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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

ÚÀ∫√ÎΔÒ‚ «ÈÚ≈√Δ ¡Â∂ «˜Ò≈ Ò∞«Ë¡≈‰≈ «Úº⁄ ÍÀ∫Á∂ «Í≥‚ ËÓ؇ Á∂ Óπº„∑Ò∂ Ú√ÈΔ’ √. ÓÒ’Δ «√≥ÿ «◊ºÒ ¡Â∂ √Á≈ÈΔ ‹√«Ú≥Á ’Ω «◊ºÒ È∂ ◊∞» ¡’≈Ò Íπ÷ ÚºÒØ∫ ÍØÂ∂ ÁΔ Á≈ «ÓÒ‰ Â∂ ¿∞√ Á∂‰‘≈ Á≈ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’«Á¡ª ◊∞» È≈È’ ◊∞ÁÚ≈≈ ÚÀ∫√ÎΔÒ‚ «Ú÷∂ ÙzΔ √π÷Ó‰Δ √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á≈ Í≈· ’Ú≈«¬¡≈Õ«¬√ √Ó∂∫ ÈÚ ‹≥Ó∂ Ï≈Ò’ ¡‹È «√≥ÿ «◊ºÒ ÁΔ ⁄Û∑ÁΔ ’Ò≈ Ò¬Δ Ó≈√‡ ¡‹È Á∂ Á≈Á’≈ ¡Â∂ È≈È’≈ ÍzΔÚ≈ Á∂ È≈Ò «ÓÒ’∂ «◊ºÒ √≈«‘Ï Á∂ «ÙÂ∂Á≈ª ¡Â∂ «ÓºÂª È∂ ÍzÓ≈ÂÓ≈ ¡º◊∂ ¡Á≈√ ’ΔÂΔÕ◊∞» ÿ ÚºÒØ∫ Ϻ⁄∂ Á∂ Ó≈Â≈ «ÍÂ≈ ˘ «√ØÍ≈˙ ÁΔ Ïı«ÙÙ ’ΔÂΔ ◊¬ΔÕ◊∞» ’∂ Òß◊ª ≈‘Δ∫ √Ì ˘ «È‘≈Ò ’ΔÂ≈Õ«‹ºÊ∂ «¬º’Â ‘Ø¬Δ √≥◊ ¡Â∂ ◊∞» ÿ ÁΔ √Ó»‘ ÍzÏ≥Ë’ ’Ó∂‡Δ È∂ «◊ºÒ ÍzΔÚ≈ ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª «ÁºÂΔ¡ª ¿∞μÊ∂ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ¡Á≈∂ È∂ ÚΔ «¬√ ÷πÙΔ Ì∑∂ ’≈‹ «Úº⁄ ÙÓ»ÒΔ¡Â ’«Á¡ª ’≈’∂ Á∂ Á≈Á«’¡ª ¡Â∂ È≈È«’¡ª ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ Á∂‰ Á∂ È≈Ò Ïº⁄∂ ÁΔ ⁄Û∑ÁΔ ’Ò≈ Ò¬Δ Ù∞Ì’≈ÓÈ≈Úª «ÁºÂΔ¡ªÕ’≈’≈ ¡‹È «√≥ÿ «◊ºÒ Á∂ √«Â’≈ ÔØ◊ ÍÛÁ≈Á≈ ‹Δ √. «È≥‹È «√≥ÿ «◊ºÒ ÚΔ «¬√ √Ó∂ √Ú◊ª «Úº⁄ ÏÀ·∂ ¡≈͉∂ ÍÛÍØÂ∂ ˘ ¡ÙΔÚ≈Á Á∂ ‘∂ ‘؉◊∂Õ

