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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Í«‘Òª ÁΔ Íπ‹‰∂ Ù∞» ‘Ø ‹ªÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ «√º÷ ’ΩÓ Á≈ ÚΔ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á∂ È≈Ò È∂ÛÒ∂ «ÙÂ≈ ¿∞√ √Ó∂∫ ‘Ø Í’∂≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈, ‹Á ¤∂Ú∂∫ Í≈ÂÙ≈‘ √zΔ ◊∞» ‘◊Ø«Ï≥Á √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ ◊Ú≈ÒΔ¡ Á∂ «’Ò∂ «Úº⁄Ø∫ Óπ◊Ò Ï≈ÁÙ≈‘ ‹‘ª◊Δ ÁΔ ’ÀÁ «Úº⁄Ø∫ EB ≈«‹¡ª ˘ ¤∞‚Ú≈ ’∂ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Ú≈Ò∂ «ÁÈ √zΔ ‘«Ó≥Á √≈«‘Ï Í‘∞ ≥ ⁄ ∂ √È Âª √z Δ ◊∞ » ‘◊Ø«Ï≥Á √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ ¡≥«ÓzÂ√ ͉ Â∂ È◊ «ÈÚ≈√Δ¡ª Â∂ «√º÷ª
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Issue 691
¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À «‹≥È ª «√≥ÿª «√≥ÿ‰Δ¡ª È∂ ËÓ ‘∂ √Δ√ «ÁºÂ∂ Ï≥Á Ï≥Á ’‡Ú≈¬∂, ÷ØÍΔ¡ª Ò∞‘≈¬Δ¡ª Í ËÓ È‘Δ∫ ‘≈«¡≈ √z Δ ¡≥ « Óz  √ ÁΔ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ ‹◊ Íz«√ºË ‘ÀÕ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á∂ ¡Ú√ Â∂ «¬Ê∂ Òº÷ª Á≈ ÚÍ≈ ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «‹º Ê ∂ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ ÂØ ∫ Í«‘Òª ÒØ ’ , Áπ’≈ÈÁ≈ Â∂ ’≈÷≈È∂Á≈ ÿª,
1st November to 7th November 2018 Áπ’≈Ȫ Â∂ ÎÀ’‡Δ¡ª ÁΔ √Î≈¬Δ ’ÚªÁ∂ ‘È ¡Â∂ ÈÚª ≥◊ Ø◊È ÚΔ ’Ú≈«¬¡≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À Õ ¿∞ Ê ∂ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á∂ ¡Ú√ Â∂ ÓπÒ≈‹Óª ˘ Ó≈Ò’ª ÚºÒØ∫ ÂØ‘Î∂ Â∂ Ó«·¡≈¬Δ¡ª Á∂ ‚º Ï ∂ «Áº  ∂ ‹ªÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ È◊ «ÈÚ≈√Δ ÚΔ ¡≈͉∂ «ÙÂ∂Á≈ Â∂ √≈’ √Ï≥ËΔ¡ª ˘ Ó«·¡≈¬Δ¡ª Â∂ ÂØ‘Î∂ Á∂∫Á∂ ‘È «¬√  ª ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ ÓΩ’∂ Ù«‘ «Úº⁄ «ÚÙ∂Ù Ω‰’ª Á∂÷‰ ˘ «ÓÒÁΔ¡ª ‘ÈÕ Áπ’≈ÈÁ≈ Â∂ ‘ÒÚ≈¬Δ Áπ’≈Ȫ ˘ «ÚÙ∂Ù ÂΩ Â∂ √‹≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á∂ ¡Ú√ Â∂ ◊∞ Áπ ¡ ≈∂ , Ó≥ Á Â∂ «Èº ‹ Δ «¬Ó≈ª Â∂ «ÚÙ∂Ù ÂΩ Â∂ ØÙÈΔ¡ª ’ΔÂΔ¡ª ‹ªÁΔ¡ª ‘È ¡Â∂ ≈ ˘ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ ÚΔ ⁄Ò≈¬Δ ‹ªÁΔ ‘ÀÕ Ï∂Ùº’ √’≈ Â∂ ÍzÙ≈ÙÈ ÚºÒØ∫ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ Ú∂⁄‰ ¡Â∂ ⁄Ò≈¿∞‰ Â∂ Í≈Ï≥ÁΔ Ò◊≈¬Δ ‹ªÁΔ ‘À Ò∂«’È Î∂ ÚΔ ÒØ’ ÷πÙΔ¡ª ÓÈ≈¿∞‰ Ò¬Δ ≈ ˘ ÿª ÁΔ¡ª ¤ºÂª Â∂ ‹≈ ’∂ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ ⁄Ò≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬√ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ «Úº ⁄ ‘Ú≈¬Δ¡ª, ¡È≈, ÎπÒfiÛΔ¡ª, ͇≈’∂ ¡≈«Á Ù≈ÓÒ ‘∞ ≥ Á ∂ ‘ÈÕ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ Úº‚Δ¡ª ’≥ÍÈΔ¡ª Á∂ ‚ΔÒª ÚºÒØ∫ Ú∂⁄‰ Á∂ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ È◊ Á∂ ‘’ΔÓª Ú≈Ò≈ ÷∂  «Úº ⁄ ÍÀ ∫ Á∂ ¡≥ È ◊Û «¬Ò≈’∂ Á∂ ÒØ’ ÿª «Úº⁄ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈‹Δ «Â¡≈ ’’∂ Ú∂⁄Á∂ ‘È, «‹√ È≈Ò ‘ √≈Ò ’¬Δ
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
Sidhu Fashions LTD & Family ÚæÒ∫Ø √Ó±‘ ÓÈπ÷ æ Â≈ 鱧 ÏßÁΔ ¤ØÛ, ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ , «ÚÙÚ’Ó≈ Â∂ √À‰ ‹Δ Á∂ ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª
Bahadur Singh, Gurnam Singh, Amrik Singh
√Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ, Ï≥ÁΔ ¤ØÛ «ÁÚ√ ¡Â∂ Ï≈Ï≈ √À‰ Ì◊ ‹Δ Á∂ ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈ ÁΔ¡ª Òº÷ Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ªÕ
