TRC summer camps 2008

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Acknowledgment: Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for victims of Torture would like to acknowledge the generosity of the following organizations and corporations for their contributions during 2008; their support has enabled TRC to provide a number of important services to ex-detainees, deprived families and children.

European Commission “ EC”

Netherlands Representative “Office “NRO

Center For Victims Of “Torture “CVT

International Rehabilitation Council “For Torture Survivors “IRCT


‫ﻣﺮﻛﺰ ﻋﻼﺝ ﻭﺗﺄﻫﻴﻞ ﺿﺤﺎﻳﺎ ﺍﻟﺘﻌﺬﻳﺐ‬

“Norwegian Church Aid “NCA


This summer Camps was funded by: European Commission “ EC” Center For Victims Of Torture “CVT” Norwegian Church Aid “NCA”

Swisss Agency For Devveloopm mennt “& Coooperratioon “SD DC

UN Voluntary Fund d For Victims “Of Torturre “U UN NVFVT


he Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture is an independent Palestinian non-profit civil society organization that focuses on providing services to victims of torture and organized violence as well as raising awareness of the impact and consequences of torture. The Center, which was established in January 1997, developed out of the work of Dr. Mahmoud Sehwail, the current Director General, with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. In the 1980s, Dr. Sehwail used to visit Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails as well as released prisoners in order to provide them with psychological counseling and services. The Center brought together professionals who had experience in dealing with victims of torture so that they can assist them and their families. Moreover, the Center sought to work with professionals and organizations who deal, either directly or indirectly, with victims of torture so as to help them understand the needs of this segment of the population


The Center is overseen by an Administrative Board, which consists of 7 members who are elected by the General Assembly. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Center is adhering to its mandate and policies as well as representing the organization in front of any governmental, civil, international and judicial committees. The Administrative Board is elected on a regular basis. TRC is the only Center in the West Bank that offers comprehensive psycho-social counseling to victims of torture and organized violence and their families. Since its establishment, TRC has set clear goals, the most important of them are:


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture 1. Reducing the suffering of the victims of torture and their families and providing them with psychological and rehabilitation counseling so that they can reintegrate into society. 2. Working to create a society that rejects all forms of torture 3. Minimizing the chances of victims of tortures 4. becoming a source of violence 5. against themselves and others. 6. Training university students and professionals in the field of psycho-social health in order to increase their awareness of the needs of victims of torture as well as the problems that they face, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Training members of the Palestinian security agencies as part of the program to promote understanding and respect of human rights. 7. Conducting annual research that can help the Center in planning and designing its programs and services as well as to establish comprehensive and authoritative data on the Center’s target group that can be used by other Palestinian professionals.



reatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture has an embryonic research unit that conducts psycho-social studies on a regular basis so that it can develop services that meet the needs of its target group. We have paid special attention to the impact of violence on children because they are the most vulnerable segment of our population. A 2005 study on “the phenomenon of violence among Palestinian children aged 14-17 years old” found a number of interesting results, some of which cause concern and call for greater attention. The study found that: • 9% of the children suffer from physical symptoms that are the result of psychological problem, (Somatization) • 18% suffer from tension • 22% suffer alarming symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive disorders (OCD) • 19% suffer from depression • 21% feel sensitive • 20% suffer from aggressive tendencies. • 18% suffer from extensive fear


As for those children who have been subjected to violence resulting from the occupation, the results were as follows: 68.8% have experienced some form of violence as result of the • occupation • 10% had been detained by the occupation forces • 36.2% had family members detained by the occupation forces • 74.9% have lived through a curfew period • 36.2 % have been subjected to ill-treatment at checkpoints • 11.0% were injured by the occupation forces • 36.8% had a family member or relative who was killed • 12.9% were subjected to violence at the hands of Israeli settlers In 2006 a study on “the state of torture in Israeli detentions before 1999 and after”, focused on the impact of detention circumstances on ex-detainees and their families, showed that the absence of the father results in increased burden on the family as a great deal of the mother’s time is spent dealing with the fall out from the absence of the head of the family. Consequently, the mothers are forced to be absent from the home as she takes on additional responsibilities. This situation creates a sense of lack of security and safety amongst the children, which has a significant impact on their development and learning.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture


ccording to the second census and survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics that was conducted in 2007, approximately 60% of the Palestinian population is under 18 years old. While this youthful population has a great deal of potential, this places a great deal of pressure on the education system and services for children and youth. Moreover, this segment of the population is most affected by the violence that is the result of the occupation, both directly and indirectly. TRC has developed a summer camp program for children who are directly and indirect victims of torture (secondary victims) and organized violence; the camp is intended to combine educational and recreational activities with therapeutic sessions that aim to assist them with new skills that would enable them to deal with the stress in their daily lives in a more productive manner. In focusing its efforts on assisting the children TRC began to organize summer camps as an educational method that seeks to provide recreation for the children and treatment by providing them with new behavioural skills, and providing them with group therapy in various forms.


In July 2008, TRC conducted its seventh summer camp under the title “dreams”; the summer camp runs for two weeks and is organized and overseen by TRC staff and volunteers. The summer camp is organized in all of the four regions where TRC has a branch office; they are held in the Ramallah and Bireh District as well as the Jenin, Nablus (North) and Hebron districts (south).

In the Ramallah and Al-Bireh District, 60 girls and boys, between the ages of 6 and 14 participated. The camp, which concluded on July 22, was supervised by nine psychologists and social workers. It was held in Khawla Bint al Azour Girls’ School in Al Bireh. In Jenin district, 40 girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 15 participated in the camp. The camp was supervised by five psychologist and social workers. It was held in Hateen School. In Nablus district, 40 girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 15 participated in the camp. The camp was supervised by five psychologist and social workers. It was held in Happy Childhood Center in Nablus.