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


O.T.L.Midlands Ltd Á∂ ÓÀÈ∂«‹≥◊ ‚≈«¬À’‡ √. «ÈÓÒ «√≥ÿ ≈‘Ò È‘Δ∫ ‘∂ «¬‘ ÷Ï ÓÈ «‹ºÂ «Úº⁄ Ï‘∞ ‘Δ Áπº÷ È≈Ò ÍÛ∑Δ ‹≈Ú∂◊Δ «’ Ô»’∂ ÁΔ ÓÙ‘» ˙.‡Δ.¡ÀμÒ ’≥Í‰Δ Á∂ Ó∂ È ∂ « ‹≥ ◊ ‚≈«¬À ’ ‡ √. «ÈÓÒ «√≥ ÿ ≈‘Ò «ÓÂΔ BD.E.AI «ÁÈ Ù∞ º ’ Ú≈ ˘ ¡⁄≈È’ ¿∞√ ¡’≈Ò Íπ÷ ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ √ºÁ∂ ˘ ÍÚ≈È ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ «¬√ ¯≈ÈΔ √≥√≈ ¡Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ «Í¡≈∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ª ˘ √Á≈ Ò¬Δ ¡Ò«ÚÁ≈ ¡≈÷ ◊¬∂Õ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÁΔ √÷ÙΔ¡Â Ï≈∂ «‹È∑ª ÂØ∫ ÚΔ √π«‰¡ª ¡Â∂ «‹ÂÈ≈ ’∞ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ¡Á≈≈ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÍzÂΔ «Èº‹Δ ÂΩ Â∂ ‹≈‰’≈Δ º÷Á≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ «¬√ «√º‡∂ Â∂ Í‘∞≥⁄Á≈ ‘À «’ ¿∞Ȫ∑ «Úº⁄ ¿∞‘ √≈∂ ◊∞‰ √È «‹‘Û∂ «¬º’ ÚËΔ¡≈ ÂØ∫ ÚËΔ¡≈ «¬È√≈È «Úº⁄ ‘؉∂ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÁΔ √÷ÙΔ¡Â ‘ ͺ÷Ø∫ ⁄≥«◊¡≈¬Δ¡ª ¡Â∂ È∂’Δ È≈Ò ÌΔ∑ ‘Ø¬Δ √Δ

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù IA

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30th May to 5th June, 2019

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We at O.T.L. Ltd, are deeply saddened to hear the untimely demise of our Managing Director Mr. Nirmal Singh Rahal, we will miss such a wonderful Personality which was not to be missed so soon . However! it is all under The ALMIGHTY's command which cannot be challenged by anybody. We all pray to God, May! He keep him in His Abode and give his loved ones courage to forbear this intolerable pain. You will always be in our hearts.

Keith , Chris and all your Staff.


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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019

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Vol: 15,


Issue 715


30th May to 5th June, 2019

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,


Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


British Prime Minister Theresa May breaks down as she delivers a statement in London on Friday.



May resigns, urges MPs to find Brexit compromise

Theresa May’s husband Philip waits as she is expected to make a statement, at Downing Street in London.


EARFUL Theresa May finally bowed to the inevitable and called time on her troubled premiership on Friday - after a massive Tory mutiny over her Brexit plans.


I’ve done my best. I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal ... sadly I have not been able to do so. It is and will remain a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit.

Watched by husband Philip, the Prime Minister was overcome by emotion on the steps of Downing Street as she admitted her desperate struggle to get the UK out of the EU will end in failure. 'I've done my best,' she said. 'I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal ... sadly I have not been able to do so. 'It is and will always remain a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit.' May was almost unable to continue as she was overtaken by tears while voicing her pride at having served the country. She declared she will resign as Conservative leader — THERESA MAY, on June 7, triggering a contest that should be complete by BRITISH PM the end of July. May said it had been the 'honour of my life' to be PM, Bill - known as WAB - yesterand she hoped she would not day after accepting the reality be the last woman to lead the of her demise. country. In a parting shot at Sir Graham Brady, the chair the bitter Brexit divisions that of the powerful Tory 1922 comhave blighted her time in mittee, met her in No10 this office, she urged MPs from all morning. He had been parties to remember that instructed by Tory back'compromise is not a dirty benchers to enforce an exit word'. date if May refused to volunHaving delivered her teer one, with MPs threatpainful message, she ening to change party then hurried back rules to allow a fresh Theresa through the famous no-confidence vote. May black No10 doors Jeremy Corbyn announced plans and was immediimmediately seized to step aside as ately whisked away on the news to Tory leader on June demand a general via the back exit. 7 and leave The dramatic election, saying the move comes after 10 Downing over Conservatives were May's last- ditch 'divided and disintethe summer. effort to get her EU grating'. But despite deal through the Comthe brutal assault on her mons backfired spectacularly. position from her own side, Tories were up in arms and there was an outpouring of the Cabinet mounted an open sympathy today after she revolt after she offered MPs a finally fell on her sword. vote on holding a second referBoris Johnson paid tribute to endum and joining a tempoMay's 'stoical service to our rary customs union with the country', urging politicians to EU. 'follow her urgings' by 'coming The PM humiliatingly pulled together to deliver Brexit'. her Withdrawal Agreement Andrea Leadsom, whose res-

Those who could replace her as next Tory leader

A HUGE field of candidates is expected to run to replace Theresa May. While as many as 25 could run they will swiftly be whittled down into a workable number as MPs show their allegiances and plot to get their chosen man or woman into Downing Street. Theresa May looks to possibly have hours left as Conservative leader, which would spark a summer leadership battle that will pitch Leave and Remain wings of the party against each other. Here we look at the main runners and riders, with their odds with Ladbrokes and how they voted in the 2016 referendum: DOMINIC RAAB: Brexiteer who quit rather than back May’s deal

BORIS JOHNSON: The thorn in May’s side who has had a ‘PM’ makeover

JEREMY HUNT: Brexiteer candidate who wants to heal the party

ANDREA LEADSOM: May’s former rival who decided she could take no more

SAJID JAVID: Remainer star who has run into trouble over knife crime

ignation as Commons Leader put the final nail in May's political coffin, tweeted: 'A very dignified speech by @theresa_may. An illustration of her total commitment to country and duty. She did her utmost, and I wish her all the very best.' David Cameron also weighed in, describing it as a 'strong and brave speech'.