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
F@ ‘‹≈ ÂØ∫ ÚºË ÈÓª Ó˜Á» ¡≈͉∂ ÿ ÂØ∫ Ï≈‘ Á∂÷‰◊∂ «ÁÚ≈ÒΔ ¡≈͉∂ √»Ï∂ «Úº⁄ ‘Δ ÍzÚ≈√Δ ‘ج∂ Í≥‹≈ÏΔ Ó˜Á» (‰‹Δ ’∞Ó≈ Ï≈Ú≈ «‘≥ÓÂÍπ≈ ͺ’≈ ) Ï∂Ù’ º Ì≈ ÁΔ ’∂∫Á √’≈ È∂ Ó˜Á»ª ˘ ¿∞È∑ª Á∂ ÿª Á∂ ȘÁΔ’ ¡≈͉∂ «Í≥ ‚ «Úº ⁄ ‘Δ ∞ ˜ ◊≈ Óπ‘º¬Δ¡ª ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬Δ ÓÈ∂◊≈ √’ΔÓ Ù∞» ’ΔÂΔ √Δ Õ Í ’∂∫Á √’≈ ÁΔ «¬‘ √’ΔÓ ÍzÂΔ Í≥‹≈Ï √’≈ ÚºÒØ∫ «˜¡≈Á≈ ¿∞ÂÙ≈‘ Ȫ «Á÷≈¿∞ ‰ ≈ ¡Â∂ Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï ÁΔ¡ª «˜¡≈Á≈ Í≥⁄≈«¬Âª ÚºÒØ∫ «¬√ √’ΔÓ ÍzÂΔ Èª‘ ͺ÷Δ Úº¬Δ¬∂ ’≈È ÷πÙ‘≈Ò √Ófi∂ ‹ªÁ∂ √»Ï∂ ““Í≥‹≈Ï““ Á∂ Ó˜Á» «Ï‘≈, Ï≥◊≈Ò Á∂ Ó˜Á»ª ÂØ∫ ÚΔ ÌÀÛΔ «‹≥Á◊Δ ‹Δ‰ Ò¬Δ Ó‹Ï» ‘È ¡Â∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ ÁØ Ú∂Ò∂ ÁΔ Ø‡Δ Á∂ «¯’ ¡º◊∂ ¡≈͉∂ ‘Δ √»Ï∂ «Úº⁄ «‘‹Â ’È Ò¬Δ Ó˜Ï» ‘ÈÕ √’≈ ÚºÒ∫Ø ‘∞‰ º’ ⁄Ò≈¬Δ¡ª Òº÷ √’ΔÓª «¬È∑ª Ó˜Á»ª Ò¬Δ ’Ø¬Δ Ó≈¡‰∂ È‘Δ º÷ÁΔ¡ªÕ «‹√ ÁΔ Â≈‹≈ «Ó√≈Ò ¡º‹-’Ò Ó˜Á»ª Á∂ «Ú‘«Û¡ª Á∂ Á√È ’È Â∂ ¡≈Ó ‘Δ Á∂÷Δ ‹≈ √’ÁΔ ‘À Õ ‘«¡≈‰≈ ¡Â∂ ¡ÏØ‘ ÚºÒ ÈÓ≈ ⁄π◊‰ ‹≈‰ Ò¬Δ Úº‚Δ ÍºË Â∂ Á«Ò ¡≈͉∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ª √Ó∂ ‘ √≈Ò Úª◊ «‘‹Â ’ ◊¬∂ ‘È «‹Ê∂ «’ ¿∞‘ Ò◊≈Â≈ „≈¬Δ ÂØ∫ «Â≥È Ó‘ΔÈ∂ «‘‰◊∂ Õ ¿∞Ȫ∑ Á∂ Ϻ⁄∂ ÚΔ È≈Ò ◊¬∂ ‘؉ ’≈È √’≈Δ Íz≈«¬ÓΔ √’»Ò ̪¡-̪¡ ’ ‘∂ ‘ÈÕ «‹Ê∂ ÈÚ≥Ï Ó‘ΔÈ∂ “⁄
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ““ ÒÛΔ ‹ØÛÈ Ò¬Δ FI@ ¡≥’ ÍÛ∑Ø ““ ‹Δ Á≈ √≈Ê ‘∞‰ ¤∞º‡ ⁄πº’≈ √ΔÕ ÓÀ∫ Â∂ Ï‘≈Á ‘Δ «‘ ◊¬∂ √ªÕ √≈‚Δ ‹Ú≈ÈΔ ÁΔ ◊º‚Δ «Ú⁄Ø∫ √≈‚∂ √≈ÊΔ «¬’ «¬º’ ’’∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈͉∂ √‡∂ÙȪ Â∂ ¿∞μ ‘∂ √ÈÕ ‹Δ Á≈ √≈Ê ’∞¤ «ÁÈ ¡÷«¡≈, ◊º‚Δ «Î ÒΔ‘ Â∂ ⁄Ò‰ Òº◊ΔÕ «¬º’ «ÁÈ ÍzÎ Ø √ À ‡≥‚È ‹Á ’Ò≈√ «Ú⁄ ¡≈¬∂ ª ØÒ ’≈Ò ’È ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á ÏØÒ∂, ““ Ï¬Δ Â∞‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ «¬º’ ÷Ï ‘À, ’≈Ò‹ ÁΔ ÂÎØ∫ «¬º’ «¬«Â‘≈√’ ‡» Ó≥‹» ‘Ø«¬¡≈ ‘À ‹Ø BE «ÁÈ Á≈ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈, Â∞‘≈˘ «ÁÒΔ, ¡≈◊≈, ‹ÀÔ Íπ, ¿∞ÁÀ Íπ, ¡‹Ó∂, ◊Ú≈ÒΔ¡, fiª√Δ Ì±Í≈Ò, ¡‹≥Â≈ ¡ÒØ≈ ÁΔ¡ª ◊∞¯≈Úª, ¡Ω≥◊≈Ï≈Á , Óπ‘≥ÓÁ Â∞◊Ò’ Á≈ ¿∞‘ Á∂Ú«◊Δ Ú≈Ò≈ «’Ò≈ «‹Ê∂ ¿∞‘ ≈‹Ë≈ÈΔ ÏÁÒ’∂ √≈Δ «ÁÒΔ ÁΔ ‹ÈÂ≈ ˘ ÌΔ È≈Ò ÒÀ «◊¡≈ √Δ, «‹√ ÁΔ Ú‹≈‘ ’’∂ ¿∞‘˘ Ï∂Ú’»Î Ï≈ÁÙ≈‘ «’‘≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À, ‘˜» √≈«‘Ï ¡Â∂ Óπ≥Ï¬Δ ¡≈ ’∂ Í≥‹≈Ï ˘ Ú≈Í√ ¡≈ ‹≈‰≈ ‘À ““, ’ΔÓ Â∞‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ «√Î AE@ ∞ͬ∂ ‘À, ’∞¤ ÍÀ√∂ ’≈Ò‹ Á∂Ú◊ ∂ ≈ Â∂ ’∞¤ ÍÀ√∂ ‘’»Ó ÚÒØ∫ ◊ª‡ Ú‹Ø∫ «ÓÒ‰◊∂Õ Â∞‘≈‚∂ È≈Ò «Â≥È ÍzØÎÀ√ ‹≈‰◊∂, ÓÀ∫, ËΔ √≈«‘Ï ¡Â∂ «‘≥ÁΔ Á∂ ÍzØÎÀ√ «‹‘Ȫ Á≈ Ȫ ÓÀ˘ Ô≈Á È‘Δ∫Õ «‹È «‹È ‹≈‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂, ÓÀ˘ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈͉∂ Ȫ «Ò÷≈ «Á˙Õ ÓÀ∫ ª ¿∞√∂ Ú∂Ò∂ ¡≈͉≈ Ȫ «Ò÷≈ «ÁºÂ≈ Ò∂«’È Ï‘∞ «ÁȪ ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á ÌΔ Ó√Δ∫ BA Óπ‚ ≥ ∂ «Â¡≈ ‘جÕ∂ ¿∞‘Ȫ «ÁȪ «Ú⁄ AE@ ∞ͬ∂ ÌΔ Ï‘∞ «˜¡≈Á≈ ‘∞≥Á∂ √È ‹Ø ¡≈Ó Óπ≥«‚¡ª Ò¬Δ Ï‘∞ «˜¡≈Á≈ √ÈÕ Ï‘≈Á ÌΔ ‹≈‰ Ò¬Δ «Â¡≈ È‘Δ∫ √Δ ‘Ø«¬¡≈, Ô≈Á È‘Δ∫ «’˙∫Õ «‹√ «ÁÈ ¡√Δ∫ ‹≈‰≈ √Δ, √≈«¡ª È∂ Î◊Ú≈Û∂ ∂ÒÚ∂ √‡∂ÙÈ Â∂ «¬’º·∂ ‘؉≈ √Δ ¡Â∂ Í«‘Òª «ÁÒΔ ‹≈‰≈ √ΔÕ ‹ÈÂ≈ Ó∂Ò ÍΩ‰∂ ¡º· Ú‹∂ Ù≈Ó ˘ Î◊Ú≈Û∂ ÂØ∫ ⁄Ò‰Δ √ΔÕ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á≈ Ù∞Ì «Á‘≈Û≈ È∂Û∂ ¡≈ «◊¡≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬‘ ΩÙÈΔ¡ª Á≈ «Â¿∞‘≈ ‘ÀÕ ΩÙÈΔ ÷πÙΔ Â∂ √’≈ÂÓ’Â≈ Á≈ ÍzÂΔ’ ‘À ¡Â∂ ‘È∂≈ Ïπ≈¬Δ Á≈Õ «¬√ Ò¬Δ ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ Á∂ «ÁÈ ÚºË ÂØ∫ ÚºË ΩÙÈΔ ’ΔÂΔ ‹ªÁΔ ‘À Â∂ ¡≈«ÂÙÏ≈˜Δ È≈Ò ΩÙÈΔ ˘ Á» ¡√Ó≈È Âº’ ¿∞‚≈«¬¡≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ «ÁÈ ÒØ’ ͇≈’∂ ⁄Ò≈¿∞‰ª Í√≥ Á ’Á∂ ‘È , Í Í‡≈’∂ ⁄Ò≈¿∞‰≈ ⁄≥◊Δ ◊ºÒ È‘Δ∫ ‘À «¬‘ √≈‚Δ «√‘ ¡Â∂ Ú≈Â≈ÚÈ ¿∞μÂ∂ ÏÛ≈ Ïπ ≈ Íz Ì ≈Ú Í¿∞ ∫ Á∂ ‘ÈÕ Í‡≈«’¡ª «Úº⁄ ıÂÈ≈’ ˜«‘ΔÒ∂
