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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708


⁄Û∑Á≈ ‹ÁØ∫ «Ú√≈÷ Ó‘ΔÈ≈, ÒØ’Δ∫ «¬√˘ ’«‘‰ «Ú√≈÷ΔÕ Òº÷ª ÓÈ «Ú⁄ √ºËª ÒÀ ’∂, ◊ºÒ «’√∂ È∂ ·Δ’ ‘À ¡≈÷ΔÕ «Ó‘È ˘ ÎÒ ¡≈ Òº◊∂ È∂, ’‰’ª ÁΔ Óπº’ ◊¬Δ ¬∂ ≈÷ΔÕ ⁄≈¡ ⁄«Û∑¡≈ «’z√≈Ȫ Â≈¬Δ∫, ’«‘≥Á∂ ÒØ’Ø ¡≈¬Δ «Ú√≈÷ΔÕ Í √ØÒª √Ω È«Û≥ÈÚ∂∫ Á∂ «Úº⁄, È≈Ò ‹∞ÛΔ «¬º’ «¬√Á∂ √≈÷ΔÕ ÏÛΔ Ó‘ºÂÚÍ»È ‹º◊”Â∂, ¿∞‘ ¡≈¬Δ √Δ «¬º’ «Ú√≈÷ΔÕ ‹ÁØ∫ ˜∞ÒÓ, ÂÙºÁÁ, ’«‘ Óπ◊Ò Á≈, «‘≥ÁΔ¡ª ¿∞μÂ∂ „«‘≥Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ ÁΔÈ ’Ï»ÒØ, ¬ΔÈ ’Ï»ÒØ, ‘≈’Ó ˜≈Ï ’«‘≥Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ «‘≥Á» Á∂ ◊ˇ «Úº⁄Ø∫ ‹≥‹»∞, Ó‰-Ó‰ «ÈºÂ Á≈ Ò«‘≥Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ ˆÀ ¡Â∂ ¡‰÷Ø∫ Úªfi≈, Áπº÷ Â√Δ‘∂ √«‘≥Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ Í»‹≈ Ú≈Ò≈ ʪ-ʪ Ó≥Á, ¡‰«◊‰Â ‘Δ „«‘≥Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ «Î ÚΔ ¡≈͉∂ «¬’ Ú◊ ȱ∞≥, «ÿz‰≈ ȯ ’Á≈ √Δ ¿∞‘Õ ¿∞‘ÁΔ ¤Ø‘ ¡Â∂ Íz¤≈Ú∂∫ ÂØ∫ ÚΔ, «Ìº‡ ‘؉ ÂØ∫ ‚Á≈ √Δ ¿∞‘Õ ¿∞‘ «ÈÂ≈‰≈ Ú◊ Ï∂-⁄≈≈, ˜∞ÒÓ ÁØ‘ª Á∂ ‹Á≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ ÓÈ∞º÷≈ ‹ΔÚÈ Í≈ ’∂ ÚΔ ¿∞‘, ÍÙ» ÁΔ ‹»ÈΔ ÓÁ≈ «Í¡≈ √ΔÕ «¬‘ ˜∞ÒÓ ‘‡≈Ú‰ ÷≈Â, ’Ò◊ΔË «¬º’ ÓÂ≈ Í’≈«¬¡≈Õ Á» Áπ∂‚∂ ÿºÒ √πÈ∂‘∂, √Ì √≥◊ª ˘ √ºÁ ÏπÒ≈«¬¡≈Õ ÁÙÓ∂Ù «ÍÂ≈ È∂ «Úº⁄ “’∂√◊Û∑”, √π≥Á «¬’ ÁΔÚ≈È √‹≈«¬¡≈Õ ’«‘≥Á∂! ‹≈ Í≈ Á≈ ’ΩÛ∑ «Ó‡≈¿∞‰≈, √«Â◊∞ ‹Δ È∂ ’«‘

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Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