In Hebron district, 40 girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 15 participated in the camp. The camp was supervised by five psychologist and social workers. It was held in Haleemeh al Sa’ediyeh School. Cognitive behavioral therapy was used to help the children help themselves to become strong and active in facing their problems rather than remaining helpless victims. The directed and purposeful activities implemented by TRC aim to help the children overcome their sadness and to make them more resilient in order to deal with the recurring traumas in their lives. Hence, the aim is not just to entertain them for the period of the summer camp, but to provide them with the necessary skills to live healthier lives. TRC’s vision for the annual summer camps takes into consideration both treatment and prevention. The summer camps target the children of victims as well as children victims. Through a program that is based on a scientific vision and plan that seek to rid the children of the bad experiences that they have lived or witnessed


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture as well as provide them with the necessary skills to deal with the trauma or to avoid the trauma, all together. This is a long term project because the children are still living although intermittently in the midst of a conflict zone and are exposed to violence on a daily basis; the chances of re-traumatization are quiet high, unfortunately. Moreover, TRC is seeking to raise awareness of the issues of trauma and the impact of systematic violence; this requires a change at the societal and cultural level. The success that TRC achieves year after year, which is noticed by the children and their families, would not have happened were it not for the great effort of the staff of supervisors and volunteers. In addition, the participation of the children’s families and their follow-up on their children’s participation are the foundation of this work. TRC carries out a number of activities that seek to ensure that the goals are reached during the camp and that there is a long term impact... The children learn skills that promote their ability to face life’s difficulties, conflict resolution, not resorting to violence and adopting the language of discussion and tolerance. The activities and goals of the camp are determined according to the assessment of the participating children as well as recommendations of previous summer camps and consultations with specialists. This year, we benefited from the perspective of the parents and school counselors, among others. The supervisors, who will monitor the camps on a daily basis, establish the program and activities as well as prepare all of the necessary materials for the summer camp. The children are then divided into groups that can be easily managed and assisted. The groups are according to age, abilities and the nature of their circumstances and needs. In the meantime, the organizing of the halls, spaces, facilities as well as t-shirts and hats for the children is carried out. In addition, a doctor is present in case of emergencies. On the final day, a graduation ceremony and festivities are held where parents and children have the opportunity to have fun as well as reflect on the summer camp and its impact.


The importance of the “Dreams� Summer Camps By: Dr. Mahmoud Sehwail


alestinian summers are distinguished by the large number of summer camps where children have a chance to occupy their time in organized recreational activities during their time off from school. Most children participate in summer camps through the summer vacation to benefit from recreation activities and programs most of which are similar. Children are a significant portion of the Palestinian population. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of children under 18 years is approximately 1.9 million in both the West Bank and Gaza. Since Palestinian children are the most vulnerable segment of the population and suffers the consequences of the occupation policies and they are not equipped to deal with psychological consequences of the systematic violence that they experience and witness, TRC has placed a great deal of emphasis on helping them deal with their environment and providing them the skills to defend themselves against the traumatic events that are so common in their daily lives. TRC aims to reduce the level of suffering by providing the children with the necessary psychological and rehabilitation counseling that would facilitate their re-integration into their community and allow them to regain control over their lives. We provide children with the skills that will enable them to deal with the traumas and experiences in their lives as well as skills, such as conflict resolution, which improve their quality of life. The summer camps were the ideal vehicle for providing the psychological and rehabilitation counseling along with other life skills because it enabled us to create a fun environment where the children acquire the skills through play activities and games while also interacting with other children. The camps are supervised by trained psychologists and social workers who work closely with the selected volunteers to ensure that the children have a safe and nurturing environment in which to have fun and learn the new skills. Without a doubt these summer camps are one of the important tools that can assist the children in overcoming their anxiety and problems in which they live.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture The summer camps are one of the tools for improving the skills of the affected children in dealing with the crises and conflict as well as to promote discussion, discipline, participation and cooperation. They also aim to help the children to get rid of the negative symptoms and behaviour while adopting positive behaviour. In addition, this will assist them to recognize their personal skills and abilities. Given that the children are the basis for future change and development, they are the future generation that will determine the nature of the politics and the direction of society in general, whether it is war or peace.


Goals of “Dreams” summer camps: The general goal of the camp: investing the time of the children and directing it in a positive manner through: • Development the team spirit among the children and strengthening the relationship between them. • Expanding the knowledge and ideas among the children • Implementing the positive morals among the children • Developing physical fitness among the children • Discovering the hidden hobbies of the children and their caretakers • Promoting the volunteering spirit among the children • Making children feel that they are able to be creative and respect themselves and their surrounding The organization of the summer camps was not just to add activities to TRC’s agenda. To the contrary, the summer camps represent a huge work load for TRC staff. The center seeks to reduce the suffering of the victims of torture and their families and to provide them with psychological counseling, and rehabilitating them to facilitate their reintegration into society. This camp was a tool for achieving these goals. In addition to what preceded, the Center seeks to assist in creating a social culture that rejects all forms of torture and to reduce the chances of the victims of torture of becoming a source of violence against themselves or society. For this reason, TRC has included the summer camps among its annual activities so that it is one form of treatment and prevention that the center is working to implement. TRC’s goal in holding the summer camps is to realize a group of long term goals, such as: • Dealing with the negative habits among the children that are the result of painful experiences and traumas in their lives. Rehabilitating them and reintegrating them into the community to carry out their responsibilities in accordance to their age and ability to the best possible. • Improving the skills of the children in dealing with crises, problems and conflict as well


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture



Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture as promote their understanding of the notions of dialogue, routine, participation and cooperation. Assisting the children to get rid of the symptoms and harmful • behaviour that is not useful and to adopt positive and useful behaviour. Learning new skills in solving problems and dealing with surrounding pressures. Demonstrating to the children their hidden skills and abilities and • to express it. Encouraging the traumatized children to play normally with other • children and to develop social relations with them. Sharing similar feelings and experiences with other children and • learning from one another Various recreational activities • • Supporting and developing the children’s personality through assigning them tasks that they can complete successfully Reducing the symptoms of the traumas and painful events that the • participating children had been exposed to. Integrating the children and rehabilitating them in the community • in which they live so that they can carry out their responsibilities in accordance to their age. Sharing with the children similar feelings and events so that they • can learn about empathy

