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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù GI
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Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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Issue 703
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7th March to 13th March, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
I told the Union Home Minister that if there is anything that Punjab can do, we are there for the defence of our country.
Over `2,568 cr worth airborne assets entered Pak territory By Rajeev Dubey in New Delhi
INALLY, it may have taken barely between `1.68 crore to `2.2 crore for India to deliver the killer punch at terrorist outfit Jaish- e Mohammad deep inside Pakistani territory.
More than `2,568 crore worth of airborne Indian assets entered the Pakistani territory to deliver 1,000 kg of bombs worth `56 lakh each in Balakot, Muzaffarabad and Chakothi areas, eliminating between 200-300 terrorists before returning safely to airbases in early hours of Febuary 26. Another `3,686 crore worth of assets were on watch as India gave a glimpse to the world of the might of the Indian Air Force. A `1,750 crore AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System) took off from Bhatinda airbase to keep a 360 degree surveillance on Pakistani air space to warn against scrambling of jets or retaliatory
ITTOOK `1.7 CR WORTH BOMBS TO PUNISH PAK attack. A `22 crore Illyushin midair refuelling tanker took off from Agra and IAF’s `80 crore Heron surveillance drone took off from a secret airfield. At the same time 3 Russian made Sukhoi Su-30MKI air superiority aircraft each worth `358 crore ($50million each) were airborne within Indian territory, ready to retaliate, during the 21 minute mission. Another 5 MiG 29s-each worth `154 crore — were on scramble-alert on the ground at Adampur during the entire mission.
India is now in Israel’s league, Ram Madhav says after airstrike
It was a small price to pay for a big message These are all over and above the fuel costs incurred, the high state of readiness of the three forces as well as the command and control centres on ground. Twelve Indian Air Force Mirage 2000 aircraft-each worth `214 crore took off from the Gwalior airbase armed with 225 kg GBU-12 conventional laser guided bombs kitted with American-built precision guidance. Each GBU 12 Paveway II (Guided Bomb Unit) which were introduced by the US in 1976 carries a 225 kg warhead worth $20,000-$21,000 (costing between `14-14.7 lakh). With IAF Mirages delivering 1000 kg of bombs it’s likely that the IAFs used between 4 to 5 bombs in each of the three locations worth between `56 lakh to `73.5 lakh. GBU 12 Paveway II can be fired with precision from up to 15 kms away. With the IAF using so few
bombs for precision and to avoid ducted final checks on the tarcollateral damage, it indicates gets. As they got the final go not all Mirages were on bombing ahead from command centre, mission alone even though all the pilots used laser pods to may be armed. Some of the ‘paint’ targets. Mirages were also armed with Finally the bombs were delivMatra Magic close combat misered between 3.45 am and 4:04 sile to retaliate any possible am and the mission lasted about Pakistan Air Force response 21 minutes. It was a very small during the mission. While others price to pay to deliver a big mesmay be providing cover in sage that India won’t hesitate anticipation of a dog-fight to cross the border to if Pakistan Air Force chase down terrorists It’s scrambled its jets. and if they do dare to likely that At 3.30 am as attack, they may now the IAF used 4 to Mirage pilots flew have no place to 5 bombs in each of low over Pakistani hide. the three locations territory, they conBusiness Today
SENIOR BJP leader Ram Madhav says that by conducting a pre-emptive strike on Jaish-e-Mohammed on Pakistani soil, India has joined a league of nations that includes Israel. Sources said Mirage 2000 jets from the Indian Air Force conducted the pre-dawn strike, and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval has told the Cabinet Committee on Security that 25 top commanders of the JeM were killed. The Indian strike comes 12 days after JeM, which is based in Pakistan, carried out a suicide bombing in Jammu and Kashmir and killed 40 CRPF jawans. India’s foreign secretary VK Gokhale said New Delhi had carried out an intelligenceled, non-military strike in Balakot, located in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
“In a way, we have joined the league of countries like Israel,” Ram Madhav told India Today TV in an exclusive interview, adding that India had taken major, pro-active mesures to secure its national interest. He said there could not be a better tribute to India's martyred soldiers. “India’s action was purely a counterinsurgency and counter-terrorism operation”, he said. At the press conference , Foreign Secretary Gokhale said, “India has learned JeM was attempting another suicide terror attack in various parts of the country, and the fidayeen jihadis were being trained for this purpose”. “In the face of imminent danger, a pre-emptive strike became absolutely necessary,” VK Gokhale said. India Today TV
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
