ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
√ÁΔ¡ª ÂØ∫ ‹Ï-‹πÒÓ Â∂ Ëæ’Ù≈‘Δ∂ Á≈ «Ù’≈ ‘È-¡≈«ÁÚ≈√Δ ÒØ’
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
Ó∂Δ ’‘≈‰Δ «’Ù HB
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Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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US-backed forces declare IS ‘caliphate’ is finally over U
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
A Syrian Democratic Forces flag on a damaged building in Baghouz, Syria.
.S.-BACKED forces said they had captured Islamic State’s last shred of territory in eastern Syria at Baghouz on Saturday, ending its territorial rule over a self-proclaimed caliphate after years of fighting. “Baghouz has been liberated. The military victory against Daesh has been accomplished,” Mustafa Bali, a Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesman, wrote on Twitter, declaring the ‘total elimination of (the) so-called caliphate’.
2004-11 - In the chaos following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, an al Qaeda offshoot sets up there, changing its name in 2006 to Islamic State in Iraq.
At a victory ceremony near Baghouz, a brass band in red uniforms with gold brocade played A female SDF flashes the victory gesture. the American national anthem in front of a stars and stripes flag and yellow militia banners. SDF leaders including both one of the region’s great historic cities, men and women sat watching. How- as well as Syria’s Raqqa, and swathes ever, a Reuters journalist at Baghouz of land each side of the border. said some shooting and mortar fire continued on Saturday morning and DEFEAT an SDF commander warned that the As the fighting progressed, the coming phase in the struggle, with convoys of trucks from Baghouz jihadist sleeper cells plotting may- started to include hundreds, and hem, might be even harder. then thousands, of surrendering Though the defeat of Islamic State jihadist fighters, many hobbling in Baghouz ends the group’s grip from their wounds. over the jihadist quasi-state stradIS released video from inside that dling Syria and Iraq that it declared squalid, shell-pounded enclave, in 2014, it remains a threat. showing its last fighters still shooting at the SDF as smoke billowed overhead. It was an attempt to GRISLY RULE shape the narrative of its defeat, porIslamic State originated as an al traying it as a heroic last stand. Qaeda faction in Iraq, but it But in Baghouz in recent took advantage of Syria’s SDF weeks long lines of abject, civil war to seize land there spokesman, surrendering fighters sat and split from the global or squatted in a desolate declared the ‘total jihadist organisation. In landscape, their dream elimination of (the) 2014, it suddenly of world domination in Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation Islamic so-called caliphate’ grabbed Iraq’s Mosul, tatters. —Reuters State group to retake the city of Mosul.
‘Dr Evil’ jailed for extreme body modification. A Wolverhampton body modification artist, known as ‘Dr Evil’ has today been jailed for chopping off body parts at his tattoo parlour. Brendan Patrick McCarthy has received a 40-month sentence which he will serve 20 months in prison and 20 months on licence. McCarthy, also known as ‘Dr Evil’, owner of Punctured Body Modification Emporium previously based in Wolverhampton, added ‘body modification’ to his services before carrying out extreme procedures at his tattoo parlour. McCarthy carried out procedures including the removal of a customer’s ear, a client’s nipple and
splitting a customer’s tongue, were each carried out without an anaesthetic and any medical training. Public Protection officers at City of Wolverhampton Council served a notice on McCarthy preventing him from carrying out any of his extreme services under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The council engaged the expertise of a consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon to advise of the risks involved in McCarthy’s activities. The expert advised that McCarthy’s lack of medical training, unsuitable operating environment, lack of specialist equipment and working with untrained
‘professionals’, meant he was putting people at greater risk of severe bleeding, infection and life changing complications. West Midlands Police arrested McCarthy in December 2015 on suspicion of assault and again in October 2016 for wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. McCarthy pleaded guilty to three counts of grievous bodily harm after removing and cutting body parts in his studio on February 12. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “Today, we have exposed a national issue which requires a national
regulation to be introduced to protect members of the public against the risks of extreme body modification. “Whilst I’m sure Mr McCarthy considers himself an artist, p r o v i d i n g a service removing and cutting people’s body parts without adequate medical training from unsuitable retail premises, presents a risk to the public that we are not prepared to accept. The city council has written to the government as a request to look to regulate such practices, by competent persons and for them to decide the most appropriate authority to regulate.
