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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019

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21th March to 27th March, 2019


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Vol: 15,

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Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù HA

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


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Vol: 15,


Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019



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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


Pakistan owes $10 bn debt to China for Gwadar port, other projects: Top US general Washington: Pakistan owes its “all weather friend” China at least USD 10 billion debt for the construction of the Gwadar port and other projects, the top US general has said, as he underlined Beijing’s “predatory economics” to expand its global influence. The strategic Gwadar Port in Balochistan province on the Arabian Sea is being built by China under the multi-billion ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and is considered to be a link between Beijing’s ambitious One Belt, One Road (OBOR) and Maritime Silk Road projects. “Let us look at just a few examples. Saddled with predatory Chinese loans, Sri Lanka granted China a 99-year lease and 70 per cent stake in its deep-water port,” General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday. The Maldives owes China roughly USD 1.5 billion in debt about 30 per cent of its GDP - for

construction costs, he said. “Pakistan owes China at least USD 10 billion in debt for the construction of Gwadar Port and other projects,” Dunford said. “China is diligently building an international network of coercion through predatory economics to expand its sphere of influence,” he said, adding that nations around the globe are discovering the hard way that China’s economic “friendship” via OBOR can come at “a steep cost” when promises

Washington: The Trump administration is now focused on pressing Pakistan to take “sustained and irreversible” actions against terrorist groups operating from its soil, a senior American diplomat has said. Recently, tensions between India and Pakistan escalated after a suicide bomber of Pakistanbased terror group Jaish-eMohammed killed 40 CRPF personnel in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district in February 14. A senior State Department official said Friday that the US stood “publicly and resolutely” with India in its response to the attack. “Now we are focused on pressing Pakistan to take sustained, irreversible action on terrorist groups operating on its soil, and we are working with others in the international community to achieve this goal,” the official said. “The United States stood publicly and resolutely with India in its response to the attack, as you saw in our statements, while joining the international community in encouraging both sides to avoid military escalation, de-escalate

tensions and communicate directly,” he said. In the aftermath of the Pulwama attack, the United States has not only supported India’s right to selfdefence, but also has been building sustained pressure on Pakistan to take action against terrorist groups. Earlier in the day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News that Pakistan has to stop harbouring terrorists. “We saw what happened with India, the conflict that arose there as a result of terrorists that departed from Pakistan. We need Pakistanis to step up. They need to stop harbouring terrorists,” he said. Pompeo had played a key role in de-escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan after Indian jets carried out air strikes at terrorist training camps of JeM in Balakot. Senior officials who are part of the de-escalation efforts in South Asia believe that this is only possible as long as there is no terrorist attack inside India coming from Pakistan. The recent talks between India and Pakistan on Kartarpur corridor

of investment go unfulfilled and international standards and safeguards are ignored. In Africa, Djibouti owes China over 80 per cent of its GDP and in 2017, the country became host to China’s first overseas military base. In Latin America, Ecuador agreed to sell 80 to 90 per cent of its exportable crude oil to China through 2024 in exchange for USD 6.5 billion in Chinese loans, he said. And after leasing land tax-free to China for 50 years, Argentina is

denied access and oversight to a Chinese satellite tracking station on its sovereign territory, unwittingly allowing the facility’s use for military purposes, the US general said. Dunford warned that if China’s predatory debt tactics is left unaddressed, it will have serious implications on the US’s military. Alleging that China is extending its reach by increasing its overt military and coercive activities through its neighbours, Dunford said China’s increasingly provocative behaviour in the IndoPacific, particularly the South China Sea (SCS), should concern all. Between 2013 and 2018, China increased its air and sea incursions into the SCS twelvefold. Within those five years, it also increased deployments of offensive and defensive weapons systems to the SCS by the same order of magnitude, he said. China’s land reclamation and militarisation far exceed that of

other claimants combined in the South China Sea, he said. Between 2013 and 2015 alone, China created more than 3,200 acres in the SCS, building features within its self-proclaimed ‘nine dash line’ - a claim the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in 2016 has no legal basis, Dunford told the lawmakers. Dunford also accused China of interfering in the freedom of navigation. “China habitually threatens this freedom, using both conventional military force projection and ‘gray zone’ or irregular warfare activities,” he said. Citing an example, he said Chinese military vessels came dangerously close to the USS Decatur, a destroyer of the US Navy, off the coast of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. “China’s force projection inside and outside the SCS disrespects and undermines our rules-based international order and threatens regional stability and security,” Dunford said.

