p o r t f o l i o 2 0 15
Branding /Marketing This assignment involved creating a unique business model, then a brand/ identity that reflects/suits it. For this task, I decided I wanted to focus on selling goods to a select demographic with a set objective on creating bespoke items of quality and style. My idea was that every quarter, my brand (Journey Man) invented/ designed a product of practicality with a modern twist. As an example of this motif, ‘skate–deck bicycle seats’ were born, each with a laser etched design. In order to generate additional revenue, up-cycled side projects are created and sold at modest prices, with part of the proceeds going to worthy causes, under twin label: ‘Upcycled With Love’.
PRODUCTS: Skate窶電eck bike seats and featured designs, upcycled clothing items, satchel/ utensil bag (designed by me, made with help (thanks mum)), upcycled furniture.
Business Cards:
BUSINESS DETAILS + ILLUSTRATION: For ‘Sam Sturdy’, it was important to portray diversity within the overall design, with the final concept featuring aspects from multiple design genres. An executive decision was made to exclude any logos from the final design incase any future changes were made to the brand.
Type faces When it comes to direction, whether it be for a company/ business, an event or a simple advert; custom type is a great way to create definition and personality. As such, I am particularly drawn towards designing a typeface that maintains charisma, but remains functional as well. I believe there is a certain amount of magic that happens on paper and so most of my design process happens there before I move to the computer. During the ‘tradigital’ process I try to bring over as much of the character from the sketch as possible. If I find a design isn’t working, I turn to other design elements, such as typefaces and graphics, to enhance the final outcome.
EVOLUTION OF THE SAVVY PET CO.: Here is a brief overview of the development process for a logo I worked on for a small business. I started by doing hundreds of thumbnails, before digi–tising a select few and then finally finalising the finished product.
Grad. Show When graduation came around, I wanted to showcase the skill set I had developed over my time at university, so I decided to create a small display. As such I went to a lot of lengths to ensure that only work with a level of high quality went on display. Additionally, I needed a consistant aesthetic to be gleamed from each article to ensure that the display embellished an overall theme. Ultimately I went with ‘hand–made and spray paint’. Aside from planning my own exhibit, I was also part of a small group, directing our peers and organizing booth layouts.
Work–In– Progress A snippet of a side project I’m working on at the present time, regarding the mental well being of artists/ designers. After graduating from my degree I fell into a creative slump which plaqued my confidence and efforts. Finding my way out of said depression took a lot of effort and will power, but ultimately left with me with a curiosity in regards to a creative’s psyche; what inspires us, motivates, pushes, and conversely, what dampens our drive and leaves us in a rut. The current aim of my little endeavor is to hopefully find a suitable medium, for my project, from which an open dialogue can be initiated, regarding what the downers of being in such a line of work entail.
illus tration
web design
s e d b e W y m
t ’ n s i n g si . . . e t r fo HOWEVER– This doesn’t mean I’m completely lame by any means. What I mean to say is that, although I know html/css by heart, as well as some basic javascript, I remain parched in actual web ‘design’ training. Having said that though, I like to think of myself as a nice blank canvas with a good, solid undercoat. So by all means, feel free to paint me which ever way you like.
a bit
ABOUTme... After graduating with my bachelor in Digital Media, majoring in Graphic Design, 2014, I am now looking for oppotunities in which to extend myself creativitely. Over my time at university, I discovered a passion for typography which has been fueled by my existing desire to become an illustrator. Additionally, I have also become infatuated with art direction as well as printed media. Now I see myself walking a fine line between graphic design and art. I’m not particularly phased by this, however, as long as the work I’m doing makes use of my creative cells, I’m happy. Being so exposed to the creative community on the Gold Coast, and broader Australia, I feel that the there is still so much potential for growth. In the future it would be nice to become a contributing source of change and progression, I think. Once I get a few years under my belt, I hope to make something of myself. Something useful I hope!
All work in this folio was completed/made/drawn/written/
photographed/designed by myself. So please, if anything you see here tickles a nerve, feel free to get in touch:
EMAIL: sam@samsturdy.com