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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


È«Ù¡≈∫ ÁΔ √ßÂ≈Í ‘ß„≈¿∞∫Á≈ Íß‹≈Ï

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

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Issue 698

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31th January to 5th February 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

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31th January to 5th February 2019


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Vol: 14,

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Issue 698

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31th January to 5th February 2019

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Vol: 14,

Issue 698

Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù GD

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Vol: 14,

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Issue 698

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

‘Manikarnika’ is a losing battle by Suhani Singh


HERE’VE been plenty of one -man army films but how many one -woman army ones have you seen in Bollywood?


31th January to 5th February 2019


Directors: Kangana Ranaut, Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi Cast: Kangana Ranaut, Ankita Lokhande, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Danny Denzongpa, Jisshu Sengupta




But Manikarnika’s destiny is Jhansi and so she heads to the kingdom after agreeing to marry Gangadhar Rao, the king of Jhansi, who is deemed unfit to be a leader because he’s a dance and music enthusiast and wears gold bangles. A flimsy reasoning is given much later as to why the king wears them. In sartorial and production aesthetic the influence of Sanjay Leela Bhansali is evident as the makers highlight the grandeur and the number of extras at their disposal. But then Manikarnika christened Lakshmi is not your typical Bhansali heroine as in she’s not spending elaborate time on shringaar even though her wardrobe, hairdos and fake eyelashes would suggest otherwise. It’s her leadership skills, patriotism and aggressive demeanour that make her stand tall. It’s why her husband shares his throne with her and lets her be. She is born to be in the battlefield.

Kangana Ranaut in and as Manikarnika: Queen of Jhansi.

If there’s one actress who challenges the status quo it’s Kangana Ranaut and so here she is in a film in which she first gets a director credit followed by actress. But of course the film is all about the queen but the narrative is so tilted in her favour that no other historical character registers an impression. It occasionally makes Manikarnika: Queen of Jhansi appear more a vanity project with a meticulously-styled queen (Neeta Lulla provides the saris and Amrapali the jewels) than a period epic. Tatya Tope, Jhalkari Bai, General Ghaus Khan become mere footnotes. It’s one of the reasons why the first half of the film pales in comparison to the action and screeching-heavy second half. The film begins with a tribute to Baahubali: The Beginning as a baby rises from the river perched on a hand. Little time is wasted as we see her grown up as an ace archer with her sari’s pallu flowing and a leader with an empathetic heart. So obsessed is the The message is loud and clear: Bring on Ranaut film with nationalism already. And she stays on that there’s little screen throughout barring shared on the real a few seconds in a songperson behind the and-dance routine in which she is witness to a husband personality and wife flirting with each other as means of entertainment. Most characters appear solely to remind us how she’s one of a kind when we can’t see her superheroine-like physical prowess. Manikarnika can perform back flips; make impressive landings and tame difficult horses. She is as close to a female Baahubali one can get. (The film is written by Vijayendra Prasad also the creative brain behind the Baahubali films.) She also has a way with words as she delivers one dramatic dialogue after another, some of it downright schmaltzy. “I wasn’t fighting to win the elephant I was fighting for your aashirwaad…” (Dialogues are written by current Central Board of Film Certification chief and lyricist Prasoon Joshi).


NLY Ranaut and Jagarlamudi waste time before the queen gets there. When she refuses to adhere to archaic customs and traditions after the loss of her husband and strides to the throne with authority, the film springs to life. Ranaut relishes the opportunity to be an adamant queen and a ferocious freedom fighter, who refuses to bow to the British. She gets her own war cry too: Deen Deen Har Har Mahadev. A nemesis arrives in Major General Hugh Rose (Richard Keep) who directs all cannons and guns and some unintentionally funny dialogue in his quest to bring her down. Suddenly the greased cartridges arrive, the 1857 mutiny begins, attacks randomly happen and Rani Lakshmibai saves the day before another atrocity is committed. In one speech and song a women’s army is assembled. This isn’t just about Jhansi, it’s about Bharat Mata. The battle sequences may not have the ingenuity of Baahubali films but there’re a few scenes with Ranaut that are impressive. One sword fighting sequence will remind viewers of The Bride in Kill Bill as Rani plots her escape. But so obsessed is the film with nationalism that there’s little shared on the real person behind the personality. By the time the queen reaches Gwalior for the battle royal, Manikarnika already feels protracted. But there’s a patriotic speech to deliver on the need to fight and a memorable death to stage. This surgical strike is not as potent as the one that came two weeks before. But what it does is prove it is essentially ‘Har Har Kangana’.

out take

Hooliganism glorified in ‘Thackeray’ THACKERAY

by Samrudhi Ghosh WHAT better way for Shiv Sena to reach the masses with its manifesto than make a commercial film, Thackeray, with a Bollywood star in the lead role? Directed by Abhijit Panse, Thackeray is based on the rise of Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray (played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui), who believed in “thoktantra” (roughly translated to anarchy) over “loktantra” (democracy). However, the film fails to provide any insight into his trajectory, more than one incendiary speech after the other. The film begins with Thackeray in the dock for inciting the demolition of the Babri Masjid. When he is asked about his supporters tearing down the mosque, he replies, “Nahin, nahin. Toda nahin, saaf kiya. [We did not demolish it, we cleaned it up”. As soon as these words are uttered, chants of “Jai Shri Ram” begin blaring in the background.

Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Amrita Rao, Abdul Quadir Amin Direction: Abhijit Panse




Nawazuddin Siddiqui puts in a fine performance as Thackeray. In another scene, Thackeray embraces his Hindu Hriday Samrat image, after being supposedly backstabbed by Muslims, complaining that each time we have tried to embrace them, they have tried to kill us. Siddiqui puts in a fine perform-

ance as Thackeray, but there is little that he can do to elevate a film which is so brazen in its propaganda. Amrita Rao, as Meena Thackeray, has little to do other than serve tea and food to the guests at Matoshree, the Thackeray residence.

The Shiv Sena, which has failed to win a majority since 1995, is trying its best to whip up passions. From Pakistan to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, not-sosubtle digs are taken at all and sundry. Metaphors are used with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Communist leader Krishna Desai is stabbed to death soon after Thackeray declares that it is time to do something about these “lal Bandar”. It is hinted that the assassination was a milestone for the party – in the very next scene,

which is entirely in black-andwhite, the Shiv Sena supremo is seen trimming shrubs with a smug face and one marigold blooms brighter and brighter saffron. Everything is tweaked to favour the Shiv Sena. Rather than instigators of violence during the 1993 riots in Mumbai, the party and its supporters are portrayed as the messiahs of the Hindus. Hooliganism is not only glorified, but presented as a solution to unemployment. The film, in every scene, caters to the sentiment of Thackeray’s supporters. The rabble-rousing takes over story-telling from the word go. Panse, who is closely associated with the Thackerays, brings his idolisation of Balasaheb to the screen and forces it down the viewer’s throat. There are tigers roaring all over the background music, hammering it into your senses that Thackeray is the tiger here, almost a decade after his death. Tiger abhi bhi zinda hai, remember? ACCORDING to a secret report by European officials violence could erupt on the streets of the United Kingdom in the wake of Brexit. According to senior intelligence officials “civil unrest and rioting is almost inevitable and Britain will be left unstable for decades”. The EU report also claims there will be independence referendums in both Scotland and Northern Ireland with 18 months of the UK leaving the EU. Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg dismissed the reports and told MailOnline, “It sounds as if the EU intelligence is an oxymoron.” The claims emerged on Monday amid mounting concern at furious pro-Brexit protests in cities including London and Leeds that have seen MPs abused and arrests after scuffles with police.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


‘Brexit will leave UK unstable for decades...’

Health secretary Matt Hancock on Sunday refused to rule out martial law being imposed after a no deal Brexit — admitting the powers were available amid claims officials have been “war-gaming” the possibility. An EU source told the the Daily Mirror, “Analysis of the threat levels in Britain is being shared at the top of the EU as we formulate policy for the years ahead. The assessment is that violence is almost inevitable no matter what.”

EU officials say violence is likely to grip the UK Reports claim there will be independence referendums in Scotland and Northern Ireland after the UK leaves the EU.

MARTIAL LAW AN OPTION TO TACKLE CHAOS The extreme measures of martial law are being considered as part of a major response if Britain crashes out of the EU on March 29. Government offices have been discussing whether to use wideranging powers in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 — 1 which include curfews, travel bans and deploying army. The possibility of using the act for the no-deal Brexit plan was apparently raised for the first time last week, reports said.


The EU should not judge the UK by the standards which sadly exist on the continent of Europe. We will just settle down with a cup of tea — from non-EU India.


“They are worried that if the current deal goes through the right-wing will kick off. If there’s no deal everybody will object and kick off. If there’s a second referendum, the right will kick off. The right kicking off is causing most concern. This analysis is being kept very quiet for obvious reasons,” the source added. Tory MP Michael Fabricant told MailOnline, “The EU should not judge the UK by the standards which sadly exist on the continent of Europe. We’ll just settle down with a cup of tea from non-EU India.” The report was completed for the benefit of EU heads of state, including British PM Theresa May. Intelligence services around the bloc were used to make the assessment, however, MI5 was not involved, reports say. One senior government source said, “We are seeing civil disobedience across Europe and a growth of the far-right. Anything which changes the status quo, like Brexit, gives those people the opportunity to foment division. We could see protests and public disorder offences.” The extreme measures of martial law are being considered as part of a major response if the UK crashes out of the EU at the end of March. Offices in central government have been discussing whether to use wide ranging powers in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 — 1 which

— MICHAEL FABRICANT, TORY MP include curfews, travel bans and deploying the army. The possibility of using the act for Operation Yellowhammer — the no-deal Brexit plan — was apparently raised for the first time last week. “As no - deal preparations are accelerated and training is rolled out to civil

Iran may step up cyber spying, says EU agency IRAN is likely to expand its cyber espionage activities as its relations with Western powers worsens, the EU digital security agency said on Monday. Iranian hackers are behind cyber attacks and online disinformation campaigns in recent years as the country tries to strengthen its clout in the Middle East and beyond, a Reuters Special Report showed.

