>V > >Ê >âiÊ FROM 'ANJAMAN GROW SHOP !T THE LAST (IGHLIFE #ANNABIS #UP 'ANJAMAN GROW SHOP FROM THE "RABANT TOWN OF !STEN MADE A BIG IMPRESSION WITH ITS -' (AZE OTHERWISE KNOWN AS -AC'ANJA (AZE 4HIS SCINTILATING VARIETY LANDED A THIRD PRIZE IN THE "IO (AZE CATEGORY AND IS THE CREATION OF THE 'ANJAMAN HIMSELF *EROEN FROM THE EPONYMOUS GROW SHOP IN !STEN 3ADLY FOR ALL THOSE GROWERS WHO FANCY A STAB AT RAISING THIS SENSATIONAL (AZE IN THEIR OWN GARDENS THE VARIETY IS NOT AS YET FREELY AVAILABE "UT MAYBE AFTER THE NEXT #ANNABIS #UP Alas, the genetic make-up of this superhybrid, even for the most persistent questionner from among our reporters, remain for the time being (still) the secrets of the chef. And let us give Ganjaman the benefit of the doubts given the amount of piratry in the seed business... But he does offer a tiny glimpse under the veil of
that a plant is able to spread it roots laterally in order for it to end up as a sturdy and good-yielding plant. That is why he always uses, even when growing in smaller pots, the wide models. “In narrow pots you just constrict the plant and you get no decent side-branching and volume as a result,” according to Jeroen.
4HE MOST SENSATIONAL ASPECT OF -AC'ANJA IS ITS EXTREMLY SHORT BLOOM TIME secrecy, revealing that one of the plant’s parents was an original Mexican Haze, and according to Ganjaman a powerful primal Haze is something you have to go back to if you’re seeking to breed an early blooming top hybrid. But, grins the schepper of the super-variety, “If you have a good sense of taste soort, you can tell what the other parent is.” This is poor consolation, because in the shop this exclusive variety is currently unavailable. The most sensational thing about this Ganjaman hybrid is its extremely short bloom time: already after just nine weeks you can dig our your trimming shears. Although MacGanja Haze is not a pure sativa, she does tick off all the family characteristics: a long sprieterige plant and of course she has the trademark Haze-taste and smell, and that is something you can’t say about every Haze variety. The high is not something for the inexperienced smoker: many tokers trying it, says Ganjaman are flattened by a single spliff of MacGanja.
7 `iÊ« ÌÃÊEʼ ÌÌiÀâ Õ̽ The champion plant does its blooming under a 600 Watt lamp in a right royal (white) cement tub of 40 litres, in the house-brand Ganjaman soil mix. This cement tub was no accidental choice, since Jeroen thinks it is very important
The grow space in which the winning MacGanja plant was matured takes up only a single square metre. It is a simple construction of fireboard. A simple, small bathroom ventilator handled the supply of fresh air, the kieren in the construction dealt with the air replacement, and no hefty carbon filter was need thanks to the location in a large side-room. The plant was given 14 days’ pregrowth and reached about two metres high and yielded around a pound of superb buds. As well as the use of wide pots, another growingsecret from Ganjaman is the application of ‘bitterzout’, which ensures the plant has a good supply of the extremely important nutrient magnesium. It’s a trick that he learned in market gardening, where he was active in the past. Customers can profit from the trade knowledge and use the successful growing plan that Ganjaman has been using for years to harvest champion yields, and not just of Haze varieties. The Ganjaman enjoys a good joke. One of his better is to nonchalantly invite growers who only know weed plants as 50 cm-high bonsai bushes to come over and check out his Haze. “It’s hilarious when you open the door and they fall over backwards at the sight of a plant nearly three metres high and completely covered with fat buds!”