One Coast Magazine November-December 2014

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ONE COAST Lifestyle & Fashion Bangkok Phuket Samui


ESC APOLOGY Put Your Wits To The Test In Samui’s Coolest Attraction

Beauty of the Beast EVOQUE



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Editor’s Note With each chapter that finishes, another begins...and as we head toward a new year it is important to take with us the things we have learnt - be they good or bad, but most importantly the things we have come to love. One Coast started our year with fervour and with these pages we end them with the same passion - setting our sights forward on a new year bringing with it a fresh perspective through new art, new design and new beginnings. We thank you all for taking this amazing journey with us and look forward to sharing the undiscovered, the well-loved, the quirky, the comforting, the groundbreaking talent and works of those who grace the shores of our coasts in 2015. One World. One Magazine. One Coast.

Jade Moore


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EDITORIAL One Coast Magazine

Publishing Director Yuwares Khathipphathee

Editor in Chief Jade Moore

Associate Editor Jay Emmcee



Advertising Enquiries Samui Staci Lee Wearne E: T: +66(0) 86 950 2291 Bangkok Yuwares Khathipphathee E: T: +66(0) 89 772 1589 Phuket Pommy E: T: +66(0) 97 920 9519

Creative Director Johnny McGeorge

In-House Production

Satayu Publishing Co., Ltd. 34/9 Moo 4, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani Thailand 84320 T: +66(0) 77 484 616, +66(0) 89 772 1589


Publishing and Distribution Satayu Publishing Co., Ltd.

Publisher License สศก 14/6/2556 Printing and colour separation Amarin Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. 376 Chaiyaphruk Rd., Taling Chan, Bangkok Thailand 10170 T: +66 (0) 2 244 9000


Writer Dark Jader Writer Zhun-Ni Illustrator Andy Gilmore Illustrator Celine Wong Photography assistant Siwa Anontachai Stylist Paula Sidoti One Coast magazine shall not, without written consent of the publisher, be given, lent, resold, hire out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade, and it shall not be lent, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated condition or in any unauthorized cover by way of trade, or rolled up to swat flies or other insects, or affixed to or as par t of any publication or adver tising, literary or pictorial matter, whatever.

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10 Flash 22 InStyle 32 Flash 40 Wear 64 Cover BEAUTY

30 Hot Stuff 38 Wellness LIVING

48 InDesign 52 Decorate


56 Drive 60 Ride 63 InCoast 72 TopCoast 76 Hotspot 82 Stay 88 Dine 92 Table Tales FOCUS

96 About Him 98 About Her 108 Instaglam


100 Habitat 107 Helping Hands


110 Samui 111 Phuket 112 Bangkok


Photo: Cheyne Tiller-Daly @ Viviens Creative

Model: Narcisa

@ Scene Model Managemen

Hair: Abby

@ Minx Hair REDKEN

Makeup: Kate Walsh @ Savoir Faire Cosmetics

Skin: Penni Towner @ Aussie Bombshell

Producer: Jacqui Brown @ The Studio

Custom Pearl Ear Cuffs Atlas Pearls for Zhivago

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SAMUI GODDESS +668 4465 3562 Koh Samui facebook : B&BGenevieveBikinis&Beachwear collection can be brought to your hotel for viewing



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AGENT oRANGE B o l d , F r u it y, F r e s h , J u i c y... R i p e .

Since its debut in S/S13, shades of orange continue to sashay their way down the runway and onto the red carpet having quickly become a fashionista’s fave. With shades from fiery to faded, honey to tangerine, you’re sure to find a hue for you.

For a head turning flawless statement to welcome this festive season why not try a feminine fluted designer number accessorised with a bold ‘excentrique’ Chanel lip.

3.1 Phillip Lim Pashii Backpack THB 28,973

AQAQ Mini Valentino Rockstud Ballerina Flat THB 27,711


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Chanel Rouge Allure in Excentrique THB 1,365

MSGM Lace Pencil Skir t THB 8,903

Triangl Swimwear Milly Arizona Sunset THB 2,881

Topshop Blazer THB 2,099

Winky Tangerine Slap Watch THB 1,295

DuePunti Ring THB 1,416 Valentino Leather Rockstud Flap Bag THB 67,819 One Coast Magazine


Fausto Puglisi San Domenico Skir t THB 32,437

Tiffany Soleste Yellow Diamond Ring THB - P.O.A

Dolce & Gabbana Kate Patent-Leather Pumps THB 22,389

Stella McCar tney Falabella Shoulder Bag THB 26,840

While many would be quick to judge a yellow palette as “not for me”, it’s sunny, warm disposition in fact suits any complexion. From daring bold to Lemon or Pantone’s S/S15 “it” prediction of Custard these shades can transition seamlessly into any wardrobe and pares back beautifully with almost any colour. A yellow anything can add just the right amount of pop to this seasons “all white” trend or experiment with accents of blue or orange for a fun edge. Not quite convinced? Try accessorising with jewellery, a handbag or those must have Valentino Rockstud pumps.


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Alice & Olivia

Versace Collection THB 26,222

Valentino Rockstud Leather Bracelet THB 4,314

Valentino Rockstud Ballerina Flat THB 27,747

Paula Sidoti


Fendi 2jours Mini Shopping Tote THB 56,660

owner of The Everyday Edit All about Fashion for the Everyday Girl | Fashion Lover | Shoe Addict | Shopaholic | Style Stalker Instagram @the_everyday _edit

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Central Festival Phuket & Samui - Zen - Siam Paragon - Katalina Beach Life Boutiques in Surin Beach & Boat Avenue One Coast Magazine




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DOLCE & GABBANA WINTER 2015 . Claudia Schiffer by Domenico Dolce


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Beauty by Dark Jader


Colour takes over this holiday in a collection of mini kits. Strike an heir of sophistication this season with royally rich colour. The M . A .C Heirloom collection emanates a rebellious spirit of anti-antique, in favour of an avant-garde attitude that is anything but precious. Smoky mauve, pearlized plum and sultry dark green eyes highlight lips of gothic elegance in deep purple berries, reds and violet blue glimmer. Rosy pink cheeks meet jewel-toned nails as a dusting of gold glitter gleams, all decadently encased in refined black and silver sparkles, this is modern majesty at its very finest. Objects of Affection Pigments and Glitter are the guilty pleasure of the season, in four shade waves: Silver and Blue, Pink and Rose, Gold and Beige, and deep Bronze, while Lipgloss kits embellish in shades of Pink and Plum, Nude and Red and Nude and Coral. Keepsakes Face Palettes, either Natural or Smoky feature three Eye Shadows, one Iridescent Pressed Powder, a Cream Colour Base, and two Lipsticks housed in glittering cameo medallion-accented compacts. Three Keepsakes Eye Kits contain eight shades in palettes of Plum, Smoky and Beige. w w w. m accosmetic s .co.t h


