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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 713


16th May to 22th May, 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

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Our Century (The AGE we are living in ) WELCOME TO THE 21st CENTURY!!!where everything seems to be less. *Our Phones ~ Wireless *Cooking ~ Fireless *Cars ~ Keyless *Food ~ Fatless *Tyres ~ Tubeless *Dress ~ Sleeveless Gurmit *Youth ~ Jobless Singh *Leaders ~ Shameless Bhogal *Relationships ~ Meaningless *Attitude~ Careless *Wives ~ Fearless *Babies ~ Fatherless *Feelings ~ Heartless *Education ~ Valueless *Children ~ Mannerless *Politicians ~ Gutless Everything is becoming LESS but still our hopes are ~ Endless. All this, quite frankly, leaves me ~

NAAN making Machinery For Sale. Brand new NAAN making Machinery available for sale in Wolverhampton, Consists of CORNER BUILT OVEN, PROVER, COOLER and PRESS.

Contact: S. Bhogal 07971 730 641

16th May to 22th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019

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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Pak bans 11 organisations for having links with Jaish, JuD, FIF

Islamabad The Pakistan government has banned 11 organisations for having links with the proscribed outifts Jaamat-ud-Dawa (JuD), Falah-eInsaniat Foundation (FIF) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), an official statement said on Saturday. The decision to ban these organisations was taken during a meeting between Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and Interior Minister Ijaz Shah on Friday.

After the February 14 Pulwama attack, in which 40 Indian security personnel were killed by a suicide bomber of the Pakistan-based JeM, Khan had said Islamabad would not spare any group involved in militancy or using Pakistani soil for any kind of terror activity against other countries. Pakistan’s National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA), which works under the Ministry of Interior, announced on its website that seven groups have been banned

Female Afghan former journalist shot dead in Kabul

for their affiliation with the JuD, which was proscribed in March by the Pakistan government. The organisation which have been proscribed are Al-Anfal Trust, Idara Khidmat-e-Khalaq, Al-Dawat ul Irshad, Mosques & Welfare Trust, Al-Medina Foundation, Mazz-BinJabel Education Trust and AlHamad Trust, the statement said. All these groups are Lahorebased. Pakistan’s Ministry of Interior took the action on the government’s directive to speed up implementation of the National Action Plan of 2015 to eliminate militancy and extremism from the country’s soil. Apart from the seven, Lahorebased Al-Fazal Foundation/Trust and Al-Easar Foundation were also banned for having links with the FIF, the NACTA said. The FIF, like JuD, was also banned in March by the Pakistan government. According to the NACTA, Bahawalpur-based Al-Rehmat Trust Organisation and Karachi-based Al-Furqan Trust were also banned on Friday for having links with the JeM, which was banned in January 2002. Recently, the government announced to take control of more than 30,000 religious seminaries.

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


‘UK PM Theresa May could set date for resignation soon’: Conservative MP Brady

UK Prime Minister Theresa May could set a date for her resignation in the coming day, said Graham Brady, the chairman of an influential committee of backbench Conservative MPs, the media reported on Saturday. Speaking to the BBC, Brady said he expects a “clear understanding” of that timetable once she has met the 1922 Committee — an elected body of Conservative MPs that represents backbenchers and oversees the party’s leadership contests — which she will do on Wednesday. He said the 1922 Committee had asked her to give “clarity” about her plans for the future, and she had “offered to come and meet with the executive”. “It would be strange for that not to result in a clear understanding (of when she will leave) at the end

of the meeting.” The Prime Minister has that said she will step down when her Brexit deal is ratified by Parliament, but some MPs want a fixed date. When asked about running for the party leadership, Brady told the BBC: “It would take an awful lot of people to persuade me. “I’m not sure many people are straining at the leash at the moment to take on what is an extraordinarily difficult situation.” In March, Mrs May pledged to stand down if and when Parliament ratified her Brexit withdrawal agreement, but did not make it clear how long she intends to stay if no deal is reached. The UK had been due to leave the European Union on March 29, but the deadline was pushed back to October 31 after Parliament was unable to agree a way forward.

‘He’s barely used, what is he worth?’: US man jokingly tries to pawn baby Kabul A former journalist who worked for the Afghan parliament was shot and killed in Kabul on Saturday, an official said, in the latest brazen attack to rock Afghanistan’s capital. Mena Mangal was well known in Kabul circles for her work presenting shows on several television networks, before she left journalism to become a cultural advisor to parliament. According to interior ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi, Mangal was gunned down in eastern Kabul in broad daylight. An investigation was under way, but he did not provide further details. No one immediately claimed responsibility for Mangal’s death, and it was not immediately known why she had been targeted. Crime in Kabul has grown

steadily worse in recent years, adding to the many stresses for residents in a city where terrorist attacks are a frequent occurrence. Prominent women’s rights activist Wazhma Frogh said Mangal had recently written on social media that she felt her life was threatened. The plight of women in Afghanistan has been pulled into focus in recent months, as many in the war-torn country worry that hard-won rights for women will be lost if the US makes a peace deal with the Taliban. Despite advances since the Taliban’s ouster in 2001, women in Afghanistan are still frequently marginalized. Afghanistan is also the world’s deadliest place for journalists, who face many risks covering the conflict and who have sometimes been targeted for doing their job.