The Activities To achieve these goals, a number of treatment and prevention programs were implement, including: Physical activities to break the ice and build trust between the • children and provide them with sense of warmth Psychological sessions that seek to release the repressed feeling • and to speak about experience that they had passed through in a way


that is age appropriate, their environment and culture Behavioural • programs seek to reassert the self, the ability to express themselves and discussion, defending themselves through talking or through daily and weekly homework that help the children control their actions and reactions Art work – • drawing, painting and clay, these help children to express their internal conflict and pain. When they speak about their drawings in front of the specialist this enables them to talk about repressed conflict, which will lead to the • • •

ability to defend. Reading the directed stories and analyzing them to arrive at the lesson Recreational activities and trips…. Psychodrama which provides the children with the opportunity to play roles with the goal of changing their negative behaviour and developing the culture of participation and the empathy and respect of the others’ feeling and spirit of dialogue and reconciliation


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture Recreational, educational and cultural activities that were part of the camp which aimed to educate and increase awareness • •

Physical games and activities to break the ice and build trust among the participating children Lectures in general health and nutrition in addition to distribution of brochures on these topics in coordination with al Bireh Municipality, Happy Childhood Center that is affiliated with the municipality and other active organizations. • Lectures in important topics, especially related to teens and violence to the older groups • Handicrafts, the children learn how to do this art and handicraft. Their artwork was displayed; they developed skills and new ways for spending their free time. • Recreational activities such as trips to the pool in Birzeit and Mukhmas Fun Land in Beitunia and other recreational areas. • Face painting and the presentation of a clown show by Italians, which was coordinated with an organization that specializes in theatre and clowns in Jerusalem and other active organizations. • Free painting and directed painting • Psychodrama • Singing • Stories to help children to express their feelings • Psychological therapy sessions and group therapy sessions for children to talk about their experiences • Dabkeh and other traditional activities to learn about their tradition


and promote their association and pride in it because this is an important part of what forms their identity and lifts their personality and their learning of positive habits in a natural and accidental way.

Treatment modalities applied during the camp •

The psychological condition of the children was a primary concern throughout the summer camp. This was addressed through:

First – active psychological debriefing: this was done on a regular basis with all of the groups. In addition to dividing the group into small group according to the type of incidents experienced by the children, and then integrating the groups with one another, there was focus on emotions and feelings associated with the incident itself and after the incident. The staff faced a great deal of difficulty in getting children to talk about what happened with them and to activate the groups. Children with leadership personalities and who had the ability to speak were selected and integrated into the groups; this had a noticeable impact on the interaction of the children. In addition to breaking the ice between the children, the children learned through imitating others and adopting the behaviour of others. Second – relaxation exercises: the focus was on breathing exercises during the relaxation session because it is easy to implement. These exercises were implemented with every group, which was then followed by the integration of children from different groups together so as to promote the establishment of relations, social development as well as a sense of belonging to the goals and ideas of the primary group.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture Third – appreciating the self: this was done through encouraging the groups and showing affection toward the children. The children were assigned tasks that they can complete in order to gain self confidence, which increases self appreciation. Special attention was given to children who seemed to be isolated and unable to speak in front other children as well as the children who displayed aggressive and violent behaviour. Fourth – painting: in order to learn more about the children’s problems and their symptoms, the children were encouraged to paint. Those who were in need of further follow-up have received additional treatment sessions following the end of the summer camp.

2. Arts and handicrafts: were often part of the psychological treatment session. This included: • • •

Free drawing Directed drawing Teaching children simple skills to create shapes using cardboard and shiny paper Teaching the children specific skills that • require concentration and precision. Creating shapes selected by the children • as well as directing the children to create particular shapes Clay and legumes were used for decorating. These activities took into consideration the age groups. By selecting something that the child can produce, this fun and creative activity can help to increase their selfconfidence and enable them to reflect the depths of their suffering as well as their ambitions.


Physical activities: In addition to recreation, this activity enabled the children to release their extra energy. This was done through several activities, such as: Soccer, basketball, badminton, running, races between the children, swimming during recreational trips, tug of rope, karate and other games selected by the children, such as the fisherman and others.

Recreational activities: The camp included: Songs: through listening to tapes and the children selecting songs that had memorized before. Stories: the focus was on young children to provide them with the ability to express themselves through imagination. The older children the stories were mainly real through their experiences and the incident that they lived through. This was an opportunity for them to integrate the story with the debriefing sessions. Popular Debkah: the focus was on the older group in the camp because of the ease with which they learn this skill or they already have it. In addition, it enables the child at this age to carry it out.

Drama: this was used in two ways: First – children’s talent – we selected children who have the skill to act out social situations that generally happen to the children on a daily basis, whether at school or home or with their peers. They presented it to the groups Second – teaching children this art. Given that the goal is multiple, so that the child appreciates himself, inability to express himself in a direct manner or the circumstances through which they passed. In addition to debriefing regarding the traumatic experiences that those children faced, drama was used to realize these goals. The children’s reaction was unexpected. The expressions and stories that they used in acting were mature and this was clear among the young groups.

Educational and recreational games: Group games: there was a difference among the children based on their environment and psychological state and the circumstances that they experience. Competitions between the children, as a way to produce the work and the level of perfecting, and the race to move the water cup from one place to another, the tahini game that required that they find the coin inside the tahini, recreational trips which included swimming, traditional songs and dabkeh.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture At the end of every day, every supervisor presented a summary of the way in which the activities were done and discussing with each child and listen to the ideas and suggestions of older supervisors on how to improve the following day.

Within the summer camp A visitor to the summer camps would see children discussing and exchanging stories raising their voice from time to time singing the usual children’s songs. They share the games, painting, drama and music‌they all receive treatment while at the same time they exchange experiences, stories and pain. At 8 am you would find them standing in line doing their morning exercises, and then they join their groups. In addition to drawing, with their little soft hands they


