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DESIGN CONCEPTS: Final concept designs to be used in making of: Idea#1 (Bike seats and Carry-All Wrap Bags)

PART#1: The Skateboard bike seats Methods:



There are two ways in which I can source boards, each with its own pros and cons: 1) I can upload my designs to boardpusher.com and have them professionally made, then craft the seats from there out, or, 2) I can source them from pre-used shops like the tip store. The first option requires less effort but more expanse, whilst the second option is cheaper, environmentally friendly but requires more work. Ideally I would like to do things half and half.

• 6 Skatedecks (boardpusher.com/ \tip shop)

• Electric Sander

• 12 7mm saddle rails (hobbytools.com.au)

• Sand Paper

• 24 saddle clamps (source undetermined) • 48 screws & bolts (Bunnings) • 3 different paint colours (Bunnings) • Varnish (Bunnings)

• Disc sander • Band saw • Engraving tools • Electric drill • Brush • Something to bend metal rods (???) • Laser Cutter?

} x2

The basic method for this project is that the boards will either have the designs laser etched or printed on them via exterior sources (boardpusher.com) then the boards will be cut at both ends extracting a saddle-like shape which will be used for the sea. Then the seat will be rbought to a finish using materials like paint, varnish as well as utensils like sander etc. The 7mm will then be bent

into shape vi miscellanious methods and attached to the seat with saddle clamps via screws and nuts. The main issue with this design is that as of now I have not been able to find a survice that will be able to bend the metal rods identically. This is the most important step as without the rods, the seat can not be attached to the stand.

However, if this is the case, and the idea cannot go ahead, the secondary selling element- messanger bags, will come to the fore front and take the lead as a major product.

PART#2: The Carry-All-Wrap-Messenger-Bag Methods:



I didnt want to just have something printed from zazzle.com so Ive decided to make my own messenger packs. Because my sowing skills are none, Ive enlisted help from the mum. This idea I think will be purely hypothetical; photoshop and all that jazz, if the skateboard seats go on a head. However if I am unable to find a service that can bend the metal rods in the right way I will go full on with this idea instead. This bag is designed to carry art supplies safely as well as laptops, portfolios, sketch books etc.

• Repellant Cotton-duck canvas fabric (www.fabric.com, Spotlight)

• Needle

• Elastic (Spotlight)

• Mum (lol jokes)

Unfortunately seeing as this is still early days i dont have exact measurements for what the bag will look like but I do have basic ideas of functionality in the form of diagrams sketches.

in relation to the bicylce seats, if that idea goes ahead this idea will become secondary and will also become concept exclusiv bar one, as I wont have enough time to make six bags and six seats.

Initially I was going to use zazzle.com services but I didnt like the idea of just buying something online with my ideas printed on one side- i wanted to make something bespoke. So basically,

• Pleather (Spotlight) • Thread (Spotlight) • Clip Buttons (Spotlight) • Soft foam Padding (Spotlight?) • Tracing paper

• Sowing Machine • Hands • Pen • Scissors

The idea steams from the need to be able to carry around a lot of equipment safely without the need for a bulky and heavy bag. Pencil cases arent ideal as one is riding through the streets, youll come across countless bumps that can damage the delicate contents within after content, due to nothing really being safely tied down. This idea is to give creative cyclists a better way to carry everything they

need either to an interview, to their job, on errands etc. Ultimately this is designed to be customisable with different sleeves designed to suit different needs. More research needs to be done in terms of possible content but the basics lean heavily on design, art, utensils.

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