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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

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17th January to 23th January 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

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17th January to 23th January 2019


ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


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Vol: 14,

Issue 696

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Vol: 14,

Issue 696

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17th January to 23th January 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


’ÀÈ’ Ø‚ ◊∞Áπ¡≈≈ Ú∞ÒÚ‘À∫Í‡È «Ú÷∂ ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈ ÙzΔ ◊∞» ◊Ø«Ï≥Á «√≥ÿ ‹Δ Á≈ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ ◊∞» È≈È’ √«Â√≥◊ «√º÷ ◊∞Áπ¡≈≈, ’ÀÈ’ Ø‚, Ú∞ÒÚ‘ÀÍ ≥ ‡È «Ú÷∂ ÍzÏË ≥ ’ √∂Ú≈Á≈ ’Ó∂‡Δ ¡Â∂ √≥◊ È∂ Ë≥È Ë≥È ÙzΔ ◊∞» Á√Ó∂Ù «ÍÂ≈ ÙzΔ ◊Ø«Ï≥Á «√≥ÿ Ù«‘ÈÙ≈‘-¬∂ ¡≈ÒÓ Á≈ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ ÏÛΔ ÙË≈ Ì≈ÚÈ≈ È≈Ò ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈Õ «¬√ ÷πÙΔ «Úº⁄ «Â≥È ÙzΔ ¡≈÷≥‚ Í≈· ’Ú≈¬∂, ◊∞» ÿ Á∂ √∂Ú≈Á≈ √. ◊∞ÓΔ «√≥ÿ «√ºË» Á∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ È∂ ÁØ ¡Â∂ √. ’Ó «√≥ÿ «√ºË» Á∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ È∂ «¬º’ Õ«¬√ √Ó∂∫ ÁΩ≈È ÁØ‘ª ÍzΔÚ≈ª ÚºÒØ∫ ◊∞» ’∂ Òß◊ ¡Â∞º‡ ÚÂ≈¬∂Õ «˜’ÔØ◊ ‘À «’ √. ◊∞ÓΔ «√≥ÿ «√ºË» «¬√ ◊∞» ÿ «Ú÷∂ «Â≥È Á‘≈«’¡ª ÂØ∫ ÚΔ ÚºË ÏÂΩ ‹ÈÒ √’ºÂ ÁΔ √∂Ú≈ «ÈÌ∑≈ ‘∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬Èª∑ Ï≈∂ √‡∂‹ √’ºÂ √. Í»È «√≥ÿ ⁄º·≈ È∂ ÏØÒ«Á¡ª «’‘≈ «’ √. ◊∞ÓΔ «√≥ÿ ÁΔ √»fi Ï»fi √Á’≈ ¡Â∂ Óº÷ √∂Ú≈Á≈ √. ÏÒ≈‹ «√≥ÿ ¡‡Ú≈Ò ÁΔ «ÈÓzÂ≈ ÌÍ» «ÈÙ’≈Ó √∂Ú≈ √Á’≈ «¬√ ◊∞» ÿ ÁΔ √Ó»‘ ’Ó∂‡Δ, √≥◊ Á∂ √«‘ÔØ◊ È≈Ò «¬√ ◊∞» «Ú÷∂ ⁄ºÒ ‘∂ √≈∂ ÍzØ‹À’‡ª ˘ ÒßÏ∂ √Ó∂∫ ÂØ∫ È∂Í∂ ⁄≈Û∑ ‘∂ ‘È ¡Â∂ √. ’Ó «√≥ÿ «√ºË» ÁΔ ÚΔ «¬√ ◊∞» ÿ ˘ Ï‘∞ºÂ Á∂‰ ‘ÀÕÓπ÷ º √∂Ú≈Á≈ √. ÏÒ≈‹ «√≥ÿ ¡‡Ú≈Ò È∂ √Ó»‘ ‹◊ ˘ ÙzΔ ◊∞» ◊Ø«Ï≥Á «√≥ÿ ‹Δ Á∂ Íz’≈Ù «Á‘≈Û∂ ÁΔ ÚË≈¬Δ «Á≥«Á¡ª ◊∞» ÿ «Úº⁄ ‘ Âzª ÁΔ √∂Ú≈ ’È Ú≈«Ò¡ª Á≈ «‘«ÁÒØ∫ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’ΔÂ≈ «‹Èª∑ Á∂ √«‘ÔØ◊ È≈Ò √Ó»‘ ÍzÏ≥Ë’ ’Ó∂‡Δ ÚΔ ¡≈͉∂ Î˜ «ÈÌ∑≈ ‘Δ ‘ÀÕÏÂ≈ÈΔ¡ª Á∂ √Ó»‘ ◊∞» ÿª ÁΔ ÓÀÈ∂‹ÓÀ∫‡ ’Ó∂‡Δ Á∂ ⁄∂¡ÓÀÈ √. ¡ÚÂ≈ «√≥ÿ «ÓÙÈΔ È∂ √≥◊ª ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ «Á≥«Á¡ª Ï∂ÈÂΔ ’ΔÂΔ «’ ¡√Δ∫ «¬’ºÒ∂ «Á÷‰ «Úº⁄ ‘Δ «√º÷ ‘؉ Á≈ Ó≈‰ È≈ ’Δ¬∂ √◊Ø∫ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≥Á Ú√ ‘∂ ÍzÓ≈ÂÓ≈ Ï≈∂ ÚΔ ‹≈‰’≈Δ ‘≈√Ò ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ «Èº‹ Ӻ «Â¡≈◊ ’∂ ◊∞ Á∂ ¿∞ÍÁ∂Ù ˘ ¡ÓÒΔ ‹≈Ó≈ Í«‘È≈¬Δ¬∂ «‹√ ÁΔ ¡º‹ ÿ≈‡ Ó«‘√»√ ‘Ø ‘Δ ‘ÀÕ◊∞Á»¡≈≈ «√º÷ ’Ω∫√Ò Ú∞ÒÚ‘À∫Í‡È Á∂ Ú≈¬Δ√ ⁄∂¡ÓÀÈ ‚≈. √≈Ë» «√≥ÿ ¡ÀÓ ÏΔ ¬Δ È∂ √≥◊ª ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ «Á≥«Á¡ª «’‘≈ «’ √≈˘ ◊∞» √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á≈ ¡≈◊ÓÈ ÍπÏ È‘Δ∫ ’«‘‰≈ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ≈ √◊Ø∫ Íz’≈Ù «ÁÚ√ ’«‘‰≈ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ≈ ‘À «’¿∞∫«’ ◊∞» √≈«‘Ï Á≈ Í’≈Ù √ÁΔÚΔ ‘ÀÕ Ò∂Ï Í≈‡Δ Á∂ «‘ ⁄πº’∂ ÓÀ∫Ï Í≈ÒΔÓÀ∫‡ ΩÏ ÓΩ«√ È∂ ◊»∞ √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ ÁΔ «√Π’«Á¡ª «’‘≈ «’ ◊∞» ◊Ø«Ï≥Á «√≥ÿ ‹Δ È∂ ‹Ø DB √≈Ò ÁΔ ¿∞Ó «Úº⁄ ÓÈ∞º÷Â≈ ÁΔ ÌÒ≈¬Δ Ò¬Δ ¡≈Í≈ Ú≈’∂ Ó‘ºÂÚÍ»È ’≥Ó ’’∂ «Á÷≈¬∂ «‹√ ˘ ÁπÈΔ¡ª Á≈ ’Ø¬Δ ‘Ø ¡≈ÁÓΔ È‘Δ∫ ’ √’Á≈ «¬√ Ò¬Δ ÓÀ∫ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ √Δ√ fi∞’≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ Â∞‘≈˘ ÚË≈¬Δ «Á≥Á≈ ‘ªÕ◊∞» ÿ ÚºÒØ∫ ÙzΔ ¡≈÷≥‚ Í≈·ª ÁΔ √∂Ú≈ ’È Ú≈«Ò¡ª ˘ «√ØÍ≈¬∂ Á∂ ’∂ «ÈÚ≈«˜¡≈Õ◊∞» ÿ Á∂ ‘˜»Δ ≈◊Δ ‹ºÊ∂ È∂ ÓÈØ‘ ’ΔÂÈ ≈‘Δ∫ √≥◊ª ˘ «È‘≈Ò ’ΔÂ≈Õ