Sharma MP backs Help to quit on offer as National Virendra Fairtrade Fortnight for No Smoking Day approaches campaign cocoa farmers
As National No Smoking Day approaches, people in Wolverhampton who are thinking of stopping smoking are being offered help and encouragement to quit. National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 13 March gives smokers another opportunity to think about stopping smoking. Doing so can be challenging and the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Public Health team will be tweeting information throughout March covering a range of issues that smokers should consider when thinking about quitting. They include dispelling some of the myths around tobacco, smoking and nicotine, addressing concerns such as stress management and the safety of e-cigarettes and vapes, and providing links to online support tools. Latest figures show that the percentage of adults who
smoke in Wolverhampton dropped from 16.5% in 2015 to 14.4% in 2017, lower than the national average of 14.9% and amounting to some 5,000 fewer smokers. Despite this,
smoking remains the largest preventable cause of death in Wolverhampton and is responsible for nearly 1,800 hospital admissions a year. In addition, half of all smokers
STILL TIME TO SHAPE STRATEGY TO STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST FEMALES Wolverhampton’s Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy seeks to tackle domestic or sexual violence, female genital mutilation, so-called ‘honourbased’ violence, forced marriage and stalking and harassment. The three-year plan, developed by the Safer Wolverhampton Partnership, builds upon the significant achievements of previous incarnations which have led to marked improvements in policy, partnership working and practice in order to safeguard and reduce risk to individuals. The 2019-22 strategy seeks to further reduce the prevalence of violence against women and girls; build the skills and capability of local agencies to provide effect advice and support services; reduce serious harm resulting from violence against women and girls; and increase the number and rate of reported offences brought to justice. It also seeks to further
improve the criminal justice response to supporting victims of violence against women and girls; increase early identification and intervention with victims of violence against women and girls; increase the number of perpetrators and offenders who are managed to reduce risk; and reduce the rate of repeat incidents of domestic violence. The strategy, like its national counterpart, acknowledges that, while the majority of victims are female, there are both male and female victims and it therefore encompasses work not only around women and girls, but also men and boys. Mark Taylor, Chair of the Safer Wolverhampton Partnership, said: “Organisations in Wolverhampton are making good progress in tackling violence against women and girls, particularly around prevention, service provision, protection and justice, and performance and
governance. Councillor Hazel Malcolm, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: “Organisations in Wolverhampton are working hard to improve the help and support available for victims of gender-based violence, but there is always more to do. “Research suggests that incidents of domestic and sexual violence, forced marriage, so-called ‘honourbased’ violence and female genital mutilation are still under-reported; through this strategy, we want to raise awareness of the issues, encourage individuals and communities to report cases to the authorities and further improve services available to them.” Anyone suffering from domestic violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, so-called ‘honourbased’ violence or sexual violence, or knows someone who is, should call the relevant helpline:
• The Haven Wolverhampton 24-hour helpline for women - 08000 194400 • St George’s Hub support for male victims - 01902 421904
die early, reducing their lifespan by at least 10 years. Councillor Hazel Malcolm, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: “Reducing smoking rates across the city remains a top public health priority for us. “While we are of course pleased that the number of people smoking is continuing to fall and that, overall, rates in Wolverhampton are lower than the national average, we are acutely aware that smoking rates are still too high and that there remains a lot to do in parts of the city where there are the greatest health needs. “National No Smoking Day is a great opportunity for smokers to think about quitting, and while this can be challenging, there is plenty of help and support out there to enable people to give it their best shot.
Virendra Sharma MP, from Ealing, Southall met farmers from the Ivory Coast, Rwanda and the Dominican Republic at a reception in Parliament on Wednesday 27 th February as part of Fairtrade Fortnight, which sees communities, schools, businesses and faith groups up and down the country holding events in support of farmers from developing countries. The Fairtrade F o u n d a t i o n ’ s campaign She Deserves a Living Income is shining a light on the poverty facing cocoa farmers in West Africa, where 60% of cocoa is grown, who earn as little as 74p per day and are unable to pay for essentials like food, send their children to school or buy medicine if they fall sick.
