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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


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Bahadur Singh, Gurnam Singh, Amrik Singh

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


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PARTNERSHIP HOUSE, Shale Street, ç Bilston,W. Mids. WV14 0HF

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

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10th January to 16th January 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


Pro Plas Limited Á∂ Ó≈Ò’ª È∂ «ÁæÂΔ ¡≈͉∂ √‡≈Î ¡Â∂ ’≈«Ó¡ª ˘ ÈÚ∂∫ √≈Ò ÁΔ Í≈‡Δ Ô» ’∂ ÁΔ ÓÙ‘» ÍÒ≈√«‡’ Á∂ Íz‚ Ø “’‡ ω≈¿∞‰ Ú≈ÒΔ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚˜ «Ú“⁄ √«Ê“ ÍzØ ÍÒ≈√ ’≥Í‰Δ Á∂ Ó≈Ò’ √. ‹◊Â≈ «√≥ÿ ÷À«‘≈, ‹Ø «√≥ÿ, ‹ΔÂ≈ «√≥ÿ ÷À«‘≈, ÁΔÍ≈ ÷À«‘≈ ¡Â∂

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Issue 695

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

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10th January to 16th January 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

2019 ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ¡Á≈∂,«¬√Á∂ √Ó»‘ Ò∂÷’ª, √Ó»‘ Í≈·’ª ¡Â∂ «¬√Á∂ √«‘ÔØ◊Δ¡ª ÚºÒØ∫ Á√Ó∂Ù «ÍÂ≈ ÙzΔ ◊∞» ◊Ø«Ï≥Á «√≥ÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ ÁΔ √Ó»‘ ÓÈ∞º÷Â≈ ˘ Òº÷ Òº÷ ÚË≈¬Δ «‹Èª∑ È∂ ÓÈ∞º÷Â≈ Â∂ ‘Ø ‘∂ ¡º«Â¡≈⁄≈ª ¡Â∂ Ï∂«¬È√≈ÎΔ ˘ ÷ÂÓ ’È Ú≈√Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ «˜◊ Á∂ ‡Ø«‡¡ª √Ó∂ ¡≈͉≈ √Ï≥√ ’∞Ï≈È ’ «ÁºÂ≈Õ «¬√ Ò¬Δ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ ’Ø«‡ ’Ø«‡ Íz‰≈ÓÕ

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Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


March 2013 to 6.00pm

Vol: 14,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Issue 695


10th January to 16th January 2019

«ÁÚ√ ÁΔ Òº÷√Ì -Һȱ ÷ß Òæ ÚË≈¬Δ Ú∂Õ ÙzΔ ◊∞÷≈Ò√≈ π ◊Ø«ÏßÁ∂Á√≈‹È≈ «√ßÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz¡Â∂ ’≈Ù«Ú√≈÷Δ ÍπÏ ÁΔ¡ª ÷-Òæ÷‘ØÚË≈¬Δ¡ª

Jagjeet Singh Paramjit Singh (RTD. D.E.O.) Dhanda

Shalbinder singh

suKivMdr isMG ig`l

Karnail S. Sangha

Mr. Dalbir Sandhu Mata Baldev

Mata Kawaljit Kaur Virdee


Jagjit S Bahra

Baba Tarlochan Singh Boparai

Shangra Singh Bhandal

Mohan Singh Mastana

Dr Gurnam Singh Sekhon

Surinder Singh

Gurbax Singh Khaira

Kundan Singh PARDIP S BASSI Khaira

Pawan Kumar

Jethadar Amrik ‹ß◊Δ «√ß ÿ Singh Sukhchain Dhillon ÈßË≈ S Pannu

Rashpal Singh Purewal

Santokh Singh Nahal

Perminder Singh Basson

Sukhdev Bansal ¡ÓΔ’ «√ßÿ √‘ØÂ≈

Inderjit Singh

’∂ÚÒ «√ßÿ ʪÁΔ

Meji Samrala

Kulwant Kainth

Gurmit Jandhu

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Harvinder Bhamra

Jarnail Singh Bhogal

Vol: 14,

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Mumbai court was hearing a petition filed by ED against bizman on the run

Issue 695


10th January to 16th January 2019

Vijay Mallya is accused of defrauding banks and evading tax.