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019

Á∂Δ È≈Ò ¡Á≈«¬◊Δ Late payers to be named and ’È Ú≈ÒΔ¡ª Úº‚Δ¡ª shamed by small business ’≥Í‰Δ¡ª ÁΔ ‘Ø¿± ÏÁÈ≈ÓΔ

commissioner Paul Uppal

Courtesy The Sunday Times

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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

‘Spy Sergei dead for sure’

Net hacker in Germany was spewing lot of hatred A 20-YEAR-old student who disclosed the private data of nearly 1,000 politicians and others in one of Germany’s biggest data breaches had expressed rightwing and anti-Muslim views on the Internet, German media reported on Friday. Using the Internet handle “r00taccess”, the student, identified as Johannes S., said “Islam is filth: we don’t live in the 6th century” and discussed the return of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party, weekly news magazine Der Spiegel reported on Friday. German officials this week said the student, who lived with his parents in the central state of Hesse, had confessed to the breach. They said he had described himself as frustrated about

British authorities say Sergei Skripal (right) and his daughter Yulia (left) were targeted by Russian intelligence operatives. hospital two months later only Yulia has made a public appearance, giving one short TV interview. Viktoria clams this, along with his diabetes and lack of contact with his sick mother living in Russia, is enough to suspect her uncle has in fact passed away. She said, “My version is, maybe

Yulia is still alive but Sergei Viktorovich is dead for sure. He would not survive military agent poisoning because he has type 1 diabetes. He has been on insulin for more than ten years. If they [Britain] said that Skripal was dead it would mean that they did not manage to treat him”. Daily Mail

AUSTRALIAN journalist LIAM COCHRANE covered last year’s dramatic cave rescue of schoolboys in Thailand. Here, he reconstructs the gripping events that had the world on the edge of its seat, praying for a miracle to save a dozen soccer-mad boys and their coach from disaster. The boys of the Wild Boars Academy Football Club were in high spirits as they trekked up the small rise to the entrance of the cave. They sang songs and playfully flashed at each other the torches they had brought for what was intended to be an hour or so of exploring the cathedrallike chambers with their glistening stalagmites and stalactites. One of them noticed a faded old sign on the cliff wall. In Thai and English, it read: ‘DANGER! FROM JULY–NOVEMBER THE CAVE IS FLOODED. NO ENTRY!’ That’s OK, they decided. It was late June. The dangerous period hadn’t yet begun. Still laughing and joking, they made their way inside. And so began a drama that for two agonising weeks last year would dominate headlines around the globe and grip the watching world in anxiety. Twelve boys and their soccer coach went into that cave, but would any of them come out alive? The caves had always been a place of mystery and mysticism. Ask any local in that far-distant area of northern Thailand the secret of Doi Nang Non — the Mountain of the Sleeping Lady — and they will tell you the tale of a beautiful princess who fell in love with a commoner, a stable-boy.