Want reciprocal tax on India to match tariffs on US exports, says Donald Trump Washington: India is a very high-tariff nation, US President Donald Trump alleged on Saturday, stating that he wants a reciprocal tax or at least some kind of tax. “India is a very high-tariff nation. They charge us a lot,” Trump said in his address to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the Maryland suburb of Washington DC. In his speech that lasted for more than two hours, Trump touched a wide range of issues including domestic, global and bilateral relationship with countries like India. Referring to his often-cited example of the iconic Harley-Davidson motorcycles, he said, “When we send a motorcycle to India, it’s a hundred per cent tariff. They charge 100 per cent when India sends a motorcycle to us, we brilliantly charge them nothing.” “So, I want a reciprocal tax or at least, I want to charge a tax. It’s called the mirror tax, but it’s reciprocal,” Trump asserted. Early this year, at a White House event to announce his support for reciprocal tax, Trump had said he was satisfied with the Indian decision to reduce the import tariff on Harley-Davidson motorcycles from 100 per cent to 50 per cent. “Even this is not enough, this is okay,” he had said. “Look at motorcycles as an example. (In) India, it was 100 per cent. I got them down to 50 per cent, just by talking for about two minutes. It’s still 50 per cent vs 2.4 per cent (on imported motorcycles to the US). Again, other than that, it’s a very fair deal,” the president had told reporters at the White House on January 24. On Saturday, he used the Indian example of how other countries were imposing high taxes on American products and now it was time for the US to impose a reciprocal tax. To prove his point, Trump said, he was using India as an example. “But India is a very high-tariff nation. And they charge tremendously. So they charge a hundred. So I say, I’m not going to charge you a hundred, but I’m going to charge 25 per cent, and I hear this turmoil in the Senate because we are charging 25 per cent,” he said.
Virendra Sharma MP, said: “I am delighted to support Fairtrade Fortnight and the She Deserves a Living Income campaign, which celebrates the hard work of women cocoa farmers and calls on all of us to do more to increase their incomes. In our constituency I know there are many people who support Fairtrade and will be out there buying and gifting Fairtrade chocolate and other goods to help farmers get a better deal.” A new report from the Fairtrade Foundation, launched at the event in Parliament, reveals women cocoa farmers often carry the greatest burden and yet get the least reward. It calls on the government and businesses to ensure farmers earn living incomes by 2030 in line with the UN’s Global Goals to end poverty. Awa Traoré, who is also the director of Fairtrade cocoa cooperative, CAYAT, gave an inspirational speech about how a living income of £1.86 could transform the lives of cocoa farmers, and why it is vital to empower women. Ms Traoré said: “Women are very important in the development process. If you want to change the lives of producers, you have to focus on women. In our community we use the Fairtrade premium to redress the balance: to train women, to teach them how to read and write to empower them and we have developed activities that create income for them.” Support Fairtrade Fortnight by taking part in an event, look for FAIRTRADE products with and sign Fairtrade’s Living Income petition.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
Abhinandan’s role models: Father an IAF hero, mother a doctor in conflict zones
Growing up in air bases around the country, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman may not have had to look far for role models. His parents fit the bill, said two persons who have known the family for years. His mother is a well-known doctor who has served in conflict zones and father an accomplished fighter pilot who was closely involved in the Kargil war and served the Indian Air Force for nearly four decades. An alumnus of Madras Medical College who did her specialisation from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Shobha Varthaman, 66, was a member of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, or doctors without borders ) and spent years providing medical care to people in countries affected by armed conflict, epidemics and natural disasters, said Group Captain TK Singha, a retired fighter pilot who knows the Varthamans. Times that some of the include Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Singha told Hindustan countries she has worked in Papua New Guinea, Haiti and
Nigeria. “During the Second Gulf War, in Sulemaniyah, Iraq, Dr Shobha encountered lifethreatening experience of a suicide-bomb blast. In Iran, she taught Pranayama to her patients for promoting healing,” Singha wrote in a piece published by Northeast Now. She is a specialist in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain management. Singha was the IAF’s spokesperson in the east when Air Marshal S Varthaman, Abhinandan’s father, was commanding the Shillongbased Eastern Air Command a few years ago. Singha recalls a conversation with Dr Varthaman in which she shared her experiences of interacting with an Iranian mother who had lost her 18-year-old son to a landmine blast.