2011 - After Syria’s crisis begins, the group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sends operatives there to set up a Syrian subsidiary. 2014 - Its sudden success starts with the seizure of Fallujah in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria at the turn of the year. The jihadists take Mosul and Tikrit in June and overrun the border with Syria. At Mosul’s great Mosque, Baghdadi renames the group Islamic State (IS) and declares a caliphate. So begins a reign of terror. In Iraq, IS slaughters thousands of Yazidis in Sinjar and forces more than 7,000 women and girls into sexual slavery. In September, the US builds a coalition against IS and starts air strikes to stop its momentum.
2015 - Militants in Paris attack a satirical newspaper and a kosher supermarket, the bloody start to a wave of attacks that IS claims around the world. 2016 - Iraq takes back Fallujah in June, the first town IS had captured during its initial blaze of success. In August, the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG, takes Manbij in Syria. 2017 - IS suffers a year of catastrophic defeats. In June it loses Mosul to Iraqi forces after months of fighting and Baghdad declares the end of the caliphate. In October, the SDF drives IS from Raqqa. 2018 - The Syrian government retakes IS enclaves in Yarmouk, south of Damascus, and on the frontier with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. 2019 - IS fighters are defeated as SDF declares the “caliphate” eliminated.
Over one hundred free parking spaces set for Wolverhampton City Centre The City of Wolverhampton Council is set to introduce free evening parking at selected city centre car parks. A total of 150 free spaces will be created at four car parks - Bell Street, Snow Hill, Temple Street and Tempest Street every evening from 5.30pm until 4am from April 1. The new introduction enhances the existing 400 on-street parking spaces which are free after 6pm. This brings the total number of free carparking spaces to 550 in the city centre. Free evening parking will benefit visitors to city events at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, theArena Theatre, Slade Rooms, Light House and many more. The free parking will also encourage more visitors to dine in city centre restaurants and will support the upcoming Westside development. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment said: “Free parking is something both residents and businesses have asked for, for a long time and I’m pleased we have been able to meet some of their needs even when we are under financial pressures. “It’s important we listen to our residents and support Wolverhampton businesses to boost our local economy. I hope the additional free parking spaces will encourage more visitors our vibrant city centre that has a lot to offer.”
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
‘I nearly lost my life’
Emilia Clarke
ESARI is a film about the Battle of Saragarhi of 1897, in which 21 Sikh soldiers put up a brave fight against thousands of Afghani tribesmen. However, in this big screen treatment it feels like it’s Akshay Kumar vs the world. When he isn’t fighting, he is screaming; when he isn’t screaming, he is giving motivational speeches; when he isn’t giving speeches, he is giving history lessons; when he’s not giving lessons, he is hallucinating about his wife (Parineeti Chopra) giving him company in this imposing setting. And when he isn’t hallucinating, he is drawing a perfect circle that would put your geometry skills to shame.
Kumar plays Ishar Singh, a havildar who realises that he is more a slave than a soldier of the British empire. His refusal to follow a senior British officer’s command to save a damsel in distress from savage tribesmen results in him being transferred to Saragarhi, an isolated post guarded by a few officers from the 36th Sikh Regiment. There, Singh’s leadership initially
Boyle calls exit from Bond 25 a ‘shame' DANNY Boyle confirmed he has quit as director of the new James Bond film after clashing with producers over the script. The 62-year-old reportedly wanted to kill off the iconic secret agent in a ‘spectacular finale’ for Bond 25. But Danny divulged bosses weren’t happy with the screenplay he had been working on with John Hodge and expressed his sadness because it ‘could have been really good’.