By Mustafa Shaikh in Mumbai

A MUMBAI court Saturday declared the absconding liquor baron Vijay Mallya a fugitive economic offender (FEO) on a plea filed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). This makes Mallya the first businessman to be declared FEO under the new law, Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, which came into existence in August last year. The ED had moved the special court for FEOA for this purpose. FEO judge MS Azmi passed the order in two parts. Mallya was declared an FEO under Section 12 (1) of the Act. The hearing on confiscation of his properties will take place from February 5.

Hearing on confiscation of his assets on Feb 5 The ED had argued that it made all possible efforts to bring Mallya back to India, but failed. The extradition process in the UK court was a proof enough that he was not willing to return, ED counsel D N Singh had contended. Even after the London court upheld Indian authorities' plea for his extradition, Mallya decided to appeal against the order before the higher court there and refused to return, so he should be declared an FEO, Singh had argued. Mallya’s lawyers contended that as he had surrendered before a magistrate's court in London (during the hearing on his extradition case) and obtained bail, he could not be called a fugitive.They had also questioned ED's claim that he left India under suspicious circumstances, arguing that he had left to attend a meeting of World Motor Sports as the director of an F1 team (Force India). The investigative agency may now confiscate properties of Mallya which are not directly related to the cases against him. It will include his properties in Karnataka, UK and others that are yet to be confiscated. Mallya is accused of defrauding

PUNJAB National Bank scam accused, Nirav Modi, has filed a reply in the designated Fugitive Economic Offenders’ (FEO) court on Saturday asking the court ‘not to declare him a fugitive as he is not able to return to India because of his security concerns’. Nirav Modi's lawyer Ashul Agrawal filed a reply the very day Mallya was declared a fugitive under the new FEO Act. Replying to the Enforcement

Mallya 1st tycoon to be declared ‘fugitive economic offender’ ‘

It is a feather in the cap for BJP’s fight against corruption... This is the difference between the previous govt and us. They helped him, but we declared him offender & fugitive... — SAMBIT PATRA, BJP SPOKESPERSON

a consortium of banks to the tune of Rs 9,000 crore apart from separate cases of tax evasion. The ED has also accused him of money laundering. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera in a press conference said that, “If BJP is taking credit for declaring Mallya a FEO (fugitive economic offender), then let them take credit as they are taking credit for everything from

‘I am not able to return due to security reason’

He says it was all civil transaction & not scam Directorate’s application under the FEO Act, Nirav Modi said that his ‘usual civil transaction was given a colour of criminality’. The reply states that the guidelines for Letter of Undertaking (LoU) are being made now. Hence, it is clear that the LoUs that were issued to Modi were not in violation of any guideline. Answering to the ED’s allegation that Modi fled the country under ‘suspicious circum-

Nirav Modi. stances’, the filed reply read that the respondent is a nonresident Indian (NRI) and had left the country for business purposes. “He is not able to return as he had received serious threats. Even his effigies were burnt,” it noted. In the 21page reply, Nirav Modi asked that the FEO Act should not be invoked on him. Mustafa Shaikh/India Today TV

After the judgment, Mallya’s lawyer asked for stay of the order so that they can approach a higher court against the order. The application was rejected as the court said that that the court can’t stay its own order. Mallya’s lawyer, Amit Desai said that they will study the order and then decide regarding the appeal to be filed in the higher court.

Mangalyaan, Chandrayan, Pokhran one to Pokhran 2 (nuclear tests).” On April 18, 2017, Mallya was arrested by the UK Metropolitan Police’s extradition unit on behalf of Indian authorities but was released on bail. However a court in London on December 10, 2018 ordered his extradition. India Today TV/ PTI Inpits


FEO judge MS Azmi passed the order in two parts. Mallya was declared an FEO under Section 12 (1) of the Act. After the judgment, Mallya's lawyer asked for stay of the order so that they can approach a higher court against the order. The application was rejected as the court said that that the court can’t stay its own order. The investigative agency may now confiscate properties of Mallya

which are not directly related to the cases against him. It will include his properties in Karnataka, UK and others that are yet to be confiscated. Mallya is accused of defrauding a consortium of banks to the tune of Rs 9,000 crore apart from separate cases of tax evasion. A court in London on Dec 10, 2018 ordered his extradition.