Sergei Viktorovich is dead for sure.He would not survive military agent poisoning because he has type 1 diabetes. He has been on insulin for more than ten years

THE niece of former double agent, Sergei Skripal, believes her uncle died when he was poisoned last year and his death was covered up by the British government. In an interview with a Putin propaganda TV station, Viktoria Skripal claimed the British authorities may be covering up Sergei’s death from the nerve agent, Novichok, to make Russia look bad. She gave an interview on Kremlin mouthpiece RT Saturday in which she said Sergei must be dead because he has not been in contact with any of his family in Russia since he was poisoned in March 2018. British authorities blame Russian intelligence operatives for the failed assassination plot on the former double agent and his daughter. However, The Metropolitan Police confirmed on Friday Skripal is still alive. The Kremlin denies being behind the attack and has frequently goaded Britain as Putin flexes his muscles in defiance if international pressure. In the aftermath of the attack in Salisbury, the 45-year-old accountant told the media she was in touch with her cousin, Yulia, who was also left in a critical condition after the deadly agent was smeared on the door handle of Sergei’s home. Since Sergei Skripal was released from

— Viktoria Skripal , Sergei Skripal’s niece

Ivanka could be the next head of World Bank IVANKA Trump could be the next head of the World Bank along with other nominees including Former UN AmbasIvanka Trump. sador Nikki Haley. Ivanka is thought to be a possibility moving into business and accompanyafter she was the driving force behind ing her father at the boardroom table a $1 billion, Saudi-supported World on the hit TV show ‘The Apprentice’. Bank fund to promote entrepreneurOther names being floated include ship by women. The outgoing Presi- Treasury Undersecretary for Internadent Jim Yong Kim abruptly tional Affairs David Malpass and Mark announced Monday he was cutting Green, head of the US Agency for short his tenure as the bank’s presi- International Development, the newsdent more than three years before his paper reported. second term was due to end. The Treasury Department declined to This has opened the field to Ivanka, comment on potential candidates. as well as Haley who stepped down “The department has received as Ambassador last month, the a significant number of recFinancial Times reported Friommendations,” a Before day. Before becoming an spokesperson said. becoming an adviser to her father in the “We are beginning the adviser in the White House, Ivanka was internal review process White House, Ivanka an executive vice presifor a US nominee. We look dent at the Trump Organiwas an executive forward to working with zation. She began her vice president at the governors to select a career as a model before the Trump Org new leader”. Daily Mail


A dozen boys went to play football and were trapped The hacker said ‘Islam is filth’ on his internet handle the utterances of politicians, but right-wing material was not initially found in a search of his home. However investigators have now found that he engaged in repeated right-wing posts on the Internet and was part of a right-leaning community of “hack-tivists”, Spiegel reported. No comment was immediately available from the German interior ministry. The Frankfurt prosecutor’s office, which is handling the case, could not be reached. Spiegel said the suspect claimed in another posting that the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party would not be able to rid Germany of migrants, and it would take the ultranationalist National Democratic Party (NPD) “to clean up properly.” Germany’s Constitutional Court in 2017 ruled the NPD resembled Hitler’s Nazi party, but ruled against banning it because it was too weak to endanger democracy. Reuters


17th January to 23th January 2019

Their love was forbidden, but the princess didn’t care and became pregnant. The couple ran away, seeking refuge in a cave. But when the stable-boy went to find food, he was captured by the soldiers and killed. The princess was so distraught, she stabbed herself. According to the legend, her fallen body became the mountain, her blood the water that flows through the caves during the wet season. The porous limestone of the mountain allows the frequent drenching monsoons to soak through, eroding underground fissures into cracks, On June 23 last year, 12 boys went exploring in Thailand’s Chiang Rai province with their football coach pockets, ledges and caves and creat- and ended up trapped deep inside a cave underneath a mountain. ing passages. Inside is a dark and deep netherworld where black crick- excursions to go cycling, swimming the water would go down by the next ets burrow under rocks, entirely nor- or exploring made him popular with day. Before going to sleep, I asked mal, save for the fact they have no players of all ages. The boys adored everyone to pray to Lord Buddha. In eyes. him, and called him Pee Ek, or a low monotone, the boys chanted a The caves are a natural prayer before turning off their Older Brother Ek. The playground for local chilInside the mountain, the torches — all except one, which was Thai football dren — places of daring boys were exhausted jammed and wouldn’t turn off”. club were all adventure. from digging. They Outside, the rescue was being led walked back the way by Navy SEALS from the Royal Thai brought out in a Which is why the Wild they’d come from the Special Warfare Command. The Boars came there on daring rescue misblocked T-junction to a country’s most fearsome warriors, June 23 after Saturday sion led by Navy chamber and lay down they were supremely fit, highly morning football practice SEALS that on the sandy slope. trained and dedicated to their oftenin their home town of Mae ended on July 10, They were hungry and secret missions. Sae nearby. They were led 2018 thirsty. They had no water ‘We weren’t bored’, 14-year-old Biw by their 25-year-old soccer or food with them and had said later. ‘We were too busy digging. coach Ekapol Chantawong, a last eaten hours ago at the footWe woke up at 6am every day quiet, fit, devout Buddhist who ball pitch. But they were resolute. because 16-year-old Tee’s watch had had previously been a monk. “At that stage, we were not at all an alarm set for 6am and noon. He was in charge of the under-13s Daily Mail team, but his regular after-practice afraid,’ said Coach Ek. “We thought