is considered as a positive development in the US. The US officials believe that both Islamabad and New Delhi have shown seriousness in de-escalating the tensions. At the same time, they believe that the onus for this largely lies on Pakistan. If Pakistan continues with its age-old policy of supporting terrorist groups, the Trump administration may look into other options which could range from selective visa ban, revoking its non-NATO ally status and even cutting civilian aid to Pakistan. Since January 2018, US President Donald Trump has stopped all security assistance to Pakistan. It is understood that the focus for the Trump administration is not on any punitive action against Pakistan, but to convince its leadership including Prime Minister Imran Khan and Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa that it is in their interest to take sustained and irreversible actions against terrorist groups, the official said. The focus right now is to convince Pakistan that it is not in its interest to be isolated from the international community and it is in its interest to

maintaining stable relationship with India, he said. Post Balakot, Pakistan has been told time and again that the reason that the situation is fragile in South Asia because of cross border terrorism, he said. In the wake of the Pulwama terror attack, India launched a

major diplomatic offensive against Pakistan, holding briefing for envoys of 25 countries, including those from the five permanent UNSC members — the US, China, Russia, the UK and France — to highlight Islamabad’s role in using terrorism as an instrument of state policy.

‘Sustained, irreversible actions against terror’: US sets goal for Pakistan

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Vol: 15,


Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


PM burnishes leadership after Christchurch attack Terrorist’s family is ‘shattered’

Ardern proves it takes strength to be a leader ‘for the people’ THE calm and compassion shown by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in response to the killing of 50 Muslims by a suspected white supremacist has burnished the credentials of a leader whose youth and celebrity had given critics doubts. In the hours after the carnage in Christchurch on Friday left New Zealanders reeling, the 38-year-old Ardern struck all the right notes. She promptly labelled the worst peacetime mass killing in New Zealand as terrorism and set about reassuring a nation that has been largely unscathed by the violence and fears that have afflicted other countries in the past two decades. A day after the attack, Ardern led a multi-party group to visit grieving families and Muslim community members. Wearing a black head scarf, she hugged relatives and let them set the pace and agenda as she listened and offered comfort. “The prime minister, when she came wearing her scarf, that was big for us”, said Dalia Mohamed, who was mourning Hussein Mustafa, the father-in-law of her daughter and a volunteer at the Al Noor mosque where more than 40 people died. Ardern also promptly made tightening gun laws, which may prove politically difficult, a priority for her government. “Ardern's performance has been extraordinary and I believe she will be strongly lauded for it both domestically and internationally,” said political commentator Bryce Edwards of Victoria University in Wellington. Ardern burst into prominence during New Zealand's 2017 election, feted globally as part of a new wave of progressive, young leaders that included France’s Emmanuel Macron and Canada’s Justin Trudeau. Ardern's pregnancy, maternity leave and the birth of her daughter while in office also set her apart, with many people seeing it as symbolising progress for women in leadership roles. Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto in 1990, is the only other government leader to have given birth in office.

A police officer stands guard in front of the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Sunday. (Inset) New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern.

New Zealand police closed Dunedin airport late Sunday after a suspicious device was reported on the airfield. Dunedin Airport is currently closed a statement said. Police are at the scene and specialist teams have been deployed to determine

the nature of the package. An Air New Zealand staff member on the scene, who was not authorised to speak to the press, told AFP the terminal building had not been evacuated. Only a handful of flights were due to arrive at the airport in the southeastern city, as the scare came in the late evening.

school teachers, nurses and bus Appearing on U.S. talk shows drivers demanding wage hikes, and taking her infant daughter with no solution in sight. onto the floor of the UN last year boosted her popularity. Ardern’s But the tragedy of Christchurch stratospheric rise to become the gave Ardern an opportunity to country's youngest prime ministell New Zealanders what their ter and third woman to hold the country stands for, to dismiss any office resulted in New Zealanders sense of self-doubt. She said the coining the phrase Jacindaattack had not happened mania. because their country was a safe harbour for hate, or racism or But there were nagging extremism. “We were chodoubts about whether her sen for the very fact that celebrity masked a lack Ardern we are none of those of substance or steel. burst into things,” she said in a Her government has prominence during national address. also faced massive New Zealand’s strikes by primary Reuters