Michel received money from other defence deals as well, ED tells court By Tanushree Pandey in New Delhi AGUSTAWESTLAND chopper cam accused middleman Christian Michel continues to be in hot water. Delhi’s Patiala House Court sent him to judicial custody till February 26. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has also told the court that Michel may have received money from ‘other defence deals’ also. “During the interrogation, it was observed that he had received money from other defence deals, which the ED will enquire,” it claiming he might flee if left free. said. The probe agency also told the court that the ‘accused “The accused is a British national and has no roots in routed money through ‘hawala’ India. There is every likelihood operators for acquiring cash and that he may abscond from India for the purchase of property.” and evade the process of law, The ED has identified the especially in the light of his properties, it said. The ED past conduct. He has produced Michel before been brought to this the court after his 14Court court through rigorday custodial intersent him to ous extradition prorogation and ceedings. His fleeing judicial custody requested the away from justice court to send him till February 26. again cannot be to judicial custody,

The agency told the court that the British national had received 24.25 mn euros for the VVIP chopper deal.

ruled out,” the ED said. PM Narendra Modi on Saturday fired the Congress for ‘having close association with AgustaWestland scam accused middleman’. “The middleman of the VVIP chopper scam, the man who is the secret-keeper of the Congress, Michel, who has been brought to India from abroad, one of his letters have revealed how he knew top Congress leaders and ministers very well,” Modi said at a rally. India Today TV

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019





HIS PA S T week in Punjab witnessed a rather unlikely faceoff between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh, who is widely known to speak his mind bluntly. On January 3, PM Modi, who was in Punjab to address the Indian Science Congress, being held at the Jalandhar-based Lovely Professional University (LPU), used the occasion to address a Bharatiya Janata Party rally in the border district of Gurdaspur. He took liberal pot shots at the Congress leadership, not even sparing the CM. The PM accused Congress chief ministers, including Capt Singh, of making false promises to farmers that their debt would be waived. The party, he said, grabbed power in Punjab (in 2017) “by selling white lies.” The PM also charged the Amarinder Singh government of dragging its feet in the implementation of central schemes and projects designed to bring succour to the

Ex-CM’s name on dustbins in Himachal

PM Narendra Modi addresses a rally in Gurdaspur with BJP ally Shiromani Akali Dal leaders.

Modi, Captain face-off in Punjab people. He claimed the state was being inexplicably tardy with the Smart City projects approved for Amritsar, Ludhiana and Jalandhar. He said progress on other schemes, like Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) was equally snailpaced in Punjab. Training sights on the Congress-led UPA government, Modi derided its indifferent attitude towards key projects that would have benefitted the people of Punjab. Specifically listing the Shahpur Kandi hydel project and the relining of the Rajasthan and Sirhind Feeder canals, he said it was left to his government to revive the longpending ventures, which would irrigate thousands of hectares apart from generating power.

VANDALISM has of late become a political fashion statement. Soon after Independence in 1947, when a Queen Victoria statue in Patiala was vandalised, citizens were appalled at the lack of basic courtesy that the act entailed, even though there was no love for the British crown. Today, vandalism is an expression of loyalty. A life-size fibre glass statue of Rajiv Gandhi in Moga, Punjab, repaired after it was damaged by vandals, has been sitting in storage for a long time. During the Shiromani Akali Dal rule, the statue was sprayed with ink in 2013, and then pelted with stones in 2015. In 2017, the Congress Party sent it for repair after coming to power. The statute has been lying around since then as Improvement Trust officials in Moga could not find a secure public place to install it!

mocked the Punjab Congress Also touching upon more leadership for trying to approemotive issues, the PM priate credit for something accused the Gandhi family of done by the NDA government. continuing to extend patronage to men responsible Barely 24 hours later, for killing Sikh chilAmarinder Singh hit dren, women and back at the PM. In a Cong men during the 1984 January 4 commugrabbed riots. He specifiniqué, the Punjab power in Punjab cally cited ConCM dismissed Modi gress leader Sajjan (in 2017) ‘by as the “worst leader Kumar while also India has seen selling white lies.’ shaming the party since Indepen— PM Modi at the leadership for dence.” Disputing Gurdaspur appointing a the PM’s claims in tainted person as Gurdaspur — from rally CM of Madhya the 1984 riots and KarPradesh. Also, speaking tarpur Corridor to the not far from where Pakistan farm debt waiver — Singh P rime Minister Imran Khan said the PM had spoken nothing performed the ground-breakbut “brazen lies” from the BJP ing ceremony to build a pilgrim stage in the border town. He corridor to the Kartarpur said it was all done to mask the Sahib gurudwaras, the PM PM’s failure to fulfil every single