Miami A man walked into a pawn shop in Florida, put his baby on the counter and, according to police, asked how much he could get for the kid. “This is what I got,” the father, Richard Slocum, said as he placed the infant before the owner of the store in Sarasota, on Florida’s Gulf coast. “He’s barely used, seven and a half months old, what do you think he’s worth?” The father later told officers he had been joking, but the shop owner didn’t see the humor and called the police. “He was pretty serious about it,” Richard Jordan told a local television news channel. “He spun the baby around, and said, ‘Can I pawn this?’” Jordan called the police as soon as Slocum left, saying he was concerned for the child’s wellbeing. “Slocum claims that his encounter with the store clerk was

a prank and that he wanted to place his own video on social media,” the police department said in a statement. Slocum contacted law enforcement himself after he heard on social media that they were trying to identify the person behind the stunt. Dozens of police and local officials then descended on his home, he said. “They didn’t find it funny or hilarious at all and there was a lot of resources and time and money that went into it,” said Slocum, a

single parent who makes video clips that he, at least, considers humorous and shares them on Snapchat. Jordan, the shopkeeper, was not laughing. “This is not funny, this is serious business,” he told the news channel. Police said detectives verified the child was safe and contacted social services. “At this time, there are no criminal charges for this investigation,” the police department said.

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Vol: 15,

Jakhar future CM, says Capt

Pathankot Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today termed sitting Gurdaspur MP and Congress candidate Sunil Jakhar “a future Chief Minister of the state”. Addressing a rally at Sarna in Bhoa Assembly seat, the CM took a dig at BJP nominee Sunny Deol, calling him a “debt-ridden former actor who has no stakes in either Gurdaspur or Punjab”. Captain Amarinder, who was forced to travel by road from Amritsar after his

helicopter was denied permission to land at the Pathankot Air Force Station, accused PM Narendra Modi of “indulging in petty politicking”. Addressing the rally, the CM looked at Jakhar standing by his side and said: “Let me tell you something important… One day Sunil Jakhar will be CM of Punjab.” The MP retorted: “No sir, I am happy where I am”. To this, Capt Amarinder said: “You should know you will be the CM one day.” All three Cabinet

ministers of Gurdaspur constituency — Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, Tripat Rajinder Singh Bajwa and Aruna Chaudhury — were present at the venue. Some MLAs later said the CM’s remarks had come as a shot in the arm for Jakhar, who was facing a stiff challenge from the BJP candidate. In a no-holds-barred attack on Deol, Capt Amarinder said: “Deol, who is under Rs 50-crore debt, is from Mumbai and knows nothing about the constituency or its people…. He does not even have basic knowledge of the area and has become a sitting duck. Jakhar will send him packing lock, stock and barrel.” Capt Amarinder referred to the Time magazine, which has put Modi on its cover with caption ‘Divider-inChief’, saying: “The magazine decided to put such a caption following the PM’s brazen attempts to divide the country on the basis of caste and religion just to further his political ambitions.”

Will ensure full justice to ’84 victims: Modi

Hoshiarpur Hitting out at Congress Overseas chief Sam Pitroda’s three-word remark “hua toh hua” yesterday over the 1984 massacre, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today that it came like sprinkling acid on a threedecade-old wound of Sikhs and Punjabis. Modi made an all-out effort to strike an emotional chord with the masses during his first Lok Sabha election rally in Punjab saying, “My Sikh brothers and sisters had been burnt alive and we are still to get justice. But the real face of the Congress emerged

yesterday which is trying to get away with it all by saying ‘Hua toh hua’. Unke liye chahe ho chuka hoga, par iss chowkidar ke rehte insaaf toh poora hoga (for them it might be over but till the time I am chowkidar here I will ensure complete justice). Repeating three words “Hua toh hua” at least four times very sarcastically in his speech today, he began saying, “The Congress has a blot on it which may not even get wiped even after 50 generations.” He then went on to say, “Look who said this — someone who has been the closest to the Gandhi family. It came like if

this was something lying buried in their hearts. In 2014, I had promised you in my Amritsar rally that I will bring justice to you. Files were gathering dust and naamdaars were making all out effort to save the accused but we managed to send him to jail. “ The Prime Minister asked the gathering, “Can Punjab forget the 1984 massacre? Can India forget it? Who is responsible for 1984 riots? Can this Congress survive in Punjab? Is this the justice that the Congress wanted to deliver?” At this, the crowd raised slogans, “Shame! Shame!” and quickly started chanting “Modi-Modi”. Having started his speech by greeting everyone with “fateh”, Modi’s first target was Congress minister Navjot Sidhu. “When we started the Kartarpur corridor work, a ‘darbari neta’ took Pakistan’s praises showing all besharmi,” he said. Knowing that a large number of Army personnel hail from the region, he took credit for the OROP scheme.