EMILIA Clarke has revealed that she suffered and survived two brain aneurysms while filming Game Of Thrones. The actress, 32, who plays Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen, shared in a candid interview with the The New Yorker that she had her first aneurysm in 2011. She said, “Just when all my childhood dreams seemed to have come true, I nearly lost my life. I’ve never told this story publicly, but now it’s time.” Emilia then explained that she had just finished filming the first season of the HBO fantasy series when she had her initial brain aneurysm while working out with a trainer. Emilia, who was just 24 at the time, was sent for an MRI where they diagnosed her with a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Emilia said, “In my worst moments, I had wanted to pull the plug. I asked the medical staff to let me die.” Emilia now claims she is feeling well again. –Daily Mail
by Suhani Singh
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
Filmmaker Danny Boyle. Confirming his departure, he wrote in Empire magazine, “I work in partnership with writers and I am not prepared to break it up. We were working very, very well, but they didn’t want to go down that route with us so we decided to part company. What John Hodge and I were doing was really good. It wasn’t finished, but it could have been good. You have to believe in your process and part of that is the partnership I have with a writer. It’s a great shame.” While Boyle didn’t state his reasons for the dispute, sources say he quit because he wasn't allowed to kill Bond off. —Daily Mail
Cast: Akshay Kumar, Parineeti Chopra Direction: Anurag Singh
faces resistance because he believes in religious harmony and charity. But on September 12, 1897, the few men have no option but to unite after 10,000 tribesmen attack their fort. What follows is a straight-up good vs evil battle. This means the British insult Sikhs, while the Pathans, led by a merciless mullah (Rakesh Chaaturvedi) attempt to get their lands in the North West Frontier Province back from the British. In Singh’s bombastic and melodramatic telling, every soldier gets his brief moment of glory in death, ideally in slo-mo. It doesn’t help that it all unfolds against an exaggerated background score. The attempts to infuse some humour in events before the battle, and in one case during combat, misfire. None of the supporting cast gets even a halfdecent back story that registers. That’s because Kumar, the one
In scale and setting Kesari is impressive, giving an idea of how the 1897 battle was a great underdog story. But the final execution falls way short. with the longest beard, gets maximum screen time to rally his troops in the name of aazaadi and faith; make a case for Sikh bravura and prove that Singh was the original desi superhero. But in its “mine is bigger than yours” approach the makers often makes a mockery of history. In one particular scene, we see an ill-timed percussion battle between warring factions. Two men on the Sikh side are reduced to being what can be best described as ‘aquaman’ and ‘the bookkeeper’. Some of the battles which can be wrapped up in a few seconds are
out take The “mine is bigger than yours” approach in the film ‘Kesari’ often makes a mockery of history.
needlessly dragged. In scale and setting Kesari is impressive, giving an indication of how the 1897 battle was a remarkable underdog story. But Singh and his co-writer Girish Kohli overlook the impressive military strategy and turn it into a lengthy, troubling exercise in provocation in matters of faith. Ultimately Kesari is a spectacle where emotions get lost in the cacophony.
Khan (R) blamed Johar’s fat fingers for the gaffe THE twitter hashtag #ShameOnKaranJohar was flooded after Twitter users spotted that Bollywood director Karan Johar had liked a tweet criticising actor Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero. The tweet in question had pointed out that Zero did very poorly, unfavourably comparing it to the commercial success of Johar’s new co-production Kesari, featuring
Akshay Kumar. The tweet had gone on to comment that Khan’s stardom couldn’t compare to Kumar’s. Johar said he ‘liked’ the tweet by mistake, and removed it. After the stream of negative tweets against Johar, Khan himself tweeted in support of the director, saying that Johar’s ‘fat fingers’ were to blame.
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama
Aries (March 21-April 19) It is time to move away from the past and start afresh, plan mutinously and take calculated risks. The Easter weekend is great to implement new life style and probably to new horizons. Taurus (April 21-May 20) Do what you want to, over the Easter holidays; your plans may have to revised at the last minute. Family demands compel you to discard your adventurous pre-engagements. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your social life, friendships and exciting outings are destined to soar with a very hectic Easter weekend in store. Someone from the past reappears. Cancer (June 22-July 22) The focus is on your tenth house of success and achievements and starting 28TH March career, finances and family matters are destined to progress. You will be overwhelmed by visitors over the Easter weekend. An elderly relative need s attention and care. Leo (July 23-August 22 Your travel zone is activated from 28th March, pack all your stuff, check the travel arrangements and go on an exciting journey. A close relative needs your help and attention at the weekend. Money. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Guard your money, possessions and valuables and be alert online. Watch out as 28th forward erratic actions and irrational remarks could jeopardize, otherwise smooth relationships. Libra (September 23-October 20)
The Full Moon on Saturday signals closure of a project/relationship. Planets indicate that you will for once begin to look at your own welfare and interests, rather that being a social worker. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Venus & Uranus lit up your work and health zones and it is vital that you relive stress and tension and not get knotted up. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Impulsive and erratic actions will land you in hot water; control your temper and temptations. As the Full Moon shines at the weekend, you have visitors flocking to your domain and travelling to see old pals. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Focus is on your home, redecoration and moving the furniture around. On 28th Venus and Uranus team up to beautify your den. Opportunities and changes to your life style are in the offing. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) 28th Forward, expect the unexpected, some with a shock and others with pleasure. Saturday’s Full Moon activates your communications zone. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Finances are top of the agenda this week and you may have to rewrite your budget or explore to raise capital. Be careful to sign a new contract or accept a job offer; take your time to mull it over. Weekend is filled with romance, love and seductions.