In that conversation, she recalled the Iranian woman as saying, “It is my country, I have to protect it and if I have a son who can protect, I will send him. And if he goes and we don’t have any more sons, we will go next.” Singha said Dr Varthaman was deeply moved by the woman’s reaction. In countries where Bollywood stars are well known, Dr Varthaman found a novel way to get her patients to follow her instructions. “In most countries Amitabh Bacchhan and Shahrukh Khan were popular. So it was easy for me. All my Hindi film DVDs were given to my patients as bribes for following my instructions,” Singha recalled her as saying. Dr Varthaman also recalled the Iraq suicide bomb blast in another conversation with Singha. She said, “It was about 5:30 pm and I had finished my work and was going back home. I was standing right outside the hospital. Suddenly I heard a huge noise and a massive ball of fire almost as high as a three-floor building.” Air Marshal Varthaman played a significant role during 1999 Kargil conflict when he, as a Group Captain, was the chief operations officer (COO) of the Gwalior airbase, home to Mirage 2000 fighters. A total of 31 Mirages took part in the conflict. He retired as the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Shillong-based Eastern Air Command. In 2017, the government constituted a committee under the Air Marshal to assess the viability of building stealth fighters jointly with Russia.
‘J-K integral part of India, matter strictly internal’: India on OIC resolution on Kashmir The United Arab Emirates, the current chair of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, said on Saturday that it looked forward to the grouping strengthening its relations with India. UAE foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan told a news conference at the end of the meeting of OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers, “I think the OIC has sent a very clear and positive sign to India... that the OIC appreciates the relationship with India and looks forward
to strengthening such a relationship to a point where we can embrace India one day in the OIC.” He was responding to an Indian journalist’s question about resolutions passed by the meeting that referred to alleged atrocities in Kashmir and the air strike against a Jaish-eMohammed facility at Balakot. External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj addressed the inaugural session of the meeting on Friday as a guest of honour and made a thinly veiled attack on Pakistan-backed terrorism. Pakistan’s foreign minister boycotted the meeting over the
invitation to India though, Islamabad sent a delegation. Al Nahyan said matters should be looked at from a “positive angle”. Referring to the issue of an enhanced relationship between India and OIC, he said: “I know we are not there yet for obvious reasons but what I can say (is) that having India as a guest of honour was a historic moment for the OIC. “It was a historic moment for India definitely and the language that you are referring to (on Kashmir) has been in our previous statements. The most important...change in the OIC
today towards India is having India as a guest of honour and having such a positive, strong, dedicated speech that we heard yesterday from India.” Referring to the resolutions on Kashmir, external affairs ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, “Our stand is consistent and well known. We reaffirm that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and is a matter strictly internal to India.” Kumar said India appreciates the “historic gesture” of being invited to the meeting on the 50th anniversary of OIC’s first
meet.People familiar with developments said OIC resolutions are not negotiated and include issues suggested by all members. The Abu Dhabi Declaration, a negotiated document, had no mention of India or Kashmir. A statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Office said the OIC resolutions stated Kashmir was the “core dispute” with India. They also expressed “grave concern” over “Indian violation of Pakistani airspace, affirmed Pakistan’s right to selfdefence”. They also called for restraint and de-escalation.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama
Aries (March 21-April 19) Behind the scene events are influencing your life style, aspirations and desires. On Tuesday 5th March Mercury retrogrades in your 12th house till March 28, bringing up issues of the past. Taurus (April 21-May 20) As the messenger planet Mercury retrograde 5th March forward, nostalgia takes over and you are in a mode to contact old friends and arrange reunions. On Wednesday Uranus marches into your sign and opening a floodgate of opportunities and positive changes. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Retrograde Mercury for next 3 weeks means, “one step forward and two steps backward”. Slow down and move with the flow. The New Moon on 6th March spells out new beginnings, may be a new career plan or moving to new horizons. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As the New Moon arrives upon the horizon, your mind begins to wander in far off places, exotic beaches and fantastic sceneries. Are you planning to travel abroad? Leo (July 23-August 22 Your career, finances and investments get charged with the advent of New Moon on the 6th. Romance and love are in the air both for singles and attached. Life has been in the slow lane lately but no more. Embrace the changes. Virgo (August 23-September 22) The week is significantly excellent to heal relationships or revive friendships. Retrograde Mercury means slow communications or lost phone calls but the New Moon on 6th brings welcome news of changes at the work place.