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Vol: 14,
Issue 691
Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù FG
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1st November to 7th November 2018 ¿∞‘Ȫ ¿∞μÂ∂ «¬‘Ȫ fiØ«÷¡ª «Ú⁄Δ∫ ¿∞ÏÒÁ≈ ¿∞ÏÒÁ≈ Â∂Ò Í≈ «Á≥Á∂ √È ¡Â∂ ÍΩÛΔ¡ª Ú≈Ò∂ «√Í≈‘Δ Â∂Ò È≈Ò fi∞Ò√ ‹ªÁ∂ √ÈÕ «’Ò∂ Á∂ Ï≈‘ Í≈‰Δ ÁΔ ÌΔ ‚±≥ÿΔ ÷≥Á’ √Δ ‹Ø ÁπÙÓ‰ ÎΩ‹ª Ò¬Δ ∞’≈Ú‡ Í≈¿∞∫ÁΔ ‘∞≥ÁΔ √ΔÕ «’Ò∂ Á∂ Úº‚∂ √≈∂ ÁÚ≈˜∂ «Ú⁄ ÁΔ Òß ÿ «Á¡ª ¿∞ ‘ Ȫ È∂ Úº ‚ ∂ Úº ‚ ∂ Â÷«Â¡ª ÚÒ «¬¤≈≈ ’’∂ «’‘≈ «’ «¬√ ÁÚ≈‹∂ ˘ ÂØÛÈ≈ Ï‘∞ Óπ Ù «’Ò ‘∞ ≥ Á ≈ √ΔÕ Áπ Ù Ó‰ ÎΩ ‹ Úº‚Δ¡ª Úº‚Δ¡ª Òº’ÛΔ¡ª È≈Ò «¬√ ˘ ÂØÛÈ ÁΔ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’Á∂ √È Ò∂«’È «¬‘˘ ÂØÛÈ≈ ¡√≈È È‘Δ∫ √Δ ‘∞Á ≥ ≈Õ «Î ¿∞‘Ȫ È∂ «‹√ ‹◊≈‘ ¡Ó «√≥ÿ ≈·Ω È∂ ¡≈͉∂ ÿØÛ∂ √Ó∂ «’Ò∂ ÁΔ ÁΔÚ≈ ÂØ∫ ¤≈ˇ Ó≈Δ √Δ, ¿∞‘ «Á÷≈¬ΔÕ «’Ò∂ «Ú⁄ ‘∞‰ ¡√Δ∫ Á≈÷Ò ‘Ø ⁄πº’∂ √ΔÕ ÁØÈΔ∫ Í≈√Δ∫ Áπ’≈Ȫ √È «‹‘Ȫ «Ú⁄ «¬«Â‘≈√’ ⁄Δ˜ª Ú∂⁄‰ Ú≈√Â∂ º÷Δ¡ª ‘Ø¬Δ¡ª √ÈÕ ¡º◊∂ ‹≈ ’∂ ÁΔÚ≈È∂ ¡≈Ó ÁΔÚ≈È∂ ÷≈√ Á∂÷∂Õ ÁΔÚ≈È∂ ¡≈Ó «Ú⁄ Ù≈‘‹‘ªÈ Á∂ Â÷ Ú≈ÒΔ ¿∞⁄Δ ‹◊≈‘ Á∂÷Δ ‹Ø Ï‘∞ ‘Δ √π≥Á √ΔÕ ‡≥‚È √≈«‘Ï È≈ÒØ∫ È≈Ò √Ófi≈¡ ‘∂ √È «’ «¬ºÁª «¬Ê∂ ÁÏ≈Δ ÷Û∂ ‘∞Á ≥ ∂ √È, «¬Ê∂ ¡≈Ó ‹ÈÂ≈ ¡≈¿∞∫ÁΔ √ΔÕ ÷»Ï√»Â Ò≈¡È «‹‘Ȫ «Ú⁄ ª ª Á∂ ÷»Ï√»Â Îπ‘≈∂ Òº◊∂ ‘ج∂ √ÈÕ ‹Á «¬‘ ¡≈͉∂ ‹ÒΩ¡ «Ú⁄ ‘؉◊∂ ª «’≥È∂ ÷»Ï√»Â ‘∞≥Á∂ ‘؉◊∂, Á∂÷ ’∂ ‘À≈ÈΔ ‘∞≥ÁΔ √ΔÕ ’√Úº‡Δ Á≈ ÏÀ∫⁄ Á∂«÷¡≈ «‹‘Á∂ ¿∞μÂ∂, ‡≥‚È √≈Ï∑ È∂ Áº«√¡≈ «’ Íz«√ºË «√≥ÿ≈√È Â÷Â∂ Â≈¿±√ «¬√ ¿∞μÂ∂ º«÷¡≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ √Δ «‹√ ˘ È≈Á Ù≈‘ ¬Δ≈ÈΔ Ò∞‡ º ’∂ ¡≈͉∂ Á∂Ù ¬Δ≈È ÒÀ «◊¡≈ √ΔÕ Ï≈ÁÙ≈‘ ÁΔ ¡≈Í‰Δ ‘Δ Ó√«‹Á √Δ «‹Ê∂ ¿∞‘ ‘ ؘ ÈÚ≈˜ ÍÛ∑Á≈ ‘∞≥Á≈ √ΔÕ «’Ò∂ «Ú⁄ ‘Δ ¡‹≈«¬Ï ÿ Á∂ « ÷¡≈ «‹Ê∂ «‘≥Áπ√Â≈È Á∂ ¡≈÷Δ Ï≈ÁÙ≈‘, Ï‘≈Á Ù≈‘ Á∂ ’ÍÛ∂ ‡≥◊∂ ‘ج∂ √ÈÕ
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Ù«Ó≥Á ’Ω ÍÚ≈˜
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
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ÏßÁΔ ¤ØÛ, ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ , «ÚÙÚ’Ó≈ Â∂ √À‰ ‹Δ Á∂ ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª
Vol: 14,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
BHAI DOOJ CELEBRATION SUNDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 2018 Dear Devotees, You will be delighted to know that SAIN SABHA Wolverhampton is going to celebrate its 34th Bhai Dooj on Sunday 11th November 2018 in SRI KRISHNA MANDIR - 123 Penn Road, W-ton. All the members are invited with families and friends to grace this occasion. Your attendance is greatly desired to pay tribute to Baba Ji. Ë≥È Ë≥È Ï≈Ï≈ √À‰ Ì◊ ‹Δ √Ó»‘ √≈Ë √≥◊ ‹Δ, ¡≈Í ‹Δ ˘ ‹≈‰ ’∂ ÷πÙΔ ‘ØÚ∂◊Δ «’ ÚπÒÚ‘À∫͇À‰ √Ì≈ ÚÒØ∫ CDÚª Ì≈¬Δ-Á»‹ Á≈ «Á‘≈Û≈ AA ÈÚ≥Ï B@AH «ÁÈ ¡ÀÂÚ≈ ˘ √zΔ «’zÙÈ≈ Ó≥«Á «Ú÷∂ ÏÛΔ ÙË≈ ¡Â∂ Ì≈ÚÈ≈ È≈Ò ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈ ‹≈ «‘≈ ‘À , √Ó»‘ √≥◊ª Á∂ ⁄Ȫ «Úº⁄ Ï∂ÈÂΔ ’ΔÂΔ ‹ªÁΔ ‘À «’ ¡≈Í ‹Δ Í«Ú≈ª √Ó∂ ‘≈‹Δ Ì’∂ ‹ΔÚÈ √ÎÒ ’Ø ‹Δ Õ √À‰ √Ì≈ Ú∞ÒÚ‘À∫Í‡È Ô± ’∂
LANGAR: Full service of Langar will be performed by Mr Vikas Attri and Mrs Parveen Attri.