2017 election


Pakistan to honour courage of citizen killed in shooting down as he approaches the A PAKISTANI victim of the shooter, while others flee. Christchurch attack who The man is believed to be apparently tried to tackle Naeem Rashid, although the gunman before being his face is blurred in the shot dead will be awarded footage and he has yet posthumously in his to be formally home country for identified. his courage, “Pakistan is proud Prime Minister of Mian Naeem Imran Khan said Rashid who was Sunday. martyred trying to Khan spoke as tackle the White the Pakistani Supremacist foreign office terrorist and his confirmed that Imran Khan courage will be nine of its citizens recognised with a had been killed in national award,” Khan the mass shootings at two tweeted on Sunday. mosques in the New Pakistan has several Zealand city which awards to recognise claimed the lives of 50 civilian bravery, and Khan people Friday, including did not specify which one many who had emigrated would be awarded to from around the world. Rashid, whose son also died Video of the massacre in the massacre. shows one man gunned AFP

Fly tipper loses Mercedes to city council after caught dumping rubbish on CCTV City of Wolverhampton Council has become the first Black Country Authority to obtain legal rights to a vehicle following the owner fly tipping on city streets. Florin Stanescu, who lives in Wolverhampton, faces a legal bill of almost two thousand pounds after caught on CCTV dumping a large amount of household waste, at Haggar Street in Blakenhall. Walsall Magistrates Court ordered Mr Stanescu to pay £1802.24 and made a Forfeiture Order to transfer the rights of the vehicle to the City Council. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “This the first time a Black Country Authority has used its powers to apply for a Forfeiture Order to

THE family of the Australian man arrested for the slaughter of 50 Muslim worshippers in New Zealand said Sunday they were stunned and shattered by his horrific deed. “We're all gob-smacked, we don't know what to think,” Brenton Tarrant's grandmother, Marie Fitzgerald, told Australia's Channel Nine network. “It's just so much... to take in that somebody in our family could do anything like this,” Fitzgerald said from her home in New South Wales state. “It’s only since he travelled overseas I think that the boy has changed,” completely, she said, adding that as a teen, Tarrant was interested mainly in computer games. Tarrant’s uncle said they learned of his role in the massacre from the news. “First up I said, No it couldn’t be, but then I saw his photo,” he said. Now everybody’s just devastated... shattered.”

transfer the rights of the vehicle to the City Council following this criminal behaviour. “I’m pleased we have the support from the court to help us clamp down on fly tippers and the offender has received a substantial fine for his selfish acts. “Mr Stanecus has been clearly captured on CCTV dumping waste at one of our residential streets. “He chose to drive to this particular spot to illegally dump his rubbish instead of going to the tip – there is no excuse for this behaviour, it is not acceptable, and we are not going to tolerate it. “I would like to thank the Environmental Crime team for their continued efforts to clamp down on fly tippers and help keep the City of Wolverhampton a clean place to live, work and visit.”

Virendra Sharma's shock at Southall Broadway attack "I am still in shock at the news from Southall Broadway. I have been briefed by the Police and we are all awaiting further news and information. At this point the Police do not believe the attack to have been a hate crime. I call on all parents and members of our community to remain vigilant to signs that children or family members are carrying knives. I would urge anyone with a knife to use the 'Knife bins' installed around Ealing to safely dispose of them. Locally they are available at; Estate Services office (Fleming Rd) - Dormers Wells Ward, Dominion Centre, The Green, Southall Southall Green Ward, and Windmill Park Community Centre, Tulip Close - Norwood Green Ward"

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019 PHOTO FOR REPRESENTATION

Gunmen kill 16 soldiers in Mali

Taliban posted pics on Twitter of a line-up of dozens of men

GUNMEN attacked and briefly seized a Malian army base overnight, killing at least 16 soldiers and destroying five vehicles in central Mali's Mopti region, two local councillors in the area where the attack happened said on Sunday. The base is in the village of Dioura, the mayor of the nearest town Kareri, Youssouf Coulibaly, told Reuters by telephone from inside it. Central Mali has in the past few years been overrun by jihadists with links to al Qaeda. “I'm currently inside the base and there were

AT LEAST 50 members of the Afghan security forces have surrendered to the Taliban in a fight for control of Afghanistan’s western province of Badghis, local officials said. Some 100 Afghan personnel who are part of the interior ministry's border police attempted to flee their posts into neighboring Turkmenistan on Saturday, but they were prevented from entering that country, Badghis provincial council chairman Abdul Aziz Bik said on Sunday. “About 50 Afghan border police surrendered, while the remaining 50 continued fighting in the district of Bala Murghab,” he said. Bala Murghab is the province's most populous district. “These soldiers have been fighting against the Taliban for years and if they give up, they will be killed by Tal-

The militant group conducts frequent attacks on Afghan security posts.