Libra (September 23-October 20) With Mercury in a reverse mode, communications and travel will be hard hit. It is time to get your act together, tidy up at home or may do an early spring cleaning. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) As Mercury retrogrades on 5th March for next three weeks, some past events resurface, especially relating to love and romance. The moonbeams of the New Moon on 6th prompt you to evaluate your self-worth. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Avoid rushing around and you will sail through the week nice and dry. Minor hiccups, little provocation or just a sarcastic reply could arouse your sensitivity and anger. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Beware what you say or write as wrong sentences could bounce back upon you. The New Moon on Wednesday is the harbinger of success and team work. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Financial dealings, investments and impulsive purchases are the focus for next few weeks. The New Moon on Wednesday will open up new resources and bring in opportunities to achieve your goals and enhance your income. Pisces (February 19- March 19) The New Moon on 6th March is in your own sign. Confidence, charisma and magnetism begin to soar and you will face no potholes or confrontations for next few weeks. Whilst Mercury is in reverse till 28th March, think well before you speak your mind.
Hunt for city’s Young Citizen of the Year 2019 gets underway Wolverhampton Wanderers’ captain Conor Coady has got the ball rolling on this year’s search to find the city’s most outstanding young citizens. The popular centre-back is a keen supporter of the Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year competition and has once again helped to launch the awards. He appeared alongside last year’s winners, Millie Betteridge and Taranveer Khangura, the Deputy Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Claire Darke and Roger Timbrell, Chair of the organising committee from the city’s Rotary Clubs, at the launch event. Conor said: “I jumped at the opportunity to support these awards. To put my name to something like this is nice for the football club and is nice for everybody involved. If it helps people, then
that is the main thing.” Deputy Mayor Councillor Darke said: “It is an absolute pleasure to be able to support this prestigious award and help find this year’s young citizen of the year. “As a city, it is important that we recognise the great things that our young citizens do, as they play a key part in shaping our city for the future. I encourage everybody to nominate a young person they know who goes above and beyond for others” Organised by the city’s five Rotary clubs, in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton Council, the Express & Star, Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation, The Way Youth Zone and Waitrose, the awards recognise young people aged 13-19 who have made a significant contribution to the city in one way or another. Last year, Millie and
Taranveer were joint winners of the award. Millie was recognised for her work with the city’s Youth Council, ensuring that young people’s voices across the city were heard, whereas Taranveer was nominated for raising vast amounts of money for charity and working with her classmates to reduce cultural prejudice in her community. Anyone can nominate a young person who lives, goes to school or works within Wolverhampton. For more details about the award, plus entry forms, please v i s i t w w w. w o l v e r h a m p t o n y oungcitizen.org.uk. Paper nomination forms will also be available from Waitrose on Penn Road and can be posted to David Johns, 1 The Wheatlands, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 5BD. Entries close on 31 May.
UK no longer a superpower, says Indian-origin British diplomat Indian diplomats have long remarked that the Foreign Office is “stuck in the colonial past”, but there are signs of change: an Indianorigin British diplomat says he is grateful that Britain does not have an empire anymore and is not a superpower. Britain’s dwindling standing in international relations has been noted in recent years, more so after the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union, but the remarks by diplomat Nik Mehta in a speech last week suggests a nuanced reappraisal of itself and its global role. Mehta, charge d’affaires of the British Embassy, Seoul, expounded on Britain’s colonial past in a speech at Yonsei University, noting that the United Kingdom has a more complex historical legacy than most countries. “And it’s not all good. I strongly feel that we must acknowledge our past - the good and the bad. The process of reconciliation and revisiting the past is not an easy one. The UK’s colonial legacy will remain controversial, but what’s important is that we continue to learn the lessons of our history”, he said. Mehta listed Britain’s several major contributions to global history, and added: “The UK is no longer a superpower. And we don’t have an empire any more - a fact which I, for one, am grateful for”. “I am also proud that I can stand in front of you as a British diplomat and as a son of Commonwealth immigrants. I continue to believe that diversity remains one of the UK’s greatest strengths”. However, Mehta recalled that some of his family members were shocked and upset when he told them he was joining the Foreign