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


I am a patriot, not politician, says Dharmendra Gurdaspur Veteran actor Dharmendra on Saturday held campaign and sought support for his actorturned-politician son and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate for this parliamentary constituency in Punjab Sunny Deol. “I have come here not to deliver political speeches as I am not a politician. I am a patriot and I am here to have knowledge of local issues,” Dharmendra said here on his first day of campaigning. “We are seeking support of brothers and sisters of my Punjab. For this, we are here to understand their issues and problem. I will not do campaigning. I will sit and meet the people and understand their problems and try to find out viable solution,” Dharmendra told reporters. On Congress sitting MP and party candidate from the seat Sunil Jakhar’s invite to Deol for a debate on local issues, Dharmendra said: “We are not politicians to participate in the debate.” He said he was a friend of Sunil’s father late Balram Jakhar. As a BJP candidate, Dharmendra refused to contest against Balram Jakhar from

Churu in Rajasthan in the 2004 Lok Sabha polls. He had contested from Bikaner. Dharmendra won from Bikaner, while Congress candidate Balram Jakhar lost from Churu. In 1991 parliamentary polls, Dharmendra had campaigned for Balram Jakhar in Sikar. The veteran Bollywood actor said he himself got an offer from the BJP to contest from Patiala in this elections. “I told them (the BJP) that I know Amarinder Singh family very well and have a lot of respect for Preneet Kaur (Amarinder’s wife). I refused to contest. Then I was offered to contest from Ludhiana,” said Dharmendra, who does not have any direct connection with Gurdaspur city. Dharmendra hails from Sahnewal town near Punjab’s industrial town Ludhiana which has a strong Punjabi appeal. Sunil believes Deol hasn’t

shown anything beyond dialogue delivery. “Like the previous actor (former MP late Vinod Khanna), this actor will also disappear from here once the election is over,” he said, adding he has been a Dharmendra fan and likes Deol as an actor. “The people will prefer a local than an outsider (Deol). I wish him all the best,” the Congress state unit President Jakhar, who won the October 2017 byelection with a margin of 1.92 lakh votes, said. The by-poll was necessitated after sitting MP Vinod Khanna’s death. Khanna got elected for the first time in 1998, followed by wins in 1999, 2004 and 2014. The Gurdaspur constituency, which has 14,68,972 voters, has a high number of serving and retired defence personnel and the BJP is trying to woo them by using the ‘fauzi’ image of Deol.

Lambi (Muktsar) SAD chief Sukhbir Singh Badal today dared Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh to choose between his community and the party on the issue of “massacre of thousands of Sikhs by the Congress goons in 1984”. While campaigning in favour of his wife Harsimrat Kaur Badal in Lambi today, Sukhbir claimed that it was ridiculous that on the one hand Amarinder was admitting that almost all major members of the Rajiv Gandhi coterie were directly involved in the anti-Sikh massacre while on the other he gives a clean chit not only to Rajiv, but even to the Congress party. “He has named Sajjan Kumar, HKL Bhagat, Dharam Das Shastri, Lalit Maken and Arjun Das — all not only Rajiv loyalists but

also the ones who were rewarded by the then Prime Minister. And now Sam Pitroda, whose statement Captain describes as shocking, is no less than the principal adviser to Rahul Gandhi. So what else is the Congress party minus its top leadership,” Sukhbir asked. He also threw some questions directly at Amarinder by saying, “Did the Congress throw any of the leaders named by you as guilty out of the party?

Were they not rewarded with tickets and Cabinet berths in the Union Government?” He asked Amarinder to make a choice between his community, which suffered the massacre, and his party that “executed” the massacre. “But I know you will never do that. You will only utter a few ritual words to show your sympathy for the community. The Sikhs don’t need your sympathy if you can’t be brave and honest enough to stand by them against the party,” he said.

Choose between community & party, Sukhbir tells Capt

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Vol: 15,


Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


Pope issues decree on sex abuse POPE Francis introduced sweeping changes in Catholic Church law on Thursday to hold bishops accountable for sexual abuse or covering it up, making reporting obligatory for clerics and allowing anyone to complain directly to the Vatican if needed. A papal decree, which covers abuse of both children and adults, also obliges every Catholic diocese in the world to set up simple and accessible reporting systems and encourages local churches to involve lay experts in investigations. The decree, whose preparation was reported first by Reuters in April, is the second such papal provision since a sum-

mit on abuse by senior Church bishops at the Vatican in February. It sets time limits for local investigations and the Vatican’s response to them and allows for retroactive reporting.