Taliban captures 50 border police iban,” Bik said. “The district was at risk of falling to the Taliban unless Afghan forces receive air and ground reinforcements”, Badghis provincial council member Abdullah Afzali said on Saturday. P rovincial councils are elected bodies that sometimes have closer connections to local residents than government officials have. The Taliban said 90 border police had surrendered to the militant group. It posted photos on Twitter of a line-up of dozens


The Taliban killed 20 Afghan of men who the Taliban said soldiers and captured 20 less were captured border police'' than a week ago. The Taliban and it added that it had killed controls or contests nearly half many others.It was not clear of Afghanistan'' the most since how many Afghan and Taliban U.S.-led forces ousted it from forces have been killed or power in 2001, according to the wounded in the battle for the U.S. Special Inspector General district. for Afghanistan ReconstrucJamshid Shahabi, a tion. spokesman for Badghis' goverThe militant group connor, said the Taliban had inflated its estimate ducts frequent of captured attacks on Afghan The forces.Fighting in security posts. remaining the Bala Murghab Afghanistan's district has 50 continued annual increase intensified in in violence typifighting recent months. cally happens in

Mali Army spokesman Colonel Diarran Kone confirmed the attack.

spring. Taliban and U.S. officials finished the latest round of peace talks on Tuesday, with both sides citing progress. A spokesman for Afghanistan’s ministry of defence could not be reached. The Taliban, ousted in 2001, say they are fighting to expel foreign troops, topple the Western-backed Afghan government and restore its version of Islamic law. Some 17,000 foreign troops are based in Afghanistan as part of a U.S.-led NATO mission to train, assist and advise Afghan forces. Reuters

many deaths here. We've counted 16 so far,” he said. Army spokesman Colonel Diarran Kone confirmed the attack but gave no further details. Violence by jihadist groups has worsened almost every year since it first exploded in Mali in 2012, when Islamists and allied Tuareg rebels took over the north and advanced towards the capital Bamako, until a Frenchled inter vention pushed them back the following year. Groups linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State used central and northern Mali as a launch pad for growing numbers of attacks across the Sahel region, especially on neighbours Niger and Burkina Faso, despite the presence of 4,500 French troops. Reuters

May pleads with MPs to act like ‘patriots’

British Prime Minister Theresa May.

THERESA May today begged MPs to act like ‘patriots’ and vote for her Brexit deal at its third showing next week - as it emerged the EU is ‘wargaming’ for the fall of her government. The Prime Minister said it would be a ‘potent symbol of Parliament's collective political failure’ if a delay to Brexit meant the UK was forced to take part in May's European elections almost three years after voting to leave. She warned that if MPs did not back her deal before Thursday's European Council summit ‘we will not leave the EU for many months, if ever’. May acknowledged that even if her deal is passed before the summit of EU leaders the Government would need a ‘short technical extension' beyond the scheduled March 29 Brexit date. “That is not an ideal outcome - we could and should have been leaving the EU on March 29,” she wrote in the Sunday Telegraph. “But it is something the British people would accept if it led swiftly to delivering Brexit. The alternative if

Parliament cannot agree the deal by that time is much worse.” May said her fellow leaders would demand a ‘clear purpose’ for a longer extension that was not merely a technical delay to allow legislation to pass. This could lead to Britain taking part in the EU elections, an idea that ‘didn't bear thinking about’. Her call to arms came as leaked documents revealed moves in Brussels to prepare for the collapse of May's government should her vote fail.

‘We will not leave the EU for many months’ In a briefing note, the EU commission secretary general Martin Selmayr said: “Imagine they have a new Brexit secretary or prime minister what then? Article 50 has been agreed and the process has ended. It must be clear that the starting point is not a renegotiation of the withdrawal agreement.” Selmayr's repu-

tation as a master of strategy and brutal behind-the-scenes negotiator has gained him the nickname of ‘The Monster’. His comments reflect the fear that hardline Brexiteers could topple May and replace her with a Prime Minister who would push for a harder split with the EU. Meanwhile, Downing Street told the Mail the failure of her Brexit deal would leave the UK stuck in the Brussels version of a ‘Hotel California’ unable ever to leave the EU. The PM has been advised that, if her troubled agreement is rejected again forcing her to apply to the EU for a long extension to Article 50 – then the Commons would have the power to delay Brexit indefinitely. The officials warned May that, because a delay which runs beyond June would oblige the UK to participate in this year’s European parliamentary elections, ‘there is effectively no limit to the number of extensions of Article 50 the UK can ask for or be required to ask for by Parliament’. Daily Mail