PROGRAMME 1) Tea & snacks on arrival. 2) Hosting of the flag – 10:00 AM 3) Anokha Group Walsall 4) Rajinder Kumar (Billa) 5) Aarti
For more information call: 01902 341348
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March 2013 www.mannjittweekly.co.uk to 6.00pm
Vol: 14,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
÷≈Ò√≈ Á∂ √≈‹È≈ ,«ÁÚ√ ¡Â∂ «Ú√≈÷ΔÂ∂ÁΔ√ÀÒº ∂Õ ÏßÁΔ ¤Ø Û, ÁΔÚ≈ÒΔ «ÚÙÚ’Ó≈ ‰÷-Òº ‹Δ÷Á∂ÚË≈¬Δ ÍπÏ‘ØÚÁΔ¡ª
Jagjeet Singh Paramjit Singh (RTD. D.E.O.) Dhanda
Shalbinder singh
suKivMdr isMG ig`l
Karnail S. Sangha
Mr. Dalbir Sandhu Mata Baldev
Mata Kawaljit Kaur Virdee
Jagjit S Bahra
Baba Tarlochan Singh Boparai
Shangra Singh Bhandal
Mohan Singh Mastana
Dr Gurnam Singh Sekhon
Surinder Singh
Gurbax Singh Khaira
Kundan Singh PARDIP S BASSI Khaira
Pawan Kumar
Jethadar Amrik ‹ß◊Δ «√ß ÿ Singh Sukhchain Dhillon ÈßË≈ S Pannu
Rashpal Singh Purewal
Santokh Singh Nahal
Perminder Singh Basson
Sukhdev Bansal ¡ÓΔ’ «√ßÿ √‘ØÂ≈
Inderjit Singh
Meji Samrala
Kulwant Kainth
Gurmit Jandhu
moqw isMG
kuldip prgx BMsingh fwl S.Nasib Singh jasewal
Satypal Sharma suKivMdr isMG Hardev Singh inaU kYsl
Rajinder kuslFine vMq isM G bYNs tone
Ishwinder Singh
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Raghbir Gill
Mohinder S. Rai
Simi Gill
Jaswant Singh virdi
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Lakhbir Singh S. Jath. Shangara ¡È∂’ «√ßÿ ‹Ω‘Ò Kahlon Dhami
prmjIq «√ß isMÿ G „≈‚Δ FwfI ÍÓ‹ΔÂ
Suria Photay
BilharDhillon. Singh Daljit ramewal.
Dr Jas jandhu
Sohan Singh Kuldip Singh Jaswal
√π÷«ÈßÁ «√ßÿ Bhopal Ϫ√Ò
Binder Panesar
Amrik Singh Ghuggi
Ó«‘ßÁ «√ßÿ ’ßËØÒ≈
Bipin Dhokia
Neeru Khinth
Pat Mcfadden MP
Harmel Singh Sadhpuri
Mr. S.K. Monga
Sukhvinder Singh Gill
Chan Jandalvi
jMfU il`qrW
Jasbinder ’Ω ∫√Ò ‹∂.’∂. Kaur Á∂‘Û Piara S. Gumtala
Raj Singh
Santokh S Shokar
Pamma Johal
Sukhdev Singh Aman Ghag R S Pawar Sidhu. Roop S Benning
Cllr,. Pyal Bedi
Rob Marris
Harpal s. Kandola
Surinder S. Azad
G S Kalsi
Malkiat Singh hrBjn qlvwr Kailey
Pat McFadden Sarabjit Bhatti MP
◊πÓΔ «√ßÿ ÌØ◊Ò
- Raghbir ’∞ÒÚ≥ Singh ’Ω Bains Ï‚Ú≈Ò
Harvinder Bhamra
Jarnail Singh Bhogal
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
Íz◊ÂΔÙΔÒ «Ò÷≈Δ √Ì≈ √À∫‚ÚÀμÒ Ïz«Ó≥ÿÓ Ïzª⁄ √«Â’≈ÔØ◊ «Ò÷≈Δ˙ ¡Â∂ √ØÂ∂ ÚΔØ ÌÀ‰Ø, ¡≈Í ‹Δ ˘ √»«⁄ ’ΔÂ≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À «’ Íz◊ÂΔÙΔÒ «Ò÷≈Δ √Ì≈ √À∫‚ÚÀμÒ Ïz«Ó≥ÿÓ ÚºÒØ∫ AA ÈÚ≥Ï B@AH «ÁÈ ¡ÀÂÚ≈ ˘ , Íz. √π‹Δ «√≥ÿ ı≈Ò√≈ ‹Δ ÁΔ ’≈«Ú Íπ√Â’ “◊∞ÒÁ√Â≈” ÒØ’ ¡ÍÈ ’È Ò¬Δ «¬º’ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ √Ó≈◊Ó ’ΔÂ≈ ‹≈ «‘≈ ‘ÀÕ¡≈Í ‹Δ ˘ «ÈÓzÂ≈ √«‘ «¬√ √Ó≈◊Ó «Úº⁄ ‘≈˜Δ ÌÈ Ò¬Δ Ï∂ÈÂΔ ’ΔÂΔ ‹ªÁΔ ‘ÀÕ ¡≈√ ‘À «’ Â∞√Δ∫ ¡≈͉∂ ’ΔÓÂΔ Ú’Â «Úº⁄Ø∫ ÊØÛ≈∑ √Óª ’º„∑’∂ √Ì≈ ˘ «’zÂ≈Ê ’Ø◊∂Õ
Ramgarhia Sabha ( Gurdwara) 344 Newhampton Rd. East, Wolverhampton WV1 4AD Tel: 01902 313 200 Sunday 11th of Nov.2018. 1pm to 5pm. Programme: 1pm Welcome & Refreshment. 2pm Poetry Symposium of famous Punjabi Poets and Writers from West Midlands. 3pm Book ‘GULDASTA’ will be released written by Prof. Surjit Singh Khalsa. 3.30pm Break. 4pm 2nd session of Poetry Symposium , followed by Langer. (Rattan Reehal Chairman & All members )
Progressive Likhari Sabha Sandwell, Birmingham 52 Ablow Street, Wolverhampton WV2 4ER Mob: 0796 970 039
Kulstarr is a UK-born, up and coming music producer who takes particular inspiration from folk, Punjabi and hip-hop genres. He has showcased his musicmaking ability over the past couple of years on YouTube with regular releases that have helped steadily gather attention and grown an audience for his work. These have included remixes, complete covers with new singers, compositions and artwork. He has also caught the eye with his video shooting and imaginative editing skills, something that he has developed over the course of releasing online. Recent releases such as Tera Mera
Sajna and Kangani became popular amongst his listening audience across all his social media, and saw his music being play listed and being invited for interviews at various radio stations across the UK. Now though, Kulstarr is finally ready to release his official debut single. Titled Sardari and featuring the powerful vocals of Jaswinder Daghamia, this track further showcases his composition and beat-making ability, whilst also taking inspiration from his folk, Punjabi and hip-hop influences. The lyrics are written by industry renowned Tari Banwalipuria, with constant input from Kulstarr himself. And when it comes to the instruments, Kulstarr composed and recorded everything in the UK, being particularly passionate about only sourcing UKbased talent.