AST night the PM chose to stay at her constituency home in Berkshire mulling her exit strategy with her husband Philip - who was yesterday urged by Brexiteers to tell his wife her time is up. However, she is thought to have made up her mind up to quit earlier this week. Mrs May returned to Downing Street just before 9am, where she met her closest aides, including chief of staff Gavin Barwell director of communications Robbie Gibb, and political secretary Stephen Parkison. They went through the text of her momentous statement - which was drafted by her young speechwriter Keelan Carr, who wrote the wellreceived address to Tory conference last year. —Daily Mail

MICHAEL GOVE: The boomerang minister with a Machiavellian reputation

MATT HANCOCK: Health secy who wants Tories to choose a younger leader

RORY STEWART: Remainer rising star and friend of royals who is not short of confidence ESTHER MCVEY: Former TV presenter and minister who quit the govt over Brexit

Brexit scenarios: The paths that lie ahead ment was promising MPs a BRITISH PM Theresa May vote on whether or not to announced her resignation hold a second referendum. It on Friday with the Brexit is now unclear what will happrocess in total disarray. A pen to the legislation but it vote by MPs on her Brexit seems likely that any new deal has been postponed, leader will seek a renegotiamany believe indefinitely. tion. EU leaders have set the Meanwhile some of the condeadline for Brexit on Octotenders to replace her have ber 31 but have given indicatalked up the prospect of a tions they could accept a no-deal Brexit. Here are further postponesome of the possible If ment on top of two scenarios: there is no previous delays. May's unpopular further delay, Whether or not Brexit deal negoBritain would have EU leaders are tiated with Brusto leave EU on open to the idea sels could come October 31 with no of more delay to an end with could become overall her departure as clear during a it is seen by hardagreement. Brexit discussion at liners as offering too an EU summit in Brusmany concessions. sels on June 20-21. The government had If there is no further planned to pass legislation delay, Britain would have to to implement the deal leave the European Union on before July 20. October 31 with no overall A first vote on the bill had agreement. This is the scebeen scheduled for the first nario advocated by Nigel week of June but on ThursFarage's Brexit Party and by day the government said it Conservative hardliners. would be delayed. As part of —AFP that legislation, the govern-


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 715

introduced to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. After this meeting, she described him in her journal as "16 & extremely handsome ... [he] has a pretty, graceful & dignified manner. He was beautifully dressed & covered with diamonds". For the first time, the exhibits include his wardrobe worn at the time. Queen Victoria was godmother to Duleep Singh's daughter Sophia, and offered his children accommodation at the Hampton Court Palace following his death. The exhibition includes a portrait of Duleep Singh commissioned by the queen. Also in focus is the role played by her Indian servant


Esha Deol congratulates mother Hema Malini, half-brother Sunny Deol for LS elections wins

Rare Maharaja Duleep Singh wardrobe in 'Empress of India' exhibition London The opulent wardrobe of Maharaja Duleep Singh is one of the highlights of a major exhibition showcasing Queen Victoria's complex love affair with India at the Kensington Palace from Friday, marking the 200th anniversary of her birth. Queen Victoria (18191901) was the 'Empress of India'. Titled 'Victoria: Woman and Crown', the exhibition hosted in her birthplace explores various facets of her life, with India as one of its central themes. As the former ruler of the Sikh empire - deposed during the Anglo-Sikh Wars with the annexation of the Punjab - the young Duleep Singh was exiled in 1854 to Britain, where he was first

30th May to 5th June, 2019

Abdul Karim, on whom she bestowed the title of 'Munshi', who taught her to read and write Urdu. One of her diaries carefully inscribed in the language is one of the star items of the display, set alongside items showcasing Victoria's relationship with her empire. The exhibition also assesses her power and influence, and how she carefully curated her public image. As the most famous woman in the world at the dawn of the photographic age, Victoria understood and consciously harnessed this new technology, using it both to project an image of imperial power across continents and document the minutia of family life.

Victoria's long reign also saw the birth of four future kings. A poignant portrait of her with her son, grandson and great-grandson (the future Edward VII, George V and Edward VIII respectively) is on display. Polly Putnam, exhibition curator at Historic Royal Palaces, said: "Although considered one of the most famous women in history, Queen Victoria's personality, passions and politics remain little known". "To mark the 200th anniversary of her birth at Kensington Palace, this year we'll be re-examining the life of this fascinating and contradictory monarch, whose cultural legacy and impact on world affairs are still felt to this day."