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Vol: 15,


Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama

Aries March 21-April 19 Try to control your financial outgoings, balance your accounts and explore resources to enhance your income. Avoid to take additional work responsibilities in already hectic schedule. Taurus April 20-May 20 Open and sincere communications will resolve many a problems. Don't be misled by false promises but try to assess the situation yourself. Gemini May 21-June 21 The Full Moon on the 14th will start events that could change your life for the better. A new job, change of life style and new social environment will boost your security. Cancer June 22-July 22 Control your temper but exert diplomacy to win over a provocative individual. It is time to tackle the troubling issues at work or sort out your tangled finances. Expansion plans must be put on hold till end of the month. Leo. July 23-August 22 The Full Moon on the 14th empowers you to tackle relationships that have been an issue for some time. It is a make or break situation in one close relation. Virgo August 23-September 22 Support from family and friends will encourage you to implement your plans to further your career. Joint ventures, group activities and networking will boost your finances. Libra September 23-October 22 Delays and limitations and constraints on financial dealings frustrate you this week. It is time to come out of your hibernation and let the world know your talents and skills.

Focus on your home, security and children's affairs. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Get your facts right before you conform someone. Limitations and delays frustrate you but remember that once Mercury goes direct at end of February, your career, money and status will outshine. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Social invitations, phone calls and e-mails keep you busy all week. A friend from the past appears at the weekend and you have a lot to catch up. Your travel zone is activated by the Full Moon on the 15th and you may jet off soon. Capricorn December 22-January 19 The love planet Venus traverses you zodiac now and with Valentine's Day round the corner, love and romance are boons this week. Get out and about to promote your career and boost your income. Aquarius January 20-February 18 A hectic week at work place, too many loose ends and domestic obligations keep you on your toes. Communications are vital but watch what you say or write; you may offend someone. Pisces February 19-March 20 With the Mercury moving backwards, events are confusing leaving you uncertain. You feel tired and exhausted and to recoup your energy, look within and meditate.

Matrimonial Advert STOP AND READ take note and think about what is written here, it is a genuine request. I am sure that you as a man, have tried Internet dating like most men in your age group mid 30s – 40s . I am equally certain that you feel online dating is somewhat hit and miss at times, hence the reason that you are continuing to read this. I am a personal matchmaker for this extraordinarily interesting, professional, intelligent, balanced and wonderfully spontaneous attractive young woman in her thirties, who grabs life with both hands, has a great sense of fun and simply wants to cherish and love a man with whom she can share the same values through life’s journey. Tall, with dark hair from a Punjabi background, UK born and from a happy united family, my client ‘would like to meet a man possibly from a similar background Sikh and is seeking my help. Do you fit this wish list so far? Are you professional, open minded, in your 30s or 40s and do you want to settle down with a life partner ? Possibly you are not that person, but you know someone who is, so do please call me or tell your friend to call me in confidence. It is one call that could well change your life or someone you have passed this information on to.


US woman beats odds of one in 4.7 billion, gives birth to 6 babies in 9 min

Put your little grey cells to the test at Mayor’s charity quiz The Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Phil Page is inviting brainboxes to join him for a charity quiz night next month. The general knowledge quiz is back by popular demand and will be held in the City Suite at the Civic Centre from 7pm on Thursday 4 April, 2019. All proceeds will go to the Mayor’s chosen charities, Wolverhampton MS Therapy Centre, Kingswood Trust, Good Shepherd in Need and Inspire You, with the winning team also receiving £200 for their chosen

charity. Mayor Councillor Page said: “The quiz is open to everyone and I would love to see as many teams as possible join me for what promises to be another funfilled evening. “The charity quiz is always one of the highlights of the Mayoral year and, as well as having a good time, we hope to raise hundreds of pounds for good causes.” Places are now available for teams of up to five people. Tickets are £50 per team, which includes a delicious portion of chicken

goujons and chips per person. A vegetarian option is also available. Guests can bring their own drinks, or buy them on the night. There will also be a raffle, with some fantastic prizes up for grabs. The charity quiz night is always a very popular event and places are likely to go quickly so must be reserved in advance. Please call the Mayor’s office on 01902 554090 or more information and to reserve a table.