used ceramics and other available material to create the most beautiful pieces of art from the most basic materials that are available to them. They listened to stories and exchanged experiences and tales. The psychologists and social workers enter to help them debrief what they have held within them in order to help them talk about their dreams after that. At other times you find them eating their meals in small groups enjoying the focused and planned games. When they play sports, you see the excitement on their faces; they learn about participation, hard work and giving as well as the basic principles of belonging, self-discipline, cooperation, participation and respect of others. During the recreational or cultural trips, it is as if they have no concerns and they forget their problems and remember that they are children and that the most important thing is for them to play. Their voices and laughs get louder. As supervisors watch them so that they do not hurt themselves, the children exert an abnormal level of effort, but they don’t get tired. Those who see them think that their energy is inexhaustible. They decided to live their natural role through games, so you find them sometimes reluctant in obeying the guidance of the supervisors…they get more indulged in their work. Their games, art work and drawings reflect the reality that they live. Their tears become a smile, their fears and anxiety turns to security, and their nightmares become innocent dreams. At Khawla Bint Al Azwar School in al Bireh, more than two hundred children who participated in the “dreams” summer camp presented their paintings that reflect the realities that they live, some reflected creativity, others reflected inspiration. They spent two weeks to transmit the beautiful artwork. They were creative in turning pieces of trees, ceramics and plastic bottles into colorful artwork. They worked with colors in a creative way. The walls of the school were turned into a display; tens of the children’s paintings were hung on the wall. Each painting told a story, documented suffering or reflected a dream about the future. Everything seemed normal. The exhibit, which was inexpensive, was well organized and structured to reflect the experiences of the children.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture

“Dreams” Ramallah Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture held its annual “Dreams” summer camp for children who are victims of systematic violence resulting from the occupation as well as children of the martyrs, injured and detained in the district of Ramallah and al Bireh. A total of 65 children participated this year. Before commencing the summer camps, the summer camp organizers in all branches met in Ramallah to discuss the camps’ work plan, daily programs and the way in which to select the volunteers. In addition, a second meeting was held for the volunteers where the summer camp activities were discussed; they


also drafted the plans, programs and the necessary methods for implementing the summer camp. A total of 9 psychologists and social workers along with university students supervised the camps; the specialists were distributed across the different districts according to needs. In Ramallah and al Bireh District, 65 children participated in the summer camp that was held at Khawla Bint al Azwar Girls’ School in the city of al Bireh. Wisam Sehwail and Mohammad Rajah al ‘aouri oversaw the camp and the volunteers, who were: Fahed Samhan, Mahdi al Qadi, Hiba Thabet, Hiba Tineh, Nida Radwan, Fadi Jawabra and Iman Abu Latif.

When did the summer camp start? The summer camp started on Sunday July 6, 2008 with a short session for the camp supervisors to discuss the administration of the first day; the meeting was attended by the director of the camp and supervisors. At 8:30 am, the children were divided into groups according to their age; each group had one supervisor assigned to it. After each group had met each other, the groups gathered so that all of the children in the summer camp can introduce themselves. The supervisors conducted exercises that would break the ice between the children. This was followed by a lunch break where the children eat together in groups. The children were then introduced to the various sections of the summer camp where they will participate in different activities. The first day ended at 1:30 pm. The supervisors held a meeting to assess the first day and discuss ways to improve it. Everyone agreed that the introduction exercises were excellent and effective; they realized their intended goals. It was noted that it should have been better organized, but given that it is the first day it was expected. They did not have a chance to begin the planned programs. On the second day, the supervisors, who began to implement the activities, felt that they had begun to implement their program. They noticed the results with all of the groups; they kept the art work created by the children for use in the final day celebration.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture During their meeting to assess the second day, all supervisors agreed that the day was organized and went according to plan. They confirmed that the groups had achieved important results in terms of the handicrafts, learned many skills in the drama and presentation art. They noted that with the exception of a few incidents, there was no chaos. It was further noted that the disruption was caused by children who young in age and it was agreed to deal with them in special manner. The remaining days were distinguished by complete adherence to the program, the theoretical framework and introduction to every corner of the summer camp laying the way for the results of the following days and the preparation of the final celebration. All of the supervisors agreed that that disruption was caused by a few participants but that it was dealt with in a proper and positive manner. It was noted that the work was completed in a calm and relaxed manner day after day, which helped to increase the results. The groups were divided according to age groups: A. Al ‘areen Group, included ages 13 – 14, Areen stands for the den of the lions B. Sanabel group, included ages 11 – 12 C. Toyour al Jana Group, included ages 9 -10 D. Zuhour Group, included ages 5 - 8


“Dream” Hebron The Hebron region is the suffers the highest level of violence from Israeli soldiers and settlers, which is carried out on a daily basis, including in the old city where the Palestinians and settlers live next door to one another after the settlers have taken over some of the houses. The Israeli policy aims to clear the city of its Palestinian residents and has systematically forced Palestinians to flee the area. This Israeli policy has led to deterioration in the psychological state of the residence, including the children who are forced to remain inside their homes during the long periods of army movements in the area. In addition, they do not feel secure while they are going to their schools. In accordance with the Center’s treatment and prevention goals, and given this miserable and grim humanitarian situation in which the city lives, TRC was determined to hold the “dreams” summer camp in the city of Hebron at Haleemeh al Sa’diyeh School. 40 children participated, which brought smiles to their faces with the hope of keeping the wonderful happiness in their eyes. The summer camp started on Sunday July 6, 2008; the children were extremely committed and attended every day. The children were randomly divided into three groups. After each group selected its name and leader, it set its own rules. They agreed on their own particular chant; the groups were as follows: A. Al Aqsa blossoms: Leader – Ala’ al Muhtasab B. Touyour al Jana: Leader – Hilmi Abu Rayyan C. Tala’I Falastine: Leader Ahlam Jubran D. ‘Ahd al Asdiqa: Leader Wael Amour


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture Camp supervisor: Sahar al Zama’reh The social activities, which included physical activities, sought to break the ice and build trust between the children and leaders. The camp director affirmed the need to adhere to limitation and objectivity, reminding them of the camps’ rules and the assessing the children’s first impressions and their expectations of the camp by listening to them. This was followed by a professional supervision of the leaders and the camp director to assess the day’s activities in order to record comments and make adjustments and to prepare for the following day and prepare a plan and programs and to divide the role of the leaders according to activities required of them. On the second day, the children came on time and the morning exercises began. Each group chanted its particular chant. Then they started to implement the various activities, which were: • • • • •

