ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
Ù«‘ Ò≈‘ΩØ∫ ¡≥Ï√ Á≈, ’≈‘Á≈ ÍÀ∫‚≈ ÿ ÂØ∫ ÿ Á≈... ‹ÁØ∫ ‹ÒßË ÂØ ∫ Í«‘Òª AIGD ⁄ Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï ÂØ ∫ ‡ÀÒΔÚΔÔÈ ¡≥Ï√Ø∫ Ù∞» ‘Ø«¬¡≈ √Δ Âª ¿∞√ ⁄ ’ÚΔ ÁÏ≈ ⁄ ÏØÒ«Á¡ª √: √»Ï≈ «√≥ÿ ‹Δ È∂ «¬º’ ˆ˜Ò ÍÛ∑Δ √Δ «‹√ Á≈ Í«‘Ò≈ «Ù¡ √Δ Ù«‘ Ò≈‘ΩØ∫ ¡≥Ï√ Á≈Õ «’≥È≈ ÍÀ∫‚≈ ÿ ÂØ∫ ÿ Á≈Õ »‘ ⁄ ÷πÌ «◊¡≈Õ ÚΔ‘ ’∞ √≈Ò Í«‘Òª ‹Á √‘ºÁ Â∂ ¡ÓÈ ÁΔ Δfi ÁΔ¡ª ÓØ Ó Ïº Â Δ¡ª ‹◊‰Δ¡ª Ù∞» ‘Ø¬Δ¡ª ª ¡√Δ∫ ÚΔ Ò∞«Ë¡≈«‰˙ ‹◊Á∂Ú «√≥ÿ ‹º√ØÚ≈Ò Â∂ ’∞ÒÚ≥ ‹◊≈¿∞∫ √Ó∂ ͑∞≥⁄Á∂ ‘∂Õ «¬’ Ú≈‘ ‘≥√ ≈‹ ‘≥√ È∂ ˙Ê∂ ◊≈¿∞‰ Ò¬Δ ÓÀÊØ∫ ÁØ ◊Δ Ó≥◊ Ò¬∂Õ ÓÀ∫ Í«‘Ò≈ ◊Δ √: √»Ï≈ «√≥ÿ ‹Δ ÂØ∫ Íz∂ ‘Ø ’∂ «Ò«÷¡≈Õ ⁄≈ Ï≥Á √ÈÕ Ù«‘ Ò≈‘ΩØ∫ ¡≥Ï√ Á≈Õ ’Δ¬∂ ÍÀ∫‚≈ ÿ ÂØ∫ ÿ Á≈Õ
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
ÙzΔ ◊∞» È≈È’ Á∂Ú ‹Δ Á∂ EE@Ú∂∫ Íz’≈Ù ¿∞Â√Ú ˘ ¡≈ÒÓΔ ÍºË Â∂ ÓÈ≈¿∞‰ ÁΔ¡ª «Â¡≈Δ¡ª Ùπ± ÏΔÂ∂ «ÁÈΔ Ïz«Ó≥ÿÓ «Ú÷∂ Â≈«¬È≈ ’ΩÈ√»Ò∂‡ ‹ÈÒ ¡≈Î «¬≥‚Δ¡≈ ‚≈. ¡ÓÈ ÍπΔ È∂ Ïz«Ó≥≥ÿÓ Á∂ ⁄Ω«◊Á∂ Ú√Á∂ Ì≈ÂΔ Ì≈¬Δ⁄≈∂, ÷≈√ ÂΩ Â∂ «√º÷ «ÚÁÚ≈Ȫ ¡Â∂ ◊∞» ÿª Á∂ È∞Ó≈«¬≥«Á¡ª ˘ ¡≈͉∂ ÁΠ«ÚÙ∂Ù √ºÁ∂ ͺ Â∂ √ºÁ’∂ «¬‘ √»⁄È≈ «Á≥«Á¡ª ÷πÙΔ Ó«‘√»√ ’ΔÂΔ «’ Ë≥È Ë≥È ÙzΔ ◊∞» È≈È’ Á∂Ú ‹Δ Á∂ EE@Ú∂∫ Íz’≈Ù ¿∞Â√Ú ˘ Ì≈ÂΔ √’≈ È∂ ¡≈ÒÓΔ ÍºË
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
Ú∞ÒÚ‘À∫Í‡È «ÈÚ≈√Δ ¡Â∂ ◊∞» Â∂◊ Ï‘≈Á ◊∞Áπ¡≈≈ √≈«‘Ï Á∂ √∂Ú≈Á≈ √. «ÁÒÁ≈ «√≥ÿ √‘ØÂ≈ Á∂ √Ó»‘ ÍzΔÚ≈ È∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ √Ú◊Ú≈√Δ Ó≈Â≈ ◊∞Á∂Ú ’Ω √‘ØÂ≈ ÁΔ Ô≈Á «Úº⁄ ◊∞» ÿ «Ú÷∂ ÏΔÂ∂ ¡ÀÂÚ≈ ÙzΔ ¡÷≥‚ Í≈· √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ ‹≈Í ’Ú≈¬∂Õ ¿∞Í≥ ’ΔÂÈ ÁΔÚ≈È √‹∂Õ «¬√ √Ó∂∫ «ÚÙ∂Ù ÂΩ Â∂ ÚÀ√‡ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚˜ Á∂ Ó∂¡ ¡À∫‚Δ √‡Δ‡ √Δ ÏΔ ¬Δ È∂ Ó≈Â≈ ◊∞Á∂Ú ’Ω √‘ØÂ≈ ‹Δ ˘ Ù˪‹ÒΔ ÚΔ «ÁºÂΔÕ ¡À∫‚Δ È∂ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ Á∂ «¬º’ √Ú≈Ò Á≈ ¿∞μ «Á≥«Á¡ª «’‘≈ «’ ¿∞‘ ÚÀ√‡ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚˜ «Úº⁄ Ú√ÁΔ¡ª √≈Δ¡ª ’«Ó¿±«È‡Δ¡ª Á≈ È∞Ó≈«¬≥Á≈ ‘À ¡Â∂ ¿∞‘ ‘ «¬º’ ’«Ó¿±«È‡Δ Á∂ Ó‘ºÂÚÍ»È Ë≈«Ó’ ÓΩ«’¡ª Â∂ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ ¡≈Í‰Δ¡ª Ù∞Ì’≈ÓÈ≈Úª Á∂‰ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À «‹Ú∂∫ ◊∞ÍπÏ, «Ú√≈÷Δ, ‘ØÒΔ, ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ ¡Â∂ ¬ΔÁ ¡≈«ÁÕ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ¡º◊∂ ÏØÒ«Á¡ª «’‘≈ «’ «√º÷ ◊∞Áπ¡≈«¡ª «Úº⁄ ‹Ø √ªfiΔÚ≈ÒÂ≈ ¡Â∂ √∂Ú≈ Ì≈Ú Ú∂÷‰ ˘ «ÓÒÁΔ ‘À ÓÀ∫ ¿∞√ ÂØ∫ Ï‘∞ ÍzÌ≈«Ú ‘»≥Á≈ ‘ªÕ ¿∞Ȫ∑ «¬‘ ÚΔ «’‘≈ «’ «¬ºÊ∂ ¡≈’∂ ’Ø¬Δ ÚΔ Ï◊À «’√∂ «ÚÂ’∂ Á Òß◊ ¤’ √’Á≈ ‘À∂Õ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ◊∞Áπ¡≈≈ √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ ÍzÏ≥Ë’ª ÁΔ «ÈÓÂ≈ ¡Â∂ √∂Ú≈ ˘ ÚΔ √Ò≈«‘¡≈ ¡Â∂ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ «ÁºÂΔÕ◊∞» ÿ ÁΔ ÍzÏ≥Ë’ ’Ó∂‡Δ ¡Â∂ √≥◊ ںÒØ∫ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ √ÈÓ≈«È ÚΔ ’ΔÂ≈Õ «ÓÒ∂ √ÈÓ≈È Ò¬Δ ¿∞Ȫ∑ √ÌÁ≈ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’ΔÂ≈Õ
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Vol: 14,
Issue 699
Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù GE
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Issue 699
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7th February to 13th February 2019
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Issue 699
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
Whitehall plan to evacuate the Queen if Brexit sparks riots in UK
The most risible no deal Brexit scare story yet THE Queen has been dragged into an extraordinary ‘Project Fear’ row after it emerged that civil servants have drawn up plans to evacuate the Royal Family if a No Deal Brexit causes riots on the streets of London.