It also covers possession of child pornography It also says bishops with conflicts of interest should recuse themselves from investigations and that they can also be held accountable for abuse of power in

sexual relations with adults. The 19-article decree, called “Vos Estis Lux Mundi” (You Are the Light of the World), raises to 18 from 16 the age of adulthood in cases of sexual abuse. It also covers possession of child pornography. The decree says local Church officials cannot order those who report abuse to remain silent and that senior bishops should make provisions to prevent documents from being destroyed by subordinates if needed. Clerics should follow local law on whether they are obliged to report alleged sexual abuse to civil authorities. —Reuters

Pope Francis in the Vatican on Thursday.

Asia Bibi has left country, says Pak

Asia Bibi had spent eight years on a death row before being acquitted.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (C) during the informal meeting of European Union leaders in Sibiu, Romania, on Thursday.


UROPEAN powers on Thursday rejected ultimatums from Tehran but vowed to fight to save the Iran nuclear deal, as tensions with the US soar. Iran said it would defy some restrictions agreed under the 2015 accord and threatened to go further if Europe, China and Russia fail to deliver sanctions relief within 60 days. Tehran says it is responding to unilateral US sanctions imposed by Washington after President Donald Trump ripped up what he called a horrible deal, dealing a severe blow to the Iranian economy. Europe has stressed the importance of the deal — in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief — for its own security, and EU president JeanClaude Juncker said it would be on the agenda at Thursday's summit in the Romanian town of Sibiu. EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini and France, Germany and Britain — the three European signatories to the deal — voiced great concern at President Hassan Rouhani’s dramatic intervention. “We strongly urge Iran to continue to implement its commitments under the JCPOA in full as it has done until now and to refrain from any escalatory steps,” they said in a joint statement, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. “We reject any ultimatums and we will assess Iran’s compliance on the basis of Iran’s performance regarding its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA.”


RRIVING at the Sibiu summit, Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz told reporters: “To be honest, we have a different approach than the US has. We still think that the deal with the Iranians was a chance to bring Iran out of isolation. But of course we realise and we see that the US has a totally different approach and that is why it

EU rejects Iran ultimatum on nuclear deal Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

further, slapping sanctions on the Iranian mining industry The White House, which has already taken steps to scupper Iran’s oil exports — its crucial moneymaker — said the steel and mining sector was the country’s second-largest source of foreign revenue, accounting for 10 per cent of exports.

T will stay a difficult issue.” The EU statement stressed the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) role in monitoring Iran’s compliance with the deal — suggesting no concrete action is likely until the inspectors’ next report at the end of May. But there are tensions within the EU, with some countries under domestic pressure to take a tougher line on Tehran, particularly after Iranian intelligence was accused

over assassination plots in France, Denmark and the Netherlands. Europe and Washington have been at loggerheads over how to deal with the Islamic republic since Trump took office. In recent days, the US deployed an aircraft carrier strike group to the Gulf — raising military tensions alongside the diplomatic discord. Trump hit back at Tehran’s threats by tightening the economic screws

EHRAN can expect further actions unless it fundamentally alters its conduct, Trump said in a statement. Since the US pullout, Europe has sought to keep Iran in the deal by trying to maintain trade via a special mechanism called INSTEX to clear payments without falling foul of American sanctions. The European statement reiterated its commitment to helping the Iranian people enjoy the benefit of sanctions relief, condemning the US reimposition. Europe is determined to continue pursuing efforts to enable the continuation of legitimate trade with Iran including through INSTEX. But their efforts have borne little fruit so far, with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dismissing them as a bitter joke. —AFP

PAKISTAN on Thursday provided its first official confirmation that Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who spent eight years on death row falsely charged with blasphemy, had left the country more than six months after being acquitted by the Supreme Court. The case created an international furore in October, after her release prompted days of rioting and demands for her death from hardline Islamists who rejected the outcome and warned Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government not to let her leave. “Asia Bibi has left Pakistan of her free will,” foreign office spokesman Mohammad Faisal told reporters in Islamabad, the capital. “She is a free person and left of her own free will.” Faisal did not confirm media reports that she had joined family members in Canada, however.