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w w w. m accosmetic s .com


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LINEAR EXPRESSION Photographer: Bonnie Hansen Hair & MUA: Campell Ritchie Model: Michaela Wain @Vivien's Model Management Stylist: Ann Kaddour

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illustration: Andy Gilmore |


W he t he r you’re li v ing in Th ail and or v isit ing on h o l i d ay, T h a ny a p u r a P h u ke t w i l l h e l p yo u g e t m o r e o u t o f l i f e – b o t h w h i l e yo u ’r e t h e r e a n d w h e n eve r yo u r e t u r n h o m e , t h a n k s t o t h e l a s t i ng b e n e f i t s o f better health and mindfulness. T h a n y a p u r a P h u ke t i s a 2 3 - h e c t a r e l u x u r y s p o r t s , health and lifest yle resor t in Phuket in Thailand, set amid the tropical rainforests and mountains of a n a t i o n a l p a r k j u s t 15 m i n u t e s f r o m t h e b e s t b e a c h e s o n t h e i s l a n d a n d P h u ke t I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t . Their world- class luxur y hotels and restaurants a r e a n i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e b e s t s p o r t i ng a n d h e a l t h facilities in Southeast Asia, which include four s w i m m i ng p o o l s , s i x t e n n i s co u r t s , t wo p e r f o r m a n c e g yms and f itness studios.


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beautywellness A s well a s focus on spor ts and wellness, unique to this incredible c o m p l e x i s t h e T h a ny a p u r a M i n d C e n t r e . O f f e r i ng t e a c h i ng s i n m e d i t a t i o n , yo g a a n d r e l a t e d p r a c t i c e s t o a l l w h o s e e k g r e a t e r m e a n i n g a n d f u l f i l l m e n t i n t h e i r l i ve s . T h e M i n d C e n t r e a l s o brings there ancient contemplative practices together with rigorous modern scientif ic methods, including neuroscience a n d p s yc h o l o g y. In conjunction with this ef for t , the Mind Centre has par tnered with several major universities and institutes in conducting research programs on location at Thanyapura Phuket , s u r r o u n d e d by t h e l a n d s c a p e d g a r d e n s o f t h e e s t a t e a n d t h e r a i n f o r e s t e d m o u n t a i n s o f t h e K h a o P h r a T h a ew n at io n a l p a r k . Re c e n t r e t r e a t s a n d p r o g r a m s a t t h e M i n d C e n t r e h ave b e e n l e d by s u c h i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y r e c o g n i ze d t e a c h e r s a s s u c h a s B . A l a n Wa l l a c e , Ro b e r t T h u r m a n , M a t t h i e u R i c a r d , P a u l E k m a n , Ro s h i J o a n H a l i f a x a n d t h e Ve n e r a b l e Te n z i n P r i y a d a r s h i . D r B . A l a n Wa l l a c e i s t h e C h a i r m a n o f t h e T h a ny a p u r a M i n d Ce nt re in Phuke t Th ail and and t he founde r and pre side nt of t he Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies in the US. Inspired by a cla ssic Tibet an B uddhist treatise on the nature and potentials of consciousness, he star ted his studies of Tibetan B u d d h i s m , l a ng u a g e , a n d c u l t u r e i n 1970 a t t h e U n i ve r s i t y o f G Ü t t i ng e n i n G e r m a ny.

O ve r t h e c o u r s e o f t h e n e x t 14 ye a r s , h e c o n t i n u e d h i s s t u d i e s i n v a r i o u s c o u n t r i e s s u c h a s I n d i a , S r i L a n k a , Sw i t ze r l a n d , a n d t he U nit e d St at e s . I n 1975 , he w a s ord aine d a s a B uddhis t monk by H . H . t h e D a l a i L a m a a n d l i ve d a s a f u l l y o r d a i n e d m o n k f o r 12 ye a r s . T h e T h a ny a p u r a M i n d C e n t r e i s a t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f t h e g l o b a l movement seeking to bring the benef its of mental training i n t o t h e m o d e r n m a i n s t r e a m . T h e C e n t r e e n d e avo u r s t o m a ke t h e s e m e n t a l t r a i n i ng p r a c t i c e s a c c e s s i b l e t o a l l , by o f f e r i ng a r e g u l a r c a l e n d a r o f wo r l d - c l a s s m e d i t a t i o n , p s yc h o l o g y, yo g a and related programs. P r o g r a m s a t t h e M i n d C e n t r e a r e o p e n t o a l l a n d a r e d e l i ve r e d on a non-sectarian basis. The centre of fers a year-round c a l e n d a r o f c l a s s e s , r e t r e at s a n d c o n f e r e n c e s . T h e s e p r o g r a m s are cu s t omise d for a w ide v ar ie t y of audie nce s , f rom beginne r s , experienced pr ac titioners, individuals and families, to corpor ate groups and spor ts teams. So if you are look ing to expand your mind, enhance your abilities a n d a c h ieve t h e go a l s yo u h ave b e e n s t r i v i ng f o r, T h a ny a p u r a i s t h e p l a c e f o r yo u t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e n e x t l eve l . w w w.t h a ny a p u r a . c o m

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shot by Mikael Jansson | |


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The multi-award winning resort is designed to take advantage of the natural slope of the land, providing unobstructed ocean views and a distinctive nautical design. Contemporary tropical living is what Kata Rocks is all about.

Conceived as an ultra-exclusive residential resort, the emphasis is on clean and uncomplicated space paying homage to the view. 34 oversized apartments, duplexes and penthouses (Sky Villas), terraced to take advantage of the natural slope, are fully serviced by all the facilities you would find in a five star resort....and then of course there are the rocks. Skilled craftsmen completed three bespoke bar tops for Kata Rocks, which has been built as a flagship of international luxury design. Measuring 14 metres in total, pieces were created at workshops in the Great Karoo desert of South Africa, and then shipped all the way to this stunning luxury resort. The main feature of this spectacular piece is an ostrich egg shell design; the veneer is arranged in a mosaic pattern. Artisans who made the bar tops, define true luxury as “the complete harmony between craftsmanship and nature.�


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P H U K E T ’ S N E W E S T LU X U RY R E S O RT A N D R E S I D E N C E I S R E A DY TO C E L E B R AT E I T S M U C H - A N T I C I PAT E D G R A N D O P E N I N G O N NOVE M B E R 28 , 2014.