’«‘≥Á≈ ’º‡ Ò˙ √Δ√ ◊∞» ‹Δ, «¬‘ ‘À ‘∞‰ ÂØ∫ Â∂≈ ¬Δ ‘Ø«¬¡≈Õ «‘≥Ó È∂ ÚΔ «‘≥Ó ’’∂, √Δ√ ◊∞» Á∂ ⁄ÈΔ Ë’∂ ’Δ Ï∂ÈÂΔ √«Â◊∞ Â≈¬Δ∫, ’º‡ Ò˙ √Δ√ ˘ Ó∂∂ √ª¬Δ∫Õ ÓØ‘’Ó ÚΔ È≈Ò «ÈÓÂ≈, √«Â◊∞ Á∂ ⁄ºÒ ¡º◊∂ ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ ÒÚØ «¬Ó≈È √ªÌ ¡≈͉Δ, «¬‘ ¡≈÷ ’∂ √Δ√ «ÈÚ≈«¬¡≈Õ √≈«‘Ï È∂ ÚΔ √≈«‘Ï Ï‰È Ò¬Δ, √«Â◊∞ ¡º◊∂ √Δ√ fi∞’≈«¬¡≈Õ Ó≈Î ’Ø ÓÀ˘ √π¡≈ÓΔ Ó∂∂, È≈Ò Á∂ Á∂ ÓÀ∫ ‘ª ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ ⁄Ω‘ª ȱ»≥ ◊∞» Ú≈Ø-Ú≈Δ, Á«¬¡≈ ≈Ó ÁΔ Êª”Â∂ ÒÀ ◊¬∂Õ Íz∂Ó ÂØ∫ Úªfi∂ ÒØ’ª Á∂ «Î, ≥◊ √Δ ‚’∂ «Îº’∂ ÍÀ ◊¬∂Õ ’¬Δ ª ‹≈ ’∂ Óª ◊∞‹Δ Á∂, Ï⁄‰ Ú≈√Â∂ ⁄ÈΔ∫ „«‘ ͬ∂Õ ’¬Δ «÷√’ ◊¬∂ ¡º÷ Ï⁄≈ ’∂, ’¬Δ √≥◊ Á∂ «Ú⁄ ¬Δ Ù«‘ ◊¬∂Õ ‹ÁØ∫ ÍÂ’∂ Á√Ó Í≈ÂÙ≈‘, «Ú⁄ ÁΔÚ≈È Á∂ ¡≈ ’∂ ◊º‹∂Õ ‹Ø ÏØÒ∂ √Ø «È‘≈Ò Â∂ √«Â √zΔ ¡’≈Ò Á∂ ‹À’≈∂ ¤º‚∂Õ ‹Á º«’¡≈ √ÌÈ∂ Í≥‹ª ˘, ÷ºÏ∂ ÂØ∫ √º‹∂Õ √zΔ ’Ò◊ΔË Á∂ Úª◊ ‘Δ, √È ÷Û∑∂ ¿∞‘ √‹∂Õ Â∂ «Í¡≈ È≈Ò √Δ ÏØÒÁ∂, Óπº÷Ø∫ ÁÓ◊º‹∂Õ ’«‘≥Á∂ Ú≈«‘◊∞» ‹Δ ’≈ ı≈Ò√≈® Ú≈«‘◊∞» ‹Δ ’Δ ¯Â«‘® √«Â◊∞ È∂ «Î È≈Ò «Í¡≈ Á∂, «¬’ ÏÂÈ «Ú⁄ ‹Ò Ó≥◊Ú≈«¬¡≈Õ ÍÛ∑’∂ ¡≈Í∂ ¬Δ Í≥‹ Ï≈‰Δ¡ª, ¡≥«ÓzÂ, ÷≥‚≈ Î∂ ω≈«¬¡≈Õ Á√Ó «ÍÂ≈ √«ÂÈ≈Ó ¡≈÷’∂, «Ú⁄ Ï≈‡∂ Á∂ ¡≥«Óz Í≈«¬¡≈Õ Í≥‹ª ‘Δ «√Һʪ Â≈¬Δ∫, √«Â◊∞ È∂ «Î ‘∞’Ó √π‰≈«¬¡≈Õ ’«‘≥Á∂! Í≥‹-Í≥‹ ÿ∞º‡ª Ú≈Ø-Ú≈Δ, «¬√ Ï≈‡∂”⁄Ø∫ ÍΔÚØ √≈∂Õ ˜≈Â-Í≈ Á≈ Ì∂Á «Ó‡≈’∂, ω ‹≈˙ Ó∂∂ «√≥ÿ «Í¡≈∂Õ Í≥‹∂ ‘Δ Ó≥È ‘∞’Ó ◊∞» Á≈, Ì ◊¬∂ ÿ∞º‡ª Ú≈Ø-Ú≈ΔÕ ‘ºÊ Ï≥È ÁÙÓ∂Ù «ÍÂ≈ È∂, ¿∞È∑ª ˘ «Î ¡˜ ◊∞˜≈ΔÕ ÓÀ˘ ÚΔ ¡≈‘! ¡≥«Óz Ï÷ÙØ, ω’∂ Ó∂∂ Í¿∞Í’≈ΔÕ ‘º√ ’∂ ÏØÒ∂ Í≥‹ «Í¡≈∂, √«Â◊∞ ˘ fiº‡ ¡≈÷ √π‰≈«¬¡≈Õ ’«‘≥Á∂! √Δ√ ’‡≈«¬¡≈ «¬√Á∂ ÏÁÒ∂, «¬‘ √√Â≈ È‘Δ∫ ¬∂È≈ ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ ’Ò◊ΔË «¬‘ √π‰’∂ ÏØÒ∂, ◊ºÒ «¬º’ √Δ√ ÁΔ ’Á∂ ͬ∂ ‘Ø! «¬√ ¡‰ÓπºÒ∂ ¡≥«Óz ÁΔ, «’¿∞∫ ’ΔÓ ÊØÛ∑Δ ËÁ∂ ͬ∂ ‘Ø ? «¬√ Ï≈∂ Ó∂∂ Ò≈‚Ò∂ «√≥ÿØ, √Ì ’∞ºfi ¡≈͉≈ Ò∂÷∂ Ò≈ Á¿∞»∫Õ Í≥Ê ÁΔ Ù≈È ÚË≈Ú‰ ÷≈Â, ¡≈͉≈ √≈≈ Ú≥Ù Ò∞‡≈ Á¿±∫Õ ¿∞√∂ ‘Δ «Î Ï≈‡∂ «Ú⁄Ø∫, ’Ò◊ΔË ˘ ¡≥«Óz «Í¡≈«¬¡≈Õ Í≥Ê ÷≈Ò√≈ ω’∂ ⁄∂Ò≈, ’Ò◊ΔË Á≈ ◊∞» ’‘≈«¬¡≈Õ «Ìº‡Á∂ √Δ ’ºÒ∑ «‹√Á∂ √≈¬∂, «√≥ÿ √≈«‘Ï √Á≈ ω≈¬∂Õ ’Á «‹È∑ª ’Á∂ ÎÛ∑Δ È≈ Èß◊Δ, ÷≥‚∂ ‘ºÊΔ∫ ¡≈Í ÎÛ∑≈¬∂Õ ÷≈Ò√≈ Ó∂≈ ‹º◊ ÂØ∫ «È¡≈≈, «ÁºÂ∂ √Ï’ Â∂ ’«‘ √Ófi≈¬∂Õ «‘≥Ó ’ÈΔ ËÓ Â∞‘≈‚≈, √∂Ú’ ω’∂ Á«¬¡≈ ‘À ’ÈΔÕ ˜∞ÒÓ ÈΔ∫ √«‘‰≈ ˜∞ÒÓ ÈΔ∫ ’È≈, fi»· ÁΔ ‘≈ÓΔ ’Á∂ ÈΔ∫ ÌÈΔÕ ‘∞≥ÁΔ «’√∂ Á∂ È≈Ò ÚËΔ’Δ, Á∂÷ Â∞√Δ∫ «¬‘ ’Á∂ ÈΔ∫ ‹ÈΔÕ È≈Ò Ù≈È Á∂ «‘‰ Ò¬Δ ‘∞‰ “’Ó” ˘ «‘‰≈ «’√∂ Á≈ ‚ È∑Δ∫Õ ¬∂√ Â∑ª Á≈ ÷≈Ò√ √Ø‘‰≈, ’Ò◊ΔË È∂ Í≥Ê ⁄Ò≈«Œ¬¡≈Õ ◊∞‰ ◊≈ÚØ Á√Ó∂∂Ù «ÍÂ≈ Á∂, ¡º‹ «Ú√≈÷Δ Á≈ «ÁÈ ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ ¡º‹ «Ú√≈÷Δ Á≈ «ÁÈ ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ -’Ó «√≥ÿ ’Ó

ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

«ÍzÔ’≈ ◊ªËΔ, ‹ÈÒ √’æÂ

√ØÈΔ¡≈ ◊ªËΔ, ⁄∂¡Í√È

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11th April to 17th April, 2019

Î’Δ ⁄ßÁ √‘ØÂ≈, ‹ÈÒ √À’‡Δ ¡≈¬Δ. ˙. √Δ., Ô±. ’∂.

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Open 7 Days

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371 Dudley Road, Wolverhampton Tel:01902 458 433


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019

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Gurduara Singh Sabha Akal Darbar 523 Park Road, Hockley, Birmingham B18 5TR , Tel:0121 551 0062 or 07931 734 924

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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù HD

- ◊πÓ∂Ò «√ßÿ ÌßÚ≈ «‹‘≈ ◊≈‚È √Δ ‹Ø Ï‘∞ ÷≈Ï ‘≈Ò «Ú⁄ √Δ¢ ÿ≈¡ Ï‘∞  ګˡ≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ √Δ¢ Ò◊Á≈ √Δ ’Á∂ «’√∂ È∂ ’쫇¡≈ ‘Δ È‘Δ∫ √Δ¢ ¡ßÁ ¡≈ ’∂ «’⁄È Á∂÷Δ ‹Ø Ï‘∞ ‘Δ ¤Ø‡Δ «‹‘Δ √Δ¢ Í«‘ÒΔ Á¯≈ ◊À√ ’∞μ’ Á∂«÷¡≈ «‹√ Á∂ ⁄≈ ÏÈ √È Ò∂«’È «¬‘鱧 ÂΔÒ∑Δ È≈Ò Ò≈¿∞‰≈ ÍÀ∫Á≈ √Δ¢ «¬μ’ Í≈√∂ Í≈‰Δ Ú≈√Â∂ ⁄ΔÈΔ Á≈ ¡ÈÿÛ «‹‘≈ «√ß’ √Δ ‹Ø ⁄Ò∑≈ «‹‘≈ Ò◊Á≈ √Δ, «¬‘Á∂ ¿∞μÂ∂ Í≈‰Δ Ú≈ÒΔ ‡±‡Δ √Δ¢ Ø‡Δ¡≈∫ Í’≈¿∞‰ Ò¬Δ «¬μ’ Í≈√∂ Í∞≈‰∂ ‡≈¬ΔÍ Á≈ Ú’ ‡ΩÍ √Δ¢ Ó∞’Â√ Ì≈∫‚∂ ͬ∂ √È¢ ¿∞ √ Ú’Â Á∂ √‡À∫‚‚ Ó∞Â≈Ï’ ÓÀ鱧 «¬‘ √Ì ’∞¤ ⁄ß◊≈ ‘Δ Òμ«◊¡≈ «’˙∫«’ ÷≈‰≈ ω≈¿∞‰≈ Â≈∫ Ï‘∞ ¡√≈È √Δ¢ ¿∞Ê∂ ÷Û∑∂ ÷Û∑∂ «ÍÂ≈ ‹Δ È∂ ⁄≈‘ ω≈¬Δ¢ ◊À√ ¿∞μÂ∂ ’∞«’ß◊ ’ÈΔ ÓÀÈ±ß Ï‘∞ ¡√≈È Òμ◊Δ¢ ⁄≈‘ ω≈ ’∂ ¡Â∂ ÁØ ’μÍ ÒÀ ’∂ ¡√Δ∫ ¡ßÁ ¡≈ ◊¬∂ Â∂ ‡∂ÏÒ Â∂ ⁄≈‘ ÍΔ‰ Òμ◊∂¢ ’∞¤ Á∂ Ï≈¡Á ¿∞ÍÒ∂ ’Ó∂ ÂØ∫ ¿∞μÂ ’∂ «¬μ’ √싉 ¡≈¬∂ ¡Â∂ È≈Ò ‘Δ ¿∞‘È≈∫ Á≈ Ï∂‡≈¢ √μ √zΔ ¡’≈Ò ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á ¿∞‘È≈∫ È∂ Ó∂≈ ‘≈Ò ⁄≈Ò Í∞쫤¡≈ Â∂ «¬ß‚Δ¡≈ Ú≈∂ ◊μÒ≈∫ ‘Ø¬Δ¡≈∫¢ «¬√ √싉 Á≈ È≈Ó ¡‹‰ «√ßÿ ÏÀ∫√ √Δ ‹Ø «¬ß‚Δ¡≈ ÂØ∫ Ù≈ÁΔ Í∞ «Íß‚ Á∂ «‘‰ Ú≈Ò∂ √È ‹Ø ȱ Ó«‘Ò Á∂ È∂Û∂ ‘À¢ ¿∞‘È≈∫ Á≈ Ï∂‡≈ ‹√Úß «√ßÿ ‹Ø Ó∂Δ ‘Δ ¿∞Ó Á≈ √Δ¢ ‘Ø ’∞¤ «Ò÷‰ ÂØ∫ Í«‘Ò≈∫ «¬Ê∂ ÓÀ∫ «¬μ’ ‹±Δ ◊μÒ «Ò÷‰≈ ⁄≈‘≈∫◊≈¢ ¿∞‘ «¬‘ ‘À «’ ¡‹‰ «√ßÿ ‹Δ 鱧 √≈∂ «◊¡≈ÈΔ ‹Δ ’«‘ ’∂ Ï∞ Ò ≈¿∞ ∫ Á∂ √È¢ Ó∂  ∂ «¬ß◊ÒÀ∫‚ ¡≈¿∞‰ ÂØ∫ ÒÀ ’∂ ‘∞‰ Âμ’ «¬√ ÍzΔÚ≈ È≈Ò √≈‚∂ √ÏßË Ï‘∞ È∂ÛÂ≈ Ú≈Ò∂ ‘È¢ «¬√ ÍzΔÚ≈ Ú≈∂ ¡μ◊∂ ⁄Ò ’∂ Ï‘∞ ’∞¤ «Ò«÷¡≈ ‹≈Ú∂◊≈¢ Í«‘ÒΔ «ÓÒ‰Δ «Ú⁄ ‘Δ ÓÀÈß± «◊¡≈ÈΔ ‹Δ ÁΔ¡≈∫ ◊μÒ≈∫ È∂ ÓØ‘ «Ò¡≈ √Δ¢ ¡μ‹ ¿∞‘ «¬√ Á∞ÈΔ¡≈∫ Â∂ È‘Δ∫ ‘È Í ‘∞‰ ÌΔ ¡√Δ∫ √≈∂

