC.” Asked about Pakistan rejecting the evidence put forward by India on the Pulwama terrorist attack, he said, “the 1267 committee has detailed and clear stipulation and requirements on the listing issue.” “ What China has done is in line with the requirement of the UNSC and rules and procedures of the committee. We are always working in a constructive manner and stay in communication with the relevant parties and seek a proper solution. “It is improper to reveal to you the detailed discussions,” he said. To another question whether China is preparing to defend its
New agency puts Adoption@Heart in the Black Country A group of three local councils and one children's trust in the Black Country have joined forces to form a new Regional Adoption Agency for the area. The City of Wolverhampton, Walsall and Dudley councils and Sandwell Children's Trust have this week formally launched the Regional Adoption Agency, Adoption@Heart. The partners have already operated a shared recruitment service under the name of Adoption@Heart, and have over 14 years' experience of collaborative working previously in the guise of Adoption in the Black Country. The new service will operate throughout the Black Country and is being hosted by the City of Wolverhampton Council at its offices at Priory Green in Pendeford. The development of Regional Adoption Agencies is designed to help speed up matching and markedly improve the life chances of neglected and damaged children, improve adopter recruitment and adoption support, and reduce costs.
Wolverhampton Council's Director of Children's Services, said: "We are delighted that we are hosting the new regional adoption agency for the local area, Adoption@Heart. "Our adoption consortium work has previously attracted praise from the Department for Education and we are now pleased to be hosting Adoption@Heart here in Wolverhampton. "The Government has provided financial and practical support to enable us to bring services together regionally, and implement the greatest step change in the way children are matched for adoption in a gen-
eration." She added: "On behalf of the City of Wolverhampton Council, I would like to give a warm welcome to colleagues who are joining us from Walsall and Dudley councils, and Sandwell Children's Trust." Anyone can adopt, whether they are single, married, a same sex couple, in employment or not working, or already have children or not. Potential adopters must legally be a UK resident, and have been so for at least 12 months, and be aged 21 or over. They should be able to provide a stable home for a child until adulthood and beyond.
New Zealand shooters back gun control after massacre
Wellington-New Zealand will crack down on firearms ownership this week after the Christchurch mosques massacre that claimed 50 lives-and the Kiwi gun lobby, for the most part, is okay with that. In stark contrast to the United States, where even the most minor curbs on gun ownership meet ferocious Emma Bennett, the City of opposition led by the National Rifle Association, New Zealand gun
owners agree action is needed. The March 15 rampage by a white supremacist gunman has been a shock to the collective system. "We want to support our government in any changes to prevent a terrorist attack from happening in New Zealand again," Nicole McKee, secretary of the Council of Licensed Firearm Owners said.
stand in the UNSC when the latest US resolution would come up for discussion, Geng said, “China stayed in close communication with all parties on the listing issue. We will act in a responsible and a constructive manner to participate in the discussion at the committee. We also hope to work with various parties to seek a proper settlement to the issue”, he said. China on Thursday asked the US not to complicate the listing of Azhar as a global terrorist by “forcefully moving” a
resolution directly in the UNSC, undermining the authority of the UN’s anti-terrorism committee. “This is not in line with resolution of the issue through dialogue and negotiations. This has reduced the authority of the Committee as a main anti-terrorism body of the UNSC and this is not conducive to the solidarity and only complicates the issue. “We urge the US to act cautiously and avoid forcefully moving forward this draft resolution,” Geng said.
PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD ON WALK TO WORK DAY People are being urged to put their best foot forward and leave the car at home or hop off the bus a few stops early on Walk to Work Day next Friday (5 April, 2019). The annual campaign, which began in America 15 years ago and has since spread around the globe, encourages people to take simple steps to improve their health and wellbeing, which could pay dividends years down the line. There are a huge number of benefits to walking. Evidence suggests that just a 20-minute walk per day helps prevent and manage chronic illnesses, including reducing the risk of death from cancer, and can also help prevent dementia. It has a positive effect on the heart, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease, strengthens bones and muscles, improves balance and coordination and can help maintain a healthy weight. Walking is the easiest way of getting exercise into the daily routine and can also improve a person's mood and clear the mind. It also helps to reduce the pollution which would otherwise be created by driving. John Denley, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Director of Public Health, said: "If you are lucky enough to live close enough to your office, then walk-
ing to work is a great way to commute. "Even if you are not close enough to walk the whole way in, or simply don't have the time, you could still park a little further away from work than you would normally and walk the last part of the journey, or get off the bus a few stops earlier. "With the clocks changing and the mornings getting lighter, there's no better time to take part in an event like this, so why not energise your commute or, alternatively, take a lunchtime stroll and encourage your colleagues to join in too." Meanwhile, people who are inspired to walk more are invited to join a Wolverhampton Walking for Health walk. Walking for Health organises a regular programme of walks lasting from between 15 and 90 minutes and taking place in different parts of the city, including Ashmore Park, Bantock Park, Penn, Dixon Street Park, Heath Town, Himley and Baggeridge, Pendeford, Perton, Phoenix Park, Springvale Park, Tettenhall and West Park. The walks are especially suited for people who currently don't do much walking but who want to get healthier, fitter and be happier; some of the walks are wheelchair and pushchair friendly and some also have places selling refreshments en route.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama
Aries (March 21-April 19) With the dawn of April, a New Moon on 5th and Mercury resuming direct motion, the crosswire signals and restrictions will dissipate. You will now make progress in your efforts and move closer to success of your projects. Money matters need to be resolved. Taurus (April 21-May 20) Beware someone is out to deceive you and sabotage your plans. Be positive and approach the high powers with confidence, and the cosmos will guarantee success. A close friend is moving away and you feel isolated but remember the void is always filled. . Gemini (May 21-June 20) Mercury and Neptune combo on Tuesday 2nd April brings flurry of opportunities of all sorts; pick up the best for your career and finances. New Moon on Friday inspires you to go for team works and joint ventures. Seek support from family and friends.. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Friday’s New Moon is harbinger of opportunities, though you may not notice it straight away but definitely wind now blows in your favour. There are imminent changes in your circumstances relating to career and personal wellbeing. Friday is auspicious to thwart out differences. Leo (July 23-August 22 Watch your words, inappropriate outbursts and angry rants as hasty actions could bounce back upon you. Others take you for granted and have dumped their responsibilities on you. Friday’s New Moon spells freedom and breaking the bonds of limitations. Enjoy the new “YOU” Virgo (August 23-September 22) Get your facts right, filter the information you receive and don’t pay heed to rumours. Changes are imminent in relationships and career. With the New Moon on Friday in your 8th house, you will be in the right place at the right time to
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grasp a financial opportunity .Libra (September 23-October 20) When the New Moon arrives on Friday, you are assured of a revamped social scene and an urge to meet old friends and contact relatives. A new romantic channel is definitely in the pipe line. Siblings contact you and or may be visit you. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) It is a charismatic week with diplomacy and magnetism you could charm your way to secure your desires. and spend t will benefit you to take a break from your hectic routine quality time with yourself. Friday forward focus on your health and wellbeing. . Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Don’t trust any verbal commitments but get all confirmations or agreements in writing. Watch your possessions and valuables and avoid spontaneous buys. The New Moon inflates your magnetism and energy and you will be the centre point of your flock. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) The New Moon this week sends its beams to the 4th house focusing on your home, family and personal security. A new phase is about to begin in your life, making it more positive and unrestricted. Career, finances and social life now begin to rise. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) You have been in a rut for long but now it is time with the help of cosmos to explore new pastures, seek new horizons and mingle with a new crowd. The New Moon on Friday reboots your social and romantic life. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Your finances and prosperity are revamped by the moonbeams from 5th April. Opportunities begin to arrive many folds; grasp them to realize your wishes and dreams. Improve your image, get a new wardrobe and welcome the spring with open arms.
EU cannot be ‘held hostage’ to Brexit crisis: Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday warned the European Union could not “be held hostage” to the Brexit crisis and said that a lengthy extension of the deadline for Britain to leave the bloc was “not a certainty”. Speaking during a visit to Paris by Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, the French leader
said: “The EU cannot be held hostage to the resolution of a political crisis in the United Kingdom on a long-term basis.” He added that France was “open” to a lengthy extension of the Brexit deadline on certain conditions but that it was “neither a certainty nor automatic. I am repeating it here with conviction”.