Houston: A Houston woman beat the odds of one in 4.7 billion after giving birth to sextuplets at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas in the United States. According to the hospital, the woman delivered two sets of twin boys and one set of twin girls between 4:50 am and 4:59 am local time Friday. The mother, Thelma Chiaka, is doing well. The babies were born at

weights ranging from 1 pound and 12 ounces to 2 pounds and 14 ounces. They are stable and will continue to receive care at the hospital’s advanced neonatal intensive care unit, according to the hospital statement. Thelma named her daughters Zina and Zuriel. She was still working on names for the four boys. The odds of having sextuplets are estimated at one in 4.7 billion.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


New UK visa plan to attract Indian, non-EU students Increasing the post-study work period and making it easier for Indian and non-EU students to find work, are among the new plans unveiled by the Theresa May government on Saturday to drive education-related growth after Brexit from £20 billion to £35 billion per year by 2030. The plans included in the International Education Strategy, however, do not go so far as to accept the sector’s demand to revive the two-year post-study work visa that was popular with selffinancing Indian students, but was closed in 2012. The visa’s closure has since led to a major drop in

the number of Indian students coming to the UK, though new figures have shown a small rise. The plans are part of the UK’s efforts to retain its position in the increasingly competitive global education market. The current post-study work period of four months allowed to post-graduate students on one-year Masters courses is to be extended to six months, while the existing one-year period for PhD-level students to find work after course completion will remain the same. Currently, students must find a job with a salary of at least £20,800 with an

employer with a Tier-2 sponsor licence within four months of completing their course, which most Masters students find difficult to obtain; PhD students get a year to find work related to their area of study. “The government will strengthen the UK’s visa offer for international higher education students by increasing the post-study leave period and making it easier for students to move into skilled work after graduation”, the strategy paper says. “We will also make it easier for international higher education students to move

into skilled work in the UK should they wish to do so, by allowing them to apply for a skilled work visa 3 months before their course ends, or to switch into skilled work from their home country for 2 years after graduation”, it adds. The strategy identifies

four high-value regions for growth in the post-Brexit scenario: China and Hong Kong, the ASEAN region, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa. India is included among ‘potential growth regions’. “There is a long and important history of Indian

students coming to study in UK universities and we intend to drive further growth through a number of the actions set out in this strategy. This is alongside growing opportunities for more university partnerships,” the paper says. On increasing the poststudy work period to six months, it adds: “This complements our efforts to identify where we can improve the visa process, tackle myths and misconceptions around the student offer and make existing and prospective students feel more welcome”. Education secretary Damian Hinds said: “As we prepare to leave the EU it is more important than ever to reach out to our global partners and maximise the potential of our best assets that includes our education offer and the international students this attracts”. Vivienne Stern, director of Universities UK International, said: “We know that our Indian students are ambitious and passionate about their chosen career paths, and we welcome the focus on employability in the international education strategy”. “We hope that the proposals in the international education strategy will help us build on this and to offer an increasing number of students from around the world the opportunity to study at our universities.” The strategy paper was published two days after chancellor Philip Hammond announced that the annual recruitment cap of 20,700 for non-EU professionals will be revised to remove PhD-level occupations, which means there will be no limit to such individuals being recruited. Indian experts and professionals are already granted 54 per cent of all work-related visas issued by the UK.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


Character Education Places of worship to get multi-million pound funding Character Education is an umbrella term loosely used to describe the teaching of children in a manner that will boost to guard against hate crime attacks help them develop variously as moral ,civic ,good, The Home Secretary has boosted funding for next year's Places of Worship Protective Security to £1.6m to reassure communities and safeguard mosques and other places of worship. This is double the amount awarded last year. In addition a new £5m fund will be opened to provide security training. The funding boost comes after the terror attack in Christchurch claimed the lives of 50 people and injured 40 more. Following the incident, police presence was stepped up at mosques across the UK to reassure communities fearful of similar attacks. The Places of Worship Fund, established in 2016 as part of the Government's Hate Crime Action Plan, provides financial support for physical protective security such as fencing, lighting and CCTV. Government

previously committed funding of £2.4m over three years. So far, more than a third of grants under the Places of Worship Protective Funding scheme have been awarded to mosques. The Home Secretary Sajid Javid said: "The horrific events in New Zealand are a direct attack on the values of tolerance and freedom of worship that unite us all. "Nobody should ever fear persecution of their faith and it's vital we stand together to reject those who seek to spread hatred and divide us. "I know many Muslim communities are feeling vulnerable and anxious. But they should seek comfort from knowing we are doing everything to tackle hate and extremism. "That's why we are doubling next year's places of worship fund - providing