George Osborne ‘regrets’ mistakes that led to Brexit vote Former Chancellor George Osborne has admitted having a series of “regrets” about his time in office - saying government mistakes led to Brexit. He said the Tories had got things wrong on immigration policy which
“opened up the door in the referendum”. He told the BBC’s Newsnight that Remain supporters had explained the benefits of EU membership “too late”. But Mr Osborne, who served between 2010 and 2016 under David Cameron,
said he had worked in the national interest. Interviewed on Evan Davis’s last Newsnight as presenter , Mr Osborne said: “We were wrong to play into the debate that everything that Brussels did was a challenge
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2nd Floor, Lakshmi Sweet Centre, 200 Dudley Road, Wolwerhampton, WV2 3DT
01902 917 360
and a battle and was wrong.” He added the debate over immigration had proved “pretty lethal” to the result of the June 2016 referendum. Mr Osborne said the government had been promising targets on immigration “that we couldn’t deliver and that then led to a debate about how you might deliver those targets... we definitely contributed to that argument, didn’t make enough of the value of immigration”. Mr Osborne, who is now the editor of the London Evening Standard newspaper, said his other regrets included not focusing on fixing the banking system more quickly after the financial crash.
“Overall, faced with the gigantic financial crash and a set of difficult decisions in a hung parliament I think David Cameron, myself, Nick Clegg and others worked hard in what we felt to be the national interest to put things right in as fair a way as possible,” he said. “Ultimately the country grew, jobs were created and we avoided the calamitous situation that a lot of European countries found themselves in this period.” Mr Osborne denied his austerity policies had encouraged people to vote for Brexit. But he came under attack on the programme from Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, who told him he had “done such harm and damage to this country”
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
Indonesian plane crashes into sea, 189 feared dead
ALL 189 people on board a doomed jet that plunged 5,000ft into the sea off Indonesia are ‘likely dead’, rescuers say. Lion Air’s flight JT-610 was heading to Pangkal Pinang, an island north of the capital, Jakarta, when it lost contact with air control about 6.33am local time - just 13 minutes after take-off. Shortly before the disaster, the plane’s pilot, Indian national Bhavye Suneja, had reported ‘technical difficulties’ and, minutes after take-off, asked to return to the airport, an official said. Traffic control allowed the return, but the aircraft then vanished from radar. Authorities are not yet sure why the plane crashed - the weather was sunny, the aircraft was new and the pilots experienced.
Pictures from the scene showed plane debris and oil floating in the water hours after the aircraft came down.
Indian pilot Bhavye Suneja dies in crash K. ASIF
Plane crashed just 13 minutes after take-off But this morning, Lion Air’s president said the Boeing 737 MAX 8, which went into service just months ago, had gone in for repairs ahead of the flight. Photos show debris, including what appeared to be an emergency slide, and personal belongings picked up from the water’s surface by ships that reached the crash area in the Java Sea. Separate images show heart-broken relatives waiting for news at Jakarta's Soekarno Hatta International airport and at the terminal in Pangkal Pinang. Rescuers said on Monday that all 189 passenger and crew were ‘likely’ and that human remains had been found. “My prediction is that nobody
survived because the victims that we found, their bodies were no longer intact and it's been hours so it is likely 189 people have died,” agency operational director Bambang Suryo Aji told reporters. Pictures and video shared online by the head of Indonesia's disaster relief agency show debris and oil floating on the water following the crash, of which there are, so far, no known survivors. “It’s correct that an RTB (return
to base) was requested and had been approved but we’re still trying to figure out the reason,” Soerjanto Tjahjono, head of Indonesia’s transport safety committee, told reporters, referring to the pilot's request. Relatives were pictured crying at the Pangpal Pinang airport as they awaited news on their loved ones and family members were also pictured arriving at the agency’s headquarters in Jakarta. Daily Mail
JET HAD TECHNICAL GLITCH EARLIER Indonesian Lion Air plane had a technical problem on a previous flight, but it had been resolved according to procedure, the company’s chief executive said. “This plane previously flew from Denpasar to Cengkareng (Jakarta). There was a report of a technical issue which had been resolved according to procedure,” Edward Sirait told reporters, declining to specify the nature of the technical issue. He said Lion has operated 11 aircraft of the same model, the Boeing 737 Max 8, and the other planes did not have the same technical problem. Sirait said there was no plan to ground the rest of its Boeing 737 Max 8 fleet. Reuters
Edward Sirait said there was no plan to ground the rest of its Boeing 737 Max 8 fleet.