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KOTHI FOR SALE ‹ÒßË «Úº⁄ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ ’Ø·Δ «Ú’≈¿± ‘ÀÕ‹ÒßË Á∂ ‡≈Ú «¬È’Ò∂Ú, Í∂˜ C «Úº⁄,÷≥‹∂ Á∂ AB Ó«Ò¡ª «Úº⁄ √ºËª È≈Ò B@AC «Úº⁄ ω≈¬Δ B Ó≥‹ÒΔ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ ’Ø·Δ «Ú’≈¿± ‘ÀÕ «‹√ ÁΔ Í«‘ÒΔ Ó≥‹Ò Â∂ C ÏÀμ‚ »Óª «Úº⁄Ø∫ B «¬È√πÚΔ‡, «’⁄È, ‚≈«¬≥◊ »Ó È≈Ò Ï≈Ê»Ó, Á»‹Δ Ó≥‹Ò Â∂ C ÏÀμ‚ »Óª «Úº⁄Ø∫ «¬º’ «¬È√πÚΔ‡, ÷πºÒ∑≈ «√«‡≥◊ »Ó È≈Ò Ï≈Ê»Ó ¡Â∂ «¬√ ÂØ∫ ¡Ò«‘Á≈ «Íº¤∂ ◊À≈‹,’∂¡ ‡∂’ Ò¬Δ »Ó ¡Â∂ Ï≈Ê»Ó, ’Ø·Δ Á∂ ¡≥Á Î≥‡ «Úº⁄ ’≈ Í≈’,ÁØÚ∂∫ Í≈√∂ √Â≈,Í»≈ Ï≈◊Ò≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó√ΔÏÒ Í≥Í Òº«◊¡≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ ‘ÀÕ’Ó ÁΔ ¡Á≈«¬◊Δ «¬ºÊ∂ ‹ª «¬≥‚¡≈ ’ΔÂΔ ‹≈ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ ’ΔÓ √≥Í’ ’È Â∂Õ
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Contact 07961822573(UK), +91-92169-22573, +91-98140-30095
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Vol: 15,
Sikhs outraged by use of ‘mool mantar’ in dance performance at Chile event The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee has objected to the use of the Sikh holy ‘mool mantar’ as background lyrics for a dance performance at a programme that President Ram Nath Kovind recently attended in Chile. SGPC was inundated with complaints from Sikhs across the world after a video clip of the performance, also uploaded on the President’s official Twitter handle, went viral. SGPC chief secretary Roop Singh said Sikhs were offended with the use of the holy Sikh chant. “In Sikhism, the mool mantar and Japji Sahib prayers hold immense significance and it ought to be
recited with ‘maryada’ (respect). Conducting a dance item on its rhythm could not be held valid under any circumstances. It was shocking that this video clip was posted on the official social media account of
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
Facebook may hire digital journalists, news publishers to curb fake news
President of India. This move has hurt the Sikh sentiments,” he said. Kovind is currently on an official tour to Chile. The performance was part of a welcome programme of a event the Indian Diaspora In order to better tackle organised for the President. fake news and improve quality of content on its platform, Facebook might hire a new generation of digital-era journalists and news publishers. In a discussion with Mathias Dopfner, CEO of Europe’s largest publisher Axel Springer, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday talked over how the platform should create “I don’t know how many more high-quality news for fake accounts you think its over 2 billion users Facebook has, but it seems globally. to be quite a big amount.
Some people are saying 700 million. I have no clue, but that has to be dealt with as a very serious problem,” said the 34-year-old CEO. “We have to make a business in order to finance investigative journalists and correspondents, and big foreign networks, they cannot afford to do that for free,” he added. Zuckerberg said he would focus on making sure what makes the offering and it’s structuring on Facebook attractive for the hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers, digital native publishers, legacy publishers, that they are attracted to put their best content on that platform. “We’re not going to have journalists making news. What we want to do is make sure that this is a product that can get people highquality news,” said the Facebook co-founder. Facebook could have a direct relationship with publishers in order to make sure that the content is really high-quality. “There’s a whole set of questions around how do we build a service that is contributing to high-quality journalism through increasing monitorisation,” said the American tech entrepreneur. The Menlo Park-based online social media and social networking service company is battling the menace of fake news and misinformation on its platform, especially during election times, including in India where it has removed thousands of fake accounts, groups and pages linked with political parties.