Actor Esha Deol congratulated not just mother Hema Malini, but also her half-brother Sunny Deol on their victory in the general elections 2019. While Sunny won from Punjab's Gurdaspur, Hema won by a big majority in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura by over 2.9 lakh votes. Actor Dharmendra had also joined them in their respective poll campaigns. Esha tweeted: "Congratulations @iamsunnydeol my best wishes to u always". She wished Hema for her winning from Mathura constituency yet again. "Well deserved congratulations to @dreamgirlhema," she said, along with several star emojis. She also shared a picture of Hema with the caption: "She did it again. congratulations and my best wishes on round 2 ! Ur doing a fantastic job as an Indian citizen @dreamgirlhema ! #proudofyou. In another tweet, Esha wished all the BJP members for their big win. "Congratulations @narendramodi @PMOIndia @BJP4India @dreamgirlhema @iamsunnydeol so proud of the victory what a Jeet #LokSabhaElectionResults," she wrote.

'No alternative to Kejriwal, will form govt in Delhi again': Gopal Rai New Delhi Claiming that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will win a consecutive second term in the Delhi assembly polls scheduled to be held next year, senior party leader Gopal Rai on Friday said there was no alternative to Arvind Kejriwal as the chief minister of Delhi. Speaking a day after the results of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections were announced in which the party drew a blank, Rai said the verdict will have little impact on the outcome of the assembly polls. Rai said, "Just like in the Lok Sabha election people voted for Modi (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) because there was no alternative, in Delhi too there is no alternative to chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. AAP will come to power for a second term in the national Capital."

Rai, who is AAP's Delhi unit chief and party in charge of Haryana, said the party did not expect "such a result", particularly in Delhi where it had won 67 of the 70 assembly seats in 2015 and had finished second in the 2014 general elections. "We were hoping to win at least three seats - South, North West and East Delhi," he said. Riding high on the Modi wave, the BJP, for a second time, won all seven parliamentary seats in Delhi with margins ranging from 2.2 lakh to 5.78 lakh. The Congress, which was routed in the 2015 assembly elections, climbed up to the second spot with a vote share of 22.5%, which was 7.5 percentage points more than 2014. The AAP finished third with 18.11% votes, registering a 14.8 percentage point fall in its vote share since the last

Lok Sabha polls. This was the first time in five years that the Congress performed better than the AAP in Delhi. The AAP said issues such as full statehood to Delhi, the ongoing sealing of commercial establishments, demonetisation of high value bank notes and the roll out of Goods and Services Tax were not "the talking points" of the

2019 general elections. "We accept that our key poll plank of full statehood to Delhi failed to dominate the political narrative in this highly polarised election. It now looks like the election was a total personality battle - a fight between Modi and Rahul Gandhi. In such a contest, people did not see an option in Kejriwal and the issues that

the AAP raised," Rai said. The AAP leader said the party could not get votes from unauthorised colonies, slums and Muslim dominated areas because of the same reason. He, however, dismissed that the same factor would play out in the assembly election, saying "people vote differently in national and state polls". An analysis of the

assembly constituencywise vote shares shows that the BJP and the Congress got most of the votes from these areas. At a time when AAP MLAs are defecting to parties such as the BJP, the AAP said Kejriwal will hold a meeting on Sunday to motivate party workers and legislators. After the results on Thursday, Rai said the party leadership had met its Lok Sabha candidates to introspect on the reasons behind the loss. "We have decided that we would concentrate on the AAP government's work in the national capital. It would be wrong to compare our performance in 2014 with this election because Congress was not a factor then as there was strong anti-incumbency against the grand old party. It is not the case this time," he said.

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Vol: 15,


Issue 715


30th May to 5th June, 2019

political challenge


By Manjari Saxena


HEY say history is always written by victors and even though Narendra Modi continues as Prime Minister after a landslide victory this week, it is still to be seen whether his eponymous biopic will fare the same at the weekend box office.

The transformation was daunting because it was on multiple levels – physical, ideological, and had a spiritual element to it too.”


Just as the general public sentiment seemed against Modi prior to his victory, critics have panned this Friday’s release, PM Narendra Modi and the question remains whether this public unpredictability be witnessed for the Omung Kumar directed film. Whatever its fate, actor Vivek Oberoi who essays the lead role, feels the film teaches a lot through its portrayal of “a man who sold chai [tea] at the railway station but went on to become the prime minister of the country”. For Oberoi, who has been caught up in a web of controversies for some time now, and not just because of the film, said it was a role that “challenged” the actor in him. “For me it started with a lot of people saying ‘No way, man. Vivek doesn’t look like Narendra Modi… just wrong casting. It’s never going to work’,” Oberoi told MAIL TODAY. “And I just said two words: Challenge accepted. Challenge is generally expected to provoke an artist to give it back. It took me some five months to get me into the process.”