The expressive corner activity Drama Art work sports Dabkeh dance and singing

The camp included the following activities: blowing the balloon, the spoons game, the musical chairs game, the water and sponge game, face painting. The children were divided into groups that competed against one another in teams and groups, which taught the children the spirit of competing as well as play, laughter and joking. Everyone abided by the rules of the game and the leaders’ instructions, the most important of which was not to harm others and to ensure everyone’s safety. The interaction of the groups with the activity leaders in order to identify the children’s abilities, talents and hobbies so that it can be exploited during the closing ceremony for the camp. They began with the group activity that included physical activities, relaxation exercises with music, imaging a place they like and expressing their feelings and ideas. At the end of every day, the supervisors and volunteers would meet to assess the activities and make


the necessary amendments as well as preparing for the following day, preparing the plan and programs, dividing the roles among the leader according to the required activity. “Dreams” summer camp in Hebron included a number of recreational and educational trips. They visited the agricultural school in al Aroub Refugee Camp, yoghurt production facilities, al Aroub College, weather channel, as well as Dream Land Swimming pool and playground in the village of Nouba. The closing ceremony The children arrived at 8:00 am and the camp supervisors and volunteers had put the handicrafts done by the children on display; they helped the children practice for the ceremony. At 11:00 the parents of the children and representatives of local organizations, who were almost 100 people, began to arrive. The Master of Ceremony, Wael Amour, welcomed the .people noting the importance of the parents’ participating in the graduation ceremony; this has a positive impact on the children. The ceremony included: The children entered the hall in their groups to the music of Beethoven playing in the background. This was followed by the children’s dance, then the singing of the camp’s and groups’ chants, dabkeh, and the participants’ poems. The camp supervisor, the psychologist Sahar al Zamareh, spoke about the camp’s activities and the psychological issues that they dealt with the children, the goals of the summer camp program. Specialist Nihaya Abu Rayyan introduced the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture in Hebron advocating for increased services for victims of torture. Wafa Shenur spoke on behalf of the volunteers; she focused on the training and implementation of the summer camp activities referring to the role of all leaders in the camp. The ceremony ended with the distribution of certificates and the opening of the handicraft and art work exhibit. At the end of the event, the director of the camp met with the leaders to assess the day and agreed to follow-up on matters related to their participation the graduation ceremony in Ramallah summer camp. The Hebron Dream Summer Camp staff participated in the graduation ceremony of the Ramallah summer camp; the exceptional girl Amtiaz Adowi read her poem “Give me” and the handicrafts and artwork of the children were put on exhibit.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture

Dreams Nablus The summer camp activities began on the same day as the other branches, Sunday July 6, 2008. It was held in the Nablus Municipal Park, Happy Childhood; there were 40 children and 4 volunteers. The center prepared all of the necessary materials prior to the start of the camp. The first day the children gathered and got a chance to meet one another and learn about the summer camp, TRC and the volunteers. The activities began with physical exercises for the whole group that aim to break the ice among the children as well as between the children and the supervisors. Following that the children were divided into groups according to their age as follows: A. Al Funoon Group, age group 8 years old, (the arts group) B. Al Mulook Group, age group 9 years old(the kings group) C. Al Abtal group, age group 10 -11 years old(the heroes group) D. Al Yasmeen Group, age group 12 -13 years old(the hasmine, Jasmine group) Volunteers: Samah Ramaha Salam Mahmoud Jamous Fouzi Mohamad Habash Abdallah al Najar Amira al Wathaifi Camp supervisor: Wael Dawabsheh The camp activities includes: the traditional dabkeh, singing, psychological debriefing. The camp


supervisor conducted two sessions with the participating children regarding the pressures that they have experienced in their daily life and surrounding environment, especially after the martyrdom or detainment of one the family members. In order to use the time wisely, the summer camp staff organized the camp on the basis of play therapy method so as to have the greatest impact on the children and to determine the symptoms from which they suffer. They worked to solve the problems at the root through daily supervision of the volunteers and examining the difficulties and problems faced by some of the children and how to deal with it. On July 22, 2008 there was a closing ceremony which included the participation of the children. Activities In cohesive communities it is normal for people and organizations to assist one anther to over the external challenges. The stronger the bonds between the people, the stronger are the individuals and the more they are able to face the problems and crises. For children, the family forms the primary protection against psychological trauma. TRC has established the summer camps in order to assist the children in regaining their sense of security and control over their lives through the use of group therapy. Regardless of the type of trauma, the group therapy assists people to talk with others without have to enter into the previous memories and experiences. The summer camp provided the opportunities for treatment intervention for the traumatized children through discussions about their fears and debriefing using drawing, handicrafts, stories, tales and role playing. The Center used relatively non-intrusive methods for intervening with the children during the summer camp, such as drawing, tales, stories and expressing traumatic feelings, in order to reduce the children’s experience of post-traumatic stress and depression. The summer camp focused on the importance of achieving its goals, which includes: • Children expressing themselves through expressive play • Promoting the team and cooperation spirit among all groups through group handicrafts or games. • Helping children with debriefing through physical activities, drawing, stories and sports. • Promoting the principle of commitment, respect of others and organization


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture

“Dreams” Jenin Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture – Jenin branch staff began the annual summer camp on July 6, 2008. It was held in Hiteen Secondary Boys’ School in Jenin city and 44 children ranging in ages 6 to 13 participated; they included children of detainees, martyrs, injured and affected by war. The summer camp was supervised by: Summer Camp Supervisor: Ja’afar Jaradat, Psychological Counseling Nasser Sbeihat, Volunteer, psychology


Hashim Jaradat, Volunteer, Education Ayat Zain al Dein, Volunteer, social work Rasha Abu Hamed, volunteer, arts Narmeen Salah, intern, social work The camp focused on several areas, including: A. The psychological state B. Arts C. Sports D. Recreational events E. Drama F. Educational and recreational games The camp’s events: The children arrived late at the camp, around 8:30 am, as a result of the military checkpoints and closures on the entrances of the city. Some of the parents accompanied their children. The first day was taken up with introduction to the camp’s programs and various activities, to the supervisory staff and volunteers. Following this, there was a breaking the ice session, introduction of the children to one another, agreement on the regulations of the camp in terms of maintaining the school in good order, keeping order and respect of one another. Closing ceremony: The volunteers gathered at the school and organized the items needed for the closing ceremony, including candles and graduation hats that were made by the children, in preparation to going to Freedom Theatre where the ceremony was held. At the theatre, the children practiced their entrance onto the stage and singing the camp’s and groups’ chants. The parents and representatives from local organizations began to arrive; there were more than 100 people present. Following the ceremony, everyone headed to the exhibition to view the children’s handicraft and creations.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture

The main closing ceremony for the summer camp activities For two weeks, the staff of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for the Victims of Torture was busy following-up the activities of the seventh “Dreams” summer camp, which is held annually. TRC conducted its summer camps in the regions of Ramallah and al Bireh, Hebron, Nablus and Jenin. In Ramallah, 65 children participated in the “Dreams” summer camp that was held in Khawla Bint al Azwar Girls’ School under the supervision of Mohammad Rajah al ‘Aouri and Wisam Sehwail along with the volunteers Fahed Samhan, Mahdi al Qadi, Hiba Thabet, Hiba Tineh, Neda Radwan, Fadi Jawabreh and Iman Abu Latifeh. In Jenin, there were 44 participants in the summer camp that was held



Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture in Hateen School under the supervision of Jamal Douglas, Ja’afar Jaradat and the volunteers Rasha Abu Hamed, Nasser Sbeihat, Hashim Jaradat, Ayat Zain al Dein, Narmeen Abu Salah and Mohamad Fadel. In Nablus, there were 40 children; the summer camp was held in Asaad al Toufuleh Center under the supervision of Hadeel Abu Rabe’a and the volunteers Fouzi Habash, Salam Jamous, Abdallah al Najar and Ameera al Watha’ifi. The Hebron summer camp, which was held in Haleemeh al Sa’di School, had 40 participants. It was supervised by Sahar al Zama’reh and volunteers Wael Amour, Haleemeh Abu Rayyan, Ahlam Jubran and Ala al Muhtasab. TRC celebrate the end of the summer camp activities through a central festival that was held at Khawla Bint al Azwar Girls’ School in al Bireh. The festivities were attended by: H.E. Ashraf al Ajrami, Minister of Detainees and Ex-detainees; Mr. Mousa Abu Zayed, General Coordinator of the National Committee for the Summer Camps; Ms. Maysoun al Wahidi, Director General of the Children’s Directorate in the Ministry of Social Work; Ms. Hanan al Ramahi, TRC’s chairperson of the Board of Directors; Mr. Khadar Rasras, TRC Deputy Director General; Mr. Emile Makhlouf, TRC Financial and Administrative Manager; the staff of TRC as well as a large number of the children’s families. The chair person of TRC’s Board of Directors, Ms. Hanan al Ramahi, noted that the summer camp


activities reflect the Center’s effort to provide both recreation and treatment to the children who are primary or secondary victims of torture. She said that the camp represents an indirect rehabilitation of the children in a positive environment. Mr. Khader Rasras said that, without a doubt, the summer camps are one of the important ways in which they are able to help the children to overcome the disorders and problems with which the children must deal. He indicated that the goals of the summer camps is debriefing and psychological support to help the children to live within the difficult Palestinian reality as well as to enable them to spend their time in a productive manner by partaking in effective activities that help to improve their personality and empowering them. In addition, the varied activities help the children to develop themselves. Mr. Rasras emphasized that TRC had set a number of treatment and prevention programs in order to achieve the goals of the summer camps, most importantly the physical games that are intended to break the ice and build trust among the children. The psychological debriefing sessions seek to release their repressed reactions and to speak about their experiences. Mr. Rasras noted that the Center has utilized behavioural programs that seek to promote the self and defending oneself through the artistic and handicrafts work to help the children express their internal struggles and pain, release those suppressed struggles. In addition, psychodrama, which provides the children with the opportunity to role play in order to adjust their negative behaviour. The Center also utilized the expressive and narrative art therapy skills and group therapy to promote the principles, abilities, and the belonging to the culture and community. Cognitive Behaviour therapy provides the children with the skills in order for them to help themselves so that they can become stronger and effective in facing the traumas rather than being a victim to them. The Minister of Detainees and Ex-detainees, H.E. Ashraf al Ajrami, affirmed that the Palestinian people have lived through suffering and pain for over one century; martyrdom, detention and torture have been part of Palestinian people’s lives for a long time. Despite this, the people live with the hope of realizing their rightful goals. He affirmed that the summer camps embody the hope in life and overcoming of pain and suffering. Thanking TRC for their effort in taking care of the families of the martyrs, detainees and those who had


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture been tortured through caring, rehabilitating and entertaining them and in assisting the children who live the worst childhood in the world in light of what they have experienced in terms of crimes and activities. He expressed his pride in the Palestinian people’s ability to remain steadfast and patient in the face of the occupiers; it is able to confront all difficulties and pain. Mr. Mousa Abu Zayed, General Director of the Naitonal Committee for summer camps in the West Bank and Gaza, noted that 60,0000 children had participated in summer camps emphasizing that the Committee seeks to involve all organizations and centers in summer camps in support of the marginalized groups. Mr. Abu Zayed called upon TRC to increase their effort in helping this age group, which deserves that support and care. He called for the establishment of a clear work plan to end the state of deprivation in which so many children live. Ms. Maysoun al Wahidi, Director General of the Children’s Directorate in the Ministry of Social Work, affirmed that the Ministry appreciates TRC’s effort towards this important age group. She noted that the summer camps teach the participating children determination and strong will, which are important characteristics when facing the Israeli crimes. She emphasized the need to promote self-confidence and positive characteristics among the children. The closing ceremony included a number of events, such as the reading of poetry, traditional Dabkeh, songs and plays. At the end of the festivities, TRC staff distributed school bags full of school materials to all participants. Mr. Rasras thanked those present for their participation and reiterated the Center’s commitment to continuing this activities. He then asked some of those present to assist in distributing the certificates to the graduating students, as well as certificates to the supervisors, volunteers and participating Center staff.