We were not at all afraid.We thought that the water would go down by the next day.Before going to sleep,I asked everyone to pray to Lord Buddha.In a low monotone,the boys chanted a prayer before turning off their torches


— Ekapol Chantawong, Soccer Coach

Thousands of rescuers had been working around the clock to come up with a plan to bring the starved boys home safely.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019




A GIANT Super-Earth just six light years away could still have the potential to harbor primitive life, researchers have found. Barnard b (or GJ 699 b) is a recently discovered Super-Earth planet orbiting Barnard’s Star, making it the second nearest star system to the Earth. The planet is believed to be extremely cold, with temperatures is similar to Jupiter’s moon, Europa, at around -150°C (-238°F). However, researchers say it could have a large, hot iron/nickel core and enhanced geothermal activity, which would allow life to flourish. “Geothermal heating could support ‘life zones’ under its surface, akin to subsurface lakes found in Antarctica,” said Villanova University Astrophysicist Edward

Aliens could exist on rocky ‘Super-earth’

Sun itself, have existed.” Barnard’s Star b, with a mass just over three times that of the Earth, orbits Barnard’s Star, a red dwarf star, every 233 days and at roughly the same distance that Mercury orbits the Sun. It passes near the dim star’s

Planet temperature is believed to be -150°C Guinan at the 223rdmeeting of the American Astronomy Society (AAS) in Seattle, WA. “We note that the surface temperature on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is similar to Barnard b but, because of tidal heating, Europa probably has liquid oceans under its icy surface.'If water is present, geothermal heating (volcanic plumes, vents etc.) could result in liquid water life zones under a possible icy surface,” the pair wrote in their accompanying paper. “This much like Jupiter’s icy moon Europa that is heated by tidal heating rather than from geothermal energy”. “Barnard’s Star has been on

Scientists believe water could lie beneath it too

our radar for a long time,” Guinan said. “The most significant aspect of the discovery of Barnard’s star b is that the two nearest star systems to the Sun are now known to host planets. “This supports previous studies based on Kepler Mission data, inferring that planets can be very common throughout the galaxy,

even numbering in the tens of billions,” Scott Engle, who coauthored the paper, noted. Also, Barnard’s Star is about twice as old as the Sun – about 9 billion years old compared to 4.6 billion years for the Sun. “The universe has been producing Earth-size planets far longer than we, or even the

snow line Although very faint, it may be possible for Barnard b to be imaged by future very large telescopes, according to Guinan. “Such observations will shed light on the nature of the planet's atmosphere, surface, and potential habitability,” he added. Despite surface temperatures of around -150°C (-238°F), scientists believe pockets of liquid water could lie beneath the ice capable of harbouring life. Daily Mail

Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos will retain control of the online retail giant despite the prospect of a $68.5 billion divorce from MacKenzie. Jeff paid $23 million for the former Textile Museum in Washington DC.

AMAZON billionaire Jeff Bezos will retain control of the online retail giant despite the prospect of a $68.5 billion (£53 billion) divorce. Sources close to the world’s richest man, who has a fortune valued at $137 billion, said that the future of Amazon, of which he owns 16 per cent, is ‘safe’.

People have been speculating that because of his divorce, his wife will get half his shares and that will put the future of the company in jeopardy. But this was all worked out last year. Amazon is not in danger. Both Jeff and his wife are smart people. He is controlling Amazon

“People have been speculating that because of his divorce, his wife will get half his shares and that will put the future of the company in jeopardy,” a source close to 55-year-old Bezos said. “But this was all worked out last year. Amazon is not in danger. The divorce settlement is far further along than anyone — A SOURCE knows. Both Jeff and his wife are smart Lauren Sanchez, the woman at the people. He is controlling Amazon”. center of Jeff Bezos’ divorce. Bezos and MacKenzie, his wife of 25 years, announced on The couple, who married in land. However, the majority of many complex assets, but Twitter last week that they 1993 shortly before he founded his wealth lies in his Amazon there is no danger of him loswere parting ‘as cherished Amazon, are understood to shares and there were fears he ing his majority stake in Amafriends’ and divorcing ‘after a have no pre-nuptial agree- might have to sell some of his zon. That has been agreed”. long period of loving explo- ment, entitling her to half of stake, potentially affecting the Meanwhile, a close friend of ration and trial separation’. his fortune. value of the online giant. But Sanchez insisted that she and But within hours it emerged The couple have a string of the source said: “The majority Bezos are ‘madly in love’ and that Bezos was in a relation- properties, including a £25 mil- of Jeff’s wealth is tied up in plan to marry as soon as their ship with Lauren Sanchez, a lion home in Washington Amazon shares. He will retain respective divorces are 49-year- old former TV anchor State, a £20 million home control of the company finalised. A US tabloid claimed who split from her husband, in Beverly Hills and a and will remain the that Bezos ‘cheated’ on his 46The the Hollywood talent agent £19 million conmajority share- year-old wife, with whom he Bezos divorce Patrick Whitesell, last verted museum in holder. The deal is has four children, by starting autumn. after 25 years is still being worked his relationship with Sanchez Washington DC, The Bezos divorce is likely to along because before they had formally split. with likely to be the most out be the biggest in history. 400,000 acres of Daily Mail expensive in history there are so