promise made before being voted to power in 2014. “Despite the fiscal mess your Bharatiya Janata Party and its ally, the Shiromani Akali Dal had left behind for us, we have managed to waive off `3,417 crores of crop loans of 4,14,275 farmers in just one year,” Singh said adding that an additional `4,000 crores owed by another three lakh farmers would stand waived off very soon. Similarly challenging the PM’s claims on Kartarpur and the Center’s contributions to the upcoming celebrations of Guru Nanak’s 550th P rakash Purab, Singh described PM Modi as “a master of deceit and disinformation.”

The writer is Deputy Editor, India Today, based in Chandigarh

IT IS PERHAPS an appropriate symbol for politics and political narratives having hit a new low that thousands of dustbins installed six months ago across Himachal Pradesh bear the names of local BJP legislators. Universities, institutions, roads, buildings, hoardings and welfare schemes have always been named after politicians. But this one is certainly a first. And with Antony, we all might say, “What a fall there was, my countrymen.” These dustbins in pairs of blue and green for dry and wet waste, have been installed by Public Sector Undertakings under the Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, but it is not quite clear who

Former CM Shanta Kumar printed the names on them. Congress legislators are clearly having a field day. Pawan Kumar Kajal, MLA from Kangra, said “Tomorrow they will have their names on cremation grounds as well. I do not consider it an act of bravery.” “Tomorrow if our government is formed and if there is any such project, I will never have my name on dustbins,” he added. The dustbins in his constituency feature the name of Shanta Kumar, ex-CM of the state and the sitting MP from Kangra. But Kumar is not happy. “I got very upset after I saw my name on the dustbins,” he said. He is even willing to pay to have his name removed from them. “Money could have been used in a better way,” he said.


Lawyer and former AAP MLA HS Phoolka (left).

blowing hot air and not RELIGION and politics must not contesting elections to right the go hand in hand in a secular, wrongs. However, Phoolka democratic state. But they always believes it is possible for an seem to do just that. And now organization to work as a HS Phoolka, lawyer and former pressure group without entering Aam Aadmi Party MLA from active politics. Punjab, has listed yet another He plans to work to depoliticise bad marriage — between civil the Shiromani Gurdwara society activism and politics. Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), “Being in politics for five years the organization that administers taught me that the movement in Sikh religious affairs. “The SGPC 2012 should not have ended with does a lot of social work across the formation of a political the state, but sadly it is in the party,” he said. control of one political party. I “We need another movement like want to end that,” Phoolka said. the one started by Anna Hazare, A healthy distance between someone who can call a spade a religion and politics, and civil spade. A movement like that can society movements and start again.” politics is what he aims In 2012, a skeptical to achieve by refusing opposition to the ‘I want to to contest elections for movement had asked end single-party the Lok Sabha and why those who were control over SGPC’ the SGPC. heading it were only

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries March 21-April 19 Powerful Mercury influences your house of leadership and status till early January. Some career struggles ensue but fizzle out by the weekend. Focus on your priorities, be firm and trudge along. Taurus April 20-May 20 Relationships, personal and commercial, are in the forefront. Avoid gossip, rumour mongering and stay within your boundaries. The week is auspicious to go down the memory lane, revisit friends or organizing a family reunion. Gemini May 21-June 21 Friday's New Moon rekindles your passions, emotions and need for romance. If attached, you are drawn to your partner for re-bonding and hot passionate few weeks. Positivity, creativity and open communications are your path to success. Cancer June 22-July 22 Avoid arguments and confrontations at place of work. Planetary opposition upsets your plans for the forthcoming festive season, but if you go with the flow, the unexpected events will make it a X-mas to remember. Leo. July 23-August 22 The New Moon on Friday powers up your house of fame, passion and romance. Home life improves and relationships are harmonious and peaceful. Finances need attention in run up to Christmas as you may be in a generous mood to overspend on presents. Virgo August 23-September 22 Career prospects improve, finances begin to rise and you are in the festive mode already; what a few powerful weeks await you Virgo. Romance, love, excitement and adventure