Pak’s SC in Jan upheld a verdict to free Bibi On Wednesday, Bibi’s lawyer Saif-ul-Malook said she had left for Canada to unite with her daughters, who were believed to have already taken asylum there but Canadian authorities have not confirmed this. In November, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada was in talks with Pakistan about helping Bibi. This week, Canada said it had no comment on the matter, however. Pakistan’s Supreme Court in January upheld an earlier verdict to free Bibi, but officials have worried that her sudden departure could trigger further riots. Islamists have been criticising the government and the military for caving in to what they call pressure from the West. Bibi’s departure is a Western conspiracy against Islam, a hardline extremist party, Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan, which has made blasphemy a rallying cry, said in a statement. —Reuters

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Vol: 15,


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries (March 21-April 19) The week is all about finances. Money owed will be coming but you are also advised to settle your debts and also check you bank/ credit cards statements carefully. Whilst workplace will be amicable, yet you may encounter some power struggle. Taurus (April 21-May 20 The focus is on relationships and you may be dragged into arguments and confrontations with loved ones. Some of you may have to weed out the "expired" ones. Hectic work schedule and family obligations will stress you. Try to relax and lie low at the weekend. Gemini (May 21-June 20) At last you can breathe a sigh of relief as the cosmos intends you to release your tensions and pressure. The forthcoming Full Moon on the 18th casts its rays on money, possessions and investments. Attend to aches and pains and have a medical checkup. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As Mars enters your sign for next 6 weeks, opportunities begin to flood in and you have energy and charisma to resolve personal issues that have been dragging for long. The Full Moon on the 18th puts you on the centre stage. Leo (July 22-August 22) Fiery Mars cast its shadows on personal relationships; may be someone is relocating and demands you to change your tactics and plans. Someone in your social circle needs financial help but beware money lent may not be repaid. Romance and passions arise on Saturday Virgo (August 23-September 22) Distant communications, travel to far off places and exotic beaches is on your mind. Review your professional projects and if need be changing your strategy. The forthcoming Full Moon on the 18th will boost your energy, confidence and desire to implement changes. Libra (September 23-October 20) Mars energy in your house of career and profession makes you bold and courageous to seek answers from superiors and support from

workmates. Loves lies heavy on your head and you are on cross roads to accept someone's advances or reject. Family arguments arise at the weekend. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) As the love goddess Venus arrives in your zone of relationships, shuffles and alignments are imminent in the close relationships. Full moon on Saturday boosts your power of expression, communications and emotions. Real estate issue may arise in next couple of weeks. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Hectic work schedule, numerous social invitations and business meetings result in exhaustion and low energy. Investments and finances are in the frame and you may go on an austerity drive to save some cash. Full moon at the weekend brings love and romance. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Venus and Mars in your relationships zone, whilst bring out your romantic and passionate vibes, there are some dark clouds over close relationships. Watch out for jealousies and envious pseudo- friends. Partnerships and business contracts are in the pipe line. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) The full moon rays brighten up your career and business zone and behold some of you are destines for a bonus and promotion. Team work and partnerships are riddles with arguments but once the issues are resolved harmony and calm prevails in coming weeks. Pisces (February 20 - March 19) Communications and foreign travels are the focus for the coming few weeks. Full moon on the 18th May signals completion of outstanding projects. Mars energy boosts your prospects of securing loans/mortgage but do be careful of irrational outbursts. Harmony prevails at home.

Chance to set course for university or new career People who want to get on the fast track to university or the road to a new career are being encouraged to enrol on special courses offered by Adult Education Wolverhampton. The Outstanding-rated provider’s Level 3, 4 and 5 courses provide a range of opportunities for adults to improve their skills and bolster their CVs – and open days will be taking place this week to enable people to find out more. The courses include Access to Higher Education Diplomas in

Art and Design; Business Management; Health; Music Technology; and Social Science or Social Work, ideal for those who want to get on the fast track to university. People who want a career in the classroom can take advantage of Adult Education Wolverhampton’s Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 3, which will enable them to work with teachers to support children and young people in mainstream schools or colleges, while the

Certificate for Higher Level Teaching Assistants Level 4 provides excellent professional development for experienced teaching assistants.. Meredith Teasdale, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Director of Education, said: “Whether it is to pursue a particular ambition, get into university or change career, there are many reasons to consider one of the Level 3, 4 and 5 courses offered by Adult Education Wolverhampton.”

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


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Live in or Live out Lady carer Required. In Narborough, Leicester LE19, a polite and healthy, Full time Live in or Live out lady carer required to look after an old lady and doing house work. Good wages and other facilities available. ÒÀ√‡ Á∂ È≈Ï∑Ø ¬∂Δ¬∂ «Úº⁄ «¬º’ ÈÓ √πÌ≈¡ ¡Â∂ «Ù‡ ÍπÙ‡ ¡Ω ÁΔ ˜» ‘À «‹‘ÛΔ «¬º’ Ϙ∞◊ ¡Ω ˘ ‘ÓÁÁΔ È≈Ò √≥Ì≈Ò √’‰ Á∂ È≈Ò ÿ Á∂ √≈∂ ’≥Ó ’È Á∂ ÔØ◊ ‘ØÚ∂Õ⁄≥◊Δ ÂÈ÷≈‘ ¡Â∂ ‘Ø √‘»Òª ÚΔ ‘ÈÕ