—Vivek Oberoi and found his deep connect with the man in “patriotism”. “He belongs to Gujarat, a state that’s all about trading and business. Despite that he never approached any kaka or mama [paternal/maternal uncle] for monetary support to start a trade. Personally, I do a lot of charity myself and one thing I’ve learned is, charity happens only when your stomach is full. If you are hungry yourself, yet thinking

Vivek went saatvik for the role in the film

He found an instant connect with the script Oberoi shared he had been refusing producer Sandip Singh offers for some time, but had an “instant connect” with this script. That was because it’s a biopic on Narendra Modi. But it was probably the transformation into a living character the Shootout at Lokhandwala actor found most challenging, and not just the prosthetics. “When you are sitting for straight eight hours in a ‘dentist’ chair, getting all the silicone and goo on your face, [it is challenging]. That was one part of the story. When you look at Narendra Modi, he has this sparkle in his eyes, this glow about him. With prosthetics, you can’t really create that,” said Oberoi. “The transformation was daunting because it was on multiple levels – physical, ideological, and, had a spiritual element to it too.” And to find that sparkle in Modi’s eyes, he approached his father, veteran actor Suresh Oberoi. “That was an interesting journey. I asked my dad ‘how would you approach it?’ And he said ‘I think his strength comes from his discipline. And that’s what reflects in his eyes’,” added

Oberoi. “I remembered Modiji telling me a long time ago, when he was chief minister of Gujarat, he always wakes up at 4am, no matter what time he goes to bed. He then does his yoga,

pranayama and meditation before moving ahead with his day. That’s it, I took that holistic approach. I went completely saatvik, I read all the articles about him, put in about a 1000

hours to watch his interviews. The idea was it shouldn’t come across as mimicry or to present him as a caricature.” Oberoi was also inspired by Modi’s early years of frugality

of others, that to me is incredible – true patriotism. I come from a family that has freedom fighters on both sides. That was my deep connect with the character,” explained Oberoi. So, is that an indication he’s looking to enter politics any time in the future, we query. “At this point I’m exiting politics,” said Oberoi, laughing. “I’ve been offered candidacy five times since 2004, including byelections. Now my thing is why be an MP when you can be ‘pradhan mantri’ [prime minister]?”

OMUNG KUMAR: I’M A NEUTRAL GUY PRIME Minister Narendra Modi’s biopic has been surrounded by controversies ever since its initial date of release in April, a day after the first phase of voting for the Lok Sabha elections. And when MAIL TODAY spoke to director

The director says that he likes telling interesting stories Omung Kumar, the diplomatic and calm filmmaker chose to dodge the controversy bit, saying he was concerned about the creative part instead. “People have a habit of criticising, but it doesn’t bother us,” Kumar said. For him, the biopic isn’t a politically influencing film, but a story of an inspiring journey which should be told.

“Modi’s story from a chaiwala to the PM of India is unbelievable and that’s what I wanted to tell,” he said. As for researching, producer Sandip Singh and Vivek Oberoi narrated firsthand stories to him, apart from reading literature on Modi. “I visited places where he had resided and studied how he speaks and how much Gujarati tone he uses. To make the film look authentic, we have used some sentences in Gujarati. ” Kumar has no political views and that’s why he was chosen to direct the film. “I am a Modi bhakt, but a neutral guy, and was therefore the best choice for directing the film. I am not influenced by anyone and no opposition party can pressurise me,” he said. “I like telling inspiring stories as they stands out . Whether biopic or not.” —Mail Today Bureau

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Vol: 15,


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries March 21-April 19 Watch your temper, restrain your emotions or you will be instrumental in breaking up a close relationship. As Mercury travels back in Leo, communications will be lost or remain unanswered. Taurus April 20-May 20 Frustration, tension and domestic stress puts you on a short fuse. Try to be patient and avoid reaction to what others blurt out. Delays in decisions or communications will cause confusion. Gemini May 21-June 21 Others are out to test your patience so take a deep breath before you react to a situation or conversation. On July 26th Mercury, your ruling retrogrades and you will find it hard to communicate. Cancer June 22-July 22 Finances are under the planetary scanner, as retrograde Mercury in Leo, influences your second house of money, luxuries and pleasantries. Retrograde Mercury could also trigger your moods, losing temper and then compromising. Leo. July 23-August 22 This is your birthday month, the Sun flights your travel and you are vying for freedom and break cycle of limitations. It is time to meditate and look within to search for you life path. Virgo August 23-September 22 Intense emotions, unbalanced thinking and irrational outburst are the result of Sun in Leo and Mercury retrograde. Don’t be pressurized to do things that you don’t want to; a gentle refusal will do the trick. Libra September 23-October 22 Confusing and bewildering week, when you are unable to