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For those looking to stay at Kata Rocks, or even purchase one of these incredible abodes, each Sky Villa is designed to cater to a diverse range of customers depending on their individual needs. One to four bedroom layouts are available with each featuring a private infinity-pool, expansive dining and living areas plus superbly appointed bedrooms and bathrooms. Sky Villas are also equipped with complete European-quality ‘smart’ kitchens featuring top brand appliances. These include Siemens’ built-in intelligent sensor refrigerators, De Dietrich washing machines and dryers designed in Germany, Vintec’s wine cellars designed in Denmark and an optional Swiss-designed, automated Nespresso coffee machine. For guests staying at Kata Rocks, innovative iPad tools combine luxury and technology on a level previously unavailable in Phuket, with single touch control of Sky Villa lighting, temperature, music, television, blinds and service requests. The Gym at Kata Rocks provides another option for those motivated enough to work off any excessive breakfast calories. This next generation fitness centre has little in common with your parent’s weight training gym. It is one of the most modern, high technology fitness facilities in Thailand. Guests are guided by a simple Internetbased application (LFConnect) that is easily downloaded to any smartphone. Intuitive touch screen technology allows users to navigate through Power Plate resistance exercise stations and Life Fitness elliptical cross trainers, stationary bikes and running treadmills.

Further to the facilities, no luxury resort is complete without a signature spa and Kata Rocks does not disappoint. This is one of Phuket’s most impressive spas, dedicated to guest wellbeing through genuine therapeutic treatments tailored to suit each individual. State-of-the-art facilities include an infrared sauna, an innovative Italian-made Iso-Benessere water massage bed with colour therapy, Metronap rest pod and Thai herbal steam room. The extensive spa menu offers deep healing massages, colonic and hydrotherapy programmes and curative facial therapies. The resort’s 35-metre infinity pool is nothing short of breathtaking and along with incredible culinary offerings in the restaurant & bar – no guest, owner or diner will be disappointed with this magnificently designed gem on the rocks. |


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Turn your home into a gallery showcase with beautiful hand-painted Chinese Ink & Watercolour fashion illustrations exclusively from Lihua. for more information on printing & framing options, prices and available ar tworks contact: 52

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S a m u j a n a e xc e l s i n a r c h i t e c t u r e , q u a l i t y a n d u n i q u e n e s s a n d w i t h t h i s c o m e s s e r v i c e s t h a t a l s o h o l d t h e i r ow n . Ru n n i ng a t a 5 - s t a r l eve l w i t h s e r v i c e s s u c h a s c o n c i e r g e , T h a i c o o k i n g c l a s s e s , m a s s ag e s a n d t h e l i ke a r e s t a n d a r d , b u t S a m u j a n a a l s o boasts access to a f leet of boats; one of which is an incredible 47 ’ s a i l i ng c a t a m a r a n t h a t c a n s l e e p t h r e e c o u p l e s , a s we l l a s s p e e d b o a t s a n d a p l e t h o r a o f o t h e r w a t e r s p o r t s av a i l a b l e a t yo u r l e i s u r e – j u s t a s k a n d yo u s h a l l r e c e i ve . W i t h i t s e nv i a b l e l o c a t i o n o n t h e i s l a n d , s p e c t a c u l a r d e s i g n and genuine Thai ser vice, Samujana is without doubt the most e xc l u s i ve v i l l a e s t a t e i n t h e r e g i o n . T h e r e i s s i m p l y n o t h i ng o n Ko h S a m ui t h at o f f e r s t h e s p a ce , v iew s a n d l u x u r y li f e s t y l e o f a S a m u j a n a v i l l a . I f yo u a r e l o o k i ng t o ow n a p r i v a t e r e s i d e n t i a l l u x u r y v i l l a , l o o k n o f u r t h e r. W i t h P h a s e 2 n ow av a i l a b l e , 6 v i l l a s , 35 r o o m s – yo u c a n ow n a p i e c e o f aw a r d - w i n n i ng a r c h i t e c t u r a l e xc e l l e n c e a n d l i ve a n d b r e a t h e d e s ig n a t i t s f i n e s t . w w w. s a m u j a n a . c o m


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Land Rover is introducing the Autobiography name to the Range Rover Evoque for the first time with two new premium derivatives to the line-up for 2015: the luxurious Autobiography tops the range, complemented by the more powerful, more agile Autobiography Dynamic with its 285PS turbocharged engine and optimised chassis for enhanced performance and sharper handling. The Autobiography and Autobiography Dynamic make a bold design statement with enhanced dynamic body styling, a new premium grille design, lower front valance, jewel-like headlights and tail lamps and 20-inch forged alloy wheels. Autobiography ingot badging on the tailgate and front fender vents provides further visual differentiation. A new and striking premium metallic body colour called phoenix orange also debuts across the Dynamic Evoque derivatives. Inside, the Autobiography is equipped with a luxurious leather interior in a selection of six colour palettes. Autobiography Dynamic customers can choose from a dynamic plus leather interior with either sports or premium climate seats and a choice of four colours. Headrests feature an Autobiography embossed logo whilst Autobiography illuminated tread plates greet you as you open the door. “The Range Rover Evoque continues to be applauded for its ground-breaking design,” said Land Rover Design Director & Chief Creative Officer Gerry McGovern. “The new Range Rover Evoque Autobiography is a natural progression, bringing luxury that’s more commonly associated with far larger, more expensive models to a premium compact SUV.” The Autobiography is available with the Evoque’s powerful and efficient 240PS petrol or 190PS diesel engines, together with the responsive and fuel-efficient 9-speed ZF automatic transmission and four-wheel drive. The Autobiography Dynamic’s 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine, meanwhile, has been upgraded exclusively to 285PS and 400Nm, a substantial 45PS and 60Nm increase. Its 9-speed ZF transmission now responds even more keenly to sportier driver inputs, including when left in Drive.


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Enhancing Land Rover’s existing suite of connected-car technologies, Land Rover InControlTM Apps* also debuts across the range. In a world first, InControl Apps enables vehicle-optimised smartphone apps to be displayed and controlled with their original look and feel from the vehicle’s touchscreen. This new in-car technology complements the Evoque’s existing infotainment system by bringing the convenience and familiarity of iPhone or Android smartphone apps into the owner’s vehicle.


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Active driveline is optional on all Evoque derivatives and comes as standard equipment on the Autobiography Dynamic. Active driveline improves traction, enhances agility and improves fuel efficiency by engaging four-wheel drive seamlessly and automatically when required.

Further increasing driver enjoyment, the Autobiography Dynamic steering has been specially tuned for additional oncentre precision; the chassis also features upgraded suspension geometry, firmer spring rates and recalibrated adaptive dampers, increasing agility and turn-in response. This has been achieved without impacting on the Range Rover Evoque’s compliant ride quality. To ensure drivers can fully experience the Autobiography Dynamic’s optimised performance, upgraded 350mm front brake discs have been fitted, while Torque Vectoring by Braking (TVB) is standard equipment. TVB helps to reduce understeer on low- and high-grip surfaces, providing more responsive handling characteristics. The new Autobiography and Autobiography Dynamic represent the next chapter in the Range Rover Evoque’s incredible success story.