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11th April to 17th April, 2019

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«¬≥Á‹Δ «√≥ÿ “‹Δ”

March 2013 to 6.00pm

ÓÈ «‹æÂ

Vol: 15,


Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


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Jagjeet Singh Paramjit Singh (RTD. D.E.O.) Dhanda

Shalbinder singh Ó«‘ßÁ «√ßÿ «ÁÒÏ

suKivMdr isMG ig`l

Karnail S. ¡Ó‹Δ «√ßÿ Sangha

Mr. Dalbir Sandhu Mata Baldev

Mata Kawaljit Kaur Virdee


Jagjit S Bahra

Baba Tarlochan Singh Boparai

Shangra Singh Bhandal

Mohan Singh Mastana

Dr Gurnam Singh Sekhon

Surinder Singh

Gurbax Singh Khaira

Kundan Singh PARDIP S BASSI Khaira

Pawan Kumar

Jethadar Amrik ‹ß◊Δ «√ß ÿ Singh Sukhchain Dhillon ÈßË≈ S Pannu

Rashpal Singh Purewal

Santokh Singh Nahal

Perminder Singh Basson

Sukhdev Bansal ¡ÓΔ’ «√ßÿ √‘ØÂ≈

Inderjit Singh

’∂ÚÒ «√ßÿ ʪÁΔ

Meji Samrala

Kulwant Kainth

Gurmit Jandhu

moqw isMG

kuldip prgx BMsingh fwl S.Nasib Singh jasewal

Satypal Sharma suKivMdr isMG Hardev Singh inaU kYsl

Rajinder kuslFine vMq isM G bYNs tone

Ishwinder Singh

Raghbir Gill

Mohinder S. Rai

Simi Gill

Jaswant Singh virdi


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Lakhbir Singh S. Jath. Shangara ¡È∂’ «√ßÿ ‹Ω‘Ò Kahlon Dhami

prmjIq «√ß isMÿ G „≈‚Δ FwfI ÍÓ‹ΔÂ

Suria Photay

√π÷«ÈßÁ «√ßÿ ÁÒÚΔ Bhopal ‘ÒÚ≈ÚΔ Ïª√Ò

Binder Panesar

Amrik Singh Ghuggi

Ó«‘ßÁ «√ßÿ ’ßËØÒ≈

Bipin Dhokia

Neeru Khinth

Pat Mcfadden MP

Harmel Singh Sadhpuri

Mr. S.K. Monga

Sukhvinder Singh Gill

BilharDhillon. Singh Daljit ramewal.

◊∞Á∂Ú «√ßÿ «◊ºÒ

Chan Jandalvi

Dr Jas jandhu

Sohan Singh Kuldip Singh Jaswal

jMfU il`qrW

Jasbinder ’Ω ∫√Ò ‹∂.’∂. Kaur Á∂‘Û Piara S. Gumtala

Raj Singh

Santokh S Shokar

Pamma Johal

Sukhdev Singh Aman Ghag R S Pawar Sidhu. Roop S Benning

Cllr,. Pyal Bedi

Rob Marris

Harpal s. Kandola

Surinder S. Azad

G S Kalsi

Malkiat Singh hrBjn qlvwr Kailey

Pat McFadden Sarabjit Bhatti MP

◊πÓΔ «√ßÿ ÌØ◊Ò

- Raghbir ’∞ÒÚ≥ Singh ’Ω Bains Ï‚Ú≈Ò

Harvinder Bhamra

Jarnail Singh Bhogal

ÓÈ «‹æÂ


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Vol: 15,

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Issue 708

Issue 708

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11th April to 17th April, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