distinguish between friends and foes. Midweek you may step on someone’s toes, unintentionally may be. As Mercury turns retrograde, you will be sucked into team work .and interaction. Romantic weekend awaits. Scorpio October 23-November 21 The lunar eclipse this week will signal closure of a project, may be at home or work. Balance between work and home demands otherwise you will get behind your professional duties. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Planetary configuration casts shadows of insecurity and confusion and Mercury retrograde the news you expected, does not arrive. The lunar eclipse on Friday will be a game changer and some exciting and expansive phase begins to emerge. Capricorn December 22-January 19 You are lost in the maze and foggy astro-scope Capricorn and don’t know which way to turn. Wait patiently till Friday’s lunar eclipse when the cloud disappears and the things become clear. Aquarius January 20-February 18 Relationships are under the scanner this week, tread carefully and be ready to comply and retreat. The lunar eclipse on Friday opens the pandora’s box of opportunities in career and finances. Pisces February 19-March 20 The cosmic opposition of Uranus and Sun is out to stall your communications and exert pressure to accept what others want. The love goddess Venus, though is on your side and you will notice a significant improvement in your close relationships.

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


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NAAN making Machinery For Sale. Brand new NAAN making Machinery available for sale in Wolverhampton, Consists of CORNER BUILT OVEN, PROVER, COOLER and PRESS.

Contact: S. Bhogal 07971 730 641

101calls to police will be free from April 2020. The Home Office has announced that it will scrap the 15p charge . Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the move would benefit "millions of people every year". Victims Commissioner in England and Wales Baroness Newlove - who previously criticised the charge - called it a "step in the right direction". The 101 number was introduced in December 2011 to free-up calls to 999. It is for reporting non-emergency incidents such as criminal damage, anti-social behaviour or stolen vehicles. Baroness Newlove - who is

responsible for promoting the interests of victims and witnesses - said she was "pleased" the Home Office had "listened and taken action". "I also want police and the Home Office to consider how to improve the speed and quality of responses so that the public have full confidence in this important frontline service," she added. Vodafone will scrap the charge from the end of this month for its pay-as-you-go customers. The Home Office is also funding the creation of a new website where the public will be able to contact the police and report crimes.

Indian Business Delegation Visits UK to Boost Ties A Multi-product business delegation from India representing a wide cross-section of business sectors visited the United Kingdom from May 20-24 th , 2019. The Consulate General of India in Birmingham facilitated three major events at Manchester and Birmingham on this occasion. From the Indian side, the visit was organised by the Federation of Indian Export Organisations

(FIEO), which is the apex export promotion organisation of India, jointly established by the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India and private trade and industry. The 15 member Indian delegation led by Mr. Manish Sharma – Deputy Director, FIEO and comprising of 11 Indian companies in various sectors ranging from pharmaceuticals, electric bicycles, automotive &

machinery parts, rubber & wood products, product for petrochemical, oil, gas, nuclear industries, food products and home decor, visited London, Manchester and Birmingham during their stay in the United Kingdom. The objective of the delegation was to meet potential buyers, distributors, participate in site visits and build mutually beneficial, profitable business relations. The

delegation sought to engage local companies in B2B and B2G meetings to explore opportunities of investment and joint ventures and also worked towards identifying partners to expand business operations. It may be mentioned that FIEO has been serving as a platform for promoting Indian trade with the world and has been serving as a platform of interaction between

exporters and policy makers. During their visit to the North of the UK, the delegation visited Manchester on 22nd May 2019, where the Consulate General of India, Birmingham supported by the Yorkshire Asian Business Association (YABA), organised a round of B2B meetings for which nearly 20 local business houses in and around Manchester expressed interest.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


UK media gives qualified thumbs-up to PM Narendra Modi's resounding win London Prime Minister Narendra Modi's landmark win made front page news in the British media on F r i d a y, w i t h e x t e n d e d coverage in inside pages, but qualified it with editorials that highlighted populism and his alleged divisive appeal. The Financial Times used a photo of PM Modi and BJP president Amit Shah on the front page with the words 'Winning hand: Modi landslide clears way for BJP's New India reform drive'. Inside, its main editorial was titled: 'Modi should opt for reform, not division'. The Times reported over two pages with a large photo of BJP supporters celebrating, with the headline: 'Modi defies doubters with landslide vistory', while The Daily Te l e g r a p h u s e d t w o photographs with the

headline: 'Modi sweeps back to power in landslide for populism'. The Guardian has a mention on its front page with the headline: 'Modi scores huge victory in Indian election', and two pages inside on the