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THE NEED FOR SPEEDMASTER Stripped down and laid bare, the latest Triumph Speedmaster is a small cruiser that makes a big statement. At the heart of the Speedmaster is Triumph’s revered 865cc parallel twin engine, a classic configuration favoured by custom builders around the world. With its 270-degree firing order and twin slash cut pipes – re-engineered for 2014 for better tonal quality - the fuel-injected unit delivers a peppy 61PS and 72Nm of torque with a satisfying growl befitting the sporting looks. The look of the Speedmaster is dominated by the 19” cast aluminium front wheel with single disc brake and ‘skinny’ tyre, giving a classic chopped hot-rod look. Emphasising the Speedmaster’s resolutely dark attitude even further a whole host of components – from wheels to bars and headlights to foot controls – get the black treatment for 2014. Machined detailing on the engine barrel block and cylinder head cooling fins add a subtle counterpoint. As you would expect with a custom machine, the Speedmaster sports a low, 690mm, seat height which, when married to the wide handlebars deliver a comfortable and intuitive riding position. To complete the look, the Speedmaster sports blacked out engine cases, a carefully crafted teardrop tank, minimalist mudguards, a 15” cast rear wheel with high profile tyre and a small single headlight design. Available in both Phantom Black or Matt Graphite. Triumph’s signature cruiser reinvented as a modern classic. Time to hit the open road.


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It is amazing that no one came up with the idea of a Transparent Canoe Kayak before Hammacher Schlemmer. It provides the occupants with a view that is absolutely stunning, but that had been impossible to enjoy before this product appeared. The Transparent Canoe Kayak has the capacity to seat two people, with the combined weight of 425 lbs. The design increases stability and balance by allowing the paddlers to sit lower to the deck. The position of the seats is adjustable, making it possible to customize the leg room, which can be very useful if there are two paddlers of significantly differing sizes, as is the case when one of them is a child. Hammacher made the frame for this vessel of anodized aluminum which makes it extremely light, thus perfect for transportation. On the other hand, the hull is made of the same material that is used in the cockpits of supersonic fighter jets and bullet proof glass, meaning that it’s extremely durable and reliable


The optional seats provide excellent back support and comfort. It comes with a retractable skeg system that improves tracking (keeps the canoe on a straight course instead of wobbling side to side as you paddle) which among other things, makes it easier to paddle long distances. This canoe isn’t meant to paddle in choppy water out in the ocean, nor traveling long distances. It’s a great “all purpose” kind of design however and perfect for exploring what lies beneath.

One Coast Magazine


The Sky’s the limit for young Canadian-born shoe designer Jerome C. Rousseau. Since the launch of his eponymous label in 2008, his designs have skyrocketed to A-list wardrobes and shoeracks across the globe from Hollywood’s hottest stars to every major runway, red carpet and high-fashion magazine you can think of. His bold designs and daring concepts, coupled with unparalleled artistry in each hand-crafted piece, gave him a roaring start and by 2010 he was awarded the prestigious “Who Is On Next” accessories prize by Vogue Italia. Since then it’s been a steady vertical slope of success and recognition for the label, adored by the likes of Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue, Charlize Theron, Cameron Diaz, Scarlett Johansson, Kristen Stewart, Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba...etc...etc...really, the list goes on and on... One Coast were lucky to score an exclusive interview with Jerome himself and pick his brains about the realms of shoe design and what the future holds for the label.

ZHIVAGO West Australian-based label Zhivago is rapidly building a reputation for their signature fusion of impeccably tailored ready-to-wear, avant-garde separates and show-stopping red carpet gowns.

Zhivago SS15 ‘Equilibrium’ collection Photographer | Cheyne Tiller-Daly @ Viviens Creative Producer | Jacqui Brown @ The Studio Model | Narcisa @ Scene Model Management Hair | Abby @ Minx Hair REDKEN Make-Up | Kate Walsh @ Savoir Faire Cosmetics Skin | Penni Towner @ Aussie Bombshell Custom Pearl Ear Cuffs | Atlas Pearls for Zhivago


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ZHIVAGO Co-designed by longtime friends, Lara Kovacevich and Lydia Tsvetnenko and meaning “daring” in Russian, Zhivago was launched at the 2012 Perth Fashion Festival to widespread critical acclaim.

Within 6 months of launching, the label was nominated for the prestigious WA Designer of Tomorrow award at the 2012 West Australian Fashion Awards. For the remainder of the 2012 they refined their aesthetic and focused on expanding their retail footprint. Over the past 2 years Zhivago have dressed an enviable list of international and national celebrities including Katy Perry, Dannii Minogue, Samantha Jade, Delta Goodrem, Jesinta Campbell, The Veronicas, Nicole Trunfio and Emma Booth. However, it was in May 2013 that Lara and Lydia achieved their long-held dream, dressing Lady Gaga. The fashion icon wore the Timeless dress from the Suspended Animation collection when attending a film screening in New York. The label has since gone on to win the inaugural People’s Choice Award in the 2014 West Australian Fashion Awards & also were nominated for the top category of Most Innovative Designer of the Year.

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R Rh yhyme me of t h e

MODERN MARINER Test t he water at Phuket’s one-stop yac ht shop LE E MAR IN E A we a l t h o f e x p e r i e n c e m a ke t h e m i s l a n d ’s t o p p owe r a n d s a i l i n g ve s s e l b r o ke r s


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Whether you are a seasoned sailor, or looking to get your feet wet, Lee Marine can help you get the most from your on water lifestyle. Located in Phuket and with the most comprehensive list of pre-owned Power and Sailing vessels in Asia, Lee Marine have been the leaders in the yacht brokerage market in Thailand since opening their doors in 1997 and this focus remains very much in place today. The team at Lee Marine consists of five full time brokers working out of offices in three Phuket marinas in order to provide an accurate, considered and timely approach to all enquiries, viewings and transactions. Each of their professional brokers have extensive experience in yacht sales and operations and cover a wide range of specialist skills including sail, power, yacht racing, superyacht management and custom construction. From the smallest sailboat to the largest superyacht, Lee Marine handle each enquiry with the same passion and have a solid reputation for putting the customer first and unparalleled first class service.

One Coast Magazine


As well as pre-owned yachts, Lee Marine are also the authorized distributors for a wide range of quality new yacht brands with proven suitability to cruising in Asia. These ranges include Riva, Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riviera, Jeanneau Sail and Power. The purchase of a new vessel is an exciting prospect and is the realization of a lifelong dream for many. Lee Marine’s experienced brokers are on hand to guide you from the initial selection and order process, to tropical customization, pre-delivery inspections, handover and training, so you can be assured of a full and considered approach, down to the finest of details. The range of new boats offered by Lee Marine are amongst the world’s best and most respected brands on the market today, and are completely suitable to cruising in Thailand and beyond. Keeping up to date is paramount, and at Lee Marine, they are diligent in keeping abreast of new models, technology and deals by maintaining close relationships with the manufacturers and regular visits to the yards and international boat shows.