Iran among most active cyber actors, says ENISA This month the EU imposed its first sanctions on Iran since world powers agreed a 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, in a reaction to Iran’s ballistic missile tests and assassination plots on European soil. “Newly imposed sanctions on Iran are

likely to push the country to intensify state-sponsored cyber threat activities in pursuit of its geopolitical and strategic objectives at a regional level,” said the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) in a report. A senior Iranian official rejected the report saying these are all part of a psychological war launched by the U.S. and its allies against Iran. ENISA lists state-sponsored hackers as among the highest threats to the bloc’s digital security. It said that China, Russia and Iran are “the three most capable and active cyber actors tied to economic espionage”. Iran, Russia and China have repeatedly denied U.S. allegations that their governments conduct cyber attacks. A malicious computer worm known

servants, questions have been raised about the legislation and how it could be used in the event of a no - deal Brexit,” a source said. Hancock said there was no “specific” plan for martial law, but did not rule it out also. “The government looks at all the options in all circumstances

all the time. It remains on the statute book but it isn’t the focus of our attention,” he said. May said that there will be disruption in the event of no deal on March 29, but as a responsible government they are taking appropriate steps to minimise this disruption. Daily Mail

Senator claims democracy in U.S. under worst attack INDIAN- ORIGIN Senator Kamala Harris has launched her 2020 presidential bid with a scathing criticism of U.S. President Donald Trump’s policies, saying that the U.S. is at an inflection point in the history due to the attack on democracy like never before.

Iran calls report part of US’ psychological war. as Stuxnet was used to attack a uranium enrichment facility at Iran’s Natanz underground nuclear site a decade ago is believed to have been developed by the U.S. and Israel. The U.S. had imposed sanctions on some Iranians in March 2018 for hacking on behalf of the Iranian government. Cyber activities are likely to increase in coming months, particularly if Iran fails to keep the EU committed to a 2015 nuclear deal, ENISA said. Reuters

Harris has launched her presidential campaign Harris, 54, who was elected to the Senate in 2016, announced her run for presidency last week. She has been voted on top of the list of Democratic leaders aspiring to defeat Trump in the November 2020 election. Harris, the second African-American woman elected to the U.S. Senate, has also been drawing comparisons to Barack Obama. “We are at an inflection point in the history of our country. We

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris. are here because the American dream and democracy are under attack like never before. We have leaders who bully and attack a free press and undermine our democratic institutions — that’s not our America,” she said, without taking Trump’s name. PTI

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


Over 100 feared dead as rescue ops in full swing Twin blasts

leave 17 dead in Philippines

SCIENTISTS in an alarm warning of an imminent mining dam rupture went up early on Sunday in Brumadinho, the same Brazilian community where a dam collapsed killing 34 with hundreds more feared dead, firefighters and the mining company said. An alarm warning of dangerously high water levels at a dam that is part of the Corrego do Feijao mining complex in southeastern Brazil went off at 5:30 am (0730 GMT), a statement by the mining company Vale said. A dam at the same mining site burst Friday, spewing millions of tons of treacherous sludge and engulfing buildings, vehicles and roads. Firefighters said they immediately began evacuating communities near the dam. “Attention, general area evacuation! blared a warning through loudspeakers in Brumadinho, population 39,000. Find the highest point in the city,” the warning said. Vale's CEO Fabio Schvartsman and Minas Gerais Governor Romeu Zema earlier warned that the death toll from the Friday rupture could rise.

1,000 troops deployed for rescue operations In Rio, Schvartsman spoke of a human tragedy. Search and rescue operations, suspended overnight because of rain, resumed at 4 am (0600 GMT). Dozens of helicopters were set to be deployed because the thick mud was treacherous for ground rescuers to venture into. Among the more than 170 survivors rescued from the disaster, 23 were hospitalized with injuries. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro flew over the devastated zone on Saturday, later tweeting that it was difficult to not be emotional before this scene. All was being done to care for survivors and determine the facts, to demand justice and prevent new tragedies, he added. The military said it deployed 1,000 soldiers, including sniffer dogs, to the disaster zone. Separately, an Israeli team of 130 soldiers equipped with cellular location equipment, drones and naval sonars is set to reach the area Sunday to help search for survivors and bodies, an Israeli military spokesman said. The team is expected to stay for one week. The disaster was the first big emergency faced by Bolsonaro and his government since he

Debris is seen in Parque da Cachoeira community a day after the collapse of a dam.

Brazil on alert as another dam disaster looms ISRAEL HELPS Mud-hit area a day after the collapse of a dam at an iron-ore mine in Brazil.

An Israeli team of 130 soldiers is set to reach the area. More than 170 survivors rescued from the disaster, 23 were hospitalized with injuries. The ruptured dam was 42 years old and in the process of being decommissioned.

took office in early January, and may be one of the deadliest disasters in Brazil's history. Vale has been shaken by the disaster, the second in three

years it has suffered in the same state. The ruptured dam, 42 years old and 282 feet high, had been in the process of being decommissioned. AFP

The Dam had recently passed structural safety tests.

AT least 17 people were killed as two bombs hit a church on a southern Philippine island that is a stronghold of Islamist militants, the military said on Sunday, just days after a regional vote for a new Muslim autonomous region. The first blast occurred inside the Catholic church on wartorn Jolo on Sunday morning as mass was being celebrated, and was followed by a second explosion in the parking lot as troops responded, regional military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Gerry Besana told AFP. Photos issued by the regional police showed debris scattered near the church's entrance and a damaged military truck with a broken windshield. “The motive is surely... terrorism. These are people who do not want peace,” Besana said. “Five soldiers

Soldiers stand near the explosion site in Jolo. and 12 civilians were killed while 57 others were wounded,” he added. However the national police chief Oscar Albayalde put the death toll at 19, with 48 people wounded. “We will use the full force of the law to bring to justice the perpetrators behind this incident,” Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a statement. The military said it airlifted some of the wounded to the nearby city of Zamboanga for medical treatment. The island is also a base of the Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf, which is blamed for deadly bombings, including an attack on a ferry in Manila Bay in 2014 that claimed 116 lives in the country's deadliest terror assault. Last week voters decisively approved a more powerful autonomous region in the Philippines' south, which is hoped will bring peace and development after decades of fighting that have killed thousands and mired the area in poverty. AFP

U.S. troops may quit Afghanistan in 18 months FILE PICTURE

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he had received ‘encouraging news’ from talks.