Contact: 07921 529 011

Name Change Notices. 1.We (Jasvir Singh & Ranjit Kaur) of 36 CAPETHORN ROAD, SMETHWICK B66 4LZ, the parents of our daughter SIMRAN, hereby give notice of her name change from SIMRAN to SIMRAN KAUR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham. ............................ 2. We ( ABDUL QADIR & HASIRUN) of 170 ANTHONY ROAD, ALUM ROCK, BIRMINGHAM B8 3AN, the parents of our daughter APPASERUN, born in Bahraich, UP, INDIA, hereby give notice of her name change from APPASERUN to AFSERUN QADIR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham. ............................ 3. We ( ABDUL QADIR & HASIRUN) of 170 ANTHONY ROAD, ALUM ROCK, BIRMINGHAM B8 3AN, the parents of our son MOHAMMAD HASEEB, born in Bahraich, UP, INDIA, hereby give notice of his name change from Mohammad Haseeb to MOHAMMAD HSEEB QADIR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham. ............................ 4. I, HASIRUN wife of Abdul Qadir of 170 ANTHONY ROAD, ALUM ROCK, BIRMINGHAM B8 3AN, hereby give notice of my name change from HASIRUN to HASIRUN QADIR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.

Dhruv Patel is first Indian-origin chairman of key London grant body London: Dhruv Patel, who has interests in insurance, pharmacy and property, has become the first Indian-origin chairman of London’s largest independent grant giver after his election to the City of London Corporation’s key committee.The corporation is the governing body of the City of London, the historic financial district spread over a square mile that is home to the Bank of England, stock exchange and a large number of global banks and insurance companies. Patel, an elected member of the corporation since 2013, was elected chairman of the City Bridge Trust Committee, replacing Alison Gowman. The committee is the funding arm of the corporation’s charity, Bridge House Estates, making grants of £20 million a year to tackle disadvantaged communities across the capital.

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Vol: 15,

UK launches probe into Hindu charity organisation

London: Britain’s charity regulator on Friday opened a statutory inquiry in the activities and accounts of the Hindu Community Society, which seeks to advance Hindu religion with particular focus on the Tamil community with origins in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. The Charity Commission said it has “serious regulatory concerns” regarding the management and governance of the organisation, which was registered in 2012. It was the subject of another inquiry in 2017 for failing to submit financial accounts. “The charity’s trustees have failed for the sixth consecutive year to submit the charity’s annual financial information on time. Despite repeated reminders from the Commission in relation to its accounts for the financial year end 2016, 2017 and 2018, the trustees remain in continued breach of their legal duties,” the commission said. The regulator is also concerned over the potential loss of £500,000 of charity funds spent on a leased property, from which the trustees

were subsequently evicted, besides concerns about potential private benefit arising from payments made to trustees for employment in the charity. The commission said its inquiry will examine the extent to which the trustees are complying with their legal duties to administer, govern and manage the charity, and their compliance with legal obligations to prepare and file the charity’s annual financial information. The inquiry’s mandate includes

looking into whether the trustees have avoided or adequately managed potential conflicts of interest, and whether there has been any direct or indirect benefit. The organisation describes its activities in the commission’s records as a multi-faith centre, seeking to establish and maintain a temple in Coventry, whose purpose, it adds, is to promote the advancement of Hindu religion with “special emphasis on Saivism according to the tradition of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka”.

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


City Council invites public to have their say on children’s play area City of Wolverhampton Council is consulting with the public to assist in the decisionmaking process with plans to improve the play area at W i n d s o r Av e n u e P l a y i n g Fields. The City Council has been allocated funds through a Section 106 agreement to upgrade the children’s play facilities at Windsor Avenue Playing Fields. The new design is based on a blend of modern, vibrant play equipment suitable for children of all ages and abilities. The equipment includes specially designed inclusive equipment which enables both disabled and able-bodied children the opportunity to play together. All existing surfacing will also be replaced with new colourful rubber safety surfacing to sit under the play equipment. The proposed design of the new play area will be displayed at Warstones Library on Leasowes Drive until Friday 31

May for residents to have their say and provide the council with their feedback. Following the consultation period and consideration of any feedback, a formal tending process will be arranged to select a suitable contractor to implement the design and to carry out the refurbishment works. Ross Cook, Director of City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “I’m pleased we have been allocated funds to improve the play area to enable children of all ages and abilities to play and enjoy the outdoors. “It’s important we invest in our play areas to encourage more families and children to take advantage of the city’s excellent outdoor facilities. “We hope the public like the planned design and I strongly encourage residents to have their say on what we have planned for children in the area to enjoy.”