Wolverhampton volunteers clean-up streets to support national campaign People across the country are being asked to do their bit to keep their community clear of litter as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign. To celebrate the launch of the national campaign, volunteers in Wolverhampton set out this morning to carry out a litter-pick to clean-up residential streets around the Bushbury North area. John Brinkworth, who lives in the area, organised the clean-up focusing on clearing litter from streets in Fordhouses and Patshull Avenue playing fields. John said: “Like many residents, I always moan about
litter on the streets, but other than picking the odd thing up - I’ve never done anything about it. “I came across the Keep Britain Tidy campaign on the internet and thought now is the time to do something. “I got in touch with the council and called out to other residents to help do their bit for their community. “It was great to work together, and I hope we have inspired others and the younger generation, to get involved in the campaign to keep the city clean.” The city council supplied the volunteers with litter pickers, gloves and bin bags to carry out
the clean-up. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “The Great British Spring Clean is a chance for people to take part in the country’s biggest-ever community clear up which is led by Keep Britain Tidy. “As a council, we are always keen to support national initiatives that have a positive impact on keeping our streets clean. “I would like to thank the volunteers that have taken the time to do their bit for their community and the staff for their continued efforts to keep our city clean.
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ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
BIRMINGHAM WITNESSES LANDMARK INDIA-UK HEALTHCARE CONFERENCE The Conference which took place on March 22, 2019, was organised by the High Commission of India through the Consulate General of India, Birmingham, and was supported by University Hospitals Birmingham, NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Chairing the day-long Conference, Rt Hon Jacqui Smith, Chair UHB Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust welcomed delegates at one of UK’s largest hospital, setting the tone of the conference by emphasising how the partnership between the two countries can be mutually beneficial. High Commissioner of India to the UK, H.E Ruchi Ghanashyam assured the conference that both Governments are committed to support healthcare collaboration, and stressed
that India and UK need to work together to address current challenges in this sector. She elaborated that India has been able to provide world class medical treatments at one of the most competitive prices. Mentioning about the traditional systems of medicines that has developed over centuries in India, she said that there is a lot in India that we can offer to people coming from abroad.
Dr, Indu Bhushan, CEO of National Health Authority of India focussed on the ‘Ayushman Bharat’-the world’s largest government funded healthcare insurance scheme which will benefit over half a billion people. He explained how it’s a game-changer, and how these revolutionary changes in the healthcare landscape of India offer opportunities for international healthcare organisations both
in the public and private sector. With its guaranteed inpatient care worth INR 500,000 (GBP 5,495) per family per year, Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (PM-JAY) will significantly help in providing quality healthcare by drastically reducing catastrophic healthcare expenditure which pushes 60 million Indians below poverty line every year. . Dr. D. S.
Rana, Chairman, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi highlighted the fact that the 98 years old institution, also happens to be the largest medical teaching facility of its kind in the country, in the private sector. He further stressed that his institution was keen to partner with its British counterparts to address the challenge of shortage of skilled manpower in both countries. Mayor Andy Street, Mayor
of West Midlands, said, “Life Sciences is a key pillar of the WMCA’s Local Industrial Strategy. Through the work being done by institutions like the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and in our Universities, I am confident it is an area we can be world famous in. The current Indian Government has put a strong emphasis on healthcare for all Indians and this has already led to new research and development in healthcare initiatives. There couldn’t be a better time for us to explore synergies and potential partnerships between India and the West Midlands on life sciences.” Ms. Neena Gill, Member of European Parliament, stated that Indian healthcare/ pharmaceutical sector is leading the way with rapid modernisation & lower cost leading to an explosion in health tourism from the UK. Ms. Preet Kaur Gill, Member of Parliament stated that to overcome the staff shortage being faced by NHS, we could develop mutually beneficial policies and relationships with countries like India, to support domestic training and upskilling of health workers as well as to continue to welcome nonBritish nationals who come to support the everyday working of the NHS. Mr. Paul Uppal, Small Business Commissioner and ex-Member of Parliament, Wolverhampton spoke about the need to provide support system to small and medium businesses. Dr. Shashi Baliyan, Managing Director, Clearmedi Healthcare shared the story of his several healthcare ventures in India which are importing European business models to upgrade the quality of healthcare delivery in India. He said that India is the place to invest in Healthcare specially after the launch of Ayushman Bharat. The new healthcare scheme has put in nearly GBP 5500 pounds in pocket of people who could not afford treatment earlier. British companies should react fast to serve more than 500 million people covered by world’s largest universal health scheme. professionals from India to come to the UK and vice versa, in order to strengthen both of our health systems.’ Prof. Philip Baker, Dean of Medicine, University of Leicester presented the ongoing implementations of clinical care, clinical training initiatives, and research collaborations with India. Dr. Aman Puri, Consul General of India, Birmingham in his closing remarks announced that this Conference is likely to become an annual feature. In his address Dr.Puri stated that, “Indians form the single largest group amongst foreign origin healthcare professionals serving in the NHS. No doubt, they can become the catalyst for taking UK – India collaboration to another level”. He congratulated the team and thanked the speakers and the delegates for making the conference a success.