Giant Super earth, ‘Barnard b’ is just six light years away from us and is extremely cold, find researchers

In spite of the looming $68.5 billion divorce, his wife would not get shares

Study finds child abuse ups suicide risk Meghan’s bodyguard quits after six months CHILDREN who experience physical, sexual, and emotional abuse are significantly more likely to attempt suicide in later life, a study has found. The analysis of 68 studies by psychologists at the University of Manchester and University of South Wales in the UK showed that suicide attempts were three times more likely for people who experienced sexual abuse as a child. People who experienced physical abuse as a child were two and a half times more likely to attempt suicide. The research, published in the journal Psychological Medicine, also showed that children who experienced multiple abuse are as much as five times higher to attempt suicide. As the people who experienced abuse as children get older, the risk of suicide attempts increases, researchers said. People not in contact with mental health clinicians were found to be at the highest level of risk. The sixty-eight stud-

from The University of Manchester, who led the research team. “This study conclusively gives us solid evidence that childhood abuse and neglect is associated with increased likelihood that they will be at risk of suicide as adults,” said Panagioti. “And that has important implications on healthcare. Other studies have shown

Not taking help from mental health clinics increase suicide risk Around one adult in every three has experienced abuse as a child. ies were carried out across the world, producing about 262 thousand adults aged 18 years or older, who were exposed to childhood abuse and neglect. “Around one adult in every three has experienced abuse as a child,” said Maria Panagioti,

that in the US, for example, the economic burden of childhood maltreatment is estimated to be around USD 124 billion,” she said. These findings not only provided a clear picture of the connection between abuse or neglect in childhood and suicide attempts later on in life, but also recognised that efficient interventions should take a broader approach. PTI

A TOP female police officer is leaving her job as chief protection officer to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The highly regarded inspector was the first woman to have held such a key role in keeping members of the Royal Family safe. She played a critical role in whisking Meghan away from a crowded market in Fiji following security concerns. After about only six months in the position, it was reported that she is resigning from Scotland Yard. It comes after the recent departure of Meghan’s personal assistant Melissa Touabti, and amid speculation that private secretary Samantha Cohen will soon leave after 17 years working for the Royal Family. Last night, sources said that the inspector, who is not being named, is leaving the Metropolitan Police. Insiders say that although she had not clashed with Meghan, it has been challenging for personal protection officers to accommo-

freely. But in her current role she can’t go anywhere without her protection team, and that’s a massive constraining force on an individual like her”. The female chief protection officer, whose departure was reported in The Sunday Times, took over from Sergeant Bill Renshaw, who had been Prince

The officer was the first woman to hold a key security role Meghan feels massive ‘constraining force’ due to security measures. date her wish to be seen as ‘one of the people’. One source said: “Unlike someone who has grown up in the Royal Family and has been used to having close protection from an early age, it can be constraining. Even though [Meghan] was a famous actress, she could still do what she wanted in the way of getting around

Harry’s head of security and retired last year after more than 30 years in policing. She first came to public prominence during the young Royal couple’s tour of Australia last October, where she was photographed keeping a watchful eye over the pregnant Duchess. Metropolitan Police’s Royalty and Specialist Protection branch may try to find another woman to replace her. Daily Mail

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries March 21-April 19 Whilst confrontations and challenges continue, positive opportunities begin to appear and with the forthcoming Full Moon, a new chapter is being penned on. From Sunday16th Oct. forward, your social status rises unbarred. Taurus April 20-May 20 Contradictions, minor issues draining your energy and no support forthcoming, you feel neglected and ignored. The solution is to let go the past, regrow and be self -reliant. Gemini May 21-June 21 Jupiter and Mercury team up in your fifth house of love and romance, activating your passions, sentiments and intimate feelings. Unexpected news and events will make it a memorable week. Workplace and social circle will be a motivational force in your life. Cancer June 22-July 22 Career developments begin to appear from the 16th forward and you will notice significant positive changes at workplace and earning power. Domestic issues could tipple the balance at home especially if you have a dominating partner. Leo. July 23-August 22 Jupiter and Mercury empower you with art of communication and it is time to express your feelings and speak your mind. The Full Moon on the 16th signals the start of a new chapter in your life. New developments and support for your career are forthcoming. Virgo August 23-September 22 The Full Moon on the 16th shines upon your finances and definitely a business deal/ job contract is going to

signed and sealed to your advantage. Added to this is the Jupiter-Mercury combo on the 11th in your house of finances. Libra September 23-October 22 What a glorious week it is going to be Libra; Whilst peace and calmness prevail in your domestic scene, you desire for excitement and adventure. Scorpio October 23-November 21 This is a week to discard what is not working, a relationship, a project or just a friendship. Early in the week you may face opposition at the work place but by the weekend things mellow down and you come up a cropper. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 Your social status and popularity surge as Jupiter and Mercury cast blesses rays on to your life. Get rid of the clutter in your den; sell or donate items lying idle. Watch not to tread on someone's toes this weekend. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Focus on relationships, break down the barriers, show diplomacy and tact and you will regain the faith and affection. Aquarius January 20-February 18 Obstructions and opposition of the past now seem to melt away and definitely the cosmic alignments are harbinger of the positive development all around. Pisces February 19-March 20 Love and romance re in the air, with no holds barred. There may be some restless and anxious moments, when you will be compelled to sit back and revise your career plans.