The Mail on Sunday has learned that Whitehall contingency planners have included among their “worst case” scenarios the need to move the Royals to safe locations away from the capital. Officials in the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, the Government department responsible for emergency planning, have ‘repurposed’ a secret operation under which the Royals could have been accommodated in various country houses to protect them from enemy forces during the Cold War. The revival of the plan was ridiculed by leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg, who described it as a “wartime fantasy” dreamt up by mandarins who had watched too many news clips of helicopters landing on the US Embassy roof in Saigon – now Ho Chi Minh City – at the end of the Vietnam War.
Civil servants envisage every possible eventuality
Theresa May wrote that she would be battling for Britain and Northern Ireland. to renegotiate the clause, sugBRITISH Prime Minister Theresa gesting her deal would then be May said on Sunday that she able to pass after it was roundly would be armed with a fresh rejected in parliament last mandate and new ideas when month. “I am now confident she meets European Union there is a route that can secure negotiators over her Brexit a majority in the House of Comdeal. EU officials have insisted mons for leaving the EU with a that the deal is not open for deal”, she wrote. renegotiation. “When I return to Brussels I But May wrote that she would will be battling for Britain and be battling for Britain and NorthNorthern Ireland, I will be ern Ireland in her efforts to get armed with a fresh mandate, rid of the agreement’s unpopunew ideas and a renewed lar backstop provision. “If we determination to agree a pragstand together and speak with matic solution.” The EU insists one voice, I believe we can find that the deal remains the best the right way forward”, she said. and only way to ensure an The backstop is intended to orderly withdrawal, but with ensure there is no return to a the clock running down hard border with Ireland, until the March 29 exit but Brexit supporters date the risks of a nofear it will keep There deal Brexit for both Britain tied to the is a route Britain and the EU’s customs rules. bloc are coming that can get a MPs voted last into sharp focus. week to send May majority, says May AFP back to Brussels
He told The Mail on Sunday: “The overexcited officials who have dreamt up this nonsense are clearly more students of fantasy than of history.” “The Monarch’s place is always in the capital, as the late Queen Mother, wife of George VI, made very clear during the Blitz.” A source in the Secretariat said that the most extreme No Deal crisis scenario envisaged riots breaking out in London as shops ran short of staple foods. The source claimed that the plan had been moved up their “priority list” — which is dominated by issues such as the availability of clean water and medical supplies — after Mr Rees-Mogg called on the Prime Minister last month to demand that the Queen should suspend Parliament in order to thwart efforts by Remainer MPs to delay Brexit. Rees-Mogg argued that “vestigial constitutional means” could be necessary to stop a No Deal Brexit being taken off the table, and accused No 10 of being behind the Queen’s Brexit intervention last could be targeted by protesters.” month when she made a plea for people across the UK to “seek out Neither Buckingham Palace nor the common ground” that binds Downing Street would comment the country together. yesterday, citing security concerns, but a senior Government The source said: “As the Queen source insisted: “It is not project has been dragged into some of the fear. There are dozens of continpolitics around all this, it becomes more likely that she and her family gency planners whose job is to
envisage every possible eventuality. They would be negligent if they didn’t include the Royals in that, however far-fetched the scenario might seem.” The Cold War plans to protect the Royals were drawn up in 1962 following the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Queen has been dragged into an extraordinary ‘Project Fear’ row.