physical protection as well as peace of mind." In addition, the Government will open a consultation with faith representatives and organisations including the Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group, Tell MAMA, the Independent Advisory Group and other faith representatives and organisations, on improvements to existing policy to protect faith communities. To increase uptake in the fund and ensure it reaches those most vulnerable to hate crime, the bidding process will also be simplified so organisations no longer have to prove they have previously experienced a hate crime incident directly. In addition the Government will be streamlining the supplier arrangements for bidders,

after which the programme will open for applications. Places of worship, including mosques, will also benefit from a new £5m fund over three years to provide protective security training to build on some of the positive work already happening in communities. This is in recognition that physical protective security is only part of the solution, and institutions, their staff and volunteers need to have security understanding to ensure the protective measures work effectively. We will engage closely with communities on the scope of this new scheme to ensure it meets the needs of all places of worship covering security. We will then undertake a competitive process to determine providers of the training and plan to start delivering in 2019/20.

mannered, behaved, successful, traditional or socially acceptable beings. Some people suggest that it is just the job of a children,s parents to teach them to behave well. Asserting Further parents are in better position to communicate with and understand their children, would be better at educating their offspring’s to understand moral values. Eventually, the family background and behavior of parents has great impact on the personality of children. On the other side, it is believed that the role of the teacher becomes more vital in the all around personality of the students. Moreover, a good teacher should diverse his or her duties to guide the behaviour of their students according to the moral values In my Opinion, It is the duty of both the parents and teacher to guide the children. Basically Parents are the first teacher to a child because child personality is always a reflection of their parents nature or behaviour.However teacher should play more wider role in student’s life,instead of simply passing subject knowledge to their students they should educate students about good ethical values and inspires them to become adult with decent character in the future. Jagjit Singh

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705


GREATNESS Buttler wishes to stay at his peak level like Kohli

Jos Buttler braces for exciting IPL season with Rajasthan Royals.

THIS summer’s Ashes series will see a first in 142 years of Test cricket players wearing names and numbers on the back of their shirts. The move comes as part of the ICC’s plan to make the Ashes the opening event in their World Test Championship series - a nine-team, two-year competition ending with a final in England in 2021. The ICC have made the introduction partly to help players become more easily identifiable. Traditionally, names and numbers in international cricket are just used for one-day formats, although County Championship players wear them in their fourday first class matches. Yet since the very first Test series, between England and Australia in 1877 in Melbourne, players have always played in whites that are plain. If they correspond to oneday numbers, captain Joe Root will wear No 66, Moeen Ali will have No 18 and Jonny Bairstow No 51.


HE AMBITION may sound ludicrous, but when Jos Buttler says he wants to breathe the same rarefied air as Virat Kohli, his eyes tell you he isn’t kidding.

A few weeks after a destructive 150 off 77 balls against West Indies in Grenada, Buttler is busy preparing for the year of his life — the IPL, the World Cup, the Ashes. It will be a year in which, given a fair wind, he can achieve greatness. His role model makes perfect sense. “I know I can go to another level,” he said. “Why couldn’t you just stay at peak level? Someone like Kohli scores a hundred every game, he doesn’t settle for: ‘Ah, that was ok, I’ll peak at some point.’ Just do it every day. That’s the sort of mindset I’ve been wanting to hit.” If Buttler really can emulate India’s captain, England will be in prime position to lift their first 50-over World Cup. But it is no ordinary aspiration: — JOS BUTTLER, Kohli averages nearly 60 ON HIS ENGLAND TEAM in one-day internationals, and has scored 18 hundreds since the start of 2016 alone. He is a once-in-a-lifetime talent. Then again, so is Buttler, whose ramps, scoops, pulls and straight sixes off low fulltosses stand out even in a team as boxoffice as England. The Grenada innings was, he believes, the best he has produced. And, as Eoin Morgan’s vice-captain, he is well placed to deliver a message that may need repeating at crunch moments once the tournament starts on May 30. “Even in knockout games, it won’t be a side that plays cautiously that wins the World Cup,” he said. “It will be a side that plays some brave cricket and smart cricket, making good decisions under pressure. India and the Rajasthan Royals, “Initially in our evolution, we who are fast becoming the Engtalked about how, if we were lish cricketer’s IPL franchise of bowled out in 42 overs but had choice. Ben Stokes, Jofra 300 on the board, that was fine. Archer and Liam Livingstone But we’re better than that. will join him, while the Royals Adapting to conditions quicker are opening an academy at is the constant improvement Reed’s School in Surrey. we’re looking for.” Expectations are high: it was at First, though, Buttler heads for last year’s IPL that Buttler made



I think it is good to be World Cup favourites. You need to stick to what you’ve been doing, keep pushing boundaries.