ÁπæË ÂØ∫ ÚΔ ÚæË ¯≈«¬Á∂Ó≥Á ˛ ÍΩÙ«‡’ Á‘ƒ

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

UK issues passports without ‘European Union’ on cover Britain has begun issuing passports with the words “European Union” removed from the front cover -- despite Brexit being delayed and its political leaders deadlocked over how to extricate the country from the bloc. The interior ministry said Saturday that a longstanding decision to start introducing passports without reference to the EU had gone ahead from March 30, the day after the original date for Brexit. Prime Minister Theresa May has delayed leaving the bloc after 46 years of membership amid stubborn opposition in parliament to the divorce deal she finalised with European leaders in November. MPs have comprehensively rejected the agreement three times. Ahead of an EU summit on Wednesday, she was forced to ask them for another extension, until June 30, to prevent Britain departing with no deal at the end of next week. But the other 27 members must give unanimous backing to any further postponement and are increasingly impatient at the paralysis in Westminster. They could offer just a shorter postponement -- or a longer period of up to a year. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told reporters at a G7 meeting in France on Saturday that it was time for the Brexit crisis to end. “The British authorities and the British parliament need to understand that (the EU) is not going to be able to constantly exhaust itself with the ups and downs of domestic British politics,” he said. However Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar cautioned it was “extremely unlikely” a member would veto another extension, while revealing he now favoured a lengthy delay. May is trying to break the parliamentary gridlock by striking a compromise deal with the main Labour opposition.

Senior ministers have spent several days negotiating with its leaders, but there are signs of the talks stalling after Labour complained of no “real change or compromise”. British finance minister Philip Hammond nevertheless struck an optimistic tone at a meeting Saturday of European finance ministers in Bucharest. There were “no red lines” in the ongoing discussions, he told reporters, adding: “I expect we will reach some form of agreement.” Britain’s interior ministry meanwhile confirmed that some newly issued passports now omit references to the EU on the cover, while others still bear the bloc’s name. The discrepancy was due to an attempt to save public money by using up “leftover stock”, but both designs would be “equally valid for travel”, they insisted.“Passports that include the words ‘European Union’ will continue to be issued for a short period,” a spokeswoman said. British passports had already become ensnared in the country’s Brexit divisions after the government announced in 2017 it would return to traditional blue passports “to restore national identity”. The travel documents had dark blue covers from 1921, but Britain switched to burgundy from 1988, in common with other members of the-then European Community. Last year it emerged that Franco-Dutch com-

pany Gemalto had won the contract to make the new blue passports, prompting fury from Brexit campaigners and more ridicule from Remainers that a British company was not chosen. The new production contract is to begin in October 2019, with passports currently being issued in the burgundy colour. Whether Britain will have left the bloc by then is uncertain. Even those of May’s Conservative colleagues who back her deal have denounced any outreach to Labour, while the most hardline Brexiteers remain implacably opposed to her deal. Hammond, who backed Remain in Britain’s 2016 referendum and is

seen as favouring as soft a Brexit as possible, urged his divided party to show flexibility. “We should be open to listen to suggestions that others have made and some people in the Labour Party are making other suggestions,” he said. Labour is pushing for a much closer post-Brexit alliance with the EU, including participation in a customs union. May has previously dismissed the idea because it bars Britain from striking its own trade deals with global giants such as China and the United States. Labour’s home affairs spokeswoman Diane Abbott also called for compromise.

11th April to 17th April, 2019



It was a call to the Interactive Voice Response system of Emirates Airlines in Dubai about a flight booking, but it provided the National Investigation Agency with a crucial evidence to nail a Pakistani national, Dubai-based Mohammad Kamran, as the head of the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s funding activities in India. This is perhaps the first time an enquiry with an airline’s automated system is being used by the agency for such a purpose. Two weeks ago, NIA filed a charge sheet naming Kamran, Delhi-based Mohammad Salman and Rajasthan-based Mohammad Salim, for conspiring to create logistics bases and sleeper cells for LeT’s financial arm, Falah-i-Insaniyat Foundation. The cells were sought to be created in Delhi and Haryana in the garb of religious work. Salman, who was receiving instructions and funds from Dubai, and Salim were arrested in September 2018. To establish that Kamran (who is currently absconding), in association with LeT chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the mastermind of the Mumbai terror attacks, and FIF’s deputy chief Shahid Mehmood were sending terror funds to India, NIA needed their voice samples to match with evidence collected during investigations. With its intelligence revealing that Kamran recently made an enquiry with Emirates Airlines in Dubai about a booking, NIA reached out to the airline’s local office, which provided a recording of the call.

WILL NOT ACCEPT ABROGATION OF ARTICLE 370 IN KASHMIR: PAKISTAN Pakistan has said that it will not accept the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in Kashmir, saying it would be a violation of UN resolutions. The Article 370 is a “temporary provision” with respect to Jammu and Kashmir and restricts the applicability of various provisions of the Constitution by “curtailing” the power of Parliament to make laws on subjects which fall under the Union and Concurrent lists. Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesman Mohammad Faisal, while addressing the media in Islamabad on Friday, made the comments on the issue of abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir, saying it will be in violation of the UN resolutions.