Under the first phase, named Operation Candid, if hostilities had broken out with Russia, members of the Royal Family would have been dispersed to a variety of country houses, where they would have been guarded by a newly formed militia called the Royal Duties
Force. If tensions had escalated further, a so-called ‘python system’ would have been deployed, with senior Royals transferred to the “floating bunker” of the Royal yacht Britannia. As an alternative, the Queen could have been moved to the Central Government War Headquarters at Corsham Court, Wiltshire. Rees-Mogg said: “The apparent airlift of the Queen for the London Olympics in 2012 was a very good joke – not a serious Brexit-related blueprint to rerun the American departure from Saigon.” Daily Mail
Pope makes first papal trip to Vatican City
El Chapo drugged & raped teenage girls, says witness
POPE Francis is seeking to turn a page in Christian-Muslim relations while also ministering to a unique, thriving island of Catholicism as he embarks on the first-ever papal trip to the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam. While Francis is building on two of his priorities with his Sunday-Tuesday visit to the United Arab Emirates promoting interfaith dialogue and visiting the Catholic peripheries diplomatic protocol will likely dictate that he leaves other concerns behind. The Emirates’ support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, which has caused the world’s
A WITNESS in the trial of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman told the US government the Mexican drug kingpin drugged and raped girls as young as 13, according to court documents unsealed on Saturday. Longtime associate Alex Cifuentes told authorities a woman would send Guzman photos of young girls to choose from, with a fee of USD 5,000 per girl. “Cifuentes used this service himself three or four times, having sex with girls as young as 15years-old”, the government said in the documents, adding he witnessed the defendant do the same on multiple occasions, with
worst humanitarian crisis, and the UAE’s problematic record on human rights and labour violations at home will likely will get a pass at least in public. Francis is travelling to Abu Dhabi to participate in a conference on interreligious dialogue sponsored by the Emiratesbased Muslim Council of Elders, an initiative that seeks to counter religious fanaticism by promoting a moderate brand of Islam. It’s the brainchild of Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the grand imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the revered 1,000-year-old seat of Sunni Islam learning that trains clerics and scholars from around the world. It will be the
Pope Francis to promote interfaith dialogue in UAE. fifth meeting between Francis and el-Tayeb, evidence that AlAzhar's freeze in relations with the Holy See sparked by Pope Benedict XVI's 2006 comments linking Islam to violence has thoroughly thawed. PTI
girls as young as 13 years old. The former Sinaloa cartel leader, 61, would allegedly sometimes drug the girls with a powdery substance with Cifuentes’ help before raping them.
But he didn’t reveal any of this during the trial But Cifuentes, who lived with Guzman in 2007 and 2008, did not mention any of this in four days of testimony during the trial, which ended on Thursday after three months of hearings. AFP
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
2 dozen cows die of cold in MP
ED notice to Pak singer for currency smuggling By Shivendra Srivastava in Lucknow
THE Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued notice to famous Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in connection with a foreign exchange violation case against him. As per the investigation till now, the notice was served for the violation of country’s forex funds to the tune of Rs2 crore; which comes under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). The ED confirmed that the Pakistani singer has been asked to reply to the notice within 45 days. The notice has been sent to him for illegal possession of foreign currency over the stipulated limit. The case had started in
Pak singer received $3.4k in India illegally 2011, when Khan was intercepted by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, when he and his manager Maroof Ali Khan were allegedly carrying an undeclared amount of $1.24 lakh in foreign currency at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. Later, the DRI forwarded the case to the ED for further investigation. The ED, which is the central agency to probe such forex contraventions under the FEMA, took over the case and continued further investigation. The ED said in a written statement, “A showcause notice for the contravention of section 3(a) and section 6(3) of FEMA, 1999 read with Regulation 5 and 7 (2b) of Foreign Exchange Management (export and import of currency) Regulations, 2000 for an approximate amount of Rs2.61 crore, has been issued to Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and his manager Maroof Ali. Both the Pakistani nationals were dealings with foreign exchange illegally.” The Enforcement Directorate has also served notices to a few
By Ravish Pal Singh in Bhopal THE newly formed Congress government in Madhya Pradesh is on the backfoot after the death of more than 2 dozen cows in the country’s first cow sanctuary at Agar Malwa district. As MP is witnessing severe cold waves it is expected that cows will die of this weather. In 2012, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat had laid the foundation stone for this cow sanctuary and it was inaugurated in September 2017. But the condition of cows in this sanctuary is in doubt after they have been dying continuously. This gave rise to questions on the facilities in the sanctuary. As of now, there are some 4,700 cows in the sanctuary and they are in a very bad condition.
IN 2011, DRI SEIZED `2 CR FROM SINGER The Enforcement Directorate notice has been sent to Khan for illegal possession of foreign currency over the stipulated limit and he has been asked to reply within 45 days. They said the notice for violation of forex funds to the tune of `2 crore has been issued under FEMA, after the probe in the case was completed recently. In 2011, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) slapped charges under FEMA and Customs Act violation against Khan and his manager Marrouf Ali Khan after recovering large amounts of undeclared foreign currency from the duo at the Delhi airport.
The cow shelter in Agar Malwa district in MP.
Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s songs are popular chartbusters that feature in a number of Hindi movies.
A showcause notice for the contravention for an amount of ` 2.61 crore has been issued to Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and his manager Maroof Ali. Both the Pakistani nationals were dealing in foreign currency illegally.
— ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE other Indians for helping Rahat had engaged late Chitresh ShriFateh Ali Khan in violating the vastava as global event manager, FEMA rules. These people were who used to collect payments on charged under the same his behalf for various shows notice for their involveperformed by him in ment in supplying of India.” DRI the foreign cur“Major part of intercepted rency unauthoristhese payments edly. The agency were received in the singer at revealed, “Khan cash. These cash
Delhi airport
amounts were illegally converted into US dollars through unauthorised sources by Shrivastava and the same were handed over to Khan,” the ED added. According to records with the ED, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan had illegally received $3,40,000 in India through unauthorised sources. With the help of his event manager and support of his manager, Khan had illegally taken out $2,25,000 out of India before being intercepted by DRI in 2011. The singer, who has been grilled by the Enforcement Directorate in this case in the past, had denied any wrongdoing saying they were carrying the large amount of cash because they were travelling in a group and the act was inadvertent. Khan’s songs are popular chartbusters in a number of Hindi movies. India Today TV
Madhya Pradesh’s animal husbandry minister Laakhan Singh Yadav has accused the previous Shivraj-government for ignoring the arrangements made during the construction of the cow sanctuary. Yadav said, “I was informed that 18 died in the sanctuary on Tuesday. Officials told me that some of these cows were injured in an accident, some of the cows were suffering from various disease, and some of them died from cold.” The minister also alleged, “This cow sanctuary was inaugurated during the regime of Shivraj-government and I believe that the construction of the shelter was not right. Though, I will visit the sanctuary soon and will take proper action against officials, in case any of them are found guilty.” Yadav also said that the government will increase the budget provided for the welfare of the cows. “At present, the state government’s budget is `4.50 per cow, but this amount is not enough for so many animals, he added.” India Today TV
Even working youngsters gripped by PUBG fever By Smita Ojha in New Delhi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
PLAYERUNKNOWN’S Battlegrounds (PUBG) addiction is at its peak not just among students but even working youngsters are addicted to this game. On Tuesday, even Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned about the game in his address to students. The craze of this game has reached to such an extent that people are forgetting everything just to continue with all the levels of PUBG that are full of “violence and victory” over the casualties. PUBG is an online game where two or more online partners play with a background of a battlefield. This game was introduced in the beginning of 2018 and by the end of the year it got more than 20 crore players throughout the country. This game can be played in laptops, smart TV, mobile and computers. China became the first country to ban this game in 2018, and in India also the debate over banning this game has
Logo of the PUBG game. started as the children are the becoming vulnerable now. They get aggressive with their parents and others, but the surprising fact is that the number of PUBG players in working youths have increased and their addiction gave rise to concerns at work places and even at homes. India Today TV conducted a survey in
various offices in Delhi NCR, and the results were shocking. Ankit Ojha, 27, who is working in a big NGO in Gurugram is a huge fan of PUBG. He has now got a sprained neck and also finger pain. “I don’t know why I like the game so much but I can’t stop myself from playing it. It is amazing. In the game, I’m a warrior and I kill bad people which gives me a lot of satisfaction and it acts like a huge stress buster for me. The only problem is it has affected my personal and social life. Once I start with a level I feel all charged and I stop only after winning a round which takes 40 to 45 minutes". In our survey, majority of the youngsters are either addicted to the game or they are in the process of getting addicted. However, they gave us reasons to justify it, and the ones who had no idea of the game were also not in favour of banning the game as it has been acting as a stress buster for their friends or colleagues. India Today TV
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
‘I get so many ‘How’s the josh?!’ videos from schools, colleges, cafes, work places... from people fighting the cold in minus temperatures’
N HER fourteen years of Bollywood, Vidya Balan has essayed a variety of roles, with several hits and misses. If she stunned her audience as the demure Lolita in Parineeta, she wowed them with her sensuality in The Dirty Picture. The actress has broken stereotypes time and time again with her choice of roles and her devil-may-care attitude about her looks.
She has to fight numerous battles along the way, including defying societal expectations of the perfect figure, and her unique sense of style. In an interview, Balan revealed she had hormonal problems since childhood. Due to this, she would even try starving herself at points. “It’s probably because of the judgment I’ve carried around my body. When I was a teenager, people would tell me, ‘You’ve got such a pretty face, why don’t you lose some weight?’ It’s not a nice thing to say to anyone – be it a child or a grown-up. So, I’d starve
Actress says people’s constant judging of her looks made her go through crazy regimens
myself, I’d go through crazy exercise regimens and lose weight. Then the hormonal issue would settle for a bit before it reared its head again,” said the actress. She said that even at her thinnest, she felt fat. “Weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain was my pattern for as long as I can remember. Years ago, I stopped watching my shots on the monitor at shoots because I’d look at the monitor and be thinking, ‘Am I looking fat?’” Balan said it has taken a lot of work to accept her body. “When people tell me why don’t you start exercising, I want to say ‘f*** you! How do you know I haven’t been exercising? Do you know how hard I exercise? Do you know what challenges I’ve been facing? Do you know that my hormonal problem has made it impossible for me to lose weight for years in between? Not just that, there was a period in between when the more I’d work out, the more I’d put on?’ People would insinuate you must be eating unhealthy or you’re lazy. And these things stick with you. It would anger me no end. I kept wanting them to stop judging me. But over time, I realised people judge you/your body only if you do.” Balan will next be seen in the biopic of famous mathematician Shakuntala. Reportedly, Dangal’s Sanya Malhotra will play the role of her daughter in the film. India Today