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Vol: 15,
Indian billionaire turns Scotland Yard building into luxury hotel Great Scotland Yard – the iconic building that housed the London Metropolitan Police for over 60 years until 1890 – acquired by Indian billionnaire Yusufalli Kader for 110 million pounds in 2015 is set to open as a luxury hotel later this year. It is one of high-profile acquisitions by Indian investors in London’s property market in recent years. The room tariff for the hotel is reported to push back customers by thousands of pounds, up to 10,000 per night. The leasehold of the iconic building was sold in December 2013 to Galliard Homes as part of the ministry of defence’s efforts to sell assets to raise funds. Kerala-origin Kader bought the leasehold of the building from the company in 2015. Transformed at a reported cost of 75 million pounds, the hotel located
close to Trafalgar Square has over 150 rooms, some converted from what were previously cells where criminals were incarcerated. The building was constructed in 1829. “Hotel guests will be reminded of London’s famous criminals during their stay. As well as military uniforms and artwork by prisoners, features include a chandelier made of glass shards that references the Forty Elephants, a 19thcentury gang of women known for smashing shop
windows to steal jewellery”, The Times reported on Saturday. “Cells have been transformed into meeting rooms and workspace areas that can be rented. Guests will also be able to use a secret whisky bar, a tea parlour, a ballroom and a restaurant”, it added. Don O’Sullivan of Galliard Homes said at the time of its sale to Kader: “The Great Scotland Yard Hotel will be a brand synonymous with exceptional service and refined luxury and quality.”
Under cloud UK PM Theresa May to try again for Brexit deal support The House of Commons will debate and vote next week on the EU withdrawal deal in Prime Minister Theresa May's third attempt to secure its passage, after the European Union agreed to a brief, conditional delay to Brexit beyond the due date of March 29. There were questions about May's longevity in office after Conservative and other MPs expressed outrage at her address to the nation on Wednesday night, when she squarely blamed MPs for not taking a decision on the withdrawal agreement. Positions
hardened after her address among MPs who were inclined to support her agreement, which is unlikely to be passed when reintroduced next week. It is also uncertain if speaker John Bercow will allow the motion given his recent ruling that the same motion cannot be brought in the same session if it has been rejected. The agreement was rejected twice heavily in the house in January and earlier this month. EU leaders and others expressed frustration and worse over the continuing uncertainty, and inability of May to come up with a clear way forward.
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
‘Afghan American Idol’ won by a woman for the first time An Afghan woman has become the first to win a popular singing competition, with her victory coming as fears grow that women could lose hard-won rights if the US does a peace deal with the Taliban. Zahra Elham, in her 20s and from Afghanistan’s Hazara ethnic minority, snatched first place from her male runner-up on Afghan Star — a local version of American Idol — in which hundreds of men and women have competed for 14 seasons. “I popped the hearts of men out of their chests today,” a happy Elham told the audience during the contest’s finale late Thursday. “I am so so happy, I cannot even find words to express my feelings... Today, I represent all the girls of Afghanistan. Today not only Zahra Elham but all the girls in Afghanistan have won,” she said amid cheers, applause and even tears from the admiring audience.
Known for her high pitch and raspy voice, she had previously said she wanted to break the grasp of male winners on the competition, first launched in 2005 and one of Afghanistan’s most popular television shows. “Your win is a slap in the face of jealous Afghan men,” Sonita Rasa wrote on Zahra’s Facebook page. “Hope you don’t disappear after this big win and hope the situation allows you to continue to get to your dreams,” Tanin, another user, wrote.
As talks between Washington and the Taliban aimed at ending the long war progress, many Afghans fear a premature US withdrawal could see the Taliban return to some semblance of power. Young women, keenly aware of how their gender was banished behind doors and beneath burkas under Taliban rule, are among the most vocal in warning they will not compromise their hard-won rights if the insurgents return. The Taliban have given few details of what they want in Afghanistan, and it is unclear what a post-conflict government would look like — but under their strict interpretation of Islam the militants have never been in favour of women, or shows like Afghan Star. “Peace is on its way, hope the future peace has the Afghan Star contest in it,” Mustafa Azizyar, the show’s presenter said, after presenting the trophy.
ÓÈ «‹æÂ
Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019
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Vol: 15,
Issue 706
28th March to 3rd April, 2019