TALIBAN officials said on Saturday U.S. negotiators have agreed on a draft peace pact setting out the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan within 18 months, potentially ending the United States’ longest war. The details of the draft were given to Reuters by Taliban sources at the end of six days of talks with U.S. special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad in Qatar aimed at ending the war, more than 17 years since American-led forces invaded Afghanistan. It stipulates that troops would leave within 18 months of the agreement being signed. While no joint statement was issued, Khalilzad tweeted later that the talks had made “significant progress” and would resume shortly, adding that he planned to travel to Afghanistan to meet government offi-

cials. “Meetings here (in Qatar) were He did not give a timetable for the potential withdrawal of U.S. forces. more productive than they have been in the past. We have made significant A Taliban statement issued later progress on vital issues,” he wrote, also noted progress on troop withadding that numerous issues still drawal and other issues but said more needed work.“Nothing is agreed until negotiations and internal consultaeverything is agreed and everything tions were required. “The policy of the must include an intra-Afghan diaIslamic Emirate during talks was very logue and comprehensive ceasefire,” clear — until the issue of withdrawal he wrote in the tweets. of foreign forces from Afghanistan is agreed upon, progress in other issues U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is impossible,” said Taliban on Saturday wrote on Twitter that he spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, using had received ‘encouraging news’ from another name the group calls Khalilzad about the talks. itself. “The U.S. is serious about It was not clear whether pursuing peace, preventing U.S. the draft described by the #Afghanistan from conhad invaded Taliban sources was tinuing to be a space for acceptable to both sides international terrorism Afghanistan 17 or when it could be & bringing forces years ago completed and signed. home,” Pompeo Reuters tweeted. By Geeta Mohan in New Delhi

ANTIGUA and Barbuda have put to rest the speculation that India is sending a special long-haul flight to the Carribean islands to bring back fugitive Mehul Choksi. In an exclusive telephonic conversation with India Today from St. John's, Lionel Hurst, Chief of Staff in Prime Minister Gaston Browne's office, said that his government is unaware of any Indian officials flying to Antigua and Barbuda for Mehul Choksi. Emphasising that Choksi now is an Antiguan citizen, Hurst said, “Our understanding is that Mr Choksi has surrendered his Indian citizenship and as a consequence, he may no longer be a citizen of India. Hence, Antigua and Barbuda could not deprive him of his citizenship because he would then become a stateless person and we would not be allowed to do that.” According to some media reports on Saturday, Indian agencies had commissioned a long-range Air India Boeing to bring back fraudsters Mehul Choksi and Jatin Mehta who

Vol: 14,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019

Antigua official says Choksi not being sent back

Amethi’s pilgrims all praise for Irani

Union minister Smriti Irani. By Ashutosh Mishra in Prayagraj HUNDREDS of devotees who visited Prayagraj for Kumbh from Amethi on Sunday, the bastion of Congress president Rahul Gandhi, were all praise for Union minister Smriti Irani. The pilgrims told India Today TV that the tour to Prayagraj was sponsored by Irani who contested against Rahul Gandhi in Amethi in 2014 general elections and gearing up to challenge the Congress president again this elections from the same parliamentary constituency.

Revelation comes as a setback to India have found safe havens in Antigua and Barbuda and Kitts and Nevis, respectively. According to these reports, officials from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) were to fly non-stop to the Carribeans to bring back the absconders. While there is still no clarity on the case of Jatin Mehta, Mehul Choksi had early this week surrendered his Indian passport to the Indian High Commission in Guyana. He has also challenged the matter of his extradition request by India in the Antiguan courts. Lionel Hurst said that since the matter lies with the courts, it is now a decision that is out of the ambit of the ‘political directorate’. He added that the decision could take a long time since Choksi has the right to appeal any adverse decision against him in the higher courts. “The court would have to render a decision that would be unfavourable to Mr Choksi. But, bear in mind that even if the — LIONEL HURST, CHIEF High Court does, Mr Choksi still has an appeal of right to the indicated that a long flight to Court of Appeals and then evenIndia would certainly cause his tually to the apex court which is demise and as a consequence, he the Privy council in London. This would not be flying back to India matter may last for a very long under any circumstances. Under time if the Indian authorities are those circumstances, the matter relying upon the subject person became one in which the court to use the Antigua and Barbuda will play a vital role and not the courts to prevent his extradipolitical directorate of Antigua tion”, said Mr Hurst. and Barbuda. Though we Choksi has also used have entered pleas health grounds to plea before the courts, we Choksi in the High Court certainly have not denial of permission is declared an got any commisto fly such a long sion by the court absconder by distance to India. to deport or “Mr Choksi has Indian authorities

Irani sponsored the tour for pilgrims

He has surrendered his Indian citizenship... hence, Antigua and Barbuda could not deprive him of his citizenship

Mr Choksi has indicated that a long flight would cause his demise and as a consequence,he would not be flying back to India