Indian-origin man convicted of murder in UK

London: The central criminal court of England and Wales has convicted Juskiran Sidhu and his accomplice of murder of a 22-yearold man in the London borough of Hillingdon in October 2018 following a trial, and are due to be sentenced. Sidhu, 28, and Philip Babatunde Fashakin, 26, were found guilty of the murder of Hashim Abdalla Ali, 22 on Wednesday.The court was told that on October 11, Ali was the passenger in a black Mercedes being driven by his friend. The car had pulled up on Central Avenue, Hayes, when Fashakin and Sidhu approached and discharged a firearm towards the passenger side of the vehicle, striking Ali. Following the shooting, the driver of the car drove off in an attempt to get Ali to hospital, during which time it collided with a number of stationary cars. A passing ambulance stopped to provide assistance but despite their best efforts Ali was pronounced dead. Scotland Yard’s investigation revealed that Fashakin hired a car

in Reading. The same car was captured arriving in Central Avenue on the day of the murder and again leaving the location just one minute after the shooting is believed to have occurred. The pair was then caught on CCTV at a shopping centre where they purchased new clothes and dumped the ones they had been wearing in a bin outside the shop. They also bought new sim cards and disposed of their old numbers. On October 30, officers arrested Sidhu in a hotel in Birmingham, where he was staying using a false name. Fashakin was also arrested at a different location in Birmingham just a week later. Both denied having committed the murder and were remanded in custody. Garry Moncrieff, detective chief inspector, who led the investigation, said: “This was a violent and callous attack in which a handgun was fired at the occupants of a car in broad daylight. Tragically the actions of these defendants led to a young man losing his life at the side of the road.”

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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


UK EUROPEAN ELECTION POLL LEAD The newly-formed Brexit Party, which wants a clean break from the EU, has doubled its lead over other British parties in an opinion poll out Sunday on the European Parliament elections. The Opinium survey in The Observer newspaper put the Brexit Party of eurosceptic figurehead Nigel Farage on 34 percent, doubling its lead over the main opposition Labour Party to 13 points in a fortnight—and on course to get more votes than Britain’s two main parties put together. Labour, on 21 percent, has dropped seven points while the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats are in third place on 12 percent, up five points, on the corresponding poll from two weeks ago.

Prime Minister Theresa May’s governing Conservatives are in fourth place at 11 per cent. Had Britain left the European Union as planned on March 29, it would not be taking part in the European Parliament elections, which will be held in the UK on May 23. In the 2016 referendum on Britain’s EU membership, 52 percent voted to leave

while 48 percent voted to remain. Adam Drummond, head of political polling at Opinium, said Remain voters were scattered among several parties. “While 63 percent of Leavers say they will vote for the Brexit Party in the European elections, the most popular party among Remainers (Labour) only has 31 percent, versus 22 percent for the Lib Dems and 14 percent for the Greens,” he said. Brexit voters have deserted the Conservatives to such an extent that they now have a higher share of Remainers (12 percent) backing them than of Leavers (11 percent), he added. In voting intentions for the next general election—which must be held by May 2022 - left-wing Labour is on 28 percent, the centre-right Conservatives on 22 percent, the Brexit Party on 21 percent and the centrist Liberal Democrats on 11 percent. Opinium Research conducted an online survey of 2,004 British adults between Wednesday and Friday. The results were weighted.

Landmark UN plastic waste pact gets approved but not by US Nearly every country in the world has agreed upon a legally binding framework to reduce the pollution from plastic waste except for the United States, UN environmental officials say. An agreement on tracking thousands of types of plastic waste emerged Friday at the end of a two-week meeting of UN-backed conventions on plastic waste and toxic, hazardous chemicals. Discarded plastic clutters pristine land, floats in huge masses in oceans and rivers and entangles wildlife, sometimes with deadly results. Rolph Payet of the United Nations Environment Program said the “historic” agreement linked to the 186-country, UNsupported Basel Convention means that countries will have to monitor and track the movements of plastic waste outside their borders. The deal affects products used in a broad array of industries, such as health care,

technology, aerospace, fashion, food and beverages. “It’s sending a very strong political signal to the rest of the world—to the private sector, to the consumer market— that we need to do something,” Payet said. “Countries have decided to do something which will translate into real action on the ground.” Countries will have to figure out their own ways of adhering to the accord, Payet said. Even the few countries that did not sign it, like the United States, could be affected by the accord when they ship plastic waste to countries that are on board with the deal. Payet credited Norway for

leading the initiative, which first was presented in September. The time from that proposal to the approval of a deal set a blistering pace by traditional UN standards for such an accord. The framework “is historic in the sense that it is legally binding”, Payet said. They (the countries) have managed to use an existing international instrument to put in place those measures.” The agreement is likely to lead to customs agents being on the lookout for electronic waste or other types of potentially hazardous waste more than before. There is going to be a transparent and traceable system for the export and import of plastic waste,” Payet said.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 713 O OS

Mumbai Indians’ player Keiron Pollard lifts Lasith Malinga on his shoulders as they celebrate their win over Chennai Super Kings in Hyderabad on Sunday.