It’s not just a line anymore IN the past one month, India has gotten addicted to one dialogue from Uri: The Surgical Strike. “How’s the josh?” the dialogue used by Vicky Kaushal in the film to evoke a feeling of patriotism, before heading on a dangerous mission with his army officers has gone viral and everyone, from fans to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, cabinet ministers such as Piyush Goyal and Nirmala Sitharaman have been using it. Kaushal expressed his joy on Instagram, writing “It’s not just a line anymore... I get so many How’s the Josh?! videos from
you all every day, each one made with so much love and passion, from schools, colleges, cafes, work places... from people fighting the cold in minus temperatures to people sweating it out in the gym... from conference meetings to marriage ceremonies... from a 92 year old grandmother to a 2 year old kid... from even our Jawaans in the armed forces. It’s not just a line anymore, you all have turned it into an emotion... an emotion so strong and special, I’m going to cherish for life. Thank You everyone.” –India Today TV
Questioning boundaries in love LAST year was monumental for LGBTQ lim coupling the real forbidden love here? community in India as the Supreme Court It’s one of the film’s few clever narrative declared consensual same sex love no strokes as it challenges preconceived definilonger a criminal act. It’s fitting then that tions of masculinity and femininity as well in 2019, Bollywood gets a mainstream film as questions boundaries in love. starring popular actors which humanizes Gradually it is revealed that Sweety is on the LGBTQ, rather than mock them as in the run from her angry brother, Babloo Dostana. Writers Gazal Dhaliwal and (Abhishek Duhan), who knows her secret Shelly Chopra Dhar’s aim is much-weland berates and shames her for it. Sahil comed: to sensitise the audience empowers her to come out. She too first before attempting to make is creative, jotting her true feelthem accept it. ings in words and drawings, the Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa latter of which trivialise her Laga is less concerned about feelings, then lend them how people fall in love than authenticity. An unlikely Trouble with Ek how people respond to it, relationship blossoms, Ladki…, to put in the especially if it’s taboo. where consideration and not Sweety (Sonam Kapoor) attraction is the standout words of its leading walks in and her vexed look feature. lady, is that the immediately catches the eye Ek Ladki… wants to estabactual love story is of Sahil Mirza (Rajkummar lish the isolation and the fraglacking on ‘feel’ Rao). But is their Hindu-Musile emotional state of Sweety as
out take
IMPACT ON TARGET VIEWERS she lives in the closet to appease her family. Kapoor despite trying hard, doesn’t have the emotional heft to pull off this suppressed, complex character. It then justifies the need to divert attention to endearing, lively characters played by Juhi Chawla, Anil Kapoor and others. But it also dilutes the true intent of the film. The format of a play within a film doesn’t quite work to convey the message though the reactions to it in the film are realistic. The trouble with Ek Ladki…, to put in the words of its leading lady, is that the actual love story is lacking on “feel”. By marginalising the lovers the film does disservice to the noble cause. – By Suhani Singh
Directors: Shelly Chopra Dhar Cast: Sonam Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Juhi Chawla, Abhishek Duhan, Regina Cassandra, Seema Pahwa, Bijendra Kala, Madhumalti Kapoor.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
spqwihk-rwSIPl Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÒ À AI «’√∂ ÍzÏÒ Ù± ’’∂ ¡≈Í Á∂ Ò¬Δ ’Ø¬Δ Óπ√ΔÏ ÷Û∑Δ ‘Ø √’ÁΔ ˛ Í ’≈ØÏ≈Δ ÁÙ≈ ·Δ’ ·≈’ ‘∂◊Δ, √ÎÒÂ≈ ¡’√ √≈Ê Á∂Ú◊ ∂ ΔÕ ‹≈«¬Á≈ÁΔ ’ßÓª «Ú⁄ √ÎÒÂ≈ «ÓÒ∂◊ΔÕ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÒ À -Ó¬Δ B@ «¬√ √ÍÂ≈‘ ÁΩ≈È ÁπÙÓ‰ª Á∂ ¿∞μ̉ Â∂ «√‘ Á∂ «Ú◊ÛÈ Á≈ ÷Â≈ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈ Í ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Íπ˜ΔÙÈ ·Δ’ ‘∂◊Δ, ÓÈ «Ú⁄ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ Ò≈Ò√≈ ‹≈◊ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA ÍzÏÒ «√Â≈≈ Â∞‘≈˘ ‘ Â∑ª ‘≈ÚΔ, ÍzÌ≈ÚΔ, «Ú‹¬Δ º÷◊ ∂ ≈, ’≥Ó’≈‹Δ ‘≈Ò≈ √≥ÂÙ Ø ‹È’ Í √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ «Ú⁄Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ Ù» È∞’√≈È Í‘∞⁄ ≥ ≈¿∞‰ Á∂ Ó»‚ «Ú⁄ Ș ¡≈¿∞‰◊∂Õ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ «√‘ «Ú⁄ ◊ÛÏÛΔ ÁΔ Ù’≈«¬Â «‘ √’ÁΔ ‘À Í √’≈ Â∂ ◊À-√’≈Δ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄ ’ÁÓ ¡◊≈‘ ÚºÒ ‘∂◊≈ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬√ ‘¯Â∂ «Ú‹À ÙzΔ √≈Ê Á∂Ú◊ ∂ Δ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ ⁄≈‘ ‘∂◊Δ, √‹‰√≥ÚÈ ÁΔ ∞⁄ º Δ Â∂ ÓÈ «Ú⁄ ⁄≥⁄ÒÂ≈ ‘∂◊Δ Í «ÚØËΔ¡ª ’’∂ «’√∂ √Ó∂∫ ¿∞Òfi‰ª ÚΔ «√ ⁄π’ º ÁΔ¡ª «‘‰◊Δ¡ª ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB √ÂÍ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ È∞’√≈È Á∂ ‘≈Ò≈ ω √’Á∂ ‘È, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ⁄Ω’√Δ º÷Ø Í «Ú⁄Ò≈ «‘º√≈ Â∂ ¡≈÷Δ «‘º√≈ ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Ò≈Ì Ò¬Δ ⁄≥◊≈ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈Õ Ó≥◊Ò ÁΔ Íπ‹ΔÙÈ ’≈È ¡’√Δ‚À∫‡ Â∂ √º‡ Ú◊À≈ Á≈ ‚ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ‚≈¬Δ«Ú≥◊ Ú◊À≈ «Ë¡≈È È≈Ò ’ØÕ
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Your Stars This Week