OF STAFF IN PM GASTON BROWNE'S OFFICE, TO INDIA TODAY TV extradite Choksi.” To a question on the special Air India flight that is flying from India, Hurst said that there has been no conversation between the two governments regarding the same, instead, there were chartered flights flying Indians to Antigua and Barbuda for the test series. He said, “I believe there is cricket in the West Indies...the second test series begins in Antigua on the 31st of January. It could very well be that a group of Indians may have chartered

an aircraft to come see the cricket match but we don't know of any Indian government officials flying to Antigua in order to arrest or to take Choksi away.” Mehul Choksi a declared absconder was found to be in Antigua and Barbuda when in July last year the Antiguan authorities confirmed that he was residing thereby obtaining Antiguan citizenship through investment in November 2017, months before the PNB scandal broke out. India Today TV

Train 18 named Vande Bharat Express ACKNOWLEDGING its madein-India status, the Indian Railways has named the indigenously manufactured semi-fast Train 18 as Vande Bharat Express, which will ply from the national capital to Varanasi, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal said on Sunday. P rime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to flag off the train soon, which will ply

world-class trains under Make in India,” Goyal said. The train will be fully air-conditioned and will stop at Kanpur and Allahabad and will have two executive chair cars, the minister said adding that it will have superior quality of air suspension for comfortable journey of the passengers. It is completely made in India and

It was bulit at cost of `97 crore

The 16-coach train was built in 18 months between Delhi and his Lok Sabha constituency. The 16coach train, built in 18 months at a cost of Rs 97 crore by the Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, is regarded as a successor to the 30-year- old Shatabdi Express. It’s also the first locomotive-less train in the country. Addressing the media here, Goyal said when it was conceptualised, “It was named Train


India’s first engine-less semi-high-speed train named ‘Train 18’ is seen at Safdarjung railway station. 18 and now it has been given a new name after taking suggestions from the general public. Train 18 will now be known as Vande Bharat Express. It's a

train built completely in India by Indian engineers, in a span of 18 months. It'll ply from Delhi to Varanasi. It is an example that it's possible to make

various names were suggested by the general public but we have decided to name it Vande Bharat Express. “A gift on the occasion of Republic Day to people. Will request the prime minister to flag it off,” he said. Goyal said he has requested the Railway Board to scale up its production to reduce its overall cost and once the country will have surplus production, it will be exported as well. PTI

BJP leader Krishna Kumar Yadav from Jagdishpur Assembly constituency told India Today TV that 20,000 pilgrims, including locals and BJP workers, will be visiting Prayagraj and all the arrangements for transportation and food will be done by Irani. Several BJP workers and the pilgrims who came from Amethi said Smriti Irani has done a lot for the poor section of Amethi. Krishna Kumar Yadav said Irani constructed roads in remote areas and also provided skill-based jobs to the marginalised people. Another BJP worker said Rahul Gandhi in spite of being the MP from Amethi did not even spent anything from the MP fund in his constituency. Mahendra Prasad, who came from Amethi to Prayagraj with BJP workers, said what Smriti Irani is doing Rahul Gandhi could have also done for his people, which he did not. India Today TV

Elderly couple dead By Ajay Kumar in New Delhi DELHI police found decomposed bodies of two senior citizens in a house located at south east district’s Mount Kailash, police said on Sunday. Chinmoy Biswal, the DCP of south east district, said: “We received a PCR call in the morning on January 26 that a senior couple living in a house were not responding despite repeated attempt.” The dead bodies were found in a decomposed stage. The couple, identified as Virender Kumar Khaneja (77) and Sarla Khaneja, have one son living in USA. “We have sent the dead bodies for postmortem and waiting for report. Further investigation is underway,” the police said.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama

Aries (March 21-April 19) Keep your anger and frustration sealed up or you will endanger the success of your work projects. The past few weeks have been fun and frolic but now is the time to be serious and focus on your future life path. Taurus (April 21-May 20) As Mars traverses in your 12th house, it is time to promote your dreams and desires. Avoid confrontations or arguments and it is advisable not to be stubborn but give concessions to others. Gemini (May 21-June 20) With the Mars-Pluto transition, be aware of jealousy and envy both at work and in private life. As the month end so does the pressure at work place mounts up. Go with the flow in the coming weeks and don't succumb to any pressure. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Love, romance and tranquility prevail as Venus enters in your zone of relationships. Your career is being pushed up by Mars but at the same time listen to others but may chalk out your own path. Be careful to sign any new contracts. Leo (July 23-August 22 As January draws to close, your magnetism, energy and charisma begin to rise. Whilst it is a hectic period at works, it is also ideal time to off-load some emotional baggage and begin the healing process. Focus on your well-being at the weekend. Virgo (August 23-September 22) The coming weeks will be full of romance and love and if unattached, you will meet someone seductive and beautiful. There is a storm brewing up at home as loved ones demand your time and attention. Concession is the only solution. Libra (September 23-October 20) Family pressure and trivial disputes have taken a toll of your

health for the past weeks. Communicating with foreign friends and relatives abroad will uplift your spirits and give food for thought. The weekend comes with a positive news. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Your stress levels are high because of the muddled-up career position and it is impossible to hold your anger and frustration any longer. February 1st is ideal to talk to bosses, express your concerns and resolve the issues. Confide in your partner.. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) This is a week to lie low, avoid confrontations and just carry on your jobs and routine chores. A friend is disappointed with someone's behavior and needs your help and support. Forget the past and move forward to a new future. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Some of you will be moving to new horizons, may be a new job or change of residence. Venus brings tranquility and happiness in all relations and you will notice a significant calm at home. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Look within, meditate and trust your sixth sense to look for solution to an ongoing emotional problem. Don't engage in gossips or rumour mongering as this may bounce back on you. Pisces (February 19- March 19) It seems that friends are ignoring you or may be just evasive due to other commitments and pressure. The situation will reverse on Friday when Venus blesses you with love and affection. Don't ignore those aches and pains as minor ailments sometimes become major.