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Vol: 15,
INDIA SEEKS ACCESS TO KULBHUSHAN JADHAV India had once again sought access to Kulbhushan Jadhav, a former Indian Navy officers jailed by Pakistan for alleged espionage. In a note verbale issued to Pakistan, India regretted deep concern over maltreatment and delays in repatriation of Indian prisoners besides seeking access for its diplomats to five jailed prisoners. The others, besides Jadhav, are Mohammad Javaid, Abdul Hakeem, Muhammad Ismail and Salfikar Ali. India has also asked Pakistan to expedite the grant of visas to the members of a medical team that can assess the mental condition of “believed-to-be-Indian prisoners” of unsound mind lodged in different jails of Pakistan. Further, there are 385 Indian fishermen, whose nationality has been confirmed and conveyed to Pakistan and who have been languishing in
jails despite completing their sentences. India has requested urgent and concrete steps to repatriate them to India at the earliest, along with their boats. The note verbale also expressed serious concern on the delayed information of the death of an Indian fisherman despite the Indian High Commission repeatedly taking up the matter of his poor health condition. This is not the first such case. The information about the death of two more Indian fishermen was
conveyed after inordinate delay. It also called for the immediate release and repatriation of 10 Indian civilian prisoners lodged in Pakistan jails who have already completed their sentence and whose nationality has been confirmed and conveyed to Pakistan. They include Babli Bhai, Jaspal, Mohammad Ismail, Musharraf Ali, Shoaib, Shamshuddin Alam, Murtaza Hussain, Vahid Khan, Muhammad Khalil, Ghulam Farid and Tilak Raj. The Ministry of External Affairs said it had been consistently raising with Pakistan its concern regarding missing Indian defence personnel, including Prisoners of War, believed to be in Pakistan’s custody. It again sought steps to locate, release and repatriate the missing Indian defence personnel believed to be held in Pakistan custody.
Pakistan’s senior Muslim clerics denounce forced conversion of Hindus Pakistan’s senior Muslim clerics and representatives from different religions have condemned forceful conversions, saying Islam doesn’t allow such acts and Muslims must provide better environment to minorities in their areas, according to a media report. The remarks made during a joint meeting of the Mutahida Ulema Board (Punjab) and Pakistan Ulema Council on Sunday came amid the nationwide outrage over the alleged forced
conversions of Hindu girls in Sindh province. “Islam doesn’t allow forceful conversion of nonMuslims,” the religious leaders said. They agreed that the issue of alleged forced conversion and marriages of two teenage Hindu girls in Sindh province and other subsequent matters should be settled in accordance with the law and justice, the News reported. The meeting — presided over by Chairman Mutahida Ulema Board and Pakistan Ulema Council
Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi — underlined that Islam is a religion of peace, harmony, stability and its teachings have categorically defined rights for non-Muslims residing in Muslim countries. The senior religious leaders also condemned terror activities being carried out on account of Islamphobia and demanded constitution of a judicial commission to probe the killing of Bahawalpur professor to avert such extremist incidents in future, the paper said.
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
Cong clears 6 of 13 Punjab LS candidates; Pawan Bansal from Chandigarh The Congress Central Election Committee on Tuesday cleared six names for contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Punjab and the lone seat in Chandigarh. All four sitting MPs, Sunil Jakhar, Santokh Singh Choudhary, Ravneet Bittu and Gurjit Aujla to be renominated from their segments. Preneet Kaur will again contest from Patiala while MLA Raj Kumar Chabbewal will be in the fray from Hoshiarpur. Jakhar won the byelection from Gurdaspur constituency which was vacated following the demise of BJP’s Vinod Khanna. Santokh Singh Chaudhary been re-nominated from from Jalandhar, Bittu from he had won in a bypoll. Former Union Minister Chandigarh. Bansal had lost Ludhiana and Aujla will Pawan Kumar Bansal has in 2014 to BJP’s Kirron Kher. contest from Amritsar which
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No. 1 for 3rd year
Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019
Sachin Tendulkar topped the batting charts for India with two centuries and as many halfcenturies in the 2011 World Cup.