results that included a focus on the dwindling fortunes of the Congress and the Nehru-Gandhi family. However, its second editorial has the headline: 'Modi wins the struggle for his nation's soul, but

poses a threat to its democracy'. The same editorial has a different headline online: 'The Guardian view on Narendra Modi's landslide: bad for India.' Such editorial comments raised hackles

among many in the Indian community. Industrialist Swaraj Paul said: "There is no danger to democracy as the western media keeps saying; instead, democracy has been strengthened over the last 70 years. The media should look at how India has changed considerably, and faster than what people give it credit for". "Indira Gandhi was similarly criticised by the western media, but look what a great prime minister she turned out to be. Similar is the case with Modi. The western media should move on from earlier notions about India." "The media here should see that Modi has been a leader for all Indians, whatever their religion. He is seen by other countries as a world statesman, and has given India back its self-respect.

He has restored India's standing in the eyes of the world," Paul added. Madhukar Ambekar, a retired doctor, said the British media often goes wrong on facts about India, adding that the latest comment about Modi did not surprise him. Several attempts to correct the facts by writing to news organisations since the 1980s have gone unacknowledged, he regretted. Kuldip Shekhawat, president of the Overseas F r i e n d s o f B J P, s a i d letters of protest against the language used in reports and editorials on the election results in the British media were in the process of being sent to news organisations. BBC and other television channels covered the election closely and prominently over the past few weeks.

department documents that he had helped Chelsea Manning, a US army intelligence analyst, download after hacking into the Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNet), a United States government network used for classified documents and communications. The charge of violating the Espionage Act was also considered by the Obama administration, which ultimately decided against it. Trump administration's use of the act against Assange has raised questions about implications for press freedom as he has often described himself as a journalist with the same rights as others to publish classified government

material. The US justice department has disputed Assange is a journalist. "Julian Assange is no journalist," Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C Demers said to reporters announcing the indictments. But Bruce Brown, executive director Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said in a statement, "Any government use of the Espionage Act to criminalize the receipt and publication of classified information poses a dire threat to journalists seeking to publish such information in the public interest, irrespective of the Justice Department's assertion that Assange is not a journalist."

United States charges Julian Assange with spying Washington The United States on Thursday announced the indictment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on multiple counts of violation of the country's Espionage Act, that raised questions about implications for the freedom of press guaranteed by the American constitution's First Amendment. He was charged with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act and one of computer intrusions. The maximum punishment for espionage is 10 years for each count, and 5 years for computer intrusion. The charges supersede an earlier indictment obtained by the US attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia in April charging Assange with computer hacking, which formed the basis for an extradition request from the US that led to his arrest in the United Kingdom, soon after he left the Ecuadorean embassy where he had taken shelter for seven years. The new indictments refer to the 2010 release of thousands of classified US military and state

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019

Navjot Kaur takes on Captain Amarinder Singh, says husband narrowed Bathinda vote gap Reacting to chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh’s charge that local bodies minister Navjot Singh Sidhu’s performance was not up to the mark, his wife Navjot Kaur on Friday said that there were facts and figures to prove the CM wrong. On Capt’s remark that Sidhu’s statements in Bathinda left a negative impact on the party’s performance, she said, “Had Sidhu Sahib not gone there, the Congress would have lost the seat by over one lakh votes. His campaign worked and reduced the margin to around 20,000. Congress high command came to know that party’s position is weak there, so it deputed Sidhu in the constituency.” She made it clear that her husband did not make comment against anyone at

the Bathinda rally and he only spoke against those indulging in anti-party activities. “Sidhu is doing what the


party high command is asking him to do. He will never cooperate with those indulging in anti-party activities,” she said.

Indians lucky to have Narendra Modi, says Donald Trump Washington US president Donald Trump said Friday the people of India "are lucky to have" Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom he went on to describe as a "great man and leader". Trump wrote on Twitter, "Just

spoke to Prime Minister @NarendraModi where I congratulated him on his big political victory. He is a great man and leader for the people of India - they are lucky to have him!". Just few minutes before, he told reporters of the phone call. And said, "I just conveyed congratulations on behalf of our country, myself and everybody. He had a great election … when he's a … ("friend", pool transcript of the remarks not clear) of mine,

we have a good relationship with India." On Thursday, the US president had joined other world leaders to congratulate the Indian leader, with a post on Twitter. Vice-President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the president's daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump followed with their own congratulatory tweets.

The state department issued a statement subsequently. "India's elections are the largest exercise in democracy in human history and serve as an inspiration to democracies and individuals around the world," spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said. She added: "The United States and India enjoy a strong strategic partnership that stands on a foundation of shared values,

extensive people-to-people ties, and a commitment to a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. We look forward to working with the newly-elected government on a range of important issues, including expanding economic and energy ties, enhancing defense and security cooperation, countering the threat of terrorism, and enhanced collaboration in space." Saying that Sidhu had not been able to handle his department, Capt on Thursday stated that the Congress in Punjab performed poorly in urban areas and Sidhu was urban development minister. Also, the CM had stated that he will take up with the party high command Sidhu's outbursts which damaged the party in this election. Interacting with select mediapersons, Navjot Kaur said, "Punjab local bodies department has facts and figures to prove its performance."