One Coast Magazine

After Sales, Service is a key focus of the company. The Lee Marine Service Department maintain their focus on keeping the client happy, even with the unique challenges Thailand provides, Lee Marine have managed to form relationships with key players, allowing them to give unsurpassed service and expertise to each and every customer. By purchasing a new yacht with full warranty under the care of their Service Department, peace of mind is assured, leaving you to simply enjoy your new yacht and the lifestyle that it brings. Further to the purchase of your yacht, choosing the correct shipyard for your project is essential and having worked with many number of world renowned yards - tailoring your requirements and placing them with the most suitable builder is their specialty. Their bespoke Custom Division offers steel and aluminium superyachts from Cantiere Delle Marche and CRN in Italy, as well as a range of designs from the famous North European shipyards. Every shipyard has its own unique distinctions in important With service at the forefront of their business, and working with a high level of integrity and putting the customer first whether it be warranty assistance, routine maintenance and more, you can set sail with Lee Marine and take comfort you are in the hands of the most trusted partner in Thailand‌..Tally-ho! Contact Mr. Martin Holmes Email: Telephone number: +66 76 238 803

One Coast Magazine


Imagine waking up trapped on a sailing ship heading to China, or having only 60 minutes to find intel that could stop global nuclear war. Those are the “Shanghaied” and “Cuban Crisis” experiences from Escapology, the brand new live escape room entertainment concept at Beach Republic Ocean Club on Koh Samui.

HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES? The first of its kind on Koh Samui and taking the island by storm, Escapology takes players on an adventure never before thought possible on the paradise island. Offering two exciting games for groups of 2-6 players, Escapology immerses you in a real-time race against the clock, deciphering codes, uncovering clues and solving puzzles through a series of themed rooms with a single driving purpose. Beat the clock and earn your freedom. Samui’s newest and arguably most unique attraction, Escapology will make you think, laugh, share and enjoy as you test your wits and rack your brains to make your escape. The only question is...Have you got what it takes?


One Coast Magazine


Finding unique, sophisticated and worthwhile nightlife in the increasingly trendy Bangkok can be difficult. Although bars dripping with promise and potential are materializing constantly, sadly the reality can often be underwhelming. Thankfully, Maggie Choo’s stands out like a beacon amongst these lack-luster ‘it’ bars. Located under the Novotel Fenix on Silom Road you could be forgiven for missing the unremarkable front door... but then don’t all the best places deserve an unveiling? One Coast Magazine


CUBAN CRISIS Havana, Cuba, October 1962 The world faces nuclear Armageddon. The Soviet Union, under premier Nikita Kruschev has been secretly relocating intercontinental ballistic missiles to Cuban territory with the tacit approval of its newly appointed First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Fidel Castro. The game team leader is Don Frederico, a CIA field operative and a member of Operation Mongoose (Operacion Mangosta) set up by J F Kennedy designed to undermine and replace Castro. If you cannot find the missile site locations in Cuba then the US will have no choice but to launch a pre-emptive strike not just on Cuba but the whole Soviet Union itself. Your task is to infiltrate the Havanah presidential palace, locate the secret KGB ground station and retrieve the data so it can be fed into your CIA director of operations William King Harvey. The Mansion is only empty for 60 minutes until Fidel and KGB agents return from reviewing the secret missile launchers. Can you find the intel to recall the B52 bombers en route to Cuba? Solve the clues, answer the questions, find the critical intelligence and get out within the hour. Rely on your intuition, have confidence in your friends, work as a team and leave no stone unturned. Remember: Your mind is your most powerful weapon. Think fast and keep your eyes on the clock. Time is of the essence!


One Coast Magazine

SHANGHAIED Hong Kong, December 1848 You were celebrating Christmas in Hong Kong harbor and the least thing you remember was a friendly stranger buying you drinks... You wake up on board a large Chinese junk ship called The Keying and have set sail on the arduous and risk filled journey to the United States and Britain around the perilous Cape Horn. You realize that you have been duped by the king of the crimps, Joseph “Bunko� Kelly and have been sold to the ships company of 12 British and 30 Cantonese sailors. Ahead lies months, if not years of dangerous, unhealthy, insanitary conditions with little hope of pay. A pending storm drives the ship to seek refuge in the safe haven that is known as Samui. You realize this is your one chance to escape as the Keying will sail again in 60 minutes. The risks are high. If caught, you face hanging for desertion but you still, with your team, remain optimistic. This challenge is a matter of life and death. Can you escape the clutches of Captain Kellett? Solve the clues, answer the questions, find the hidden maps and get out within the hour. Work as a team, be organized and leave no stone unturned. But above all else, watch the clock... Time is of the essence!


One Coast Magazine

One Coast Magazine





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A stylish, contemporary, luxury 3-bedroom villa, Akasha is suitably located in a quiet area of Cheong Mon in Koh Samui.


One of a number of luxury villas designed, built and furnished on Koh Samui by the company Levi-Cooper, Akasha is blessed with an almost continuous balmy breeze allowing it to be naturally cooled by the tropical elements. It showcases an intelligent use of creative space that effortlessly blends external and internal living areas offering its guests ample privacy throughout. High ceilings, immaculate white floors, elegant yet modest furniture and fixtures all contribute to a calming and relaxing environment.

One Coast Magazine



One Coast Magazine

Villa Akasha consists of 3 generous sized bedrooms, each with a chic en-suite bathroom. All bedrooms have comfortable furnishings complimented with an artistic touch. The bedrooms are all air-conditioned and the master bedroom also offers a ceiling fan if preferred for the guest’s comfort. The elegance of the open planned living, dining and kitchen area is an impressive space perfect for guests to socialise, entertain or just unwind after the day’s activities. The sophisticated, modern kitchen is highly functional and is fully equipped for either self-catering or for the chef to prepare appetising culinary dishes. This open plan living area includes an area to dine, sofas and lounges to relax, a large LCD screen TV, with DVD, CD, and satellite channels. WIFI is also available throughout the villa.

The villa also offers guests an expansive, comfortable space to enjoy outdoors. A pool sala to relax and a convenient poolside kitchen and dining table to enjoy tropical, dining under the stars. Even with the beach at the doorstep, the villa has its own 14 metre swimming pool. The villa offers daily maid service and in villa chef and masseuse services are also available upon request. Should the guests wish to venture out for tours and activities, Akasha’s English speaking villa manager can also arrange for baby-sitting services making it easy for those with families. Villa Akasha and its private surroundings offers guests a perfect, tranquil environment to enjoy a memorable vacation.