“The abrogation of Article 370 of Indian constitution is violation of UN resolutions. We will not accept it under any circumstances and the Kashmiris will also not accept it,” he said. Senior BJP leaders have repeatedly emphasised the party’s commitment to abrogate Article 370 from the

state. According to media reports, BJP President Amit Shah said it remains committal to remove the Article from the state but their lack of majority in Rajya Sabha is the reason why it has not been done so far. Shah’s comments were met with some sharp criti-

cism from political leaders in Jammu and Kashmir. National Conference leader and former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah said when the country got independence, a Constitution was created in which certain provisions were kept by which the state’s identity could be safeguarded. “It included Article 370 and Article 35A. Unfortunately, some of our leaders made Article 370 hollow for their personal gains,” he said. His father and National Conference President Farooq Abdullah had said that the relationship between New Delhi and the state will be over if Article 370 is repealed.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


spqwihk-rwSIPl Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÀÒ AI «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ Âπ‘≈‚≈ ’≈ÎΔ √Óª ÍÚ≈ È≈Ò ◊π‹∂◊≈Õ Âπ√Δ∫ Í«Ú≈ ÁΔ¡ª «Ù’≈«¬Â≈ Á± ’Ø◊∂Õ «’√∂ ˜ÓΔÈΔ √ΩÁ∂ 鱧 ÒÀ ’∂ ÓÈ «Ú⁄ Ï∂⁄ÀÈΔ ‘∂◊ΔÕ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÀÒ -Ó¬Δ B@ «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ «˜ßÁ◊Δ ÁΔ¡ª ’¬Δ ¡Ω’Ûª 鱧 ¡≈Í‰Δ √ÓfiÁ≈Δ È≈Ò Á± ’Ø◊∂Õ «’√∂ È≈Ò √ªfi∂Á≈Δ ¡æ◊∂ ‹≈ ’∂ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ Óπ√ΔÏ ω √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ «’√∂ ÚΔ ’≈◊˜ ”Â∂ «ÏÈ∑ª ÍÛ∑∂ ‘√Â≈÷ È≈ ’ØÕ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ «˜ßÁ◊Δ ÁΔ¡ª ’¬Δ ¡Ω’Ûª 鱧 ¡≈Í‰Δ √ÓfiÁ≈Δ È≈Ò Á± ’Ø◊∂Õ «’√∂ È≈Ò √ªfi∂Á≈Δ ¡æ◊∂ ‹≈ ’∂ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ Óπ√ΔÏ ω √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB «¬‘ ‘ÎÂ≈ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ «ÓÒ∂ ‹πÒ∂ ¡√ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘∂◊≈Õ Ïæ«⁄¡ª ÚæÒØ∫ ’Ø¬Δ ÷πÙΔ «ÓÒ √’ÁΔ ˛Õ «√‘ Ú≈Ò∂ Í≈√∂ «Ë¡≈È Á∂‰ ÁΔ ÒØÛ ˛Õ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ ÈÚΔ¡ª ÔØ‹È≈Úª ωÈ◊Δ¡ª Â∂ Íπ≈‰Δ¡ª Á∂ √Îґ؉ ÁΔ √ßÌ≈ÚÈ≈ ˛Õ Á±«‹¡ª Ï≈∂ √Ø⁄ ’∂ ¡≈͉∂ ’ßÓª 鱧 «Íæ¤∂ Í≈¿π‰ ÁΔ ¡≈ÁÓ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄‰ ÁΔ ˜± ˛Õ ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB «¬√ ‘ÎÂ∂ Âπ‘≈‚∂ ¡ßÁ ¿πÂÙ≈‘ Á≈ √ß⁄≈ ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ

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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama

Aries (March 21-April 19) Your past efforts now bear fruits and surprisingly promotion, and elevated status are your rewards. Avoid irrational outbursts and erratic actions to safeguard your reputation. Venus and Neptune influence your 12th house of compassion and healing. A long-awaited opportunity arrives mid-week. Taurus (April 21-May 20) Secrets are revealed and wounds long forgotten resurface. It is a challenging week and you are advised to lie low and avoid pushing issues. Work mates, though supportive, are deep in their own problems. Confide in your partner to let off steam. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your career is destined for a boost, as both Venus and Neptune send cast blessed rays on your house of profession and prosperity. Wednesday, 10th April forward, opportunities appear to land your laps. Some of you may plan to travel and visit a close friend. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As the week dawns, you are thinking of far horizons and exotic destinations. Money, career and home are all well starred except that things will move at a snail’s pace for the next few weeks. Some hiccups in communications cause delays. Leo (July 23-August 22 As expansive Jupiter goes retrograde till mid-August you will notice that career progress slows down considerably. Watch out for conflicts and arguments on Wednesday 10th April. Prepare for visitors at home and relax in the company of children and family. Virgo (August 23-September 22) As the week progresses so will your magnetism and social status. Team work will help to achieve your goals and the unexpected positive events will push you to your desired destination. Your partner may seem evading and ignoring you; we all need to spend time with ourselves. .Libra (September 23-October 20)

Relationships are under cosmic scanner and you may face confrontations from close ones. The time is ripe to focus on health and wellbeing; may be healthy diet and a trip to the gym. Wednesday forward, planets inspire you to prioritize your own desires. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Be patient, diplomatic and compassionate at meetings and discussions relating to work and personal matters. Finances are in a jumble and the sooner you resolve the issues the better for the future. You will get opportunity to travel and meet new people in the next few weeks. . Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) It is time to hibernate, look within and do a bit of soul searching to chalk out your strategy for a harmonious and peaceful future. As your ruling planet Jupiter goes reverse till 11th August, the cosmic signals you to go slow and avoid forcing events. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) The last few weeks have been hectic at place of work as well as additional pressure at home to meet demands of the family. It will be great to take a short vacation and distribute the chores to others and relax. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) The planets fore warn you to look after your money and valuables and curb temptation to buy items you may regret later. From 10th April onwards, changes are imminent to your professional and personal set up. New faces will definitely appear in your social circle. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Venus and Neptune create the perfect week for love and romance. With the blessings of expansive Jupiter, your career has progressed and with it your social status has soared. Family will pressurize you to redecorate your den before you invite friends.