GOLDEN ARMS! 16th May to 22th May, 2019


Mumbai Indians became the most successful franchise in the history of the Indian Premier League after their bowlers snatched a thrilling one-run victory over three-time champions Chennai Super Kings in an edge-of-the-seat final. Having posted a modest 149/8, butter-fingered Mumbai found themselves on the brink of defeat but Lasith Malinga conceded just seven runs off the final over to seal Mumbai’s fourth IPL title. Chennai opener Shane Watson rode his luck to smash the match’s only halfcentury but his 80 could not prevent his team going down to Mumbai for the fourth time

in this year’s IPL. Earlier, Quinton de Kock smashed four sixes, including three in a Deepak Chahar (3/26) over, in his 29 but Mumbai lost both their openers, including skipper Rohit Sharma, in successive overs after opting to bat. De Kock fluffed his pull shot off Shardul Thakur, while Deepak Chahar foxed Rohit with a knuckle-ball with Chennai captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni taking both catches. Boundaries soon dried up and pressure mounted on Mumbai who kept losing wickets in their stop-start innings. Leg-spinner Imran Tahir claimed a couple to fin-

ish as the tournament’s leading wicket-taker while Thakur took a brilliant running catch off his own bowling to dismiss Krunal Pandya. Krunal’s brother Hardik Pandya (16) did hardly any better but Kieron Pollard smashed three sixes in his 41* off 25 balls to help them to a modest total. Faf du Plessis (26) and Watson survived a couple of mix-ups in an opening stand of 33 when Chennai replied. Watson struggled to find gaps initially but hung on, aided by generous doses of luck. Rahul Chahar dropped Watson twice, including once off his own bowling, while Malinga could not place himself under a swirling skyer when the allrounder was on 31. Mumbai

roared back into the contest by claiming three quick wickets, including that of Dhoni who perished trying to steal a second run only to be beaten by a direct throw. Chennai plundered 20 runs off the 16th over and as many from the 18th when Watson smashed Krunal Pandya for three successive sixes. There was more drama in the final over, with Watson running himself out after another mix-up, his exit leaving his team needing four off the last two deliveries. Thakur collected two off the fifth ball but Malinga then trapped him lbw with the final delivery of the match to trigger wild celebrations. Our bowling in this tournament was excellent. At different stages, our bowlers put their hands up and brought us back in the game. Every

The Awards Most Valuable Player: Andre Russell Purple Cap: Imran Tahir (26 wickets) Orange Cap: David Warner (692 runs at an average of 69) Best strike-rate: Andre Russell Best catch: Kieron Pollard Fair Play: Sunrisers Hyderabad Emerging Player: Shubman Gill (Strike-rate of 124.30, three half-centuries) Best ground and pitch: PCA & HCA (Rs 25 lakh)

bowler who got an opportunity put his hand up, whatever condition we played in. We backed our ability and our skills, and that’s probably why we got rewards. I had confidence in Malinga despite a poor third over. He also had confidence he could do it — Rohit Sharma, MI captain We know final can be close, so wanted to stay calm. Winning fourth title for Mumbai makes me very happy. Today, I was surpris-

ingly very calm. Wasn’t panicking, just focusing on the next ball. Doesn’t help taking extra pressure, instead I back my skills — Jasprit Bumrah, Man of the match Wasn’t one of those years where we played very good cricket. It was quite a funny game, we were passing the trophy to each other. Both committed mistakes, and eventually the winning team was the one that committed one mistake less — MS Dhoni, CSK captain

BHULLAR T-25, KINHULT WINS BRITISH MASTERS Gaganjeet Bhullar once again played fairly solid golf for a 2-under 70 in the final round, ending tied-25th at the Betfred British Masters, his second best finish of the season. The Kapurthala golfer totalled a 7-under 281 as he sunk in four birdies and two bogeys from the 11th to 18th. While he did not drop a bogey on the first as he had done on the first three days, he did drop a bogey on the 11th but birdied the 2nd, 5th and parred the 17th. The 23-year-old Swede

Marcus Kinhult (70), winless as a pro, played excellent golf on the final day and held his nerves over the final few holes, as overnight leader, Matt Wallace (71) showed chinks in his armour in the final stages. Wallace, defending champion Pepperell and McIntyre were tied-2nd, while Richie Ramsay who had a double on par-5 second was fifth. First round leader Jordan Smith (68) and Paul Warring (67) were tied-6th and tournament host, Tommy Fleetwood (73) was tied-eighth with seven others.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 713

16th May to 22th May, 2019


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