New Punjab challenge: Getting hooked off de-addiction drug Chandigarh-De-addiction drug buprenorphine has been used as a magic remedy to fix Punjab’s drug menace, but a ‘confidential’ government report on its purchase and dispensing reveals a disturbing trend of a shift from addiction to ‘chitta’ to that for buprenorphine. Six crore tablets of buprenorphine (combined with naloxone) were consumed in the state in 2017. A report by Punjab’s Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) indicates that the medicine has emerged as an addiction. A derivative of the opioid, it is 25 to 40 times more potent and longer lasting pain reliever than morphine. Pharmaceutical experts do not rule out the use of the combination for recreational purposes. The FDA report says on an average six crore tablets are being dispensed every year by government and private de-

addiction centres — 4.5 crore (75 per cent) in 78 private deaddiction centres. Half the sale is in just five districts. Ludhiana tops the chart, where 13 centres dispensed 1.74 crore tablets between January 2017 and June 2018. It is followed by Patiala with 1.25 crore, Tarn Taran 67 lakh, Moga 65 lakh and Mohali 57 lakh tablets in the same period.

Name Change I, GURPREET of 67 Wallace Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 1HL and my address in India is VPO Chhokran, District Jalandhar, Punjab hereby give Notice to Change my name from GURPREET to GURPREET KAUR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of India at Birmingham.

Ivanka Trump to help US search new World Bank President: White House Washington-President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter and senior adviser Ivanka will help the US to pick the new World Bank president, the White House has s a i d , dismissing media reports that she herself is a key contender for the top position. World Bank’s c u r r e n t president Jim Yong Kim announced last week that he would step down next month, triggering speculation about his replacement. The Financial Times reported on Sunday that former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley in addition to Ivanka were the possible candidates for the top job. However, the White House refuted media reports that the daughter of the US President herself was under consideration for the bank’s presidency. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Acting Chief of Staff

Mick Mulvaney have asked Ivanka to “help manage the US nomination process as she’s worked closely with the World Bank’s leadership for the past two

years—however, reports that she is under consideration are false”, White House Deputy Director of Communication Jessica Ditto said on Monday. An American has traditionally led the World Bank while the top position in the International Monetary Fund has been held from Europe. While the candidature of World Bank presidency is finally approved by the financial institution itself, the US has a major say in its decision-making process by virtue of being its biggest stakeholder.

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019

May faces defeat in Brexit deal A loss by more than 200 votes would be the biggest for a govt in history

Allies insist that Prime Minister Theresa May will not quit.


Crisis over death penalty to Canadian CHINA on Tuesday vociferously defended a court’s decision to impose the death penalty on a convicted Canadian drug smuggler, escalating a diplomatic row that experts say has descended into a high-stakes game of hostage politics. China’s foreign ministry blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s irresponsible remarks after he criticised the death sentence imposed on 36-year-old Robert Lloyd Schellenberg. Beijing and Ottawa have been squabbling since last month, when Canada arrested the chief financial officer of top Chinese telecom company Huawei on a US extradition request related to Iran sanctions violations. In a move observers see as retaliation, Chinese authori-

BRITISH Prime Minister Theresa May faces crushing defeat in a historic vote on Tuesday over the Brexit deal she has struck with the European Union, leaving the world’s fifth biggest economy in limbo. With just over two months to go until the scheduled Brexit date of March 29, Britain is still bitterly divided over how and even whether it should split away from the bloc’s other 27 nations. The only suspense is over the scale of May’s defeat. The British leader’s last-minute appeals to MPs appear to have fallen on deaf ears and how much she loses by could determine whether she tries again, ning concessions from Brussels. gets kicked out of office, delays Brexit — or if Brexit even hapEU leaders have offered only a pens at all. series of clarifications, but German Foreign Minister Heiko “You are not children in the Maas in Strasbourg on Tuesday playground, you are legislators”, raised the possibility of further Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, talks while ruling out a full rerepresenting the government, negotiation of the text. “I am told MPs just before the vote. sceptical that the agreement Cox warned that the current can be fundamentally reopened deal would have to return in once again”, Maas said. much the same form with much the same content for European Commission another vote if this one President Jean-Claude The failed. Juncker returned to British Hundreds of noisy Brussels from Strasleader’s and excited supportbourg on Tuesday to ers and opponents of handle the situation last-minute Brexit, some bangafter the vote, appeals to MPs ing drums and othaccording to his appear to have ers holding up huge office. Hardline Brexfallen on deaf dolls mocking top UK iteers and Remainers ears politicians, rallied outoppose the agreement side parliament while for different reasons and the closing debates raged many fear it could lock on inside. “It could end up being Britain into an unfavourable the day that will lead to us leavtrading relationship with the ing with no deal!”, said 25-yearEU. old Simon Fisher, who was rallyDebates about Britain's place ing in front of the building to in the world have raged since a back a harder Brexit. Others 2016 referendum pushed the voiced their support for a secUK away from its closest tradond referendum. ing partner — dividing families Opposition to the agreement and confounding politicians forced May to postpone the vote ahead of the momentous vote. in December in the hope of winAFP

Canadian Robert Lloyd Schellenberg received the death penalty for drug smuggling.