Naveen Patnaik’s sister Gita Mehta declines Padma Shri New Delhi-The US-based author and sister of Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Gita Mehta, on Saturday declined the Padma Shri citing the timing of the selection on the eve of 2019 Lok Sabha elections.Mehta, who was chosen for her work on the Indian history and culture, said she didn’t want any embarrassment to be caused to herself or the government. “The timing may be misconstrued as it comes on the

eve of 2019 Lok Sabha elections,” she said, expressing regret that she would have to decline the award. Gita Mehta and her p u b l i s h e r husband Sonny Mehta have documented the Indian history and culture. Gita Mehta was awarded in the category of literature yesterday night. The Padma awards this year come on the eve of Lok Sabha polls with the BJP all set to put up a strong fight

in Odisha which is ruled by Gita Mehta’s brother Naveen Patnaik of the BJD. The return of the Padma by Mehta caused a flutter on Twitter with people recollecting the 2015 award wapasi controversy, with many saying this time the award was returned by unexpected quarters. Many Twitter visitors also questioned Mehta’s decision saying “Padma awards are an expression of the honour by the people of India, these awards are given to select few by the people of India and should not be seen as political.”

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ICICI-Videocon loan case: CBI transfers investigating officer New Delhi-The CBI has transferred the Investigating Officer (IO) of the ICICI Bank loan case, claiming a “discreet inquiry” pointed to “information leak”. The transfer was made a day after the CBI registered an FIR in the case after searches on January 22. The agency’s move, however, has drawn criticism from Union Minister Arun Jaitley, who called it “investigative adventurism”. The Opposition Congress said the government was again interfering in the functioning of the agency, which went after its “suited-booted friends” this time. Superintendent of Police Sudhanshu Dhar Mishra, who was part of the Banking and Securities Fraud Cell (BSFC), was shifted to the Economic Offences branch in Ranchi on Thursday, a day after the CBI filed a case against former ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar, her husband Deepak Kochhar and Videocon head Venugopal Dhoot. Officials in the CBI said the agency carried out searches at multiple locations after the case was given to new IO Mohit Gupta. They, justifying the transfer, blamed Mishra for keeping the preliminary enquiry (PE) pending. The officials said the PE gathered momentum after a review and was converted into a regular case, following which a case was

registered and searches were proposed. They also contended that the agency suspected the possibility of information regarding searches having been leaked. On Friday, Jaitley, who is recuperating in the US after a surgery, attributed “poor” conviction rate in India to “adventurism and megalomania” that “overtakes investigators and professionalism takes a back seat”. In a blog post, he said, “When I read the list of potential targets in the ICICI case, the thought that crossed my mind was again the same— instead of focusing primarily on the target, is a journey to nowhere (or everywhere) being undertaken?” The Congress, which alleges that the CBI is taking orders from the Union Government, questioned why the minister was “perturbed” since it was CBI’s standard procedure to treat “mistakes” as “corruption” and “carelessness” as “malice”. In a Twitter post, Priyanka Chaturvedi of the Congress remarked, “The interference of the government in the CBI gets more brazen: CBI Director removed in a midnight coup at the mere hint of the Rafale scam investigation— CBI officer transferred because he ‘audaciously’ went after the government’s suited-booted friends.”

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


PRIYANKA TO FIGHT FROM VARANASI? SENIOR CONGRESS leader Kapil Sibal’s tweet about Priyanka Gandhi’s appointment as in-charge of the Eastern UP has raised speculations that her role may not be only restricted to reviving the party cadre and she might make her electoral debut in the upcoming general elections for “Modi mukt Varanasi or Yogi mukt Gorakhpur”. Reacting on the Priyanka’s entry into politics, Sibal tweeted: “Modiji and Amit Shah called for a Congress mukt Bharat. With the entry of Priyanka Gandhi in UP (East), will we see a ....mukt Varanasi? ....mukt Gorakhpur?” His tweet indicates that in addition to energising the dormant cadre of the Congress, she might challenge Prime Minister Narendra Modi from his constituency, Varanasi, or may contest from Gorakhpur, a stronghold of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Congress workers in Varanasi celebrated her entry into politics and also demanded that she should take on PM Modi in the Lok Sabha polls. Party workers have put up posters at multiple locations in the city which says, “Kashi ki janta kare pukaar Priyanka Gandhi ho saansad hamaar (People of Kashi want to elect Priyanka as their MP).” Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, while addressing a public gathering in Salon area of Rae Bareli, said: “I have already told Priyanka to come and meet you all soon after taking charge as general secretary. We want to assure you all that our party will be forming the next government in UP.”

However, there are reports that she may replace Sonia Gandhi from Rae Bareli seat as the UPA chairperson could retire from politics ahead of the polls. Sources in the UP Congress said that her entry into politics will make both Mayawati and Akhilesh rethink about their decision of excluding the grand old party from the alliance. The Amethi MP, while speaking at his constituency on Wednesday, said: “We respect both BSP and SP chief. We are ready to cooperate with them. The objec-

Modiji and Amit Shah called for a Congressmukt Bharat. With the entry of Priyanka Gandhi in UP (East), will we see a .............mukt Varanasi? .............mukt Gorakhpur?