Success Stories Mahmoud Mahmoud, who is 11 year old, is afraid of the Israeli soldiers’ bullets. This childhood has been transformed into a daily nightmare; he can still see his father’s expression when he was killed by the Israeli bullets. He still refuses to believe that his father is dead. He says “when I sleep I dream that my father was killed by the Israeli occupation bullets as I stood by unable to move”. As a result of this event, Mohmoud’s academic performance suffered; he can only think of the shelling and destruction. He also has a number of other symptoms, including: violent behaviour, strong language, sadness, depression, severe panic that is almost continuous. The summer camp has reduced his symptoms; the camp played a big role in reducing the severity of his psychological state. The camp helps to direct the participating children to the proper way, providing them with a normal life and their needs as much as possible without burdening them. Khaled Khaled, who is 9 years old, behaved in a violent and aggressive manner characterized by excessive movement, night panic, fear to the point that he clings to one of the family members in addition to the severe anger and insulting of others. When he joined the camp he would not remain within the group that he had joined. He would always seek to satisfy what he wants without taking into consideration the rules of the group. He is the oldest son in the family and lives with his mother and sister. He likes to play, especially soccer; his father was detained a number of times and he was sentenced to 18 years during his last detention. After he joined the summer camp and participated with the group “Toyour al Jana” that included children of the same age group, he developed friendships with a number of its members and started to participate in the games, handicrafts and drama. He hopes to become an engineer so that he can make his parents happy.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture Hussein The suffering of Hussein, who is 10 years old, began after his family’s home was demolished by the Israeli occupation forces and stormed his school. He was exposed to violence and abuse. These events caused a great deal of suffering for Hussein; he also began to regress in school. He also tends to play games that represents aspects of the traumatic events, such as fear of the dark, as well as to display anger and aggression against his friends. He also has disturbing dreams and complains of physical pain. At the summer camp, he was treated using the appropriate treatment programs. He began to participate in the games and handicrafts with his group. Salah: Salah, who is 10 years old, began to suffer from a number of symptoms following the killing of his father and the detention of his uncles and cousins; his cousins were also injured. He was exposed to violence from the Israeli occupation army; his family home and school were also raided. His suffering increased when the area where he lives was repeatedly bombed. In addition, he was also exposed to violence at school at the hands of the teachers. All of these events together have caused a great deal of suffering for Salah. His academic performance declined and he tends to play games that represent the traumatic events, such fear of anything that reminds him of the events, forgetfulness, anger and aggression, disturbing nightmares, constant sadness and depression, biting his nails and sucking his thumb. The camp supervisors noticed that Salah moves a lot; he is not able to sit in one place for a long period and he was not disciplined at the beginning of the camp. But the supervisors were able to change his life and to make him more disciplined. Riziq Riziq, who is 9 years old, passed through traumatic experiences, such as the death of his cousin and his father was detained for a long period. His decided to participate in the camp to discover games and for recreation. It was noticed that he had a calm personality and that he suffered from lack of feelings and inwardness. He did not speak to anyone for the duration of the camp. He preferred to


work one his own and away from group. But after the specialists worked him, he began to care about group work with his peers. He started to speak without hesitation. He started to also offer to help others. He hopes to become a doctor so that he can treat the injured by the Israeli occupation forces because people need someone to treat them. Serene Serene is a nine year old girl who lives with her family in Balata refuge Camp. Both of her parents were detained by the Israelis for long period of time; so she lived along with her siblings at her grandmother’s home. She used violent methods against her friend and those who were older than her. She would always look for adults to speak with her. The supervisors noticed that she has a great deal of energy and that has aggressive behaviour and is not shy of conflict. During the summer camp her relationship with the children began to improve and she began to participate in games with the children. Muayad Muayad is from al Ain refugee camp in Nablus and is 8 years old. He has lost his cousin and he is unable to concentrate and focus, unable to respond and slow understanding. He would only react when heard music and he liked stories. At the summer camp he began to participate in the various activities and he dreams of becoming an engineer. Mira Mira is seven years old and lives in Balata refugee camp. Both of her parents have been detained for a number of years and she currently lives with her grandmother. After her mother was released, Mira had difficulty living with her mother after three years of separation. Her father was released suddenly and she remains confused. She suffered from aggression, inability to concentrate and not accepting others. She was aggressive with her friends and she would hit and insult them. She was not disciplined during group games and wants everything to herself and rejects discipline. After the first week at camp, she began to improve. Her behaviour has become more disciplined and she dreams of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Adli Adli is nine years old and lives in the old city of Hebron, which is considered to be an area with the highest level of violence from Israeli soldiers and settlers. Three of his uncles have been detained and he


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture has been exposed to settler violence. His school was searched and he has been hit as a manner to change his behaviour. As a result of these traumatic events in his life, he suffers from: anxiety, tension, violence, declining academic performance, attacking his siblings and peers, fear, nervousness, aggression. His behaviour is characterized by violence and aggression toward others. The camp supervisors noticed that he was very social and active; he likes to participate in social events and is helpful, but that he is aggressive and quickly resorts to violence. At the end of the camp he had become cooperative with the leaders. Rawda Rawda is 12 years old and her family home was searched by Israeli soldiers when they had surrounded a neighboring home at night in order to detain one of the neighbors. A part of her home was blown up and the children were assaulted during the arrest period. She is still afraid of the dark and animals; she has disturbing nightmares and is unable to sleep, bedwetting, agitated. The supervisors noted that she participated in a number of the activities and that she likes to take part in social events, but she complained a lot. Muath Muath is 6 years old and lives in the old city of Hebron. His home and school were searched by the Israeli army and settlers. As a result he is afraid to go to the street, fear of isolation, attached to his parents, irritable, anxiety, and refusal to follow regulations, violence, and aggression towards others. The supervisors noticed that he was sad, angry and rebellious. During the camp he became involved with members of his group and active. Ahmad Ahmad is ten years old and his home in the old city of Hebron was searched by Israeli soldiers, which resulted in fear, anxiety, aggression, depression and has led to lying and stealing. As a result of the economic situation, he is isolated and very active, he doesn’t like to participate in social events but now he participates in social events. Walaa Walaa who is 11 years old lives in Jenin refugee camp; she lost her father when she was only six years old. As she was growing up she would ask to see her father; she even asked her mother to dig his grave


so that she can talk to him like her friends talk to their fathers; this placed a great burden on her mother because she was unable to meet her need, especially when she noticed that Walaa was not performing academically and lack of desire to play with her sister and friends. Her energy dropped in the house and would always ask her mother to buy her black clothes. The summer camp provided her with an environment to play with children and to interact with them; she was active after one week. Her mother came to the summer camp and participated with her; she could not believe the improvement with Alaa in such a short period. Amer and 窶連la They are two brothers who are twelve and ten years old; they live in Jenin refugee camp; they broke the Israeli imposed curfew to play in front of their home. The soldiers shot at them injuring 窶連la in his foot and pelvis. Amer, who could not rescue his brother, was also shot at and injured by Israeli soldiers. They had to wait a long time before the ambulance could reach them with resulted in a great deal of blood loss. They were treated at the hospital, but the impact of the incident has made them ambivalent towards one another after they had been so close. One began isolated and does not mix with others, and the other is very aggressive and agitated always looking into everything. The supervisors intervened using individual therapy at the beginning and then used play therapy that included individual behaviour therapy, then they were integrated into the camp to work on integrating with the other children and altering their behaviour.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture

Conclusion: The curtain has closed on the “Dreams” summer camp that achieved a number of its goals, which was affirmed by the parents who noted improvement in the psychological and social state of their children after the completion of the camp. After the participants left, the schools that had hosted the summer camps were quiet again after they were busing with activities and noise for two weeks. TRC’s specialists and volunteer excelled in putting all of their effort into the recreational activities as well as treatment. 190 children experienced a different life from their normal everyday lives; they became better able to express themselves, their pain and suffering. Through play, activities, various art, drama and song, the children were able to release all of their repressed feelings. One of the successes of the summer camp is the strengthening of the links that connect the participating children together through sharing experiences and pain, which enabled them to solidify their relationships with the others, including the psychologists, social workers and volunteers. These camps were like a beehive that is full of activities, games and treatment; they combine the T international scientific experiences with the Palestinian reality to develop a unique method. The activities in aand recreational events, which carry a therapeutic aspect, have achieved results. The “Dreams” summer camp made the dreams of the children into reality; they let go of their pain and T suffering and lived their innocent childhood that they had missed. The smile returned to their faces amidst the heaps of pain. The summer camp succeeded in increasing the children’s self-confidence and highlighting their leadership skills through group games. It was also able to modify some of the behaviour problems through Cognitive Behaviour therapy, teaching them how to resolve conflict, broke the ice between the boys and girls by doing mixed gender activities.


The camp aimed to ignite the spirit of initiatives among the children and to encourage them to take initiatives. The children were happy during the summer camp, the recreational trips and activities, learning drawing and handicrafts skills, integrating all of the children into groups, especially the isolated children as much as possible, through a number of activities. The results 138 guardians of children participated in the study; they were divided as follows: 50 in Ramallah and al Bireh, 26 Hebron, 28 Nablus and 34 Jenin. The percentage of participants was 54% male and 46% female. 64% of participants live below the poverty line The participants had been exposed to traumatic events; 66% of them had a friend or relative martyred, 79.3% one of their family members was detained and 62.4% had been subjected to violence and maltreatment. 34.2% suffered as a result of raids at their schools and 73.2% their homes had been raided. In order to measure the effectiveness of the program and activities of the summer camp in reducing the impact of the trauma among the children, TRC conducted a comparative study to examine the level of change in the behaviour and symptoms among the children. The study included two surveys, a pre and a post summer camp survey, which were designed for this particular study; the surveys were completed by the parents of the children. The study showed that the summer camp programs had a positive impact on the children; there was a reduction in the negative behaviours and symptoms, according to their parents. This indicates that this preventative and treatment program took into consideration the needs of the children in terms of recreation, games and expressive art in helping them to debrief regarding the events and traumatic experiences that they have undergone. Therefore, the development of the children’s ability to deal with negative habits that are the result of the repeated painful and traumatic events in their lives will assist them in overcoming the negative symptoms and behaviours and the adoption of positive behaviour. Most importantly, the summer camp also encourages the children to play and live their childhood.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center For Victims of Torture The table below outlines the changes in symptoms and behaviour over the period of the summer camp. #

Before the summer camp

After the summer camp

Complaints of physical pain Always sad Always happy Always angry Anxious Aggressive Active Academic difficulties Lack of interest in doing anything

82.9% 37.8% 32.5% 40.7% 80.2% 54.4% 32% 54.8% 43.7%

17.3% 7.3% 97% 8.6% 37.4% 17.3% 84.7% 47.1% 28.8%

Regressing developmentally (behaving like a child that is younger in age, such as sucking the thumb)



Inability to sit still for a period of time Isolation Fear

62.9% 20% 53%

47.9% 17% 49%


The study also showed that 98.5% of the parents of the participating children expressed their interest to enroll their children in summer camps conducted by TRC the following year. The study also showed that the parents of the participants confirmed the positive change was the result of the summer camp; they asked that the period be extended for more than two weeks so that the children can benefit more. They also noted that it is important to establish a mechanism for monitoring the children long after the summer camps end in order to ensure that the children do not relapse. The study clearly indicated that the parents noticed tangible change in the personality and behaviour of their children during the summer camp. The symptoms began to dwindle during the summer camp, which affirms the success of the camp program in reducing the symptoms and problems among the participating children.


Obstacles and recommendations At the end of the summer camps’ activities, TRC held a meeting for the staff of all summer camps to assess the extent to which the goals have been achieved and to make recommendations for next year’s summer camp. The recommendations were as follows: • Distribution of certificates and presents to the children at the ceremonies of each camp and not at the closing ceremony in Ramallah so that they children can be happier • Increase the number of children because there are a number of children in need for such services, which the staff had recognized through the presence of additional children everyday as guests. • Ensuring that a psychologist is always present to work on an individual basis with the children according to their needs and in case there is an emergency. • Send a letter to the parents of the children before the summer camp begins that outlines the broad goals of the summer camp and noting that they should provide the staff with continuous feedback • It is preferred that the summer camp is held at the beginning of July; the preparation should begin in May so as to ensure that the schools are not busy with exams and because the schools are being booked by other organizations. • It is preferred that the children are provided transportation to and from the camp • Continue to hold summer camps for children of martyrs, detainees and injured because it helps to reduce their suffering. • Train the volunteers before they start working • Appointing an administrative coordinator so that they can follow-up on the needs of the camps continuously. The difficulties were the following: • There are many administrative issues do deal with, such as ordering meals for the children • Difficulty in identifying the location for the camps early on • Difficulty providing some of the logistical support for the summer camps.


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