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail guru@gurukaun.com Aries March 21-April 19 As Saturn opposes Neptune in your 12th house, it is better to stall your projects for the times being and beware of the pitfalls. Avoid journeys, as delays and diversions may upset your plans. Taurus April 20-May 20 The focus is on money matters, career and contacts. This week you are craving to get more freedom, break free of the boundaries and restrictions. Someone may back out of a financial arrangement leaving you high and dry. Gemini May 21-June 21 You are sensitive and ready to protect what is rightfully yours. The Full Moon on the 25th makes you affirmative and decisive. The priority is on relationships and you will concentrate on your family welfare and cozy home. Cancer June 22-July 22 The week is all about your own wellbeing, own health and blow your horn. The social status and popularity simply keeps soaring. With Full Moon, there is more call for structure, discipline and organization. Leo. July 23-August 22 Guard yourself against charmers, seducers and people who praise you for anything as all that show could mean misguidance and misleading. Communications play big role for next few weeks; talk about your needs, desires and goals. Virgo August 23-September 22 Home and family obligations keep you running around and up on your toes. Resolve to tidy up your financial affairs, look into your investments but remember to sift through all the information prior to taking any action. Libra September 23-October 22 The Full Moon highlights your communication skills
resulting in netting a lucrative business contact or a new job offer. You need to fix dwindling relationships particularly with your children. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Focus on your career and money matters and let others know that your priority is your own needs and welfare. The Full Moon this week signals completion of a project, muster support and create a team for new project. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Challenges and opposition confront you this week, though career opportunities are abundant, but the illusions and misinformation cloud your thinking. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Avoid promising that you can't deliver or your reputation will suffer beyond repair. The week is auspicious to make those changes you have dreaming off. Aquarius January 20-February 18 Sun and task master Saturn merge in your house of communications, new contacts and networking. Some past problems resurface again and you need to resolve these forever. The Full Moon illuminates your financial zone. Pisces February 19-March 20 Try not to inflate a financial problem this week; wait for a fortnight and the matters will resolve itself. It will turn out to be a hectic working week with little or no time for relaxation. Ensure not to reveal your personal information to strangers
We face legitimate scrutiny but we have changed: Facebook San Francisco-Stressing that it is determined to do more to keep people safe across its services, Facebook said it has identified some key areas where it has to do more to keep its platforms sanitised. “We still face legitimate scrutiny, but we’re not the same company we were even a year ago,” Facebook said in a blog post on Monday. When it comes to political interference on its platform, the
social media giant said it is committed to bringing greater transparency to the ads people see on Facebook. “This is particularly true with ads related to politics. All political ads on Facebook and Instagram in the US must now be labelled—including a ‘paid for by’ disclosure from the advertiser. “We also launched a searchable archive for political content that houses these ads for up to seven years. We’ve since expanded this feature to Brazil and
the UK, and will soon in India,” said the company. Beyond political and issue ads, people can now see every ad a Page is running—even if the person wasn’t targeted. People can also filter ads by country and can report an ad to Facebook. “We have introduced new policies requiring advertisers to specify the origin of their audience’s information when they bring a customer list to us,” Facebook informed.
Live in Lady Required Punjabi family, looking for a Punjabi speaking lady to live in, room & food included,will be required to do housework & cooking. kwvYNtrI eyrIey iv`c pMjwbI pRIvwr nUM ie`k sugV, irSt puSt bIbI dI zrUrq hYy ijhVI Gr iv`c rih ky Gr dy kMm krn dy Xog hov[ y pMjwbI BwSw bolx dy nwl nwl Gr dI sPweI qy Bojn bxwauxw jwxdI hov[ y qnKwh dy nwl rhwieS Aqy Kwxw vI id`qw jwvygw[
Please contact : 07707 320737 Name Change Notice
I, VIKRAMJIT otherwise VIKRAM JIT S/O Mr Manohar Lal ,of 36 Young Street, West Bromwich, B70 9TU (UK) and my address in India is VPO Danewal, District Jalandhar, Punjab do hereby give notice to change my name from Vikramjit otherwise Vikram jit to Vikramjit Mattu with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.
Imam calls on Muslims in Middle East to ‘embrace’ Christians ABU DHABI-Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar mosque and university, called on Muslims in the Middle East to “embrace” local Christian communities. He addressed Muslims saying: “Continue to embrace your brothers the Christian citizens everywhere, for they are our partners in our nation,” he said during a televised speech from a ceremony in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi, also attended by Pope Francis. Then he addressed Christians saying: “You are part of this nation. You are citizens, you are not a minority.. You are citizens with full rights and responsibilities.” Sheikh Tayeb also called on Muslims in the west to integrate in their host nations and respect local laws. Egypt has relied on Azhar’s clerics in its battle against militant Islam. Al-Azhar hosted Pope Francis in 2017 to improve relations between Catholics and Muslims. Meanwhile, Pope Francis on Monday called for “the full recognition” of rights for people of all faiths from the UAE, the first visit by the head of the Catholic church to the Arabian Peninsula. The Pope called for the “full recognition of the other and his or her freedom” in a meeting with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the top Sunni Muslim cleric. Religious freedom “is not limited only to freedom of worship but sees in the other truly a brother or sister, a child of my own humanity whom God leaves free and whom, therefore, no human institution can coerce, not even in God’s name”, Pope Francis said.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
U.S. withdrawal from nuclear treaty could trigger new arms race FILE PICTURE
THE US scrapping of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty with Russia could launch a new arms race, but will also allow the United States to update its nuclear arsenal, a publicly stated goal for the past year. President Donald Trump announced on Friday the US was suspending its obligations under the INF treaty as of Saturday and starting a process to withdraw in six months. NATO has said that US allies fully support its withdrawal from the pact, and agreed that Russia’s 9M729 groundlaunched cruise missile systems violates the treaty.