One Coast Magazine


w w w. t h e l a r d e r s a m u i . c o m

Open 12pm - 11pm lunch through dinner Closed Sundays

9/114 Moo 2 | Chaweng Koh Samui | Surat Thani 84320 t: 077-601-259




One Coast Magazine


Guests at The Sukhothai may dif fer in their opinions about many things, but there is one thing they all agree on - that The Sukhothai is like no other. Handmade artistry in each movement. Service made legendary. Poise. A play of symmetry and seamless transitions. Discover the symbol of an ancient kingdom and a living metropolis. Elegance that has captivated travellers for years. The famed hospitality of Thailand. Sanctuary in the heart of downtown Bangkok. Perched above this incredible hotel is Zuk Bar. Shimmering fish seeming to float by above your head. Lotus ponds at your feet. Blending almost seamlessly with Colonnade, The Zuk Bar is the ideal place for aperitifs or after-dinner drinks, light snacks, or a private cocktail party to toast the closing of a hard-earned deal or just to celebrate life. Chill out to views of the courtyard garden and lotus ponds in the outdoor lounge, the perfect venue for intimate soirees in an ambience of sophisticated elegance.

One Coast Magazine



One Coast Magazine

The bar takes on a club atmosphere in the late evening, with two high-energy resident DJs every night from 6.30 pm until 11 pm, excluding Sundays and Mondays where you can relax and listen to the hum of Bangkok with its many voices playing in the wind. With every visit to The Sukhothai, diners can also expect an extensive choice of delectable tapas dishes, with shining stars like caviar, sushi, imported fresh oysters and other mouthwatering morsels from an ever changing weekly menu. Indulge yourself in fine food, exquisite wine, magical cocktails and an ambiance like no other.

One Coast Magazine


ONE COAST Table Tales If you are looking for a dining experience that is luxurious and reaches far beyond the ordinary, then Jahn restaurant, located high in the hills of Koh Samui at the Conrad, is the dining destination for you.

Dining Finesse Upon entering Jahn you are treated to an opulent visual array of rich dark woods, ornate gold leaf pillars, grey rustic brick wall detail and a harmonious blend of navy, grey and black that extends to the impressive larger than life black lotus chandelier at the entrance. With floor to ceiling glass bi-fold windows, Jahn is best experienced early evening so as to take in the extraordinary uninterrupted views of Samui’s blue waters and the stunning five islands that lay in its depths. Woothigrai or known as Chef Woody recently joined the Conrad Koh Samui team from a well-known luxury resort, the Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach Resort, where he held the position of Culinary Director. “Koh Samui is known as the destination of culinary excellence and fine dining experience. We are sure Chef Woody will bring some new exciting culinary experiences, combining the exotic touch of the southern-Thai cuisine recipe with the fine dining experience at Jahn, the resort’s award-wining restaurant, to our guests at all resort’s outlets,” said Conrad Koh Samui’s General Manager, Stefano Ruzza. 92

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One Coast Magazine


Prior to his tenure at the Pullman resort in Phuket, Chef Woody spent more than 7 years as Executive Chef at two luxury resorts in Khao Lak and has also worked as Executive Sous Chef at luxury resort properties on the Denarau Island in Fiji – Chef Woody now joins Jahn and lays his touch on Thai classics, where they are delicately deconstructed and then put back together with such finesse along with the perfect balance of flavours. Although there is an a la carte menu, the best and most explorative way to truly appreciate the culinary offerings of Jahn is by indulging in the Chef’s menu – The Tasting Of Jahn. This five course menu served with or without sommelier recommended wines gives you an overall understanding of the care in which Jahn places on ingredients and presentation. Starting with hors d’oeuvres crafted with such detail, they are served like a work of art, pops of flavour burst in your mouth as you begin this culinary journey. Once your mouth is watering, the deliciousness keeps on coming, with an undeniable winner of Tom Yum Goong. Served in an incredible glass decanter filled with all the herbs and spices you find in this delicious traditional soup, they sit


One Coast Magazine

in this stunning vessel and are given time to infuse into the delicate liquid within, before being poured by the friendly staff into your bowl in which there is chilli jelly, prawns and delicate mushrooms….your senses will be crying out with joy. The choice of main is yours to make, but that doesn’t make it easy. The Jahn signature, Massaman Of Wagyu Beef is a complexity of Wagyu beef tenderloin, new potatoes, pearl onions, peanuts, red onion served with a rich and decadent massaman sauce and lemongrass infused rice, both of which are presented separately allowing the diner full control of their meal. Desserts do not disappoint either....and if you’ve room for more you must try the home-made Petit Fours with assorted macaroons, fruit jellies, marshmallows and chocolate truffles. The Chef’s at Jahn bring an inspirational, innovative approach to fine dining at Conrad Koh Samui and together with their award winning sommelier, provide carefully selected menus that pair the finest vintages with excellent cuisine.

One Coast Magazine


23 year old Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes works mainly with ordinary black pens to create an incredibly detailed “doodle� world. Pen and paper are your partners in crime. Is the pen mightier than the sword? When I was still experimenting and discovering my craft, I tried various mediums such as colored pencils, watercolors, paint and oil pastels. But none of them worked for me. Until I discovered the kind of ar t I was unaware that has been with me since school days, drawing using pen and paper. My notebooks were filled with doodles and pen sketches than formulas and lesson notes. I got a full time job as an online marketer in a local company and still continued my ar t through a small sketchbook. When my pen and ink drawings got so much attention online, I knew the creative industry is the path I would want to take for the rest of my life. And yes, through those years, I always believed that the pen is definitely mightier than the sword. When did you realize you wanted to make a career out of your work? Two years ago, I star ted sharing my drawing online and was over whelmed with the massive suppor t and recognition I got from influential ar t blogs and international magazines. Since then I have grown a following and star ted to accept side projects during my free time from work as a marketer. When more and more projects were coming in, I finally decided to leave my full time work and star ted making a life from doing something what I really love.


One Coast Magazine

focusabouthim You now have quite the following. How did Sketchy Stories come about? Sketchy Stories was one of the projects I did as a requirement for our training to become a marketing specialist. Our trainer asked us to create a blog about something we love doing. It was also some kind of a way to build my online profile as a would be marketer. After I passed the training and got the job, I still continued with the blog and its growth was really unexpected with almost a million strong Facebook followers to date. Where do you draw your inspiration from? You include a lot of animals in your imagery, but are there any people, places or things that just get your creative juices flowing? Having many sources of inspiration has helped me through good and bad times of my ar t career. I draw inspiration from various sources such as music, Anime and car toons, sci-fi movies, comics, works of other ar tists I admire, nature, my mom and random things I stumble across every day. Who is your biggest hero in life and why? Definitely my mom. I was in preschool and we had this homework in ar t class to draw our dream house. I tried to draw on my workbook but I ended up tearing the pages because of erasures. Fortunately, my mom came to the rescue and drew me the house I had in mind. From that day, I knew I had to develop my skills in drawing just like my mom. She inspired me so much. What does the future hold for Kerby and Sketchy Stories? A lot of things coming in: 2 illustration books, a deck of playing cards, more merchandise with my drawings, some university talks and much more personal and commissioned projects coming in for 2015 and beyond.