New website will highlight support for victims of hate crime studies and useful videos, information about local support campaigns from Victim Support, the Safer Travel Partnership and Zebra Access, and details of West Midlands Police's forthcoming Hate Crime Surgeries taking place at the Citizens Advice Bureau, the University of Wolverhampton, Holy Trinity Church, Gloucester Street Church and Jamia Masjid Al-Aqsa. There are also resources including social media materials to help individuals and organisations raise awareness of hate crime, It also features case along with information for

A new website has been launched highlighting the help and support available to victims of hate crime in Wolverhampton. The website - includes details of how people should report instances of hate crime, including to the police, the website True Vision and a number of Third Party reporting centres in Wolverhampton, as well as details of organisations which offer support and advice to victims and witnesses in the city.

frontline professionals. Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property which is motivated by hatred because of an individual's race, colour, ethnic origin or nationality, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. It can take many forms, from physical attacks such as an assault, damage to property or arson, to verbal abuse or insults. It also includes sending offensive letters, emails, tweets or texts, or making malicious complaints or abusive or obscene phone calls.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019

Morgan satisfied with team’s preparation as they take time off before first match


OIN Morgan is confident England are ready to raise the curtain on the cricket World Cup after positive news on and off the pitch.


England beat Afghanistan convincingly during a warmup game on Monday.



Morgan was a bystander as the tournament hosts cantered to victory in their final warm-up outing at the Oval on Monday, bowling Afghanistan out for 160 then knocking off the runs in less than 18 overs. The Dubliner was officially part of the winning team after recovering from a dislocated finger but he opted against fielding and was not required with the bat as Jason Roy’s bruising 89 not out saw the side home for the loss of one wicket. Factor in an all- clear for paceman Mark Wood, who has been passed fit following a scare over his troublesome left ankle, and preparations are looking bright. “We have felt ready the last week or so, even if we didn’t — EOIN MORGAN, play these warm-up games,” he said. ENGLAND CAPTAIN “As a whole I was very happy with the preparation. When than any other day and I will you play as convincingly as be encouraging guys to that it builds confidence in embrace it.” the hard work you’ve done As for the good news on both in training and in the both his and Wood’s fitness, game and the other side of it Morgan added: “It’s the best is that it gives us the afterpossible news with both of noon and evening to switch them. With Woody being a off - not playing another close fast bowler it’s inevitable we game against a strong side. would have injuries but to “Everyone is going to come back with the feel that anticipation scan as clear as it and excitement of Hosts could be is great, playing the first so we are all open their game and it will ready.” campaign against be different —Daily Mail

When you play as convincingly as that it builds confidence in the hard work you’ve done overall.

Proteas on Thursday

Novak Djokovic in action at Roland Garros.

Playing like champions D EFENDING champion Rafael Nadal got his bid for a recordextending 12th French Open title off to the perfect start by brushing aside German qualifier Yannick Hanfmann, while world number one Novak Djokovic was also a comfortable victor in the first round on Monday.

Nadal, a 17-time Grand Slam champion, cruised to a 6-2 6-1 63 victory on the rebuilt Court Philippe Chatrier to set up a clash with another German qualifier – world number 114 Yannick Maden – in round two. Nadal had suffered three consecutive semi-final defeats earlier in the clay-court season, but appeared to find his best in an Italian Open title success sealed with victory over old rival Djokovic, while his French Open win-loss record now reads 87-2. Djokovic laid down an early

Nadal and Djokovic cruise through to 2nd round, Wozniacki out

marker in his bid to hold all four Grand Slam titles simultaneously for the second time, powering past Polish youngster Hubert Hurkacz. The 15-time major champion impressed in a 6-4 6-2 6-2 triumph and will face Swiss lucky loser Henri Laaksonen in round two. Earlier on Monday, former world number one Caroline Wozniacki collapsed to a 0-6 6-3 6-3 loss to Russian world number 68 Veronika Kudermetova in the first round. The Danish 13th seed had

retired injured from her two previous matches in the lead-up to Roland Garros, and fell away badly after a strong first set. Sixth seed and two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova was forced to pull out before her scheduled opener against Sorana Cirstea with a left arm injury, but said she should be fit for Wimbledon, which starts on July 1. Dutch fourth seed Kiki Bertens looked in fine fettle, though, beating home player Pauline Parmentier 6-3 6-4. —AFP

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Vol: 15,

Issue 715

30th May to 5th June, 2019


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