NATO backs U.S. withdrawal “It has always stressed that a research and development program was not prohibited by the 1987 treaty with Moscow. So starting Saturday we are no longer bound by the constraints of the Treaty, Johnny Michael, a Pentagon spokesman,” told AFP Friday. “The 2019 US military budget provides funds for developing this new intermediaterange land-based missile and we are still in the research phase,” the spokesman said. In fact, the Pentagon was already preparing its response to Russian missile 9M729, with a top range of 480 kilometers, Moscow insists. But Washington, backed by NATO allies, says that Russian missile has already been tested
US President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Donald Trump announced on Friday the US was suspending its obligations under the INF treaty as of Saturday. A day later, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a tit-for-tat withdrawal from the pact. on much greater distances. The US, by contrast, has the world's most powerful navy and air force. And the INF Treaty does not restrict sea-launched or air-launched missiles. According to figures from the anti-nuclear group Union of Concerned Scientists, the US nuclear arsenal holds 4,600 nuclear weapons, of which 1,740 are deployed and ready to be used at
US has complained about the alleged Russian violations for years. The Pentagon was already preparing its response to Russian missile 9M729, with a top range of 480 kilometers, Moscow insists. any time, and 2,922 stored. According to experts, 95 per cent of Chinese missiles would violate the INF treaty if Beijing was a signatory. Michael Krepon, of the Stimson Center, believes that we're headed toward a new nuclear arms race. But arms races usually don't end well: even if you stay ahead of the competition, your security is diminished. AFP
Starting from Saturday, we are no longer bound by the constraints of the 1987 nuclear treaty
A day later, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a tit-for-tat withdrawal from the pact to develop new types of weapons, calling Washington's decision unilateral and totally unprovoked. The United States has complained about the alleged Russian violations for years. But now it's also speaking openly about its chance to upgrade its arms stock. When the US unveiled its new nuclear policy in February 2018, it warned that it planned to buy two new weapons: a new type of low-power nuclear missile to be launched from a submarine, and a new type of nuclear cruise missile that would violate the INF agreement. “This new missile which would only come into service within a decade would only be a violation of the treaty if it were deployed,” the Pentagon says.
Iran issues threat on beefing up missiles THE deputy chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards has warned Europe against forcing the Islamic Republic into boosting the range of its missiles by trying to halt their development. “If the Europeans, or anyone else, want to conspire to disarm Iran of missiles, we will be forced to make a strategic leap, the guards’ deputy commander Brigadier-General Hossein Salami said on state TV on Saturday. “All that hear me today, come to terms with the new reality of Iran’s missile might: there are no obstacles or technical limitations to us increasing (their) range, he added. The Islamic Republic develops its missile technology according to a defensive strategy which changes according to need,” he said. Earlier Saturday, Iran announced the successful test of a new cruise missile with a range of over 1,350 kilome-
Iranian Brigadier-General Hossein Salami. tres, coinciding with the anniversary of the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution. Defence Minister Amir Hatami said the Hoveizeh cruise missile had successfully hit its targets, calling it the long arm of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran reined in most of its nuclear programme under a landmark 2015 deal with major powers, but has kept up development of its ballistic missile technology. Washington withdrew from the accord in May and reimposed sanctions against Iran, citing the missile programme among its reasons. European governments have stuck by the agreement, although some have demanded a new section to address Iran's ballistic missile programme and its intervention in regional conflicts AFP including Yemen.
Justice for Wolverhampton family as cowboy builder sentenced to two years in prison A cowboy builder has received a two-year, two-month custodial sentence and stripped from his director title at Wolverhampton Crown Court after leaving a young family without washing facilities and over £26K in debt. Trusting residents from Bilston, employed Shane Rollinson to develop a single-storey extension to makeover their family kitchen. The residents, who wish not to be named, signed a contract with Rollinson agreeing the amount of £4,000 deposit and £4,000 to pay upon completion of the works. Once Rollinson received his first additional payment, he began to request more and more, after eight weeks of work and pocketing £7,610, Rollinson left the property dangerous and incomplete and never
returned. The consumers called Wolverhampton Trading Standards and Trading Standards employed building surveyor, Derek Bate from Barnsley Bate to assess the property. Derek found Rollinson’s work to be poorly constructed, unsafe and have no value whatsoever. After realising the family were taking legal action, Rollinson began to emotionally blackmail the consumers by sending text messages stating he was going to end his life. Wolverhampton Trading Standards found the young family not to be the first to fall victim to Mr Rollinson’s selfish act. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said:
“I’m pleased justice has been served today, cowboy builders cause a huge amount of stress to the victims who have worked hard and saved to pay for improvements to their home only to be badly let down. “It’s vital that we bring cases like this to the public’s attention – to ensure they avoid becoming victims of reckless cowboy builders. “As a council, we have a duty to protect consumers from rogue traders who break the law and carry out substandard work. “I sympathize with anyone who becomes victim to rogue builders and the emotional and financial damage their careless actions cause. Shane Rollinson from Sedgley, pleaded guilty to unfair trading by breaching professional diligence and fraudulent trading on Monday 4 February 2019.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Lobbyist Deepak Talwar being taken to the court by ED officials.