with your loved one are on the horizon. Libra September 23-October 22 Communications and correspondence are vital now for your career, relationships and domestic bliss. Prepare to send out loving vibes to near and dear ones especially friends overseas. It is vital for you to change your argumentative attitude to spread love and peace. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Misconceptions, arguments and squabbles arise at work place early in the week. Mid-week forward it is all calm and positive and you are able to concentrate on your projects. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 The New Moon on Friday in your own sign brings hope. Positivity and beginning of new cosmic year to grant your wishes and desire. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Shortcuts often lead to blind corners and it is better to walk the known and tried path. You will be in full steam in couple of weeks when the mighty Sun transits your sign. Aquarius January 20-February 18 Your social life, networking and joint ventures are in the highlight for next few weeks. Feeling generous and emotional, you will be splashing out on presents and planning x-mas dinners for the family and friends. Pisces February 19-March 20 The New Moon on Friday recharges your power house, ambitions and desires and you will basking in achievements and success.

Modi, Trump talk over phone, discuss key bilateral issues New Delhi-Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump held a telephonic conversation during which they took positive note of bilateral cooperation in areas of defence, counter-terrorism and energy, officials said. During the conversation, they exchanged New Year greetings and expressed satisfaction at the continued growth of the IndiaUS strategic partnership in 2018, they said.

They also appreciated developments such as the launch of the new Two Plus Two dialogue mechanism and the first ever trilateral summit of India, the US

and Japan. The two leaders also took a positive note of the growing bilateral cooperation in defence, counter-terrorism and energy, besides the coordination on regional and global issues, the officials said. During the conversation that took place on Monday evening, Modi and Trump also agreed to continue to work together for further strengthening of the India-US relations in 2019.

British PM warns of ‘uncharted territory’ if MPs reject Brexit deal Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday said Britain would be in uncharted territory if her Brexit deal is rejected by Parliament later this month, despite little sign that she has won over sceptical lawmakers. Britain is due to leave the European Union on March 29 but May’s inability so far to get her deal for a managed exit through Parliament has alarmed business leaders and investors who fear the country is heading for a damaging no-deal Brexit. May said the vote in Parliament would be around January 15, as expected, contrary to reports she could delay it. May has already delayed the vote once, in December, when it became clear she would lose unless extra reassurances from the EU were agreed. Describing what would happen if she was defeated, May told the BBC: “We’re going to be in uncharted territory. I don’t think anybody can say exactly what will happen in terms of the reaction we’ll see in Parliament.” Amid the uncertainty over Britain’s next steps - which range from leaving without a deal to not leaving at all - a poll showed more Britons want to remain a member of the EU than leave, and voters want to make the final decision themselves. May’s party itself is divided over her deal, with many fearing that an insurance policy designed to avoid the re-emergence of a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland could leave Britain subject to EU rules indefinitely. One of those leading that opposition, lawmaker Jacob Rees-Mogg, in a article, said it was “wishful thinking”that time away from Parliament over the Christmas break could persuade him to change his mind and back the deal. The Northern Irish party that props up May’s minority government called on her to stand firm in demanding that the EU changes its “poison” backstop provision on Ireland’s post-Brexit border.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


10 pc quota Bill strong answer to those spreading lies: Modi Solapur-Prime Minister mention in Modi’s speech. He rights will not be curtailed in Narendra Modi on assured the people of Assam any way through the Bill’s Wednesday said the smooth and North-East that their provisions. passage of the Bill which provides 10 per cent quota for the general category poor in jobs and education in the Lok Sabha is a “strong answer” by the Parliament to those “spreading lies”. Hoping the Rajya Sabha will pass the Bill on Wednesday, Modi said the rights of the deprived sections, including the Dalits and the tribal people, will not be affected because of this Bill. He termed the passage of the Bill in the Lok Sabha as a “historic” step which seeks to uplift the deprived sections and also illustrates the commitment of the government to prioritising the good of those needing it the most. The passage of the Citizenship Bill, seeking to provide Indian citizenship to non-Muslims from Bangaldesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan also found a

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

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Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 695

10th January to 16th January 2019


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