Office: “Some asked me if I had forgotten what the British did to ‘our people’.” “My family are East African Asians. My mother was thrown out of Uganda in the early 1970s by Idi Amin’s forces after he decided to expel all Asians. She was taken in by the UK. My father left Kenya around the same time to study in the UK. They are very much the children of Britain’s colonial past and imperial history”. Until the 1980s, posting nonwhite diplomats to represent Britain abroad was considered putting the country’s security and institutional reputation at risk, according to an official historical assessment of race in the Foreign Office. The assessment, titled “Black Skin, Whitehall: Race and the Foreign Office, 1945-2018”, released in October 2018 mentions that Indian-origin Robin Chatterjie was the first successful minority applicant in the entry level Diplomatic Service Fast Stream in 1975. Mehta’s remarks are significant in the context of the Foreign Office’s difficult history on issues such as colonialism and race, particularly when there was no public consensus (in the UK) around whether it was “a good thing” or a “bad thing”, as the assessment states. “[The] Empire quite literally depended on crude skin racism in order to function, and until that basic fact is processed and accepted, British politics in general and the FCO in particular will find it an uncomfortable legacy with which to deal”, the document adds. Mehta is among an increasing number of British diplomats from a non-White background posted in various countries, including India.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
Lok Sabha elections 2019 :AAP, Taksalis to enter into alliance in Punjab Chandigarh: After parting ways with the Punjab Democratic Alliance (PDA) due to disagreement over seat sharing, the Shiromani Akali Dal (Taksali), a breakaway faction of the SAD, has decided to join hands with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to contest Lok Sabha polls in Punjab. Punjab AAP president and Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann, along with party colleagues, met SAD (Taksali) president and Khadoor Sahib MP Ranjit Singh Brahmpura at his house on Friday. “The meeting between senior leaders of both the parties lasted around two hours. We successfully held talks with the AAP for an alliance. We will meet again in
two-three days to make a formal announcement,” said Brahmpura on Saturday. His son and former Khadoor Sahib MLA Ravinder Singh Brahmpura said the Taksalis have expressed their desire to contest four seats — Khadoor Sahib, Ferozepur, Bathinda and Anandpur Sahib. While Mann was not available for comments, leader of opposition Harpal Singh Cheema said both the parties have in principle agreed to enter into an alliance. The final decision, including seat sharing, will be announced soon, he said. Earlier, the Taksalis were Singh Khaira-led Punjabi Ekta Manch. But differences speaker Bir Devinder Singh in talks with the PDA, a Party, Bahajun Samaj Party, emerged as the Taksalis from the Anandpur Sahib seat, conglomerate of Sukhpal Lok Insaaf Party and Punjab wanted to field former deputy while the PDA insisted to give
the seat to the BSP. When questioned that the AAP has already announced Narinder Singh Shergill as its candidate from Anandpur Sahib seat, Brahmpura’s son said: “Cheema has assured us that the AAP can withdraw its candidate from any seat if need arises. I hope the Anandpur Sahib seat would not be a hurdle in the alliance.” Earlier, the January 10 talks between Mann and Brahmpura failed as the Taksalis wanted to join hands with the PDA. The PDA has already decided to field candidates on nine of the 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab. The BSP will contest Anandpur Sahib, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur seats, Punjab Ekta Party Bathinda and Fardikot, Lok Insaaf Party Ludhiana, Amritsar and Fatehgarh Sahib and suspended AAP MP Dharamvira Gandhi’s Punjab Manch will contest Patiala. Kharar MLA opposes tie-up Kharar MLA Kanwar Sandhu on Saturday