An anguished Gulshan Suneja, father of Bhavye Suneja, the pilot of illfated Lion Air flight JT610. INDIAN pilot Bhavye Suneja died after the Indonesian plane he captained with 188 passengers and crew on board the budget carrier crashed in the Java Sea, Indian Embassy confirmed. “Our deepest condolences on the tragic loss of lives in the Lion Air Plane crash, off the coast of Jakarta today. Most unfortunate that Indian Pilot Bhavye Suneja who was flying JT610 also lost his life”, Indian Embassy in Indonesia said in a tweet. “The aircraft was commanded by Captain Suneja and co-pilot Harvino with six cabin crew members. Suneja has 6,000 flight hours and the co-pilot more than 5,000 flight hours, the airline said in a statement.” Captain Suneja was a resident of Jakarta. He is originally from New Delhi and attended Ahlcon Public School in East Delhi's Mayur Vihar. He was married to a Delhi based girl. According to his Linkedin profile, he had been working at Lion Air since March 2011 and was also a trainee pilot with Emirates from September and December 2010. Preliminary flight tracking data from the Flightradar website showed the aircraft
My thoughts are with the families & friends of those who lost their lives in the plane crash in Indonesia.May Almighty give them strength & courage in this hour of grief
climbed to around 5,000 feet before losing, and then regaining, height, before finally falling towards the sea. It was last recorded at 3,650 feet and its speed had increased to 345 knots, the website showed. Nayanika Singhal(with PTI inputs)
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
spqwihk-rwSIPl Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÒ À AI «’√∂ ÍzÏÒ Ù± ’’∂ ¡≈Í Á∂ Ò¬Δ ’Ø¬Δ Óπ√ΔÏ ÷Û∑Δ ‘Ø √’ÁΔ ˛ Í ’≈ØÏ≈Δ ÁÙ≈ ·Δ’ ·≈’ ‘∂◊Δ, √ÎÒÂ≈ ¡’√ √≈Ê Á∂Ú◊ ∂ ΔÕ ‹≈«¬Á≈ÁΔ ’ßÓª «Ú⁄ √ÎÒÂ≈ «ÓÒ∂◊ΔÕ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÒ À -Ó¬Δ B@ «¬√ √ÍÂ≈‘ ÁΩ≈È ÁπÙÓ‰ª Á∂ ¿∞μ̉ Â∂ «√‘ Á∂ «Ú◊ÛÈ Á≈ ÷Â≈ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈ Í ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Íπ˜ΔÙÈ ·Δ’ ‘∂◊Δ, ÓÈ «Ú⁄ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ Ò≈Ò√≈ ‹≈◊ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA ÍzÏÒ «√Â≈≈ Â∞‘≈˘ ‘ Â∑ª ‘≈ÚΔ, ÍzÌ≈ÚΔ, «Ú‹¬Δ º÷◊ ∂ ≈, ’≥Ó’≈‹Δ ‘≈Ò≈ √≥ÂÙ Ø ‹È’ Í √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ «Ú⁄Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ Ù» È∞’√≈È Í‘∞⁄ ≥ ≈¿∞‰ Á∂ Ó»‚ «Ú⁄ Ș ¡≈¿∞‰◊∂Õ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ «√‘ «Ú⁄ ◊ÛÏÛΔ ÁΔ Ù’≈«¬Â «‘ √’ÁΔ ‘À Í √’≈ Â∂ ◊À-√’≈Δ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄ ’ÁÓ ¡◊≈‘ ÚºÒ ‘∂◊≈ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬√ ‘¯Â∂ «Ú‹À ÙzΔ √≈Ê Á∂Ú◊ ∂ Δ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ ⁄≈‘ ‘∂◊Δ, √‹‰√≥ÚÈ ÁΔ ∞⁄ º Δ Â∂ ÓÈ «Ú⁄ ⁄≥⁄ÒÂ≈ ‘∂◊Δ Í «ÚØËΔ¡ª ’’∂ «’√∂ √Ó∂∫ ¿∞Òfi‰ª ÚΔ «√ ⁄π’ º ÁΔ¡ª «‘‰◊Δ¡ª ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB √ÂÍ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ È∞’√≈È Á∂ ‘≈Ò≈ ω √’Á∂ ‘È, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ⁄Ω’√Δ º÷Ø Í «Ú⁄Ò≈ «‘º√≈ Â∂ ¡≈÷Δ «‘º√≈ ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Ò≈Ì Ò¬Δ ⁄≥◊≈ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈Õ Ó≥◊Ò ÁΔ Íπ‹ΔÙÈ ’≈È ¡’√Δ‚À∫‡ Â∂ √º‡ Ú◊À≈ Á≈ ‚ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ‚≈¬Δ«Ú≥◊ Ú◊À≈ «Ë¡≈È È≈Ò ’ØÕ
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
ÂπÒ≈ : √ÂßÏ BC-¡’Â±Ï BB «√Â≈≈ ËÈ Ò≈Ì Ò¬Δ Ï∂‘Â, «ÓºÂ Â∂ ’≥Ó’≈‹Δ √≈ÊΔ √«‘ÔØ◊ Á∂‰◊∂ Í √ÍÂ≈‘ Á≈ «Ú⁄Ò≈ «‘º√≈ «√‘Â Ò¬Δ «„ºÒ≈ Ș ¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «ÏÃÙ⁄’ : ¡’±ÏBC-ÈÚßÏ BA «√Â≈≈ √’≈Δ ’≥Óª ˘ √≥Ú≈È Ú≈Ò≈ Â∂ ËÈ Ò≈Ì Ï‰≈¬Δ º÷‰ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘À Í Í«Ú≈’ ‹ΔÚÈ «Ú⁄ ’∞fi ‡À∫ÙÈ Â∂ ¡ÙªÂΔ ÚΔ Ï‰≈¬Δ º÷‰ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘À, ’≈ØÏ≈Δ ÂΩ ”Â∂ «√Â≈≈ ⁄≥◊≈, ’≥Ó’≈‹Δ ‡» Ò≈Ì Á∂ √’Á≈ ‘À ËÈ : ÈÚßÏ BB-Á√ßÏ BA ’؇-’⁄«‘Δ Á∂ ’ßÓª «Ú⁄ √ÎÒÂ≈ «ÓÒ∂◊Δ, ¡Î√ ÚΔ ÈÓ π÷ æ÷‰◊∂ Í «’√∂ ÍzÏÒ Ù± ’’∂ ‡ÀÈÙÈ Íz∂Ù≈ÈΔ Ï‰Δ ‘∂◊ΔÕ Ó’ : Á√ßÏ BB-‹ÈÚΔ AI √Ë≈È «‹‘Δ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’È ”Â∂ √’≈Δ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄Ø∫ ÓπÙ’Òª ‘º‡‰◊Δ¡ª, ¡Î√ª Á≈ ∞ı ÚΔ ÈÓ ¡Â∂ Ò⁄’ΔÒ≈ ‘∂◊≈ Í ¡≈͉∂ √πÌ≈¡ «Ú⁄ ◊∞√ º ∂ Á≈ ¡√ ‘∂◊≈ ’∞Ì ø : ‹ÈÚΔ B@-ÎÚΔ AH «¬√ √ÍÂ≈‘ ÁΩ≈È Ù» ͺ÷ ÁΔ¡ª ‘’ª ˘ ¡‰-Á∂÷≈ ’È≈ Ó«‘≥◊≈ ÍÀ √’Á≈ ‘À Í ’≈˘ÈΔ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄ ͺ÷ Әϻ ‘∂◊≈, ’≈ØÏ≈Δ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄ Ò≈Ì Â∂ «¬º˜Â-Ó≈‰ ÁΔ Íz≈ÍÂΔ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ΔÕ ÓΔÈ : ÎÚΔ AI-Ó≈⁄ B@ «√Â≈≈ ÁπÙÓ‰ª 鱧 ¿πÌ≈È ¡Â∂ «√‘Â È±ß «Ú◊≈ÛÈ Ú≈Ò≈, «Ë¡≈È æ÷Ø Í ÿ∂Ò± ÓØ⁄∂ ¿πÂ∂ √ÁÌ≈ÚÈ≈ Ï‰Δ ‘∂◊Δ
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Your Stars This Week
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail guru@gurukaun.com Aries (March 21-April 19) Life has been in the fast lane lately, Aries: the stars prompt you to slow down and concentrate on the finer side of life. Travel, communications and romance enable you to relax and release tension. Taurus (April 21-May 20) The next four weeks are under the spell of Venus, activating your relationships zone. For single Taurean, it means that someone seductive will appear into your life creating a lifelong love affair. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Confusion and tension descends early in the week, as others try to misguide you and jeopardize your plans. Divulging your personal information will make you vulnerable to fraud and deceit. Cancer (June 22-July 22) When challenges appear, cosmos opens up new doors for us and this is true this week for you. Opposition at work, arguments at home and hurdles at every step but by midweek life is back on track. Are you preparing for a holiday? Leo (July 23-August 22 Make changes at home, beautify your den and make it comfy for your partner and family. Try to curb extravagance, draw a conservative budget and hold on to hard earned cash. Take care of your health and avoid over indulgence. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Have you misjudged a workmate? It is likely that early in the week, someone drops spanners in your works. Love begins to bloom and the moon in Leo on Friday activates your house of completion. Libra (September 23-October 20) As Venus joins Jupiter to influence your zodiac sign, your
money zone is propelled to new heights. Be vigilant and control emotional, financial and family issues. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) How fortunate you are, basking under the blissful influence of Venus and Jupiter and everything in your life glitters with happiness. Your house of ambitions and progress rouses up to achieve your desire. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Clear the decks, attend to paperwork and answer correspondence early in the week. Changes at home and workplace are inevitable, but this will help you to achieve what you desire. A tricky situation needs careful handling mid-week. Be practical and negotiate. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) You have worked hard for last few weeks but now from the 7th Nov forwards, your self-created cocoon is about to burst as you will be plummeted into social events and gatherings. Love and romance are on the rise, but beware if you are attached. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Positive changes and opportunities are on the way, as Venus & Jupiter jointly activate your career and security zone 10th November forward. Partnerships are under the cosmic scanner and it is you to decide to make or break. Seek financial advice from experts. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Situation that have restricted your progress, personal and workwise, are about to disappear and you can swim "like a fish" the way you like. Snuggle up to your partner at the weekend, attend to domestic chores and hug your children.