$1 million bonus for India as they retain Test championship mace
Dubai-India have finished at the top of the International Cricket Council (ICC) Test rankings and taken home a prize of $1 million for the third consecutive year. The India team, which registered its first series victory in Australia at the turn of the year, finished with 116 points on the April 1 cut-off date, eight points ahead of New Zealand, who finished second and took home $500,000. South Africa finished third with 105 points while Australia finished fourth with 104 points, a few decimal points ahead of England. "Retaining the ICC Test championship mace once again is something we are all really proud of," India captain Virat Kohli, who won the ICC's cricketer, Test and ODI player of the year awards in January, said in a statement. "Our team has been doing well across formats but it gives us extra pleasure to come out on top of the Test rankings. We all know of the importance of Test cricket and of how only the best can prosper in the format." New Zealand captain Kane Williamson said it was an "awesome" achievement for his side to finish second in the ICC Test team rankings. "As a team we should be very proud. It's come off the back of a lot of hard work and perseverance; not just by the eleven guys on the field, but the entire squad and support staff. It's been especially pleasing to see the consistency we've shown in the longest form of the game over a decent period of time," he said. The ICC's World Test Championship begins in August with nine Test-playing nations taking part in 71 Test matches spread across 27 series to reach the final in 2021.
ACHIN Tendulkar has sent a heartfelt message to India’s World Cupbound team on the eighth anniversary of India’s 2011 World Cup triumph.
Stressing that the moment when India lifted the coveted 50over World Cup trophy on April 2, 2011 as the biggest moment of his life, Tendulkar urged cricket fans in the country to rally behind Virat Kohli’s team at the 2019 World Cup. Tendulkar also pointed out the stars on Team India’s blue jersey denotes the number of World Cup wins and said he wanted the number to increase from three (1983 and 2011 World Cup, 2007 World T20) to four after the upcoming edition of the 50-over tournament, starting May 30 in England and Wales. "2nd of April, 2011... I honestly don't know where I should start, what all I should say and where I should stop. It was the biggest day of my life. I have never seen a bigger day in my long career. World Cup comes every four years. It's been eight years since that day. The next World Cup is here. Our World Cup team hasn't been announced but whoever
On eighth anniversary of 2011 WC triumph, Sachin asks Team India to add fourth World title this year As the clock strikes 12, three members from India’s 2011 World Cup winning side reunite for a selfie on the same day.
Nostalgia 2011 Best moment of our life.. Same day same place we become the world champions @msdhoni @harbhajan_singh thanks.
—@MUMBAIINDIANS goes there (England) is our team," Tendulkar said on Tuesday. "I want to say one thing. If you carefully look at the BCCI logo on our India jersey, you can spot three stars on top of the logo... three World Cups. Three stars should turn into four. That's
what I want. Let's all support our team this World Cup," he added. Tendulkar, one of the greatest batsmen to have played the game, had to wait 22 years to get his hands on the World Cup. The batting legend, who picked up the bat after getting inspired by Kapil's Devils creating history in
—@SURESHRAINA 1983, came close to ending India's drought in 2003 but the Sourav Ganguly-led side finished runners-up after a huge defeat to Australia in the final. However, in 2011, India, under MS Dhoni, ended the country's 28-year-long wait for World Cup glory. —Mail Today
Messi is great, not God: Pope BARCELONA-For Barcelona fans, Lionel Messi is ‘D10S’, a combination of the Spanish word for “God” — “dios” — with the No 10 on his shirt. But Pope Francis begs to differ. Interviewed by Spanish TV channel La Sexta on Sunday, the Pope praised his Argentine compatriot Messi, but said he must not be called God. “In theory, it is sacrilege,” explained the leader of the Catholic Church. “You can’t do it. People could call him God, just as they might say ‘I adore you’,
but only God can be worshipped. (Saying) ‘He’s a God with the ball on the pitch’ is a popular way to express yourself. He’s great to watch — but he’s not God.” Pope Francis is known to be a football fan, and he is also a club member of Buenos Aires side San Lorenzo. Two goals from Messi gave Barcelona victory over Espanyol on Sunday, taking the Liga leaders another step closer to the title.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 707
4th April to 10th April, 2019