opposed the proposed poll alliance between the AAP and the Shiromani Akali Dal (Taksali) for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Sandhu, who was suspended by the AAP from its primary membership four months ago for “anti-party” activities, urged AAP leaders to oppose the move. “How can @AAPPunjab which swears by secularism think of forging an alliance with a Panthic outfit like akali dal taksali? All those in Punjab committed to @AAP ideology must oppose the decision of self serving leaders who are doing this (sic),” he tweeted. The Kharar MLA also asked Punjab AAP chief Bhagwant Mann and leader of opposition Harpal Singh Cheema if the AAP would also align with SAD (Taksali) when they contest the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) polls. “Can there be an alliance between parties which work on different ideologies?” he posted on Twitter. In November 2018, Sandhu and Bholath MLA Sukhpal Khaira were suspended from the AAP for continuously attacking the party leadership. Khaira has formed his separate Punjabi Ekta Party and was in talks with the SAD (Taksali), set up by a breakaway faction of the Akali Dal, for a poll tie-up until last week.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
In message to cadre, Jaish chief Masood Azhar’s brother confirms Balakot camp strike New Delhi: An audio message issued by a senior leader of Jaish-eMohammed appears to confirm that Indian jets hit the militant training camp run by the Pakistan-based outfit in Balakot and inflicted significant damage, one of the clearest contradictions yet to Islamabad’s version that the Indian operation hit only a patch of trees. The message bears the voice of Maulana Ammar, who has been identified as the brother of JeM founder Masood Azhar. It was first tweeted out by a Pakistani journalist who lives in
France and has been verified by Indian security agencies, officials said. “The enemy announced a war by crossing its borders to enter an Islamic country and launching bombs on Muslim schools. So, raise your weapons and show them if jihad is still an obligation or a duty,” the man is hearing saying in the recording, which officials believe was made two days after the Balakot air strike and played out as an address to militants at the Madrassah Sanan bin Salma in Peshawar. “Let me remind you that
the Indian aircrafts did not bomb the safe house of any agency, they didn’t attack any headquarters, they didn’t attack the meeting points of agencies (JeM), they attacked the schools where students were being trained to understand jihad better and vowed to help “oppressed” Kashmiris. By entering our territories and attacking our schools, India has ensured the beginning of jihad against them,” he said. A senior Indian security agency official said the address was a “clear confirmation of the
effectiveness of the airstrikes”. “The tone and tenor of the message also indicate that the strikes have hit the group hard forcing a senior functionary to issue a message to their cadre,” this official said, asking not to be named. Foreign secretary VK Gokhale, while announcing the Indian air strikes, said
the action was meant to preempt further fidayeen style attacks on India. New Delhi decided to hit the JeM training camp in Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa because the facility was to “start the training and indoctrination of fresh group of recruits and senior JeM functionaries were to be present as well,”
the officer quoted above added. India has not made public the casualties in the strike. A senior air force official on Thursday said there was ample indication that the objective of the bombing, carried out a couple of hours before daybreak on Tuesday, had met its objective.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019
MEAN MACHINE Kohli slams 40th ton to join exclusive club alongside Tendulkar
Batsman Rohit Dhawan Kohli Rayudu Shankar Jadhav Dhoni Jadeja Kuldeep Shami Bumrah
Dismissal R c Zampa b Cummins 0 lbw b Maxwell 21 c Stoinis b Cummins 116 lbw b Lyon 18 run out 46 c Finch b Zampa 11 c Khawaja b Zampa 0 c Khawaja b Cummins 21 b Cummins 3 not out 2 b Nathan 0
B 6 29 120 32 41 12 1 40 3 4 2
Extras: (b 1, lb 7, w 4) 12 Total: (All out; 48.2 Overs) 250 Fall of wickets: 1-0, 2-38, 3-75, 4-156, 5-171, 6-171, 7-238, 8-248, 9-249, 10-250
AUSTRALIA BOWLING Bowler Cummins Nathan Maxwell Zampa Lyon Stoinis
O 9 8.2 10 10 10 1
M 2 0 0 0 0 0
R 29 52 45 62 42 12
W 4 1 1 2 1 0
AUSTRALIA BATTING Batsman Dismissal Finch lbw b Kuldeep Khawaja c Kohli b Jadhav Marsh c Dhoni b Jadeja Handscomb run out Maxwell b Kuldeep Stoinis lbw b Shankar Carey b Kuldeep Nathan b Bumrah Cummins c Dhoni b Bumrah Lyon not out Zampa b Shankar
Australia’s Nathan Coulter-Nile gets dismissed. By Ajay Naidu in Nagpur