Daily Mail

his break for the big time, hitting five successive half-centuries and elbowing his way into the Test team. Since then, no England player has scored more than his 938 Test runs, and only Jonny Bairstow has a better one-day strike-rate than Buttler’s 120. He will also have a close-up view of Archer, the Barbados-

born fast bowler who will be eligible to play for England in time for the one-day series against Pakistan in May. “I think it would be great to have him, and I’m happy he’s in my team at the IPL,” said Buttler. “He’s got that X-Factor. A guy like him is going to be part of the conversation, isn’t he? “At the end of the T20s in the West Indies, Trevor Bayliss spoke about how well people have responded to the talk about Jofra, and put in some great performances. That’s something that has naturally been happening in the squad and around English cricket for a while. “I think it is good to be World Cup favourites. It means you’ve been doing some good stuff. You need to stick to what you’ve been doing, and one of those things has been pushing boundaries. That is something we have to make sure we’re doing every day going into the World Cup.” Agencies

21th March to 27th March, 2019


Don’t forsee threat to IndoPak World Cup match: ICC Karachi-International Cricket Council CEO Dave Richardson said he doesn’t forsee any threat to the high-profile India-Pakistan World Cup match, insisting that the two teams are bound by an ICC agreement to show up. “For ICC events, all teams have signed a members’ participation agreement which requires them to participate in all the matches of the tournament and (in case of) any unjustified non-compliance with that provision, the playing conditions will kick in and the points will be awarded accordingly to the other team,” he said. There were demands that India should boycott the game against Pakistan in the World Cup in Manchester on June 16 in the wake of last month’s Pulwama terror attack. Another controversy erupted when Indian team wore camouflage military caps during the third ODI against Australia in Ranchi as a mark of respect to the CRPF personnel who were killed in the Pulwama attack and donated its match fee to the National Defence Fund. Pakistan strongly objected to the gesture and wrote to the world body, accusing India of politicising the game. The ICC, however, said the Indian team took prior permission from it and there was no political motive involved. “In this case, it was a one-off consent. It was granted subject to the message around the wearing of the caps simply being sympathy with the people, who had lost their lives in the Pulwama attack and in particular, to help them raise funds for the families of the people who had lost their lives,” Richardson said. “The ICC’s motto is clear we don’t want to mix politics with sports,” he added. Asked about the ICC’s role in the resumption of bilateral ties between India and Pakistan, Richardson said it was completely up to the two cricketing boards. The ICC CEO said the perception about Pakistan among the rest of the world is slowly changing and the world body is supporting its member board to bring back international cricket to the nation. Music-filled PSL closing ceremony “Cricket must not be stopped due to terrorism,” PCB chief Ehsan Mani said, defending the decision to organise a music-filled PSL closing ceremony despite terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch. PCB is facing public ire for not being sensitive enough considering that at least 50 people were killed in the terrorist attack. Mani said the ceremony was actually ‘toned down’.

KYNAN PRITHVIRAJ O Wolves&reaches FA Cup semi-final with victory over Man Utd This was a splendid FA Cup victory, Wolves propelled into the semi-finals for the first time since 1998 with a shrewd performance against a Manchester United . The old gold revival in the Black Country is two games from silverware, although even if Wolverhampton Wanderers never make it all the way to the FA Cup final in May, they will always have this Saturday night as proof of how far the club have come this season. There are four FA Cups on the Wolves role of honour but the last one was in 1960 in the days when they were challenging for the league and cup double. They have been singing at Molineux for some time that their club are on their way back and it has been a long journey indeed. Their last major honour is that League Cup in 1980 when Andy Gray was leading

the line for Wolves and Brian Clough was in the opposition dugout. Given who they have eliminated thus far, anything is possible – even with Manchester City in the competition. In the Premier League, Wolves have more points against the top six than

any side among the other 14. City are going for an unprecedented domestic treble and if there is anyone capable of stopping them in the FA Cup then Wolves are the highest-ranked Premier League team left in the competition.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 705

21th March to 27th March, 2019


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