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
Key accused in the AgustaWestland case Rajiv Saxena
THE operation minutely crafted by national security adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval and a handful of officers ensured that India woke up to a high-profile deportation in which the key accused in the AgustaWestland case Rajiv Saxena and prominent aviation lobbyist of UPA’s era Deepak Talwar were brought to India from UAE on a special plane. The Narendra Modi govt is see-
ing this latest deportation of the Saxena and Deepak Talwar on accused — Rajiv Saxena and Friday. Saxena and Talwar were Deepak Talwar — just before the brought to the ED office in Jamupcoming Lok Sabha elections a nagar around 3:30 am and they “huge victory”. Now, as Deepak were later moved to separate Talwar is in Enforcement Direcplaces. Both of them were questorate’s custody, the question is — tioned for more than 10 hours. will the probe further help the The ED claimed that Saxena, cogovt agenda. The move, however, accused in the AgustaWestland has been questioned by the politiVVIP chopper scam case, played a cal parties, that dubbed it as a pivotal role in the kickbacks “political posturing”. received from the deal. It said that Recently, PM Modi had said, three companies run by Saxena — “Absconders will be not spared. Intersellar Technologies (Mauritius), UHY Saxena (Dubai) and The Indian government, in a Matrix Holding (Dubai) — covert operation, has brought received kickbacks from back two main persons the Gordian Sarl The involved in the United (Tunisia) and IDS Progressive Alliance two were Technologies (UPA) era corruption brought to the ED (Tunisia), from a firm — Dubai-based office in Jamnagar at set up by accountant Rajiv
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3.30am on Friday
GOVT AGENCIES AIM FOR ‘BIGGER CATCHES’ NOW WITH the extradition of two more fugitives from UAE, Indian govt has now prepared a list of fugitives who can be brought back to the country in next couple of months. “After the return of corporate lobbyist Deepak Talwar and chopper scam accused Rajiv Saxena, the NSA held a meeting with the top officials of intelligence and surveillance agencies, including RAW and NTRO,” govt sources said. All the government agencies have started coordinating among themselves under the national security adviser Ajit Doval to extradite more fugitives from various countries which are considered to be safe havens for criminals and financial fraudsters. The coordination reached its peak when the CBI, ED and RAW worked together to bring back Christen Michel from Dubai last month where he had been living for a long time. Govt sources said aerial assets of RAW have been earmarked for these operations. By Manjeet
Two catches a shot in the arm for govt By Munish Chandra Pandey and Aneesha Mathur in New Delhi
Singh Negi / India Today TV
AgustaWestland accused Gautam Khaitan, & the directors of the firm were middlemen Carlo Gerosa and Guido Haschke. The probe agency told the Patiala House Court that Saxena has been cooperating and been helping in establishing the “series of bribery” that were allegedly paid to officials in the defence sector and a few politicians. Apart from Doval, only a select few officers were kept in the loop which included ED director Sanjay Kumar Mishra. Rajiv Saxena was on Thursday sent to four-day custody of the ED, where he is expected to be confronted by another accused of AgustaWestland deal — Gautam Khaitan. Special CBI Judge Arvind Kumar allowed custodial interrogation
after ED special prosecutor DP Singh argued that Saxena had “created the structures for the money trial” and would be the key to finding out the money trail in the case.
INDIA CANCELS THEIR PASSPORTS THE MEA informed authorities in UAE that the duo’s passports were cancelled by the Indian govt on Wednesday. Even the UAE govt had refused to give Saxena and Talwar permanent residency status, making the job easy for Indian govt. Soon after their passports were cancelled, two teams of UAE authorities picked both of them and deported them to India on a special plane. India Today TV
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019
NO STOPPING! Indian wicketkeeper-batsman MS Dhoni has moved up three places to 17th position in the batting list. (Right) Virat Kohli.
HE Indian cricket team on Monday rose a rung to second in the ICC ODI rankings in which captain Virat Kohli and pacer Jasprit Bumrah continued to top the respective charts for batsmen and bowlers. India have accumulated 122 points on the back of series wins over Australia and New Zealand and are placed behind England (126) in the fresh list, the ICC said in a statement. Mahendra Singh Dhoni also moved up owing to a strong showing against Australia last month, which fetched him the player of the series award. Dhoni has moved up three places to 17th position in the batting list for a run, which Emirates and Nepal. Kedar Jadway up, with only Bumrah and included three consecutive halfhav (up eight places to 35th) is Afghanistan leg-spinner Rashid centuries against Australia. another one to advance for India Khan ahead of him. India legNew Zealand fast bowler Trent in the list led by Kohli. spinner Yuzvendra Chahal (up Boult surged to third in the one place to fifth) and fast bowler For South Africa, Quinton de rankings for bowlers after finishBhuvneshwar Kumar (up six Kock (up one place to eighth), ing with 12 wickets in the series places to 17th) are among others Hashim Amla (up three places to against India, which culminated to move up in the latest rankings. 13th) and Reeza Hendricks (up in Wellington on Sunday with a 36 places to 94th) have moved The latest update also 4-1 victory for the visiting side. up among batsmen while takes into account India's The 29-year-old left-armer, who Andile Phehlukwayo’s preceding three-match The swung the ball prodigiously to eight wickets have series against Ausclaim five for 21 and helped New seen him gain 13 tralia, the fiveMen in Blue Zealand to a win in the fourth places and reach match series have accumumatch, has moved up seven 19th position and between South lated 122 points on places, the International Cricket Dwaine Pretorious Africa and Pakthe back of series Council said in a statement. has moved up from istan, and the three wins over Australia 53rd to 44th slot. matches between Boult topped the rankings in & New Zealand the United Arab January 2016, and is again on his Mail Today
Kohli remains on top, Team India rise to 2nd in ICC ODI rankings
Yuzvendra Chahal climbed one place to fifth in bowlers’ list.
Brendon McCullum to retire from Big Bash
Brendon McCullum.
FORMER New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum has decided to retire from Big Bash League after playing his last game on Friday to start the transition into a coaching career. The 37-year-old explosive batsman and wicketkeeper, who retired from international cricket in 2016, will play his last BBL match for out-oftitle contention Brisbane Heat in their season-ending game against Melbourne Stars at the Gabba. McCullum, who has been with Brisbane Heat since the BBL inaugural year of 2011, will not take up his contract option to return for next season. The big-hitting New Zealander, who has belted 920 runs and five 50s in 34 matches for Brisbane Heat since making his debut, said he will continue to play T20 cricket in other
countries this year. “I will continue to ing it grow and evolve into one of the best play T20 cricket in 2019 in various compe- T20 competitions in the world has been titions around the world and will then great to be part of,” said McCullum. look to transition into a coaching career,” “I think the BBL will get stronger and McCullum said in a statement. better from here too as everyone becomes “The prospect of being able to transfer more comfortable with the format and the clubs continue to be bold in their planthe skills, experience and leadership I ning and preparations.” have been lucky enough to bank over my long T20 and also interIn an international career spannational career into coaching is ning 14 years (2002 to 2016), The very exciting,” said in the McCullum scored 6453 runs 37-year-old statement. from 101 Tests and 6083 runs explosive batsfrom 260 ODIs. He said he absolutely loved man and wicketplaying for the Heat and it Brisbane Heat coach and keeper will play his was a privilege to captain the former Black Caps teammate team. “Being a part of the Dan Vettori said, “His greatlast BBL match on BBL has been a special part est quality is wanting everyFriday of my career. Having been one in the team to do well.” there at the start, and then seeAgencies
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 699
7th February to 13th February 2019