IRAT KOHLI’S wealth of accomplishments is surely growing with each passing game. In keeping with his stature, the Indian captain made Tuesday more memorable - both for himself and the fans--as he battled the heat, slow track and, of course, a spirited Australian bowling to compile his 40th One day hundred at the VCA Stadium in Nagpur. A true yardstick for any sportsperson is how well they measure up against their best opponent. And here the 30-year old Indian captain is fast closing in India’s captain on his own idol Sachin Tendulkar who has set the Virat Kohli bar for every batsman in cricketing history. celebrates after Indeed Indian cricket has been blessed all along. scoring a To get Sachin Tendulkar soon after Sunil Gavaskar century against (who called it a day in 1987) was plain luck. And it Australia in was believed that to get another one in the same league would need a miracle. Nagpur on Well then, here we are watching the genius of Virat Tuesday. Kohli unfold before our eyes. His fitness, passion and commitment for excellence is something that has set a new benchmark in Indian cricket. In fact, world cricket! In this jet age, where cricket is Name Matches Runs Avg Wkts Avg fast becoming a 365-day sport, Kohli is not only taking rapid Kapil Dev 225 3783 23.79 253 27.45 strides to catch up with Tendulkar but at the rate which he is going, R. Shastri 150 3108 29.04 129 36.04 he may well break every cricketing record held by the legend. Not just S. Tendulkar 463 18426 44.83 154 44.48 that, Kohli looks well on course to climb the Everest of Expectations S. Ganguly 311 11363 41.02 100 38.49 which may well be beyond reach of any other batsman. Yuvraj Singh 304 8701 36.55 111 38.68 Kohli’s 40th one-day century R. Jadeja 149 2011 30.46 171 35.60 has come in his 223rd match which is less than half of TenCompiled by Manoj Kumar dulkar’s 463 matches in which he Note : All the records are updated till the India’s innings ended up scoring 49 centuries. Kohli’s is now tied with 7 cenedged in the cricketing world. with 51 hundreds at an average turies each against Australia of 52.78. On his part, Kohli has The one record that would along with Rohit Sharma which is played 77 Tests, scoring 6,613 surely beckon Kohli is that, just 2 behind Tendulkar’s record runs with 25 hundreds at an while Tendulkar’s highest oneof 9 hundreds, in terms of more average of 53.76. day score is a breath-taking 200 hundreds against any opponent. not out against South Africa, his Overall, Tendulkar has scored While Tendulkar’s one-day tally is personal best is 183 against Aus34,347 international runs with a 18,426, Kohli has thus far amassed tralia. But he has time to have a collective tally of 100 centuries. 10,693 runs. Then again crack at that figure as well. Kohli, so far, has scored 17,306 Kohli’s one-day average runs with a tally of 65 tons. While Kohli is going at of 59.75 is far better an amazing pace in the At 30, Kohli is at the peak of than Tendulkar’s One-dayers, his numhis prowess. Given his commitaverage of 44.83. Former India bers in Tests are ment and fitness levels, we can That Kohli’s is captain Sachin equally impressive. expect him to keep going for the master of runcurrently leads another eight years. And if he Tendulkar has chase has been keeps scoring at this pace, sky played 200 Tests, the list with 49 well documented is the limit for him. scoring 15,921 runs, and well acknowlcenturies in ODIs
R 37 38 16 48 4 52 22 4 0 6 2
B 53 37 27 59 18 65 24 4 2 6 2
Extras: (lb 3, w 10) 13 Total: (All out; 49.3 Overs) 242 Fall of wickets: 1-83, 2-83, 3-122, 4-132, 5-171, 6-218, 7-223, 8-223, 9-240, 10-242
INDIA BOWLING Bowler Shami Bumrah Jadeja Shankar Kuldeep Jadhav
O 10 10 10 1.3 10 8
M 0 0 0 0 0 0
R 60 29 48 15 54 33
W 0 2 1 2 3 1
Result: India win by 8 runs
INDIA’S THRILLING WIN OVER AUSSIES INDIAN bowlers delivered in a heart-stopping climax to fashion a narrow eight-run victory against Australia in the second ODI after skipper Virat Kohli conjured up a resolute hundred in testing conditions, in Nagpur on Tuesday. Pacer Vijay Shankar scalped the last two Australian batsmen in the final over in which Australia needed to score 11 runs for a series-levelling win. Handing the ball to medium pacer Shankar at the make-or-break situation was a bold decision by skipper Kohli, who had the option of employing Kedar Jadhav as well. Chasing 251, Australia were 240 for eight when Shankar
MS Dhoni accepts greetings from a pitch-invader. got rid of dangerous Marcus Stoinins (52) in the very first ball of the 50th over and castled Adam Zampa in the third ball to trigger celebrations in the Indian camp. PTI
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 703
7th March to 13th March, 2019