MP DELAYS C-SECTION TO VOTE A 36-year-old Bangladeshi-origin British lawmaker has delayed giving birth to vote on the UK’s landmark divorce deal with the European Union on Tuesday. Tulip Siddiq, a Labour lawmaker and a niece of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has been advised by doctors to have a caesarean section, but agreed to push the procedure back to Thursday so she can vote on the Brexit deal Tuesday in the House of Commons. By her decision, the Opposition lawmaker from Hampstead and Kilburn, has reigniting the debate over proxy voting in Parliament, the BBC reported. Siddiq told the Evening Standard that

she had a difficult first pregnancy with her twoyear-old daughter, and was originally due to give birth to her second child by elective caesarean section on February 4. But after developing gestational diabetes, her doctors recommended she bring the date forward to a delivery this Monday or Tuesday. She spoke to medical staff at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, London, and they agreed to the delay. Siddiq said: “If my son enters the world even one day later than the doctors advised, but it's a world with a better chance of a strong relationship between Britain and Europe, then that’s worth fighting for.” PTI

ties detained two Canadian citizens — a former diplomat and a business consultant —on suspicion of endangering national security. Then authorities revisited the littleknown case of Schellenberg, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison in November for drug offences. A month later, an upper court took up his appeal and ordered a hasty retrial in the northeastern city of Dalian after ruling that the punishment was too lenient. The timing and swiftness of Schellenberg's sentence, and the inclusion of new evidence presenting him as a key player in a plan to ship 222 kilogrammes (490 pounds) of methamphetamine to Australia, raised suspicion among observers. Playing hostage politics, China rushes the retrial of a Canadian suspect and sentences him to death in a fairly transparent attempt to pressure Canada, Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth said in a tweet. AFP

Indian-origin WH dy spokesman Shah quits

Raj Shah will join an arm of a prominent communications and lobbying firm.

RAJ SHAH, the first Indian-American to hold a top White House Press Office post, has quit to join an arm of a prominent communications and lobbying firm, becoming the latest of several senior officials to leave the Trump administration in recent months. Shah, 34, White House deputy spokesman and a former researcher at the Republican National Committee, was in the administration since president Trump took office in January 2017. “I’m excited to join Brian, Jamie and the top-notch team to launch Ballard Media Group. Our team, with years of proven results, will

provide the strategic communications clients need to navigate these challenges and successfully deliver their message to the right audience”, Shah said in his statement. His portfolio recently included helping prepare Justice Brett M Kavanaugh for his Senate confirmation hearings to the Supreme Court. Shah will lead the Media Group, the press wing of Ballard Partners, a lobbying firm with offices in Florida and Washington, The New York Times reported. He will work with Jamie Rubin, a Democrat who was a spokesman for Madeleine Albright, the former

secretary of state, the report said, quoting the officials. Shah’s departure comes as the White House press and communications teams have been depleted.

He was in administration since Trump took office Several aides have moved on to roles at government agencies or have left the Trump administration entirely. He joined the White House right from the day the Trump administration took charge. He was made

the Deputy Communications Director at the White House. Former Defence Secretary James Mattis left Trump’s Cabinet last month, after former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was pushed out in November. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was unceremoniously fired in March and national security adviser H R McMaster was replaced last year. In a sudden move, Indian-American US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley resigned in October. Ballard Partners said Shah will join the firm as a partner. PTI

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

SC dismisses appeal against Sharifs’ bail Islamabad-In a relief to jailed former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the Supreme Court on Monday dismissed the anti-graft body’s appeal against the suspension of his jail sentence and that of his family in one of three corruption cases faced by the embattled leader. In July 2018, an accountability court here handed Sharif 10 years as jail time for owning assets beyond known income and one year for not cooperating with the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). A five-member bench led by Chief Justice Saqib Nisar upheld the Islamabad High Court’s verdict that ordered suspension of prison sentences awarded to Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Captain (retd) Mohammad Safdar in the Avenfield corruption case related to their purchase of four luxury flats in London through corrupt practices. The apex court, in its ruling, said that the NAB has failed to provide the “ground for cancellation of bail” and that the IHC had not exceeded its authority in granting bail to the convicts of the Avenfield case. Sharif is currently in jail after an anti-corruption court sentenced him on December 24 to seven years in jail in the AlAzizia Steel Mills graft case. The SC decision brings a rare relief for the Sharif family.

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Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


Trump orders burgers, fries for football champs after shutdown closes WH kitchen Washington-US President Donald Trump personally ordered an “all American” feast of burgers, pizza and fries for visiting college football champions as the White House chefs are among those furloughed due to the ongoing partial government shutdown, the longest in the history. On Monday, the Clemson Tigers were invited by Trump to the White House to celebrate their national championship win over the Alabama Crimson Tide. With the White House chefs staying home because of the shutdown, Trump used his own personal money to order burgers and fries from McDonald’s and the Wendy’s, which he said were the “great American food”. “We ordered American fast food. Paid for by me.

Lots of hamburgers, lots of pizza, I think they’d like it better than anything we could give,” Trump said. Standing behind the spread of fast food, in the Dining Room of the White House, Trump said he liked them all. “I like it all. It’s all good stuff, great American food. And it’s going to be very interesting to see at the end of this evening how many are left.” “The President wanted to host a fun event to celebrate the College Football National Champion Clemson Tigers. Because the Democrats refuse to negotiate on border security, much of the residence staff at the White House is furloughed–so the President is personally paying for the event to be catered with some of everyone’s favourite fast foods,” White House Press

Secretary Sarah Sanders said. Trump explained to reporters in a lengthy

answer to the question what he preferred McDonald’s or Wendy’s. “If it’s American, I like it.