Pat McFadden MP calls for an apology as we approach the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre Today, I spoke in the Westminster Hall debate as we approach the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in April 1919. Where on this terrible day, General Dyer ordered his troops to open fire on an unarmed crowd of thousands of people in the Jallianwalla garden. They were in an enclosed space, surrounded almost entirely by walls. It is estimated that 379 innocent people were killed, with three or four times that number wounded. When Prime Minister David Cameron visited the site in 2013 he described the events as “deeply shameful” but stopped short of an official apology. I believe that the approach of the 100th anniversary of this event provides an opportunity to go further and to issue an official apology. I have written a cross-party letter to the Minister, calling for the Government to consider this call for an apology anew. It shouldn’t take 100 years to say sorry for such a terrible crime, but saying sorry 100 years on is better than not saying sorry at all.

Experienced Cleaner Required “ Experienced cleaner required for 5 to 6 hours weekly in Sutton Coldfield. Hourly rate depend on candidates experience and it can be negotiated. Review after 3 months and if work is satisfactory than hours can be increased.” Contact: Kumar Prasad : 07973254993 Home no. 01213531324

House For Sale. In Hands worth Wood Area Birmingham. Freehold Semi Detached, 5 Bed Rooms, Central heating, Double Glazed, Large Garage, Long Garden. Close to Schools, Doctors,Bus & Train routes. May be part exchanged for small property in Willenhall. Price: £2,85000.00

Contact: Mr. Singh 07984 324 600

KOTHI FOR SALE ‹ÒßË «Úº⁄ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ ’Ø·Δ «Ú’≈¿± ‘ÀÕ‹ÒßË Á∂ ‡≈Ú «¬È’Ò∂Ú, Í∂˜ C «Úº⁄,÷≥‹∂ Á∂ AB Ó«Ò¡ª «Úº⁄ √ºËª È≈Ò B@AC «Úº⁄ ω≈¬Δ B Ó≥‹ÒΔ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ ’Ø·Δ «Ú’≈¿± ‘ÀÕ «‹√ ÁΔ Í«‘ÒΔ Ó≥‹Ò Â∂ C ÏÀμ‚ »Óª «Úº⁄Ø∫ B «¬È√πÚΔ‡, «’⁄È, ‚≈«¬≥◊ »Ó È≈Ò Ï≈Ê»Ó, Á»‹Δ Ó≥‹Ò Â∂ C ÏÀμ‚ »Óª «Úº⁄Ø∫ «¬º’ «¬È√πÚΔ‡, ÷πºÒ∑≈ «√«‡≥◊ »Ó È≈Ò Ï≈Ê»Ó ¡Â∂ «¬√ ÂØ∫ ¡Ò«‘Á≈ «Íº¤∂ ◊À≈‹,’∂¡ ‡∂’ Ò¬Δ »Ó ¡Â∂ Ï≈Ê»Ó, ’Ø·Δ Á∂ ¡≥Á Î≥‡ «Úº⁄ ’≈ Í≈’,ÁØÚ∂∫ Í≈√∂ √Â≈,Í»≈ Ï≈◊Ò≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó√ΔÏÒ Í≥Í Òº«◊¡≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ ‘ÀÕ’Ó ÁΔ ¡Á≈«¬◊Δ «¬ºÊ∂ ‹ª «¬≥‚¡≈ ’ΔÂΔ ‹≈ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ ’ΔÓ √≥Í’ ’È Â∂Õ

√≥Í’: Mr Singh 07852 468 H@B

KOTHI FOR SALE 480 Gaj (approximately 1 Kanal) Modern Kothi for sale in Kharar comprising 7 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms, 4 Dining, 3 Kitchen, 2 Stores and generator. Cost is 85 lakhs with direct owner dealing and location is Sector 11, Kharar (Distt Mohali).

Contact 07961822573(UK), +91-92169-22573, +91-98140-30095

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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


US H-1B visa reaches 65,000 limit for 2020 in first season after new rules The United States on Friday announced it had received enough petitions for H1B visas for the congressionally mandated annual cap of 65,000 for 2020, the first under new rules that favour foreigners with advanced degrees from US colleges and might disadvantage Indians with Indian degrees. US citizenship and immigration services, which runs the visa programme, said in a statement it has “received a sufficient number of petitions projected as needed to reach the congressionallymandated 65,000 H-1B visa regular cap for fiscal year 2020”. And that it will next determine “if we have received a sufficient number of petitions to meet the 20,000 H-

1B visa U.S. advanced degree exemption, known as the master’s cap”. Indians have historically accounted for more than 70% of the total of 85,000 H-1B visas the US grants every year against applications by American employers for speciality occupations. Some of them were those employed by Indian companies with US operations such as TCS and Infosys, but most were hired by American companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. The H-1B programme has come under intense scrutiny from the Trump administration which believes, agreeing with long-time critics, these visas have been used to hire foreigners at the cost of

Other changes include increased scrutiny of applications as a result the number of requests for more information has gone up, increasing the paperwork and attorney fees, employers and industry watchers have said. And to

make it less attractive for foreigners hoping to stay on, the administration has decided to end work authorization, for instances, for spouses of H-1B visa-holders cleared for Green Card (permanent residency).

Children’s play area gets a thumbs-up after makeove Americans, to displace local workers. And in line with President Donald Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” policy, rules have been introduced and changed to make it harder to qualify, costlier and less welcoming. The new rule favoring foreigners with US degrees, which was announced in January, is expected to boost

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their numbers by an estimated 16%, or 5,340 workers. “US employers seeking to employ foreign workers with a US master’s or higher degree will have a greater chance of selection in the H-1B lottery in years of excess demand for new H-1B visas,” USCIS head Lee Francis Cissna had then said.