Worker Required vulvrhYNptn ielwky iv`c iPS AYNf icps Sop qy kMm krn vwly qzrbykwr kwmy dI qurMq zrUrq hY[pRwrQI kol XUky iv`c kMm krn dy knUMnI dsqwvyzW dw hoxw zrUrI hY[ Pu`l tweIm jW pwrt tweIm[ cMgI qnKwh[
sMprk: Mr. Singh 07913 062 229
SHIROMANI AKALI DAL RALLIES AL BEHIND SUKHBIR BAD BADAL A day after Sukhbir Badal offered to step down as SAD president, if demanded by the party, the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) core committee, which met in Chandigarh on Monday, endorsed his leadership. Akali Dal patriarch Parkash Singh Badal too was present at the meeting that lasted over three hours. Sources in the party said the core committee members “stood firmly behind the party president”. There was no mention of the
banner of revolt raised by Taksali leaders Ranjit Singh Brahmpura, MP, former minister Sewa Singh Sekhwan and former MP Rattan Singh Ajnala. In Gurdaspur, Sekhwan insisted that Sukhbir must step down, paving the way for the party’s reconstitution. “Sukhbir should resign so that the party can be recast. The party can be spared the ignominy of another drubbing in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, if we have a new leader.
MOUNDS OF SAND ON SUTLEJ BANKS, MINING MAFIA DIGS IN The mining mafia has dug around 40-foot-deep pits on the Sutlej bank near a bridge on the Garhshankar road. Three pathways have been laid to ferry sand and stone from the digging site to various stone crushers. District authorities, including the police and officials of mining, drainage and revenue departments, seem to have turned a blind eye to the large-scale illegal mining. Villagers say a large number of JCBs and tip-
pers can be seen loading the material every night. Gurcharan Singh of Agampur village says around 100 tippers can be seen transporting sand and stone every night. District Deputy Commissioner Sumeet Jarangal conducted a raid late last evening following a directive by the National Green Tribunal. RTI activist and local lawyer Dinesh Chadha had moved the tribunal. Two earth-movers and a
number of tippers involved in illegal mining were seized. Dozens of deep pits can be seen in the area. Big mounds of sand were also visible at many places. Three pathways have been created by putting cement pipes in the river to ferry material from one bank to the other. Residents say these pathways were washed away a few weeks ago when the area witnessed heavy rains, but these were re-laid immediately.
Dinesh Chadha said the mafia had got emboldened due to lackadaisical attitude of the district administration. No action was taken against two contractors of Baihara and Swaraha quarries even after a deputy commissioner’s report indicted them for violating mining norms last year. At the most, drivers of tippers and other machinery were fined in the name of action against the mining mafia while the big fish remained untouched, he alleged.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
Project to help better predict demand for social care services The City of Wolverhampton Council has received grant funding for a pioneering project which will enable it to better predict future demands for health and social care services. The £32,000 grant from NHS Digital will fund a predictive modelling project which will use anonymised data to more fully understand the journeys of people through the health and social care pathway. As a result, it will enable the council and its partners to better predict future demand for services as well as understand the impact of the care packages which are provided. Councillor Sandra Samuels OBE, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Services, said: “This project will explore how we can improve care and support for people who need health and social care services, which is particularly important at a time when we
are experiencing rising demand. “We will be looking at the anonymised records of people who have used health and social care services in Wolverhampton over the last couple of years to better understand how the activities, services and specialisms they received impacted on their outcomes and their future care needs. “This will allow us to better plan interventions, optimise our resources and develop more effective and joined-up services for local people.” The City of Wolverhampton Council was one of 18 local authorities to receive a share of £1.4m to develop digital projects that support social care. James Palmer, Head of the Social Care Programme at NHS Digital, said: “I am so pleased that we are able to support local authorities to shape the future of social In a tragic incident, an care. Indian couple died after falling 800 feet in an area with steep terrain in California’s Yosemite National Park this week, according to a media report. Vishnu Viswanath, 29, and Meenakshi Moorthy, 30, fell to their deaths from Taft Point in Yosemite National Park. They were identified on Monday as a married couple least six months, saying it every month. cannot continue to rely on Over 28,000 people have from India living in the United the "goodwill of staff" to already signed a petition - States, the San Francisco available at www.bit.ly/ Chronicle reported. The report keep patients safe. Telford & Wrekin Council, prhtelford - calling on the said the couple had recently which has launched the Government to "organise a moved from New York after c a m p a i g n t o f i g h t t h e rescue plan to prevent the Viswanath took a job as a closure, says that over 700 avoidable overnight closure systems engineer at Cisco, Princess R o y a l based in San Jose. Together, people per month would o f have to travel to other H o s p i ta l ' s A & E " . I n they chronicled their hospitals - including New addition, campaigners are adventures of travelling Cross - to attend Accident organising a protest march around the world in a blog a n d E m e r g e n c y i f t h e in Wellington on Sunday 4 called ‘Holidays and HappilyEverAfters’. November. closure went ahead. Rangers recovered their In addition, it estimates The overnight closure is that around 270 adult and expected to begin on 5 bodies on the steep terrain on 60 child admissions would December, from 10pm-8am Thursday below Taft Point, a popular tourist spot that be diverted to New Cross each night.
Council health chiefs join campaign against A & E closure Council health chiefs in Wolverhampton have joined a campaign to stop the temporary closure of Telford's Accident and Emergency department amid fears it will lead to hundreds of extra hospital admissions in Wolverhampton every month. Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust agreed in September that the Accident and Emergency department at the Princess Royal Hospital would close overnight for a period of at
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INDIAN COUPLE DIES AFTER FALLING 800 FEET IN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL PARK offers spectacular views of the Yosemite Valley, Yosemite Falls, and El Capitan. Visitors had spotted the bodies a day earlier. P a r k spokesman J a m i e Richards was quoted as saying in the report that “We still do not know what caused them to fall. We’re trying to understand what happened. We may never know, (but) from everything we see, this was a tragic fall.” Investigators were looking into how the couple fell or what had occurred when the accident happened at the famous spot which is a favourite place for tourists from around the world to take scenic and memorable photos. Earlier, the National Park
Service had said in a statement that the recovery operation for a male and female visitor who had died
in the fall from Taft Point was completed on the afternoon of October 25. The department said the two people fell approximately 800 feet below Taft Point in an area with very steep terrain. This recovery operation involved Park Rangers using technical climbing and rappelling techniques, in addition to helicopter support from the California Highway Patrol for a short-haul operation.