Jaitu MLA Baldev Singh resigns from AAP Chandigarh-Jaitu MLA Baldev Singh on Wednesday resigned from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Baldev Singh is the second AAP MLA in Punjab to have resigned from the party. He is a close aide of Sukhpal Singh Khaira, who recently floated the Punjabi Ekta Party. In his resignation letter to party chief Arvind Kejriwal, he wrote: “I am pained to forward my resignation from the primary membership of AAP because the party has completely given up its basic ideology and principles.” He said: “I was deeply motivated and moved by the anti-corruption movement launched by Anna Hazare and thus decided to become part of AAP. In order to improve the socio-political situation of our country, particularly of our state Punjab, I went to the extent of quitting my government job as Head Teacher, although I had more than four years of service left. This step of mine not only created panic in my family, but also left my future unsure, yet I preferred to take a risk merely due to the lofty promises made by you and the AAP.”

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696


17th January to 23th January 2019

Mehuli Ghosh brooks no competition in high-voltage final

Youth Olympic Games silver medallist Mehuli Ghosh in action on Saturday.

YOUTH Olympic Games silver medallist Mehuli Ghosh won the women’s junior (under-21) 10m air rifle gold in the Khelo India Youth Games in Pune on Saturday. Ghosh came back from shooting in the Bundesliga in Germany only a couple of days ago and napped for half an hour in the gallery before the competition. The 18-year-old from West Bengal asserted her class, shooting scores of 629.4 in the qualification and following it up 252.1 that left her biggest challenger Elavenil Valarivan (Gujarat) in her wake. Mehuli was consistent throughout, the 103.0 in the fourth series of 10 shots being her lowest, in qualification. And in the final, each of her 24 shots fetched her at least 10.2 points. It was a high-voltage battle through the day, neither shooter wanting to let her own standards drop. They were

separated by only 0.6 points at the doing well in the finals of the women’s end of qualification. They returned to under-17 10m air rifle and men’s 25m the final, either shooter determined to rapid fire pistol respectively. walk away with the gold. Elavenil Meanwhile, Delhi judokas once Valarivan, who won the World Junior again basked in glory grabbing three Championship in Sydney last year, gold medals out of the eight on the searched for stability and concards. Delhi’s tally of gold from ceded some ground. Judo is now nine. The “I didn’t want to miss the On the penultimate day shooter Khelo India experience,” of the judo competition, bags the Mehuli said. “It is a good Uttar Pradesh picked up women’s junior platform since only the top two gold while Haryana, (under-21) 10m 16 shooters are selected. If Gujarat. Rajasthan also air rifle gold in the quality of competition added themselves on the is so high in the junior and Gold list. Khelo India youth levels, shooters will get Delhi won one of their Youth Games an idea of what to expect in Gold in the Under-21 boys the senior ranks.”She took her section and their girls added 60 shots in qualification without two. In the boy’s section, Shubham shifting position. “I was happy with the (Below-55kgs) topped, while Mahima rhythm and didn’t want to break it.” Tokas (Below-48kgs) and Pinky BalHeena Gohei (Gujarat) and hara (Below-52Kgs) struck the yellow Haryana’s Adarsh Singh won the metal in the girls. other gold medals on offer today, Mail Today

gupta s a D r te e k ic r c r e m r Fo nt ta r o p im m r fo ’s D S says M up C ld r o W e th to p u in run



By Rohit Paniker in New Delhi


ORMER Indian cricketer and commentator Deep Dasgupta has suggested Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s form will be important for India to assess their stand ahead of the ICC World Cup come April in England.

The former India captain returns to squad for the ODI series against Australia and New Zealand and despite a decline in his batting form, Dhoni remains a central figure in India’s bid to claim the coveted trophy. Speaking to M AIL T ODAY , Dasgupta explained that Dhoni can provide the extra edge for India by successfully playing the role of a finisher.

Dhoni becomes the fifth player to score 10,000 runs for India “I don’t think there are any doubts about his position at the World Cup but being in form does help. I think if he can score runs here in Australia and New Zealand, the team can play accordingly. If you know what kind of a form he is in, what kind of a role he can play in the match, then it’s easier for the team to plan for the World Cup. “There are just 13 ODIs to be played before the start of the tournament and I don’t think much will change in terms of team selection,” said Dasgupta, who is part of the Sony Six’s expert panel for the series. With Dhoni’s presence behind the stumps and Dinesh Karthik as back-up, Rishabh Pant’s chances to play a role at the World Cup are restricted. Despite his impressive showing in the Test series, Dasgupta

S. Tendulkar S. Ganguly R. Dravid V. Kohli MS Dhoni

M 463 308 340 217 330

Runs HS 100s 18426 200* 49 11221 183 22 10768 153 12 10235 183 38 10050 183* 9

50s 96 71 82 48 68

Compiled by Manoj Kumar

I think if he (Dhoni) can score runs here in Australia and New Zealand, the team can play accordingly.


FORMER WICKETKEEPER agrees that the Delhi lad is one for the future but doesn’t fit into schemes for the tournament. “World Cup is too soon for Pant. I think with Dhoni playing, he won’t have the chance to perform. He is one for the future for sure,” he added. For the upcoming ODI series, 41-year-old has predicted a 2-1 win for India, adding that the matches will come as a great opportunity for young Mohammed Siraj. “I think India should win the series. Australia has experience and have players to fill the absence of the likes of Starc, Hazlewood and Cummins. I think, with Bumrah rested and a possible rest for Shami as well, Siraj should get the opportunity to lead the line. I think it will be a great chance for him to show his strength and make a claim for himself heading into the World Cup.”

ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly

Vol: 14,

Issue 696

17th January to 23th January 2019


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