Rake Gate play area has officially reopened today with new upgraded facilities, designed for children of all ages and abilities. The newly refurbished play area includes a new multi-play unit with climbing ropes, a slide, a large dish roundabout, cradle swings and a springer. The equipment has been installed on a new multicoloured rubber safety

surface and is surrounded by new fencing and two selfclosing gates. The surrounding area has also been freshly returfed and new trees have been planted. Ross Cook, Director of City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “I’m pleased to see improvements have been made to enable children of all ages and abilities to play and enjoy the outdoors. “It’s important we invest in our play areas to encourage more families and children to take advantage of the city’s e x c e l l e n t outdoor facilities and we hope people are happy with the improved facilities at Rake Gateplayareaandenjoyotheroutdoor activities the city has to offer.” Marie Lane, Chair of the Rake Gate Tenants and Residents association said: “Our Tenants and Residents Association worked closely with the city council to design the new play area. We had a vision for the playground, and I’m delighted to say the council have delivered beyond our expectations. “We are so pleased residents are happy with the new design and its lovely to see children enjoying their new playground. “I would like to say a huge thank you to the city council for making Rake Gate play area an exciting place for children to visit and enjoy.”

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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

Warmest greetings at this special time of Vaisakhi- Pat McFadden M.P As an MP representing thousands of Sikh and Punjabi constituents I know this is a very special time for our community. It was my honour this year, as every year for the past eight years, to host the Vaisakhi celebrations in Parliament. We had Sikhs from across the country as well as MPs from a spectrum of political parties come together to mark the beginning of the Vaisakhi season. This year was particularly special, as we also launched the National Sikh Awareness & History Month which has been spearheaded by Seema Malhotra MP. I believe it is very important that Parliament, the home of

Children's play area gets a thumbs-up after makeover Rake Gate play area has officially reopened today with new upgraded facilities, designed for children of all ages and abilities. The newly refurbished play area includes a new multi-play unit with climbing ropes, a slide, a large dish roundabout, cradle swings and a springer. The equipment has been installed on a new multi-coloured rubber safety surface and is surrounded by new fencing and two self-closing gates. The surrounding area has also been freshly re-turfed and new trees have been planted. Ross Cook, Director of City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: "I'm pleased to see improvements have been made to enable children of all ages and abilities to play and enjoy the outdoors. \ "It's important we invest in our play areas to encourage more families and children to take advantage of the city's excellent outdoor facilities and we hope people are happy with the improved facilities at Rake Gate play area and enjoy other outdoor activities the city has to offer." Marie Lane, Chair of the Rake Gate Tenants and Residents association said: "Our Tenants and Residents Association worked closely with the city council to design the new play area. We had a vision for the playground,


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Mr Speaker for allowing us to host this Vaisakhi celebration in the Speaker's state rooms. I look forward to joining the Nagar Kirtan procession from Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara, Sedgley St, and attending the Vaisakhi Mela in West Park. and I will continue to campaign on issues of interest to the Sikh and Punjabi community. Once again I extend my best wishes for a very happy Vaisakhi."

our democracy, reflects what the United Kingdom is today and I am delighted that this celebration takes place every year with support from all parties and speakers from many parts of the Sikh community. I am grateful to

11th April to 17th April, 2019

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 550th Birth Anniversary Celebrations at University of Wolverhampton -28th March, 2019 The University of Wolverhampton (UOW) hosted a special event to celebrate the 550 th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Chancellor’s Hall on 28th March, 2019. The event was organized by the centre for Sikh and Panjabi studies of UOW and supported by Consulate General of India, Birmingham. More than 200 guests from across the UK came together to pay tribute to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the revered first Sikh Guru. The event commenced with the welcoming of the guests by the Vice Chancellor of University of Wolverhampton, Prof. Geoff Layer, and featured inspirational speeches from Dr. Opinderjit Kaur Takhar, Director of Centre for Sikh and Panjabi studies, Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Charanjeet Singh, Lord Suri, Dr. Mohinder Singh, Chairman GNNSJ, Baba Amar Singh Ji, Consul General Dr Aman Puri among

others. The speeches presented at the event highlighted the various aspects of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s life, his teachings and how he continues to be an inspiration for millions of Sikhs and people belonging to all faiths across the world. Member of European Parliament, Ms. Neena Gill, Baba Amar Singh Ji, Chairman of the Council of Gurdwara Management Committees UK Avtar Singh,

Dr Sadhu Singh, Chief executive officer of Sun Mark, Dr Rami Ranger and a number of other prominent members of the Indian diaspora shared their thoughts on Guru Nanak’s teachings and how Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message of Compassion and Contentment is as relevant today as much as it was 550 years ago The celebrations which filled the Chancellor’s Hall at the Wulfruna Building, featured a string of speeches, √Ó±‘ ÓÈπ÷ æ Â≈ 鱧 ÷≈Ò√≈ Á∂ √≈‹È≈ «ÁÚ√ ¡Â∂ «Ú√≈÷Δ ÁΔ Òº÷-Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ ‘ØÚÕ∂

motivational messages of peace, gender equality, rejecting discrimination and promoting harmony among communities. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s philosophy has a timeless quality and universal appeal. Mayor of West Midlands Andy Street thanked the Sikhs across the Midlands region for their outstanding contribution to the community. He also appreciated the noble initiative of celebrating the Prakash Parv in Midlands.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

11th April to 17th April, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 708

Issue 708

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11th April to 17th April, 2019


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