One Coast Magazine


A Brush with

You have such a unique style, how did it develop? I’m an illustration graduate with a real passion for fashion, but I just so happen to have a ten-year background in traditional Chinese calligraphy - something my parents borderline forced me to do. I am Chinese afterall and it would be wrong to deviate from the typical stereotype. I’m just grateful they didn’t make me play piano or violin haha. So I naturally transferred the skills of evocative fluid brush strokes from calligraphy to develop in areas i’ve grown to love and build a career in. Was it difficult to establish yourself as a professional artist? Well my “par t-time job” is a full-time working illustrator - but I also have a 9 to 5 job as a fine art lecturer at The One Academy, Malaysia’s leading ar t & design institution in Kuala Lumpur. So I have to juggle a lot with freelancing and commissioned work but luckily the two are not mutually exclusive. In 2012 after working hard to build my illustration por tfolio, The One Academy gave me the oppor tunity to create a brand new Fashion Illustration Module for degree students with pretty much free reign on structuring the course. Teaching my students about fashion also gives me a chance to practice and develop my style more vicariously through their learning - so it’s a win win situation really. Are your commissioned clients all fashion-based? Surprisingly no. I feel i’ve been very lucky that my style has been embraced beyond the fashion realm. i’ve had personal por traiture clients and interior decoration projects - plus branding, visual merchandising, product packaging, wedding design, editorial work and more recently, mural works for restaurants and commercial spaces. It’s great to work on large canvasses and given space to express myself beyond the easel. What does the future hold for Lihua? Well, i’m still only 24 so i’ve got a lot to learn and experience. I’ll just continue developing my por tfolio and impar ting my knowledge to the students. I was recently involved in a group exhibition which was fun collaborating and I’m planning my next solo show for early 2015. As long as I can wake up early and paint, then take my passion to work, and have the freedom to choose my freelance projects, then i’m incredibly happy. If and when new and exciting projects come along, i’ll be sure to put my hear t and soul into them.


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One Coast Magazine


UNDER AFRICAN SKIES These amazing open-air treehouses at South Africa’s Lion Sands Game Reserve let you sleep under the starry night sky. The eco-resort features five cozy lodges and three deluxe treehouses located in the thick of the wilderness. The unique treehouses are elevated on platforms that lift you above the African landscape for an unforgettable night under the stars. Choose from three stilted treehouses. The Chalkley Treehouse hugs an old tree in the middle of a field and strung with lanterns to illuminate the night. The Tinyeleti Treehouse is nestled within lush trees overlooking a stream, accessible via an elevated boardwalk; while the deluxe Kingston treehouse is surrounded by natural boulders and features a glassed-in bathroom area and a woven roof. Each of the open-air treehouses features a deluxe canopy bed with mosquito netting, a dining area and bathroom. Upon arrival you are escorted to your treehouse where a picnic dinner awaits. The African bush unfolds before your eyes as you start an unforgettable evening of watching the wildlife, the incredible sunset and the open sky of stars. The main lodge offers hot tubs, outdoor baths and saunas overlooking the picturesque Sabie River.

One Coast Magazine


Excitement rides high in discovering an intensely wild adventure every day. Rise before dawn to set off through the early morning mist in search of game, or spend time on foot in the company of your Field Guide where nature speaks in a different tone. Whether you choose to spend quiet time on your private deck or at the poolside, languid hours at the hands of one of their spa therapists, enjoying a spot of retail therapy or seeing the bush through your children’s eyes - you will not find it difficult to fully enjoy the hours of your days.


One Coast Magazine

Arrive at sunset to a scrumptious picnic dinner, and spend the hours of dusk fully appreciating the vastness of the bushveld as it transforms from day to night. Slumber directly beneath the Milky Way where you may well lose count of the shooting stars. “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way it treats its children.” (Nelson Mandela)

One Coast Magazine


Serving 12 draught beers Open 9 am-2 am Live Sports Kitchen Open until 1 am

Located across from Pizza Company Chaweng Beach, Koh Samui 106Pub Koh Irish One Samui Coast Magazine, Tel.077 - 413 614



Every day people around the world ride their bicycles. Whether they ride for transportation, exercise, work, vacation, competition, adventure, or to limit their impact on the environment, millions of people ride their bikes each and every day. At Tour de Thailand they ride bicycles for many of the same reasons, but more importantly their rides provide an opportunity to improve the lives of everyone involved in their long distance tours and charity events. The initial concept of riding a bicycle the length of Thailand was devised so that Tour de Thailand could see the country and really experience Thailand through all the senses – tasting, seeing, smelling, touching, and hearing. Of course making a journey of this kind on a bicycle would be personally challenging and gratifying, but why not make it more significant? Do it for a reason, a cause, a real purpose that will change the world for the people that are directly involved, and more importantly, other people who can benefit from our efforts. After numerous years of participating in charity rides in the U.S., helping local charities, fundraising, advocating, and raising awareness, Tour de Thailand thought that it would be pointless to make this epic journey without providing multiple levels of benefit. They wanted to give riders the time of their lives seeing Thailand in the best way possible while benefitting people in the communities we are visiting. Tour de Thailand is very proud to be working with Operation Smile Thailand and other Operation Smile offices internationally on the Tour de Thailand Charity Rides. Having fallen in love with the work they are doing for children with Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate, and other facial deformities, Tour de Thailand now raise more and more money each year for this great cause. Impressed by their strict governance of funds to ensure that the monies they receive are used in the best possible way to provide as many of these life changing surgeries as they can. If all of us pull together – Operation Smile, Tour de Thailand, Event Sponsors, Riders, Donors, and the Media – we can change the world – One Smile at a Time. One Coast Magazine


Showcasing tastemakers & trendsetters. Follow the visual library of the world.








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SAMUI SHOP IT LAMPHU If you’re looking for only the best, Lamphu (located in Lamai on the main road) selects only Thailand’s highest quality Organic and Natural products made via simple traditional methods. Providing natural foods, personal care and lifestyle products from Thailand and around the world, Lamphu is perfect for those who prefer a natural lifestyle choice. They also have a great café with incredible healthy natural eats! EAT IT STACKED Stacked offers a relaxed spot to graze and unwind. Located on the south end of Chaweng beach road, this indoor/outdoor restaurant/bar, is a great place to sit and watch the Samui world go by. With incredible burgers, steaks, pastas and something for everyone – indulge yourself in the culinary options or sip on a great selection of wines and cutting edge cocktails. DRINK IT ARK BAR A Samui institution and a must-visit when on the island. Set on Chaweng beach, this party bar (as well as hotel and restaurant) plays host to international DJs on Samui’s shores. Go for a bucket, a cocktail or a beer and sit back and enjoy people watching – or get up and bust a move. 110

One Coast Magazine

Illustrations by Celine Wong


coastguide SHOP IT THE WEEKEND MARKET (a.k.a. Talad Tai Rot and Chaofa Market) is the most infamous market in Phuket, located on the outskirts of southern Phuket Town and contains hundreds of stalls selling clothing, fashion items, make-up, glasses, shoes, fishing equipment, toys, arts and crafts and more. Open on Saturdays and Sundays from 4pm until 9pm, make a day of it and shop and eat your way around this incredible labyrinth.