By Nelanshu Shukla in Lucknow



Rahul Gandhi, Congress chief. tive of the opposition is to stop the BJP from coming back to power.” Sources in Congress said that both Rahul and Priyanka are expecting to hold a joint rally in Lucknow in February, which will showcase the party's strength ahead of the elections. She will also be campaigning promi-

ALTHOUGH there had been a buzz for a long time in the Lucknow Congress office that something big was going to happen in Uttar Pradesh, little did the party workers knew that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will be given charge of the state election. The jubilant workers have already booked Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan in Lucknow for a mega rally on February

10 to formally introduce Priyanka in Uttar Pradesh. Congress president Rahul Gandhi is also expected to attend the rally. The Congress members told Aaj Tak that when “Rahul and Priyanka ji will hold a rally together, then Congress workers from every corner of the state will attend it”. The workers have put up big posters outside the Congress headquarters to welcome her. The Congress headquarters in the city has been given a facelift and party insiders said

nently in all important centres ment of her political debut shows in Eastern UP, including the the country’s affection for her PM’s constituency. and our party. People see Indira Gandhi’s reflection in her. Speaking to India Today She will definitely help us TV, UP Congress in countering the BJP spokesperson Zeeshan She at the national level.” Haider said: “The way will campaign she has been trendMeanwhile, Union in all important ing on social media home minister Rajsince the announcenath Singh told centres in eastern UP

that it was all scripted and therefore the renovation was completed before Priyanka was appointed the general secretary of East UP. Talking exclusively to Aaj Tak, Congress state president Raj Babbar said that the party is in a jubilant mood and the new party office will welcome Priyanka. The new office is white in colour and the eastfacing new chamber on the first floor could be Priyanka’s chamber in the party office. India Today TV media in Lucknow: “Her (Priyanka) appointment as general secretary is an internal matter of the Congress. However, the grand old party will fail to make any impact in UP. People only trust the BJP and we will once again sweep the Lok Sabha elections." India Today TV

PM Modi pays tribute to Shah’s counter: Marathon meets Thackeray on birth anniv with booth chiefs across UP soon By Kamlesh Damodar Sutar in Mumbai

By Kumar Abhishek in Lucknow

THE BJP is leaving no stone unturned to keep its ally Shiv Sena in the state in good humour. A day after Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis announced `100 crore for the proposed Thackeray Memorial, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday showered praises on the late Shiv Sena supremo on his birth anniversary. Modi addressed the booth workers of Baramati, Hingoli, Gadchiroli, Nanded and Nandurbar by starting his speech in pure Marathi and offered tributes to Bal Thackeray. “Balasaheb was a guiding light for many in the country. While fighting for the common man, he also did a great job of instilling confidence and patriotism in them. With a view that the coming generation should get inspiration from his work, our government in Maharashtra has decided to grant `100 crore for Balasaheb national

IN A BID to counter Congress’ masterstroke of appointing Priyanka Gandhi as the AICC EastUttar Pradesh general secretary on Wednesday, BJP national president Amit Shah is now all set to hold a micro-level meeting with the booth-level workers across Uttar Pradesh, and give them suggestions on how to win the Lok Sabha elections. Amit Shah will conduct six meetings with the booth-level workers in UP between January 30 and February 10. Shah aims to meet at least 1.5 lakh BJP workers in 10 days as each meeting will be attended by more than 25,000 workers. The party president will receive “constructive feedback” from the workers and will give them the ‘mantra’ to win the upcoming elections. Though the announcement of the micro-level meeting with the booth-level workers comes at a time when Priyanka has been made the in-charge of East UP, the BJP leaders claimed that the programme was scheduled much

Narendra Modi, PM. memorial,” he added. The speech has fuelled speculation about the “positive developments” in the proposed BJP-Shiv Sena alliance. The warring saffron siblings have always been at loggerheads even though being together in power both at the Centre and state. CM Fadnavis has been insisting on the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance. After the Ganesh Pujan of Thackeray Memorial at Shivaji Park on Wednesday, it is expected that the Shiv Sena will be mellowing down its attack. India Today TV

Amit Shah aims to meet at least 1.5 lakh BJP workers in 10 days. before the Congress announced Priyanka’s electoral debut in Uttar Pradesh politics. Shah’s meeting with the boothlevel workers is believed to be a part of BJP’s micro-level management strategy ahead of the elections. Shah is holding the ‘Mera Booth SabseMajboot’ pro-

gramme for the first time and it is believed to going to be a major event, according to sources. The idea of the programme ‘Mera Booth Sabse Majboot’ was coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to interact with party workers via the NaMo app. India Today TV

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019

Bharat Ratna for Pranab Mukherjee, Nanaji Deshmukh, Hazarika

Former President Pranab Mukherjee, Bharatiya Jana Sangh leader Nanaji Deshmukh and singer Bhupen Hazarika will be conferred with the Bharat Ratna - the country’s highest civilian award, the government announced today. The Bharat Ratna will be conferred after a gap of four years. Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee and founder of Banaras Hindu University

Madan Mohan Malviya were given the award by the Modi government in 2015. A Rashtrapati Bhavan communique, on the eve of the 70th Republic Day, said the President was pleased to award Bharat Ratna to Nanaji Deshmukh (posthumously), were given the award by the Modi government in 2015. Deshmukh and Hazarika were selected for the award posthumously.