Vol: 14,
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Issue 691
HITMAN Rohit smashes 162 in India’s massive 224-run victory against Windies in fourth ODI
Rohit Sharma in action against West Indies in Mumbai on Monday; (inset) Ambati Rayudu hits a gritty 81-ball 100.
R 162 38 16 100 23 16 7
B 137 40 17 81 15 7 4
Extras: (b 6, lb 1, nb 1, w 7) 15 Total: (Five wickets; 50 overs) 377 Fall of wickets: 1-71, 2-101, 3-312, 4-344, 5-355 INDIA BATTING
O b Paul M R 38 W40 c Powell c Hope 10 b Roach 0 74 16 2 17 run out 9 0 62 1000 81 c Hemraj b Roach 23 15 8 0 57 16 1 7 not out 10 0 88 7 1 4 not out
10 0 74 R 2 B Dismissal 9 0 62 0 c Rayudu 8 b Kumar 0 57 141 16 run out10 0 88 4 1 12 4 0 23 0 run out8 0 2 0 52 0 c Sharma 1 b Ahmed 0 14 18 0 23 Hetmyer lbw b Ahmed 13 11 WEST INDIES BATTING Powell Ahmed 1R 9B Batsman bDismissal Hemraj c Rayudu 14 70 16 Holder not out b Kumar 54 Powell out 4 12 Allen crun Sharma b Kuldeep 10 17 Hope run out 0 2 Nurse Samuels ccSharma SharmabbKuldeep Ahmed 818 13 23 Hetmyer stlbw b Ahmed 13 18 11 Paul Dhoni b Jadeja 19 Powell Ahmed Yadav 9 Roach bbKuldeep 61 27
not out
54 70
Extras: 2) Allen (lb 4,cwSharma b Kuldeep 10 176 Total: 36.2 overs) Nurse(All out; c Sharma b Kuldeep 8 153 13 Fall 1-20, 2-20, 3-20,194-45, Paulof wickets: st Dhoni b Jadeja 18 5-47, 6-56, 7-77, 8-101, 9-132, 10-153 Roach
b Kuldeep Yadav
Score 264 209 208* 171* 162 152* 150
Balls 173 158 153 163 137 117 133
SR 152.60 132.27 135.94 104.90 118.24 129.91 112.78
Against Sri Lanka Australia Sri Lanka Australia W Indies W Indies S Africa
Venue Kolkata Bengaluru Mohali Perth Mumbai Guwahati Kanpur
Date Nov 13, 2014 Nov 2, 2013 Dec 13, 2017 Jan 12, 2016 Oct 29,2018 Oct 21, 2018 Oct 11, 2015
Compiled by Manoj Kumar
Most runs vs Windies for Indiafor in ODIs Most runs vs Windies India in ODIs
S. Ganguly
Dismissal c Hemraj b Nurse c Powell b Paul c Hope b Roach run out c Hemraj b Roach not out not out
Bowler Roach Batsman Holder Hemraj Nurse Paul Powell Powell Hope Allen Samuels Samuels
Indian team in a hurdle after fall of a wicket.
NAME MATCHES RUNS NAME MATCHES V.V. Kohli 31 1807 Kohli 31 S.S. Tendulkar 39 Tendulkar 391573 R.R. Dravid 40 Dravid 401348 R. Sharma 25 1156 R. Sharma 25 S. Ganguly 27 1142
Batsman Sharma Dhawan Kohli Rayudu Dhoni Jadhav Jadeja
Powell 4 1, w 7) 0 23 0 15 Extras: (b 6, lb 1, nb Total: (Five wickets; 50 overs) Allen 8 0 52 0 377 Fall of wickets: 1-71, 2-101, 3-312, 4-344, 5-355 Samuels 1 0 14 0
Chasing 378,the
West Indies’ chase never really got going as they lost half of their side inside the 50-run mark with Khaleel doing the bulk of the damage. Except for skipper Jason Holder (54 not out), no other West Indian batsmen could withstand the Indian attack, as the visitors lost wickets at regular intervals and were never really in the hunt. West Indies lost two wickets — Chandrapul Hemraj (14) and Shai Hope (0) — in the fifth over. While Hemraj gave a sitter to Rayadu off Bhuvaneshwar Kumar, Hope was run out courtesy a stunning direct hit by Kuldeep from mid-on. Matters became worse for the visitors after Kieran Powell (4) was run-out in the very next over by Kohli. Wickets kept tumbling and the next to be dismissed was Shimron Hetymar (13), who was trapped in front by Ahmed in the 10th over, even though the batsman went for an unsuccessful review.
Dismissal BOWLING R B WEST INDIES c Hemraj b Nurse 162 137
Rohit Sharma (162) and Ambati Rayudu (100) struck belligerent centuries to guide India to an imposing 377 for five after the hosts opted to bat. The duo took centre stage after a rare failure by skipper Virat Kohli. Rohit’s 21st century came off 137 balls with the help of 20 fours and four hits over the fence, while Rayudu decorated his 100-run knock with eight boundaries and four sixes. Chasing 378, West Indies simply caved in against India’s clinical bowling attack on what was a batting-friendly wicket to be bundled out for a paltry 153 in 36.2 overs. Young pacer Khaleel Ahmed (3/13) impressed upfront before chinaman Kuldeep Yadav (3/42)) ran through the West Indies’ tail. The Indians dished out an The 20-year-old Ahmed was on impressive effort on the field, fire as he picked up two more inflicting two run outs besides wickets in quick succession. He Rohit holding onto three fine first cleaned up Rovman Powell catches in the slips. (1) and then accounted for This is India’s third biggest win Samuels, who edged one to Rohit in the format. Their biggest-ever in the first slip. win in ODI remains the 257-run Batting first, India made a quick demolition of Bermuda in the start with Rohit and Shikhar 2007 ICC World Cup. Dhawan (38) and added a run-aball 71 for the stand before the latter pulled a Keemo Paul short delivery straight to Powell at the midwicket boundary. PTI
all out for 153
Batsman Sharma Bowler Dhawan Kohli Roach Rayudu Holder Dhoni Nurse Jadhav Paul Jadeja
NDIA embarrassed the West Indies by 224 runs in the fourth One-day International here Monday for one of their biggest wins and a 2-1 lead in the five-match series.
visitors were
1st November to 7th November 2018
HSRUNS AVG HSSR 100s AVG 157* 69.50 96.37 7 1807 157* 69.50 141* 52.43 78.02 4 1573 141* 52.43 109* 42.12 74.39 3 1348 109* 42.12 162 60.84 89.82 2 1156 162 60.84 98 47.58 72.18 0
50s SR 9 96.37 1178.02 8 74.39 9 89.82 11
Compiled by Manoj Kumar
100s 7 4 3 2 0
50s 9 11 8 9 11
Compiled by Manoj Kumar
Extras: (lb 4, w 2) 6 153 Total: (All out; 36.2 overs) Fall of wickets:O1-20, 2-20, Bowler M 3-20, R 4-45, W 5-47, 6-56, 7-77, 8-101, 9-132, 10-153
Kumar 5 1 30 INDIA BOWLING Bumrah 8O 1M 25 Bowler R Ahmed 55 01 13 Kumar 30 Bumrah 8 25 Jadeja 10 11 39 Ahmed 5 0 13 Kuldeep 8.2 01 42 Jadeja 10 39 Kuldeep
1 0W 31 10 3 31 3
India win by 224 runs India win by 224 runs
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 691
1st November to 7th November 2018
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