EAT IT BONDI Looking for a good pizza, a great burger, killer salads and ribs to die for? Bondi in Phuket located upstairs at Jungceylon Shopping plaza in Patong is the place for you. An incredible menu with all your favourites set in a modern Aussie bar/restaurant with sports on every TV and cold beer in every fridge.

DRINK IT SKA BAR Looking for a great place to chill and catch the sunset? Ska Bar located on Kata Beach, is just that bar. On the edge of the ocean, this laid back reggae bar is the perfect location to leave your troubles behind and enjoy a cool beverage while the Thailand sun says goodbye for another evening.


One Coast Magazine


SHOP IT 1979 VINYL What started as online record store, 1979 Unknown Pleasures has now set up business on the fourth floor in the Black Amber Building (behind Kiatnakin Bank), between Thonglor Soi 5-7. Its specialty is 90s-2000s Brit-rock, and hosting the occasional gig, pop in to trawl through the likes of Blur and Coldplay amongst other Brit-rock classics. EAT IT VIVIN An exciting new purveyor of fine groceries under its creator’s family name. VIVIN products are a combination of International classics with a focus on delicacies produced by local artisans. VIVIN have made a name for themselves among the gourmet grandiose in Bangkok for their quality foie gras and dried duck magret - creating classics such as Chalong Bay Rum Foie Gras, Mango Foie Gras & Magret Pong Curry. Available via delivery and appearing at Bangkok Farmers’ Market! DRINK IT SHADES OF RETRO Located in Klong Toey, this quiet little bar actually is a furniture shop during the day, selling cool retro stuff from the ‘50s to the ‘70s. When the sun goes down, it becomes a nice place to sit and enjoy a few drinks including some great quirky cocktails, ice cold beers and any number of shots.



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A Z to

Alexander Wang

Armani Suits 38/2 Moo3 Chaweng Beach Road +66 (0) 77 422 387 Bamboo Pub 71/1 Sukhumvit soi3, Bangkok +66 (0) 2 253 2462 Beach Republic 176/34 Moo4, Maret, Koh Samui +66 (0) 77 458 100 Jahn @ Conrad 49/8-9 Moo 4, Hillcrest Road, Taling-Ngam, Koh Samui +66 (0 )77 915 888 Dolce & Gabbana Siam Paragon Bangkok +662 6106790 Escapology Koh Samui At Beach Republic Ocean Club 176/34 Moo4, Maret, Koh Samui

Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui 219 Moo5, Angthong, Koh Samui +66 (0) 77 243 000 www. Go Samui Weddings Koh Samui +66 (0) 90 1566 583 INCYDA Intercontinental Samui 295 Moo 3 Taling Ngam, Koh Samui +66 (0) 77 429 100 Jerome C. Rousseau Katalina Beach Life

Kata Rocks 186/22, Kok Tanode Rd, Phuket +66 (0) 76 284 750 Kerby Rosanes The Larder 9/144 Moo2 Chaweng, Koh Samui +66 (0) 77 601 259 Lee Marine +66 (0) 76 238 803 Lihua Lion Sands Game Reserve South Africa +27 (0) 11 880 9992 MAC Cosmetics Seri Centre, Paradise Park, BKK +66 (0) 2 787 1714 Prada The Emporium, Sukhumvit Rd, BKK +66 (0) 2 664 8431 Samui Goddess +66 (0) 84 465 3562 Samujana 63/154 Moo5, Koh Samui +66 (0) 80 878 9034

Stacked OZO, Chaweng Beach, Koh Samui +66 77 915 222 Stitch & Hide +61 403 123 982 Sukhothai 13/3 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok +66 (0) 2344 8888 Sukhumvit Soi 11 Thanyapura Phuket 120/1 Moo7, Thepkasattri Rd, Phuket +66 (0) 7633 6000 Tour de Thailand Tom Ford Beauty Siam Paragon Rama 1, Bangkok Versace Siam Paragon Bangkok Villa Akasha ZHIVAGO

One Coast Magazine


There’s no denying that the villas scream luxury, but some are simply breathtaking in their design, sheer size, uninterrupted magnificent views and attention to detail. Samujana falls into this category with ease with each of the 27 villas offering huge air-conditioned bedrooms, en-suite bathrooms, fully equipped kitchens, TV lounges / private cinemas (yes, private cinemas!), Infinity edge private pools, open-air lounges, rooftop terraces and gardens, complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi and of course, dedicated villa staff who are there to ensure the property is maintained to the highest of levels and that your stay is exceptional. If this is not enough to entice even the most discerning of future owners, take a sneak peak and you find some of the villas also feature private jacuzzis, fully equipped gyms, pool tables, games rooms, private cinemas and yoga/massage salas. The residences, all with their own unique touches and slightly varied layouts are designed with space and comfort in mind, giving owners room to move. Samujana excels in architecture, quality and uniqueness and with this comes services that also hold their own. Running at a 5-star level with services such as concierge, Thai cooking classes, massages and the like are standard, but Samujana also boasts access to a fleet of boats; one of which is an incredible 47’ sailing catamaran that can sleep three couples, as well as speed boats and a plethora of other water sports available at your leisure – just ask and you shall receive!

With its enviable location on the island, spectacular design and genuine Thai service, Samujana is without doubt the most exclusive villa estate in the region. There is simply nothing on Koh Samui that offers the space, views and luxury lifestyle of a Samujana villa. If you are looking to own a private residential luxury villa, look no further. It’s not hard to understand why Samujana has drawn interest from international buyers, celebrities, guests and the media. With mentions and articles in The Sunday Times in the UK, Country Life Magazine, Huffington Post, Harpers Bazaar, Once Coast, Fah Thai and Prestige Magazine along with countless property awards, Samujana continues to excite and entice even the most fastidious of buyers. The spectacular brand new Phase 2 villas will be ready for occupation in December 2014 which comprises of 8 villas ranging from 4 to 8 bedrooms each complete with state of the art facilities, furnishings, systems and sweeping sea views. You can own your own stunning multi-award winning Samujana villa and be living in luxury - the Samui way. There are still a number of villas for sale, both built villas and villas under construction with prices ranging from $1,300,000- $5,000,000USD.


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