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Mukherjee, fondly known as ‘Pranab Da’, was the Presidentof India between 2012 and 2017. The PM said Mukherjee was an outstanding statesma who had served the nation selflessly and tirelessly for decades, leaving a strong imprint on the nation’s growth trajectory. “His (Mukherjee) wisdom and intellect have few parallels. Delighted that he has been conferred the Bharat Ratna,” Modi tweeted. Referring to Deshmukh, he said his stellar contribution to rural development showed the way for a new paradigm of empowering those living in villages. “He (Deshmukh)

personifies humility, compassion and service to the downtrodden...,” he tweeted. Praising Hazarika, Modi said his songs and music were admired by people across generations. “From them radiates the message of justice, harmony and brotherhood. He popularised India’s musical traditions globally.” The 83-year-old Mukherjee, who was known as the quintessential Man Friday of the Congress, joins the elite club with Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Rajendra Prasad, Zakir Hussain and VV Giri who had been conferred the coveted award. Mukherjee became India’s youngest Finance Minister in

1982 at the age of 47. From 2004, he went on to head three crucial ministries — External Affairs, Defence and Finance — and became the first occupant of the Rashtrapati Bhavan to have this distinction. Last year, he had drawn flak from certain quarters for attending an RSS function in Nagpur. Deshmukh was associated with the RSS since 1928 till his death in in 2010 at the age of 94 and was known for starting a chain of RSS-inspired schools throughout India. He was one of the founder members of Bharatiya Jana Sangh which later evolved as the Bharatiya Janta Party. He was considered one of the architects of the


Jayaprakash Narayan movement against Emergency in 1974 and among the key persons in the formation of the Janata Party government in 1977. Born in 1926, Hazarika was a playback singer, lyricist, musician, singer, poet and film-maker from Assam. A recipient of Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1987), Padma Shri (1977), Padma Bhushan (2001) and Padma Vibhushan (2012posthumously), Hazarika was also awarded Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1992. Hazarika did his Phd from Columbia University in 1952. He died in 2011. He was an independent MLA in Assam during 1967-72.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019



& SWEET Qatar thrash UAE to reach Asia Cup final QATAR beat hosts United Arab Emirates 4-0 to reach the final of the 2019 AFC Asian Cup. The win, coming in front of a hostile Abu Dhabi crowd, sealed Qatar’s progress to the title match for the first time where it will face Japan on Friday. Qatar opened the scoring with Boualem Khoukhi (in pic) in the 22nd minute with Almoez Ali adding a second 15 minutes later. Hassan al-Haydos added a third in the 80th minute with a chip over the UAE goalkeeper.

THE 36th National Games are set to be postponed yet again after Goa expressed its inability to host the event in MarchApril owing to the general elections, prompting a furious IOA to threaten a change of venue. In a letter to the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), the Goa government has cited the upcoming elections, security and volunteer related issues as the reasons for a demand to postpone the much-delayed National Games which were originally planned for 2016 but have been rescheduled several times.

The Men in Blue haven’t won the tournament since its inaugural edition in 2007 under the leadership of MS Dhoni.



ORMER champions India will square off against South Africa in their opening match of the men’s T20 World Cup to be held in Australia next year, the International Cricket Council announced on Tuesday.

India’s opening match will take place in Perth on October 24 while the tournament will get underway from October 18 with qualifying rounds in South Geelong, according to the fixtures. India, who lost in the semifinals to eventual winners West Indies in the previous edition in 2016, face a qualifying team in their next Super 12 match in Melbourne on October 29. India won the event’s inaugural edition in 2007. The men’s competition, from October 18 to November 15, will feature several qualifying matches before hosts Australia take on world’s top-ranked Pakistan in the first match of the tournament-proper on October 24 under lights at the Sydney Cricket Ground. ICC Chief Executive David Richardson said: “Whenever we host an event in Australia we know we can guarantee the one billion cricket fans around the world a great show. “The world’s best players. Outstanding venues. Noisy, passionate, knowledgeable fans. Exciting cricket. This is the perfect combination for a T20 World Cup and in 2020 we go one step further with two T20 World Cups in one year.” Defending champions West Indies play their first Super 12 group stage match against New

2 1 R E P SU

India face South Africa in opening match of the new format in next year’s mega event INDIA’S SUPER 12 SCHEDULE DATE



24 Oct

South Africa

Perth Stadium, Perth

29 Oct

A2 Qualifier

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

1 Nov


Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

5 Nov

B1 Qualifier

Adelaide Oval, Adelaide

8 Nov


Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney

Zealand on October 25 in Melbourne. Australia, Pakistan, the West Indies, New Zealand and two qualifiers make up Group 1 of the Super 12 stage. India, England, South Africa and Afghanistan and two qualifiers make up the other group. The first semi-final will take place at the SCG on November 11, with Adelaide Oval hosting the second semi-final the following night.

The final will be played at the MCG on November 15. The tournament will be held in eight Australian cities and 13 venues. ICC T20 World Cup Australia 2020 Local Organising Committee CEO Nick Hockley said: “We’re so excited to be able to let fans all around Australia and the world know when and where their teams will play, so they can start planning now. Mail Today

HARMAN & CO. FACE AUSSIES IN OPENER THE Indian women’s cricket team will open its campaign at next year's Twenty20 Word Cup against defending champion Australia on February 21 in Sydney. The ICC Women’s T20 World Cup will take place in Australia from February 21 to March 8 next year and the sport’s world governing body released the fixtures for the big event on Tuesday. The warm-up matches will take place from February 15 to 20 in Adelaide and Brisbane. Mail Today

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 698

31th January to 5th February 2019


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